Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

- Go out ! We are moving!
Intriguing music
- Come on! Come on, come on!
Whistle blows
Step aside !
You mustn't hang around here, sir!
You see
that you are obstructing traffic!
We are moving!
- I have an appointment with the prefect.
- You don't read the papers?
He just got heavy.
It seems that the next one
is older than the old one.
- What is your name ?
Soft music
Tearing of paper
- A problem ?
- We must correct the breasts,
they hang down.
- This is not the opinion of everyone.
- Do not move.
A bell rings.
- Too late !
I expect the visit.
In the absence of a model,
use your memory.
A door closes.
- Membership of the Anti-Semitic League
requires sponsorship of a member.
Madame la Comtesse de Vaudois
will be your godmother.
Once in the square,
you will need to get closer to
the leaders of the League:
the Guérin brothers,
MP Drumont.
- There is a charge for membership, I suppose?
I am not paid,
as a snitch?
- She's lovely.
Naive, but charming.
- The countess will pay your membership fee.
- But that's very kind of him.
Have you been a snitch for a long time?
- Eight years. It's a record.
Little laugh
- What fable am I going to tell?
What motivates my membership?
- The truth.
You were Félix Faure's mistress.
You are venal, unscrupulous,
you have stories to sell.
- "The Jews secretly indulge in
bloody and murderous rites.
"The dismemberment of the body
and the collection of blood
"are part
of their ancestral traditions.
"You only have to look at
the killer killers that we leave behind
"take action at the slaughterhouses of La Villette.
"These, unlike
the brave French killers,
"do not knock out the beast. No!
"They kill kosher, you see…"
- And they don't just kill beasts.
- "They kill kosher, you see
"And they don't just kill beasts."
It's better.
Thanks Mom.
"The police know, of course,
"of all the crimes of the kites.
"And, ask our readers,
"what is the prefecture doing?"
Tension music
(- I couldn't have known.)
(It's not fair.)
- "Instead of investigating
real criminals,
"our police
cowardly murder a patriot,
"long-standing anti-Semite,
at the Ministry of the Interior,
"who was about to reveal the secrets
"of the Dreyfusard clique
which governs us."
- The bloody suitcase!
- "Rest in peace, Alphonse Chagnolle,
"because your death will not go unpunished.
'The Anti-Jew investigates for the truth,
"for justice, for France."
- 10 cents only!
You will know all about the plot!
- It is impossible for me,
under the current circumstances,
to confirm whether the cut woman is,
yes or no, Hélène Chagnolle.
Age and physiognomy correspond.
That's all I can say.
- You could have taken the fingerprints
at home
to compare them
with those of the victim.
- I could have,
if 15 police officers hadn't put
their fingerprints everywhere.
I told you
to discipline your men.
The scientific accuracy
of fingerprinting remains to be proven.
Bertillonage does not lie,
but the footprints
Science is progressing,
but it has its limits.
- You had no such scruples
in condemning Dreyfus.
- I will not allow you!
The graphologie,
unlike fingerprinting,
is accurate.
Dreyfus is guilty, I say it!
- Under oath ?
- A little calm, please.
The press is awaiting my statement.
Mr. Puybaraud, your opinion?
- Our interest is obvious.
A victim, a murderer,
a dead police officer
to be decorated posthumously.
Case closed.
- Two cases, two victims:
Hélène Chagnolle and an unknown woman.
- Theory of curator Cochefert
which only engages him.
- M. Chagnolle
sent a trunk to Brussels.
I contacted the postal services
to get her back here.
It would be unwise to file the investigation
before it is opened.
If as I think,
Hélène Chagnolle
is in this trunk,
you would look thin
- Is.
Bring in Inspector Jouin.
A door opens.
- Inspector Antoine Jouin.
He blows.
Calm music
- The prefect takes the blue room,
I take the one adjoining the boudoir.
This gramophone is mine. Put it here.
- Young man, we were wondering
if you are a hero or an idiot.
Until I make a decision,
do you have anything to say?
- Yes.
I am responsible
for the deaths of 3 people.
Out of weakness, I left Madame Chagnolle
at the mercy of her husband.
Recklessly, I caused the death
of Inspector Morpinet.
As for Alphonse Chagnolle,
he did not commit suicide.
I disarmed him
and killed him with his gun.
