Running Point (2025 s01e02 Episode Script

Joe Pesci

Break bread with the best like this ♪
Clap twice if you know
What the feeling is… ♪
Start climbing! Pump those legs!
You are a sassy queen,
a classy queen, a badass-y queen.
Thank you, Cory!
You can do this.
You can run this team.
You are so much better
than your crackhead brother, Cam.
Hell yeah, I'm so much better than Cam!
So much better than Cam!
You know what you're doing.
You're motherfucking Isla Gordon!
Say it!
I am motherfucking Isla Gordon!
-Say it again!
-Is everything okay?
Oh my God!
-Oh, Lev, you scared me.
-Are you okay?
I just heard so much grunting.
I thought you were being attacked.
I grunt?
Like Shrek. Now, please, don't move.
I don't want you to die
before we get married.
Oh yeah.
This is my fiancé, Lev Levenson.
Did I not tell you about him?
You're much braver
than my five-year-old patients.
Lev and I have been together
for six years, engaged for three.
I know what you're thinking,
but we're not two losers
in some sad, long-ass engagement.
First, there was COVID,
and then his mom got a facelift.
Then my mom got a facelift.
It's been a whole thing.
I noticed that you were a little
extra psycho on the bike this morning.
-Is everything okay at work?
-Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, I did make
some big moves on my first day and…
went against the advice
of everyone I work with, but I feel good.
Listen, you are
the smartest Gordon I know.
I know that's not a high bar,
considering I once saw Ness
fall into the fountain at The Grove,
but Cam chose you for a reason.
And to quote you from,
I don't know, ten minutes ago,
"You are motherfucking Isla Gordon."
Thank you. I love you.
I love you.
It's Ali. Hi.
Get your ass to work. We are fucked.
Hold on.
My grandma's calling me from Thailand.
Grandma! The big 9-0!
Happy birthday.
I hope you have a blessed day!
I'll call you later.
Did you hear me?
Fucked. F-U-C-K--
I know how to spell it. I'm headed in.
I'm Jack Gordon's son?
This is crazy.
Yeah, no shit.
I mean, two years ago, when your mom
called me and told me,
"Ana, take this envelope
and don't open it until I die,"
I was like,
"Okay, Tía Claudia, no problem."
"Like my 56-year-old aunt is gonna
have some real sexy secrets."
Turns out, she kind of did.
-Were he and my mom in love?
Wait, wasn't he married?
Yes, he was married.
Your mom was a housekeeper
at his Malibu home in the summer of 2003,
and his wife and children
were in Martha's Vineyard,
and your mom and Mr. Gordon…
became involved.
Ana, wait, did he know about me
before he died?
Yes, Jack Gordon did know about you.
And he never wanted to meet me?
Jackie, your biological father was,
how do I put this?
A real piece of shit.
And billionaires are like that.
Not Oprah, though.
Why didn't my mom tell me?
My whole life I thought my real dad
was in the Sinaloa Cartel
and died in a shootout.
Yeah, me too,
and that was cool as hell.
According to this letter, your mother
wanted to protect you from the truth…
that you're the product of an affair.
Wait, so that means I have brothers.
And a sister.
Yes, you do.
And they are very wealthy.
So, I just heard that we have been dropped
by Snoozepedic beds.
Snoozepedic, the cheesy mechanical beds
you buy on TV?
Those "cheesy mechanical beds"
are our biggest sponsor.
Apparently, they are
a deeply Christian family,
and their name can't be associated
with a… crackhead.
Our brother's not a crackhead, okay?
He's a rich man with a drug problem.
Why don't we just find a new sponsor?
Sure, Isla. Let me just go through
my Rolodex of Fortune 500 companies
who wanna give millions of dollars
to a tarnished professional sports team.
We'll call and smooth this out.
No, what? I will. I can fix this.
-It's my responsibility as president.
I don't need my brothers to hold my hand.
As Cory says,
I need to climb the steepest hills
by myself.
