Patria (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


How often do I have to tell you
not to bring creatures home?
Why are you here so early?
I haven't started cooking.
I had an appointment close by
so I can take your blood now.
So you don't have to go
to hospital tomorrow.
But try not to hurt me
like last time, okay?
Always complaining
Hi kitty. Are you taking care of mom?
-This cat has beautiful eyes.
-You always say the same thing.
I don't know if your sister's coming
to lunch or not. She never calls
She's back from London
with her "good for nothing" husband.
-Her husband has a name, Mom.
-I can't stand him.
-I call him "Cantstandhim".
-Close your fist, please.
Maybe Nerea called
and you weren't home.
I called yesterday and the day before
but you didn't answer.
I came early
to make sure you were okay.
So why didn't you come earlier?
I knew where you were
and where you'd been recently.
I know you've gone back to town.
I'm not going to ask why you went back.
It's your hometown.
But if you do shake up past events,
I'd appreciate a heads up.
I don't have to tell you anything.
This is my life.
We're all a part of that story, Mom.
-Xabi, are you okay?
-Something's wrong with my dad.
-Wait, I'll go with you.
-No, no. I have to run.
-Stop! You can't go in.
-I'm her son.
Mom! Mom!
I don't need an injection,
I can calm down by myself.
What happened?
Txato is dead,
so get your head around it.
-Did they tell you?
but I saw him.
His head was open.
-Txato is gone.
-Did they take him to the hospital?
Yes, but it's useless.
Poor Nerea, when she hears
We should call her.
The number for her flat
is in the drawer. Call her.
Can I fix you something to eat?
Of course not.
You're sure dad wasn't breathing
when they took him?
I'm Nerea's brother,
-the girl upstairs.
-The student?
-Yes, that one, yes.
-If you could give her a message.
-Sure. What is it?
-Tell her to call home.
-Say it's urgent.
-It's urgent.
-I'll let her know.
-Thank you, sir.
-Mom, did you call the ambulance?
-No, I didn't call anyone.
It came out of nowhere,
with all the sirens on.
A neighbor must've called.
Answer it, it must be Nerea.
Fuck you, Txato.
It wasn't her, huh?
Let's not answer the phone.
What if it's Nerea?
Or the hospital?
-Aránzazu Hospital.
-Hi, it's Doctor Lertxundi.
-Can you put me through to the ER?
-Yes, one moment.
-Hi, it's Xabi Lertxundi.
-It's Santos.
-Hi, how are you? What's up?
The truth is,
when he got here, he was already
Well, I think I think he didn't
have to come through here.
They arrived.
-Hi mom.
What happened?
Your husband doesn't like paella?
Quique's gone, I'll explain later.
-Hi, Xabier.
-You broke up again.
We didn't break up, Mom.
We've separated.
-It makes no difference.
-Do you need help with something?
Ignore her, you know how she is.
There's an extra plate.
-Anything else?
-No, that's it. How much?
Let's see, filets for breading, meat
for stock, eggs, and chicken breasts.
That'll be 11,50.
-Morning, Miren.
And that makes twenty.
Thank you and goodbye.
Have you seen? She's got a plant.
She can do what she wants,
it's her house.
I need a large whole chicken.
I've people for lunch.
All the peace they asked for
in the protests and the papers,
but when they've got it, they come
running back to screw it over.
-Is that okay?
All they talk about is peace
and apologizing to victims.
Who's apologizing to us?
Or isn't he a victim?
Damn the apologies,
it was all pointless in the end.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Tell Gorka to show up,
I can't remember what he looks like.
-Don't worry about it.
-Okay. Thank you.
Those flowers are crap
When it gets colder, she better
put them inside or they'll die.
Miren, Miren.
-Did you hear that she's back?
-Yes, I know.
She even put out some flowers.
Is she going to stay here forever?
-I don't know. And what about you?
-What about us?
