Shahmaran (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Yağmurun Söyledikleri

This is the most significant
landmark in the region.
Watch your steps, please.
Now, this castle is the one
you've been waiting for.
You're about to listen
to the magnificent story
of the most important
landmark in the region.
Is everybody here?
Hurry up, hurry up.
Hurry, hurry, hurry. Quick, quick.
Now, Anavarza Castle
was built in the late 12th century.
Located on a hill, um, in the east side
of the Dilekkaya village
of Kozan district.
- That's a beautiful castle.
- This castle was built to protect
Now let's get to the good part.
This is the part you've all
been wanting to know about.
It is mostly known
as the Snake Castle,
or Shahmaran Castle.
Mommy? Mommy!
Where are you going, Mommy?
Some people believe that at night
Stop! Stop!
No! No, no, no, wait!
No! What are you doing? Get down!
Stop! No! Stop him!
Stop! Don't!
Arun, the girl
we've been waiting for is here.
Find her, enter her mind.
She'll be scared. Tense.
Don't touch her.
Call to her.
Make sure she obeys.
I just woke up now.
Same nightmare.
It doesn't look like I was sleepwalking.
That's a relief.
This is my 30th
No, my 37th hour
without medication.
I have no idea whether
what I saw was only in my mind
or just some sort of hallucination.
Until I observe myself further,
this looks like it could be a sign for me.
This could possibly be a sign
of post-traumatic stress disorder.
And I still don't know
how I ended up here.
That's all for now.
My mother should be here, not me.
What the hell?
Anyone here?
You didn't turn around. Sorry.
I can't hear.
You're Deaf.
You're selling milk?
I I don't think they need any.
There's nobody at home right now.
A pot. You want a pot?
Hold on just a sec.
Here you go.
Oh. I don't drink milk. Thank you, though.
I thought that
you're supposed to boil it first?
Wow, this is incredible.
I'm a little dizzy now.
I'm really dizzy now. I I
I don't understand what you're saying.
It's gone now.
How'd you?
Good morning.
Good morning.
The milk lady was here earlier,
so I got some milk for us.
I'm going to school. I'll see you tonight.
Do you know anything
about that fire at the Hidirellez?
They said someone got stuck
right in the middle of it.
You don't have a single word to say to me?
Everyone here says
you're such a terrific guy,
but your own granddaughter shows up,
after all these years,
and you have nothing to say to me?
Maybe this is just
who you truly are, I don't know.
Do you even talk, at all?
Or maybe it's just
bothering you that I'm here?
You know, moving in all of a sudden.
If you want me gone,
just let me know. All right?
Thank you.
In a bad pulp romance, we'd probably
both die a tragic death at the end.
Didem Madak.
You were reading it.
In case you didn't notice,
I'm trying to start this over.
What for?
To be civilized.
Fine. I already introduced myself.
It's your turn now.
I'm Shahsu. I live in Istanbul.
I'm a professor in Psychology
at Bosphorus. I like water.
Just like you.
So, I guess we'll be running
into each other frequently at your spot.
I live across from you now.
So, you're staying?
Is that inconvenient for you?
No, not in the slightest.
Why would it be? I'm allowed
to do whatever I want anyway, right?
Yes, you're right.
Glad you're here. Hm.
Thank you, Maran.
See you around, Maran.
Do you happen to know sign language?
A little.
I think it was something like this.
What does it mean?
Nothing important.
It's fate.
They meet again.
Stop creeping on them.
Screw you. Who cares?
The heat has shrunk your brain, Diba.
He just told us to stay away.
Good morning, Maran.
Banana milk?
What? I'm just being nice.
Go ahead, it's nice and refreshing.
Because you are about to get angry.
And why is that?
Lakmu just got here.
First the fire
then the tourists jumping in the well.
You think they're all coincidences?
Perhaps, maybe.
Or maybe not, I don't know.
The bonfire could be ignored,
but people jumping in the well
really got me thinking.
They can't all be coincidences.
Stop fooling yourself.
We need to immediately
start thinking about what to do next.
We managed to cover up
the Hidirellez incident,
but this well thing has spread already.
We'll need a good diversion
to cover that up.
