Pauline (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[birds chirping]
[lighthearted music playing]
Hi! I'm so happy that this account has
grown so much in the last few weeks.
That motivates me so much.
The Sunnyside
is a great philanthropic organization
that does amazing work all over the world,
caring for people in need
and providing them with food, shelter,
and positive energy.
They are a force of good
in the world.
I still can't believe they took me in.
These people have taken
such good care of me
ever since my grandma passed away
last month.
They really are like family to me.
And Eira, their kind-hearted leader,
has been a great role model.
So, my great community,
I feel honored that I can spread
that positive attitude to you guys.
As Eira often says,
"fill every waking hour with a good deed.
If you give much, you get much in return."
And, speaking of doing the right thing,
I applied for a scholarship
and made it to the final two candidates.
And do you know who the other finalist is?
[intro song playing]
I think I will just tag her in this video.
May whoever deserves it more win.
[breathes heavily and groans]
[otherworldly watery sounds]
[sounds stop]
Are you okay?
I guess we're both going crazy, huh?
[sighs loudly]
[phone vibrates]
[Lukas] Hey, I just wanted to ask
how you're doing.
I mean, If it's actually you, Pauline.
I found this number on a piece of paper.
[Pauline] Yeah, I don't know
what I was thinking.
[Lukas chuckles] Uh any progress
with that letter thing you're working on?
Is it finished?
[Pauline] Aren't you busy with evil
mastermind stuff or your successor thing?
[Lukas] It doesn't require
my full attention.
And I'll have to talk to my mother
about my successor.
That'll be pretty awkward.
Okay, well, since you asked,
the "letter thing" is done.
It's kinda weird,
but the teacher'll love it.
[Pauline] I've got problems to handle,
so I won't be checking my phone as often.
Good luck getting out of your job.
I'll text you once the world
has come to an end.
[Phone emits a 'click' as it locks]
[reporter in the background]
this morning in the capital,
leaving the city in a state of confusion.
The theft took place
in the Central Bank
[ominous mysterious sound]
[sinister sound]
[Eira] We can't rush this.
We have to find out what
they're doing with the dagger.
[Britta] Eira? You wanted to see me?
[Eira] Yes, but not here.
You know that you're not supposed
to come in here.
[Eira] Yes, I understand.
This is all still very new to you.
- But you're very aware of our principles.
[Britta] Um What do you mean?
[Eira inhales]
Caius showed me your videos.
And? Did you like them?
[Eira] Don't you think
it would feel more rewarding
if you won the scholarship by fair means,
Through hard work and determination?
And not through bullying. [chuckles]
I want you to delete the video
and apologize to that girl.
Good girl. And now, come here. [chuckles]
You're better than that.
I'm sure this Pauline
is struggling enough as it is.
[thunder rumbling]
[Pauline] I'm taking the last few waffles,
okay? Super busy day.
[Carla] Mm-hmm
[Pauline] So? A new masterpiece?
I'll call it Happy wealthy family pays a
poor single mother slash artist 2000 euros
and feels super generous about it.
Oil on canvas.
They don't look all that happy though.
[Carla] They cared more
about looking wealthy.
- The dog looks super wealthy.
- [laughs] Thanks.
[Pauline] I have to go. So much to do.
[Carla] Hey!
Could I maybe get a hug, though?
And if you feel overwhelmed,
it always helps to talk to Mom.
[upbeat funky music playing]
[Phone vibrates]
[Tony] Hello. I just wanted to check in
on you, you know?
because of your appointment at the
Pregnancy Conflict Counseling Center,
and by the way "Pregnancy Conflict
Counseling" is, like,
the most offensive term
I've ever heard.
- Um, Pauli--
[Sora] Is that Pauli? Can I talk to her?
[Tony] No, no, can you
Mom, this is a voice message!
[sighs] Sorry, I have to go.
[school bell rings]
Uh, see you in school in a bit. Bye!
[faint school chatter]
[Ms. Fisher] Pauline? We need to talk.
Do you have a minute?
Right, about the personal statement,
I emailed it to you last night.
And I wrote it
like you wanted me to, uh--
[Britta] Oh, Pauline! Are you okay?
Wait, let me help you.
[Pauline] I'm fine, Britta.
- Listen, if you are--
- If I'm what?
Well, you know. People were um,
people were saying that in the comments.
You cannot let that affect your grades
in any way, do you understand?
And a pregnancy,
be it planned or unplanned--
I'm not pregnant!
So I've been thinking I want you
and Britta to take a language test today.
