Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e02 Episode Script

Jugando con Candela

- Looking good!
- Do you like it?
Of course I do!
Pablo, what will you use
this bike for?
To get away, of course.
Get away from whom?
The enemy.
The enemy?
The cops.
What do you mean?
Peluche, let's clear any doubts
right here and now.
Did you come here to work
or to cause trouble?
I just want you to be safe.
Don't play with fire,
you know it'll burn you. That's all, okay?
There we go.
It stinks, man,
who gave you these?
Come on, Gonzalo, let's go.
All right.
Everybody, on the floor, now!
Remain calm!
What are you looking at?
Get out!
Put the money inside the bag!
All of it, or you die!
You, on the floor. Don't worry.
No harm will come to you.
We are decent people
and we don't rob the poor.
On the floor, now!
What's up with these two?
Here, take this and put it
in the closet, hurry!
Where did you go?
Why do you ask like you don't know?
You need to do us a favor.
Paint this fully black, okay?
I need it done now.
Peluche, now!
- What did you do?
- Thanks!
- Have a nice day, Mrs. Rosa!
- Hi there, Rosa.
What's wrong?
Why are you closing up shop like that?
It's not even 6:00 p.m.
- We are closing early today.
- But why?
Because I say so.
Let's go visit your mom!
Calm down and tell me
what's going on. You're acting strange.
I'll tell you,
but promise you won't freak out.
The Regional Bank was just robbed,
can you believe it?
Oh, God! They got the money
you were withdrawing too?
Actually, they didn't.
Something worse happened!
I recognized the bank robbers!
What will we do now?
About what?
I'll have a talk with Peluche.
He isn't the problem, Aldemar is.
The store owner saw us!
No, no. He didn't see us.
He just ran into
two men in masks, robbing a bank
Cut the crap, Pablo, please.
Aldemar recognized us.
He's known us for years.
He's been a friend of the family
since we were kids.
I don't think he'll go to the police.
Don't you see? He wouldn't do that to us.
I don't know.
I think I'll go talk to him.
I'll see how it goes,
maybe he'll freak out, I don't know.
You mean now?
- Yeah.
- Okay, then go.
Are you sure?
Absolutely sure, honey.
I've known them since they were kids.
I can tell it's them from miles away!
What is wrong with them?
How could they do that?
Is it really that surprising?
They went down the wrong path
a long time ago.
I knew they were up to no good.
Where do you think they get the money
to show off?
I've spoken about it
with Nelia and Fidel.
I told them
their son was becoming a demon!
And they thought he was a saint!
- What are you going to do?
- I'm going to turn them in to the police!
Think about this.
Only God knows
how much money they got!
If I had gotten there
five minutes sooner,
I would have been robbed too!
Okay, but you have to be absolutely sure
about doing this.
I have no doubt.
That must be my mom.
Go, let her in.
Hi there, Mrs. Isabel.
I was on my way to Pablo's
and saw you were closed.
Why is that?
Did something happen?
According to witnesses,
the robbers escaped
on a red motorcycle
parked outside the bank.
They used firearms to intimidate
the people inside the bank
Turn that radio off.
gunshots were also
robbing banks now, huh?
Why do you say that?
Do you know who robbed the bank?
You still deny it?
So, in your opinion,
I'm the one who robbed the bank?
Were you there?
Did you see me?
- Listen
- Where is the proof? I'm asking you.
- You saw me, then?
- Listen!
I'm no crook, but I'm not stupid either!
Yeah. You know what you are?
You are the accomplice and brother
of a bank robber.
Mr. Aldemar, I see you're stressed out,
you know?
I just want to help you
and Mrs. Isabel!
Tell me what's going on.
Nothing's going on, Gonzalo.
- We just closed early, that's all.
- To lose money on sales?
Well, things around here are dangerous,
don't you think?
Because of what happened
at the bank?
Well, yeah.
Yeah, that was bad.
People robbing a bank
in broad daylight is crazy.
