Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue (2025) s01e02 Episode Script

Black Angels

Mayday! Mayday! Low fuel!
Does anyone read me?
[Lisa] Do you have
any idea where we are?
Yeah, I'd say we're about
two miles up shit creek,
without a paddle.
What's in there that's
so important to you?
- You could have got killed.
- My things.
The plane will have its own water tank,
if only for the toilet.
Well, we can't drink that.
It depends how quickly they find us.
They'll be here before sunset.
- What is it?
- Didn't you see?
- What?
- There was someone there.
[speaking Spanish]
Emilio! It's here!
Right on time.
[tense music echoes and fades]
[wind blusters]
[soldiers shouting in Spanish]
[door creaks open and bangs shut]
[eerie music]
[faint birdcall]
We need to move him.
This heat.
You know, he's gonna begin to, er
Kevin? You OK?
- I shouldn't have done it.
- What?
I shouldn't have operated
on him. I told you the risks.
I don't think we had any choice.
- He would have died anyway.
- That's easy for you to say.
You didn't kill him. I killed him.
You did what you could.
- Nobody blames you.
- You made me do it.
I shouldn't have operated on him.
And this is the result.
[Kevin sighs]
Let's get him out of here
before he stinks up the place.
Where are they taking him?
I don't know.
- You should help them.
- [scoffs]
It's too damn hot.
Wait here.
Well, what is it?
- What?
- What is it?
It's his cell phone.
Has it got a signal? Can you use it?
No, baby. It's locked.
Then why did you take it?
I didn't want to just leave it there.
Hmm! Give me a minute.
Where are you going?
Er, into the bush.
- Well, I'll come too.
- No.
I have to be alone. I have to, you know.
Oh. [chuckles]
Jeez, give a man some privacy, huh?
- I'll be right back.
- [softly] OK.
[daunting music]
Sweet dreams are made of this ♪
Who am I to disagree? ♪
I travel the world
and the seven seas ♪
Everybody's looking for something ♪
Some of them want to use you ♪
Some of them want to get used by you ♪
Some of them want to abuse you ♪
Some of them want to be abused ♪
Oooh-oooh! Hey! ♪
Everybody's looking
for something ♪
[bird cawing]
[flies buzzing]
- Two bodies, two days.
- Too bad.
How many more of us are gonna join them?
Why should there be any more?
We're gonna be out of drinking
water in a couple of days
if this heat continues.
They don't find us soon,
we'll all be done for.
Always the optimist?
So what happened?
To him?
To you.
You were a doctor.
You said it didn't work out.
- Why should I tell you?
- Why not?
I'd have said the more
we know about each other,
the better our chances
of getting through this.
I worked all my life.
Six years just to set up my practice
in Jacksonville, Florida.
It was a good business.
Had a wife and a family, and
You know what it means "going bare"?
You stopped paying
malpractice insurance.
You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
Yeah. I cut corners,
but I had no choice.
Fifteen thousand a year
on top of staffing,
rent, equipment, lawyers,
accountants, all the rest of it.
It was killing me.
- One of your patients died.
- She did not die.
But she got very sick.
A 12-year-old girl
had an allergic reaction
to a medication I prescribed.
She was fine in the end.
But her parents sued
and I lost everything.
My job. My savings.
My marriage.
I tried to help someone's child and
now I haven't seen
my own daughter in ten years.
That's what happened.
I'm sorry.
I just hope he doesn't have a family.
My luck, they'll sue me too.
That's the one I've been
looking for. It's mine.
What is it?
Sports equipment.
[flies buzzing]
[knife sawing bone]
[daunting music]
[bird caws]
Does it look OK?
Ain't no reason why it shouldn't be.
We crashed.
Honey, it's in better shape than we are.
We may need it.
Here, sit down. I need to talk to you.
The pilot.
Octavio, whatever his name was.
And what about him?
He was killed.
- Yeah, by Dr Kevin.
- No!
No, did you see his skin, his lips?
The haemorrhages around
his eyes? He was killed.
In the night.
Don't you dare tell me I'm making it up.
You remember Mrs Giannangeli?
- I never met her.
- I did.
What What are you saying?
Why would anyone
Why do you think?
Well, I don't know.
We have enough food and water
to last nine people
for a few days maybe.
- Now there's eight people.
- Exactly.
Nah, it's a big leap.
I know what I saw.
So what are you gonna do?
Are you gonna tell 'em?
That's the last thing we can do.
We don't know these people.
Hold on a minute, honey.
What are you saying?
- I'm saying [gasps]
- [bushes rustling]
[animal chitters]
So, what about them?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
How much do we have left?
