Panic (2021) s01e02 Episode Script



[Heather] Every player
has a story.
[gasps, panting]
Some of them are even true.
Every player is hiding
Secret selves
secret habits.
[phone ringing]
- Secret shame.
- Hello?
[operator] You have
received a collect call
from an inmate
at Sayverville Unit.
- Do you accept the charges?
- Yeah, go ahead. I accept.
Hey, Pops.
[Heather] We're all afraid
of something.
But they're never the things
we say out loud.
- [Lorne] Miss Nill?
- Shit.
Can you braid my hair?
[Heather] Later. Lorne's here.
We got to go, okay?
[Lorne] I know you're in there.
- Open up.
- [Lily] Wait, my library books.
[Lorne] Rent's due.
Go, go.
- Miss Nill?
- [stammers]
Okay, come on, come on.
As long as you keep moving,
your fear always stays
behind you.
[tires screeching]
Rent's due again, huh?
[Heather] Okay, Bug. I will
see you here back at 4:00.
But Bo is gonna pick us up
after his shift.
So, Bo and your mom
are back together again?
[Heather] Oh, yeah.
This week they are.
After I make some copies
of my résumé,
do you think you can drop me
off at Link's?
I heard that
they might be hiring.
Yeah, what's the point
of even looking for a job
if you're just gonna
play the game?
'Cause I have $17.26
in my savings account.
Ooh. [chuckles]
Have you, um,
talked to Nat at all?
She hasn't really answered
any of my calls.
It's been two days.
Look, it's Nat, okay?
I mean, you know how she gets.
This will all blow over.
I didn't mean to lie.
I didn't even
really mean to jump.
You know?
But when I was up there,
it was like I had to do it.
- But you don't.
- You think I should quit?
Yeah, I mean,
players do it all the time.
Look, Panic is bullshit,
It's-it's bullshit,
and it's-it's dangerous,
a-and two kids died last year,
so-so what's the point?
I mean, you know you can't win.
- You know you're just
gonna be sidelined.
- Is that what you think?
[stammers softly]
You think I can't win?
No, I-I
I bet that's what
everyone thinks.
[Cortez] So, graduation is over
and summertime has begun,
and unfortunately,
so has this game
the kids call Panic.
Supposedly, Jimmy and Abby
were playing this game.
17 years old, young and in love,
headed to college.
And now they're dead.
As you know, Abby was run over
by an 18-wheeler.
She tried to cross
I-45 blindfolded.
[horn honking]
And Jimmy
Jimmy killed himself
playing a game
of Russian roulette.