- Who's Cory?
- Doesn't matter.
I'm gonna do this in person.
Where is Snoozepedic?
The Valley? Downtown?
Fuck me.
Let's go.
I have to go?
Yeah. I'm obviously not going
to Indiana by myself.
Ness, hang back a second.
This is bad. We're fucked.
No, I know. I love Snoozepedic.
It keeps me from choking every night.
Sleep apnea's no joke.
No, dude, Isla.
She has zero relationships
with our sponsors.
And the not trading Travis thing,
what are we doing here?
She's got to go.
And we have to do it together.
I'm not making a move that big
without talking to Cam.
Looking good sober, my man.
Don't lie to me. I look terrible.
Oh, hey.
I tried to snort mouthwash last night.
I feel like shit.
-Oof. That's… tough.
What do you want?
We love that you put Isla in charge.
It's-- It's, uh, you know,
it's feminist. It's noisy.
It says fuck you to the patriarchy.
Le't's skip the woke bullshit.
Got a Zoom with my parole officer in five.
We're panicking a bit, okay?
I mean, she keeps Travis,
she brings up some junior league rando,
and now we lose Snoozepedic?
Though, to be fair,
that was a little more of a you thing.
We're struggling to understand
why you picked Isla…
as opposed to other options.
But now you've had a couple days sober.
You're thinking clearly.
Maybe you want to, uh,
amend your decision.
Oh, okay.
I see.
So I picked our sister over you guys,
and now your bitch asses can't handle it.
-That's pretty much it.
This is the last thing
I need to be dealing with right now.
I'm in withdrawal.
I've been shitting black tar
for the last 48 hours,
and last night, I offered my body
to an orderly for a Sudafed.
Oh my God.
Does that sound like a man who wants
to be dragged into a personnel issue
at his old job?
- No.
- No, it doesn't.
If I thought you guys could've handled it,
I would've picked you,
but clearly you can't.
Do either of you have…
any cocaine?
Of course not.
Because you're fucking losers.
I think it's clear.
He wants us to handle the situation.
Yeah, we should go to the board.
That last question I asked you.
You're sure?
-S… So sorry, man.
-We're… We're sure.
Fucking losers.
Cran Merrickman,
I've always loved your mascot.
Oh, Marvin the Mattress.
Yeah, he's been with us
since the company was founded.
Whoo. Way back in 2006.
Ooh. Well, he hasn't aged a bit.
Well, I do appreciate you ladies
coming out here to the heartland,
and I wish I had better news.
But the truth is,
Snoozepedic has already moved on.
Look, Cran, I get it.
-Cam made a terrible mistake.
But wasn't it Jesus
who said forgive and forget?
Oh, this one,
always quoting her scriptures.
It's true.
My favorite book, the Bible.
My favorite movie, The Da Vinci Code.
Not quite the same,
but who doesn't love Tom Hanks?
The fact of the matter is,
the Waves stink this season.
So, what are we paying for?
Okay, I'll admit our record
is not great right now,
but I believe we have potential
to turn things around.
Definitely. And you know Marcus Winfield
is still an elite player in this league.
That's besides the point.
Now, we're a family brand.
I had no problem doing business with Cam
when I thought he was a family man.
But who am I dealing with now?
Ness? Sandy?
Yes, Cran. I'm in charge.
That's why I'm here.
Yeah, but weren't you
in an adult magazine?
Oh, it's Playboy. It was 15 years ago.
And I had basketballs covering my boobs.
We sell mattresses to families.
You, Ness, and Sandy
don't represent our values.
Uh, we-- we've got a former adult model,
a failed ball player
with a mail-order bride,
and then the one
with the unorthodox lifestyle.
I'm sorry.
-There's no family in the Waves.
-Oh, Cran.
The Waves are my family.
And yeah, maybe there's a couple pictures
of my dad with Saddam Hussein,
but we are good people.
And Ness did not order Bituin.
