Paatal Lok (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Lost and Found

Sir, there's nothing here.
Fuck me!
Try over there.
Can't even shit in
peace in this city!
Wait, I'll drop you to school.
-What's with the temper?
-It's nothing.
He won't even talk to me properly. I
told him I'll give him a ride to school--
That's your problem.
Did you ask him whether
he'd like a ride?
No! You simply declared it!
So I need to ask for
his permission, is it?
Is that how it works these days?
You so remind me of your father!
And mind you, not in a good way!
My father? Really?
He'd whack me with his belt.
Never needed a reason.
Have I ever raised
my hand on your son?
Help me with the luggage,
will you?
-Come on, man. Help me out here.
-No, I am getting late.
It's right here.
Yo, Brother-in-law!
How you doing?
Where to? Shining uniform and all?
To a film shoot.
And guess what, I am playing a cop.
You forgot your lunch--
Jitu! What a surprise, brother!
Well, with me,
you can always expect one, sister!
Jitu, sorry, I need to head out.
He's come after so long.
Why don't you stay for breakfast?
Don't worry. We can
always do that tomorrow.
I'm here for a couple of days.
Hear that?
He's here for a couple of days.
But you can help me with my
luggage before you leave.
It will only take a minute.
Ready to talk now?
Give me the name.
Speak up.
Tell me.
Don't you glare at me like that!
I said look away, motherfucker!
Forty five, is it?
No fucking way we're
getting anything out of him.
Friend or client?
You lying Nepali whore!
You sleep with foreigners, don't you?
Where else will you get
the dollars from?
That that's my hobby.
I collect currencies.
That doesn't sound
like no hobby to me!
Singing. Dancing.
Now those are hobbies, bitch!
Do you take me for a fool?
Speak up. What were you
doing with those three?
I was at my friend's
place the night before.
Couldn't find a cab to
go back home in the morning.
So you hitched a ride with them?
Yes, sir.
Then how did the towel from
that hotel land up in your bag?
Answer him.
Speak up!
They were here for three days,
would come and go at odd hours.
My sixth sense told me
something was wrong.
Oh, your sixth sense, is it?
Anything else?
Yes, one of them stole a towel.
They're going to make me
pay for it. How's it fair?
Anything else you saw? Or heard?
This is the other room they took.
This one!
Sir, it's occupied.
Who is it?
Sir, it's the hotel's policy--
Sir what is it?
I need to check the room.
There's nothing in there, sir.
-Out of the way.
-But sir
Well, don't get us wrong, sir.
She's my cousin
We came to Delhi for
her wedding shopping.
Couldn't get reservations
so had to share this one.
Recall anything else?
Oh, yes!
I overheard one of them arguing with
someone on the phone.
And what was he saying?
Seemed like a fight.
Something like - ''I've been hearing
this bullshit for three days.
I want to speak to Master ji right now.''
Master ji, is it?
Any other name?
Anything else in particular?
No. That's about it.
Check their IDs.
Check if they're really cousins.
Well, she's a distant cousin,
our surnames are different--
One more thing.
The one with the hound face?
He smokes like a chimney.
Three packs a day.
Do you smoke, Ansari?
The waiter at the hotel
has spilled it all.
That you were planning
to kill Sanjeev Mehra.
Who's Sanjeev Mehra?
How long have you known Tyagi for?
And who's Tyagi?
The others with you
have got criminal records.
You're clean.
Turn approver.
They'll go easy on you.
I'll put in a word myself.
since when have you
been working with Tyagi?
He's a cunning man.
Forty five murders to his name.
What will you do if
he pins it all on you?
What was the plan?
What was your role?
Sir I must say it.
No offense, but
You can't even pretend how to smoke.
Sorry, sir.
Just tell me this, okay?
What's the 'C' for?
'C' for Chaaku (knife)!
It's 'C' for cocksucker.
You fucker!
You said you smoke.
I did. Once. Back in college.
He got you, didn't he?
Coming, sir.
-Where were you?
-Right here, sir.
Thrash the shit out of Tope Singh.
And make that Kabir fellow watch!
Go on.
And listen, make a good show of it!
-Got it, sir.
It must be the bloody
opposition behind this.
Elections are around the corner.
Everyone would say the ruling
government wants to silence the media.
Finally we have a government and a PM
who is doing something for the country,
but these motherfuckers
will not let that happen.
Anyway, you tell me,
how are you dealing with this, son?
I'm all right, sir.
Thank you.
The lawyers said you used
bad words against my father.
Did you?
Who asked you to be here?
Go and see if the
turkey has been served.