I am prepared
to pay the price for my crime.
He's laughing.
Bertillon laughs softly.
- Inspectors Morpinet and Jouin
have, risking their lives,
attempt to apprehend a murderer.
Alphonse Chagnolle was guilty
of the murders of his wife
and, during a
dramatic arrest , Inspector Morpinet.
As for the ongoing investigation into
the unknown woman,
which you call
"the bloody suitcase case",
it remains open.
- The Prefect will not reveal anything
about the current investigation.
He will not comment
on political news.
Please !
Mr. the Prefect has a statement to make.
- Gentlemen,
we are going to enter the twentieth century.
Our society needs
a modern, efficient police force,
endowed with adequate means
to defend our fellow citizens
at any time.
This is a telephone device,
also called "telephone".
We talk here, we listen there.
The use is familiar to you,
there are some in your writing,
maybe even at home.
There will be a device of this kind
in every police station in Paris.
and in each department of the prefecture.
A free telephone number
will be made public.
A special service, called "standard",
will be available day and night
to answer this number.
It is very simple.
You need help ?
Call the police.
A woman speaks German.
- Your land no longer belongs to you.
She translates into German.
- Jeanne Chauvin?
- Yes ?
I remind you of the law.
You claimed to be a lawyer.
It is forbidden to women.
The illegal exercise of
- Inspector!
I am a lawyer.
Albert Weidmann,
registered with the Paris bar.
Miss Chauvin, who had her master
's degree in law with honors,
works for me.
- She doesn't say that
when she insults the police.
Morpinet, do you remember?
You insulted him,
he died on duty.
- I'm sorry.
- Let's go…
She meant that she would
soon be a lawyer, as soon as the law
- A retrograde Senate
will not silence me!
- Continue and I'll take you on.
- Pardon ?
- Please
don't make a fool of yourself.
- I get it.
The inspector gives me the blow with
the armed wing of the law.
The policeman impresses the girl,
he threatens her and he consoles her
when they go for a drink.
Do you do this often?
- It's… It's not at all…
- Try something else, Inspector.
I do not know…
A bouquet of flowers.
The phone is ringing.
Cabinet Weidmann ?
Intriguing music
- She looks delighted, the damsel.
- And there,
we don't know which way to look.
- No, but how many are there?
Talk about gymnastics!
- A hell of a pig, this Morpinet.
It is the most beautiful collection
of the whole prefecture.
Hey ! He was carrying out funny investigations,
your sidekick.
- Piss-cold!
- Transferred,
he passes for a hero.
No, but we think we are dreaming!
- There is no justice.
We get a drunk medal,
and we congratulate her cute.
To laugh
Come on, rinse your eye! Peasant, go!
Panting breathing
- Fiersi!
Intriguing music
You're hot-blooded, Inspector.
I doubt
that Commissioner Cochefert appreciates.
A door closes.
Mixed voices
- Chandrot, report! The suitcase ?
- It's a common model.
The price varies from 6.90 francs
to 8.90 francs.
They can be found
at Galeries Lafayette, at the Grand Bazar
and in a hundred other shops.
A door opens.
- You want to atone for your faults?
Do it at home.
Buy yourself a swift.
If you do it again, I'll fuck you.
A victim remains to be identified.
First track:
Berger Joséphine,
missing for a week.
Incomplete report, neither tail nor head.
Archives, the garnis, criminal record,
last known address.
Do you have something to tell me?
Go to work !
- Joséphine Shepherd?
Unknown to our services.
No arrest, no Bertillonage,
no file.
Intriguing music
- Joséphine Shepherd
Do you have a borough?
- No.
- You're in no hurry?
Tenants are sorted by name,
but filled by neighborhood.
10 per district.
You will search 200 times.
Good luck.
- This little brat
deserves a lesson, I agree,
but do it discreetly.
Where are you at
with Pompe Funèbre?
- It's this evening,
rue Chabrol. I'll be there too.
- There will be some commotion.
A bunch of anarchists
want to invite themselves to the meeting.
I let it happen.
The more mess the better
for Pompe Funèbre.
- Including.
- What is bothering you?
- Cochefert's investigation.
I saw the list
of missing women,
I spotted a name:
that of the Hirondelle.
- Pretty girl ?
Inactive for a while, right?
- Two years.
