Nailed It! (2018) s01e02 Episode Script


Welcome to Nailed It.
Some shows are dedicated
to the best baker in the world.
This is not one of them.
I'm Nicole Byer.
And if you've ever tried to make this
but ended up with this
This is the show for you.
We take three inexperienced bakers,
bring them here,
and have them try to recreate
epic, magical deserts.
One of them will walk away
with ten thousand dollars.
Let's see who nails it and who fails it.
Let's meet our bakers. Let's do this.
Let's go.
I'm Kevin Chase. I grew up in Utah.
Normally I'm a search consultant
running a little business.
But baking is totally
my form of creativity.
I love to do it.
I mean, it's my happy place.
Even though I'm self taught,
even though I haven't studied,
this is something I can do
and I can do it well.
I'm Toni Bryant and I live
in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
I have a small dessert catering business
called Suga Mama's Confections.
Today I'm gonna demonstrate
candied apples.
I'm gonna use one of my ingenious hacks.
Let's see how this goes.
Oh, my God. Um
My dream is to own a great bakery,
but my nightmare is the actual baking.
I am Amanda Giles,
and I'm from Laurel, Mississippi.
I'm a grandmother
of two precious grandchildren.
Leave it to me
to get flour all over everything.
I want them to really enjoy and love
my desserts that I make for them,
not just because they love me so much,
but because it is delicious.
Today one of you will walk away
with ten thousand dollars.
If you want that sweet, sweet cash,
you're gonna have to impress me
and our judges.
This is our head judge.
He's like a Willy Wonka. He's got
literally his own chocolate factory.
Jacques Torres.
Exciting day today. It's going to be fun.
Right? I love it.
Okay. And today's special guest judge,
and the man behind the pie-caked in.
That is three pies inside a cake.
Chef Zac Young.
Yeah, it's pronounce pie cake-in.
Ooh. Uh-oh.
- What did I say?
- Pie caked-in.
- Pie cake-in.
- Pie cake-in.
Sounds like a sneeze. Pie cake-in.
Bless you.
There's a special prize
for the winner of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one
are three fantastic treats.
You choose which one you wanna nail.
They're armed, they're dangerous.
They're coming for your booty.
Pirate donuts.
Don't move. Don't move.
Don't you dare move.
That's the challenger in me.
We've got the jelly Roger
pirate flag donut
with skull and swords.
There's that old swash-buckler,
one-eyed Willy.
And check out the maple bar treasure map
to his hidden golden jelly fortune.
Now you can go grab your donut.
Amanda, come on.
This was actually the one I had my eye on.
Thank you. Thank you.
- I just thought it was cute.
- Perfect.
All right. All right. I love that.
You have one hour to recreate
your jelly-filled pirate donuts.
Any questions? Good. I don't have answers.
Go nail it.
Get! Go!
Move. I'm telling you to move.
These people don't listen to directions.
Okay, let's get this thing started.
Fry until golden brown.
Cool before icing.
Okay, I gotta get my donut.
What else do I need to know about donuts?
Honestly, I wouldn't even know
where to begin.
For the dough,
they were given pizza dough.
Which is actually really smart
because it's not too sweet.
Yeast raised.
- They have to shape it.
- Yeah.
They have to try to shape them
as fast as possible,
and let them rise a bit.
Then, get them in the fryer
and make sure they cook all the way.
When they're cooled,
they need to be iced and decorated.
It's a lot to do in an hour.
Okay, I'm gonna form my balls of dough.
Into an eclair shape.
Never made a donut before.
So this is gonna be new for me.
If I can get this out of this bag.
I can't even actually remember
the last time I ate a donut.
The good news is
it's a fairly easy shape
to reproduce.
I learned how to bake from my grandma.
I grew up in a small town in Utah.
Super Mormon and super gay.
I did not fit the mold.
So it was great to go to grandma's house
where I didn't have to fit in.
I lost my grandma, unfortunately,
but I do feel like the baking
I'm doing now
allows me to remember her.
Sort of honoring her.
I think she'd be happy,
I think she'd be proud of me.