-But, Dad--
And I thought sending him
to Wharton would fix him.
why are you doing this, son?
If the channel is not doing well under
you, what do you expect me to do?
It's not a charity I run
here, if you know what I mean.
And what is this monkey
business I hear you are up to?
The expressway is a gift
to the people of the country.
And you're smelling a rat in it?
Sir, I was only doing
my job as a journalist.
Then go do it somewhere else.
Let us live in peace.
Just announce that you
are going on an indefinite leave,
due to all the stress in your life.
The rest these boys will manage.
Right, Jai?
Of course.
If you fire me at this point,
my career is over.
There's a non-competitive clause that says
I can't join a rival channel for one year.
I'll be forgotten in a year.
Then do something else.
You're still young.
Go write a book on the
state of affairs in this country.
Or try organic farming.
It's very therapeutic.
But please, don't be a trouble maker.
It's not good.
For me
for you
for anybody.
-Yes, sir.
Why hasn't this lawn been mowed?
Bloody moochers are all I get.
I'll play the bad cop.
You be the good one.
What's with the royal treatment?
Make him stand.
Take his pants off.
Come on, quick!
-Stand up!
-I swear, I didn't do anything.
Trying to hide you're a Muslim?
No, sir. I swear I'm not--
-Hiding, are you?
-Sit straight!
What does the 'M' stand for
in Kabir M?
It is
-What does it mean?
-It's my name, Kabir M.
-What the fuck does 'M' mean?
-Sit straight!
And this
What is this certificate for?
My father he got this made.
I had an operation for an infection.
Operation or circumcision?
And who taught you to steal cars?
Was it again your abbu (father)?
Why are you pretending to be a Hindu?
Tope Singh has told us everything.
It was yours and Tyagi's plan
to kill Sanjeev Mehra, wasn't it?
We've found your criminal records
You Muslim motherfucker!
Make him stand.
-Take his underwear off.
-I swear by my mom, sir--
Take it off, motherfucker!
Come on, you motherfucker!
-Sir, I haven't done anything.
-Take his underwear off!
No, sir. Please, no
Fuck me!
Sir may I?
Motherfucker ruined my shoes!
Want some water?
Here, try it. My father
used to make me read this.
Quite helpful.
I I can't read Urdu.
Why? Didn't you learn that as a child?
It's from the 'Shuab ul Iman'.
'He who has shed tears fearing Allah,
shall be spared the darkness of hell.'
You're in the wrong. You know it.
Just tell us whatever you know.
Else this Inspector will make
this place a living hell for you.
They will kill me
I'm here for you.
Tell us everything and I'll make
you a prosecution witness.
He agreed.
Thank you.
I probably went a bit too far in there.
It worked, sir.
I don't really know Tyagi.
In fact, I've never
met any of them before.
I swear.
Who gave you this job then?
I don't know about them,
but I got this job from Taariq.
Taariq who?
He's a car mechanic.
I've nicked cars for him before.
Like with every job, he gave me
an advance of fifty thousand.
The rest I was to get after the job.
What was the job?
Had to pick a car outside Delhi and
then meet those three here.
At a hotel in Munirka.
I had to stay with
them for a couple of days.
Take them around,
wherever they wanted to go.
And then dispose off
the car after the job.
Where can we find him?
He has a garage in the
motor market in Chandni Chowk.
Where's Taariq?
Don't know, sir.
Hasn't shown up in two days.
Where does he live?
Don't know.
I had absolutely no clue
what I was getting into.
I thought I was supposed
to just drive them around.
Where exactly?
we followed Sanjeev Mehra.
Chaaku took his
pictures on his mobile.
His house, office
Then I saw a gun upon Tyagi.
I was scared, sir
I admit I'm a lowly carjacker.
But have never been
involved in shit like this.
I even called Taariq.
Told him I wanted out.
He threatened to kill
me if I backed out now.
They had a gun.
They had the chance.
Why didn't they kill him?
I don't know, sir
I heard Tyagi having an
argument on the phone.
He wanted to talk to someone.
Was it Master ji?
He said he wouldn't do the job
if he doesn't get to speak with Master ji.
And then one day, he just
announced that we are to leave Delhi.
So you were leaving Delhi
the day you got arrested?
We need to find that damn phone.
We might get Master ji's number from it.
And Sanjeev Mehra's photos as well.
That's a crucial piece of evidence.
Yes, sir.
And then we have Taariq.
Just these two leads at this point.
That's where we'll find
more juice on this Tyagi.
So much to be done here and
you want to go to Chitrakoot?
