Miss Guided (2008) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Hello, people! This is a school, not a whitesnake video.
Miss freeley! It's okay.
Michael and i are celebrating.
Right, michael? - I got into state! -oh, my god! Mandy, I'm so proud of you! Michael and i are going together.
-He can't wait.
Right, michael? -WoW.
I've never seen him so excited.
I know, and I couldn't have done it without you, miss freeley.
You're welcome, mandy, but you did thisourself.
This is all you.
Me! It was all me.
I did this.
When I met mandy three years ago, she was hopeless-- hope less.
But with a lot-- and I mean a lot-- of hard work and dedication, I was single-handedly able to turn her life around.
Okay, she did some stuff, too.
Hey, nice work on mandy ferner.
I thght she was headed straight to girls, girls, girls by the airport.
I don't know what that is.
Me neither.
Mandy just needed some tough love, freeley-style.
WellI don't know how you do it.
Underneath this sunny demeanor, there's a bulldog, especially when it comes to my students.
And if I have to, I'll tear your face off and eat it raw.
Obviously not you personally, but you know what I mean.
I love dogs.
All right, folks.
Couple quick announcements.
Listen up.
Sir? I will be conducting performance evaluations this week.
So if I'm in your class, don't be alarmed.
I'm there because I'm judging you.
Bruce, go.
Thank you for the kind introduction, phil.
As many of you know, senora henderson has been trying to get pregnant for some time now, but her body has failed her yet again.
So she left the country to get herself a baby.
Let's hope she picks a winner.
Anywho, we'll be getting a sub from the district for all advanced spanish classes.
Ooh, fresh meat.
Hope he's cute.
Subs are ugly.
That's enough, bruce.
I couldn'agree more.
Thank you, everyone.
Hey, principal huffy, if you want, I can teach senora henderson'sadvanced spanish classes, and the sub could take my remedial ones.
Yowant to teach advanced spanish? You don't think that might be too advanced? Well, I know it'll be a challenge, but I have been practicing a lot.
Ask me any word, I will tell you the spanish translation.
Very impressive, but this sub comes highly recommended.
And we're still trying to find your replacement in the auto shop.
If this guy works out, we may have to senyou back there.
-What?! That's crazy! They can't send you back to auto shop.
I'd never see you and you love teaching spanish.
That's true.
You're getting really good at it.
It's your dream.
It would be like if huffy said that I had to go back to working at the donut hole after school.
-Well, I'm not worried.
-You're not? No.
I mean, how great can this sub guy be? He's a sub.
You're right.
You know what "sub" stands for--"subpar.
I thought it was substitute.
Anyway, I'm sure he's a total loser.
Proudly Presents Miss Guided Season 1 Episode2 oh, my god.
of course I look like crap! He doesn't look so good at spanish.
I'm gonna say hi.
Uh, I'm tim o'malley.
I'm--i'm the other spanish teacher.
Que bueno.
Me llamo beaux.
Estoy bien contento enseÑar aqu? Este escuela tiene una reputación muy bno.
-your accent's getting really good.
I'm beaux, with an X.
Becky, with a B.
That's a beautiful name.
Très jolie.
Is it french? I don't know.
Well, it's definitelyone of the romance languages.
Esperanto, maybe.
I love your brooch.
Is that the aztec symbol for spiritual metamorphosis? -It's a bug.
Guys like tim are worth fighting for.
Guys like beaux never give girls like me the time of day unless they want something, like money or sex.
Nice guitar.
What time's open mike night? Actually, I use music as a teaching tool.
I use these.
You hit the students? Yeah, I punch them in the mind.
It's called teaching, chuck.
-Oh, it's beaux.
-Well, actually, I prefer chuck.
I give everyone nicknames, just like the president.
Big sue.
Medicine ball.
Steak sauce.
They love it.
- Anyway, let's talk faculty dress code.
Where did you get this suit? Police auction.
Finally, a man who knows the value of a dollar.
Well, for 65 bucks I got this suit, a vcr and three snow tires.
Do you work out? -Do I? You know, we're about the same size.
-What do you bench? -80, 85.
It's always nice to meet someone on my level.
At first I did have my reservations, but I don't know what it is about this guy.
I love him.
You brought your own strainer.
It's a tea sous, and it helps massage the full chai flavor out of the leaf.
I got it from a monk in tibet.
He was blind until he got lasik.
Just looking for milk for my tea.
Iento, solo quiero leche gotta kill that yucky chai flavor.
So how long have you been subbing? Couple months.
But I hate the word sub.
I like wandering educator.
Wandering educator? Who says that? Wandering educator.
