Paranormal (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Myth of the Curse of the Pharaoh

The Meteorological Service announced
an urgent statement declaring
that what the country is facing
is a crisis that will pass shortly.
It's due to the intensification of soil
and the fire ignited that ripped through
the remaining planted crops.
In the studio with us today
is Dr. Sobhi Saleh,
the weather expert
who will take his time explaining to us
the reason
behind this strange meteoric phenomena
Welcome, Doctor.
-Good morning.
-Thank you.
"If your mind tries
to trick you, humor it."
I don't think it ever happened.
Good morning.
The sample you are examining
from the diplococcus bacteria…
These live in pairs,
and if divided, they die.
But this always reminds me
of parties in Edinburgh.
The moment music starts, the boys run,
each to grab the hand
of a girl to dance with him.
As if she is saving him
from a fate worse than death.
And I always stayed alone, remember?
Of course, I remember.
But no girl would dance with you
if you don't make a move and ask her.
Can you have a look?
When the bacteria
were placed in a different medium,
the pairs divided, and they survived.
This is peculiar, indeed.
Any progress with your research?
Most of the materials
that I need are not available.
I can provide you
with all the materials you need.
No, you're busy.
By the way, I once asked a girl
to dance with me, but she refused.
Since then, I no longer dared to ask.
Ms. Howaida.
Is it true that the sun
will never rise again?
No, sweetheart. Don't worry.
Tomorrow, we will wake up to see
the sun above us again. Don't be scared.
Go back to your seat.
How are you, Dr. Refaat?
Did you not receive an official summoning?
Yes, that's right.
Sorry. I was busy.
I had tests and monitoring.
Please come with us as we don't have time.
-Let's go.
-This way.
According to Refaat's 16th law,
"All attempts of escape
from official summons
will be a failure."
You are here today
because an official, high-level decree
appointed you to perform an autopsy
on a recently discovered mummy.
We were supposed to start early,
but some people
just keep wasting our time for nothing.
I want to remind you
that this project is confidential.
You are prohibited from making
any statements to the media.
The autopsy report must be sent today.
Can you help me, please?
They say the Meteorology Authority
will send people out to explore
the dark cloud.
God, have mercy on us!
In such cases, I get worried
that they'll make matters worse.
Does it look good?
-Murphy's tenth law.
These are nice laws
that were discovered
by an American engineering officer.
Just like what you've said,
every problem's solution
leads to a new problem.
Something like,
my wife is sure that I'm cheating on her
because I haven't returned home yet.
A cigarette?
No, thank you.
I will take my pack back when we're done.
Okay, I'll see you there.
You can't perform an autopsy on the mummy.
Touching the Black Pharaoh
will make the country go mad!
Ramzi, don't keep the doctors
from their work.
Please do not touch it.
You're all going to die.
Everyone who got close to it died.
You'll be doomed!
I'll make sure to ban you
from entering this department.
-Please, sir.
-Go out!
-Just listen to me!
-Let's go.
-Let's go!
-Please listen! You'll all die!
-Let's go!
-You'll all die!
What's the deal, Dr. Refaat?
Heading to the moon?
Why are they asking
for these measurements then?
For entertainment?
Scalpel, Mustafa.
Are you joking?
Get out of there!
Get out now!
Get out, people!
Get them out!
Exit this place immediately!
-What's this, Raeefa?
-Incense for Taha.
-What's wrong with Taha?
-He saw a demon, remember?
By the way, I ironed your shirts.
But you have to buy new shirts.
All your shirts are worn out.
Why don't you answer
your home telephone when I call you?
How exactly will this help expel demons?
Are they demons with asthma?
What were you thinking?
You came to the house with another woman
while your fiancée was present.
I invited her out of courtesy,
forgetting that
the higher class isn't like us.
They take invitations seriously.
"Out of courtesy"?
You're lucky
that Howaida is kind and simple.
If I were her,
I would've hit you with something
and dragged that girl out by her hair.
Fortunately, you are not her.
I'm not joking, Refaat.
If Howaida grows tired of you,
you'll live and die alone.