Not much.
But, hey, you don't need to worry.
Someone will find us soon.
And if they don't?
This heatwave can't last and it'll rain.
So you're on honeymoon.
Who Who told you that?
You did. Don't you remember?
Erm Er, yeah.
Er, sorry. I'm just, erm
Nothing like this has
ever happened to me before.
Yeah, well, I think that's
that's true for all of us.
- [Sonja laughs]
- [Amy] Yeah. I guess.
- [bird caws]
- [wings flapping]
[phone beeps]
So, how did you and Dan meet?
Oh, it only happened recently.
I was in a clinic in Santa Barbara.
I wasn't well and my dad
sent me there to get some rest.
Dan was the limo driver
who came to pick me up.
Isn't that crazy?
Er, well, it's different.
We ran away together to Vegas.
We were just going to party,
but we were so happy,
we were having a great time,
we got married.
- [Sonja] Is Dan still driving?
- [Amy] No.
He's given that up now.
He's actually writing a book
on growing up in the Rust Belt.
It's about starting with
nothing and then finding love.
I guess you'll be in it, then.
It's not really about us.
But I am helping him.
My, er, parents don't know yet.
We were gonna tell them
when we got home.
[animal chitters, rustling]
- [Sonja] Where is home?
- [Amy] Redwood City.
Silicon Valley.
Daddy runs a tech company.
He's huge.
Lucky Dan.
Oh, shit.
[ominous music]
[Kevin] I can't believe
you found the damn thing.
[Zack] Yeah, we could have
lost it with the tail.
[Carlos panting]
[Carlos] Take this out now.
[Carlos sighs]
That's the main switch,
the GPS interface.
Actuation controls.
Well, that's great, but doesn't
it have to be plugged in?
- It runs on battery.
- Is it working?
It works, but there's no signal.
This aerial, it's no good.
- We need a
- What?
We need a long antenna.
And we're too low.
Up there.
You want us to climb
all the way up there?
Down here
it's useless.
[tense music]
[Amy] Why hasn't anybody come?
It's been a whole day since we crashed
and there's nothing.
No search planes. No radio contact.
They know we're missing.
They're looking for us, you know that.
It's just gonna take time, that's all.
So Hey, thanks.
You boys find anything on that plane?
Yup. We were able to pull out
the Emergency Locator Transmitter.
- It was in the hold and
- [Dan] Wait!
So, what, it sends out a signal?
Yeah, but it needs
to be on higher ground
and it needs a bigger antenna.
So Carlos says he can rig one up.
There's a wire harness
that runs through the plane
Excuse me. I thought
Carlo was a wrestler.
Carlos, not Carlo.
I am a Luchador.
But my family also runs
a shop in Mexico City.
Radios. TVs. Electrical.
Long way to carry it up, but
at least we'll get a good view.
And who knows, maybe Mexico
City's on the other side.
[laughs] So, when do we go?
Not now. It's too hot.
And later on it'll be too dark.
We need to start at first light.
- [Sonja] Tomorrow?
- Yeah.
We can't waste any more time.
We're running out of water.
- We're low on food.
- Eleven bottles.
And we need these two
to last us all day.
[Kevin] Watching those like a hawk, huh?
Oh, yeah.
- Why is that?
- That's what I do.
I run a chain of motels and
it's the one thing I learned.
If it ain't nailed down,
someone will steal it.
- True that.
- Mmm.
So you think one of us
is just gonna help ourselves?
One of you. All of you. Same difference.
Terrific. Let's all assume the
worst of each other, shall we?
- Because that's helpful.
- It's OK, Kevin. Leave it.
This is what we're gonna do.
We'll stay in the shade
until the sun comes down,
then we'll take a look
around the immediate area.
See if we can find any water.
Carlos can fix the ELT,
and we'll carry it up
first light tomorrow.
Sounds like a plan.
A funeral plan, yeah.
- What?
- Tsk.
Don't you hit me, woman.
[eerie music]
[door creaks open and bangs shut]
[chirping, faint birdcall]
[twigs snapping, bird caws]
[distant birdcall]
[unsettling music]
What is it?
Here. Time for your pill.
Mmm? What is it?
I can't find 'em.
Can't find what?
Beta blockers.
What are you talking about? You had 'em.
I had 'em last night, but
when I woke up this morning,
they weren't there.
- Have you looked?
- Of course I've looked.
Have you your nitro?
Well, then you're OK.
The beta blockers slow
everything down, that's all.
Your heart and your breathing.
But you don't need them
once you stay calm.