They're gonna probably grow a little bit
in the oil as they cook, but not a lot.
I'm really trying to focus
on what I'm doing,
but I notice that Ms. Amanda
is trying to cut a hole in her donut.
Trying to make a hole in the donut.
Have you ever seen a donut
without a hole in the middle?
The donuts aren't acting right.
I looked at that donut.
I just wasted a bunch of time
trying to make a hole in a donut
that doesn't have a hole in it
to start with.
I'm gonna have to start over,
but it won't stop me.
I'm kind of a pirate.
I did live six years on a boat.
- Really?
- Next to the statue.
Next to a statue?
Next to the Statue of Liberty in New York.
So, I'm a pirate.
Here goes nothing.
I'm hoping that the oil and the donut
all correlates
and comes into a wonderful experiment.
Okay, it popped up.
Still not brown yet.
Come on now. Cooperate. Do right.
This girl.
Oh, Kevin.
- Okay. Okay.
- She's a little puffy.
I was afraid I hadn't let it
- Rise enough.
- rise enough.
- I may have let it rise too much.
- Okay.
It's hard to tell what the inside is like,
but we'll see.
Girl, this is not a plus-size
donut situation.
I need you to be thin, and trim,
and fabulous.
I think what's going on is he didn't
cool them, he didn't flatten them enough.
So it's too much dough in the center.
And when he put them on the oil,
instead of staying flat,
they became like a balloon.
This one looks good.
No, it doesn't look like a donut.
I'm gonna have to improvise.
Do something with my fondant.
I am filling this
so I can inject it into the donut.
It's so hard to get the jelly in there.
Probably tells you they might be
a little too doughy in the middle.
My daughter always tells me
it's supposed to go inside the bag, but
this is another one of my ingenious hacks
right now,
so let's see if this works,
and it's not.
So, they're putting the jelly
in their donuts now.
What do you use? Like a turkey baster?
And just like shove it in there
and squirt it?
You can just use like a skewer
and a straight-up pastry bag.
Okay, so you're squirting
the jelly in.
There's no hole. Where does the donut go?
- It swells. It expands.
- Oh.
It compressed the dough.
Oh, my God, so like I'm a jelly donut.
When I'm eating,
I'm just swelling and expanding.
Okay, that looks good.
Amanda is filling it with a spoon.
The hole will need to be a bit bigger,
but it worked.
Get down in there.
All right, we have 30 minutes left.
Oh, no, 30 minutes.
- Get a move on.
- What is happening?
I'm gonna work on my royal icing now.
Try to mix this up and get it
Ew, what the
Does that look like
That's not the same color at all.
What's royal icing?
Royal icing is egg whites
and powdered sugar.
And it dries hard.
It's what they use to make
that kind of crunchy, decorative flowers.
It's just not the consistency I wanted.
That's a pretty town.
I'm putting the glaze on the donuts.
I'm not used to going by recipes.
It looks like Toni switched up
and she's making baked potatoes now.
We might have to go a little bit closer
and see what's going on.
I'm just gonna put some more icing
on here
and not really worry about the color.
- Oh, my gosh, hi.
- Toni, what's going on here?
- What are we doing?
- A lot.
- Well, you know, we're both chocolatiers.
- Yes.
So, this is royal icing,
so, you know, this isn't
our field of expertise, so
I cannot wait to try
your chocolate baked potatoes.
From over there,
they look like baked potatoes.
But I have to say, from here,
they still look like baked potatoes.
Oh, gosh.
- Good luck. Merci.
- Thank you.
- What's next you're going to do now?
- I've gotta work with my fondant.
When do you plan to start decorating?
As soon as I can get this fondant
in the microwave.
- Don't panic.
- I don't know how to work it.
I have no idea, but let me see.
It's great. I love her.
- The microwave ain't working.
- Don't know how to do it.
Between her and Jaques,
- I can't understand a damn word.
- Right?
Okay to move your hands.
It's going to come soft.
Like, what are they talking about now?
They don't even know.
- You don't have to put it in there.
- Okay.
