QAnon: The Search for Q (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Who is Q?

[ Horn blowing ]
-You know, currency of
the elite basically is babies.
That's dark.
-They will excuse and encourage
any amount of violence
against their political enemies.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
-They're not human.
They're otherworldly.
But it's a lot easier
to be harmful to people
that you don't even think
are people to begin with.
-Satanic rituals?
Drinking children's blood?
I wanted to believe it bad.
It just made sense.
-Well, Q started
on the 4chan message board.
-Chans are actually
a constant competition
Who can create the most viral
or outrageous thing?
It hopped on to 8chan.
-I did make 8chan, but Jim and
Ron Watkins totally took over.
-I'm Jim!
-But as long as these drops
are still continuing,
it matters a lot,
because who's writing them
and who is having
all this influence?
I've heard different names.
Thomas Schoenberger.
Who else is in the background?
We don't know.
-Jim Watkins is going to be
in Phoenix tomorrow.
-No way!
-So I'll go look into
the Jim theory,
and you look into
the Thomas theory.
-I love it.
-Over Q 3, take one.
-By 2019, a new group of people
became regulars at Trump rallies
and other MAGA events.
-The newcomers donned
large cutouts of Q signs
-We are Q.
- their homemade shirts
announcing that Q had sent them.
Even their babies
were accessorized
in the latest Q-ture.
-That is a beautiful baby!
-It was meant to be a parody.
It was meant to be kind of like
a big joke.
-He's got an automatic weapon.
-A series of crimes
were committed in the name of Q,
which prompted the FBI
to release a report labeling Q
and other fringe
conspiracy theories
a potential
domestic-terrorism threat.
-Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
and Barack Obama
should be taken out and hung.
-Q followers insisted the crimes
are all false flags
designed by the deep state
to smear Q
and that Q is a peaceful
research movement.
-That's what we see
from the left antifa,
the violent communists,
the violent BLM groups.
You don't see that
from the QAnon movement.
-While message boards like 4chan
and Reddit
officially banned discussions
about Q from their site,
mainstream platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
decided not to take action.
-It was there that baby boomers,
who would never go to 8chan,
met Q.
Q's message appealed
to a generation
who had witnessed Watergate,
and the assassination of JFK,
so they were already suspicious
of organizations
like the CIA and FBI.
-By the end of 2018,
Q had become the big-tent party
for conspiracy theorists
of all stripes.
Everyone from 9/11 truthers
to Area 51 enthusiasts
found ways to confirm
their beliefs through Q.
-Reptilian aliens.
The, um, Epstein connection.
-QAnon is actually JFK Jr.
-A popular theory among older
generations of Anons emerged
that JFK Jr. faked his death
as a ploy to work
with Donald Trump
on a long-running operation
to take down the deep state.
The idea is that JFK Jr.
Is anonymously posting as Q
but will soon unveil himself
as President Trump's
new vice president.
-It's 80% likely that JFK Jr.
Is in fact alive today.
-In 2020, Fred Brennan,
the creator of 8chan,
began sharing his story
with the press,
leading most people to believe
that Jim and Ron Watkins
are in control of Q.
-But our conversation with Fred
led us to believe
there may be more suspects
involved than the Watkinses.
-As everyday Americans began
having to block their aunts,
and high school acquaintances
to get rid of Q
from their feeds,
more people began to ask
- Who is Q?
- Who is Q?
-We have an army
of digital soldiers.
-You're dealing with one
of the most experienced spies
you're ever gonna meet.
-It was meant to be
kind of like a big joke.
-It's called QAnon
- fringe conspiracy theory
that some have likened
to an online religion.
-Well, I don't know much
about the movement
other than I understand
they like me very much.
-As long as these drops
are still continuing,
it matters a lot,
because who's writing them
and who is having
all this influence?
-Who is Q?
[ Indistinct conversations ]
-After hearing what Fred
had to say about Jim Watkins
-Watkins has control in that he
can say yes or no to any Q post.
- I wanted to hear his side
of the story.
I got a tip that he's gonna be
attending a QCon tomorrow.
So I bought a ticket online
and got on the next flight
to Phoenix.
While I was on the flight
to Phoenix,
I received this voicemail
from the conference organizer.
-Hello. This message
is for Bayan Joonam.
Uh, my name is Chris [Bleep]
with QCon Live.
They've asked me
to reach out to you
and let you that, unfortunately,
we're not gonna be able
to have you join us tomorrow.
We can't have, uh,
certain media coverage there.
In the current environment,
we just can't do that.
So please do not come tomorrow.
Again, I apologize,
but I just want to be clear.
Please do not come to the event
- What up?
- You're back!
- Yeah.
- What happened?
-Uh, I got kicked out.
Basically, I got a message
from the organizers
saying that the event
was going to be so charged
that he didn't want me
to be there.
