Pact of Silence (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

La feria

One! Two! Three!
As high as you can, girls!
One! Two! Three! Four!
Five! Six! Seven! Eight!
That's it! Keep it goin'!
The fair's gonna be so much fun.
We get to sneak out again.
Is Rodrigo coming with his car again?
Of course. It was actually his idea.
Rubén asked me to the fair too.
That gardener's so creepy.
Always staring at Martina.
Hey, you! Get lost, weirdo!
If you don't quit staring at our friend,
we'll tell the headmistress.
It's not his fault, Irene.
Pedro's not right in the head, remember?
That doesn't excuse him acting
like a total pervert around Martina.
Here's the deal, Gloria.
No one can know
that my mother killed herself.
Won't the coroner have to report it?
I'll arrange for a modified report.
Bribing the coroner?
A suicide is bad for our image and clashes
with the foundation's message of hope.
And what if it was murder?
We need to find out if someone killed her.
Do you know of anyone
who would've wanted to kill my mom?
Not that I know of.
But I'm sure that Ramona was not suicidal.
But if you don't have any evidence,
then just keep quiet.
I'm not going to drag my mom's memory
through the mud
because you're feeling suspicious.
We'll say it was natural causes.
"What, then, shall we say
in response to these things?"
"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
"He who did not spare
His own Son,
but gave Him up for us all
how will He not also, along with Him,
graciously give us all things?"
"Who will bring
any charge against those who"
I always hated that woman,
but, you know, I just wanted to scare her.
I didn't want her to die.
I can see why Ramona would kill herself.
The shame of people
finding out what she'd done.
"died, more than that,
who was raised to live,
is at the right hand of God
and is also interceding for us."
"Who shall separate us
from the love of Christ?"
"Shall trouble or hardship or persecution
or famine or nakedness
or danger or sword?"
Congresswoman Bustamante.
It's an honor. I'm Ramona's son, Jorge.
Jorge. My condolences.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
"who loved us."
"Nothing could ever separate us
from God's love."
"Neither death nor angels nor demons."
"Nor the worries of the world,
nor the powers of heaven and earth"
Irene, I didn't think
you'd actually make it.
Well, I did.
All or none, right?
Irene Bustamante, the politician.
Her husband
helped her get elected.
Now, her stepson is her right-hand man.
And he's pretty hot.
Yeah, I guess he's not bad.
I think we can go now.
Let's head out.
"And cause His face
to shine upon us. Amen."
How dare you four show up here?
There's press here, Gloria.
I don't think you want to make a scene.
You're the one with the most to lose
if I make a scene, Irene.
- I've already lost everything.
- We know how important she was to you.
I'm sure I speak for all
You used our relationship
to blackmail her.
You forced her to be your accomplice.
- Gloria?
- It's all right, really.
What did you say?
Thank you, but this is not the time.
I'm sorry.
We know that you loved her.
Ramona was vitally important to you.
But now she's resting in peace,
and that's how she'll stay.
- Ready, Gloria?
- Congresswoman!
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.
You shouldn't be here.
You were nothing to Ramona.
The only reason I haven't let you go
is purely out of courtesy.
Lourdes, take her with you.
- Come on. I'll drive you.
- No, I'm fine.
Ah! Hey! Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm okay.
- You sure?
- I'm sorry. I was distracted.
- Be more careful.
- What is it?
- The keys.
They're not here.
- Hold on.
- Oh jeez. Where are they?
Oh. It's unlocked?
- Yes.
- Must've left them with the chauffeur.
I'll just go look for him.
- Okay.
- Wait here.
What are you doing?
You killed Ramona.
I swear I didn't kill her!
You were stalking her,
and then you tried to strangle her!
Why would I have killed her?
She had something I want.
I know you don't trust those women.
I saw you fighting.
And now you're in danger too.
They're tying up the loose ends.
I thought that, with Ramona gone,
no one else could threaten us.
Ramona must have confided in her.
Gloria could screw us.
Well, she's obviously devastated.
She basically lost the love of her life.
Sofi, she smacked you good.
And you're defending her?
No, I just feel sorry for her.
But I'm afraid she'll say something.