I'm trying now to make
these little sword handles.
This is way more tedious than I thought
it was gonna be when I started.
Come on, now.
This is a disaster.
- Oh, no.
- Wow.
Eight minutes left.
- Ah!
- Oh, no!
Okay. Okay. All right.
I've gotta draw something.
Oh, lord, this chocolate
just seized on me.
I got a mess.
Might help if I turn this around.
It looks like she's working
with motor oil.
It does.
- He hands are literally black.
- She looks like a mechanic.
Oh, my goodness.
When you work with food coloring,
if you have gloves, that helps a lot.
There's one minute left.
Put your final touches on there.
Oh, gosh.
You know what?
Hopefully they'll taste good.
It's gonna be a rough looking pirate.
They're supposed to look rough.
Thirty seconds left.
Okay. At least they look
kind of like something.
Five, four, three, two, one.
You're done!
- Oh, my God.
- High five.
All right, Kevin.
- This is what you were trying to go for.
- Yes.
Now let's see your perfect recreation
of your pirate donut.
Nailed it.
- I mean, there's some problems, but
- Sure.
We got some sort
of ghost marshmallow on top.
Otherwise all the components are here.
The color is there. Close.
Despite the fact
that your pirate's mascara is running,
- I think you actually were successful.
- Mm-hmm.
That's like the A plus, and that's like
I would say that's like a C.
Which is passing.
Let's taste this donut.
- It looks like it's not cooked inside.
- Is this cooked all the way?
I think he got demoted maybe to a D.
- Okay, so
- All the jelly's in this half.
This is what's uncooked.
This is the chewiest thing
I've ever had in my mouth.
- Frying is not easy.
- Yeah.
Thank you so much, Kevin.
Amanda. Okay, this is what you were
trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
You're in for a treat.
- Are you ready?
- I'm ready.
Nailed it!
Oh, girl!
I do not mean to laugh, but wow.
I created three
tired, psychedelic pirates.
This one kind of looks
like he's wearing a cowboy hat.
All right, truly, should we taste this?
So, we have the same problem.
- They're a bit more cooked than Kevin's.
- I will say, though,
the jelly filling technique
with the spoon, that worked.
- It worked.
- Look at that pocket.
- Great.
- That's what I was going for.
When you cut the donut open,
there was all that good,
sweet strawberry.
- Okay.
- Bravo, Amanda.
Bravo. All right.
Let's see what Toni's done. Toni.
That is what you were trying to go for.
Let's see your perfect recreation
of a treasure map.
Nailed it!
- Yeah.
- Okay, Toni.
- It's pretty good.
- The map is pretty good.
You got the sun going.
Kind of like art-vanguard,
you know?
- Art-vanguard?
- Yes. Mm-hmm.
Okay, art-vanguard.
Obviously, that's not the right word,
'cause you wanna keep saying it, but
- That's pretty good.
- Thank you.
Let's get to the treasure.
- How's it look?
- I think it's cooked all the way through!
I think you're just missing
the filling throughout, right?
- Yes.
- We do have jelly. It's not everywhere.
This isn't  bad.
And I think the texture
of your donut's pretty good.
The problem is you want a river of jelly
running through your treasure map.
I would've done multiple points of entry.
So, three different holes, fill it,
and then it goes all the way through.
- It's not magic, it's just filling holes.
- Right.
Jacques, will you please announce
the winner of the Baker's Choice round?
Not an easy choice.
On one side we have Kevin,
who did beautiful decoration.
Pretty close to the original one.
And then we have Toni,
maybe not as beautiful, but
her donuts were cooked
all the way through.
But I think we came to the conclusion.
I haven't heard you say anything
about mine.
You're right.
Nobody said anything about yours.
It's in a league of it's own.
It really is.
So, the winner of the Baker's Choice is
Congratulations, Toni.
- Good job.
- Let's see what you won.
- Wes!
- Oh, my God.
- Oh!
- Oh, wow. Look at that.
- Oh, my God.
Zac, tell her what she's won.
You'll be the life of every pastry party
with this 216-piece
ultimate cake decorating kit.