I love that.
it's so rejuvenating.
Well, time to head into the old blackboard jungle.
Oh, my god.
What a cheese ball.
Can you believe huffy's even considering him for tim's job? Do you think he's into me? How can you not be worried about tim? Aren't you worried about tim? No.
Huffy likes him.
It's fine.
¿Donde esta la luna en la noche? ¿Donde esta el sol en el día? This beaux guy is good.
The kids act like they never had a real snish teacher before.
He is impressive.
But I'm not gonna pretend to be impartial.
He and I are close friends.
Every class he teaches, he does something different.
You think o'malley will cry when we fire him? We are not firing anybody.
If we decide to keep this guy, tim can go back to teaching shop.
Shop, yes.
Thank god for the dumb kids.
So why don't we, all together as one, sing this, yeah? What are you looking at? -¿donde esta la luna -a ster at work.
If he's so great, why is he a substitute teacher? You just don't get it, do you, freeley? Guys like beaux and me can't be tied down.
You've worked here for 11 years.
Time shmime.
We're all just moving through the ether, freeley.
Anyway, t is beaux roadkill.
You think tim will lose his job? You think he won't? Oh, look at that fingework! Amazing.
I'm not saying anything's happening with the sub.
I'm just saying that you should try to impress huffy this week.
A lot.
Do you think I can? Absolutely.
Your spanish has gotten so much better.
Consider where you were when you started.
You were really bad, and now you're really not as bad as you were.
That's because I love it.
I mean, teaching spanish makes me feel good about myself, you know? It challenges me.
Sure, there are lows, but the highs-- the highs are magnificent.
And there is no way we're gonna let this interloper take that away from you.
The instant I met beaux, my gut was like, tim, this guy is troublE.
And I was like,let's give him a chance.
And my gut was all, yeah, okay.
I was like,okay! Now I'm not so sure that was a good idea.
This guy is better than me in almost every way.
Tim, he may know more spanish up here, but you know more anish in here.
Mi caballo.
Yes, I am aware that tim isn't the best spanish teacher in america.
No, I do not think anyone could teach with more passion than him or better hair.
Plus you have me as a friend.
When's your evaluation? Friday.
I've got this great lesson planned around día de los muertos.
I have built puppets, the works.
oh, how fun! That is a great idea.
There's no way a poser like beaux would ever put that much thought into a lesson plan.
Oh, I just hope it's enough.
It will be.
I'm gonna talk to huffy right now.
I will not stop until he knows how much the students love you.
You'd do that for me? I'm a bulldog, remember? And you love dogs.
-Oh, becky, can I ask you a estion? -Not now.
I need to see principal huffy.
Oh, he's out at a meeting.
Well, when he's done, you tell him becky freeley wants to talk to him.
I know who you are.
Oh, right.
Sorry, linda.
I love your top.
there she is.
-Who? - You.
how's your day been? -Fine.
-Mine's been great.
You know, it's like, I'm supposed to be the smart one, right? But most of the time, I feel like these kids are teaching me.
Where do you get this stuff? Is it in a book or what? No, but I love books-- just the feel, you know, the smell, the pictures.
They--they're like a drug, really.
Is this about lisa? Cause if it is, she's totally into you.
No, I'm not interested in lisa.
She's so typical, with her perfect hair and her perfect skin and her supple, perky breasts -what's your point? -You're not like her at all.
-you're special.
You're real.
-Whatever thameans.
Do you see the way that these kids look at you? They love you.
Well, that is kind of true.
-You have a gift.
-Thank you.
Oh, no.
Thank you.
Oh, my god.
He talked to you for, like, a whole two minutes.
Isn't he wise? He is smarter than he looks.
this one's for miss freeley.
I prefer soft rock so cute.
I think he's scared to ask me out.
Really? He doesn't seem shy.
Guys get intimidated by me.
It's actually kind of annoying.
Are you sure he likes you? Maybe he likes someone else.
Like who? fine.
I'll admit it.
Someone finally picked me over lisa germain, and I like it.
I really like it.
I don't know who he likes.
You don't think I'm losing my touch, do you? You're lisa germain.
-Oh, right.
All right.
Verb tenses.
They're not interesting, but they're something you need to know.
-to play--infinitive is jur.
Yo juego -he calls this a spanish class? Where's his guitar? Jugamos.
It's different.
principal huffy.
What can I do for you? Oh, don't mind us.
We're just gonna sit in the back for a while, observe.
Uh, I thought my evaluation was on friday.
Día de los muertos.
you got bumped up.
Make like robin williams and improvise.
Uh, if you will excuse un momento.