I told her that you're taking her
to the movies today.
Pick her up, wearing that tie and ring.
It's embarrassing that you're a doctor
and I'm reminding you of this. Plus…
Talaat! I told you a million times
not to enter the kitchen.
How are you, sweetheart?
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Did you see anything else?
Like what?
Forget about it.
Go on.
Go play.
There has been a rumor
that this is a new weapon
that the enemy is testing.
Let alone that the fever
is also said to be related to the cloud.
Refaat, are you with me or not?
I'm with you.
You know how much I love you.
You are closer to me
than my brother, Medhat.
It is true that we don't communicate much.
But trust me. If you ever want
to let off some steam, I'm here for you.
If someone is involved in a relationship
that he doesn't know
how to get out of, what can he do?
Is it a relationship with a woman?
No, with an ape. How smart!
Yes, assuming that.
If I knew how to end
a relationship with a woman,
I wouldn't have stayed
with your sister all these years.
Raeefa is a great woman! I meant it.
She really is.
You know how she yells at me?
I still can't live without her.
If a day passes without her yelling,
I'd be worried about her.
I'll continue taking down the laundry.
In today's episode
of your midnight's show,
we will be talking about
the phenomena of the scary dark cloud
above you.
Is it a natural occurrence
or a sign of something else?
A preamble for a great event
or a threat anticipating danger?
I'm Sharif Al Saadani,
and I'll be with you
during the upcoming hours.
I reserved two seats in the middle.
As you like, sir. All seats are empty.
Does anyone have the peace of mind to
go to the movies? Take your seats please.
I wonder what's worse.
Breaking her heart right now or her
losing her youth to a guy like me?
That tie looks good on you, Refaat.
Thank you.
Why don't women marry
a hero like Shoukry Sarhan?
The difference between what a man
can dream of and what he can achieve
is truly amazing.
By the way,
the novel is better than the movie.
Did you…
did you read the novel?
And I know you like Yahya Haqqi.
You also like "Al Atlal"
and dislike "Enta Omri."
Your favorite page
in the journal is the obituaries.
That page reassures me
that the number of humans is decreasing.
That's a very beautiful interest, Howaida.
Thank you.
That's enough.
I won't marry a hero like Shoukry Sarhan,
but I wouldn't like
my husband coughing all the time.
By the way, I didn't tell you.
I think I saw the female ghost
you guys were talking about.
Where did you see her?
In my school.
I saw her in the hallway,
but when I looked again, she was gone.
You might be imagining things.
How is Maggie doing by the way?
She's good.
No, please stay.
I will walk you to the entrance.
No, you're tired. I can go by myself.
I'm not that
little girl anymore, Mr. Refaat.
You're alive?
Almost alive.
I'm sorry. I had to wait for you here.
All the people who were with you
in the autopsy room today…
They passed away.
Yes, sir.
Dr. Refaat is just fine.
Yes, I'm with him, sir.
Sure thing. Consider it done.
Goodbye, sir.
I am sorry, Dr. Refaat, but Mr. Zakaria
asked me to check up on you myself.
Thank you.
You don't believe me, right?
No. Why would I think you're lying?
You think I'm hallucinating
and no one died?
I do believe you.
Please, Doctor.
-You have to help me save the country.
Everything that is happening
is a curse from the Pharaoh.
You're the only one
who made it alive today.
You need to help me bury
the Black Pharaoh.
We'll all be at peace then,
and so will the Mut.
-The what?
-The "Mut," Doctor.
The uneasy spirit in hieroglyphics.
The Mut comes back
for revenge upon the living.
The Pharaoh's Mut is at large
and has to return to the body.
Whatever it takes!
Well, I have obligations,
so I'm asking you not to worry.
Doctor, I have to worry!
Just listen to me--
It will return to the body.
-This can't wait.
-We are already working on this.
I can explain everything.
-Thank you for coming.
-Dr. Refaat!
-Thank you.
Dr. Refaat!
Did anyone enter or leave
the place before I arrived?
This is a message, Dr. Refaat.