Piping tips, piping bag, fondant cutters.
It even comes
with its own stylish tote bag.
And to show everyone
that you are the one to beat,
you will be wearing
this very fierce, sparkly baker's cap.
There you go. Yes, girl. You look good.
- Thank you.
- Come on, guys.
Let's figure out
what's behind door number two.
You guys can forget about that last round
because you start from scratch
in this next round, okay?
The ten thousand dollar grand prize
will go to the winner of this final
challenge that we like to call
nail it or fail it.
Few cakes have caused as many online fails
as this next beauty.
I present to you
The princess tower cake.
Behold the majesty.
Rolling hills carefully crafted
from rice cereal
covered in detailed fondant work.
Notice the fondant Rapunzel,
fondly waiting
for her prince charming down below.
Jacques, talk to them
about technique, please.
In English.
Oh, my God.
Do you remember
that I'm going to judge you?
- Exactly.
- What are you doing?
This cake is called a tower.
So things can collapse.
So, you have to really pay attention
to the structure.
We don't want any cake
that's going to fall.
I know that looks pretty daunting,
but we're gonna give you
a bit of help this round.
Each of you has a panic button.
If you get in trouble,
just hit the button.
Oh, hey!
And one of our expert judges will come
to the rescue for three minutes.
And Amanda, you had such an awful time
in round one,
that we're gonna give you
a little extra help.
Oh, great!
You get the Freezer Burn button.
At any point you can hit
the blue Freezer Burn button.
You can literally freeze time
and your opponents
for three whole minutes.
There's ten thousand dollars on the line,
there's two hours on the clock.
Are you ready? Do it! Get there!
Do it! Do it!
Amanda, go!
This is too many things.
So, Jacques, how would you start this?
Basically, there is two cakes
on top of each other
and some crispy treats on the bottom.
Everything is covered with fondant.
And the roof is a little bit of sponge
shaped as a cone.
And then everything is applied by layer
and airbrush is applied to make the color.
But it all starts with getting
the cake batter made
and into the oven.
Well, how does this work?
You know
might better plug this in first.
Amanda's likeshe's the person
I wanna be when I grow up.
It's fancy. I'm not used to fancy.
This does seem like too much batter
to only do three.
The tower is pretty tall.
It looks like it's about three cakes.
But I've never worked
with a small cake pan like this.
So, I just fill it as much as I can.
So, when the cakes are done,
they'll be big enough.
I gotta make sure
my cakes are the same size.
It's okay for it to be
a little thicker than usual,
'cause I feel like it has to
carry a lot of weight.
Kevin is dumping that mixture.
The first thing is
we gotta get these cakes in the oven.
I think he didn't put the eggs
in his batter, he just put the milk.
Oh, no.
If he didn't put any eggs in his mixture,
what happens to the cake?
The cake will still bake,
but it will be very crumbly
and much harder to work with.
It was kind of a disaster last time,
so let's see if we can do
a little better now.
See how it goes.
Gotta have a good foundation.
Ah, the Rice Krispies are coming out.
Kevin really looks
like he's doing something.
He is making those marshmallows
his beotch.
Yo, Toni.
You're sticking with your pre-made
Rice Krispies situation over there?
I'm sticking with my station.
Stick with yours.
Kevin and Toni are trash talking.
Amanda's justjust working.
These Rice Krispies are not acting right.
They're not cooperating.
This is a hot mess.
All she has to do is put
a little bit of cooking spray on her hand
and nothing will stick to them.
So, okay, I knew
that you could spray a pan.
But I didn't know
you could spray your hands.
You can spray cooking spray
anywhere you want.
Jacques, what are you saying?
What are you saying?
- It's actually good for the hair.
- Oh.
And the body.
Ooh, instead of coco butter,
I can just do cooking spray.
Amanda, you pulled those cakes out
If it's one thing I know,
I know how to make a cake
come out of the pan without tearing up.
It's burning on the bottom.
Oh, no.
Toni's cake is really coming round on top
and flowing in the oven.
But she can always cut the top
and make it even again.