How can I stay calm
when you're shouting at me?
I'm not shouting at you.
I'm worrying at you.
It's not the same.
- Where are you going?
- Well, I'm going to find them.
They've got to be somewhere.
Take your nitro.
[monkey chittering]
You looking for something?
Nine bottles of water.
There are five.
Lisa said there were 11,
minus the two from today, right?
I, er, thought I would check.
Half the food's gone too.
They've even taken goddamn chewing gum.
- Since when?
- This morning.
You sure?
And why are you even surprised?
You get a bunch of strangers on a plane
and one or two of them decide
they don't want to go hungry
or thirsty and to hell
with everyone else.
There's not much we can do about it now.
We can make it harder for next time.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
When needs must.
It won't hold them off very long, but
Could be me.
You said it. You're stuck
with a bunch of strangers.
So, what makes me
the one you want to trust?
I've got to trust someone, Zack, and
right now, at least
the odds are in your favour.
I always work the odds.
Why don't you tell me the truth, Zack?
- What do you mean?
- What you do.
I've met people who work in insurance.
- None of them are like you.
- Ah.
- I'll take that as a compliment.
- No.
It's more an accusation.
And what do you do
when you're not travelling?
Why does everyone have to define
themselves by what they do?
You started it.
I'm a photographer.
Why should I believe you
any more than you believe
I'm in insurance or Kevin is a
Well, was a doctor?
I'll show you.
[Sonja] These are migrants
on their way to America.
Most of them will never get there.
Cartels on one side,
border security on the other.
Coyotes ripping them off.
And all because they're desperate.
- Can I?
- Yeah, sure.
- That's who I'm working for.
- Hmm.
- These are extraordinary.
- Thanks.
- Doesn't mean you took them.
- [laughs]
Wow! Do you always spoil
a compliment that way?
You're right. I'm sorry.
So why were you heading to Houston?
Seeing friends. Needed a break.
- And why Aero Alux?
- It was cheap.
Unbelievably cheap for an 11-seater.
Almost like a private jet.
How about you?
What about me?
There are half a dozen airlines
flying out of Guatemala City.
It's just a coincidence
you chose this one?
Yeah. Just my luck.
I I chose the one that crashed.
- Sun's going down.
- Time we made a move.
Let's go find some water.
- [birds chirping]
- [animals chittering]
[eerie music]
[Kevin] Hey!
What do you think, edible?
I wouldn't have said so.
That's Amanita bisporigera,
a basidiomycete fungus,
and it'll kill you very quickly.
They call them Black Angels.
So much for breakfast.
You should have gone with them.
And left you behind?
- [groans]
- Where are you going?
We can't just sit here. Come on.
What the hell is that?
[Amy] Water.
[Dan] Damn right.
[Dan whistles]
Hey, guys! Water!
What are you doing?
Hey, water is water,
and I have been in a lot worse.
[Carlos] Hey, stop!
Stop! That's not a swimming pool.
That's a cenote.
I don't even know what that means.
It's an underwater cave system.
This is just the bottleneck.
Could run for miles underground.
So what?
Anything could live in this water.
[Zack] Yeah.
You want to check it's safe?
Psst! Hey.
Hey, hey, hey! Yo! What the fuck?!
[water bubbles]
Ah, what the hell is that?
There are no piranhas in Mexico.
Maybe a barracuda. There was
an attack in Cozumel last year.
- A tourist lost her hand.
- [Dan] Oh, man, he got my shoe.
- Better than your foot.
- [Dan] Jesus.
- [gunshot echoes]
- What was that?
- [gunshot]
- [monkey shrieks]
[body thuds]
- You got 'em both!
- Sure did.
[Lisa chuckles]
You ever eaten monkey?
First time for everything.
Since when you been scared
of creepy-crawlies?
[Lisa chuckles]
- [Travis chuckles]
- [Kevin] Where did you get that?
[Carlos] It was in the cargo hold.
Sports equipment.
Hunting is a sport.
That's what you were doing in Guatemala?
- Hunting what?
- [Travis] Deer.
- Bighorn sheep.
- [Kevin] You do that for fun?
- You bet.
- [Kevin scoffs]
What a heartwarming hobby.
If it moves, shoot it.
I bet you have a whole wall
of trophies back home.
Right? Maybe even the whole house.
Yeah, you want to sneer at us,
maybe you should remember
we're the ones with the gun.
- You're threatening me?
- No.
But we don't shoot, you don't eat.
So unless you want to stay hungry,
maybe you should watch
what you're saying.
- Grilled monkey.
- We found water.
