Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Cat and Mouse

Let's start a tea business,
it'll be a super hit.
That's awesome.
- Here she is.
- Namaste.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Place it here.
Shaurya, serve them.
- Tea for you.
- Thank you.
Wow. Genuinely nice tea.
Thank you.
Not just tea, her cooking is
Your daughter won't need to cook
in Canada.
- Really?
- Maid does all the chores.
After all he earn in dollars.
Perks of working in the best MNC.
They pamper employees as their son in laws.
He has always lived abroad.
But he is such a good boy.
You know
Non-smoker and a teetotaller.
He always wanted
a cultured Indian bride.
Someone to manage the home.
That's so sweet.
But actually, I won't quit my job.
Listen dear,
you guys can talk in private.
Yeah, sure. Why not?
Please come.
Okay, sure.
I like it.
That you are so bold.
Yeah, my parents are a bit old school.
But I like modern fiery Indian women.
- Good.
- Me too.
- Nice.
- Just a moment.
Oh, so you smoke?
Which is your brand?
I abstain from it.
Teeth are yellow.
Your hands were trembling
when I served tea.
Just a moment.
Smoke stains on your right hand.
Clearly early stages
of carpel tunnel syndrome.
Its beneficial to know a cop,
but it can be detrimental too.
This was just a trailer.
I know all your dirty secrets.
Chill, bro.
My lips are sealed.
He was highly educated.
Earned a hefty salary too.
Was a green card holder.
Such a nice boy.
- Jai Hind, sir.
- Jai Hind.
Shaurya, reach office right now.
Okay sir, I'll be there in half an hour.
It's an alarming situation here.
Mr. Pathania is here in person.
Situation must be alarming.
I have always supported the system.
No matter who helms the power,
I'm always the policy maker.
Since Mr. Pathania is involved
in this case.
It's a high priority case.
And I want you to lead the case.
Sir, with all due respect,
Mr. Pathania's presence,
at crime branch,
won't just be for money.
There is definitely
something more to it.
It's imperative for me to know that.
Well, you are right.
It's not only about money.
He broke my little girl's heart.
And he also stole some
sensitive documents from me.
Which could shake the nation.
Being a sensitive information,
I won't be able to divulge more.
So please go out there and nab him.
By hook or by crook.
I'll try my best, sir.
I'm sure,
there is an experienced officer
joining her team too.
Somebody who believes
in delivering results.
The one who is good at their job.
She is my best officer, Mr. Pathania.
Trust me.
All the best Shaurya.
Thank you, sir.
Jai Hind, sir.
Jai Hind.
Relax Mr. Pathania, she is good.
Trust me.
Confidential document.
100 million in cash.
Things are not as simple
as it seems to be.
Or Pathania wouldn't personally
step into crime branch office.
That's true, Brijesh.
A man like Pathania,
can pull of a coup in a day.
Why is he so desperate to nab a thug?
- Brijesh.
- Yes.
It's super fun.
Yes, I'm enjoying it too.
Give it a thought.
He must be wily enough to slap
and slide off from a tiger's mouth.
Ajay Chauhan's identity
just doesn't exist.
What rubbish.
He exists, but he isn't the one.
I won't waste our time
by asking the routine questions.
Let's just cut to the chase.
Did you notice anything
unusual about him?
Everything was unusual about him.
You know,
He was one in a million.
He was absolutely amazing, loving,
caring and loyal to me.
Do you have his photograph?
He was camera conscious, when clicked.
He hated loud attention.
He was flamboyant.
He barely spoke
but his confidence was unbeatable.
He gifted me this on
our first week anniversary.
It's a memento to cherish the day.
Anything specific, any habit,
any birthmark, any tattoo?
Yeah, one.
Whenever he felt nervous,
or had to decide something.
He would rub his thumb.
As if being sure from unsure.
He was always confident
about everything.
That's what I loved about him.
In the times of casual
hook-ups and flings,
he was really serious about me.
He wanted to celebrate every moment
with me,
that too without crossing any limits.
Please find him.
Please have some water.
He was extremely sharp witted.
And his PR abilities were terrific.
He could charm a stranger
into his bestie in minutes.
Maybe he knew the magic spell.
For example, the helipad,
many VIPs flew from there.
But nobody dared to raise their eyes.
But they always saluted Ajay.
Sir, only affluent people come here.
But he was pure gold.
Always tipped me with a Rs 2000 note.
Not only me, but to the entire staff.
What a swag.
Like a film hero.
Uncle, did I ask whether
he was a movie villain or hero?
That's for me to decide.
Such high praises!
You want him as your son in law?
Do you give this on rent?
Check at the office.
Number of rides?
Just once.
That too before the chopper ride.
He got breathless.
Hadn't carried his asthma pump.
So, we had to cancel the trip.
But yeah,
he was very passionate
about these machines,
and drones.
Speed drones.
In fact,
he wanted to learn to fly drones.
