Paradise City (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

A Groupie in the Tabloids

I never thought
this could be me ♪
-The Relentless are back.
-Come on, Johnny.
-This is for real.
-Let's get it done.
-The shitheads on
local message boards
are saying the only reason
I'm putting on bigger shows
is because of who my dad is.
-Take this away from me.
-You did this all on your own.
-This business is a jungle
and you're either
a savage animal,
or you're a dying,
fucking pathetic roach.

[cheering, applause]
-Dylan, we're not supposed to
play the new song, dude.
-We're playin' it.
-[cymbals crash]
-What would you say was
rock bottom for you?
-This 18-year-old virgin
begged me to take her
virginity, and I did it.
-He's there on TV
talkin' about it.
You know what you have to do.
-Have you had any contact
with the girl
since that went down?

-Babe, are you good?

-Who was that?
I thought I saw something.

-Are you sure?
-No, it's fine, it's fine.

I'm just dyin'
to find a way ♪
Are we just thrust out
in the night? ♪
Are we just waiting
for a light? ♪
Are we just cursed now,
you and I? ♪
Think it's time
to say goodbye ♪
[radio chatter]
-Wh-- What's goin' on?
-Well, you didn't have
a heart attack,
so that's a good thing.
-What-- Let me out of here.
-Take it easy.
But you did have
an acute panic attack,
and you fainted.
You know, it could have been
a lot worse.
-Yeah, I could be dead.
-We're gonna have to
take you to the hospital
and get you checked out.
-No, no, I'm fine.
-What's going on?
-MAYA: Oh, my God, Elias.
-You got me strapped in here?
-What happened?
I knew something was gonna--
I knew it,
and what did I say?
-My body had a personal
stress festival.
I'm a little over capacity,
I guess.
Now, let me get out of here.
-Whoa, whoa, wait.
What do we need to do?
-His blood pressure is
really, really high,
just to let you know,
and we need to get him to
the hospital,
and we gotta get him
checked out.
-No, I'm not goin' to
the hospital, I--
-Stay still.
-Sit back.
-I'm fine. Yeah.
-I'm gonna cancel the meeting.
I'm gonna cancel
the meeting for tomorrow.
-Tomorrow? We need that.
No, no, I--
You said that guy's
blowin' up.
I can't afford
not to take that kid.
-Okay, look.
You're gonna take a vacation--
-And you're gonna
let your staff
handle things
a little bit.
-You're not gonna tell anybody
about what happened tonight.
-We won't tell anybody about
what happened tonight
if you promise that you'll take
a little leave of absence.
-They played the new song.
-Why did you let them do that?
-I-- I--
-I didn't let them do it.
-You did!
-I can't control what Dylan--
started playing the song.
Why did Johnny become
a heroin addict,
start fucking
the bass player?
-Is he fuckin' her still?
-I don't know.
But you know what?
We'll rush the release,
I'll do damage control,
it'll be fine.
-Don't worry about it.
-You guys have a recording of
the song they played tonight?
-They did that, like,
a year ago.
-Well, that's a relief.
I mean, come on,
look on the bright side.
-Shoulda gotten married
25 years ago,
I got no kids,
I got nothin'.
I got nobody,
I just got that stupid band.
-You have us.
-Yeah, that's right.
-You have us,
and we need you.
-Come here, Maya.
-Come on, just go to
the hospital.
-Come on, climb up here.
-You know what--
-You know what you're doing?
-No, he needs to be checked out.
-If you could just sign this
and maybe release him.
-We need to get out of here.
-MAYA: I don't know
about this, guys.
-Let me out of here.
Let me out!