Drinking water?
Yeah, yeah, it'll be great,
you know, once we get rid
of the bacteria.
And of course, we have to draw it out
without getting our hands chewed off.
But we can drink it.
That guy's such a libtard.
[upbeat music]
[Zack] Nice!
[Zack] Looks like it'll do the job.
[Sonja] Yeah, it'll do just fine.
You know the jungle, huh?
It's where I work.
Food's ready.
- [shaver buzzing]
- Mm-hm.
You gonna put on a tie?
[shaver stops]
Here you are.
Well, I won't say it looks delicious.
You complaining?
I just mean delicious
isn't the first word
that comes to mind.
Well, it smells good.
What's in the sauce?
[Lisa] Er, tomato from the Bloody Mary.
Erm, onion from the salad.
And, er, herbs and cheese.
[Travis] Lisa, honey, what
am I supposed to eat this with?
Well, there are spoons over there.
- I I just can't
- You have to.
You need to keep up your strength.
Just close your eyes
and pretend it's a ribeye.
You don't want it, I'll have it.
It's disgusting.
You still gotta eat.
Carlos, what you got in there?
- Just things. Not important.
- Is that so?
I seem to remember you running
into the flames to get that.
Well, it's not your business.
I'd say everybody's business is
everybody's business right now.
- What is it?
- It's his mask.
It's what they wear, the Luchadores,
to hide their identity.
No, no. Not to hide.
You don't understand.
In normal life, I'm nothing.
But when I wear this, I'm Rápido.
And everyone knows me.
The mask doesn't hide my identity.
The mask is my identity.
To lose this is to lose my life.
Why were you going to Houston?
To meet my enemy, the Governor.
The last time we met, he cheated.
He beat me with a move
called the power bomb.
So we meet again in two days,
and this time it's mask against mask.
He won't take this from me.
[Sonja] Two days?
You think you're gonna
make it to Houston by then?
- [bird caws]
- [wings flapping]
[cicadas chirping]
[distant animal calls]
[eerie music]
[Lisa] You OK?
[Travis] I don't feel so good.
[Lisa] Mm-hm. Maybe you ate too much.
[Travis] Ah
Maybe monkey don't agree with me.
- [Lisa] Mm-hm.
- [Travis groans]
I don't think monkey
agrees with any of us.
- Here, do you want some water?
- Sure.
Go easy.
I thought we had unlimited water.
Yeah, but I don't want you
making yourself sick.
Can I have one sip?
All right, that's it.
[Travis] That was literally one sip.
[unsettling music]
[phone ringing]
Yes. Yeah, it's me. Who else?
- [inaudible dialogue]
- [unsettling music]
[Lisa] Oh, my God! Help me! Oh, God!
Oh, my God, Travis. Help, help!
Help! Someone help!
Oh, my God!
[Zack] What's happened?
It's Travis. He woke up like this.
- Travis?
- Travis!
- Oh, my God!
- Kevin. Kevin!
- I'll get him.
- [Lisa] Travis.
Come on, Travis. Did he take
his medication last night?
It's funny you should ask.
No, but this is nothing
to do with his heart.
This is something else.
Kevin. Kevin.
Kevin, it's Travis. You've gotta come.
- Travis.
- [Lisa] Oh, God! Honey!
- [Travis retching]
- Kevin!
- Come on!
- This is something else.
- Come on, Travis.
- Let me see him.
[Lisa] Oh, my God!
- Did he wake up like this?
- Yeah.
- Well, was he sick last night?
- Er Er
He was feeling rough, after the food.
He's been poisoned!
- No.
- It was that meat.
But we all ate it, Amy.
We all ate the same thing.
- I didn't.
- [Lisa] What is wrong with him?
- Can you help him?
- He's exhibiting hypotension,
ventricular arrhythmia, convulsions.
The classic signs of food poisoning.
- I told you.
- [Lisa] What can you do?
[Kevin] He's got to throw up.
Get this shit out of him.
I need an emetic! Like salt!
There's salt packets on the plane.
I'll get them.
- Come on!
- [Zack] Poor Travis.
- [Lisa] Travis?
- [Travis coughs and retches]
[Amy panting]
Oh, God! Oh, God, he's not breathing!
- [Lisa] Travis, Travis, honey!
- [Kevin] Come on!
[Kevin grunting]
[Zack] Come on, Travis! Come on, man!
Come on!
Come on, man!
[Lisa] Oh, Travis, come on!
- Where is it?
- I couldn't get it. I'm sorry.
It was shut.
- [Kevin] Come on! Come on!
- [Zack] Come on, Travis!