Locked up in Saint-Lazare.
I had forgotten her, but
We don't want to know if it's her
in the trunk?
She had a friend, Émile Terrail,
a butcher, a big arm of the Guérins.
- You're going to meet him tonight,
ask him for news.
- The Jewish work,
it's the flag
rolled in the mud!
The crowd nods.
It is France humiliated and divided!
- Drumont is brilliant.
Have you read Jewish France ?
Meg acquiesces.
- It is the patriot who is murdered
and the traitor we release!
- Ugly, avarice, ambition
He attributed all of his own faults
to the Jews.
- Well seen !
- Death to the Jews!
Long live the army!
- Hi, Mimile.
- Inspector.
- You're a star at the slaughterhouses.
A killer of oxen.
It's degrading to work with a pig.
- They give me, I cut.
- Cut me a cute one.
- That will be all ?
- No.
I'm looking for a friend of yours,
Joséphine Berger.
You were pretty close.
- Not seen for a while.
I have no news.
- Don't cut yourself, go.
Don't you know where she nurses?
- No.
I didn't even know
she was out.
- You are the pig, Guérin!
La foule protests.
- Who just spoke?
Who just insulted me?
- It's me.
Sébastien Faure.
- My friends,
anarchy is there,
tonight !
Are we going to let them insult us?
- NOT !
- Come get me !
- Go get the reinforcements.
- Mom's son.
Disturbing music
- Come ! Stand back!
- Step aside !
Let Mr. Deputy go through!
- Mr. Deputy!
- But get me out of here!
- Help me, Mr. Deputy!
Save me, I beg of you!
Panting breaths
- I never should have come.
The omens were bad.
Mars aligned with Saturn is not good.
- Your panache, later,
the accuracy of your writings,
you stole my soul!
Feel how my heart races
in your presence.
Panting breaths
- Your mail.
- Ah thank you.
What does yours say?
Do the usual solicitors
already call on you?
- Some favors
Mostly insults.
It seems that you are being considered
like an "old man on the way back,
in the pay of a clique of Dreyfusards".
- Have a good day.
Creaking door
- The suitcase was fished out here.
The corpse spent less than 3 hours
in the water.
However, the current of the Seine is
on average 1.6 kilometers per hour,
which means that the assassin threw
the body from one of these 3 bridges.
Intriguing music
Each of these numbered suitcases
contains 23 kilos of sheep.
Inexpensive meat
and very close to human flesh.
At 9 a.m. sharp,
they will be dropped into the Seine
from one of these bridges.
Jouin and I will be at the reception.
We will see which one arrives safely.
Questions ? Yes ?
- Can we get the barbecue?
My wife loves lamb.
- Your missing person
Have you accommodated her?
- I peeled the garnishes
of six arrondissements. Another 14.
I will go back there.
If we find your bridge, will
we crisscross the neighborhood?
"Haven't you seen a man
with a suitcase?"
- Police work,
the real work of the police,
is inherently frustrating.
Patience, meticulousness!
We do not give in to our desires for violence.
And you become an investigator.
Disturbing music
- I shod Drumont.
This little goat dreams that I will do him
the same favor as Felix.
He believes he has a stronger heart.
He's going to have a meeting
with the Guérins for me.
My story interests them.
- Jules Guérin is a bittern
full of himself.
You will please him.
Pay attention to his brother.
Scary music
- My darling, we will not be long!
- Gentlemen, we are making progress!
Following the recovery
of suitcase number 3
and the neighborhood squaring
carried out by our inspectors,
we have a 1st witness
who saw pass
on the right bank of the Pont Neuf,
a man with 2 suitcases.
30 minutes later,
on the other side,
the driver of tram number 7
spotted a man
with just one suitcase.
The assassin came from there.
The a pris le tramway
It is unknown where he went.
I note that line number 7 serves
the slaughterhouses of La Villette
and that our man
is potentially a butcher.
No one travels more than a kilometer
with a 53 kilogram corpse.
It is within this area
that the scene of the crime is located.
(- Excuse me.)
- Yes, good… Jouin!
We need you in anthropometry.
- Good.
Sad music
- Gentlemen.
- Hélène Chagnolle.
He lights a cigarette.
- Buy my bouquet!
It's 2 cents.
Buy my bouquet!