Trust me, sir. This is urgent.
See, Tyagi is the hitman,
he's from Chitrakoot.
Kabir is the driver, from Meerut.
The other two are from Delhi.
Tope Singh was possibly
the back-up shooter,
and the girl was a mere decoy.
The question is - who
put them all together?
Whose plan was it?
I'm sure it's Tyagi.
Have you seen his record?
-Numerous murders to his name.
But they don't even know him.
Maybe they're pretending
not knowing each other.
But sir, that Master ji
Tyagi canceled the hit because
he couldn't get to speak with him.
Even the waiter at the
hotel has confirmed this.
I'm sure this 'Master ji' is
connected to the case.
And to find more,
I need to go to Chitrakoot.
We've got only fourteen days
to build the case, Chaudhary!
But that's the only way
to make some headway, sir!
We'll have to know
who these four really are.
Who do they work for,
what connects them to each other?
We'll have to go back into their lives
to find that connecting thread.
Alright then.
-But keep it short.
-Yes, sir.
And make sure Tyagi's name
doesn't come out as yet.
Let things cool off a bit,
we'll give a press release.
Yes, sir.
Jai Hind, sir.
Tea, sir?
No, thank you.
Sir, may I click a selfie?
For my family.
Here they are.
Have you seen any of them before?
Their names?
Sorry, we can't let that out
at this stage, sir.
By the way, do you have
any connection with Chitrakoot?
Know anyone from there?
Nope. Why?
There's a lead we're investigating.
I know I've asked you
this before, but
Anyone you suspect?
Any threats?
Well, they threaten to
kill you all the time on Twitter.
Or deport to Pakistan
at the very least.
You need to be a bit careful, sir.
Hope these two officers
are with you all the time.
Even my son goes to
the Wordsworth Foundation.
-You want to give it a try, Arjun?
-Yes, ma'am.
Me nombre es Arjun Puri.
Me nombre es Arjun Puri.
-Okay, ma'am.
-Please, sit down.
Your turn, Siddharth.
You want to translate?
Please, translate for me:
My father's name is
Come on, give it a shot.
Come on!
I was nearby, so I thought
maybe I can give you a ride home.
Did you know that Sanjeev
Mehra studied in your school?
I can get you to meet him if you want.
Let me check.
-No, you were talking with Tanya.
-No. Why would I talk with Tanya?
-Where do you want to go?
-Maybe, some South Indian restaurant.
Tell me.
Jai Hind, sir.
We've got Mary
Lyngdoh's phone records.
There's one number she used
to frequently communicate with.
That number is no more in use,
but interestingly,
both these numbers are
registered at the same address.
It's a fruit stall on
Nizamuddin railway station.
Have sent the details
to you on Whatsapp.
Oh, okay.
In case you are around there,
could you please check it out?
I'm going to Zakir Nagar.
Taariq's uncle lives there.
-Let me see.
-Thank you, sir!
-Yeah, bye.
Sorry, Siddharth.
There's some work I need to--
Hello? Who's this?
What happened, sir?
Well nothing.
Listen, can you find out
something for me?
How would I know?
You should.
This is the registered address.
My father used to sell SIM
cards along with fruit juice
to these kids at the station.
-So, he was a dealer?
-Yes, sir.
Why are the SIMs registered
on his address then?
Well, you know these station rats.
How would they have
any address proof?
So my father registered
the SIMs on this address.
How many SIMs has he sold?
He sold these for more than a decade.
You do the math.
You know this is a crime, don't you?
I'm done with that line of business.
I swear.
The rules are so stringent now.
Where's your father?
Conked off last year.
How about some
pomegranate juice, sir?
Sir, please get me some juice
Scoot off, you vermin!
An asshole just like
your father, aren't you?
-I'll break your balls.
-Fuck off!
-Where can I find Hassan Mohammad?
-Over there, sir.
Uncle, I swear the ball
won't come your way again.
Please, return the ball.
Assalamu alaikum.
Alaikum assalamu.
Is Taariq home?
Well no, he isn't.
The old fuck's lying.
He's inside!
Such a fucker--
You little fucker!
Tokas, wait here.
He isn't here, sir.
-Check inside.
-Tariq isn't here.
My nephew isn't here, I swear.
Move! Let us do our job.
Bhati, check all the rooms.
Sir, that's him.
Taariq, run.
Catch him, Tokas!
You, motherfucker!
There he goes.
Catch him!
Hey, hurry up!
It's an emergency.
Watch out, sir!
Traffic ahead.
Look ahead!
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
Can we send out a lookout
notice from the headquarters?