-Hi, I called earlier.
I'm checking to see if
a package that I sent--
-Listen, I gotta
call you back.
-That show last night
was fuckin' sick.
God, I wish I could see 'em
in a venue this small.
Look at that.
Look at that.
-God, that's insane.
-Look at the moshing.
-You know what?
Let's just save our money
and move to California.
That's where it all goes down.
One day, you could be
working with The Relentless.
-Yeah. Working with
The Relentless.
-Hey, I'm not kidding you.
You're good enough to be
working with any band you want.
You could be working with
The Relentless.
You're not gonna do that
sitting here.
I think we should do it.
Come on, L.A.
-Don't test me.
I'll do it.
I'll fully do it.

-So going to
Akkadian Records?
-Uh, yeah.
-I know where that is.
You know, when I first
came out with my demo,
KROQ still played
loud guitars.
What the fuck is this shit?
I should probably change
to Sirius.
How do you feel about
some Octane?
Are you a singer?
-Oh, do you work there?
-Oh. You're applying
for a job?
-No, I'm not.
-Your friends and family
work there?
-Yeah. Something like that.
-Oh, Mm-hm, mm-hm.
Taking your baby
from the bus stop to
the record label.
Sounds like a real
Hollywood story.

-Yo, yo, yo,
what's up?
what's y'all gonna do
to get me on the cover
of "The Rolling Stone"?
-WOMAN: It's actually just
"Rolling Stone."
Oh, uh-- Oh.
So you-- you seriously think
you're ready
to be on the cover of
"Rolling Stone."
-I was born ready, girl.
Question is,
does the big boss man
in this room
got what it takes
to get me to the top?
-With all due respect,
there's a lot
we need to build up
before a cover.
-Yeah. Maybe your girl Maya
is just wasting my time
sending me here.
-Oh, Maya wasted your time--
-Comin' over here?
I need to be on a major,
'cause it sounds like
y'all caught up in the minors.
Know what I mean?
-What-- What--
It's, uh, Fritz?
-Yeah, that's right.
Now, we all see your greatness
and appreciate it,
it's crystal clear,
but maybe we just need to--
to show you.
-I'm listening.
-Maybe make, uh-- Yeah.
"Rolling Stone."
There you go.
Now, just grab it
with both hands.
Visualize you on the cover.
[chuckles] Yeah.
-ELIAS: Right?
Now just toss it onto
the floor.
Throw it away.
Yeah, like it doesn't
even matter.
-Don't even matter.
-Because the world is waiting
for an artist like you.
-That's right.
Now we're talkin'.
-'Cause you're already a star.
-Big star.
-So you just need us
to make you shine bright.
-Yeah, I'm feelin' that shit.
-'Cause you're gonna shine
fucking bright.
-I hope y'all just got
what it takes
to make sure everybody
see me shine.
So now
stand up
so that we can see the light.
-That's right.
-Okay, step back.
Put both feet on the magazine.
-Like this?
-ELIAS: Good.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
[Fritz inhales]
-ELIAS: Breathe in real deep
and dream about being
right there on the cover.
-[exhales] Yeah. Yeah, man.
-FRITZ: Yeah, what you got?
-You made it.
You're on the cover
of the "Rolling Stone."
-The fuck?!
-ELIAS: You can, uh,
validate your parking
out front, Fritz.
-He serious?
-Yeah, he's serious.
-Man, fuck y'all.
I'm gonna holler at Pantheon.
-Elias, we have someone here
who needs--
-Man, fuck Akkadian Records!
Y'all can't handle my hype
-Someone needs to
meet with you.
-Who? Who needs something?
Everybody needs something
around here.
-Trust me.
-Everybody needs something,
it's like, Elias, I need you
to get me a gig,
I need you--
Elias, I need an advance,
Elias, I need--
Big deal. I--
-Well, who-- What? Who? Who?
[baby fussing]
-[baby crying]
-You need me?
-What? What is this?
I-- I'm sorry, sir.
Please make sure
she gets to her father.
-What are you talking about?
What-- What are you do--
Who's fa-- What?
Hey! Hey, somebody stop her!
-Jeez, what--
Faith Sarah Faust.
Oh-- Oh, s-- What--

-It's Elias.
-Take it if you need to,
but stay in the zone.
-What's up, dude?
Yeah, why?