She's from the Philippines, I think.
Believe it or not, she actually loves him.
And I love my gay brother,
and I love that he has gay sex. With men.
On your mattresses!
-Yeah. So guess what?
You can keep your "family money."
We don't need it.
Let's get out of here, Ali.
Yeah, well, eat shit, Marvin!
Don't! Don't! No!
No! Plea--
I just had that one made.
Screw this
old-school corporate bullshit.
I don't want sponsors
that make money off of detergent
and… and office supplies.
I want people who make money
off of Bitcoin in the cloud,
or whatever modern shit
I don't understand.
Tech money. You want tech money.
I'll get us some meetings.
Bernie, what's up?
Please don't say we're getting sued,
because I'm in a real shitty mood.
Is it one of the players?
Oh shit, did Travis talk
about vaccines again?
No. I have a secret half-brother.
What is wrong with your family?
Get over here. Get!
This is our family lawyer,
Bernie Berger.
Is he a little too
physically affectionate?
But he's been taking care of
my family's legal problems for 40 years,
and our dad loved him.
In case you wanted an update,
my prostate is doing great.
It's back to normal size and polyp free.
That's fantastic news about your prostate.
Can we get to the part
about our secret brother?
This is John Alejandro Moreno, aka Jackie.
He's a 19-year-old kid from Boyle Heights,
and he is the product
of a secret love affair
between your father, God rest his soul,
and a woman by the name of Claudia Moreno,
who was employed as a housekeeper.
-Dad schtucked the maid?
-It appears so.
I don't remember a Claudia
ever working for us.
It was at the Paradise Cove home
one summer.
I think you guys
were in Martha's Vineyard.
I miss that place.
I remember seeing Ryan O'Neal
walking on the beach there.
-This is crazy.
-How the fuck are we just finding out now?
Your dad kept this one pretty buttoned up.
Even I didn't know.
I refuse to believe
that Dad was a cheater.
Really? Have you met Sandy?
Excuse me. Hey.
Dad did not cheat with my mom, okay?
They met the day
he told your mom he wanted a divorce.
I know this kid.
He spilled meat juice on me.
- That could be a lot of guys.
- That's actually possible.
You won't believe this,
but Jackie's been working as a vendor
at the Waves games since he was 16.
Our brother has been working
in the same building as us for four years?
Kind of romantic, if it wasn't also
extremely alarming. Legally.
How much are we talking here?
Why are you assuming
all he wants is money?
His lawyer did seem to indicate
that that was the priority.
This kid hit the jackpot.
Bernie, come up with a number.
We pay this kid out,
or we split our inheritance five ways.
And he was just making $16 an hour,
so let's not go overboard.
I want an NDA.
I wanna make sure that he doesn't
work here anymore and never contacts us.
Don't you think you're being
a little hasty?
-This guy's our brother.
-Stop thinking about it like that.
This is shrapnel from Dad.
We just have to deal with it.
It is literally the worst time
for news like this to be coming out.
Sandy's right.
We gotta nip this in the bud.
Got it, boss.
All right. Now, listen.
The press cannot find out about this.
We've already lost one sponsor.
And it cannot leave this room.
That means no spouses.
No Lizzie, no Lev, no Bituin.
you got nobody, so we're good there.
-Everybody got it?
-Yeah, got it.
-Got it.
-Got it.
They want to settle.
I'm gonna make sure you are the richest
19-year-old in Boyle Heights.
-How much?
And I'm confident
I can get them to a million.
Their lawyer's an ancient white man,
and I think he has a crush on me.
But think of what you can do with
the money, Jackie. It's life-changing.
I can't believe this, Ana.
A settlement and a family.
I've always wanted to go on Family Feud,
and now I can.
When can I meet them?
The money is contingent on a few things.
Namely, you quitting your job as a vendor,
signing a non-disclosure agreement,
and never contacting the family.
I know. Rich people are shitty,
but… but it's fine.
I'm gonna get you paid.