And I referred him to
the hattrick winner of
Asian Drone Flier Championship.
Yes, Ajay Chauhan was here.
Trained for 15 days too.
But more than flying his interest
was in drone making.
Speed and strength.
He ordered a special drone
worth 2 million from Japan a week ago.
Which the Chinese
use for delivering food.
Okay sir, thank you very much.
He flew the drone
and blew Pathania's mind away.
Good joke, shall we get back to work?
I want a detail list of drone fliers
from the drone show. From head to toe.
And the GPS locater
of all the drones that flew.
Here it is. Exactly as instructed.
GPS location of all the drones
from the drone show.
This means,
all drones were flying at a speed
of 30meters per second.
I mean.
Get the weighing scales.
Place it here.
Have replicated the original
2000 denomination notes, ma'am.
Brijesh. If 10 million
is weighed in notes of Rs 2000,
it will be 4,900 grams.
- Yes.
- So, 100 million
It will be 49000kilos.
Does it seem
that it can carry stuff of 50 kilos?
Oh shit.
So, the bag was empty.
Then where did the money vanish?
What's the conman's
most powerful weapon?
Prince impersonating as Ajay,
would have tried to distract too.
Firstly, smoke would've emitted
from Manohar's AC duct.
Or it was done on
purpose to distract him.
An AC engineer opens the duct
and repairs it.
Then suddenly there is a short circuit,
which causes a blast.
Manohar did leave his room with the bag.
Manohar returned back
after the AC was repaired.
Engineer cleverly attached
a hook to the bag.
And then a huge drone flew the bag away.
But didn't you say the drone
couldn't carry weight of 50 kilos?
- Isn't it?
- That's correct.
Short circuit was a pre-planned tactic
not an accident.
To distract Manohar.
The bag which Manohar took outside
was empty.
Which means the drone flew an empty bag.
Taking advantage of the smoke caused
by short circuit,
engineer must have pushed
the money bag into the AC duct.
How can you be so sure?
As Ajay's AC duct had similar
scratch marks, like Manohar's.
And both ducts are interconnected.
Ajay took advantage of the ruckus
and chaos.
And fled with the bag.
- Brijesh.
- What is it ma'am?
Remove this.
Want me to remove the glass.
Be careful.
Stick out.
That's a hidden camera.
Just a moment, magnify this please.
Who is he?
Don't know, but can find out.
As each one's entry and exit is noted
at a private party.
Examine it.
Sorry Rituji,
but a 6 ft tall, French bearded,
man was caught stealing
from a jeweller on CCTV.
As his face resembled
the super star of Bollywood.
But that doesn't mean
we'll nab the actor for theft.
Jaidevji, your client
and you have one thing in common.
You both ace in digressing the topic.
But I won't do that.
I'll be right on point.
Your Honour, to prove that
Pawan Kumar Bawaria is Ajay Chauhan.
I would like to call my
first and most important witness
in the witness box.
Mr. Sarvesh Pathania.
Call him.
Mr.Sarvesh Pathania
is a member of Parliament.
Is a successful businessman.
Delhi government has awarded him
the Visionary Award,
for city ideas and development.
Mr. Pathania.
Is he the same Ajay
Chauhan who duped you?
Yes, Your Honour.
He is the one.
Is he the one who cheated
your daughter Vinita?
Mental assault.
It's not for the fraud of 100 million,
but to file a lawsuit
for the mental assault on my daughter.
But unfortunately, sir.
The law of our country
doesn't consider it as a crime.
That's all from my side.
Your witness, please.
Mr. Pathania.
Isn't he Ajay Chauhan, sir?
Maybe I just said that.
Fine, let's talk about facts then.
Statement given to crime branch
by your daughter and you.
According to that,
Ajay Chauhan is 6 ft tall.
But Pawan Kumar is 6 ft 2 inches tall.
A human error of a few inches
is very common.
Then why did she give a wrong statement?
Is it common too?
My Lord,
neither the height, nor face,
nor the finger prints.
Nothing is matching,
yet the prosecution has made
him the guilty.
Only by suspicion.
The day Pathania sir was duped.
Pawan was in Mumbai that day.
These are his travel documents.
I have some documents too.
Mr.Pawan is at present travelling
business class, from Delhi to Bangkok.
Faking documents is a child's play.
Jaidevji, give us solid proof.
Sorry, but I am trying
to present the evidence.
Display your smartness
only when you have some solid proof.
So, Mr. Pathania,
was the fraud of 100 million
your own money?
I wouldn't file a
law suit for your money.
You have sworn to tell the truth.
So, please ponder over it,
and say the truth.
I object, Your Honour.
Jaidevji, is digressing from the topic.
Over ruled.
Since an hour,
I've exactly stuck to the point.
I have got the proof.
Firstly, the defence will try
to attack on your weak spots.
Of course, I know that, Ritu.
And I can handle it.
No, you can't.
Excuse me.
A few months back, during elections,
you had submitted your income
affidavit to the election commission.