Cut the top off of this.
This way it'll be the same size.
Think I might have overcooked it
a little bit.
Okay, this is kind of something.
Um, a little residue in there.
That's okay.
Castles are meant to be old.
They can have a few cracks
in the foundation,
so I'm just going with it.
I just got my cakes out of the oven.
They took a little longer to bake
than I thought they would.
It's kind of like a crusty mess
with a little divet in the middle.
But, in a minute, it's all gonna be
covered with frosting anyway.
So, who cares?
You guys have an hour left.
One hour!
- You should be dowling at this point.
- What is dowling?
It means sticking a stick in the cake.
That way it just holds everything
Especially if you're building upon it,
you wanna create different tiers
or levels
and distribute the weight.
I see.
There's a lot of engineering
that goes into cakes.
No, truly. Yeah, it's like engineering
and science. It's wild.
I just hope it's not
the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
My cake don't look anything
like everybody else's.
Mine's not towering.
I used the wrong kind of pans.
Panic button.
- I take this one.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Amanda.
- You do.
- How can I help you?
What can I do? Tell me.
Well, I started off
and I didn't use the right kind of pans.
- They're a little too wide. That's why.
- Yes.
So, I thought I'd make me
a tower out of Rice Krispies.
Make the last layer
maybe with that.
It's just going to be
a little bit shorter. That's it.
It's going to be fine.
Don't worry about it.
Chef Jacques, he's so sweet.
He got that kind look in his eyes,
and that fancy French accent.
That will be okay.
It's just something that you wanna hear
over and over.
Variety is the spice of life, isn't it?
Mine's gonna be different
than everybody else's.
- Maybe more beautiful.
- Just like my
Oh, you get distracted.
Right now, I can't even think
of a question to ask him.
You have any other questions?
I'm thinking, "Is it beautiful in Paris
in the springtime?"
- Okay?
- Thank you.
Ooh, 38 minutes. Almost a half hour.
She's airbrushing that.
I've never airbrushed anything.
I don't even know how to airbrush.
And I've like had my nails airbrushed,
'cause that was like, you know, a fad.
- I have a surprise for you.
- You do?
- That is the color.
- Okay.
This is the airbrush.
- Vodka.
- Okay.
So, you can spray vodka
when you want to clean something or
So, come,
I'm going to show you how that works.
A little bit more.
I like airbrushing.
Okay, so, basicallyso you put
a couple drops of that color in here.
- And then you canYou see?
- Oh!
- So, basically, it's spray paint.
- Mm-hmm.
And in between the color,
you wash it with the vodka.
I'm just gonna clean myself.
So, basically, you know,
you clean it with the
Yeah, I feel very squeaky clean.
Every fairy tale has a princess.
Bakers, we have five minutes left.
Oh, God, five minutes.
I'm gonna give her rainbow hair.
Look, it's pride month.
The princess is for sure the priority.
I need about five more hours.
Freezer Burn!
Amanda called Freezer Burn.
No, you didn't.
Oh, Toni, Toni, Toni and Kevin
gotta stop moving.
Toni, no moving.
Amanda, go. Go.
I love that Amanda called Freezer Burn
and then just very slowly
walked to the pantry.
Oh, man, Amanda kills me.
Three, two, one.
All right, you get back to work.
Sorry, guys.
Look at the princess for Amanda.
I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.
This is the time on Nailed It
when people start improvising.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
I love this moment.
I mean, I'm in the final stretch here.
I'm concentrating on trying
to get everything on here that's here.
She's ugly. Her castle's ugly.
But damn it, she can have
some pretty kind of flowers.
One minutes, guys.
One minute till you're done.
Oh, God, and his damn head is falling off.
It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
Your cakes look really good, guys.
Toni, worry about yourself.
Always, 'cause I'm winning.
I'm just trying to hype them up.
- Oh, okay. Okay.
- Oh, you need to rest, girl.
Five, four, three,
two, one. You're done.
Good job, guys.
Good job!
Your challenge was to recreate
a perfect princess tower cake.
Kevin, you're up.
Nailed it!