-And the birth certificate
says Faith Sarah Faust,
Las Vegas, Nevada.
I-- I can't believe it.
So what happens now?
-I'm-- I'm gonna take her home.
Nobody has to know anything.
-JOHNNY: All right, uh,
just-- just, uh--
just make sure this doesn't
end up leaking online from
some intern.
-No one in this office
knows who the father is.
So-- And, well, you can come by
the house later if you--
if you're ready to.
-JOHNNY: Elias, thank you.
-Love you, kid.
-JOHNNY: Love you too, man.
-[phone beeps]
-[baby cries]
-[crying continues]
-Rock, rock.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-[sighs] Well,
we need to print out NDAs
for everybody in this office.
This cannot get out.
And you need to find me
the best nanny in town.
-I'm on it.
-I should probably pick up
some diapers, also.
Are you still gonna go to
the Sirius XM studios
for the world premiere of
their new single tonight?
[baby fussing]
-Yeah, it's--
it's a stupid question.
[baby fussing]
-What'd Elias have to say?
-He told me something that's
gonna affect my career
in all sorts of ways.
-Okay, well, can you still
go to therapy after this?
-Of course.
-What did he say?
-Can we do something special
tonight? Just us?
-Don't you have
the radio premiere
for the new song?
-[sighs] The other guys
can handle that.
Tonight's about me and you,
not the band.
-That's perfect.
Jesus, man.
That's heavy.
But hey, dude, it's--
That's beautiful
at the same time.
I mean, she's healthy, right?
-Yeah, I guess.
I'm going to Elias's to
meet her for the first time.
-[sighs] Wow.
When are you gonna tell
-I'm not.
Not until after
I propose to her.
-Wait. What?
-If she finds out
that I have a kid
from a one-night stand,
there's no way she'll say yes.
She'll say that she loves me,
she'll cry.
She can't do it.
-Yeah, but, I mean,
you're just gonna, like,
keep the kid a secret?
You gonna do adoption?
I'll tell her after I propose.
-Oh, Jo-- Okay, I'm not
following here, Johnny.
-I need the peace of mind.
I need to know that
if I didn't fuck this up,
what could have been.
I'll torture myself for
the rest of my life if I don't.
-All right.
Yeah, I know, man, I--
I get that, I do.
Yeah, just make sure you do,
like, a paternity test,
and, you know,
just before you, you know.
I got your back.
You know that, right?
Listen, come here, dude.
I love you, man.
It's gonna be okay.

-And now you have Pauly
from Over It All on four.
-[sighs] Oh, Pauly.
Hey, Pauly.
-PAULY: Hey, Maya.
We finally got to Virginia.
How you doin'?
-So, promoter said
we ain't gettin'
any beer or food.
-MAYA: I'm sorry, Pauly.
He said he only pre-sold
seven tickets.
-PAULY: We used to
sell this place out
in advance.
-I know.
-What's happening?
-You have that Relentless call
starting in one minute.
-MAYA: Pauly,
let me call you back.
-All right?
-All right.
-[phone beeps]
-The fuck is goin' on?
-Seven pre-sells
is what's goin' on.
-Did you advance this show?
Did you talk to Maya about
what tours are running at
the same time?
Did they make fliers?
-Don't put this on me.
Don't put this on me.
-You're the manager.
You're supposed to manage shit.
-Answer the fucking question!
-Ahh! Ain't my fucking fault!
All right? This shit's shot.
I'm not in the band.
You're on the flier,
I'm not! All right, dude!
-It's a good thing
you're not on the flier.
Look at you. You look like
a goddamn monchhichi.
Get the fuck outta here.
-Would you fuckin' stop?
-Get to work.
What the fuck?
Manage some shit.
-Ain't my fault you can't see
the freakin' picture, dude.
You can't see the picture!
No one's here!
Nobody's here!

