Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e02 Episode Script

Kid Samurai: A Big Ordeal and a New Student

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
The Bratty Samurai
Why Don't You Become My Student?
What are you up to, that is?
Now White!
White! White!
How peaceful
So peaceful!
Now, now.
too peaceful!
any of the students coming back?
That fake Battousai incident is over!
Normally you'd think 10, no 20,
people would be rushing back!
Such a
Such a cute assistant master is
offering an arm and a leg to teach, too
Or is it that they can't
approach me because I'm too beautiful?
I'm so out of luck!
What is it?
When will I be able to
rebuild the Kamiya School?
Miss Kaoru, you don't have to rush.
And you too, Kenshin!
Why won't you let
me practice with you?
L-I'm not one for wooden swords
Kaoru, I'm hungry!
Me too!
Me too!
Oh, Dr. Gensai, welcome.
So what will it be today?
I know!
At times like this,
we should be cheerful.
Treat me to lunch?
What luck!
I was just here to pick
up my granddaughters!
Kenshin said he just had to treat us.
I see Beef hot-pot!
Beef hot-pot!
W-When did we
decide to eat beef hot-pot
Oh, that one!
Which one?
That one! That one!
I see.
You want that one?
You'll buy it for me?
How much is it?
When did I drop that?
W-What are ya doing?
I just thought you were kind.
Because you were spaced
out, everyone else went ahead!
Sheesh, what was that?
Oh, that man is carrying a sword.
It's been two years
since swords were banned.
I guess they can't eliminate the
soul of a warrior, even in this Meiji era.
Hold it!
Kenshin, he's a pickpocket!
Your wallet.
Let go of me, ugly!
H-How rude!
I'm well-known around here
as the Rose of Swordsmanship!
Shut up, ugly!
Now, now
I can't help it if my pocket was picked.
You know
Don't get caught next time.
Now, let's go.
W-Wait, Kenshin!
I'm not a kid!
I'm Yahiko Myojin of a
family of Tokyo samurai!
I haven't fallen far
enough to be pitied by others!
And you patted me on the head!
I was just teasing you because
you had that sword on your belt!
Don't get me wrong, loser!
I'm telling you I'm not a kid!
You are still a child physically, but
your heart is fully matured, that it is.
I'm sorry that I assumed less.
You should cherish
that pride that you have.
What arrogance!
A descendant of samurai
means he's the son of a former warrior.
That persistence is what
they call a warrior's soul.
If the world hadn't changed
he would've been a
fine samurai, he would
You should cherish
that pride that you have.
I know that
Even I
Here he is.
We were looking for you, Yahiko.
Out with your earnings for the day.
Hurry up and put out!
I've got none.
How much more do I
have to pay back to you?
Well, how much do you think?
10 years
20 years
You're going to return
it with these fingers
Miss, over here!
Two beef hot-pots!
Then that pickpocket
Yahiko, right?
I think his folks passed
away when he was young
and he was adopted by
the leader of the Shuei yakuza.
Shuei yakuza
Rumors say his mother
was ill before she died
and the leader had
paid for her medical bills.
And they made it so
Yahiko had borrowed the money.
So that kid is forced to
pickpocket in order to return the debt
How sad
That's just wrong!
Miss Kaoru!
To where that boy is!
I can't leave him!
Now wait a min
Why are you stopping me?
Can you can let this happen?
I'm not saying
Let go!
I didn't think you were
so cold-hearted, Kenshin!
Double ones for "cho."
Those are well-made dice.
No matter how much you
shake 'em, you get double ones.
We can make another fortune with this!
So here you are, Yahiko Myojin!
Who the hell are you?
So ya came here to play with us?
I have no business with you!
I'm here to say something to Yahiko!
You no matter the reason,
a pickpocket is a pickpocket!
You've got to escape this life,
before your heart rots from inside.
D-Do you know where you are?
Missie, are you a friend of Yahiko's?
N-Not at all!
She's just a
What are
Yahiko owes us some money.
We'll be in trouble if he
doesn't earn and return his share.
Or are ya gonna pay it all for him?
How much is his debt?
How about you earn it?
With dice?
Come on.
All right, I'll accept your challenge!
However, only once!
Promise me if I win, Yahiko will be free!
If you lose, you'll be a slave for
the Shuei syndicate until you die.
Y-You idiot!
All right, let's begin!
All right, let's begin!
I didn't ask you for anything!
I don't want be indebted to you!
Kids should be quiet!
I can't forgive these people
for taking advantage of you!
You got some guts
If you lose
There's no way I can lose.
I have incredibly strong luck!
My fortunes
always say "greatest luck."
I won some rice in a
raffle the other day, too.
That's enough!
If you've got nothing to do
with this, stay outta the way!