It will help me come to a decision.
Even if I have to miss
my aquatic fitness class today.
But I'm still your favorite candidate,
I mean, for your "diverse bunch."
The test will be held at 5 p.m.
in room 47B.
[Pauline] I have
an important appointment at 5.
Well, I don't think it could be
more important than your future.
- Wait a second, come on!
- That's enough!
[mysterious swooshing sound]
[in an echoing voce]
One morning six years ago,
I forgot to turn off the stove
before heading to school.
A kitchen towel caught fire.
When the firefighters arrived,
my entire apartment
had already burnt down.
My parrot, Fred-- [screams]
[panting] was stuck in his cage,
completely helpless.
He was burnt alive. Because of me.
[high-pitch scream]
I I think I forgot to turn off
the stove before I
Sorry, I need to go home right now,
to check.
Uh Could we do the test
a little earlier?
What? Ah, sure. Let's do 4 p.m.
I'll let Britta know, okay?
[whispers in her head] It cannot be
more important than your future.
So we're basically rivals now.
Pregnancy conflict counseling center
The test will be held in room 47B.
[general street chatter]
Hold on. That's a UFO.
[makes a fluttering sound]
[Pauline] Thanks for covering for me.
I really don't know what I would do
without you guys.
I feel like I'm losing my mind
or something.
And I can't make any more mistakes
with Ms. Fischer.
I had like a breakdown earlier.
It's probably all the stress.
Are you getting enough sleep?
Like whenever I'm not eating, vomiting,
or having cramps, right? Yeah.
[Tony] Come here. Hmm
[Pauline chuckles]
[Pauline] Mmm
[Phone vibrates]
[Pauline sighs]
This is the third time your Mom
has texted me about the counseling.
- I wouldn't even take my own mother.
- I'm sorry.
Do you think it's a, uh, good idea to,
um, stay in touch with Lukas?
I'm not. I put an end to it.
- Oh yeah? Since when?
- Since this morning.
- Hmm.
- Yup,
I was checking to see
if he stopped texting me.
Hmm Okay.
What? What is it?
Nothing, we were wondering--
[Mike] Maybe--
- Come on, spit it out.
- you have a crush on him.
[they all laugh]
- It isn't a bad thing.
- It is a bad thing.
She knows nothing about this guy.
Name a person who's rich and nice.
- Dolly Parton?
- Except for her.
- Keanu Reeves.
- Do I get a say?
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
Sometimes I feel like
love was only invented
so that running a farm together
wouldn't feel quite as pointless.
Okay, in the unlikely event that you
and Lukas want to run a farm together,
wouldn't it be good to tell him?
Before, you know
She doesn't owe him anything.
But she could still ask.
Maybe he wants to keep it.
- [Pauline] My body, my choice, right?
- Sorry.
But thanks for covering for me.
I owe you one.
Um Good luck with the language test.
And with the counseling.
[Tony] Let's hope that German bureaucracy
won't force you to raise a child.
[Pauline] Thanks again.
You're life-savers.
- Let me know how the test went.
[Pauline] Bye, Werner.
- Bye.
- But no pressure, okay?
Why would you say that?
Well, you're a little overbearing
sometimes. Just like your mother.
- I never want to see you again.
- [scoffs] Oh babe!
[Ms. Fisher] You have 90 minutes.
If you finish before that, you're welcome
to hand it in earlier, obviously.
[Pauline] Are you feeling okay?
You look a little pale.
[Ms. Fisher] Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.
I've been feeling like I forgot
to turn off the stove at home.
You know,
that actually happened to me once.
[Britta] Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
Mm. Yeah. You're sweet, thanks Britta.
Shouldn't you go and check, maybe?
I mean, better safe than sorry.
Yeah, I guess.
- We could do the test some other time.
- No, that won't be necessary.
You'll be busy anyway.
Girls, I'll be back in one hour
at the latest.
Uh-- Uh, but
[Britta] If I see you use your phone,
I'll have to tell Ms. Fischer, okay?
Or you could just tell your followers,
like last time, right?
Yeah, by the way, I deleted the video.
[Pauline] So?
I thought that could've been
a little uncool.
You're not saying you're sorry, are you?
Good talk.
[tense tick-tocking music playing]
[exhales vocally]
[elevator doors open]
[classical music playing]
[visitor sobbing]
[Lukas exhales sharply]
[door closes]
Did you get the building permit?
I'm here because, uh--
recently I've been giving
some thought to my future here.
And I know that now with Samuel gone
and me being your son,
I'm supposed to be the successor.