But they have some balls,
don't you think?
They must do a lot of things
like extortion, bank heists,
or kill people
just because they feel like it.
That's why Pablo and I are here
in case you need anything.
We are very fond of your daughters,
of you and of Mrs. Isabel.
You just need to ask.
He didn't say anything about it?
Well, no, not directly,
but I'm sure
that's exactly what he meant.
- Are you sure?
- Of course I am.
He didn't say it, exactly, you know?
But he knew that I know.
Then let's put this behind us.
Don't say anything!
Well, that won't happen,
because I already told the police.
And that's the end of it!
- Hey.
- Hey, bro!
Good to see you, man!
How are you doing?
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
- And your boyfriend?
- At home, I guess.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- So you're okay?
- All good, Fabio.
Now that you are here,
I need to ask you something.
Is Pablo
still hooking up with my sister?
No idea, bro.
How come you don't know?
- Come on!
- I know nothing.
Then do me a favor.
Tell Pablo to stay away
from my sister.
- I will.
- He's 10 years older!
- Help me with that, okay?
- Sure, I will.
- I need to go.
- Let's have a drink!
Hey, wait. Come here!
- Hello.
- How are you?
Is Pablo Escobar Gaviria here?
No, sir, he isn't here.
What are you doing?
Just painting the bike.
Hey, hold on. Hey, sir!
Wait, hold on!
You can't just burst in here like that!
Easy now, calm down.
- Who's this?
- Are you looking for him?
I'll introduce him to you.
He's my brother, Pablo.
So this is Pablo, huh?
- Don't touch me.
- Hey, careful with her!
Let's go!
Wait! You'll hear from me at the station!
Laws exist for a reason!
And you pissed on them.
It's all right.
Nothing is all right!
They are looking for Pablo.
They almost destroyed the house!
- Where's Pablo?
- What do you want?
- Who are you?
- Gonzalo Gaviria.
ID, please.
That's me.
You tell Pablo that even if he hides,
we'll find him.
I'll let him know.
Let's go, Officer.
Hey, cousin.
Good thing they weren't looking for you.
I'm no thief,
show some respect!
But if you don't give me a kiss,
I'll have to steal it.
Yeah, and then my brother will see us
and kill us.
He won't. He's my friend.
Did you hear the bank was robbed
in broad daylight?
Yes, I heard.
Good thing nobody got hurt, right?
Yeah, but it's bad to steal others' money,
don't you think?
Let's go. I'll walk you home, okay?
Walk me to the corner,
not my house.
Okay. Let's get out of here
Pablo! Leave her alone!
How many times do I have to tell you that?
- What are you doing here?
- This is rude.
Rude? I'll get rude with you, asshole.
We were just walking around.
- Yeah. And chatting.
- Mr. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria?
Pablo "Pervert" Emilio.
You're under arrest.
Why would you arrest me?
- For bank robbery.
- Robbery?
- You're under arrest.
- What bank?
- Let go of me!
- Let's go to the station.
I'm coming,
you don't need to get rough.
- Ready, sir.
- Don't touch him.
Let's go.
I only know one thing.
This is the first and last time
I'll ever be in jail.
You should try being a priest then.
You don't say.
We'd be doomed if I did.
I have news from your friend, Graciela.
How does that sound?
She's unique.
She went to the U.S. herself
to run the business.
Does she
speak English?
If she doesn't, she makes it up.
She's capable of anything.
It takes her less than
a blink of an eye
to handle all businesses.
What's up, man?
I was waiting for you. Come in.
Good afternoon.
Wash your hand, Pablo,
and greet our visitor.
Honorable Congressman,
Mr. Alonso Santorini.
I've seen you on TV.
Pleased to meet you.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
How are you?
Nice to meet you.
Can I ask you a favor?
Leave us alone, thanks.
Yes, of course.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
- It was tasty.
- Come whenever you want.
Sure, thanks.
Oh, man.