[Kevin grunting]
[grunting continues]
It's too late.
He's gone. I'm sorry. There was
There was nothing I could do.
Damn it.
Somebody wired up
the storage compartment.
It doesn't matter.
It wouldn't have helped.
Hey, it's not your fault.
Whose fault was it?
- It was food poisoning.
- Oh, don't say that to me.
It was poisoning, all right,
but not what you think.
There was something in his food
and it was put there deliberately.
Black Angels.
That's what you called those mushrooms.
You said they were killers.
You said they were poisonous.
I left them where they were.
I didn't touch them.
Well, someone did.
Someone took 'em.
How else do you explain
what just happened?
They were in the food?
I know what's going on here.
One of you's worked it out, haven't you?
The fewer there are of us left,
the more chance you have to survive.
You killed Travis.
First of all, you stole his medicine
and then you put some of
those mushrooms in his food.
You planned it all
and then you did it
right in front of us all.
That's crazy.
And he wasn't the first, either, was he?
Octavio. The pilot.
- Oh, you killed him first.
- Lisa, you can't think that.
You don't know what
you're saying. Kevin, tell her.
Lisa, you told us yourself.
He had an aneurism six months ago.
Then the the shock of the crash.
Finding himself here. The last 36 hours.
If it's not food poisoning,
he probably had a heart attack.
Did that look like
a heart attack to you?
I don't know, but I do know Octavio died
from post-operative complications,
internal bleeding. It had to be.
- Right.
- It was nothing of the sort.
Oh, I told Travis.
Oh, someone must have overheard us
and maybe saw he was a danger to them.
I worked in a hospice. We both did.
And this woman was killed
in her bed by her son.
Mrs Giannangeli. Oh.
Oh, she was in constant pain
and he couldn't bear it any more.
He killed her.
And the doctors knew.
Real doctors, not like you.
And they told us and they showed us
so that we'd know
what had happened in
case we ever saw it again.
Haemorrhages in the eyes and
on the skin around the head.
Man, she had been asphyxiated,
just like Octavio.
Why Why would anyone want to do that?
Oh, look at him.
Look at what you've done to him.
Thirty years we've been together and
one of you one of you
did this to him.
Oh, Travis.
Oh. Oh, my sweetheart.
Oh, darlin'!
[unsettling music]
[sobbing continues]
[daunting music]
[music fades]
- You OK?
- No.
We screwed up.
What was it Kevin said that
he wanted? An emetic. Salt.
Maybe if he could have got
some salt into Travis,
then he could been saved.
It was too late. He was dying anyway.
You can't know that.
What do you think killed Travis?
You really believe someone
deliberately poisoned him?
How would they even do it?
That was no heart attack.
Sonja, he was stressed.
He was overweight.
- And that meat was
- Oh, it was foul.
It didn't stop him
from having two portions.
- You still gotta eat.
- He took Amy's.
You mean, she was the real target?
I don't think it matters, Zack.
I think we all are.
Ah! It doesn't make any sense.
Thanks to you we have water
and we can hunt for food.
So, what other reason could there be?
I don't know.
The food.
[Amy] What are you doing?
Er, this is Octavio's.
- So, what are you looking for?
- Well, you heard what she said.
- Who?
- Lisa. Who do you think?
Don't talk to me that way.
I'm scared too.
Look, I'm sorry, Amy.
If Octavio was killed,
I was just thinking
there might be something on here
that tells us why he was killed.
Ah, these are all in Spanish.
- I thought you spoke Spanish.
- Yeah, a little, but
They all seem very ordinary.
He wrote a lot to his girlfriend
Cordelia. This is them here.
They look so happy together.
But this is what you have to see.
mi vida.
[Carlos translates] Cordelia, my love,
it's me, Octavio.
I don't know where I am.
I've been trying to find
an airfield, but nothing.
[Octavio speaking Spanish]
I'm flying in circles.
I don't have much fuel.
I don't think I'm gonna make it.
[continues speaking in Spanish]
Even if I land, I'm dead. We all are.
[Octavio continues in Spanish]
They won't allow us to live.
[speaking Spanish]
You need to escape and hide.
Do you understand?
[speaking Spanish]
You might be in trouble too.
Can I see that?
Wait. He recorded this
before we came down?
He said he was gonna die
and now he's dead.
Well, he was hurt in the crash.
It was internal bleeding or shock.
You believe that?
"We won't be allowed to live."
"Maybe you're in danger too."
First him and now Travis.
Lisa was right.
One of us is a fucking killer.
So, who's gonna be next?
[eerie music]
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