I'll do my best.
Wait, why would you
do something like that?
You want to leave it alone,
so everyone starts suspecting us?
People aren't interested
in the truth, Maran.
They want a clear enemy, that's all.
How can you be so sure
of something like that?
The straw in the Agzidelik creek burned.
The fire broke out in seven places.
The girl is the cause of all this.
Why can you not see that?
Darkness is upon us, Maran.
There's no other explanation for that.
We need to decide
exactly what we're going to do now.
If we don't act right now
and do something about the situation,
Shahsu is going to be next.
I can tell you that.
Shahsu is the one you're worried about?
Yes, it is, son.
Like you worried about my mother?
Here's my advice.
Leave the girl alone.
And forget about all this nonsense.
Leave him alone.
- Do you really think she's awakening?
- Shh.
- I mean
- Shh.
Don't say her name.
It's dangerous.
But just tell me one thing.
Do you really think that
there's a chance that she
has already sensed Shahsu?
We're not getting involved, Diba.
We're not going to interfere.
Let Maran fix it, all right.
But my brother's denying all of it.
Do you think Shahsu is in real danger now?
Not just Shahsu.
We are all in danger here.
Cihan is our department assistant.
He'll be helping with the project.
I have you sharing
an office space. Is that fine?
- No problem, it's only a few months.
- Thanks again, Shahsu, for staying here.
You're welcome, Professor.
- Oh, I have a question.
- Mm-hm.
Last night a fire broke out at Hidirellez,
but I can't find any info on it.
Do you know anything about it?
No, I don't.
Why do you ask?
No reason.
This love's forever ♪
Come home tonight ♪
Teach me, my darling ♪
Be mine today ♪
Tomorrow ♪
- Cihan?
- Will bring today ♪
- Cihan?
- This love forever ♪
My love won't wait ♪
Hey, Cihan!
Pardon me, I didn't hear you.
Obviously, not.
Shahsu, Cihan. You two are going to be
working together on the project.
I left the articles on your desk.
Take a look and we'll discuss them later.
Of course, Professor.
I usually get paid for my singing.
I guess you're a freeloader.
Lucky you.
I agree with that.
How lucky am I?
What are we gonna do?
Maybe I can sing a song for you in return.
Will you?
Yeah, I will.
Why don't you close your eyes.
- For dramatic effect.
- Of course, sure.
Close them.
Surprise me.
What's wrong?
Too shy to sing in front of someone?
I'm talking to myself, aren't I?
- Whoa, sorry.
- No problem.
Where are you off to, funny girl?
Well, I'm gonna take
a look around the facility.
I'll help.
Normally, you need to pay for a tour,
but since it's your first day it's on me.
- Did you see the news?
- Yeah, girl. That's crazy.
Gosh. Hey!
Enjoy it, Professor Cihan!
As you can see, the kids love me.
Try not to get jealous.
Dude, it says
they were cult members.
- Some kind of ritual thing.
- Why would there be a cult in Adana?
Let me show you the lecture halls.
This is where the junior classes are held.
But we use Hall 102
when we're going to watch something.
The projectors are always there.
What is everyone looking at?
People are crazy. I mean
You didn't hear?
Hear what?
The necklace.
Sir, that's rotten.
It hasn't even sprouted.
Look, it won't blossom. It's futile.
All right, go ahead.
Look at that.
I brought fresh dirt. Give it a try.
You should plow it, though. Tame it well.
Thank you, Davut.
Before I forget
Did you drop off Shahsu the other night?
You two were talking.
I was at Hidirellez,
so she asked if I'd seen it.
She was a little confused.
Must be the heat.
I'm looking for the necklace
that I bought the other night. It's
- Welcome.
- Hello.
Um, I'm looking for a particular person
who sells Shahmaran necklaces.
Red-haired, she had hand tattoos.
Uh, she had a stall at the Hidirellez.
Have you seen anyone around
who looks like that?
I've never seen such a person.
I'm very sorry.
What are you doing, boy?
What the hell are you doing? Huh?
Everything's all right.
Please, it wasn't his fault at all.
I'm sorry. A Are you okay?
Just stop it.