At least you came to visit me.
Whose idea was it, Pablo? Yours?
Or your cousin, Gonzalo's?
Who had the bright idea?
Answer me, kid, whose was it?
We didn't do anything, Mom.
You could do with some time in here.
That way you'll stop doing stupid stuff.
We didn't do it, Mom!
Light the candle
for the Holy Child of Atocha.
And pray hard.
Pray till it gets you out of here.
I could talk to the school principal
but it doesn't work that way here.
You'll get straightened out here.
- Was it good?
- Delicious.
Now, the blessing.
May God bless you.
- May the Virgin protect you.
- Amen.
Stop doing stupid stuff.
- Dummy.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Dad and your sisters sent their regards.
- Tell them I love them.
I think Aldemar is the snitch.
I won't stay locked up here
like an asshole because of a rat.
Why don't we ask the Sheriff for help?
He has powerful contacts.
So much so that he's locked up in here
with me.
What should we do then?
Are you serious?
Don't joke around.
We can't do that to the old man.
We've known him since we were kids.
Hasn't he too?
He still turned us in!
That's why, Pablo.
- We know his daughters
- Stop the bullshit.
So, what?
Can't you deal with the consequences?
I'm locked up, you aren't.
You should have thought about it
before you started working for me.
I don't I don't know.
I can do many things,
but I don't know if I can do that.
Go out there and get people to do it.
- How?
- Pay them.
It's good.
What's up?
Look who's here!
Aren't we lucky?
- Where's the fat one?
- He's around.
How are you?
He's asking how I am.
When does a whore say she's doing fine?
Bullshit. You're doing great.
You came to do me a favor?
Am I the only one in the neighborhood
you liked?
What a dirty man.
You are, aren't you?
I need to talk to your brother.
Why do you need him?
I need a favor.
Take care of Chili.
He's the apple of my eye.
Is he here?
Did you lose something?
Why are you staring?
Easy now, man.
- What are you doing here?
- Do you know Pablo Escobar?
- Yes, why?
- I'm his cousin.
What cousin? Get the hell out.
Take this.
Take it.
What do I have to do?
I'm going to the bank.
I won't be long.
- Be careful.
- Don't worry.
The thieves are in jail.
Don't be silly.
Be careful with the money.
Don't worry.
Nothing will happen to me.
Have some breakfast.
I'll be right back.
I love you so much.
Love you too, honey. Bye.
Did they sign your release papers?
They'll transfer me to a medical facility
and then I'll be out.
Give me the jacket.
- Thanks.
- So we'll see each other outside.
I like your optimism, Pablo.
But to get out
you'll have to pay
more than half of what you earned with me.
Because I've been thinking too.
And I think there are other reliable ways
to get out of here.
I'll believe whatever you say.
You are capable of anything.
- Good luck with that.
- Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I hope everything turns out well.
- Hello, Aldemar. How are you?
- Hi, Ofelia.
Someone call the police!
Call an ambulance!
Oh, my God, we need an ambulance!
This man needs help!
Okay, give my regards to your daughter.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Are you Isabel?
Carlos, where are you?
I'm right here.
Did you get the pearl gray marble
that I asked for?
- Yes, sir.
- A good quality one?
- Yes.
- Remember, I know this stuff.
- It's pearl gray.
- It's nice.
"Aldemar Castillo,
may your soul rest in peace."
When will it be ready?
- In an hour.
- I need it in 45 minutes.
- I'll hurry.
- 45 minutes.
- I'll have it ready.
- Deliver it.
- Yes, to your address.
- Thanks, Carlos.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Thank you.
Oh, my sweet baby!
My beautiful son.
- I can't believe it.
- Thanks, Mom.
- What's up, Dad?
- It's great they let you out.
- How are you?
- Great.
- How are you?
- Great, great.
I hope you're doing good.
It's good to see you, brother.
Wish it was all good news.
Did you hear what happened
to Aldemar, the shopkeeper?