-Your son is doing great in Mexico.
-Doing great?
Without him, Joxe Mari and Jokin
would be here. Maybe in trouble,
but at home.
Koldo was smart, first he ratted out
and then he fled.
Ratted out? My son was tortured
and almost killed.
-Don't forget that.
-I remember perfectly.
-You remember what suits you.
-Whatever Goodbye.
Let's go.
Later we went to those gardens.
Kew Gardens, beautiful.
I'll show you pictures later.
How have you been?
Hey, can you not tell mom
about that thing you mentioned.
What thing?
Nothing, just something small.
It's delicious.
I've decided to participate in a
meeting in prison with an ETA inmate.
I talked with a mediator,
a very nice woman.
I'm telling you because I don't like
going behind your backs. I guess
you'll be against it.
What do you hope to achieve?
I don't know.
I don't even know who I'm meeting.
I only know one thing.
I want one of them to know
what they did
and what we've been through.
What you've been through, you mean.
And after?
I'll listen to what he has to say.
Do you expect him to apologize?
I don't know.
The mediator says the participants
have had a good experience.
No one regretted doing it.
She promised absolute discretion,
the press won't know about it.
Do as you wish.
I'm not convinced by the idea
of talking to a random killer.
I might go and look into the eyes
of the one who killed your dad.
There are a few things I'd say to him.
But a random one, no.
What do you think?
Did the cat get your tongue?
I think it's a very personal matter.
After the meeting,
I think I'll move to another city.
I don't know which. Maybe abroad.
I have to go.
I'm watching the soccer match
and I want to go by the hospital first.
-Don't you want dessert?
Delicious paella. Bye.
Any thoughts on what I said?
You're old enough to know
what to do.
Would you rather me end up
like my brother?
What's wrong with him?
He's the saddest man I know.
What the hell do you know
about sadness?
Xabier told me you're going to town
every day and I think it's great.
You must be searching for something,
same as me.
I'm not searching,
I'm going to my house.
Can't I go to my house anymore?
Maybe it bothers you too.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Welcome to Sunday Mass.
Today we'll be sharing about
how Jesus, in the Gospel,
talks to us about something
we're not used to hearing.
Something that is in the Bible
What is she doing here?
Are you on our side or theirs?
in the priests' current homilies.
It's about God's rights
and, therefore, our duties.
Duties like harmony,
and peace.
Now that peace seems to have arrived
to our land,
it's time to set aside our pride.
We mustn't let it take over our heart
because, let's not fool ourselves,
there's no better way to go back
than to forget the wrongs
and offer our brothers in Christ
friendship and communion,
as in today's parable
of the fruitless fig tree,
where God explains
that we must be patient.
Before London you said
you wouldn't talk with any terrorist.
And now you changed your mind.
"Every man for himself", Nerea.
You think I'm selfish, right?
Have you thought that by doing it
others may suffer?
You might think mom doesn't care,
-but her face said it all.
-Did it?
I don't know how you saw that when
your eyes were fixed on your plate.
You're stuck. Both of you.
You and mom are stuck in a pit,
and grief is eating you up.
And I refuse.
That's why I want to talk to him
and tell him: "You're a killer.
This is what you've done to me
and these are the consequences."
And after, I want to leave and go to
a place where no one knows me,
where they won't whisper behind my back,
where I can do something for others,
for abused women, or the orphans.
So don't say I'm selfish.
I'm separated, I don't have children
Stop looking at that fucking
brandy glass and look at me!
You're hurting me
and I want to throw this at you.
Mom is sick.
I'm not sure what she has
but the last blood tests
weren't good.
I booked an appointment with
the oncologist, but she didn't go,
I try not to frighten her, but
she has symptoms she isn't stupid.
Nerea, please
postpone your plans.
At least while mom is alive.
Very probably.
Think about it.
There's nothing to think about.
I'll call the mediator tomorrow
and tell her I'm not going.