Now, one thing is clear:
this game is organized.
Whoever lit up
those fireworks, well,
they wanted to send us
on a wild-goose chase.
Yeah, it worked pretty good.
- Yeah, it did.
- [Langley] Sir?
I talked to dispatch about
the complaint calls that night,
and one of the callers
was Myra Campbell.
I know Myra Campbell.
She was Abby's best friend.
[Langley] Well, we talked
to her over the winter,
and she said
she didn't know anything then.
But she sounded really upset
on those calls.
Well, maybe those fireworks
jogged her memory.
Let's talk to her again.
These kids follow the herd.
They protect themselves,
they protect this thing,
and that's it.
Last year, this town put
two of our kids in the ground.
And someone's gonna pay.
Hey, Mindy.
Hey, Heather.
Do you guys have
any jobs available?
We are all full up
for the summer.
You try over at the Buc-ee's?
Yeah, I've tried everywhere.
[Mindy] Well, you can
leave a résumé
in case something opens up.
Thank you.
- [keys drop]
- [woman grunts]
Hey, I got-- I got you!
Thank you.
Almost lost a man
overboard there.
- [dog barks]
- Oh, Rigley!
- Oh, hey, hey
- Rigley, get back here!
Get back here now!
What are you doing?
- [Heather] Good boy.
- My escape artist.
Bad, Rigley.
Oh, hi. [chuckles]
[Rigley barks]
He's usually not that friendly
with strangers.
You're a dog person.
No, I mean, not really,
I just
My mom always told us that
if it can't pee in a toilet,
then it shouldn't live
in a house.
At least dogs never
leave the seat up.
Plus they do
what you tell them to.
Most of the time.
Rigley, up.
Good dog!
Got this.
That one.
I'm Anne, by the way.
- Heather?
- Mm-hmm.
I heard you asking
after a job in there?
- Yeah.
- 'Cause I could use
some help out at my farm.
Nothing fancy-- I got a couple
of sheds that need painting.
It's not glamorous,
but I pay cash.
- Interested?
- Are you serious?
Certainly hope so.
You know the, uh, farm
at the end of Old River Road?
- Yeah.
- That's my place.
Mornings are best.
Hey, why me?
Why not you?
- [door closes]
- [engine starts]
[phone beeps]
She's still your best friend.
All right, remember
the court rules: no cursing,
spitting, hitting or crying,
because I think I ran
out of tissues.
Can you just?
Can you just give us a second?
Yeah, yeah, h-happily, yeah.
Can we go talk over there?
My mom took my money for school.
What do you mean she took it?
Her car needed
a new transmission.
Guess she thought I owed it
to her for freeloading,
like, toilet paper
and food and stuff.
How much?
She left a few bucks
in spare change, though.
I wish you'd told me.
I didn't really have
a chance to.
I didn't learn about it
till after
you had left for the Jump and
when I found out,
it was like I couldn't
even think.
It was like I had a hand
around my throat.
It was like I couldn't
even talk about it.
I'm sorry, Nat.
I never meant to compete
against you.
I know.
I'm sorry for getting so mad.
I should've known
you'd have a reason.
What I want to know is
how are we gonna
win this thing?
- What do you mean?
- Oh.
If we're both in the game,
we're in it together.
I thought you said there was
no together in Panic.
Uh, there's no ties.
One winner only, but
if we work together,
then the both of us win
if either of us do.
And then we split the money.
Oh, I will take that as a yes.
[door opens]
Are you guys gonna make out?
- You wish.
- Really?
So, all good?
You guys friends again?
[Myra] Who is it?
Sergeant Langley,
Sheriff's Department.
Hi. Myra Campbell?
Sergeant Langley.
You mind if I come in?
[dog barking in distance]
It was my day off.
Oh, yeah?
What kind of work do you do?
[sighs] Assistant manager
of a Taco Bell.
I work up at the airport.
[Langley] You always stay home
and drink on your day off?
Sometimes I drink
somewhere else.
But you didn't come here
to talk about me, did you?
No. I came here
to talk to you about Panic.
I told your friends
back in March
I had nothing to say.
I never played.
Abby Clark did, though.
She was your best friend,
wasn't she?
I'm sure she told you
some secrets.
Some of them.
And I swore I'd never tell.
I gotcha.
I don't know,
I just thought after that earful
you gave dispatch last week
about those fireworks
- going off, maybe
- You know the real problem
with this town?
It's not Panic.
It's not the players
or the judges.
- At least they're trying.
- The judges?
Are the judges the ones
that plan the game?
- "Maybe."
- I told you, I didn't play.
All I know
is what I've heard.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Okay. Well, uh,
if you hear anything else,
do you mind
just giving me a call?
I'd appreciate it.
Thank you, Myra.
Sergeant Langley?
You didn't let me finish.
Be careful.
The game will go on.
The signs are everywhere.