This is great.
Kevin, this is fantastic.
She looks happy.
I'm giving you
a post-modern Rapunzel.
'Cause I gave her some rainbow hair.
Like that is for real.
I'm giving you the suggestion
of a knight in shining armor,
'cause she don't need a man.
Oh, okay.
- Yes.
- She good.
What do you think went wrong?
Because the cake is kind of
the Tower of Pisa here.
I think the stakes are a little short.
The plastic supports
Yes, maybe when you cut them
they are not equal.
So, when you put the cardboard
it's kind of bending on one side.
So, maybe you should've raised the stakes.
Nailed it.
Let's move on and see
what Amanda did for us.
- Nailed it.
- Okay.
You did.
Okay. Yup, we got the princess.
My princess, she hasn't had a man
to court her in a long time.
She's told her knights
if any gentlemen walks by, to grab him.
I'm a little disturbed by her hair.
It kind of looks
like overcooked egg noodles.
Everybody has a bad hair day.
Jacques, what do you think?
Did you learn something
going through the process?
- Never used an airbrush before.
- Do you love it?
- I loved it.
- You can tan yourself with that.
I don't have to get a spray tan anymore.
I love it.
Let's move on to Toni.
Let's see what you did, Toni.
Nailed it.
I don't mean to laugh,
but your princess is terrifying.
She is so scary looking.
And I don't think anybody
is coming to rescue her.
Oh, no, and then your dragon
got decapitated.
But I love this cake so much.
The princess is a little bit scary.
The eyes.
You know, those big eyes.
She just wake up.
What voice do you think your princess has?
Hi, guys!
We need to kill
that dragon. Off with his head.
- That voice matches the face.
- Mm-hmm.
- If you stare in her eyes, you'll get
- Nope.
No, thank you.
- I won't do it.
- Okay.
Well, I think it's pretty even
going into the taste.
I'm gonna need each of you to slice
a perfect slice of your princess
tower cake so we can taste it.
I feel like, you know what,
I could maybe have a happily ever after.
At least my pride princess
didn't scare anybody off.
Let's taste Toni's first.
It's good cake.
Toni, your cake is light.
A nice vanilla flavor. Fluffy.
So, congratulations.
You did a good cake.
Toni, you put so much batter in there,
and you needed to bake it for so long
that it kind of dried out a bit.
Had you gone with thinner layers
it would've been spot on.
I thought it was good.
It'sit's thick.
It's like a thick woman.
Yes, I like it. I like this cake.
All right, let's try Amanda's cake.
That's good.
- Thank you.
- Um, yeah.
It tastes better than it looks.
The ratio of frosting to cake is perfect.
I agree.
Taste-wise you did really good.
- Thank you.
- Very nice, Amanda.
All right, Kevin, let's get into this.
This is hard.
Kevin, your cake is a little chewy.
I find your cake relatively crumbly.
I mean, it's definitely lacking the eggs.
- Did you just forget the eggs?
- I did.
Or you decided to not put them?
I wish it was on purpose, but it wasn't.
It might not look so much like a castle,
but it definitely tastes like.
That is not what you want to hear
about your cake.
It is hard to discern
between the crisp rice cereal
and the cake,
both in color and in texture.
And there was not enough frosting
to cover it up.
Now it's time to announce the winner
of ten thousand dollars
and the Nailed It trophy.
Where is the Nailed It trophy?
Wes, truly, I don't understand.
Now, it is time to reveal
who actually nailed it.
Who ♪
Who ♪
Who ♪
Who ♪
Yes, the winner is Toni!
You win the ten thousand dollars.
- Yes, Toni!
- Thank you so much!
Oh, my gosh.
This ten thousand dollars
means so much to grow my business.
I've done something for my legacy
that can never be erased.
- Thank ya'll so much.
- Congratulations.
I think Toni's princess
is uglier than mine.
If they were the only two
in a beauty contest,
I don't think either one of them
would win.
Thank you for joining us on Nailed It.
Tune into the next episode
that's happening in a few seconds. Oh!
I gotta change my clothes.
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