It's possible she blames us
for Ramona's death.
- But Ramona died of a heart attack.
- I know.
But she lived abroad for 15 years,
and as soon
as she comes back to Mexico, she dies?
She was ancient.
Obviously, everyone will assume
it was the travel.
Hold on a second.
Are you saying you think
one of us is a psychotic murderer?
The only thing
that really matters is what Gloria thinks.
And what she could reveal
if we don't keep her quiet.
You think I poisoned it?
I'd really like
to help you get justice for Ramona.
But to do that,
I need to know what you know.
She said she was going to see
someone not long before she died.
Do you know who?
She made it clear that it was better
for me to know as little as possible.
But she told you about me?
Irene Bustamante,
she's the congresswoman you talked to.
Is she the last one I'm looking for?
Now you have
all the information you wanted.
I have nothing else.
But you might know who my father could be?
Well, when it all happened,
the only one
who had a boyfriend was Martina.
He was rather obnoxious.
He'd pick her up at school a lot
so they could sneak out.
Uh, do you remember his name?
Rodrigo Durán.
This Rodrigo Durán?
It's such a long time ago.
That's the guy.
Fernanda's husband?
I see lights!
- It's gotta be him. Rodrigo!
- Martina! Pooh Bear!
Pooh Bear!
You first.
Let's go.
Pooh Bear!
Fernanda, come on!
It's okay, I got ya.
There you go.
- Thanks, Rodri.
- At your service.
- Irene and Sofía.
- Let's go!
Let's go!
- Irene, I'm glad you made it.
- You're so sweet, Rubén. Thanks.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- What's up, man?
- What's up?
She's had enough, Rodrigo.
- She wants it!
- Irene, wait.
There's something I wanna tell you
in private.
Ooh, so mysterious. We'll catch up later.
- Fer, you need to slow down.
- Ugh, you're no fun.
Let's get out of here.
Hey. I gotta go.
I'll be back in a second.
- What? You're leaving me?
- Wait here.
Did anyone follow you?
We're okay, sir.
"Sir" is only when we're in class.
Got it?
Hey. Leaving without me?
Run away with me.
We'll go to Mexico City.
Yeah, why not?
I'm sick of sneaking you outta school.
But all my friends are there.
They count more than I do?
My family's not gonna let me leave
our school.
- We'll be fine. We have my family money.
- Enough, Pooh Bear.
We can't go tonight.
Let's just try to have fun.
- What are you doing?
- Getting the fuck out.
You can stay
and have fun with your friends.
It's all you care about.
You're really doing this?
You can't just leave me here!
Uh, no, no, no. No. I don't want to.
Think you can just tease me?
- Uh, no. I don't feel so good. Sorry.
- Hey. Hey!
Let her go, asshole!
Get outta here!
- What the fuck, man?
- Not worth it, Rodri.
Do you even know him?
Huh? What were you thinking?
Where's Martina?
We got in a fight.
I asked her to run away
with me like an idiot.
And she said no
'cause of you guys and her parents.
I don't count.
I'll never understand Martina.
How can she not realize
just how lucky she is?
So, Fernanda
stole Martina's boyfriend.
Which means that sleazebag
could have gotten both of them pregnant.
Possibly. And that changes things.
That doubles the odds
that Rodrigo's your dad.
So now,
I just need to meet Sofía.
And Irene.
Sofía's on the hook.
The trickiest one's gonna be Irene.
It's hard to get close
to people with her kind of power.
Irene Bustamante,
will you please be my wife
and make me the happiest man on earth?
I'm flattered, Rubén. But no.
But why not?
I'm 16, and you're not even
that much older.
I wasn't planning on
getting married right away.
I just want you to be mine.
- And then, in a few years, your family
- No, that doesn't work.
I'll be in university, studying law.
Students can get married.
I don't plan on being an intern
at the bank forever.
I know, Rubén.
But, uh I
That's not what I want.
And I don't want to hurt you anymore.
So I think it's best to break it off.
Can you take me back to the fair?
I want you to meet my people.
Don't move an inch!
You have no idea how amazing you look
in this light this very second.
- Let's see.
- Look at how gorgeous!