Hey. Keep your eyes
where they belong.
[Natalie] Please.
They are, trust me.
And what kind of person doesn't
have a social media account?
A sane one.
- [Bishop] Careful.
- Hey, do you think
now that the judges
know who we are,
that they're watching us?
Of course they're watching.
How else are they gonna get
intel on all the players?
They're probably
tracking where we work
[preacher] deception
of the tireless Antichrist.
[Natalie] and live
[preacher] Do not deviate
from the path
I'm going to work.
[preacher] will still find
yourself seated with the rest
of the heathens,
next to the Devil.
[Natalie] and hang out
watching what we do when we
think there's no one watching,
keeping tabs on who we're with.
We're squared up.
They're studying
all the players.
What, no invitation?
Uh, we were actually
just leaving.
- Hmm.
- Mm.
I'm just saying hello
to the new kid.
Let's get out of here.
Can I help you with something?
- Yeah.
- [clears throat]
Go ahead and give me
the fuck you.
I'm here to help you.
Look I know you're
the new guy in town,
and you probably heard about
the game, and you probably heard
- it was one big
fuckin' hard-on
- Get to the point?
The point is,
Panic's a local game.
We made it. We run it.
We keep it a secret.
Strangers aren't welcome.
All graduating seniors
are eligible
to play the game, right?
And very few
are eligible to win.
I was pretty eligible when I got
those 25 points from the Jump.
I like you.
I like you, I do.
I like a man ain't afraid
to get his ass beat.
It's gonna make it
all that much sweeter
- when I beat his ass.
- [slaps counter]
[door bells jingle]
So, Diggins really hasn't said
when the next challenge
- is gonna be yet?
- Don't look at me.
I'm not trying to be
an accomplice.
Uh, guys?
What's that?
[Bishop] Typical.
Only a couple days
after graduation,
and already half the letters
have dipped out.
[Heather] Hey, it's a clue.
Look, the missing letters
spell something.
So we know where
the next challenge will be.
- The question is
- When?
So it looks like we're looking
for a start time.
Maybe we'll find it
at the granary.
[Bishop] I'm kind of surprised
you actually came up here.
[Heather] We couldn't all spend
all of seventh grade
climbing up here to scan the sky
for alien radio signals.
[Bishop] No, it was
all of sixth grade.
In seventh grade,
I came up here to look at porn.
- [Heather] How romantic.
- Nah, nah. Tonight
tonight is about you.
Think of it as a
training exercise.
Well, I highly doubt
the challenge
will involve snack food.
All right, enough chitchat.
We're supposed
to be looking for clues.
[Bishop] You see anything?
I don't know, let me look. Um
major structural hazard.
Old chemical drums.
Snake nirvana.
And at least six luxury
high-rise condos for rats.
- So yeah,
everything seems normal.
- Hey, how much do you think
they're charging rats for rent
around here?
Not funny.
Not good. Not your best.
Look. Heather,
what I said at the library
When I said you couldn't win,
- I
- It's okay.
No, no, no. Listen.
I didn't mean you
couldn't win Panic specifically,
I meant generally.
You can't win.
I mean, sure, people
take home the grand prize,
but how many people
actually win Panic?
Conrad Spurlock got out.
He moved to Florida.
Yeah, because he would have
otherwise been arrested.
People say he was stealing cars
with Luke Hall.
- I mean, they killed a girl.
- Okay, I heard that
that had nothing to do
with the game.
- That they stole the car
- Exactly.
Because winning Panic
didn't fix anything.
It didn't save them
from making stupid choices.
It only bought them chances
to make even dumber ones.
[Bishop sighs]
You can buy stupid choices;
you can buy smart ones.
No, you don't buy 'em.
You only pay for the bad ones.

[insects chirping]

[Langley] Williams,
I think I got something.
Has there been
any suspicious activity
at the granary lately?
[Williams] Funny
you should ask, Langley.
We just got a complaint
on some graffiti.
Apparently it went up overnight.
This is not a real number,
because it's missing two digits.
I'm thinking, like,
it's a geotag, or
[Williams] Okay,
so what is this? Is this, like,
a scavenger hunt?
These kids are running around
looking for clues?
[exhales] I don't know.
I had Hernandez run
numbers and addresses
for every Stan, Stanley,
Stanton, Stanson and Stanner
in the county.
If I were you,
I would divide and conquer.
You really outdid yourself.
Oh. Well, you know
what I always say:
preparation beats perspiration.
- You have never ever said that.
- Just sit down already.
Well, if we're gonna win,
we got to do our homework.
Yes, Ms. Williams.
Starting with the players
we think
- are most likely to win.
- Okay.
[Natalie] Ray Hall.
Everyone's betting on him.
He's reckless, fearless.
He's not afraid of pain.
- Also, he might be
a psychopath.
- Ooh, also that.
And he's a legacy.
His brother Luke
won the game a few years ago.
[Natalie] What do we think
of Tyler Young's chances?
I don't know, I mean, you're
the one who used to date him.
[scoffs] I was a sophomore.
Anything you do
before junior year
can't be legally held
against you.
Besides, eh, we hooked up,
like, four times.
- Well, I have five and a half.
- I still put Young at 50/50.
On the one hand, he's too dumb
to be scared of much.
- On the other hand
- That tribal tattoo is
a sign of weakness.
Ugh. I was gonna say
he doesn't need the money.
Ah. Pharma.
It's good that Adam Lyons
is up there,
'cause he's basically
just a walking appendage.
- What about Troy Van?
- Mm, Troy Van.
[Heather] I mean, if you can
wear lip gloss in Carp, Texas,
then you've got to be
kind of a badass.
Good point. I think
Shawna Kenny could be a problem.
Her brother, Hunt,
is coaching her.
And she's just so fucking cool.
Last but not least
the new kid.
Dodge Mason,
mysterious backstory.
- Motivations unknown.
Weaknesses undetermined.
- So I'm guessing that'll be
- just a swipe right
from you, then.
- Okay, okay.
Now on to the main event.
Challenges usually fall under
a couple different categories.
We have labyrinths
and wilderness drops.
[owl hooting]
Thefts and illegal entry.
[glass breaks]
Ugh, all the gross stuff,
like snakes, rats and spiders.
Challenges of physical stamina
under pain
or stress.
I'd bet anything tonight
that the challenge
will be a crossing.
The points will be for speed.
Isn't that how Abby died?