We don't want any help
from the likes of you.
Let's go. Move.
What? Uh
Did your ride abandon you?
Hello to you, as well.
There's no taxi on this road.
I can give you a lift if you want.
You coming?
Fine, as you wish.
Is this for real?
What's wrong?
You were off.
Is everyone in this town
rough around the edges?
I just bumped into a boy, by accident.
And his father was so mad.
He was ready to beat me up.
Okay, I understand how people
worry about their children, but
He said the most peculiar thing to me.
Like what?
He literally said
"We don't need
any help from you."
And it wasn't like he was
talking to a total stranger.
He was talking specifically to me.
How would he know me?
Why would he say that
to a complete stranger?
Hey, here's an idea.
Let me drop you off at the station.
It's a ten-minute drive.
At the station?
Yeah, the station.
Take it back to Istanbul.
There's one that leaves in the evening.
Why are you always trying
to send me back to Istanbul?
Why do you keep telling me to leave?
Well, I'm very fond of Davut.
I don't want to see him get hurt.
I don't understand. What does
Davut have to do with any of that?
I mean
He asked about the fire,
asked if I gave you a ride the other day.
He's worried about you.
- Davut's worried about me?
- Mm-hm.
He didn't even know I existed
before I came here, damn it.
How could he be worried?
This town is no good for you.
So, you think you know
what's good for me and what's not.
Who do you think you are?
How could you possibly
have any idea what's good for me?
Macho-macho man.
Go ahead.
Why don't you tell me
what else is good for me?
You're scared.
By all that's holy.
We're carrying water to a flower.
God have mercy on us.
Don't shake it, Salih, you'll spill it.
Today, we went up there
with Imam Aykut to pray for rain.
- Oh.
- We'll see, I hope.
I guess it was a "don't go back" prayer.
Wherever she's from, she's like a tick
- Don't say that. She's his granddaughter.
- She's rude.
She's still family.
You shouldn't say that.
Maybe she has a
What are you gawking at, Salih?
In the name of God,
the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
God help us.
Did you put milk in the soup?
Yeah, I did. Do you not like milk?
I do, but I can only drink buffalo milk.
We'll find you some birds' milk, then.
You'll have to forgive us.
You live in a village now,
and you can't have
everything at your disposal.
Are you serious?
Oh, yeah.
I also made that bowl of beans.
You can have some.
Sure, why not?
Have you seen the seed you planted?
Eat your food, Salih.
God help us.
It's already a sapling.
You just planted it earlier.
How is that possible?
Which plant?
Which plant are you all talking about?
The one you brought.
- He can't help himself. Babbler.
- Why'd you hit me?
I told you to shut it.
She's really sad.
I can feel it.
Don't get mad at me.
Sorry, I just feel bad.
You don't want anything to happen to her.
But you look sad, too, brother.
You're always lonely.
For as long as I can remember.
I know you don't believe like us.
Maybe, though
Maybe in a way you're good for each other.
Why don't you think so?
You want me to sense what she's feeling?
She's unable to trust you.
She's unable to trust anyone.
She's thinking of her mother.
Shahsu's been all alone
since she passed away.
She's all alone.
All by herself.
How many women have died
because of the prophecy?
They all die, Diba.
Our mother
Her mother, as well.
It will happen again soon.
Would you save her?
If you could?
What are you doing here?
I was out of line today.
I apologize.
Don't worry about it.
I heard you lost your mother.
Yeah, I did.
Me too.
How do you manage to cope with it?
I never got to meet her.
She died giving birth to me.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Well, I guess that we can
start over now, can't we?
Finish the drawing. What are you doing?
You're always getting things done, sis.
You're such a little pain in the butt.
Oh, my God, it's raining!
Salih! Get over here! It's raining!
Salih, come quick!
Oh, God!
God, thank you for your mercy on us!
- It's raining!
- I made it rain! I made it rain!
- It's rain!
- Oh, God, please forgive my sins!
Despite what anyone says,
centuries ago, this story
began with betrayal.
Its path was already woven in evil.
All it takes is one betrayal
for it to haunt you the rest of your life.
Because killing someone
makes them live inside yourself.
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