Wow. I actually look beautiful.
Because we're all beautiful.
And we're all queens.
I adore your motto.
Well, to hear that coming from you is so
I just can't believe
I'm talking to you like this.
It would really mean a lot to me
if you could autograph this.
Well, it means a lot to me
to sign it for you.
Okay. I need you to tell me.
Is this based on a true story?
Did the girl and her professor
really have a thing at school?
No. It's just fiction.
You've written it
so that the protagonist is so real.
I always assumed she was you.
Brenda, tell me what you want
to achieve with your biography.
My number one goal
is inspiring my followers.
Many have grown up poor.
Sometimes they've been neglected,
abused, had teenage pregnancies.
- Social issues are important to you, then?
- Very much. You?
Of course.
I have a young daughter,
and I'm always worried
she could go through that.
There are so many dangers out there.
Especially for girls.
- Your book.
- Thanks.
I have to admit,
I'm shocked at the number of people
who work on your team.
The photographer, the manager
You have a huge payroll.
How much do influencers make?
Well, it's more about how much
other people make through us.
- Can I get a selfie with you?
- Of course!
- Thanks so much. I love you.
- Thank you.
But honestly, it's not all
about the money.
I'd like to do so much more for my fans.
Social initiatives.
But, pfft. Unless you have
political contacts, it's tough.
I have one.
I can get you an audience with her.
Really? Who's your contact?
An influencer?
Yes, I just started
working on her biography.
She has some great ideas
about programs for teenagers.
We have people for that.
What am I gonna do with this person, Sofi?
I just want you to take
a look at her profile.
I'll see what I can do.
We're fine with older voters,
but we're behind with 18 to 24s.
Give me.
Adriano, give me it.
She's gorgeous.
Okay. What's her story?
She's very nice.
I don't care how nice she is, Sofía.
She has ten million followers.
She's worth it, Irene.
Fine. I'll meet her.
Send me her number.
I'll set something up.
And you promise you're not gonna forget?
- Your appointment's here.
- I told you, send her number.
Gotta go.
- Jorge, how are you?
- Go ahead, sir.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
We'll talk later. Please sit.
Congresswoman, tell me
how I can help you.
I moved here because there's
something about the culture
in this country that gets me.
All the theaters, museums
- The delicious food, I can't get enough.
- The delicious food?
- It's perfect.
- What did you leave in your country?
Or who?
- What're you asking?
- It's not like that. I just
- Didn't you have work, patients?
- Ah!
- My career, my home. Sure.
- A house? I don't know.
I have a practice there.
And a few patients.
But no romantic interests.
- You're single?
- Mm-hmm.
- No wife, girlfriend, or anything?
- No wife or no one.
- Mm.
- You?
You could say
that I'm married to my career.
See how the silk falls in layers?
It's fabulous, Sam.
Comes in black.
Actually, never mind.
Quinceañeras need to be colorful.
Maybe the blue.
Velvet will be too heavy. Wow!
- This one is beautiful.
- No.
The purple would look amazing.
No, Mom. Nobody wears dresses.
That is ridiculous. It's an occasion.
Anyway, you only turn 15
once in your life.
Like 14 and 16?
Are you serious? That's your attitude?
I don't wanna wear a dress.
What's the big deal?
Your 15th birthday's a big deal.
I want you to look good.
Why are you ruining the fun?
You're being bratty.
Seriously, Fernanda?
You're blowing a gasket over a damn dress?
- Aw, come on. Don't fight.
- Because you two wear me down.
Tomás, where are you going?
Don't drag me into your stupid drama.
I wasn't involved.
I'm outta here.
You see? This is what happens
when you undermine me.
Yeah, sure.
Wait. Wait.
- Can't we take our time?
- What?
Time for what?
What the hell do you wanna wait for?
To get to know you better,
for one.
So that it's beautiful
and meaningful for us.
Oh, Omar. Don't get ideas.
Who said I was looking
for anything meaningful?
Sorry, but I've had enough
one-night stands and empty sex.
Not you?
Because I have a lot more to offer.
I'm going to offer you the door.
You're an incredible woman.
I think you deserve more.
