Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Merge, Part 2

[epic music]
'Lloyd, the Green Ninja!
Yes! I knew you were all still out there!
Where is the Ninja I saw?
The one doing Spinjitzu on the bridge.
Actually, that was Arin here.
And even though
I might pass out right now,
'cause you actually thought
I was a real Ninja,
I'm not even close.
[both grunt]
I kinda get your Ninja fandom now.
Hold up your cuffs.
[Lloyd grunts]
Thanks for your help.
[sword clangs]
That is my mask, right?
I I found it when you disappeared.
I was there when the Merge happened.
You rescued me, and I kept
Ugh! [sighs]
When did you last wash this?
You can wash them?
[sighs] Come on, I'll give you a boost.
No need.
[chuckles] Show-off.
What do we do now, Master Lloyd?
I'm no master. I'm just Lloyd.
And to answer your question, we jump.
No! We can't leave the dragon!
There's a dragon here too?
No one escapes from Rapton!
Huh? What's a "Rapton"?
Me! I am Rapton!
-I am Rapton!
Why do bad guys always feel the need
to talk in third person?
I can take these guys!
That was him.
Who'd he train under?
[Sora] He taught himself.
[Arin] Sorry!
Spinjitzu was the single
most important ninja technique.
It took me years to learn it
with an incredible teacher.
That shouldn't be possible.
He's not the only one with skills.
I just learned I can do this!
Was something
supposed to happen?
So Something's wrong.
It worked before!
[Lloyd] Got anything else?
Get them!
[Rapton grunts]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
Buddy, I got zero idea
who you are.
[Rapton grunts]
I'm Rapton!
I just told you that!
But if you're locking up kids
and apparently dragons,
then you and I have
some issues to work out.
Oh, come on, weird powers,
why won't you work now?
I think I might know
what the problem is, Sora!
-Be right back!
[heroic music]
Did he just leave?
Right, right.
Happy to see you too, buddy.
Come on, we got work to do.
[both grunting]
[Sora grunting]
[dragon squawks]
[heroic music]
This is what I was trying
to show you, Lloyd.
Elemental Powers?
[Rapton gasps]
Uh, Lloyd?
I think I made a bomb.
Here, catch!
[all grunt]
It's supposed to be impossible
to learn Spinjitzu
by yourself, but
I mean, it was a really
weird version,
but it was still Spinjitzu.
And you definitely
have an Elemental Power.
It's not Fire or Ice,
or some others I've seen, but
Maybe Tech Power?
Told you, Sora.
And it's somehow connected
to this little dragon?
[Lloyd] Did one of your parents
have powers?
Not that I know of.
This makes no sense.
Where'd he come from?
We don't know.
We found him when those jerks
were hunting him.
And we heard some tiger guy
threatened to hunt down
his whole family.
There's a tiger guy now?
We need to warn his herd.
There's gotta be a way
to find his home.
Look, I'm all
for making rock sculptures,
but we don't have a lot
of time here, little buddy.
That's not a rock sculpture.
He's telling us where he's from.
[Arin] I can't believe it.
I'm in the Monastery of Spinjitzu!
I gotta say, though,
it's a little weirder than I pictured it.
The weird stuff is new.
This place got real strange
after the Merge.
Arin, focus.
We have to find the dragon's home.
After the Merge,
Kai began to explore
some of the new lands.
You know where Kai, the Fire Ninja, is?
Not exactly. It's a long story.
But Kai sent notes
about the places he'd seen.
I'm pretty sure I saw those mountains
in here somewhere.
-What did you find?
[Lloyd] "The Land of the Three Mountains."
But it's far away,
and the only airship I still have
is the new Destiny's Bounty.
[Arin chuckles] Whoa!
[Lloyd] But it isn't finished.
And I don't have the skill
to complete work on the engine.
I might know someone who does.
[sighs] Really?
Back me up, buddy.
Do Elemental Powers come and go?
No. Well, sometimes.
Elemental Powers can be complicated.
It can take a lot of work
to achieve one's true potential.
[groans] Okay, then.
I'll get this thing going
the old-fashioned way.
[dragon squawking]
[Sora humming]
Does she always hum while she works?
No, sometimes she sings. Loudly.
Trust me, the humming is better.
You've been friends a long time.
We met right after the Merge.
When the Crossroads
started to build up
with folks from all
the newly merged lands.
Sora came from Imperium.
I've seen that place.
Looks impressive.
She doesn't think so.
She ran away,
and won't tell me why.
I came to the Crossroads
because my parents
disappeared in the Merge.
Like a lot of people.
Like I thought you Ninja did.
But you didn't.
Not all of us.
What've you been doing
since then?
Keeping the world
from destroying itself.
The day started pretty normal.
Master Wu sent me to find
as many scrolls as I could
on something
he called "coalescence."
I couldn't make sense of it.
[Master Wu]
No, that can't be right.
It's been centuries.
Oh, I don't understand.
I'll just leave
these here. Cool?
Okay. Good talk.
Call me
if you need anything else.
Lloyd. My student.
My nephew.
I hope you do a better job
than I have
when you become master
of this monastery.
Remember, family is key.
Huh? You've been here
for almost a thousand years.
-I could never
It's happening.
I don't know how,
but it's happening.
I needed more time to prepare!
[loud rumbling]
What's going on here?
[Lloyd] Then I saw
the beginning of the Merge.
I guess
that's when we first met.
Hey, kid, you get lost?
It was the most chaotic thing
I'd ever experienced.
And then
[groaning, gasps]
What? Where am I?