Yes, someone told me.
That stuff happens, right?
Death will come for all of us, eventually.
What is it, Fabio?
Won't you say hello?
Aren't you glad I'm out?
Come here, man!
I'm glad you're out.
- Were you a good boy in there?
- Yeah, I was.
What's up, cousin?
Let's see if you stop the bullshit.
May his soul rest in peace.
And may the light
shine upon thee.
May his soul rest in peace.
And may the light
shine upon thee.
Rest in peace, Aldemar Castillo
and all we've lost.
Lord, have mercy on his soul.
Blessed thee, in the name
of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.
Wait for me to leave
to light that joint.
I'll stink, Mireya.
You were sweaty and stinky
when you come here.
Let me know if you don't like it.
I don't do that.
I'll ask you a favor.
Whatever you want.
Talk to your brother.
Tell Chili to relax.
We just want to give you guys a hand,
and there's a lot of work to do right now.
You tell him, he won't listen to me.
Spend it on clothes,
not drugs.
- What drugs, man?
- Don't take me for a fool.
It's just advice.
Talk to him. Bye.
God bless you, honey!
Thanks, bye!
I don't know who could have done that
to my husband.
If you know anything, please,
tell me.
I can help you.
I already told you.
I don't need help.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I'll leave you
my card. Call me, anytime.
Call me and we'll talk about it. Okay?
And I'm sorry if I bothered you.
It's all right, I know the way out.
- Good afternoon.
- Hello.
I'm Jeronimo.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Jeronimo, I was just passing by and
I saw the sign.
I think I may be interested in the house.
- Let's take a look at it, then.
- I can't right now.
I'm busy at the moment,
but I'd like to know
the main features of the place.
The main building covers
around 1,000 square feet.
It has four bedrooms
and a pool in the back.
Two garages on that side.
That's perfect.
Let me ask you a question.
Is this a very exclusive neighborhood?
This is the best neighborhood in Medellin.
So, how much are you asking for it?
It has a price tag of four million.
Okay, Jeronimo. I'll
think about it.
If I decide to buy it,
- I'll come back.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- See you around.
Very beautiful house.
- At your service.
- Thanks.
Hey, kids!
How is it going?
What? What?
- Nice.
- You like it?
I'll give you all a ride later!
Hey, cousin. How are you?
- What's up?
- Do you like it?
Good, bro. Are you famous?
- What do you mean?
- All the kids running around you.
So you know what jail does to you.
You live with no shame and they can
sense that, you're a badass to them.
- Let's go.
- Where to?
To the Sheriff's place.
We need to talk to him.
- He's out now, right?
- Pablo!
Hi, beautiful Patricia.
How is the most beautiful woman
in Medellin doing?
Where were you, Pablo?
I was working with Gonzalo.
That's weird. I asked him about you
and he said he didn't know where you were.
Oh, really?
He's such a liar.
You fool, liar!
We were working.
Don't you believe me? Don't you trust me?
I trust you,
so I don't ask you where or with who
you are.
I've never bothered you.
You know why?
Because I'm deeply in love.
Fall in love with me.
Trust me.
- Fine.
- Okay, babe.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
Take this to the shop, please.
How many are there?
Why are there so many people?
Hi, how are you?
Hi. Frenillo.
What happened?
Why are so many people here?
It's just for precaution.
Make yourselves at home.
- Will he see us?
- Yeah, of course.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Guys, go through the main door.
- Really?
- Sure!
Okay, great.
You hear that?
Come on, guys.
Do they come looking like idiots?
Who cares?
It's so great to see you guys.
The pleasure is ours.
Time in jail always seems long.
We're out now.
I wouldn't go back
even if it had gold bars.
Aren't you happy to see me, Pablo?
Of course I'm happy.
I'm glad you're out.
Why did you get
so many bodyguards?
So that the cops will think twice
before coming for me.
We're ready to start the job.
Yes, let's get to work.