Yeah, you've got
a whole situation going on.
I can tell.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This has been a good time.
- Are you ready to bunker?
I want to talk to you about it.
-All right.
Let's bunker.
-Okay. So, what I want
to talk to you about today
is this theory
that we've encountered
that it was all for a LARP.
- Oh. Okay. I like this.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
[ Indistinct shouting,
chanting ]
-So while I was looking
into Thomas
-I've heard different names.
Thomas Schoenberger.
-I found in one of
the court filings a situation
that he was a part of in 2017.
- Okay. So before Q.
- Before Q.
-Six months before Q
ever even happens,
this guy hosts
a conspiracy-theory tube show.
And on this day,
he comes out and he says,
"I've got
high-level intelligence
from an insider source
that there is a dirty bomb
coming into the United States."
-The dirty bomb is on a ship
named Memphis,
but it could be
in some other city,
like a port city
Is that what you're saying?
-His audience goes to work,
they do all their own research,
and they discover that the boat
he's talking about
is on its way
into the port of Charleston.
So his audience starts
blowing up the FBI's line.
- Is this the dirty bomb?
- Yes. You're aware of it.
-Absolutely no information
-And all the law enforcement
go in.
They to shut down
an entire U.S. port.
All the boats are searched.
In the end,
there's no dirty bomb.
The thing that really stood out
to me is the name of the video
was "Clear and Present Danger
(Calm Before the Storm?)"
- For real?
- It sure was.
- All right.
-Which obviously becomes
very popular Q tag line.
-And this is before
Trump says it.
-Tell us, sir.
- What was the date again?
- June 2017.
-So this was months
before the first Q drop.
-Then there's this whole lawsuit
around it.
There are a couple individuals
listed in the suit
Thomas Schoenberger,
Manny Chavez, who claims to be
part of the original network
that started Q,
and the other one is this dude
that I heard about at QCon
named Robert David Steele,
who is former CIA.
-That guy's published
like a hundred books.
-Tons of books.
Very prolific publisher.
So I called around.
And this guy, Manny Chavez,
apparently has had a falling-out
with Thomas Schoenberger
-Thomas Schoenberger,
you should be dead
for what you're doing.
One day, somebody out there
is gonna wreck your shit.
And it's gonna be me.
- and is now, I guess,
on the run from him,
hiding in Carson City, Nevada,
and he's invited us to meet him.
- He's on the run?
- That's what he said. His words.
-This has, like, turned into
a real dramatic film.
- I know.
- So Wait.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but this basically means
that this guy, Manny Chavez,
also known as Defango,
both says that he started Q
and knows Thomas?
- Correct.
- All right.
I mean, he's worth
a little drive out to Nevada.
-Yeah, I think so.
[ Horn honking ]
-As we were pulling into
Carson City to meet Manny,
we came across a Trump rally
and stopped to check it out.
The Q president was strong.
-I'm a Trump fan,
and I don't care what you say.
We are becoming robots.
-When they say that
the brainwashing is happening,
it's happening big-time.
-I hate political correctness.
Don't believe in it.
I've been out here my
whole summer and part of spring
guarding these monuments
so BLM or antifa
do not tear them down
and destroy it.
-My ancestors fought
to free the slaves.
-Are you a believer in QAnon?
- No. Actually
- You're the opposite?
-I'm the guy that made it.
-You're Q?
-Not Q.
I didn't post as Q.
I'm the guy
that collected people together
to make it happen.
It was meant to be a parody.
It was meant to be
kind of like a big joke
that was like a joke
on the president,
a joke on all these other people
that we could laugh at.
But people have seen the joke
and then escaped the joke
and just decided to do it
completely different.
[ Machines beeping, chiming ]
-I've never played a slot
in my life.
-Then that means that you've got
to sit down to play the slots.
-We'll play together.
-That means that you got to
sit down and play the slot.
So, like, you know,
if you make a win,
you know, the next time
maybe you up it.
[ Coins jingling ]
Online LARPs are a big fake.
It's the only reason I even did
the Cicada puzzles,
because I wanted to feel like
I mattered.
I'm gonna be a lot meaner.
[ Voice distorted ]
-So, tell us who you are.
-My name's Manuel Chavez III.
I'm a guy from Casa Grande,
and I came up with the idea
for QAnon.
-Wow. Strong entrance there.
- [ Laughs ] Coming in hot.
- Yeah.
- I figured might as well, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's great.
-Really before Q or anything,
I was actually, like,
into puzzles.
-What do you mean,
you got into puzzles?
I assume you don't mean
actual jigsaw puzzles.
-I'm talking, like,
online Internet puzzles.
So, like, Cicada 3301
was a famous puzzle
that came out in 2012
that kind of captured
the world by storm
because it was very different
than anything
that people had seen before.