This mummy belongs
to Pharaoh Neferkare the Seventh.
The Black Pharaoh.
He took the throne
from his beloved brother.
He killed him, erased his being,
and married his loved one.
She never stopped mourning him.
That's why Egyptians called her Ka-She-Ra.
It means "the saddest one."
What is your opinion, Doctor,
regarding the phenomena of the black cloud
and the curse of the Pharaoh?
What's wrong, Ms. Howaida?
Can I use your phone?
Someone is following me.
the phone is out of service.
Ms. Howaida!
How is this related
to what's happening in the country?
The Pharaoh felt
the people's hatred towards him.
That's why he threatened anyone
who desecrates his grave with a curse.
This was mentioned in a rare papyrus.
"Let my curse fall
upon those who oppose my will."
"It will befall on them
when they're alone,
-with no one to love…"
-Just what I needed.
"I'll take his life with no witness
nor a soul in sight."
Are you laughing?
No, I'm listening.
Doctor, please, there's no time for that.
"My revenge will start with darkness,
then the plague, and then the end."
Okay, can you please speak
in a language I understand?
There is an evil Pharaoh,
who is an ill-mannered scoundrel.
This Pharaoh swore
to kill anyone who disobeys him.
He hunts them down when they're alone
so that no one can come to their rescue.
The hieroglyphic text
was more understandable.
Okay, so…
What do you need from me?
I mean,
what should I do
regarding the Pharaoh's issue?
We have to bury him together.
The darkness has already happened.
I hope we can avoid the plague or the end.
This will protect us
from the curse of the Pharaoh.
This is a sistrum.
Written on it is a spell
from Hathour and the eye of Horus.
This is what we'll save the country with?
The Pharaoh's ghost
is taking its revenge, Refaat!
What are you doing?
That's how the doctors died.
If we don't act fast, she'll die too.
We suspect that it is DIC.
What does that mean?
Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Is this related to the plague
that's hitting the country?
No, these are not the same symptoms.
How was she infected?
How could you leave her alone?
I didn't leave her alone.
I dropped her off at her place.
Then how come
you found her on your staircase?
Refaat! Look at this.
The plague is spreading, Refaat!
Sorry for calling you now.
Howaida has been hospitalized.
We don't know.
I personally don't know.
No, she's not stable at all.
We already did.
Maggie, I really need you beside me.
That would be great.
Thank you.
Howaida's case is very strange.
But it is definitely
not related to the plague.
What happened to her
is the same thing that happened
to the doctors in the autopsy room.
But by God's grace, we managed
to save her life with the sistrum.
What autopsy?
And how is it related to Howaida?
Maybe this caused Howaida to fall ill.
Exactly. That's a scarab.
It carries the angry spirit of the Pharaoh
and leads him
to whoever desecrated his mummy.
Scarabs, darkness, and a plague.
And that baby rattle
is supposed to solve everything?
that sistrum saved Howaida,
and you saw that.
But here,
you won't be able to save anyone.
But we need to get
this scarab examined first.
We don't have time. I have a solution.
All I need is Dr. Refaat's help.
You're the only one capable
of getting us inside the autopsy room.
What happened to Howaida
killed all the doctors who were with you.
You're alive because she saved you.
You have to believe me, Refaat,
if you want Howaida to get well.
I know a story similar to
the one you told us.
The Egyptian prince killed by his sibling,
who loved a foreign woman.
-Prince Neferkahor.
For political reasons,
he wasn't able to marry a foreigner.
Exactly. He avoided marriage
by traveling and waging war.
His leg was amputated due to an injury.
He returned from war with a wooden leg,
and his younger brother
took the throne and married his beloved.
-His beloved is at the temple, right?
I think she wrote him an elegy
on a bottle of kohl,
where she kept a lock of her hair.
No, it wasn't a kohl bottle.
It was an amulet
with a written incantation.
"With the blessing of Amun and Maat,
until fate reunites me with my beloved--"
Enough. Stop talking hieroglyphics.
These are all variations
of the same old myth of Isis and Osiris.