- Come on, kid, go!
Not on the stairs
Footsteps are approaching.
Little cries
Jerky breathing
Sinister music
A baby is crying.
He takes a deep breath.
- Thank you for the filet mignon.
- A public meeting,
authorized by the prefecture,
sacked by anarchists.
This is an opportunity
to show firmness.
- So you are advocating a raid
Against who ?
The anarchists
or the Guérins and their League?
- I suppose the Prefect is joking.
- Is your croquemitaine, I know.
"Tremble, the bombers
are not far away!"
The stuff is worn out, old man.
After the repression, anarchists
would threaten the Republic?
- I am fighting against sedition, sir.
You prefer to distract the press
with your phone.
Our men don't want to be contacted
all the time.
The police don't like
to feel watched.
- Do you know why
you will never be in my shoes?
In 50 or 100 years,
when your name is forgotten by all,
that mine
will only be a note in the manuals,
there will always be telephones
in the police stations.
You don't have a sense of history.
- My dear, congratulations!
You are back at the top.
Your husband, associated with this government
- And Algeria, what was it like?
- Hot.
- Mr. Lépine
has had some difficult times.
The pogroms, the return to France
He was wrong to defend the Jews.
A man of his experience
- My husband was governor general.
He did what he thought was right.
I was happy
to return.
- I went to listen to
the deputy Drumont
among the anti-Semites in the rue Chabrol.
Very tonic!
Very funny !
And these butchers from La Villette,
so manly
- Were there any overflows?
- It was bloody.
I loved !
- This Dreyfus affair is driving
them all mad.
- Me, she gives me a headache.
- To you too?
I have a headache.
- Let's put on some music
to clear our minds.
- Gladly !
Upbeat classical music
- Chopin, I love it!
(- You allow ?)
She is blowing.
- Aren't you one of us?
She laughs.
He sighs.
Intriguing music
- Josephine Berger?
You know, people go by fast.
- It's in your registry.
You have taken over the premises
for non-payment of rent.
- Ah yes !
I am in good standing.
We leave without paying,
I wait for the legal deadline,
I empty the premises and I rent again.
We forget things, I put everything
in Mont-de-Piété. This is the custom.
- Can we look at his room?
Your name ?
- Gustave Pertaud.
How long have you been renting this room ?
- Last Saturday.
That's mine !
I am a
medical equipment representative .
- Did you notice anything
when you arrived?
- No nothing.
All the garnishes are alike.
But you should ask the neighbors,
because they have been there
- We didn't know her.
We have nothing to tell you.
- You
reported the disappearance.
You were scared
and did not give your name.
At night, he
babysits the kids while you type.
Either I take you on as a rebel,
either you tell me what you know.
- She asked us
to babysit Matthias.
Just for one night.
But she never came back.
- Joséphine Berger, single mother,
seen shortly before the murder.
Neighbors say
she adored her son.
Would she have abandoned him?
- The child?
- Public assistance.
His personal effects,
which his owner had kept.
- So, two worn dresses, patched together,
small linen, sewing kit,
a brush,
two books, one bible
and a copy of Tristan and Iseut,
autographed: "To my Swallow,
"I would have liked to fly with you."
Family photography in frame,
a woman and a child.
- Josephine and her mother.
Few people have touched the cliché.
We can take the prints
and compare them with those of the dead woman.
- Bournazel!
- Professor?
- Fingerprinting.
Oh, oh !
The tissue !
By the handkerchief, please!
Ah! Two letters.
Sender: Adélaïde Berger,
residing in Bischoffsheim, Alsace.
They are in German.
- I have someone to translate them.
The neighbor told me
that Joséphine had a friend or lover, a
butcher in La Villette.
A certain Mimile,
no last name.
- The butchers are a political group
in their own right,
and therefore,
listed by the prefecture.
I want the files
of all the butchers answering
the first name of Émile or Émilien.
- Well sir.
- You sang!
- You sang!
- It's okay !
It's coming ! Two seconds !
- You sang! You sang!
- Hello, Inspector.
- A bucket, Inspector?
Intriguing music
- Émile Terrail? Scald 7.
He's finished in 5 minutes.
He blows.
- Shall we have a drink?
- Yeah, I'll join you.
Screams of pain
- Sorry, Mimile. You're too tough
to be given a chance.