And it's a great honor to me,
but I think we've both come to realize
that I might not be the right person
for the job.
[ominous music]
So I've been thinking Well
Because you always say
that I should take more initiative
[ominous mysterious sound]
I do realize, of course,
that this could get us in trouble, but
I think it's worth it.
I thought we could bring
your favorite son back.
Perhaps you do have good ideas after all.
And it's the actual dagger, uh
I checked.
I've talked to Tammo about it,
he'll handle the ritual.
And um I've been looking
for a new body for Samuel but
it should be CEO material, right?
[mother] Good.
Could you clean up that mess for me?
[tick-tocking music playing]
I'll tell Ms. Fischer
that you had to leave early.
You can use your phone, I don't care.
No need, I'm almost done.
However, I can't guarantee
that nothing will happen to your test
if I need to go to the restroom
or something.
[sinister ominous music]
If I find out that you messed
with my test, Britta
[mysterious swooshing sound]
[in an echoing voice]
I got home,
and the Spaghetti was still warm.
When I lifted her head off the plate,
I saw her face was covered in it.
Not just her mouth.
Her nose and her forehead, too.
Her face was covered in tiny,
gross pieces of minced meat.
And I kept thinking, "This dead woman
in front of me can't be my grandma."
[Pauline gasps]
[Britta gasps for air]
Your thing.
[pants and sniffles]
[therapist] Even though you were late,
we got through it pretty quickly.
After all, I mean it is a lot
of information being thrown at you.
Now, all you have to do is show me
that you fully understand
the consequences of your decision.
Otherwise, I can't issue
the proof of counseling.
[therapist slurps and swallows]
Yeah. So, I'm here of my own free will.
I've read all I could find
about abortions and pregnancies,
and I'm a 100% sure
this is the right decision for me.
As a single mom,
I could forget about med school.
And the only people I could help would be
the customers at my local McDonald's.
Guess I'll get off work
a couple minutes early today.
[therapist] Okay, that's it.
I guess you won't need any info
on maternity leave.
[groans and sighs]
My back, ugh, it's like someone's gnawing
on my tailbone with tiny sharp teeth.
[exhales deeply]
And hey, binge eating
is completely normal.
When I had my third child
it was a nightmare!
The things I devoured!
Potato stew, chicken fricassee,
beef tripe, salted cucumbers,
young herring in cream sauce,
everything mixed together. Everything!
Do you sometimes feel like you're, uh,
going crazy?
During pregnancy, I mean.
All the time. I mean, the hormones
they can drive you nuts absolutely.
Is it that bad right now?
[distant echoing whispers]
Some things have been going on around me.
Super weird things.
And I don't know
if it's just my imagination, or
if they're actually happening.
That's what I mean!
Um, yeah It was already cracked, so
I dropped it yesterday.
[therapist] When we're overwhelmed,
it's easy to start overthinking things.
It happens to me too.
Pregnancy is just crazy.
- Okay, thanks.
- What for?
Well, most of the time there's an asshole
behind every door in my life, you know?
So thanks for not being an asshole.
That doesn't really sound
like a compliment, but it is.
Then I should also thank you.
Um I'm uhgetting over a cold
right now. Sorry. Um
You have no idea
how much this certificate will help me.
[birds chirping]
[tribal percussion rhythms]
[Britta] Eira, do you have a minute?
You look pale. I've got something for you.
Just chew on it.
You'll feel better in a couple minutes.
It's about Pauline.
There's something wrong with her.
I apologized to her today,
like you asked me to, but then
I think she did something to me.
I know I sound crazy, but
she touched my arm, and suddenly,
I started seeing horrible things.
[Eira] Sometimes we read too much
into perfectly normal events.
And you've been going through a lot
of stress recently, so it's only natural.
That terrible tragedy
with your grandmother--
It's not about that, okay?
It's about Pauline.
She has some kind of dark energy
and used it to influence me.
You don't believe
that's what actually happened, Britta?
Do you?
[sighs] There's a big community of people
who've experienced similar things
on the Internet.
It's like you always say, the truth can't
always be explained rationally.
People can believe in whatever they want
as long as they don't harm anyone.
I believe that your behavior is harmful
not only to Pauline right now
but also to yourself.
Just look how stressed out you are?
Maybe you could go to bed
a little earlier tonight, Britta,
and stay off the internet for a while.
[Britta sniffles]
[Pauline sighs]
[phone vibrates]
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um We just wanted to say congrats.
We're glad that you're getting
your problems under control.