I'm thinking about setting a route
through Barranquilla.
Just give us the word. We're ready.
This isn't for you.
Transporting goods is profitable,
but you need money to do that.
And there are better ways
to spend the money.
Do you understand
what I mean?
Do you get it?
Are we ready or not?
I just wanted to ask you something.
According to Graciela,
the drug thing was very profitable.
So I wanted to know
if there is a chance
we can get into that line of business.
What for?
I rent some of my properties
and planes to people in that business.
You have potential,
but don't know anything about it.
I know that,
but we also agreed
that's where the big money was.
It doesn't make sense to keep working
for less money when we can make more.
Do you want to end up in prison
in the States?
No, of course not.
You didn't want that either,
but you were put in jail anyway.
So, I think
it's all about doing things right
and being careful.
Listen to yourself.
Why would you want to get into trouble?
What for?
There are much easier ways
to earn money!
I'll handle that with Graciela.
Back to our job.
I need you to go
to the port in Barranquilla.
Sure, we're ready.
I'm sorry, sir,
but you'll have to hire someone else.
Because my cousin and I want
to take our business to the next level.
What do you mean?
Yes, sir, we came to say hi,
to see how were you doing
and tell you
that from now on, my cousin and I
work as freelancers.
We wanted to thank you
for all your help.
And we wish you the best of luck.
Yes, don't you think
it sounds much better?
Cut the bullshit.
We just lost our jobs.
No, we just lost our boss.
There's a difference.
We'll have lots of work
because we'll do it on our own.
Listen to him.
Are we going to deal cocaine?
We are?
Didn't you hear Graciela?
That's the future of this business.
White gold.
She's in the States,
we just have to contact her
- so she can help us.
- What are we going to sell her?
What are we going to sell?
Listen, it's simple.
We process the coke and ship it to her.
She'll sell it.
Are we going to do that
in Peluche's workshop?
Tell me where can we find a plantation
and I'll get it for you.
Not in Antioquia,
but in the South.
In Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.
Lots of places to choose from.
Are you sure?
Of course I am, Gonzalo.
This isn't the road to Envigado.
Who said we're going to Envigado?
Where to, then?
This road goes south.
Where did I say we could get good coke?
South, right?
Are we going to Ecuador?
Good, huh? A two-day trip
and we are done.
So, relax and enjoy.
- Fine, then.
- It's a trip!
Let's do this.
At the Central Square then?
All right, we'll wait.
What now, cousin?
What did you arrange with the guy?
just stay put and he'll pick us up.
Man, it's fucking chilly out here.
I see nobody, man. No one is coming.
Follow me and do exactly as I say.
Easy, easy!
Give the camera back.
- Give it back!
- Calm down, Gonzalo.
Take it easy.
We won't cause you any trouble.
How many pounds do you guys need?
Depends on the price.
It's $150 a pound.
Give me 30 pounds.
- Gerson!
- Ma'am.
What's this?
Who tidied up around here?
- I did, Mom.
- Really?
- You did?
- Yes.
Where's Peluche?
- Peluche?
- Yeah.
I saw him leave a while back.
He had to do stuff for Pablo.
- Was he on foot?
- He took the bicycle.
- Is that so?
- Yeah.
Don't give me that look, Mom!
None of this is my fault!
Pablo wants Peluche to move up in life.
I think that's cool because things here
haven't been working out so well.
Gerson, nobody asked you
for your opinion
on what your older brothers do.
Pay attention and shut up!
Learn that, young man!
And you missed a spot there.
I'm here to speak with the boss!
Calm down, boys.
I'm here strictly for business.
- Put that down.
- Who the fuck sent you?
I'll tell you, but put that down.
Dude, put it down, please.
Speak! Come on!
My brother sent me.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Do you know the name
of Godzilla's boyfriend?
No. What's his name?
Throw that shit out, man.
It's messing you up.
Hey, Gonzalo.
Let me sleep, Pablo.
One more joke and I'm out of the car.