-You should try it.
-Here, guys.
-Thank you.
-What's up, guys?
-Hey, hey.
-So, uh--
So where's Johnny, mate?
-Uh, he, uh--
Said for us just to talk about
the game plan then, uh,
let him know
what we're thinkin'.
-[scoffs] Wow, what--
what's his deal this time?
-So, have you spoken
to Gretchen lately or
-Probably a good idea to do so.
-Yeah, I mean, I figured
you'd want to reach out
with us starting back up again.
Had to have been
some tension last night,
old wounds reopening,
you know what I mean?
-Yeah, it's probably true.
I should call her
and figure out a meeting.
So wait, Johnny's still
going on air with us
for premiere of
the single, right?
[clears throat] No.
No, no, he said for me, you
and Leo just to go handle it.
-Wait, what?
So he's not coming,
and he specifically said he
doesn't want me there, either?
-Well, I mean, Dylan,
it's kind of your fault
we're having to rush
this whole release.
You're fucking
with my head ♪
Yeah, yeah,
you're fucking with my head ♪
You're fucking
with my head ♪
-Hey, Maya, it's Jay.
I've only got
seven tickets sold
for this
Over It All show tomorrow
and I'm not gettin' killed
on this tour.
-MAYA: Jay, why don't you
shave off some expenses
for tomorrow,
and stop breakin'
my fuckin' balls, huh?
-Look, your guys are just
gonna have to do without
the booze and dinner.
I'll do towels and water
but that's it.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I don't know about all that.
Why don't we
talk tomorrow night
after doors, okay?
-Tomorrow night?
This is a matinee show.
You talked me into doing
a matinee show on a weeknight.
-What the fuck kind of
booking agent are you?
-The best kind, Jay.
The best.
[phone beeps]
-Dad, you should calm down.
It's just a concert.