It was like an
alternative-reality game,
kind of like a hacker puzzle
where you were supposed
to be able to do a lot of things
that the classical person
wouldn't have the ability to do.
It was part of the puzzle
where we had to go find
the spear of destiny,
which the people from the puzzle
were proclaiming
that it was, like, the spear
that pierced the side of Christ.
-After several attempts to solve
the Cicada puzzles,
Manning was proclaimed
the winner
of the 2017
Cicada 3301 challenge
after he found
the ultimate prize,
the so-called spear of destiny,
hidden in the California desert
by Cicada organizer
Thomas Schoenberger.
-Once I found the spear,
that's what I met this
Thomas Schoenberger character.
That's basically
where, like, the QAnon story
kind of starts off
I had to go into the desert
and find some spear, and then
I met some super criminals,
and then it got really crazy
from there.
-Wait. Walk us through it.
I'm so curious.
You stopped at the point
where I'm like, "Wait. No."
-All Q is is just a
bastardization of Cicada 3301.
It's the simplicity.
It's just the same thing
without the extraneous puzzles
that are completely difficult
for people to solve.
QAnon is technically a LARP
because, you know,
these people are acting
like they're something
that they're not.
- Can you tell us what a LARP is?
-So, a LARP is
a live-action role play.
What LARPing started off being
is people used to like dress up
like they were kings and queens
and knights and stuff,
and then they would put on armor
and then they would go out
into the forest
and beat the crap
out of each other.
There's violence, but it's,
like, you know, play violence
because everything's padded.
A classic LARP, everybody
is aware that it is a LARP.
With QAnon, there's no
indication that it's fake
or there's no indication
it's a game.
And that trips people up
because then they start getting
into this ideal
where it could be the government
or it could be this
or it could be that.
It gets you to be a member
of this exclusive club
like you're in the know.
Anybody can be a QAnon.
Like, anybody could be
a part of it.
-Hey, guys.
It's Anne Marie.
And I want to show you
today's Q drop.
-You can go down the street
and tell somebody about it,
and, like, within the next
three, four days,
they're gonna be all like,
"yeah! Q!
Let's do this shit."
- Coming up on
- "Search for Q"
-I mean, these guys are,
like, criminals.
They started stalking me,
calling me a pedophile.
"You're gonna die soon."
"These are gonna be the last
seven months of your sanity."
But it was all part of, like,
his ongoing campaign
to try to get me
to commit suicide.
It sounds like something
that should be in a movie.
-We're in Carson City, Nevada,
talking to notorious
Internet troll Manny Chavez,
who claims to be the original Q.
-Give us sort of one sentence
on where you are
when you decide to start Q
and who you're with.
-It's 2017, in July,
and I'm at DEF CON.
-DEF CON is the world's
biggest hacking convention.
It's hacking everything.
-I got together
with about four or five people.
Honestly, we just need some
really good Internet trolls.
MicroChip invited a couple
of the people in there.
I didn't invite anybody.
Like, he was collecting
all of the people.
Nobody knows what
that guy's name is.
There's a lot of people
out there in the world
that would like to see that guy
-MicroChip is one
of the most notorious
pro-Trump trolls
on the Internet,
famously described
by a Republican strategist
as "the Trumpbot overlord."
-A year after Q's first drop,
OAN reporter Jack Posobiec
published an exposé
which popularized the claim
that MicroChip worked
with other trolls
to launch Q as a LARP
in October 2017.
-I also interviewed MicroChip
to hear his take
on the why and the how
he created Q.
-I started talking about
different ways
that we could engage
Trump supporters,
and people responded to it.
But it's turned dangerous,
and I don't like that.
-So, like, MicroChip
did not tell me
that he was involved
with Cicada.
Like, I did not know this.
So the Cicada guys
started coming in.
I mean, these guys are,
like, criminals.
They're, like, stealing money
from people.
They're, like,
blackmailing people.
It's scary.
I mean, they tried to do
the same thing to me.
It sounds like something
that should be in a movie.
Things with Thomas started
going bad in early July of 2017,
when they found out
that he literally had
like, stalking convictions.
He had stolen from people
collectively over the years.
So I decided to tell everybody
about QAnon,
and I just kept on coming back
out with it and out with it.
-Though Manny claims
to have been a part
of the original network
that created Q,
after a falling-out with Thomas,
he left the Cicada crew
and began telling the world
that Q was all for a LARP.
-Like, all the Anons have been
going crazy about it.
Like, "Who is Q?"
From what I found
in the Cicada organization,
everybody utilizes a moniker
Q, Agent D.
The members
of the Cicada 3301 order,
I think this year a lot of us
actually got to meet
one individual.
And we all know who Q2 is.
So Thomas.
This is my point of contact.
This is the person that I met
when I received the spear.
I refuse to believe
that Thomas was ever CIA.