Mr. Doctor got away with
what he wanted again.
Is the Veterinary School far away?
I've never been.
Yes, very far, but the party
is worth it. You'll see.
It's the best one around,
the drinks are very cheap.
-Is it walking distance?
-No, we're driving there.
But if you want to walk,
I can walk with you.
-Sorry, I was joking.
-Don't pay attention to him.
Hey, can we have another round?
Is Paco coming?
-Fucking Paco.
-Fucking Paco.
-Fucking Paco.
-And his girlfriend.
-Is he still with his girlfriend?
-He's still with her.
-Another round of shots?
-Come on. Another one.
I don't think I can have anymore.
-Come on.
-Another one.
-Come on, come on.
-Go, go.
I have to go.
Your name is Nerea, right?
What's wrong? Where are you going?
What's wrong?
Did something bother you?
-My dad.
-My dad.
-What do you mean?
My dad.
What's wrong?
What happened?
I just saw it on the TV.
They murdered my father!
ETA murdered him!
Don't leave me alone, please!
Don't leave me alone!
No, no. Calm down, calm down.
I can ask Alberto for the car
and take you to San Sebastian.
-I don't want anyone to know.
-We can be there in three hours.
Fuck me!
-Come on, fuck me.
I don't know if I can,
they murdered your father.
Another excuse.
Come on.
Wake up, come on.
You have to go.
Talk to you later.
They murdered your father.
Why did it take you so long to call?
What time do you get here?
-I'm not coming, Mom.
You're coming home
on the first bus, right?
No, Mom.
They killed your father. And you're
going to stay there and relax?
I'm not relaxing, I'm very sad.
But I don't want to see my dead father.
I couldn't bear it.
Please understand.
No one will know here.
But if I go home and I'm on TV,
everyone's going to know who I am.
-What are you saying?
-Don't judge me.
I'm as broken as you are.
Please let me do this my way.
Come on.
It feels like we're hiding him.
I haven't seen Nerea.
She couldn't make it,
she's studying in Zaragoza.
I don't care that she didn't come.
I don't believe in God anymore.
I didn't have the courage to go
to your father's funeral.
I'm really sorry.
Txato bought it for me,
when I was a little girl, at the fair.
You won't remember.
He bought one for Nerea
and I got jealous.
But my mom wouldn't.
Well, you know her.
Then Txato, without a word to anyone,
took me to the shop and got it for me.
I would give it to Bittori,
but I can't look her in the eye.
I'm sorry, Xabier.
-Hi mom, it's me.
I heard what happened to Arantxa.
They told me she had a stroke
two years ago
in Palma de Mallorca.
-She's totally dependent.
-And her children?
-I haven't asked.
-That was wrong of you.
What Ramon did say is that,
as soon as she was paralyzed,
-her husband ran off.
-What a scoundrel!
Arantxa now lives
with her parents in town.
Poor thing.
This makes me really sad,
because that girl
is the best one in that family.
She was the only one
who felt sorry for us.
Mom, I have to go. Talk later, okay?
Ok, fine. Bye.
I'm winning! Come on!
Take it!
Come on, Mom!
Come on!
Come on, mom!
Mom, are you OK?
We can stop, mom.
Mom are you okay?
Mom, do you hear me?
Stay here, I'll get help!
Calm down, honey,
it's probably nothing.
-What happened?
We were at the beach
playing racket ball
and suddenly
I had a very strong headache.
Did you have anything
out of the ordinary? Drugs?
Just the headache.
Okay, stay calm, okay?
We'll do an MRI and then assess you.
Stay here for a moment
and they'll come get you.
-Let's go.
-Do you feel better?
I think so.
It's just a scare, you'll see.
You were very brave.
And got help so quickly.
If they have to check me in,
you'll have to stay here at a hotel
by yourself.
-No, why?
Cala Millor is very far away from
Mom, mom Mom! Mom!