-Come see The Flux.
It's an all-ages show,
it's only 10 bucks.
-You should come to our show.
-Hey, I recognize you.
-Yeah, I've been to
your show before.
-I'm Amanda.
-[chuckles] Tosin.
Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Hi, uh, Simon.
-Hi. Hi. Amanda.
-Nice to meet you.
Um, you're the person
who runs that really cool site
with the local bands,
the D.C.-Virginia-Maryland
-Yeah. Yeah, my friend
is actually opening for
Over It All
the same day as your show but
I heard it might get cancelled.
Do you guys need some help?
-Uh, yeah, we'd love
some help, for sure.
Sorry, um, Jay cancelled
the show or the band?
-Yeah, Jay, 'cause of
low ticket sales,
but, um, maybe you could
add 'em to yours?
-Uh, yeah.
I doubt we could afford 'em,
but might as well try.
Their agent doesn't really
give us the time of day
'cause we're kind of
small time,
but she might now,
you know?
-Hey, we, uh, still
working here or what?
-Yeah, we're working.
-Yeah, sorry.
-Um would you mind
handing some of these out
if you're gonna be helping?
-No, no, no.
-Sweet. Thank you.
[whistle blows]
-GIRL: Over here.
I'm open!
-GRETCHEN: Come on, girls.
We've got this.
If you want to
make it to state,
we have to treat
every minute on this field
like you're already there.
Let's go!
-[indistinct shouting]
-[cell phone ringing]
-Hey, Gretchen.
Uh, it's Lily, hi.
-Hey. How are you?
-Oh, I'm--
I'm all right. Um--
Look, I just, uh--
I wanted to talk to you
the other night,
but I didn't know if,
you know,
it was the right time
or place so I just--
-Hey, I'm sorry, I gotta go
because I'm coaching right now,
but, uh,
we can talk later maybe.
-Oh, right, right.
Okay, no, um--
Well, really quick,
I-- I just wanted to see if
there's a time
later this week,
you know,
that we could just finally
have a chat, it would be good
to-- to do that, you know?
-Yeah. Sure. I'll-- I'll just
call you after practice.
-Great. Thanks, Gretchen.
It's really--
[phone beeps]
-WOMAN: Hey, hon.
Do you have any more laundry?
-Um yes.
I have a wash, um,
that's waiting to go in.
-You ready for what
this sick fuck wants now?
-Five grand for your lint.
-Swing it, bitch. Yes!
God, I love a good creep.
-Live Nation's on three
about the New York show
with The Relentless,
AEG also wants to
put in an offer,
and just about every other
promoter in the country's
been trying to reach you
about them.
-And Jay's on one.
He said it's urgent.
-[groans] Ohh.
All right, hold Live Nation.
What's up, Jay?
-I see that The Relentless
played a special club date.
I'm sure as hell gonna get
the east coast play, aren't I?
I mean,
so I can make up some of
the money I'm going to--
-It's not in the cards, Jay.
-Why? I took the risk on 'em
when they were nobodies,
I mean, come on.
-There's no easy way
to say this but
your place just isn't
the right look, man.
-I'll tell you what's not
the right look,
this fucking washed up band
that you sold me
that's gonna cost me
my goddamn mortgage!
That's it,
I'm pulling the show!
-Is that Jay screaming
about Over It All?
Why are you still booking
that fucking dumpster fire?
-Because I've been with them
forever, Ross,
and I am loyal to a fault,
I guess.
-What is up with Elias
making a complete fool
out of Fritz?
What's up with that?
I mean,
you set up that meeting,
you sent him over there.
-I didn't know it was gonna
go down like that.
-That's a problem, okay?
I mean,
that kid is blowing up.
He's blowing up, Maya.
I mean, come on,
we gotta stay
relevant with that stuff.
with the new wave
of the [stammers]
the sound-- you know,
of the sound--
-Sound cloud rap stuff.
-Look, you,
you're gonna have to cover
that showcase, all right?
-Okay, okay.
-You're gonna do it,
and you're gonna bring
every label and every manager
you know.
We're not gonna lose this kid
over this.
-Ross, do you know
one of Fritz's songs?
Yeah, I got--
I'm gonna go look it up,
but just get on that.
Wow. Thanks.
-You pay them 50 percent.
The band already drove
down there.
It's not fair, Jay.
-50 percent beats
a hundred percent.
That sounds fair to me.
-[phone line disconnects]
-Dad, I don't think
it's gonna be a good look
for the local scene
if we just cancel the show.
And would you please take
your blood pressure medicine?
-I tell you what, man,
this business is drivin' me
right off the fuckin' deep end.
I am really sorry,
but I promise
the next time I talk to her,
I will get her to listen to
your demo.
I'm sorry.
Hate to lose my temper
like that.
-WOMAN: Gretchen,
do you feel your insecurities
make it difficult
to trust Johnny?
-I used to be so confident.
Ever since he had sex
with his bass player,
I just find myself constantly
over-analyzing everything,
and comparing myself to her.
-It was meaningless,
drug-induced sex on tour.
You could come on
the road with me,
and then you wouldn't have to
worry about that.
-Well, Gretchen
shouldn't have to uproot
her entire life
to feel stable and secure
in relationship with you.
-I mean, I like traveling
with Johnny sometimes,
but I also like
having my own career
with teaching and the team.
-So, what can I do?
-It's more what I feel like
I need to do.
I don't have
millions of followers,
I'm not in a rock band,
I'm never gonna have
that Gothic edgy look.
-Babe, stop.
I don't give a shit
about any of that.
I've loved you since
before the band.
I want to spend
my life with you.
I want to have
a child with you.
None of that
would have ever happened
if I weren't on drugs,
and I'm clean now.
Besides, I think
an English teacher
is a lot hotter than
some rocker girl.
-Viv, where's the baby?
Vivian, I'm talking to you.
Where's the baby?
where's my granddaughter?
Where is Faith Sarah Faust?
-Faith is far away from
her psychotic grandmother.
No, no, no.
So what, you just-- you just
gave her to the father?
Well, where's the check?
-Gretchen, do you want
a family with Johnny?
-I mean, yeah. Someday.
But he's in a band with her.
It's not gonna change
any time soon.
-I mean, there was
a Relentless before Lily,
there can be one after her.
-Getting rid of her
isn't the solution.
It means a lot that
you'd be willing to do that,
but it's not what
the fans want.
It's not what I want.
-So what do you want?
-Tell me there's a check.
That little girl was the--
the key to our way out of
this shithole existence!
Are you insane?
-I did what was best for her,
and for me.
I'm not gonna be
a gold digger groupie
in the tabloids, Mom.
-How do you think that
you could make the relationship
more secure for Gretchen?
-I have to rebuild the trust.
I have to show her
my absolute commitment.
-This stupid, little girl.
You stupid,
stupid little girl!
Go on, head back to your job
where you make your sandwiches
for $10 an hour.
You see how far wearing that
stupid little hat gets you.
You know nothing about life!
-Fuck you, Lizzie.
-WOMAN: Why don't you guys
go do something special?
What was your first date like?
-Well, we went to
the county fair.
It was freshman year,
I had just moved to town,
and Johnny bribed
the Ferris wheel guy
to let us ride all night
until he got his first kiss.
-It only took, uh,
like three hours,
and about 300 dirty looks
from the people in line.
-Now we're getting somewhere.