There's a reason that he doesn't
want people to know who he is.
There's a reason that he doesn't
use his own name.
It's because the majesty
of his LARP dies
when you find out the truth.
And partly what all
of this was for,
is because, you know,
with the Cicada thing,
I wanted to show people that not
only was this group dangerous,
but this group had the ability
to do something bigger.
And they did.
You know, him, his group,
they started stalking me,
like, online,
calling me a pedophile,
like, on my live streams.
I would have people
that would just come in,
just spamming that in my chat.
And I started getting really
weird e-mails where he was like,
"You know,
you're gonna die soon."
"These are gonna be the last
seven months of your sanity."
"You'd better watch out.
Next month, you're gonna be
having car trouble."
But it was all part of, like,
his ongoing campaign
to try to get me
to commit suicide.
I mean, unfortunately,
I was pretty close to it,
and I got pulled out of it
by a friend.
Right after that is when Kappy
came out.
-Isaac Kappy is an actor who
became a popular Anon in 2018,
when he started spouting
false claims
about things he had allegedly
witnessed in Hollywood.
-Here we are, guys.
We're here with Mr. Isaac Kappy,
who is in some pizza.
We're streaming live right now.
-Steven Spielberg is
a pedophile.
Tom Hanks, guys
Called out.
No response.
I don't care.
I've already been blacklisted.
They can't double blacklist me.
They can try to kill me.
You know
-You know, he hadn't talked
to me in a while,
and I was just like, "Dude,
you're getting worse and worse
into this QAnon stuff, bro.
You got to stop.
This shit is fake.
You know, like,
you know I created it."
And I told him about Thomas
and how Thomas
was manipulating him.
And I was like,
"Dude, you got to stop, man.
You're ruining your career.
You're ruining your life."
He was so wrapped up in
the Q conspiracy at that point,
he was just like, "No, man.
You're wrong, dude.
Q's real, man.
Q's real, dude."
He was getting crazier
and crazier and crazier,
and he just wasn't listening
to anybody.
-I noticed in your last stream
that you said you had
somebody helping
either your media
or getting you out there.
-One of the Cicada
Cicada guys.
So you're working with Thomas?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'm familiar with Thomas
and what he does.
So all I'd say to you
in terms of everything
QAnon and everything else
I'd just tell you
to be very, very cautious
about who you trust
Even Thomas.
-He mentions Thomas and Cicada,
and I was just kind of like
-The struggle against darkness
consumed me.
It It consumed me.
Yeah. I'm a bad guy.
I'm a bad guy.
Something bad's about to happen.
-On May 13, 2019,
the QAnon community was shocked
and saddened
to learn that Q celebrity
Isaac Kappy
had posted a suicide note
on his Instagram
before jumping to his death
off an Arizona bridge.
-I watched the livestream
that he had done before that,
and it was like my skin
was crawling,
because, like, there was
a person in the background
that sounded exactly
like Thomas.
-Somebody saying, "Shut up."
- Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
- "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."
-These conspiracy theories
and others surrounding
the tragic death of Isaac Kappy
consumed the Q community,
who suspected there might have
been uninvestigated foul play
involved in the actor's suicide.
-Now, I'm just gonna throw it
out there.
I'm not gonna speculate
and theorize on it.
You can draw
your own conclusions.
I'm just being the messenger
is all.
But there was this tweet
from Tom Hanks
about a month and a half ago
Route 66.
Well, that's where Kappy
was found murdered.
And "roadkill."
Well, according to news reports,
Isaac Kappy got struck
by a truck.
-No such evidence has been found
to support this.
-Hello, everybody.
This is Thomas.
-Thomas Schoenberger responded
to Manny's allegations
with a video
on his YouTube channel.
-There was a man
named Isaac Kappy,
who was an actor and musician.
And I believe that I was being
set up as a patsy
for his death.
Now, on one hand,
they say it was a suicide,
but so many curious aspects
of his death
are raising questions
with everybody.
And so I've been attacked
by a man named Manuel Chavez,
publicly offered Bitcoin
for my location or capture.
So, what happens when a citizen
puts out at donkey on another?
All sorts of crazy things
can happen.
All sorts of bad people
can come out of the woodwork.
-Shortly after we left,
Manny texted a mutual friend
of ours,
claiming he posted as Q
while we were in the interview.
we were unable to find
any Q posts from that day.
So if anything, Manny shows us
what it looks like
if Q was started as a LARP
back in 2017.
But even if Q began as a prank,
the fact that so many people
believe that it's real
makes it dangerous.
-And sadly, Isaac Kappy shows us
just how dark things can get
down the Q rabbit hole.
- Coming up on
- "Search for Q"
[ Siren wailing ]
- Oh, I love you patriots!
-Then we have torturing children
to create adrenochrome.
I sponsored a book
on pedophilia.