Evens are "cho", and odds are "han."
Got that?
I know that!
All right.
Let's see
F-Five and six?
It's han!
I win!
Rokusuke, you
That's strange
Yahiko is free now!
This chick won!
Let her go!
Just let her go!
W-What are you saying?
You don't get it at all!
They had no intention of
letting you out of this place alive!
I thought so!
Someone switched the dice!
S-Stop it!
Was it when
Whoa, whoa.
You make me laugh.
What do you mean by this, Yahiko?
You should cherish
that pride that you have.
Hit me
Hit me all you want!
I'm gonna cut all
ties with yakuza like you!
As of today, I'm quitting
shameful stuff like pickpocketing!
I'll return all the money I
owe by earning it with real work!
Debt, huh?
You idiot!
There was no debt to begin with!
That was a lie to keep you as our pet.
With or without it, you're
our little dog until you die!
Stop kidding with us, ya hear?
Stop it!
Are you all right?
You're fighting me!
You bitch!
I see you know a few moves.
But can you defeat me,
Gasuke the Manslayer?
If you wish.
Here goes.
A trick staff?
Playtime is over.
This is just between me and you
Wait, Gasuke the Manslayer.
I don't want to see a
woman's blood during my meal.
Bring Yahiko here!
Now apologize
to the boss!
Get with it!
Yahiko, how are you going to
live if you quit picking pockets?
Even for descendants of samurai,
the Meiji era is very materialistic.
No matter how much pride you
have, it's not worth even one mon.
You have to learn how to live dirty.
If ya do, I can take care of ya
for a long time as my servant.
Don't make me say it so many times.
I don't want to anymore!
How dare you talk like that to the boss!
Descendants of samurai?
Your dad was killed fighting the
Imperialists during the Meiji revolution.
He was a fool!
As for your mother, the worthless
Shut up!
Father joined the Shougitai
and died an honorable death.
Mother sacrificed her own
life to work and raised me.
They both were full of
pride and led dignified lives!
I won't let anyone insult them!
Someone let him know
who really owns his life
Gasuke the Manslayer.
Got it.
Please stop!
Shut up!
I made it in time.
W-Who the hell are ya?
What the hell do ya want?
An assailant!
Guys, get him!
They won't come even if you call.
They were rather
reluctant to let me in
so I put all the others
outside to sleep for a while.
Who the hell are you?
Kenshin Himura, a wanderer.
I'm here to ask that you
hand over the kid and Miss Kaoru.
So you're another
descendant of a samurai
I'll just kill all of you!
I'm not done yet.
Stay there for a while and be quiet.
How about it, Boss?
Why don't you show
your generosity as boss
and sincerely let the
two of them go, that is?
I think that would be much
better than being embarrassed
by having all of your
members defeated, that is.
A-All right.
Take 'em if ya want.
Thank you.
Sorry for the foolish request.
Sorry I'm late.
What were you doing?
Are you all right?
Who told you to save me?
I could've fought by myself!
I could've fought!
I see.
I underestimated
you again, kid, that I did.
Then to make up for it, I'll
treat those wounds, that I will.
Let's go, Miss Kaoru.
You're not getting away!
Quit it!
Don't mess with him!
He has a manslayer's eyes.
Not of one that works in a
syndicate, but a real manslayer
I didn't think anyone with such
eyes was left in the Meiji era
If he got serious, we wouldn't
be dealing with unconscious guys.
I wouldn't have enough coffins
We got off cheap if
he only took one kid.
Are you that frustrated
with your lack of strength, kid?
Dammit, I want to be strong
So that I don't need your help again
So that I can protect my
parents' pride on my own
I see.
Well, we're here.
W-What is this place?
You can learn swordsmanship
here starting tomorrow, that you can.
Become stronger, Yahiko.
I will even if you don't tell me to!
I'll become stronger than you!
We have a good instructor here, too.
Assistant master of the Kamiya
Kasshin Style, Miss Kaoru Kamiya.
Something about me?
W-Wait a minute
You want me to learn
swordsmanship from that ugly woman?
Are you by chance trying
to make me his instructor?
I don't have any
students, but that doesn't mean
Same for me!
If she's gonna be teaching me, I think
I'm better off learning from a tanooki!
What did you say?
Ugly! Ugly!
Oh, sorry Kenshin!
And so the Kamiya
School gained a second boarder
Yahiko Myojin, a
descendant of Tokyo samurai.
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
So Yahiko became my first
apprentice, but he's such a brat!
Oh well, the school has
gotten much livelier now.
But one day, many policemen
barged in to arrest Kenshin
Next time on Rurouni Kenshin
Swordsman of Sorrow
The Swordsman in Sorrow. The Man That Cuts The Past
Please look forward to it!
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