-That DIY kid in Virginia
with the legion hall shows
is on three.
-Do I look like I have time
to take calls from teenagers?
-He has a show he can put
Over It All on to replace Jay's.
-[phone beeps]
-Um, h-- hey, dude.
-Um, Simon.
-Simon, right, right.
Um, I heard you had
a show that you could
add Over It All to?
-Uh, yeah, yeah, I do.
The bands are all local,
but, uh, it's gonna sell out
for sure.
-Can you pay 'em three grand?
If I had a month to promote
instead of a day.
Does a thousand work for you?
-Fair enough.
Okay, send me the show's info,
my email address is--
-Yeah, I know,
I got your email.
Maybe now
I'll get a response.
-[chuckles] Well,
now we finally have
some business to do, huh?
Well played, young man.
-Thank you. Um, if you
don't mind me asking,
why did Jay cancel the show?
-Oh, 'cause he didn't
get his way,
and, uh, the low ticket count
didn't help.
-Yeah, ever since he made
the no moshing rule,
kids stopped going there.
-Wh-- What did he do?

-Okay, so if I beat
your high score,
you're doing the dishes
the rest of the month.
Here we go, here we go.
-[clattering, bell ringing]
Come on, baby. Ooh!
Boom. Oh, shit, oh,
she's doin' good.
Oh, oh, rackin' up the--
-[doorbell rings]
Who's here? What--
Did you--
You didn't tell me
anyone was coming--
-I didn't tell you
Johnny's coming over?
-Fuck! I hate you!
You did that shit on purpose.
You know you did.
You're a fuckin' asshole,
and you're still doing
the dishes.
Hi, Johnny.
-Hey, Mrs. Stone.
-Oh, my God.
Janis, please.
Give me a hug.
Okay, by the way,
Mr. Stone said that
if you beat his high score
in Pinball,
he'll give up his commissions
the rest of the year.
-Wow. Thanks, hon.
I love you, too.
-Yeah, you do.
-How you doin'?
You change your mind
about tonight?
-No, I still can't go.
-Go on, have a seat.
-I, uh-- I need you
to get Elias to give us
the advance
for the record up front.
-Why? What's goin' on?
-I just spent a fortune on
a ring for Gretchen,
and I got a bunch of
heavy shit goin' on.
Plus, honestly,
I don't think I'm the only
one who needs the cash.
Full advance.
It's gonna put a lot of
pressure on Elias.
Are you two okay?
What-- Is it Gretchen?
Did she and Lily talk?
-No, but
I think she's fine.
-Buddy, I gotta tell ya.
If you think women
ever get over that shit,
you're livin' in a dream land.
But have you been working on
any new songs,
new material?
'Cause that's gonna be
the first thing Elias asks.
-[sighs] Yeah, a little bit.
It's kind of hard for me to
focus on that right now.
Hey, we'll get you
a few million bucks.
And you can put that ring
on her finger.
You'll be back on track.
-Okay. Hey, thanks, Adam.
-Hey. We're in this together.