What's your problem with that?
-Q was either modeled after
the things that he was saying
or he's Q.
-I mean, it's hard to know
what to believe from that guy.
-I came up with the idea
for QAnon.
-On one hand, you know,
he tells a very detailed
and elaborate story.
It's hard to imagine anyone
would make up
something that extravagant.
And then, on the other hand,
like he told us
That was his job.
It was to create puzzles
that people would
just kind of lose themselves in
to untangle this kind of web
of nonsense.
I-I just feel like I left with
more questions than answers.
-But I will say this
in his defense, okay?
So, it's one thing to jump
on a phenomenon,
like, when it's already cool,
-Manny came in so early.
Within the first few days
of a Q drop,
he is on his channel,
talking about Q,
connecting it to Cicada.
I agree with you.
But there's just
no real evidence to suggest
that he knew about Q
before the first drop.
And so even if we were to say
that it was launched
by the Cicadas
- Mm-hmm.
- Even by Manny's own account,
Thomas would have really been
in the lead of that
or taking charge
of that whole scenario.
I got a little weird with it.
I got a little weird.
And it looks like Thomas
Six months before Q posted
Thomas released a song
on YouTube called "Q,"
which in hindsight
Pretty curious.
- That's weird. Really? Just "Q"?
- Okay. Is it weird?
Or is it curious?
- It's curious. It's curious.
Just clarifying.
-Check this out.
So, remember the guy
Robert David Steele,
that was in the suit
with Manny and Thomas?
The summer before Q drops
That whole summer, right?
This guy is mad busy.
Not only is he involved in the
port of Charleston situation,
but he is also on
the YouTube channels
of every initial
Q influencer station.
He's on Defango's show.
Beyond being on the shows
That's one thing, right?
But beyond that, he's pushing
the exact same narratives
that later become core to Q.
I'm talking
mass child trafficking
-You have to remember the FBI
was founded by a pedophile.
- Satanic rituals
-It's not just child slavery
or child sex abuse.
You have the whole
blood-drinking ceremony
of the Satanic world.
- Even adrenochrome.
-Then we have torturing children
to create a adrenochrome.
-Homeboy's dropping adrenochrome
eight months before.
And he was in the CIA
in the '90s.
So he's a person who would know
how to run an operation
like this.
-Q was either modeled after
the things that he was saying
or he's Q.
- Yeah.
I think it's also fair
to say that maybe more
than one of these theories are
true at the same time, right?
Like, it could be something
that Q started as a LARP
and then turned into
something else.
If it's actual
military-intelligence people,
it is an operation,
-You know what else it is?
- It's curious.
- It is curious.
-You are really making that
your thing.
[ Indistinct conversations,
siren chirping ]
[ Siren wailing ]
- Oh, I love you patriots!
-That's a big flag.
-With the 2020 election
around the corner,
more Q followers are taking to
the streets around the country
to show support
for President Trump
and a variety
of conspiracy theories.
-QAnon is real!
-Back in L.A., a weekly
gathering in Beverly Hills
proved the movement was growing
by leaps and bounds,
even in the most
traditionally liberal spaces.
-QAnon is a military operation.
That's why they're not allowed
to talk about it.
-The event attracted Trump
supporters of all stripes,
where Q supporters,
the "save our children" crowd,
and anti-vaxxers
were joined by the Proud Boys,
Three Percent militia,
and Sons of Liberty.
-Take this, fake news media!
Guess what.
RDS got back to me.
-Oh, okay.
-I mean, I've sent a lot
of interview requests in my day.
I've never got a response
even close to this good.
So, out the gate
No "hello" at all.
Just no hellos.
Just straight into
a list format of A, B, C.
So, B "Yes, we can do this.
Sooner is better,
'cause I may be about to start
a great adventure.
My wife has agreed
that you can shoot in the house
with the intent
of being outdoors,
but I could probably get
a dining room okayed
if there's inclement weather.
I was among the first
to call this a fake pandemic,
in mid-February 2020."
-Okay. Coming out the gates
with "COVID's fake."
Got it.
See where you landed on that.
And when I read
Robert David Steele's stuff,
like, I kind of hear the voice
of Q.
Let's go to Washington, man.
- Indeed.
- Back where we met, you know?
Our roots.
I don't like Washington.
-I know you don't,
but I need to go home.
- Coming up on
- "Search for Q"
-I think Leon Panetta
is one of the people
that should be taken out
and hung,
along with Hillary Clinton
and Joe Biden and Barack Obama
and John Brennan
and James Comey.
[ Laughs ]
The list is long.
You're dealing with one
of the most experienced spies
you're ever gonna meet.
Okay. Next.
- Uh, yeah.
-We're in D.C. to talk
with Robert David Steele,
a former CIA officer
whose writings
on unsubstantiated
conspiracy theories
are often referenced
in Q circles.