- I did not do anything.
- You lied to me.
I told you about Josephine,
you were afraid.
You know what happened to him.
She's dead, isn't she?
Did you cut it?
- You're nuts.
I loved her, me, this little one.
She was beautiful.
She was resourceful.
- Continue.
- She told me you betrayed her.
She had sex for 2 years in Saint-Lazare.
- So you saw her again.
- 3 weeks ago.
I almost didn't recognize her.
She was blackmailing someone.
Surely a rupine.
She asked him for a jackpot.
She offered me 5,000 francs
to keep her company.
I went there, yes!
But not for the money,
for her.
I saw her come in, but not come out.
The next day
I returned home,
more people.
- Give me a name.
- I have an address, nothing else.
When you know it,
you'll find the guy.
Josephine gave me this key.
Dismal music
5,000 francs
and I tell you what it opens.
- Félix was opposed to Dreyfus' return.
He often told me.
Living with him, there would be no review
of the trial.
He was blocking the road.
- Did we kill him?
- I do not know but…
I know he feared for his life.
And now that he's dead
Dreyfus will come back.
I also know that my lover, however
strong he is,
sometimes took
to guarantee his virility.
On the day of his death, he took it.
And the doctor who prescribed him
- Was Jewish, wasn't he?
Here is the plot, the assassination!
- Aphrodisiacs?
You can not make that up.
I wouldn't need it
for a real cutie.
Throat clearing
I believe her, mom.
- Louis ?
- The story is beautiful, yes,
but the source is questionable.
I find it hard to buy your conversion to the anti-Semitic cause .
- You are not buying my membership,
but a story.
if the price is right,
there will be others.
- You have no shame.
- And besides, she's naughty.
Drumont ?
It was you
who brought us the damsel.
Now I know why.
But does this fatal mouth
is reliable?
- There is only one way
absolutely foolproof to verify.
Let's question Félix Faure.
- Spiritualism? Really ?
- You don't believe in anything, do you?
Do you think
your cynicism is protecting you?
My dear,
we are going to open your eyes.
- Because the hydra with a hundred faces
will open its hundred gaping mouths
and all will utter a howl.
To this call
the hungry beasts will answer,
came to devour the sons of the innocent.
- Dreyfus…
The beast.
- And facing the apocalypse horde,
all the brave will rise up.
A man we hoped for more
will return,
and this one will wear a crown.
- Le roi,
back in France.
- And behind this man,
an armada will be formed,
so that justice triumphs.
- The union of leagues!
Archangel Gabriel,
is this your message?
Guide us on the path of truth.
- Enough !
Oh, spirits of the dead!
Hear my call.
She takes a deep breath.
Oh Lord of Limbo!
Send the one whose name I am going to name.
Felix Faure.
(- Meg, is that you?)
(Honey, I'm so sorry.)
- Felix?
(- I wanted to take care of you,
secure your future.)
(I did not have the time.)
(Beware of the lurking assassins)
(around you)
- You see?
The Jews !
- Sorry, Felix, I didn't want you
(- Do not be sad.)
(I had a very pleasant death.)
- Spirit!
I ask you to answer.
We summoned
you to tell us the truth!
Did we murder you?
(- Who are you, slut,
to disturb the dead?)
(You won't see the new century.)
Little moans
- Mom !
She moans.
- The poor ! She is doomed.
Henriette is infallible.
She predicted my election.
- You shut up!
Keep your prophecies for the assembly.
(in chuchotant)
And you, if you repeat a word
of what has been said here tonight,
you are dead.
Louis will pay you for the item.
Welcome to L'Antijuif.
Intriguing music
- It's Josephine, the dead woman.
He blows.
The butcher knows more,
but he is dying of fear.
- Who is he afraid of?
- Perhaps.
The bird chirps.
I'll have to water it.
- How ?
- 5,000.
He moans.
- Where do you find him?
- At the slaughterhouses. Before opening.
- I would like a number at La Villette.
The Weidmann firm, 25 rue de Flandres.
Phone ring
Thanks anyway.
Intriguing music
Neighing in the distance
The bird chirps.
Cough and difficult breathing
- Félix Faure's mistress
denounces the Jews!
The president has been assassinated!
Dreyfus the devil has left his island!
They are everywhere !
Félix Faure's mistress
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