Help! Help me, please! Help!
Help! My mother!
Help! My mother! My mother!
-Get the emergency team now!
-Calm down.
-C'mon. Calm down, calm down.
-Mom Mom
-Hurry up!
Can you hear me?
Move if you can hear me.
You had a stroke a couple of days ago.
Grandma is arriving today.
Her flight was delayed because
of a terrorist attack in Palma.
I'm a bit nervous, Mom.
Are you going to get better?
I love you so much, Mom.
Now, I'm going to bend
your knee a little, okay?
-Good morning, doctor.
-Hi, how are you?
Arantxa, you have a visitor
from the high ranks today.
How are you?
I'm so sorry this happened.
Dr. Ulacia brought me up to speed.
She wants the iPad.
"I've always liked you, bastard."
I kept it for you all these years.
Don't ever give it back to me.
I'll be back in a while.
No, I have to go.
Good luck.
It was really nice to see you again.
"If you have a stroke,
let's get married."
Oh my God! You're so late today.
Come on, we have 7 o'clock mass.
Okay, you're all set.
Okay, come on.
Thank you, Jose Ramon. Come on.
-Goodbye Miren.
-Goodbye. We'll be late, honey.
Hi honey, how was physiotherapy?
Are we going to the Olympics or not?
What a lovely bracelet.
Did you buy it? It's beautiful.
-Oh, it's yours.
I'm leaving. Good night.
-See you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
Okay, let's go and watch TV.
Celeste, do you know
where she got that bracelet?
A doctor gave it her.
It's nice, isn't it?
Yes, very nice. What doctor?
A doctor from the hospital.
Known each other since they were kids.
They talked for a bit,
then he gave her the bracelet.
-Did you catch the name?
I can find out tomorrow.
Something wrong?
No, not at all. Don't worry.
I was just curious.
-See you tomorrow. Bye.
Come on, that's not possible.
I swear it on my life.
Txato bought her that bracelet
at the fair when they were little.
Who cares?
She probably found it in a drawer.
And put it on.
You are a fool!
She didn't find it.
A doctor gave it to her.
-You're driving me crazy.
-Speak quietly.
Let's see, Txato bought it for her,
and now a doctor gave Arantxa
Arantxa's bracelet?
It doesn't make any sense.
There's only one doctor
who would do that.
-Their oldest son.
But why did he have the bracelet?
You watch too many soap operas.
They're after us.
They're onto something.
Don't you see?
They're in our lives again.
Why has that woman returned to town?
Why does she have a plant
and is going to church?
-We have to do something.
-I'm serious.
Me too.
Hi. Can I come in?
You take really good care of it.
The dirt Txato gave you
was meant for this, right?
-Why are you here?
-To talk.
To talk about what?
-I have nothing to say.
-I was at the cemetery yesterday.
I go there a bit to be with Txato
and he asked me to say hi.
Leave me alone.
What happened, happened.
-We can't change that.
-Yes, but what happened really?
Because I only know one side of it
and maybe you could tell me the rest.
I only want to know. And after that
I'll leave. I won't bother you.
you were Txato's best friend.
I can still see you riding your bike
on your way to the bar to play cards
and all that.
And I also remember Miren saying,
my husband is married to yours.
Not even an ax will pull them apart."
-She said that?
-Ask her and you'll see.
I was always his friend.
But you stopped saying hi to him
and coming to our house.
What does that have to do with it?
You didn't come to the funeral.
You hold that against me?
I didn't talk to him,
but I was his friend.
You made a mistake. You should've
left town for a year or two,
or whatever it took.
He'd be alive now
and you could return.
Plus, if you'd been away, many
we would've even helped you out.
I don't know about the rest,
but you can still help me, Joxian.
I don't know how,
I can't go back in time.
Well it's quite easy.
You only have to ask your son
something on my behalf.
We've suffered too, Bittori.
And we still suffer.