-Robert David Steele
made a number of false claims
around these theories
when we spoke to him.
We're including them to show
what many Q supporters believe.
But as you'll see,
most of these theories
are at best unsubstantiated.
-After changing locations
four times
and sending a lot of angry and
insulting e-mails to our staff,
Robert David Steele
finally decided to join us
in a hotel conference room
in Virginia.
-After you.
-Oh, excellent. All set up.
That's good.
One, two, three, four, five,
six of you.
I don't have enough.
I'll have to give you all
Here. Here's one for you.
-Oh, wow.
Thank you.
-This is really very nice.
-Well, I can tag you now.
I can follow you.
- Oh, are we being microchipped?
- Boy, I'll tell you what.
Bill Gates is something else.
Who's in charge of the cameras?
- I am.
-All right.
Do not go below my belly button.
-Don't worry.
-In fact, Steven Seagal
taught me a trick
where I hold a cushion
on my lap,
and you're not allowed to show
the cushion.
- That's good.
- He's very fat now.
-All right.
This is very exciting.
We've been
to several conferences.
You get more shout-outs from
the stage than anybody else.
- It's Trump and then RDS.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Well, maybe Trump, Flynn.
-Flynn certainly should be
up there.
So, I mean, I was a very,
very good spy.
I had five times
the regional recruiting average.
I did really cool shit.
And when I say I walked
through walls,
I didn't walk through walls,
but the CIA has teams of people
who can help you walk
through walls
and open embassy safes
and do shit like that.
So, I mean,
I had a great career.
But in retrospect,
it was all nonsense.
It was all going through
the motions.
The biggest awakening for me in
the years since I left the CIA.
Is that CIA was, A,
created by Wall Street
and Wall Street works for
the Rothschilds, the Vatican,
and the queen of England
and the city of London.
-Are there any rules
that prevent you
from writing about your work
in the CIA?
-Yes. I signed
a lifetime secrecy oath.
-How does that work?
-With all of the books
that you've written, I think
-Well, it's a matter of honor.
The secrecy oath covers
the secret work that you did.
I've never written about
the secret work that I did,
other than to say I managed
a false flag for CIA,
because that was a useful
public tidbit.
-If you could just tell us
what false-flag operations are.
-A false-flag operation
is nothing more or less
than not what it appears to be.
So a false flag attack
Take Sandy Hook.
Take the Boston bombing.
Both of those were organized
by the Department
of Homeland Security.
We actually have the plan for
the Boston bombing from FEMA.
-Who's "we"?
- What?
- Who's "we"?
I mean, it's published, okay?
FEMA planned the Boston bombing
a year in advance
to test the idea of locking down
an entire city
and seeing if they could go
door to door without warrants.
And they were able to.
-FEMA did not plan
the Boston Marathon bombing.
-Sandy Hook is
a more complicated situation.
That may include pedophilia and
mind control in the entire town.
And, oh, by the way,
a number of those kids
showed up alive later
to sing at the Super Bowl.
So, again, with a false flag,
the question is,
did people really die
or were the people killed
by paramilitary shooters?
-You live in a dream.
you live in a nightmare.
-In the case that you said
you had run false flags,
what is the operation
that you ran?
-I'm not gonna tell you
a thing about that.
I thought you said
that that was the one thing
you do report on.
-You're dealing with one
of the most experienced spies
you're ever gonna meet.
Okay. Next.
- Uh, yeah. Okay.
-I mean, let's take bin Laden.
I knew bin Laden died in 2001.
When the bin Laden raid
I knew immediately
it was a false flag.
SEALs died for Obama's
re-election theater.
And I think Leon Panetta
is a piece of shit.
He was director of CIA
for the bin Laden raid.
Frankly, I'm ready for you
to use this on the air.
I think Leon Panetta
is one of the people
that should be taken out
and hung,
along with Hillary Clinton
and Joe Biden and Barack Obama
and John Brennan
and James Comey.
[ Laughs ]
- That's a long list.
- The list is long. [ Laughs ]
- That's a long list.
I mean, that's a lot of vitriol
and anger to carry around.
-I'm not carrying around vitriol
and anger.
I'm an objective analyst.
I sponsored a book
on pedophilia.
What's your problem with that?
- I have no problem with that.
-And this is not
a Satanic pedophile ring.
And I've done an analysis that
suggests that it's 80% likely
that JFK Jr. is in fact alive
today, okay?
He and his wife faked
their death
because they knew they were
gonna be killed by the Mossad
because Hillary Clinton
is an absolute
who would never win an election
in New York
if John F. Kennedy Jr.
Were running, okay?
-Many of the ideas
you're discussing,
I've been seeing a lot
on the QAnon board.
-QAnon is a great awakening.
That's the bottom line.