I don't follow rules
from nobody ♪
Get up out my face,
you're nobody ♪
Nobody ♪
If I'm just a girl,
then stop running ♪
Stupid girl,
get it together ♪
[Diggins] Let me hear it
over there!
Let me hear it over there!
All right, boys and girls,
chicks and dicks,
welcome to challenge numero dos,
Walk the Plank.
And reminder,
we have 23 players
in the competition.
All players receive 100 points
for joining
except for Dodge Mason,
who gets an extra 25
I don't see him.
Maybe he missed the sign.
- That's good news.
- and Heather Nill,
who gets an extra 50 points
and immunity
- in a challenge of her choice.
- [whoops] Heather!
He's here.
- Maybe I should go say hi.
- [Heather] Hey,
no fraternizing with the enemy,
- okay?
- Fraternizing is how we find
- the enemy's weak spots.
- [Diggins] Helping me
keep records
is the ravishing Summer Calvo.
I'd hit it.
points work by deduction.
The slower you are,
more points you lose.
- [timer beeps]
- You got 90 seconds to cross
before you are in the red
and out of the game.
And now,
in no particular order
Drumroll, please.
- Drew Santiago.
- Santiago.
- [cheering]
- Holy shit! Whoo!
Let's do this!
[girl] Drew Santiago!
Hey, since when
is Bishop friends
- with Leela?
- [Leela chuckles]
[Natalie] They probably know
each other from church.
It's where people go
to socialize.
And judge each other.
Mm, exactly. Socialize.
Don't break the plank, buddy.
Nice of you to join us.
- How are you?
- Oh.
[metal creaking]
[grunting softly]
Drew, you got this!
- [boy] Go, Drew!
- [girl] Drew!
Drew, your timer starts
three, two,
- one.
- Go!
- [cheering]
- [metal creaking]
[girl] Yeah, you can do it!
[scattered cheering]
Holy fuck.
[laughs, whoops]
- [cheering]
- Fuck you, Ray!
I didn't break the plank!
Big surprise.
Big surprise.
[Diggins] Next up
Looks like Shawna Kenny!
- Shawna Kenny, you're up!
- [cheering]
Yeah! [whooping]
[sniffs, sighs]
- No, dude. No, no, no, no, no.
- Oh, Langley.
- Here. You're welcome.
- Thank you.
Are you having any luck?
Ah, ruled out every kind
of Stan in the county.
It's all Greek to me.
Greeks and Romans.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Yes. Okay. So, so, the Romans,
they used letters
for their numerical system.
What if this graffiti
is using numbers
to give us a message?
One, "O."
Two, "D." Three See?
S-So, wait, okay. Okay.
So, "O" is one.
And Ray Hall makes it across
in 17 seconds,
setting the new record to beat!
Oh, yeah!
- [whoops]
- [Summer] Next up,
Heather Nill.
[Diggins] Heather, you're up.
Wish me luck.
You'll do great. Just
don't look down.
It's literally
the only place to look.
Wait. Wait. Um
Just just be careful.
Heather, it's, uh, now or never.