- Yeah, so.
- According to that
the worth of all his financial
assets and properties,
is of 10 million.
Just a minute.
10 million, 30 lakhs,
65 thousand and 543 to be precise.
Your total asset is worth 10 million.
How do you have 100 million?
The money you don't have,
can't be stolen.
Either he lied to the election
commission to contest the election.
Or he is lying in the courtroom today.
Are you trying to say,
a fraud of 100 million can't be proved?
Of course, it can be proved.
But your political career might
be at a risk.
Defence will prove you to be a liar,
and will try to finish
off your witness credibility.
Your information is absolutely correct.
But your allegations are wrong.
My net worth is exactly
as what the lawyer has calculated.
As all the business and properties
are owned by my daughter.
I'm a mere caretaker.
Do whatever has to be done.
I want that rascal in jail. That's all.
It's not that simple.
The biggest problem is your daughter,
whom even you can't reign.
Hello sir.
Was your dad happy
with your relation with Ajay Chauhan?
Initially, like any caring guardian,
he had some concerns.
But later on,
he consented for my happiness.
When he vanished on the launch day,
why did you assume he had fled?
He could have met with an accident.
Or maybe his enemies got him killed.
I object.
Jaidevji, prove it with evidence.
I'm warning you.
Sorry, but just for the records.
As she just stated,
her dad Mr. Sarvesh Pathania,
was usure about her relation
with Ajay Chauhan.
Sir, I didn't mean to say that.
Your Honour,
if we do accept Jaidevji's,
theory to be true.
Yet why would Pathania display
it so a pompously?
Her engagement, launch of Udaan,
for a man like him, image is everything.
Why would he risk his political career?
Like a responsible citizen,
to make others aware of frauds.
His intention was
to just to prevent others
from suffering the same
trauma and nothing more than that.
Mr. Pathania has 154 criminal cases
against him.
And he has come out clean
in all these cases.
Use new tricks to confuse the court.
Crime branch has failed
to nab the real culprit,
and I'm being blamed for tricking?
Brother Jaidev.
Sorry, but I have evidence.
Permission granted.
- The complete thing?
- Yes, bro.
My Lord,
you wanted solid proof.
Here is a CCTV footage.
This footage will proof my client
was in Mumbai that day.
Play it.
Rituji, do you have the Bangkok footage?
The footage is of 30th March 2021.
The day Mr. Pathania was going
to launch Udaan in Noida.
Please watch the place carefully.
It's in Mumbai.
Check the date and time.
30th March, 2021.
At 5.30 in the evening.
As per them, Ajay Chauhan was
with them for 5 to 7 in the evening.
They have the footage,
40 % of which resembles
with the face with Pawan Kumar.
But here it is 100% accurate.
How can one man,
at the same time be at two places?
So, it's clear,
whosoever met them as Ajay Chauhan,
wasn't Pawan Kumar.
Vinita, you may go back.
I cannot believe this.
You claimed your
charge sheet to be true.
CCTV tampering.
I want custody of Pawan Kumar
for a week and I can prove it.
This is exploitation.
So is the CCTV camera tampered too?
An innocent man is being framed.
Jaidevji, let me decide that.
Whether he is innocent or guilty.
Rituji, your evidences turned
to be a damp squib.
This wasn't expected
from a lawyer like you.
In the past 6 months,
it's only been theories.
For what? Just a sketch!
I think your department lacks
the intelligence,
and the network for this case.
Either provide me
with an experienced officer,
or I'll handle it my way, and
you bloody well know what that means.
Pathania sir.
He is not wrong though, ma'am.
To butcher wild animals,
we'll have to sharpen our blade.
Get to the point.
Please quit smoking.
I meant, cut the crap.
Think with a scamster's psyche
and not of a cop.
Like increasing our PR.
Till now we were hammering away unaided.
Let's use the benefit of our department.
What say?
Are you aware of the Venus flytrap?
Yeah, have heard about it.
It's an astonishing plant.
Bright red beautiful flower.
Butterflies are attracted by
its sweet fragrance and bright colours.
To drink its nectar,
Venus bows down
as the butterfly inches closer.
For a moment,
this is nature's most beautiful scene.
But the minute the butterfly let's
her guards down.
The flower traps him inside.
Like a cage.
And it dies fluttering in agony.
He rejuvenates his
nectar from her blood.
And waits for his next prey.
The Venus flytrap
cons its own victims out of their life.
Exactly like Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria.
He targets his victim,
identifies their vulnerable points,
attacks them,
dupes them of their money and vanishes.
Sorry, My Lord.
But this isn't a botany classroom
but a courtroom.
And isn't she digressing now?
I'll be back.
-My lord,
I request to dismiss
all the charges against my client,
and to acquit him.
What's the hurry?
Your Honour,
I would like to call my next witness
to the witness box please.
Permission granted.
Mrs. Dimpy Patel.
Do you recognize Pawan Kumar Bawaria?
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