[Mike] And we wanted to tell you
we love you.
Oh, thanks. I love you, too.
By the way, sorry again
if I offended you earlier.
I just thought that it might be a good
idea to tell him the truth.
He doesn't seem like a bad guy.
And then maybe you could think
about other options together.
That's why I thought just tell Lukas--
Oh, my God,
you're literally doing it again!
What I actually wanted to say is
you can do whatever you want, of course.
You already know that.
[Pauline] You are the best.
I have to clean up.
- Can I call you back when I get home?
[Tony] Sure. Of course.
[Tony] Bye!
[Mike] Bye!
[thunder rumbles]
He's too old!
I said a little older, but not that old!
Just go! Find someone else.
[muffled screams and whimpers]
[phone vibrates]
[muffled screams]
[sirens in the distance]
[Lukas] Hey.
- [Pauline] Hey.
- I thought you might be hungry.
But I didn't know
you had a whole store like that.
What happened to your hand?
[Lukas sighs]
I cut myself while cooking.
[Lukas] Hmm
Joppiesaus is a great success story.
It was invented in 2003
and it's everywhere now.
[Pauline chuckles]
[Pauline] Food is your thing, isn't it?
Hmm? Huh?
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Tony said you can't be rich and nice.
[laughs] Tony might be right.
Yeah, so?
I had my own restaurant when I was 18.
The things teens do, right?
Well, I wasn't alone.
I had this really good Italian chef.
Angelo. Awesome guy.
And then?
M- my brother had an accident.
And since then, I've had to work
for the family business.
- And no one else could've stepped in?
- No. They wouldn't have accepted it.
- Why? Do you work for the mafia?
- No. Much worse than that.
Human Resources and Consulting.
Shit. You really are evil.
Yes, I told you. And
lots of bad stuff happens
thanks to us.
[Lukas] How about you?
My life isn't really fun
right now either.
It's a little scary, actually.
[loud banging on the door]
[Pauline] Come on, Werner! [sighs]
- This is an exception, okay?
- Who's that guy, your boyfriend?
Good night.
Is there a reason
you didn't text me?
Or did the world already come to an end
and nobody told me?
- Yes, at 5 p.m. today. Did you miss it?
- Yes.
I thought we could get to know each other.
- Okay. All of a sudden?
- Why not?
I'm not complaining,
but you'll have to tell me
a bit about yourself, too.
I don't know anything about you.
Except that you're one
of the bad guys, too.
I'm pregnant.
- What does that mean?
- I'm pregnant.
- Well, who's the father?
- You are.
- No.
- You are.
No way. You wouldn't understand,
but that's impossible.
- I can't have a child with you.
- What?
[supernatural resonating hum]
Look if I'd known you'd be such a dick,
I wouldn't have said anything.
- Are you sure?
- Yes!
You can't keep it.
Is that clear?
No shit, Lukas. I wasn't going to!
That's not what I meant.
You don't get it.
It I'm about to get my old life back.
And this will mess up everything. Fuck!
If my mother finds out
You have no idea how dangerous she is.
[shouting] Nobody wants
your fucking baby, Lukas!
Was that you?
[supernatural resonating hum dies down]
[man singing]
The brightest stars up in the sky ♪
[girl singing]
Are those exploding as they die ♪
[man singing]
And when we're looking up from here ♪
[both singing]
They sparkle like a chandelier ♪
[man singing]
And if you're blue and it just seems ♪
The world is drowning all your dreams ♪
Then just remember this one thing ♪
That you have to clean
your room again ♪
[both singing] So she flies and flies
into unknown skies ♪
Until the world has vanished
from her eyes ♪
So fly, fly, fly, fly
my little Rocket ♪
[song fades]
[unworldly whispers]
[Lukas] Is there any reason
why you didn't text me?
I don't know anything about you.
No. No way. You wouldn't understand,
but that's impossible.
I can't have a child with you.
I'm about to get my old life back.
And this will mess up everything.
[Fugees "Ready or Not"] Ready or not,
here I come, you can't hide ♪
[Paulina hums the song]
[Carla hums the song]
[Pauline] What's going on here?
You've made breakfast?
[Carla] What a wonderful Saturday morning,
[ominous sound]
[Paulina] I just had the weirdest dream
of my life.
Oh, nice! Was it about sex?
Sorry, but what's happening?
Rocket breakfast.
Hm? Like your dad did.
[Carla hums to the radio]
[Carla] I've been thinking.
Remy told me about a studio
the other day.
The rent is actually super reasonable.