Folktales and myths. I don't believe
any of that really happened.
Of course. He knows everything.
And my research? It convinced you, Refaat.
I'm not convinced,
but I don't have any other choice.
Maggie, go back to the hotel.
No, I want to help.
I'm going to raise hell, Maggie.
Did you ask me to come
so you can drop me off at the hotel?
Sir, there's no one inside.
My name is on the list
of those who have access, right?
Yes, your name is here,
but that was in the morning.
Should I report to General Zakaria
that you didn't allow me?
You will be held responsible
considering the circumstances.
Thank you.
Wait a second, Doctor. Come in.
In that case,
can you please buy me cigarettes
and something to eat so I can get to work?
Sure, but I'm the only one standing guard.
My colleague is not here yet.
I will fill in for you. Don't worry.
Sure thing, Doctor.
Take the driver's seat
and keep the car running.
You sent him to get food and cigarettes?
Then we only have
about 30 minutes. Get a move on.
My yearslong research that
nobody believed will now save the world.
Or waste our time.
You should thank me.
I'm helping you save your fiancée.
Sekhmet, your messengers
have crossed over from hell.
The demons of your night
are spreading horror in ours.
Your wind will not harm us.
Horus is our protector.
We should get out of here soon
before we get cursed.
Sekhmet, your messengers
have crossed over from hell.
Horus protects us!
-Go back to where you came from--
-Those are humans. Run!
Move it!
-Howaida! Answer me, sweetie!
-Get out, quickly!
-Answer me!
-Get out of here.
This way!
This way, Refaat!
Where are we going?
I will give you directions.
Keep going straight.
We have to bury this Pharaoh now.
-I know the way--
-It's not him, Ramzi.
What do you mean?
This is not the Black Pharaoh.
What are you saying?
This is not the Black Pharaoh, Ramzi.
It's not Nefer Khafra.
Whatever! This is not him.
This is his limping brother.
No, impossible!
Listen, if this is the limping prince
and the woman in the temple
is his beloved, whom his brother married,
then the kohl incantation means--
It's not a kohl bottle. It's an amulet.
Whatever, Ramzi!
What does the incantation say?
It says…
"With the blessing of Amun and Maat,
until fate reunites me with my beloved,
all evil in the world shall then stop."
If there's any sense to all of this
and the papyrus you have is right,
then this is the curse cast by
the Black Pharaoh on his brother's tomb
to erase any memory of him.
And the queen's incantation
is the only hope.
I can't think straight!
And the Mut?
The angry spirit of the Pharaoh?
I don't know what I'm saying,
but this is a curse.
A curse that forbids the reunion
of the prince and the queen.
Maggie, turn around.
We have to enter the temple.
Is this the temple? Are you sure, Ramzi?
Queen Ka-She-Ra
is buried in the burial hall
in a black granite coffin.
Where is Ka-She-Ra, Ramzi?
She is around here
or she might also be there…
-Or we might find her in the hallway--
Search there.
Maggie, search this hallway.
I'll check the one in the back.
What else?
What is wrong with you?
Did you see a ghost?
She's stable now, but there's no progress.
Let's hope for the best.
So what can we do now for her recovery?
The Amenhotep antidote!
Howaida needs the antidote, Refaat.
It cures the incurable.
A yellow flower in the far west.
-It is called silphium. It can--
-Enough, Ramzi.
I followed incantations, curses,
and the papyrus to no avail in saving her.
The sun is up.
There are no updates.
Did we really save the world
from a curse, Refaat?
Even if I swear to yesterday's Refaat
that I did just that today,
he wouldn't believe it.
Don't worry. You'll get used to this.
Fifteen years ago, I bought
two engagement rings to propose to a girl.
I hesitated.
A braver man
proposed to her and married her.
I decided to give up.
But it seems I cannot give up again.
I did all that I could.
I did things I never imagined I would do.
Forgive me, Howaida.
Wake up, Howaida.
Wake up, and we'll get married.
I'll do everything you want.
Please wake up, sweetie.
Wake up.
Subtitle translation by: Farah Hawarneh
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