Yes, sir.
Send Taariq's photo
to the headquarters.
And go to the hospital with
some fruits to say sorry to that girl.
Her family is putting
up a show for the media!
It was her fault
-and it wasn't that serious.
Unlike you, I don't have many
career options in front of me.
This case it's all I got.
And because of this, DCP Bhagat is now
hesitant to send me to Chitrakoot.
I beg of you.
Just try not to
screw up henceforth.
I'm leaving.
Just cook some lentils.
The veggies I've chopped here itself.
Won't take long.
Sanjeev sir has sent
these for your family.
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Sanjeev, wait.
Sorry, Dolly. I got to go.
But we're chanting for you.
You need this positive energy.
I know. But I really need to.
These are their names.
How did they look?
Like the man on the road
selling you pirated paperbacks.
Or the one driving your car
or guarding your house.
You know, you can meet
a million killers as a journalist.
To come face to face with your killer
There's something raw, something
primal about that experience.
Those eyes
they're haunting me.
Does that make me a weak person?
That only makes you real.
I won't judge you
if you don't judge me.
-Out, Toto! Sanjeev doesn't like you.
-It's not that. I'm just allergic.
You heard him, Toto! Out!
This thing's ruling
the Chinese markets.
It's got flavors like lime,
orange, strawberry
It's going to make me a millionaire.
Long live my brother-in-law!
How's this for a surprise?
Now ask me what this is.
So what is this?
Hold on.
It was working a minute ago.
Oh, fuck man!
Tell me what it is.
I knew you wouldn't get it.
This thing here is sparkling water.
This is what the Europeans drink.
Soda, sir, is history.
Now ask me what my latest
business venture is.
Sparkling water.
They were four, those motherfuckers.
Flexing their biceps and all,
just across the table from me.
The message they were passing:
Leave before we finish our drinks.
I just pulled out my gun
and put it on the table.
I could practically hear the
bricks they shat on their way out.
Didn't have the balls
to even look back.
I had to finish their Gobi Manchurian.
Stop bullshitting, bro.
Since when do you have a gun?
Hold this.
Speak now, bitch!
can I hold it once?
Just once, please.
Even Dad doesn't let me.
Not meant for sissies of
posh schools like you.
You need balls of steel
to hold it, kid.
Just one selfie with it, please.
I've got the owner's details
of that house Tope Singh lived in.
-Will go check it out.
I'll go myself.
You keep a tab on that phone search.
This is bound to happen when
you send one Muslim to catch another!
Brotherhood of the radicals,
what else?
Didn't you see his face
when Chaudhary sir
called that Kabir fellow
"a Muslim motherfucker"?
We're getting late.
Let's go.
Let's find out Tope Singh's story.
I gave him a place to live in,
and a job.
I wanted him to handle my
business once I retire.
I was a fool to think he'll change.
The bugger duped me in business.
What could I do?
Had to throw him out.
When was this?
About six months ago.
I'm not in touch with him since.
Did you ever hear him
talk about any Master ji?
I had warned my husband after
that 'incident' in the village.
And yet he took him in.
What incident?
Well, we don't know the details.
But he was in some trouble.
And given that he is my sister's kid,
I had to help him out.
Who else can tell us
more about him?
He was close to his uncle in the village.
His father's brother.
He would know for sure.
His name.
Mahipal Singh.
Haveliyan Village.
Why Punjab of all places?
Sir, part of the investigation.
I wouldn't have approached
you if it wasn't important.
Well, if it's so important,
maybe you should go.
Ansari is a rookie!
I'd have
but I'm leaving for Chitrakoot tonight.
When did that get decided?
Direct orders from DCP Bhagat.
Oh, yeah.
Hathi Ram Chaudhary gets orders directly
from the headquarters these days.
Who am I to question an order
from the headquarters?
Yes, sir.
Something I have noticed.
Virk sir doesn't seem very fond of you.
I'm senior to him by a year.
In fact, he trained under me.
Back in the day in Okhla.
He was a disaster.
We used to call him "Virk The Wuss."
I came up with it.
No, sir. I got to study.
But he was a class one ass-licker.
And that takes you a long way.
I stayed where I was.
First Okhla, then Kadkadduma
and finally Outer Jamuna Paar.
Permanently posted in
this rotting netherworld.
Two years back when he got posted
as the In-charge here,
he calls me to his cabin and says--
''Look, personal history aside
I'm officially your boss now,
so better call me 'sir'.
It's a matter of discipline."
That day I came to know.
It's me who is the wuss here.
This case means everything to me, Ansari.
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