QAnon is getting people
to question everything,
and that's new.
The public can no longer trust
the CIA or the FBI.
I pray that Sidney Powell
becomes the director of the FBI,
and I would like to help her
torch the place.
-Joining me now is the attorney
for Michael Flynn,
Sidney Powell.
Sidney, thank you so much
for joining us.
-I believe
the Department of Justice
is withholding
a lot of information,
as is all of the people
who participated
in the complete setup
of General Michael Flynn.
And I'm going to release
the Kraken.
-Mike Flynn was framed
by the CIA and the FBI,
in part because he was about
to do an audit and a purge.
-Three-star Lieutenant General
Michael Flynn
served in the White House
as Trump's national
security adviser
-This was not an election.
This was a revolution.
- who was fired
after just 24 days
for lying about
his communications with Russia.
-Prior to this,
he served as the head
of the Defense
Intelligence Agency
for two years after
several tours in Afghanistan.
He has published
a number of books
recounting the effectiveness
of modern warfare methods
that were being implemented
by foreign adversaries.
Anons consider the general to be
a patriot of the highest order
and a war hero.
-We have an army
of digital soldiers.
-After pleading guilty
to charges of lying to the FBI
during the Mueller
he would later deny
any wrongdoing
until Trump pardoned him
in December of 2020.
-What they've done
to General Flynn is a disgrace.
It's a disgrace.
- Wow.
-I think I would serve best
if Mike Flynn were director
of the CIA.
-You've mentioned General Flynn
several times.
And I'm wondering
I mean, do you guys go back
to your intelligence days?
Is he an old friend?
I know Mike Flynn personally.
And I know one other person
whose name I cannot share
with you.
And I believe that QAnon
is the single greatest
information operation
in the history of humanity.
And now I'm talking to,
I'd say, easily a dozen people
who are themselves associated
in some way with QAnon.
-Do you have an idea of how many
are involved in this?
-I keep hearing the number five
as the actual number of people
that are writing.
-You went on a YouTube channel
in February 2017
-We have pedophilia,
which is child sex abuse.
Then we have torturing children
to create adrenochrome
forcing fetuses to be
delivered and eaten on site
as part of the ritual.
-Is it coincidence that
a year later, QAnon came out
and was all about those things?
-Q is an elaborately
constructed operation
that's been planned for years
that is clearly achieving
extraordinary impact.
And I certainly take no credit
for QAnon focusing
on this stuff.
- Coming up on
- "Search for Q"
-We were speaking
with a journalist earlier
who mentioned a person
named Thomas Schoenberger.
Do you know who that is?
-We're in D.C. speaking with
Robert David Steele,
a former CIA operative
who champions many of
the baseless conspiracy theories
that Q is based on.
-So, for the record, then,
have you at any point had any
involvement in QAnon in any way?
- No.
- No?
I am not one
of the QAnon people.
-I don't know.
It's just
I feel like so many things
you really were in front of.
-I'm not Q!
[ Laughs ]
-[ Chuckles ]
Is that what you were
worried about?
-I'm not worried about anything!
-So, how would you go about
finding the real Q?
-I don't think it's worth doing.
I think what you should be
focusing on is not Q.
You should be focusing
on the great awakening.
-And what's the distinction
-The great awakening is in the
heart and soul of the public.
-What is the great awakening?
-I think the great awakening is
people are starting to realize
that if they don't pay attention
and govern themselves,
they will become slaves.
[ Crowd shouting ]
Q is like the dinner bell.
It's not the dinner.
Totally ready for you
to throw out names.
-Okay. Really?
-We were speaking
with a journalist earlier
who mentioned a person
named Thomas Schoenberger.
Do you know who that is?
-I'm not gonna talk
about that individual.
-You're not.
-What's happening right now?
-You're sounding my alarm bells.
- We don't mean to upset you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I have no interest
in discussing that individual.
Yeah, I'm inclined
to just stop here.
-All right.
I wish you all well.
- We wish you well as well.
- We're gonna walk you out.
[ Chuckles ]
That was super awkward.
So, a lot to unpack there.
-Mm. Man.
That was a weird trip.
-That was a super weird trip.
So, just like Manny,
hard to know what to believe
with Robert David Steele.
One of the things that I thought
was super interesting
was that he gave it
an actual number of people
who are involved
in this operation.
So, he said that there are 12
that are part of the op
and five that are directly
involved in writing the posts.
-Now, the other thing
that was super weird
was that every time
we asked him a question about Q,
he started talking about Flynn.
-It was so bizarre.
-Now, I know Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn
-I mean, at that point,
it's just like, well, you know,
are you just saying
that it's Flynn?
-It made me uncomfortable
a little bit,
because if that is true,
then this is
a much more dangerous operation
than if it were Manny
or any any of the other people
we've met.
-Manny starting this thing
somewhere in a basement
kind of has
an abstract end game, right?
