P.I. Meena (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Death Freeze

-Yes, sir?
You need to get the bathroom cleaned.
It stinks! We need to use
more freshener in there.
-Okay, sir.
How can I help you, madam?
Registration number.
What registration number?
Partho Pratim Dey.
That case has been disposed, madam.
It's over.
-Get going!
-Yes, sir.
It happened right before your eyes.
We also handed over the dead body.
So, how will
the registration number help you?
WB 80A 2271.
Did you have a dream about it?
What is the matter with you?
What is it?
What are you doing?
Ma'am, this is a police station.
What is this?
-This is the number.
Listen, madam…
-Come here quickly!
-Yes, sir!
-Take it easy, man!
Check this out.
Look at what she has written.
Good morning.
-Good morning. Ask Dr. Rakhaw to…
-Good morning, ma'am.
come and see me right now.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Thank you.
It's much better now.
-Hello, Dr. Rakhaw.
The chairperson wants to see you.
There are patients waiting outside.
I'll take some time.
Okay, sir.
Continue taking your
calcium tablets, okay?
And don't stop exercising. Okay?
I want you to come for your
next checkup after 15 days.
Okay? Please don't forget.
Could you wait outside for five minutes?
Sure, Doctor.
European Virology Journal
has got a piece on the virus outbreak.
You have nothing to do with it, right?
Or the virologist
who's coming to meet you?
I didn't do anything, ma'am.
Of course.
Destroy all the evidence.
We've already burned down the pig farm.
You must burn down the lab too.
The lab?
Why? There's nothing in the lab.
The virus in these times!
Who knows what we have in store!
It can spill to other places.
We can't take that risk.
But the people here need the lab.
I need the lab to disappear.
Damn it!
What did you do now, Meena?
Why, what happened?
Pritam sir wants to see you.
Why did you stop following him
last night, Meenakshi?
-He was going home, so I--
-He didn't go home.
He took a flight to Bangkok.
Alright then,
I'll meet his wife and discuss…
I've already met his wife.
I had already planned a strategy.
And all you had to do was follow him.
-I think you--
-You don't think!
You do!
Go to Bangkok and
find out what's happening.
He's staying at Marriot.
You leave tonight.
And if you mess up again,
you will be exiting Sundial!
Can I exit right away?
First, do what you've been told to,
and then you can decide.
Sorry, Meenakshi.
Sen is screwing you.
I have a feeling
he's getting screwed himself.
What do you mean?
Forget it.
What's our Minister up to?
Nothing unusual.
Party office, secretariat,
and then back home.
Not even a quick visit to Sonagachi?
No time for "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am".
all the flights are full for the day.
Did you tell Sen?
He said it's okay if you go tomorrow.
Yeah, Annie?
I'm taking Joy to Healcare Clinic
for a CT scan.
Is Joy alright?
Well, the night nurse thought
he moved a bit.
I was there with him just last evening.
-Alexa, call me a cab.
I'm leaving now.
I'll see you there.
Why did these people call you?
Please wait outside.
I'm here with you.
Just breathe, Joy.
Just keep breathing.
Why did they call you?
They have both our phone numbers,
and they just called on one of them.
-Big deal, Meena!
-I'm Joy's sister.
And I'm his girlfriend.
How much longer?
How much longer will you
remain my brother's girlfriend?
Till I keep loving him.
Love or pity?
The doctor wants to see you.
The scans taken three months ago
and the scans taken today are identical.
There are no differences.
But the night nurse said…
Don't pay attention to what she says.
You see, the caretakers
of patients like Joy keep hoping
that the patient
will regain consciousness.
So, you don't think he moved?
No, I don't think so.
I'll go and pay.
I've done it.
Why did you have to?
I could have done it!
-You're being a bitch, Meenakshi.
-Joy is my problem.
And Joy is not a problem for me.
No matter how hard I try,
I foul things up every time.
I made a mistake, Joy.
Of course, it's my fault.
I was so reckless driving
that goddamn car!
Will you ever be able to forgive me?
Keep going.
The truck driver Gulbir Singh is here.
-Oh, that scoundrel.
I'm talking about Gulbir.
Send him in.
Come on in.
Take your sunglasses off.
Sorry, sir.
The boy's mother says that…
it's a murder.
What do you have to say, Gulbir Singh?
Sir, what are you saying?
It was a simple accident, sir.
Simple accident?
A young boy was killed.
Such a bright future is lost,
and you call it a simple accident!