I can't believe
Dad had a secret love child.
At my fifth birthday party,
I walked in on him
feeling up the balloon animal lady.
Okay, so he was a free spirit.
At least he could have told us.
I always wanted a younger brother.
You have a younger brother.
Yeah but, like, a fun one.
Ness, Sandy.
Hello, Stephen. Hi.
You said you needed to meet urgently.
I am teeing off at 10:15 sharp,
and I will not make John Stamos wait.
John Stamos. It's my favorite Beach Boy.
A very talented man.
Now, what is this all about?
Isla has to go.
We love our sister,
but our team is fundamentally in danger,
and she's not the one
to get us out of that.
I don't know.
I can see Cam's thinking on this.
Putting a woman in charge is a good look.
It changes the conversation.
But if the new conversation is
about how she's tanking the team,
that's bad for women.
And I love women.
I believe women. I married a woman.
Stephen, my favorite movie
is Wonder Woman.
So who do you think should run the team?
Us. The CFO and the GM coming together.
Makes total sense. Frankly, it's what Cam
should have done in the first place.
Party in the front, business in back.
We would like the board to convene
to hear us out
and have a no-confidence vote in Isla.
As majority shareholders, we have
that right, but we want your support.
I'll set it up.
Thank you.
Any chance we could meet John Stamos?
Thank you.
It's real.
What would you do
in this situation?
Would you be okay
never knowing your brother?
But I'm Asian. You know,
there's an unspoken morality there.
I'm not from a broken white family.
If you were paying attention, you would've
heard that we're not completely white.
Isla Gordon!
Congrats on the promotion, Mama!
Thank you. You too.
Yog-Flirt is killing it, Mama.
-I don't think we've met. I'm Finn.
-Hi, Finn.
I've got to say, you look so familiar.
Yeah? Well, a lot of people have been
recognizing me, thanks to that bad boy.
- Ding-dong. Look at that.
- Check it out.
That's so cool.
I mean, the idea is so simple, right?
It's a dating app
designed for single people
who share a passion for frozen yogurt.
People warned us that couples
who work together never stay together.
-But, I mean, look at us now.
-Look at us.
- Look at us, honey.
- Look at you.
That's so great.
So, the Waves organization
would be honored
to have a sponsor
as successful and innovative as Yog-Flirt.
Well, no offense, but the Waves
have always felt a little old boys club.
I mean, your dad, your brother,
a lot of toxic masculinity.
So much.
I love them.
-But they're gross.
And I promise
a lot has changed.
Well, one thing that is very important
to Finn and I is second chances.
Like you, for example. I mean,
you used to be this washed-up party girl.
And you've transformed yourself
into a badass girl boss.
We think you'd be a perfect fit.
She-ro alert!
Oh, this is so great!
-Oh, thank you so much.
No, thank you.
- This is amazing.
- Congrats.
Oh my God, oh my God, it just hit me.
I know where I met you.
-Soho House, Malibu, New Year's Eve.
-I don't think so.
-Wait, was this last New Year's Eve?
Yes, you were with your friend
and mad about how bad
the Negroni was and…
I knew it.
There was no angel investor meeting in LA.
-You were with Lindsey.
Oh no,
he was with a tall, blonde Asian guy.
That's Lindsey!
You said it was over, Finn.
It is kinda.
Like, 90% over.
Let me explain.
How should I know
Lindsey's a guy? It's a girl name.
-Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Buckingham.
-Okay, fine.
You don't care about us.
I'm sorry, excuse me. Excuse me, sorry.
- Excuse me.
- Great.
Now I have to deal with this,
thanks to you!
And you, kind of.
- Uh…
- Tati! Tati!
- Excuse me, Finn…
- Oh my God.
Did that just happen?
-I don't know what…
-Oh my God. What the fuck was that?
It's a sign.
I shouldn't have this job.
I should just quit
and be a crappy interior designer
like my shitty friends from high school.