-MAN: And coming up
in less than 60 seconds,
the release of a new single
by The Relentless,
exclusively here
on Sirius XM Octane.
-Oh, hang on.
How about I, uh, trade you
those keys for
these snacks here?
-A solid deal right there.
-Hm. So wait.
You promised them $1,000?
That's all of our profit.
I mean, they're a cool band,
but they're shot.
They're not gonna draw us
any extra people.
-Yeah, no, I know,
but now
we have a relationship
with the agent.
And, dude, she represents
all our favorite bands.
The Relentless
is on her roster.
-And that's why you're
the business guy.
-I'm telling you, man.
Cheers to that, right?
-Let's do it.
-Even I know her agency.
Hey, just relax,
it's one beer.
Hey, and who
bought these anyway?
[music playing on TV]
-Okay, let me call you back,
they're going on,
they're going on.
-Hey, now, what's up?
It's Jose Mangin,
Sirius XM Octane,
please welcome to the airwaves
Lily, Vic and Leo
from The Relentless.
-What's up?
Good to see you, my friends.
Congratulations on
the huge success
of the first album, the tour,
the world domination.
We're so proud of you,
but we've had your back
since the beginning.
-And you know that, man.
And Lily,
our 15 year old daughter
started playing
the bass guitar
because of you.
You're doing an awesome job.
Keep inspiring, girl.
-[chuckle] Oh, my goodness.
Thank you.
-Of course.
No, you're welcome.
So we're here to make
a world debut
of a new song from
The Relentless
called "Forgive Me, Mother."
So you guys
wrote and recorded
this new song
before you went on hiatus.
Tell us a bit about it.
-Okay, this is gonna be
your castle. Okay?
But this, I don't know
what this if for.
-[metal clattering]
-I think this is a mosquito net.
Oh-- Oh.
Calling Mars.
[growling] Woo!
-LEO: Like, when you're
on tour, you see the world
from a road through
a bus window. You know?
I mean,
not really experiencing
the cities you're in
every day,
so you sort of slip into
this vicious cycle
where you wake up,
you get on stage,
you get off stage
and you rage
far more than anyone has
any business doing.
Then you recover,
and the cycle sort of
repeats itself,
all the while,
you don't even realize
how fast time's flying by,
because you're just out there
thinking, well,
-these moments are never
gonna end. You know?
-But let's be real.
The-- the time that
you enjoy wasting,
it's not wasted time.
There should be holes.
I don't know how to
read directions.
Never could.
This is--
[imitates engine revving]
-Just gotta stray away from
being clichéd degenerate
fuckin' rock guys, you know?
In shorter words,
we need to grow up a little
and appreciate more.
You know?
-I got ya.
-[crying continues]
-Do you need to be changed?
-JOSE: All right, well,
let's change direction
and talk about lyrics.
-Look at this.
Oh, is this your fanny?
-No. Help.
with this next new song
that we're gonna debut.
"Forgive me, Mother,
for I have sinned,
by being what my father's
always been."
Now, is that Johnny being
about not being present
in the moment,
or is there something more
to the lyrics?
-You know, I think that's, uh--
that's a question for Johnny.
-All right, I'll ask him,
you know,
maybe next time I see him.
-What's the real story?
-Johnny Faust doesn't know
who his dad is.
-Wait. I didn't know
he was adopted.
-He's not. His mom
toured for a living.
She just never found out
who the dad was.
Girls like to have fun, too,
you know?
-So, he went his whole life
never having a dad?
How the hell
do you know that?
-Um I read a lot.
His mom did an interview
in an old issue
of Hit Parader magazine,
like back in the early '90s
when she first got pregnant.
But, uh, the issue
was never digitized,
so not a lot of people know.
-JOSE: And now, the moment
we've all been waiting for,
the world debut of a new song.
-Oh, yeah.
-This is The Relentless with
"Forgive Me, Mother."
-Is the
-I can't breathe.
Not of this
-Oh, shit!
Can not face the path I take
Life will take until I break
Know my soul's not for sale
Never drink from the
-[phone line ringing]
-WOMAN: Thank you for
calling information.
What city and state?
-Hollywood, California.
-WOMAN: What listing?
-Adam Stone, Artist Management.
-WOMAN: Thank you.
Please hold.
Forgive me, Mother,
for I have sinned ♪
By being what my father's
always been ♪
Forgive me, Mother,
for I have sinned ♪
-[bell ringing]
-Ah! Yes! I beat you again!
-Every time.
-I always beat you.
-Ah. This is so fun.
Are you ready for
the grand finale?
-Yeah, um,
when's your next game?
I want to come.
I-- I don't care about
the photos and stuff.
-It's Thursday night
against the number one team
in the conference.
Are you actually
gonna show up there?
I'll take my shirt off
and try to throw the other team
or something.
-Perfect. I have to use
the bathroom.
I'll be right back.
Hey, man, I, uh--
I got two tickets for
the Ferris wheel.
-All right.
Better hurry, though.
Next one is the last ride
of the night.
-I think we'll make it in time.
-Livin' on a prayer.
That's my style.
-I got faith.
-Facing your future.
Don't fight it.
-Sorry, what's that?
-I said faith in the future.
I like it.
-Hey, um, hey, uh,
will this help at all?
-Uh, appreciate
the generosity,
but time's the only
real currency we have.
-Okay. Thanks.