He rode into a no-entry zone, sir.
How would the driver see the bike coming?
I want to meet the driver.
But first…
go and bail him out.
Understood? Go on.
Thank you, sir.
Is there anything I can do, sir?
Offer something to the boy's mother
as compensation.
She's a widow.
Sure, sir.
I certainly will.
And anything for you, sir?
Just coffee?
Don't you want anything else?
Would you please get a matchbox
and an iron utensil from the kitchen?
When you return from a crematorium,
you need to touch fire and iron
before entering the house.
Go upstairs.
It's the door to your right.
Light a match.
Let's go.
Come on.
Did someone search your house?
We have to inform the cops.
The cops have already closed the case.
Partho was not supposed to come home.
Who is it?
I'll be right there.
How are you, Mom?
How did you get a leave?
Well, I didn't have much work to do,
and I got a really cheap flight ticket.
So, I'm here.
Look at this.
What is it?
It's a fridge magnet from Berlin.
He was a really good boy.
All his friends loved him very much.
He always helped everyone.
He loved playing table tennis.
Partho was very good at Chemistry.
You know, Rini…
he always helped Rini with Chemistry.
He suffered from anxiety.
He couldn't bear the loss of his father.
He was on medication.
He was cured.
He got the second rank in his university.
And then…
he got admitted
to Indian Virology Institute
for a postgraduate program.
Later, he went to
Berlin University to get his PhD.
Are you feeling unwell?
No, I'm just tired.
You're bound to be tired
after the long flight.
You should get some sleep.
But perhaps he hadn't slept.
Later, around 2:00 a.m.,
two people had come to meet him.
Those men came to
the rear entrance to meet him.
I was silently watching them
from the balcony upstairs.
It was so dark out there…
that I couldn't see anybody's face.
One of those two men
had a red colored handbag.
What kind of a handbag?
A cloth bag.
Then the man with the red bag left.
What's going on?
Why aren't you asleep yet?
They were just some friends from Berlin.
At this late hour?
Mom, it's 8:00 p.m. in Berlin.
-Is everything alright?
Go to sleep.
Listen, I'll be stepping out for a while
early in the morning.
You need not wake up.
I'll be back soon.
Go to bed.
Where are you going?
I've got some work.
Go to sleep now.
And he never returned.
Can I stay here a little bit longer?
Why am I doing this?
I don't even know
how to begin an investigation.
I feel like running away…
but there's something in here
that is stopping me.
As usual, I'm in a bloody mess.
Where do I even start?
Do you think Partho had issues
with depression?
Did he have anxiety again?
I don't know.
He didn't say anything to me.
I'll take your leave.
Did the police return Partho's phone?
The phone's battery is dead.
Don't worry, I've got a charger.
You don't know the password, do you?
Was Rini Partho's girlfriend?
She was a really nice girl.
Do you have her phone number?
It might be there on
my phone. Type "Rini".
Thank you.
Hi, Rini. This is Meenakshi.
I got your number from Partho's mother.
Can we meet right now?
Yeah, it's related to Partho.
We can meet and discuss.
He was very scared, you know.
Do you know why?
Do you know what he was up to workwise?
All that I know is…
he was working on some virus…
Are you done yet?
Dad, we're just talking.
It's late night, Rini.
Dad, we are fine.
Partho was acting…
very strange, you know.
Did you know after his father's death,
Partho was put on a psychiatric drug?
Do you know he was recently back on it?
Is there anyone in Kolkata
who might know about
Partho's work in more detail?
Like a professor of his from
his undergrad or maybe… somebody?
Dr. Basu.
Hello, Mrs. Dey?
Greetings. This is Dr. Basu.
I'm Partho's college professor.
I don't understand what to say to you.
Partho was my favorite student.
I'm really sorry.
I'm deeply saddened by the news.
Mrs. Dey, this is my number.
Please save it.
And if you…
ever need anything…
please call me.
Don't hesitate.
What could I possibly need now?
I mean any-- Hello?
You can come in just because you
have got a bottle of wine.
Won't we ever talk again?
About what?
About us.
Look at me, Subho.
My parents are dead.
My brother has been in a coma
for three fucking years now.
That was an accident, Meenakshi.
You need not take responsibility for that.
-Well, someone has to.
-Come on, Meena!
Everything is going well for you.
-You have a job.
-A senseless, stupid job.
-All our jobs are like that.
Not yours.
You're doing something that
you never talk about, Subho.
You have a plan.
You are headed somewhere.