Is that thing there real
or is it just my imagination?
I'm glad you decided
to talk to me, Mrs. Isabel.
Don't you worry.
I work for the DAI,
I'm with the authorities.
Afternoon, gentlemen.
- Hello, Officer.
- Step out of the vehicle, please.
Yes. Sure.
It's Colombian.
I am here with my cousin,
sightseeing, you know?
May I search the car, sir?
We were friends of his.
Well, we've known him
his entire life.
Aldemar loved him very much.
Both him and his family.
He even tried talking to them
when he started doing shady businesses.
Excuse me, Mrs. Isabel.
Who are we talking about?
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Look, Officer.
We got lots of fruit,
so take some if you want.
Take some for the kids,
for the family as well.
Try not to bruise them, Officer.
We haven't done anything.
This square fruit is weird, isn't it?
Hector, where did you get that info?
I can't tell you yet.
It's reliable.
Don't you find it odd
that they just gave you a name?
Maybe he is just a scapegoat.
It all seemed legit to me.
I don't think my source would do that.
Well, you never know.
Mauricio, eat some!
According to this statement, Pablo
has already done time.
With his partner, or maybe his boss?
That guy, the Sheriff?
- Exactly.
- Then that means
someone has to start following this guy.
$100 is a lot of money.
How much of that money
do you think I'll get?
My fellow officers
already know what's going on.
Then gather them around.
We'll talk to them. Let's understand
each other. I've got no more money.
Listen to me. I'll put it this way.
If I don't get your money,
I'll throw you in.
Who loses more?
Me, of course.
But we could both win here.
You know what?
Let's try something.
I'll give you this.
You can live a year on this.
Do you think I want that shit?
- Sell it, then!
- Show some respect, sir!
Calm down. Let's take a deep breath.
Hi, family!
How did it go, Peluche?
Great. I closed the deal.
Okay, cool.
What's that?
What did he do for you, Pablo?
He lost one day of work
for that errand. What was it?
Just work, Mom.
He didn't get into trouble, so
- Yeah, no problems.
- Good.
But we used all the money
- to buy the place.
- That's okay.
Are you buying houses now?
That's great, son.
Investing in real state, great!
Will Peluche be working with you
from now on?
Yes, for sure, Mom.
- Pablo.
- What?
- This looks really nice, Peluche.
- Yeah.
Are you sure
you want to get into this?
You and your conscience, Peluche.
It's time you listened
to your older brother.
messing around with cocaine is dangerous.
Every dangerous thing we do
turns into money.
Being safe won't bring cash.
Take your business, for example.
It's a legal business.
A safe, quiet shop.
How much money have you made with it?
You can't compare
a small business like mine
And it will stay small, Peluche.
And do you want to know why?
Because you think like poor people do.
The kind of thinking you got from Dad.
We already bought the ranch.
There's no turning back now.
Follow me, sir.
- Thank you.
- I'll introduce you to our best people.
How are you doing?
Hello, gentlemen.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Pedro Motoa.
German Motoa and Julio.
Julio! Come and say hi.
Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
My brother, Alberto.
- Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
- Hi. Julio Motoa.
- Thank you.
- I'll go check the place out.
We'll be right back.
Well, then.
You are the new owner of this place.
How much do you know
about the business here?
Even if the owner changes,
the guidelines remain the same, right?
What's the work policy here?
No one explained them?
Everything that gets produced here
is for us to distribute.
It's best for us to buy your product
than to manage such a place.
That poses a problem for us, gentlemen.
Because my idea was to do the processing,
but also to keep the product after that.
- That was, well, my idea.
- What do you think?
Pablo, I'll give you some advice,
free of charge.
- I've got more experience
- Yeah, sure.
The less you expose yourself, the better.
You mean, to you?
We mean the authorities, Pablo.
Every change comes with a high risk.
You know that.
Yes, of course.
What do you say, then?
Should we keep the same work policy?
Do we have a new supplier?
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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