-Like, it just It's for fun.
It's for the LOLs.
But with somebody
like Mike Flynn,
there's probably more
tactical objectives behind that.
That's where I think, you know,
this kind of perfectly segues
into our final theory,
which Is this
a White House insider?
-Another thing on the Flynn
thing a very strange thing.
- Okay.
- Okay.
So, you know I like
the Thomas theory.
-I was kind of wondering about
the way RDS shot that down.
-I'm not gonna talk
about that individual.
- Right?
- Yeah. That was weird.
-It was very strange.
So, in 2014,
Thomas says in a deposition
that he worked at the Pentagon
for Michael Flynn's
business partner,
the owner/founder
of Flynn Intelligence Group,
Bijan Kian,
and also that Thomas owned
a company for many years
with Nasser Kazeminy,
who is also a close associate
of Michael Flynn's.
It's really weird.
This music guy from Napa
Like, how do you know
those people?
-So is it possible, then,
that Thomas knows Flynn?
-I think that it is.
It seems to be.
-Thomas is this character
that's kind of like
in between the LARP theory
and White House insider.
-Mike Flynn works with Bijan
and Nasser.
Bijan and Nasser work
with Thomas.
-Coming up after the break
-Uh, yeah.
Let's start with you.
Are you Q?
-I'm not who people
are making me out to be.
-And, Thomas, with all honesty,
are you Q?
-When we contacted Thomas
for an interview,
he declined
but offered us a comment
which stated that he was not Q.
He did, however,
claim to know who Q is
and insisted the idea
had just been stolen from him.
-When our producer pressed him
on who he thought the person
in the Q network most likely
to sell their story would be,
he simply responded,
"It won't be me.
I would rather starve.
I'm poor but cannot be bought
for any price."
-To clear up confusion
about his role in Q,
Thomas instead decided
to team up with Jim Watkins
so they could address
the allegations together.
-Hey, Thomas.
You there, buddy?
-I am indeed.
-Thomas is with us.
We got Thomas and J
First of all, let me
introduce you, Jim, to Thomas.
A lot of people think you guys
are already colluding together.
First of all,
let's make this clear.
Have you guys ever met before?
I've had some amazing
conversations with Thomas
over the last few days.
I mean, it's just been
Some of the stuff
I've learned, Jim, about Q
and about Cicada and the
connections and I just
I think it's gonna blow
everybody's mind in some way.
So let me ask you first
the first question.
A lot of people are gonna ask.
Jim, let's start with you.
Are you Q?
-I'm not who people
are making me out to be.
That's just somebody's fiction
that they keep writing
over and over and over again.
-Well, you're famous, Jim.
Now let's go to Thomas
for a second.
Thomas, with all honesty,
are you Q?
- No. Emphatically no.
- Okay.
-So, these are the same people
who will point fingers at you
and say, "Stalker! Stalker!"
You know, I've been accused
of murder and rape,
of not being able
to play an instrument,
of not even being a musician.
-A lot of people
have pegged them as being Q.
Now, that doesn't mean
that both of them
are not actively involved in
some part of the Q phenomenon.
-Take a look at the movement.
Let's go back to something
that we can all relate to
The Revolutionary War.
And you've got the drummer
as communications
-This is Dustin Nemos
of the Nemos News Network,
where we continue to break
the cycle of fake news.
- and you've got
the flag bearer,
a rallying point
and focus of the attack.
-Jim Watkins and his son,
Ron Watkins
- Thomas Schoenberger
-The officers are there
to provide, uh, orders
and leadership.
-I think I would serve best
if Mike Flynn were director
of the CIA,
Sidney Powell were director
of the FBI.
-What we're seeing is a mutation
of 18th-century battle
onto a cyber field.
So sharpen your battle axes,
your pikes,
and your broadswords.
-I do believe that General Flynn
would be the primary suspect.
-Most people by now
have kind of figured out
that Flynn is actively involved.
-If it's General Mike Flynn,
than likely it's not a LARP.
- that I will well
and faithfully
- discharge the duties
- discharge the duties
- of the office of which
I am about to enter
- of the office of which
I am about to enter
- so help me God.
- So help me God.
-Where we go one, we go all.
-Where we go one, we go all.
-God bless America.
- God bless America!
- God bless America!
- Hoo-ah!
- Whoo!
-This was not an election.
This was a revolution.
We have an army
of digital soldiers.
-We are the storm!
-Spurred on
by the Trump administration,
who was kind of
the conspiracist in chief
-'Cause this was an insurgency,
-There's a deeper civil war
going on in America.
-Do you think QAnon's a psyop?
-I think it's turning into one,
and I think it might be
by people who have
political ambitions.
-We're gonna fight like a Flynn.
Fight like a Flynn!
[ Crowd cheering ]
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