Good night.
Last one. Show me the love!
And we're done!
That was long.
Hey. Are you really convinced
that Martina's going to fall for Omar?
Oh yeah. If he does things exactly
like I instructed, it can't fail.
What that woman needs in her life now
is less casual sex and more romance.
- And you?
- What?
Martina's not the only one
who could use a boyfriend.
A boyfriend would require
way too many lies and explanations.
- Which require time and energy.
- Which you don't have.
But don't you want someone to make out
and cuddle on the couch with
once in a while?
You don't have to explain anything.
That's what I do.
Trust me, Brenda.
What if we give it
super magic jumping powers,
and then it can go
- Alex!
- Hey, Sofía.
Come in, come in.
- Excuse the mess.
- Good.
My husband, Manuel.
- Camila.
- Hey. How're you doin'?
- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.
So, I just wanted
to drop this off for you.
It's an advance. For the book.
Were they happy?
Who wouldn't be?
It's a lot of money.
I still need Sofía to think
we're gonna make a fortune
working together.
Don't you think
it's going overboard to rope her in,
then leave her nothing?
If she's not smart enough
to get me to sign a contract,
it's not my fault if she gets sued
for writing an unauthorized bio.
Okay. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.
She's my child,
so of course, she's my world.
But I would have loved
to have had a daughter like you.
Like me, how?
Sorry to bother you.
But my colleagues
and I are super excited to see you.
Aw. We'll do a selfie
when I'm finished, all right?
Yes! Please.
- I'll leave you alone. Unless you need us.
- You're the best. Thanks so much.
See? They recognize you
behind the glasses.
You're beautiful.
You like fashion.
You're happy. You have friends.
The opposite of my poor Sam.
Angry as hell about her quinceañera.
Maybe I can try
to turn things around with her.
So many of my fans are teenagers.
I'm an expert in their moods.
- Would you really do that for me?
- Of course!
I bet that after one minute with me,
I can convince her to get on board.
I want you to see me as your ally.
The most important thing is for you
to feel comfortable with your party.
First, I'm curious
to know a little more about your style.
I don't really have a style.
everybody has a style.
Mm. Let's see. Why don't you start
by showing me your favorite shoes?
Boxers, huh?
Uh, I ran out of clean underwear,
so I got these from my brother.
No, Sam. It's cool. Really.
I adore boxers.
I wear them too sometimes, actually.
I stole my ex's all the time.
They're cool and super comfortable.
Promise me you won't tell my mom?
I don't think this is something
you should feel ashamed about.
But if it makes you feel better,
then I promise I won't say anything.
- It's too much, even for Fer.
- Close.
Honestly, who gets that upset
over a stupid ballgown?
It'll blow over.
You don't know
how much it bugs me!
- So? Nothing?
- Well, you overreacted too.
You started berating Fer. That's not okay.
Why argue over trivial things?
You adore each other.
And no fighting in front
of the kids. Now, play!
- You're kidding!
- Pay up, buddy!
- It's not over.
- You owe me!
- One more. You didn't win.
- I won all three.
You could post recipes,
your daily routine.
- I would love to
- Listen.
Just put yourself out there
- I brought a stray from the gym.
- Hello!
I'm starting to think you're trying
to steal my friend.
Maybe just a little.
So you're
the infamous Brenda Rey.
Who couldn't let the dog stay lost?
- Just kidding.
- Right.
It's nice to meet you.
Um this was great. Thank you so much.
You can't go yet. Stay a while.
Things are just getting started.
- Do you want to help with the drinks?
- Of course.
Our martinis are the best.
Long as he doesn't make them.
Those two are like peas in a pod.
They party like they're still teenagers.
- They do act like they're super close.
- Mm-hmm!
- How long have you known each other?
- Since high school.
Rodrigo used to go out with Martina.
- Come on!
- I swear.
Wow, you are brave.
And very confident.
If my partner was
that close to an ex-girlfriend,
I would not be as cool as you.
You're on.
- Good morning.
- Martina.
What the hell are these?
- You don't like the arrangements?
- No.
I do not. Especially not in my office.
Where'd they all come from?
Sorry. The card didn't say.