-Will you shut up?
-Don't tell me to shut up. I'm spiraling.
Isla, no one knows
more about basketball than you.
For years, I have had to listen to you
babbling on about pre-draft rankings,
and now you can finally use all that.
Okay? So yeah, one step back,
and you want to quit?
-Kind of.
-I don't know. I don't know what to do.
We'll figure it out.
And I know a place
where you will feel better instantly.
Ugh, I love Sephora.
There's so much good shit to buy.
Every 90 seconds,
a woman comes up with a headset
and asks if you need anything.
Welcome to Sephora. Can I help you?
I'm good, thanks.
See? You forget about
all your outside problems,
try 900 different mascaras…
not buy any of them…
Nothing bad happens at Sephora.
Holy shit. It's Stephen. He's calling
a meeting of the board tomorrow.
Okay. Well, isn't that
what he's supposed to do?
Ness and Sandy have called
a vote of no confidence. For you.
What the hell?
I just said nothing bad happens
at Sephora!
Welcome to Sephora. Can I help you?
No! Look, you're nice
and obviously adorable,
but you can't do anything!
I'm sorry.
Jackie! I got them up to $2 million!
Isn't that incredible?
So when can I meet them?
I already told you,
you can't contact them.
But you can buy a mansion.
I mean, not in LA, of course,
but somewhere else.
Like Utah or something.
Jackie, I just told you you're gonna
be a millionaire. What's the matter?
So they find out I'm their brother,
and they don't want to meet me?
As your cousin and your attorney,
I'm advising you, take this offer.
I'll… I'll do it.
On one condition.
I can't believe these assholes.
The betrayal.
You know I could have
let Sandy drown in '93, right?
He was five years old.
Our nanny was taking a personal call,
he was thrashing around in the pool.
I jumped in. I pulled him out.
And then Ness, remember when
he was scouting players in Turkey?
He was getting a chin implant.
Made me swear not to tell anyone.
I didn't!
You need to shut this down.
I know, but how?
Ness and Sandy have been working in
the front office of the Waves for years.
Everyone loves them.
You need to Joe Pesci in Casino
these motherfuckers.
What are you saying? What is that?
You've never seen Casino? Martin Scorsese?
Oh, Martin Scorsese.
Don't give me homework
when I'm having a panic attack.
Okay, this is the most important advice
I've ever given you.
Watch Casino.
Excuse me.
Sorry to interrupt your tense,
pretty adult conversation,
but, uh, you're next in line.
-Oh, big Waves fans?
-Yes, huge!
Especially my daughter.
We watch every game.
Marcus Winfield is the GOAT.
That means the greatest of all time.
We know. We are younger than you.
get me in touch
with our sales analytics department.
Right away.
If you don't have my money for me,
I'll crack your fucking head wide open.
-In front of everybody…
-This movie is amazing.
-Just about the time I come out of jail…
-Love Casino. Scorsese's my guy.
you'll be coming out of your coma.
And guess what?
I'll split your fucking head open again.
Because I'm fucking stupid.
-Bobby D.
-I don't give a fuck about jail.
That's my business.
If this meeting goes well, I could be
president of the Waves by this afternoon.
I mean, Isla's gonna be pissed,
but I have busted my ass for this.
Years of staring at spreadsheets
and Dad taking me to strip clubs,
saying, "You feeling anything?
Nothing? Are you sure?"
Yeah, I'm fucking sure, Dad!
Were you talking to your dead dad?
I totally thought you were talking to me.
Sorry, yeah, no, I, uh--
It did start with you,
and then it ended
with me yelling at a ghost.
I'm so proud of you, babe.
Eventually, you do need
to talk to a therapist,
but this, this is so huge.
Oh, hey, uh, vitamin C,
probiotic, Lexapro.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Charlie, I'm sorry I get so intense.
It's just, I finally have an opportunity
to run shit in this family,
and I gotta take my shot.
It would be nice to meet all these people
you always complain about.