The only plan that I would
like to hatch is with you.
I'll only give you grief.
What if Joy outlives me?
You can't live in fear, Meenakshi.
You know what scares me the most?
Joy will leave me and…
I won't feel a thing.
What's this?
The Minister.
Where's this?
I'll call Adi.
Listen! Ask Adi to pin
the location quickly.
What about food?
I gotta run.
Hello, madam!
Sorry for calling you at this late hour.
Oh, madam! You're here!
Please take a seat.
They just fried it. It's piping hot.
Madam, this man sitting here
is the driver.
You see, that boy Partho…
rode his bike towards the wrong side.
He didn't see the boy.
So, won't you arrest him?
We did arrest him.
You can ask him.
Didn't we arrest you?
But he got out on bail.
I want another naan!
What now?
-Case closed?
it won't be closed.
I had a word with the owner
of the truck company.
I told him…
that the poor widow had only one son.
And now he's dead.
I asked him for compensation.
He's ready to compensate.
I've told him, and he will.
You will have to talk to Mrs. Dey
about it.
Ma'am, you're in touch with her, right?
You talk to her.
What are you looking at?
What are you waiting for?
You may leave. Get going.
Go on.
Excuse me.
Please have mughlai paratha.
Driver, pull over!
Please follow that bus.
That bus is headed in the other direction.
I'll give you some extra money.
Please hurry.
Faster, please.
Yeah, Adi?
Subho is here.
Is he alone?
Adi, I'll call you in a bit.
I'll be there soon.
Hello, madam! Pull over!
Hang on.
What are you doing here
at this late hour, madam?
What are you doing here?
My cat has gone missing.
I was looking for her.
Send a taxi to Bally Bridge.
Are you okay?
I'm alive.
He's in there. Go straight.
It's the last room to your right.
Hurts a lot?
It's nothing.
What do you mean it's nothing?
I got shot!
You were just grazed by the bullet.
An elaborate plan to get my sympathy.
Sympathy, my foot!
I want a drink. Let's go, man!
Tell me, what happened?
I'm completely muddled in my own head.
Let me sort it out myself first,
and then I'll explain it to you.
But who were those people
with the Minister?
They were gunrunners.
They supply arms to the rebels.
How are you?
It's okay. Easy.
Get the dressing changed tomorrow.
And then, after three days.
You're absolutely fine, okay?
-You can go home if you want.
-Oh, thank you!
Well, you will be taking care of me now.
I have other things to do.
Do you? Like what?
See you.
Like, seriously?
Did the police return Partho's phone?
The phone's battery is dead.
Damn it! I lost!
Let go, man!
Bloody cripple!
Where's the money?
Hey, Dr. Rakhaw will be here soon.
Dr. Andrew Rakhaw?
You think he'll pay off
your gambling debts?
Your lameness has made you
go soft in the head as well!
He's my friend, man!
-Your friend?
-Hey, baldie!
-Come on, get up!
-Enough with the games.
-Take him away!
-Come on!
-Take him away!
How much?
Three thousand rupees.
why are you paying for that cripple?
If I find Banshu here ever again…
I will fuck you!
I knew…
I knew you'd come.
Come on, get in!
I knew you'd come.
How long have you
been hovering over me?
Your flight tickets to Bangkok.
And here's your last salary advance.
Are you a fortune-teller?
Can you crack this open for me?
Whose is it?
Just crack it open.
Try "Darwin".
-9, 4, 6.
-9, 4, 6.
But there's nothing in here.
Someone has cleaned it up.
Is anything retrievable?
-I can try.
-Do that.
Meenakshi, it's me, Omar.
You wrote to me.
I'm Partho's friend.
Oh, yeah. Hi, Omar.
How did it happen?
This is just…
I know how you feel.
It's horrible.
Listen, Omar.
Actually, I can use your help.
I need to know everything
that I can about Partho.
We didn't study together.
So, I can't help here.
But there is Dr. Arsian.
Yeah, I know. I wrote to him.
Did he respond?
-No, he didn't.
-Hold on.
Partho was speaking
to someone about some…
virus outbreak in India.
Unfortunately, I don't know the details.
Recent virus outbreak in India.
I haven't heard about it,
but let's check.
Let's refine the search.
Partho was going to…
Partho was going to Bagdogra.
Outbreak in Bagdogra?
Dead end? Or is it?
About 100 kilometers
from Bagdogra is Littnong,
a small village where
people are dying of a mysterious fever.
Is this a new virus?
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