-[bell rings]
-Time! That's the last ride
of the night.
Thank you so much.
Goodnight, everybody.
-Hey, uh, can we do one more?
-You'll have to
speak with her.
She presses the button.
-Okay, um, hey, miss.
Yeah, um, my girlfriend's
in the bathroom.
Is there any chance
we could do one more?
-You mean right now?
-[inhales] Ooh, ooh.
Anything for this one.
-Sorry. There was only
one stall.
I'm here now.
-[laughs] Hi.
I'll make the wheel in the sky
keep on turning,
but do you two know where
you'll be tomorrow?
-I don't know.
Let's go.
-Have fun.
-That lady was so weird.
[bell rings]
-Oh, my God. I haven't been on
one of these in so long.
Why did it take us forever
to do this?
-Why did it take me
so long to do this?
-Babe, what are you doing?
-I love you.
I can't imagine spending
the rest of my time
on this earth
with anyone but you.
I want to be together
on this journey forever.
Gretchen Mary Ruth,
will you marry me?
-[air hissing]
-[Ferris wheel powering down]
-Save me
-Oh, shi--
I'm lost
Oh, Lord,
I've been waiting for you ♪
I'll pay any cost
Save me
from being confused ♪
Show me what
I'm looking for ♪
Show me
what I'm looking for ♪
Oh, Lord
Don't let go
I've wanted this
far too long ♪
Mistakes become regrets
I've learned to love abuse
Please show me
what I'm looking for ♪
Save me, I'm lost
Oh, Lord,
I've been waiting for you ♪
I'll pay any cost
Save me
from being confused ♪
Show me what
I'm looking for ♪
Show me
what I'm looking for ♪
Oh, lord
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