- Bring me my matcha?
- Yes, ma'am.
- With coconut.
- I'll get the flowers out.
Thanks very much.
You said to let you know
if I ever needed your help.
What's wrong?
I have bent over backwards
building up the Foundation.
And I've just been terminated.
That wasn't very fair to you.
- I could try to help you find another job.
- No.
I intend to go back to Europe.
I only wanted to come
and tell you in person
because I know you hate those women.
And this is all their doing.
Those witches wanted to run you out
of Mexico so you can't cause trouble.
But there's only one with enough power
to make Ramona's son do her bidding.
Irene Bustamante.
Ms. Rey.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
I had to put out a fire.
Have a seat. Let's get to the point.
All right, then.
Uh, as Sofía mentioned to you,
my goal is to expand my influence
to create programs for teenagers.
There are professionals
who do that, as you know.
But what I want you to do is to connect
your ten million followers to us
so they hear about the different programs
that we have tailored for them.
In Mexico, it's perfectly legal to involve
influencers in political campaigns.
Except in an election year, of course.
Right. Which means we'll need to spend
some time getting to know each other.
Then I can create super authentic posts.
It isn't necessary for us
to get to know each other, Ms. Rey.
All I need is for you
to mention me in your posts.
It's a social media contract.
I know. It's just that,
in my experience, it's important for my
You'll be paid what you're worth.
Don't worry.
See my assistant. I'm busy.
Now, if you're still interested,
my assistant will give you the schedule
of all the events
we would expect you to attend.
And their dress codes,
which are more conservative.
You'll show yourself out?
Hi. Do you need any help?
- You're Brenda Rey, aren't you?
- Yes.
The one who knows lots about skin care
and nothing about cars.
- Do you work here?
- Yeah.
- I work with Congresswoman Bustamante.
- Mm.
- Nice to meet you. Adriano.
- You too.
Um got any ideas?
Well, I can try taking a look.
Please do.
The problem is
That one
of your battery cables was loose.
- You fixed it?
- I guess.
- Really?
- Uh-uh.
I'm so embarrassed, and I'll cancel
the tow truck that never showed.
Thank you!
You saved me.
- I didn't.
- I've been waiting an hour.
Let me buy you dinner. To say thank you.
I insist.
- Your order, taco queen.
- Thanks.
Thank you, Memo.
Did you add my favorite sauce?
- You bet.
- This looks great.
I can't believe you've eaten 12 tacos.
I once went to visit
14 different taco places in one day.
From the fanciest to the most popular,
and this one is the best. Isn't it, Memo?
Won't argue with that.
And I ate a whole taco at each one.
If you want proof, try #TheQueenOfTacos.
what's it like,
having bodyguards?
get no privacy.
Privacy? What in the world
is that?
It's ridiculous. I can't even go out
on a date without them.
Oh, so this is a date?
- Well, out for dinner.
- Ah.
- Like this.
- Mm.
With someone you happened to run into.
Who's really nice.
Who's also quite beautiful.
I think this qualifies
as a date, don't you?
All right. Why not?
- Sister.
- Mm.
Baby, it's so good to see you.
- Don't touch her.
- It's all right.
What's going on?
You look so nice.
- Why so fancy?
- You know her?
Hello, sweetheart.
I I forgot your name. I'm sorry.
No, you didn't. You know it's Itzel.
- Are you friends?
- Itzel, that's right.
I've seen you when we bring
neighborhood food baskets.
Are you hungry?
Would you like some tacos?
You're incredible.
Lots of people support social causes,
but not many react like you.
Sorry I'm late,
but Camila wouldn't fall asleep.
Couldn't we do this on the phone?
No. Because someone
could intercept my calls.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know
that Gloria is going
to be headed back to Europe.
- You got her fired so she would leave?
- We had to.
Going back to Europe
doesn't mean she won't say anything.
What else can we do? Hire a hit man?
Irene, come on.
Let's just hope it works and that she
never mentions anything about the baby.
Which would lead
to the other thing coming out.
Who's there?
What's making you so sad,
Miss Martina?
Nothing, Pedro.
It's none of your business.
Don't touch me!
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Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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