Move on with your life
and let us move on with ours.
-The best thing we can do is forget.
-Yes, but,
if you're suffering,
how will you forget?
I don't think Miren would like this.
She doesn't have to find out.
You really don't want to know
what I want to ask Joxe Mari?
You see somebody saw him in town
the same afternoon Txato was killed.
-Come outside, please.
-That wasn't proved in court.
-So ask him.
Ask him if he pulled the trigger.
I need to know, because
I don't have much time left alive.
Tell him that
I'm not going to report him.
And, if he asks for forgiveness,
I will forgive him.
Bittori, please
don't stir up the past.
Don't go so fast!
What? I'm not going fast.
Let me see.
-You're out of shape, Txato.
-Out of shape?
-No, I don't want any.
They sent me another letter.
I haven't slept for days.
-And the family?
-They don't know anything.
I paid a few months ago.
I went to France.
Two million. It's fucked up,
but what are you going to do?
But now they're asking for
25 million, what the fuck.
It's a lot, it's too much.
This shouldn't happen
among Basques.
Do I look like an exploiter?
All I've ever done is work.
-Maybe the letter was for someone else.
Hey, I'm not poor,
but, after taxes and shit,
I'm not swimming in gold.
Swimming my ass! I can't understand
what people are thinking out there.
What pisses me off,
it was probably an employee who said,
"Hey, Txato is rich. Rich."
And I'm not afraid, you know?
One shot and done,
dead, but in peace.
But the letter talks about Nerea
and where she's studying. So
I need to talk to them, Joxian.
They might lower the amount
or let me pay in instalments.
Maybe your son can connect me
with one of the bosses or someone.
Why would my son know this?
I need someone
to put me in touch with ETA.
Joxe Mari isn't in ETA.
What the hell!
He might be a dork and a slacker,
but he's not in ETA.
Come on, let's go.
Where's Koldo?
-Where the fuck is he?
-I don't know.
He better show up, because
it was his turn to cook tonight.
What's wrong?
Shit! They got Koldo! Let's go!
Let's go! Shit!
Come on!
-Come on.
Come here!
Be careful.
Come on. Come on.
They're not inside.
Let's search the area. Come on.
Hi Josune.
Don't turn around. Keep going.
Wait for me inside the church.
If someone walks in,
we must go separate ways.
-I might be being followed.
Who can it be? The pigs.
I'm not sure, but
who knows if they'll use me
to get a few more.
-Joxe Mari is looking for you.
-For me?
They're waiting at the abandoned
building, on Soroalde road.
Talk to Patxi from "Arrano" first.
He'll explain.
I'll go out first, then you.
Wait 10 minutes or so.
Wait. Is it dangerous?
They know that those who run away try to
talk with their families, so be careful.
And ask your brother
if he has something to say to me.
Fuck no! Always the same shit!
-We leave it like that and that's that!
-You want the usual to happen?
-What's that?
-Look at Koldo. Is that okay?
-What? What was it?
-I could hear you down the hill.
Your brother, he's so stubborn.
Gorka, you have to go home
and bring me some shoes.
I can't go to France barefoot.
What size do you have?
Come on, you only have to go home.
Thank you.
Patxi said you should be very careful
and buy food with that money.
Don't you think about telling
our parents?
I'll write to them whenever I can.
You're a great person.
You've always been, goddamn it.
Joxe Mari. Josune wants to know
if you want to say something to her.
Tell her to live her life.
Joxe Mari Garmendia,
you have a visitor.
Mom, everything okay at home?
I wasn't expecting you.
-Aren't you happy to see me?
-Yes, Mom. But it's a big effort.
You were here not long ago,
and it's so far to come.
What's wrong, Mom?
I haven't slept in days.
Is it dad?
Has she returned?
-Send her to hell.
-But she's very annoying.
Aren't there some guys
that can scare her away?
The town's not what it used to be.
The crazy woman wants to know
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