[scattered cheering]
[boy] Go, Heather!
your timer starts in three,
- two, one.
- Wait, Diggins.
- [Summer] Go!
- [cheering]
[metal creaking]
Shit. Sh-Sh-Shit.
[Summer] Five seconds!
- I can't look.
- Oh, my God.
[Summer] Ten seconds!
[Natalie] Come on,
Heather, you got this!
Come on. Come on.
You got it! You got it! Just go.
[Summer] Twenty-three seconds!
[Bishop] Come on, come on,
come on, you got it!
- [Adam] Under-over on Nill?
- [Tyler] Mm.
She's out, man. I've seen snails
move faster than that.
- Fuck.
- [others gasping]
- Fuck.
- [boy] Whoa!
- Just breathe. Go.
- Uh, tell me when it's over.
[Ray] Yo, Nill.
Hey, you want to sit around
showing your ass all night,
they got openings at Scarlett's.
Isn't that where you buy
all your girlfriends?
[Ray] I get my girlfriends
all around, darling.
But they sit on my lap for free.
[Heather] You know,
I knew you were stupid.
But what you just said
really just drove it home.
That's the thing
about stupid decisions.
They're always the fun ones.
Don't you have
anywhere else to be?
[Ray] No.
What could be better than this?
What is he saying?
[Natalie] Come on, Heather.
[Summer] Forty-eight seconds.
Get a little closer.
[cheering and applause]
You're welcome, by the way.
Oh, my God!
[girl] Yeah!
- Hey.
- Holy shit!
You killed it. You killed it.
I almost puked.
Find a new chew toy, huh?
Just be careful.
I hate it when one
of the good ones gets broken.
I'll be gentle.
I don't mean her.
[Williams] "Tom at"
One, two, three,
- four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine.
- Wait.
No, we're combining this.
This is a 14.
So "N." "N." "Tom
Tom at ten."
It's not a scavenger hunt.
It's a start time.
- Whoa, whoa.
- Whatever's happening
tomorrow at 10:00
is happening at the granary
at 10:00.
- Tomorrow.
- Hang on.
- This graffiti
went up yesterday.
- Right.
Well, it's almost 11:00.
Shit. Cortez!
- Gonzalez.
- Oh, shit.
- Chavez.
- [Summer] Up next
Dodge Mason.
- [cheering]
- Dodge Mason, you're up.
Got to piss.
[boy] You got this!
[girl] Careful!
[Diggins] All right.
And, Dodge Mason,
timer starts in three, two,
- one!
- Go!
[boy] Dodge is a pro!
[boy 2] Go, Dodge!
[gasping and screaming]
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, shit!
- Oh, shit!
[metal creaking]
[Natalie] Oh, my God.

[cheering in distance]
[whooping and cheering]
- Holy shit.
- [whooping]
[boy] Go! Go!
- [cheering]
- [Diggins] Oh!
Dodge Mason!
Dodge Mason at 55 seconds!
- [Summer] Fifty-five seconds!
- He's still in the race!
Dodge is still in the game!
[Ray] Wow, thought
we almost lost you there.
[others gasping]
[excited murmuring]
Not even a kiss good night?
[others exclaiming]

Get the fuck off me!
[all clamoring]
Hey! Chill!
Are you fucking kidding me
right now?
Oh, my God.
[siren wailing]
- Cops, cops! Go, go, go!
- Run!
Everybody stay
exactly where you are!
On your knees! Hands up!
[all clamoring]
[siren wails]
- All right, stay close, okay?
- Yeah.
This way, this way, this way.
[indistinct shouting]
Ah! Ow!
- My ankle. [grunting]
- Come on.
Get the fuck off me, bitch.
I didn't do anything!
Stay down, stay down.
Right hand
You motherfucker.
[shouting continues]
[groaning, panting]
- Ow. I need to sit down.
- [Heather] Come on.
- [Dodge] Okay.
- Okay, just make it here.
Oh, my God.
- Okay.
- [panting]
- You okay? Yeah?
- Yeah.
Okay, I think
I'm gonna go call Bishop.
- Okay.
- [breathing heavily]
Can I see?
Um you don't have to.
It's fine.
- I'm sorry.
- You mind?
[Natalie] No. No, go-go for it.
Okay, so, um
probably ice this
once you get a second.
- Okay?
- Oh.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Yeah.
- How's that?
- [gasps] Mm.
- It hurts.
- Okay. Can you hold this?
[chuckles softly]
Oh, don't worry.
I've had my monthly shower.
Lucky me.
[Dodge] Yeah. Let me know
if this is too tight.
[Natalie] And what does this do?
Hopefully just restrict
your movement.
You study first aid?
- Not really.
- [chuckles]
- your sock.
- [laughs]
Thanks, Prince Charming.
[Dodge] Sorry.
[Natalie] It's okay.
What was up with you and Ray?
Just, um
Ray just being an asshole.
- Mm. Of course.
- Yeah.
You're not afraid.
[Dodge] Of what, the game?
Of anything.
Everybody's afraid of something.
- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
- Well, what about you?
- Hmm.
Can't tell you that.
Oh, it's that scary?
[chuckles softly]
What about you?
What are you scared of?
Not getting out of here.
It's pretty terrifying.
- Hey.
- [Dodge] Hey.
Um, we're all good.
Bishop's gonna come back for us.
- We're good to go.
- Okay.
- Sweet.
- Great. You good?
Oh. Thanks.
- Yeah.
- I can I can manage.
You guys, I'm good.
[chuckles softly]
- [Heather] It's fine.
- Oh.
We caught a bunch of kids
we think were playing Panic
last night.
You're too smart
to get mixed up in that,
- yeah?
- [scoffs]
- Come on, Dad.
- I just want
what's best for you.
- You know that, right?
- [sighs] Yeah.
I know you always think
you know what's best
Yeah, because I am your father.
Oh, by the way,
did you get a chance
to look at those brochures
from the community college?
- They have
acting classes, baby.
- Dad,
- I just graduated.
- Oh.
I get it. You want to work
at the pharmacy forever.
- That's your business.
- Oh-oh, all right. Okay, okay.
I'll Fine.
I'll take a look.
[chuckles softly]
[door closes]
I love you!
I know that!
[doorbell chimes]
[indistinct chatter]
[Cortez] Williams.
Do me a favor.
Will you pull the tapes
from the speed trap
south of the granary?
I want to get a good look
at the traffic from that night.
That graffiti
didn't graffiti itself, right?
- [chuckles]
- Hey, Sarah Miller's
still here.
Sounds like she's ready to talk.
Who's Sarah Miller?
Remember Caitlyn Miller?
Well, Sarah's her little sister.
She's the only one
we were able to keep in custody,
thanks to Langley.
She nabbed her
with a beer in her hand
and a dime of marijuana
in her front pocket.
I can start off with her
if you want me to.
No, no, no. You put her
in the interrogation room.
I'll handle it.
Hyenas, John.
These kids, they, uh
they protect each other,
like hyenas,
until you isolate one of them.
And then, well
then they just protect