Oh yeah, no,
you don't want to meet my family.
Trust me.
We've been dating for a year.
What, are you, like--
You, like, embarrassed I'm a dog groomer?
What? No. No, that's… that's so important.
I love dogs. I don't have one,
but they're everywhere. We could get one.
I mean, I-- We don't…
It's okay. I gotta go.
-We're gonna celebrate tonight.
All right. Bye.
-Good luck.
Hi, Gloria.
You may be wondering
why I wanted an urgent meeting
with the head of marketing at Sephora.
Yeah, I don't get a lot of DMs
from famous strangers that say,
"Please, please, please meet me ASAP, 911,
prayer hands emoji."
So how can I help you?
Well, first of all…
I think this should cover all the makeup
that I shoplifted from your stores
in my teens and my twenties
and, if I'm being very honest with you,
my early thirties.
I think the statute of limitations
has run out, but I appreciate it.
Was this really
what you wanted to meet about?
A couple of days ago,
the Waves lost our primary sponsor.
And when I was looking
at potential replacements,
they're all the typical dude bro brands.
Beer, energy drinks, pickup trucks.
That sounds about right.
So I thought, I am not the typical person
to be running a basketball team.
Why should I look for a typical sponsor?
Which is why I'm here.
I just don't know
if our clientele overlap.
I hate to disagree with a badass CMO
from whom I'm asking millions of dollars,
but you're wrong.
Our analysis shows that women make up
one third of all basketball viewers.
That means on any given night,
say we have six million people
watching a game,
that's two million women
who all want to have glassy skin
and a tight eyebrow game.
And they're gonna see
your logo every night.
You have the ability to tap into a market
that's never been touched.
And never forget, there's always
a possibility that one of our players
might start dating…
a Kardashian.
Do you think we could get a Jenner?
And while this hurts me
and my brother personally,
what would be far more painful
is leaving this beloved institution
in the hands of our well-meaning,
but let's face it,
woefully under-qualified sister,
who I hesitate to remind you guys
flunked out of a state school.
I also didn't finish college,
but that was to go pro.
Go Waves!
That was a jump shot.
Uh, and that is why we are asking
for a vote of no confidence.
I think we've heard enough. Let's begin.
Hello, everyone.
Sorry to interrupt the coup…
-Oh, fuck.
-…but I have some news.
Isla, this is a closed-door session.
You can't just barge in here.
This will only take 90 seconds.
I just wanted to give you an update
regarding the sponsorship situation.
We had a great meeting with Gloria Shaw,
who is the head
of North American Marketing for Sephora.
Do you know what Sephora is?
I've sat outside one many times
while my wife and daughter shop.
I am so happy to announce that
they are going to be our new team sponsor.
Ironed them on myself.
They love the idea of partnering
with the first pro basketball team
with a woman in charge.
Wait a minute, did they give you
the same deal as Snoozepedic?
No, Ness. They gave us 20% more.
Sandy, you're really good with numbers.
Is that better or worse?
It is better.
And, uh, trading Omari saved us how much?
Sixteen million over three seasons.
Okay, cool.
So, I'll let you guys get back to
your meeting
about how I'm bad at business.
Ness, Sandy,
do we need to continue?
Well, Isla, on behalf of the board,
congratulations on what sounds like
an exciting new partnership for the Waves.
We're adjourned until next month.
Great job. Good meeting.
Yeah, thank you. Good to see you.
Ness, Sandy.
Not you two.
You sit down.
I love you guys.
Truly, I do.
And I know it must have stung
when Cam picked me to steer the ship,
but he did.
So you two got to get on board.
Isla, we are so sorry.
You know,
we were just looking out for the team.
Yeah, and I speak for both of us
when I say
we cannot wait to collaborate with you.
That's nice.
We don't collaborate. I'm your boss.
And if you ever try that shit again,
I'll crack your fucking heads open.