- What about our apartment?
[Carla] I don't know.
Let Schmidt Inc. tear this dump down!
Since my brave daughter might be going
to England soon, for her degree,
I figured I should maybe start thinking
about my own next chapter.
Makes sense.
Which isn't like you, but okay
Right? If we sell Jason's old janitor
stuff and his sneaker collection,
you might get pocket money
for your big London trip?
I don't think a few pairs
of used Nikes from the '90s
count as a collection, Mom.
Apparently, you can get a lot of money
for these old models, okay?
- Dad had really stinky feet.
- 'Kay, I see your point.
Maybe it's not such a good idea.
It is. It's a great idea, Mom.
[Carla] You can count yourself lucky.
Not everyone has such a cool Mom.
[ethereal music playing]
[Lilith] I'm delighted to welcome
our French colleagues here today.
Together, we should be able
to put our plans into action
and finally return
to our former greatness once again.
And in order to do that, we need Samuel.
[participants clapping]
[Lilith] Lukas will explain
the next steps to us now.
- Um Okay. Uh Lukas?
- Huh?
Yeah, sorry. Just quickly
Does anyone here know uh
how to tell
if someone blocked you on WhatsApp?
I believe that the, uh, second tick won't
show and the profile picture is gone.
[Tammo] Well, speaking of problems,
we've got one.
The system isn't designed
to simply bring back Samuel.
It won't work.
Who knows what could happen?
What? What are you talking about?
What would happen?
I don't know. It could rain frogs.
The sky could turn dark.
The Antichrist could be born
and kill us all. We simply don't know.
But the universe will take notice.
The universe notices everything.
Um Unfortunately, I have to go.
It's, uh-- well,
it's been a great meeting so far.
Um Thanks again for the wine
and au revoir.
Where are you going?
[Footsteps gradually receding]
[in a distorted voice]
I asked you a question!
[in her normal voice] Well.
I suppose we should just carry on, then.
We have twelve days left,
and there is much to do.
[water hissing]
Such an asshole!
Please give me Lukas' number.
I'd love to give him a piece of my mind.
No, you won't.
- Yes, I will.
- No, you won't.
He's one of those people
who make our planet
such a shitty place to live
for everyone else.
Some straight cis white dude
who pretends to be super nice,
but is secretly a patriarchal extremist.
[sad melancholic music playing]
Let's be honest, he probably
didn't even tell you the truth.
Believe me, you don't want to have
such toxic people in your life.
They always have some kind
of fucked up secrets.
And if you start asking questions,
they'll gaslight you for so long
you'll forget who you are at some point.
[vlogger] I'm being very mysterious again.
I'm talking about mind control, of course.
You can reprogram people in order to make
them do whatever you want them to do.
However You--
I thought I'd bring you a cup of tea,
[Tony] And by the time you want to leave,
it's already too late
because you're too dependent.
[Eira] Those who give much
[Britta] Will receive much in return.
[Eira chuckles]
[Tony] People like him don't care
about you.
All they care about is controlling you.
[Eira] Hmm
[Tony] At the end of the day,
you can only rely on yourself.
Ready or not, here I come,
you can't hide ♪
Gonna find you and make you love me ♪
Ready or not, here I come,
you can't hide ♪
Gonna find you and make you love me ♪
[ominous menacing music]
Ready or not ♪
[Pauline panting]
You can't hide ♪
Gonna love you and make you love me ♪
Ready or not ♪
[music tempo increasing]
Gonna love you and make you love me ♪
[Pauline breathing frantically]
[water splash and Pauline groans]
Ready or not ♪
[deep rumbling noise]
[flipper beeps]
[evil laugh]
[Pauline whimpers nervously]
[Pauline gasps and shrieks]
[Pauline] What? You?
[deep rumbling noise]
[all noises intensify]
[loud thud]
[Pauline gasps and breathes shakily]
[in a quavering voice]
I didn't mean to do that.
[inhales sharply]
It's- It's okay. [stammers]
I'm invulnerable.
Uh I mean, most of the time.
Uh What?
Let me explain one thing at a time.
What do you mean "invulnerable"?
[low thud]
What are you doing here?
- Were you following me?
- No, I I wasn't following you.
I was following
the guy who was following you.
And that's why I'm now Uh, I mean
Okay, this is gonna sound a bit weird
It's just that
[exhales] How can I explain this?
Well, my mother is
[steam hissing]
My mother is the devil.
[sinister sounds intensify
and cease abruptly]
Uh What?
[upbeat music playing]
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