[door opens]
[Cortez] Melanie.
Mel [sighs]
We talked about this.
I'm sorry.
[sighs] You got to stop
doing this to yourself.
You got to stop
doing this to us.
You got to stop.
Have you eaten anything all day?
Come here.
Why don't you shower up
and you get your hair all pretty
and we'll go to the Old House
and I'll get you
a double cheeseburger
and those curly fries you love.
Come on.
Let me get this.
I think it'll be good
for you to get out of the house.
Do you?
[clicks tongue]
[Melanie groans softly]
You all right?

[Cortez] One thing
is being good at barbecue.
Another thing is being
a pitmaster.
It's all in the wrist.
You want to flip it up and
- [Jimmy] Uh, okay. Okay.
- Oh! [laughs]
- [Jimmy laughs]
- [Cortez] Saw that.
I want to say happy birthday
- to the most
- [Melanie] To the most
- beautiful woman Girl.
- [Cortez] Girl. Girl.
- Mwah. In Texas.
- In Texas,
- who gets
- The great state of Texas.
- prettier every year.
- And prettier.
- Announcing the world-famous
macaroni salad.
- [Cortez] I love you, baby.
- [Melanie] I love you, too.
- [Jimmy] Oh, there she is.
- By yours truly.
What are you doing?
- There's Abby.
You're a little rascal,
aren't you?
- Come on!
- [laughter]
Come on. Get in there.
- Take a picture.
- This is good.
- Come on, son.
- [Abby] Smile for the camera.
- Okay.
- [Abby] Smile, Jimmy.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait. All right.
[Jimmy] Getting a little bald
up there, man.
- [Abby] Oh!
- [Jimmy] What's up?
[Abby] All right,
show me the teeth.
Not like a raccoon, Jimmy.
- Aw.
- Happy birthday, baby.
- Happy birthday, Mom.
- We love you.
[overlapping chatter]
[Cortez] Give me
those hot dog buns. Let's go.
[Jimmy] Go long, Dad.
Go long!
- Old man's still got it!
- [Cortez] Old man?
[Midlake: "Acts of Man"]
If all that grows starts
to fade, starts to falter ♪
Oh, let me inside,
let me inside, not to wait ♪
Let all that run through
the fields through the quiet ♪
Go on with their own, on
with their own hidden ways ♪

When all the newness of gold
travels far from ♪
Where it had once been ♪
Born like the Earth
over years ♪
And when the acts of man ♪
Cause the ground
to break open ♪
Oh, let me inside,
let me inside, not to wait ♪
Great are the sounds
of all that live ♪
And all that man can hold ♪
Great are the sounds
of all that live ♪
That live ♪♪
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