I learned
whatever that chaos was,
it resulted in "The Merge."
All 16 realms coming together.
Expanding our world greatly.
But for those
that got caught up in it,
the Ninja, your parents,
I still don't know
what happened.
I think the Merge was
what Master Wu was researching.
But his scrolls were destroyed,
and I couldn't make
any sense of his work.
Except that it was somehow tied
to something called
"Source Dragons."
But I've never heard
of any dragons
having that kind of power.
I couldn't figure out
how I made it back here.
Or how the Bounty did.
For weeks, I thought
I was the only survivor.
I was wrong.
[tense music]
[grunting continues]
-What the heck, Lloyd?
-Kai! Sorry.
I haven't seen anyone in weeks.
So good to see you, buddy.
You too!
[Lloyd] After the Merge,
Kai woke up on an island
that didn't exist before.
He worked his way
through some strange kingdoms
to get home.
He didn't know
where the others were.
But we quickly learned
we had bigger problems.
[epic music]
[Lloyd] Mergequakes.
are like aftershocks.
Places where realms
are unstable,
trying to share the same area,
like cracks in reality.
And we learned that, for some reason,
Elemental Powers can close them.
But the Mergequakes are getting
more frequent and stronger.
If they continue like this,
it's only a matter of time
before they rip the world apart.
Kai and I realized
we needed help to stop them.
Master Wu's scrolls had been destroyed,
but there had to be answers
out there somewhere.
Or someone who could help us.
Kai took the Bounty
to search the combined realms
for answers.
And I stayed to keep everyone safe,
and the Mergequakes were getting worse.
That's why you expected a Ninja
in the train car with us?
But I never imagined it'd be someone
who taught themselves Spinjitzu,
or someone with an Elemental Power
I didn't know existed
that's tied to a dragon.
When dragons might be connected
to what caused the Merge,
it's it's like it's
You were meant to find us. To train us.
To be our new master.
I'm not skilled enough to be your master.
You need Wu,
but he's gone.
who's up for a flight?
[epic music]
Come on, buddy. Catch!
All right! Again, again, again!
[Lloyd] The three peaks.
We're almost there! We're
[tense music]
Oh, no.
It's those Dragon Hunters.
It's the quaz of the Imperium!
They must have followed us.
[all grunting]
[Lloyd grunts]
I can't steady it!
[both grunting]
[both grunt]
We're dead, right?
[epic music]
I think the little dragon's
family found us.
Hey, I just fixed that!
And I do not mind
fixing it again.
Ah, it'll be
good practice, actually.
What have you done to Riyu?
Have you injured
one of our own?
Is your name Riyu, buddy?
[Lloyd] We haven't hurt him.
We rescued him
from the Claws of the Imperium.
[dragons roaring]
You expect me to believe that
while you assault our land?
Riyu, you are a young dragon.
You do not understand
how the world works.
These beings cannot be trusted.
We came to help,
to warn you
about the Claws of the Imperium.
But somehow they followed us.
[dragons roaring]
Let us prove we're allies.
[thrilling music]
We've hit the dragon motherlode!
Bring 'em down!
Dang it!
You definitely need
some practice.
[Lloyd grunts]
You're free.
Get out
You're done ruining my plans,
you plan ruiner.
[Rapton screams]
I've never seen a dragon that big.
Change of plans!
That is our prey!
[thrilling music continues]
We have to help her. Come on!
We can't rush in without a plan!
You two have given me one.
we got the big one.
Shall I prepare to land?
Just be prepared to watch
what happens next.
[muscles cracking]
[suspenseful music]
[guard yells]
Your majesty,
Riyu appears to have the ability
to somehow connect
and supercharge Elemental Powers.
[matriarch] I know nothing of this.
If you can power me up
the way Riyu powers Sora,
we might have a chance here.
This is your
last chance, Rapton.
Leave or be destroyed.
Your mistake.
Get him! What are you
waiting for? Attack!
Lord Ras!
We need backup!
Our mission is complete.
Return to Imperium.
[tense music]
That was something.
Guess my theory was right.
It appears there is a connection
between us.
I felt it as well.
When the Merge occurred,
I struggled to keep isolated.
[matriarch] Hidden.
But there are mysteries
between us
we clearly
do not fully understand.
I agree. The world has changed.
And it's time
to build a new future.
You are a wise master.
I'm not a master.
But maybe I could be a teacher.
The Ninja have protected Ninjago
for years.
We've been a symbol of hope for so many.
But with the others missing,
that hope had been lost.
Now I see there is a reason
to hope once again,
because I can't do this alone.
I need your help saving the world.
All right! Yes!
Woo-hoo! [laughs]
[matriarch] Hmm.
These Dragon Hunters
will not remain unconscious for long.
Our herd will have to move locations
so they cannot find us.
And we'd better get back to Ninjago.
We have training to begin.
I guess this is it, buddy.
But at least you're home now.
We'll miss you so much.
[groans] What the
It appears Riyu is not ready
to leave your little group.
He would be safe with us, if you allow it.
[matriarch] I think
his decision is foolish.
But if there is to be a connection
between our kinds,
it has to begin somewhere.
If he ever needs us,
he will be able to find us.
The plan worked perfectly, Your Majesty.
Not only has the Ninja revealed himself,
he has connected with a Dragon Matriarch.
Then our hunt for more Source Dragons
is well underway.
You hear that?
You'll have a companion
down here in no time.
Soon, Imperium will have
enough dragon power
to rule over all the merged realms!
[closing theme music]
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