And then by the time
I'm getting out of jail,
hopefully, you two
will be out of your comas,
and I'll crack
your fucking heads open again.
That's what I do.
Is that from Casino?
It is.
So, are we clear?
-Perfectly, yeah.
Great, then let's get some lunch.
If this kid wants to do this in person,
that's fine. But no one talks to him.
No introductions. No hellos. Nothing.
He is not our family.
Ness, if you hug him…
I'm gonna kill you.
Counsel? Please, come on in. Have a seat.
Hi, everyone.
I'm Jackie.
Uh, this won't take long.
My client is ready to sign the deal,
but first, he'd like to say a few words.
I get that this is weird for everyone,
but I really just wanted to meet you guys.
My family was really small.
It was just me and my mom,
and now she's gone.
It's just, you guys are so lucky.
Not just 'cause you're rich.
Although, I saw
your guys' cars in the garage.
It was like a Bentley dealership.
But because you have each other,
and you get to work together.
I know I can't work at the Waves anymore,
but it's all good.
I got an interview at Panera.
I heard if they don't pick up their order,
we can eat it.
Jesus Christ.
But, uh, just know that,
no matter what I sign today…
I'll always love the Waves.
And even if you don't…
I will always consider you my family.
Sorry, ignore me.
It's about something else.
I was thinking about a scene from Coco.
For fuck's sake.
Bernie, can we just move this along?
Yeah. Great idea.
By signing today,
you agree
to this non-disclosure agreement,
and to forever forfeit a relationship
with any and all Gordon family members.
-Don't sign it.
I'm sorry our dad was a creep,
and it's shitty he kept you from us.
I know that's a lot of money,
but you are right.
We are family,
and we should know each other.
I know what it's like
to be forgotten and pushed aside.
I'm not gonna let that happen to you.
I won't sign it.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa. Counsel.
-This is insane.
What are you doing? Say something, Sandy.
He doesn't want to sign.
Jackie, it's $2 million.
Also, I just bought a Ford Bronco
yesterday with my cut.
I'm sorry, but this is what I want.
Isla. Isla!
Nice to meet you again.
I'm Isla.
Isla Gordon, Ana.
Hi, Ana.
Hi. Oh… okay.
I love you, and I'm gonna protect you
until the day you die.
I'm going back to rehabilitation.
Hello. Hi. Sandy.
You're all losers.
He's gonna come around.
I locked in the deal,
I crushed Ness and Sandy's attempted coup,
handled the Jackie of it all
without the press ever finding out.
Am I that bitch?
Oh, you are the biggest bitch.
We have received
official confirmation
that Jack Gordon
fathered a child out of wedlock,
and that child is, get this, folks,
Waves' concessions vendor, Jackie Moreno.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Ran it up, I'm bout as up as it gets ♪
This just my base hit
Not even my best ♪
I pull up like… ♪
Hoping you feel like the best ♪
I was just tellin' me this ♪
You already know what it is, yeah ♪
We was out hittin' them licks, kid ♪
Go hit the park with the Nesquik ♪
I always wanted a big wrist
Full of diamonds ♪
When you keep it real
You gon' see perfect timing ♪
O's like a lineman ♪
Rico house look like a drive-in ♪
I'm tryna make her all mine ♪
I'm tryna eat Benihanas, partner ♪
Run in the crib with my guys ♪
Way before I could get numbers
Out of this ♪
All of my haters, they need me to choke
But I never did ever fold ♪
I been cool, but this shit ain't cool ♪
When it's crunch, keep it on the low ♪
Feds out here snatchin' my bros ♪
Keepin' it honest
It's keepin' me lonely ♪
Wish I could give all the drop
To my boys ♪
Tell 'em these bitch ass… funny ♪
All of the time
That you hate on the kid ♪
Man, I know that you really been.. ♪
I give it all mines every time ♪
I'm tryna score with my guys
From courtside ♪
Hit her back up in mine ♪
Plug hit my line
Shorty, you know the time ♪
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