-becky? -Tim, hi! hey,Huffy has come for my evaluation early.
You have got to get him out of here.
This is my worst lesson of the year.
I'll be right there.
-I'll fake a guidance emergency.
Just stall.
okay, where were we? Conjugatio and such.
Hi jugar.
Yo juego.
Usted jugamos.
-Don't you mean "usted juega"? -dude.
There you are.
Can we talk in private? I'm on my way to tim's classroom.
What's the problem? I can't stop thinking about you.
Don't you have classes to teach or educational wandering to do? I see you walk down these halls, and I see the way people light up when they see you.
But you know what else I see? I see a woman who's not afraid to stand up for what she believesin with the heart of a lion and the fierceness of a bulldog.
It's like he read my mind.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I-I-I huffy gave me his evaluation right after class.
I got a "D.
" I'm going back to teach auto shop.
What happened? Well, huffy walked in, and I got flustered, and I couldn't remember any of my lesson.
Where were you? I guess I got sidetracked.
-By what? - By life, man.
- Are you talking like beaux? -What? No.
Well, at least you told huffy about your studes who like my class.
I did not do that.
-I'm so sorry.
-It's okay.
I mean, it doesn't matter.
It's over.
You know, it's actually-- it's kind of a relief.
In ao shop, I don't have to know how to say "auto" in spanish.
I think it's "auto".
Why don't you tell it to beaux? He probably already I will.
Hey, have you seen beaux? He hasn't asked me out yet.
No, and there's something that you should know about him.
-He -I know.
He doesn't have a car.
But those things don't matter to me.
What matters is that he looks good in my car.
It's not about his car.
I think we should chat later.
I want to make sure he sees me before he leaves.
Miss freeley, I need to talk to you.
Oh, mandy, can it wait till after lunch? Okay.
I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to college.
-What? -Why should i? So I cane brainwashed by a bunch of dead white men? What about michael? You were gonna go together.
-We broke up.
This is james.
Michael didn't get it.
-Neither do I.
You're going to college.
Senor beaux says the only education anyone needs is life, real life.
Wait a minute.
Beaux?Beaux told you to do this?! He's so deep.
Did you tell mandy ferner she shouldn't go to college? Becky, please.
Let me handle it.
What are you doin' later, bro? 'Cause I'm free if you want to catch a flick.
Bruce, this is serious.
Beaux, answer the question.
What exactly did you tell mandy? I told her the truth-- that she can learn just as much with a library card and an open mind as she can at any college.
You totally stole that from good will hunting.
-Yeah, and that movie won an academy award.
-Are you crazy? You have no right to come in here and screw with my students' futures! Look, I didn't go to college, and I'm doing fine.
What, now? -You didn't go to college? -Hey, let's not jump to conclusions.
-No, I didn'T.
What's a degree? It's a piece of paper.
Your résum?says that you went.
Did come on.
Who are we fooling here? Who are we fooling here? I-I n't need a-a degree to prove that I'm a better spanish teacher than the taco kid.
Hey, watch it.
You're not half te teacher tim is, and you never will be.
You should go.
Guess I was wrong about you, becky.
I thought you were super cool, for real.
Good-bye, beaux.
Oh, and P.
You don't need a degree to sub for music, art or P.
Or to just hang out.
I'll call you.
-What are you doin'? -Oh.
Hey, there.
Well, I figure I'm gonna be spending a lot more time down here, so I better get reacquainted.
I don't think that's gonna be necessary.
You're still a spanish teacher, and you're always gonna be a spanish teacher.
-What about beaux? -Beaux's gone.
Really? Wow.
Turns out he wasn't all he was cracked up to be.
You did fall for his act, though, didn't you? I don't know if I fell for it.
I might haveripped over it a little bit.
You fell for it.
If I did, I plead temporary insanity.
I should have helped show huffy how great you are.
But you do have the one thing beaux doesn't--integrity.
-And you do have a college degree, right? -Of course.
Of course.
Two credits shy, but I'll make 'em up online.
Mandy and michael! You guys are back together.
Yeah, you were so right.
We're both going to state again.
Michael's so relieved.
I'm so happy you didn't listen to beaux.
-He's really handsome, but very, very stupid.
- I know.
Of course I'm going to college.
We worked so hard.
I mean, I applied because of you.
I got in because of you, and I'm going because of you and michael.
-Thanks, miss freeley.
-It was nothing.
Hey, freeley.
No hard feelings, right? Why would there be hard feelings? It's--it's nothing.
Becky had a little crush on me.
Actually, lisa, it's quite the opposite.
You see, beaux was not shy about -the fact that he had a significant crush on - boring!
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