Shogun (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Servants of Two Masters

My name is John Blackthorne!
I'm English,
pilot of the Erasmus,
a Dutch merchant vessel.
Lies! You're a pirate!
They don't know about us, do they?
The great Lord Yoshii Toranaga
wants to meet you.
What does he want with me?
Play with your balls, maybe.
How should I know?


[DELL'ACQUA] This English
pilot how do you mean
he is obscene?
You know the sort. Uh, dirty. Diseased.
And he's got a filthy mouth.
He's like a back-passage whore
of the 15th rank.
Know what I mean, Father-Visitor?
These journals are proof
of his depravity.
Look, Your Eminence.
Sacked, slaughtered and
pillaged his way through Manila.
He's a real piece of work,
that one. Brutal savage.
So we show these to the Japanese.
And he will be hanged for piracy.
I'm afraid it may not be so simple.
Despite the discord in Osaka,
Toranaga is still
president of foreign relations.
He's a thorough man.
I fear he'll want a complete
translation of this journal.
Perhaps a bit too complete.
I'll thank you to leave now.
So you know, this, uh, pirate
he's not a man to leave
his fate with God.
I suggest you don't, either.
So he knows everything about Macao.
Christ as my witness
with these bushos
on the verge of open war,
the last thing we need is any discussion
of past entanglements.
Well, then let us
be grateful our visitor
- does not speak Japanese.
- Hm.
I'm going to the castle where
Toranaga has been sequestered.
I'm to translate for him this afternoon.
These are critical times
for the mission.
You will see to it
this man is not a problem.

Good morning.
My name is Martin Alvito
of the Society of Jesus.
You must be the Anjin.
- What does that mean?
- It means "pilot."
The way Tsuji means
"translator" for me.
You are in the court
of Lord Yoshii Toranaga,
and I am the interpreter
to the Council of Regents.
Oh, good, so you'll
be able to twist my words
in your Portuguese favor.
What did you just say?
[ALVITO] Exactly what you said.
I will translate without prejudice.
Well, seeing as you're so bloody honest,
perhaps you would do me the courtesy
of telling him we are enemies.
[ALVITO] Tell him yourself.
The Japanese word
for "enemy" is teki.
Gesture at me and say the word.
He will understand.
I may be your enemy,
John Blackthorne
of the Erasmus
but I am not your assassin.
That you will do yourself.
He wants to know why we are enemies.
Because our countries are at war.
[ALVITO] Tell him where you're from.
It's an island kingdom,
1,000 miles north of Portugal.
[ALVITO] Why are you at war
with my kingdom?
Because England refuses
to be intimidated by Catholics.
[ALVITO] You are not Catholic?
There are two Christian religions.
Protestant and Catholic.
We English are Protestant.
Though I won't know for sure
till I'm dead.
I am not a pirate.
My ship contains letters of marque
from the rulers
of a nation called Holland,
authorizing us to trade in all seas.
And to defend ourselves against
anyone who dare stop us.
I cannot conceive of being
an enemy to you, Lord.
Then I would commend my soul to God.
For surely I would die
by the hand of a teki
like you.
- [ALVITO] Move.
This is Lord General Ishido.
Toranaga's chief rival.
If you value your life,
- do not say a word.
Bow. Fast.
You are to be detained.
- For how long?
- I do not know, Anjin.
But I will pray for your soul.
have you told him, you bastard?
This is fucking great.
There's clearly been some sort
of misunderstanding.
Where are you taking me?
If I've committed some sort of offense,
I apologize. Apolo
Do any of you people understand
a damn word I'm saying?
You, up front
where are you taking me?
No, I protest this treatment!
I'm a guest of your lord,
not a prisoner.
Oh, fuck.
This is a mistake!
The señor is real?
Who are you?
You are safe here.
Children of my flock.
Persecuted for their faith.
You speak Portuguese yet?
Not Portuguese.
Speak the truth before God.
- I'm English.
The Jesuits put you here too, then?
Jesuits put you here?
- Oh.
You should let me give you absolution.
- Are these men all marked for death?
Death is the only punishment here.
Father, there's been a mistake, I
I'm a guest of Lord Toranaga.
I'm not meant to be here.
Toranaga brought you to Osaka?
And I must be allowed to leave.
Dear God, you're a child
in the wilderness.
You don't know their games.
Toranaga is a prisoner
in Osaka castle.
Isolated by his rivals
on the Council of Regents.
There's Sugiyama, descended from
the richest samurai family
in Japan.
Ohno, a feared warrior,
whose affliction
of leprosy led him
into the arms of the Church.
And Kiyama, a man
whose faith in Christ
is guided only
by his greed and ambition.
All of them are in
the palm of Ishido,
caretaker of the castle.
Any day now, these men
will vote on Toranaga's demise.
Hear me, my son.
I alone will tell you the truth.
If Toranaga claimed you as an ally,
you'll never leave Japan alive.

[DOMINGO] Toranaga was born Minowara.
A name that carries
great weight in Japan.
For centuries, his ancestors
dominated this country,
carrying with them a divine mandate.
A title, revered through the ages.
The ultimate rank a mortal can achieve.
And Toranaga does he seek this title?
[CHUCKLES] Who knows what lurks
in the heart of a Minowara.
[DOMINGO] Another soul for every hour
- of the day.
It's nothing for you to fear now.
You'll die a martyr.
On the cross, perhaps.
I'm sorry, Father,
I didn't come all this way
around the world just to die on a cross.
Then why did you?
You came here to wage war.
I would have stood by you.
I came here in '72, clutching my rosary,
visions of the souls I would save.
Then I learned the true
tenets of the cloth:
silk, gold and guns.
These Jesuits care nothing
for their souls.
They've made an idol
of that cursed Black Ship.
That's how they dominate trade.
The Chinese hate Japan.
So all trade goes
through the Portuguese.
It's usury.
The late Taiko even tried
to put a stop to it,
but the Church had
incited the rebellion,
smuggled guns from
that secret base in Macao.
I met a man who said
he'd been to that fortress,
said there were Japanese soldiers
hundreds of them
all converted to Catholicism.
You're telling me
the lords here don't know?
It's too late for that now.
You don't understand. I must tell them.
That's my way out.
You can't play their game.
Their rules are too opaque,
their hearts too guarded.
You don't know me.
I've known a thousand of you.
[FERREIRA] How many different
ways I can tell you I don't give a shit?
Hurry up, let's go!
Come on.
Let's go.
You and Carlos have to get
your stories straight.
He told me you had
the manifest. Fuck off.
On your way to the castle, Father?
Good morning, Captain.
As you know
I've had no word.
As soon as Toranaga calls on me
to permit the Black Ship to depart,
you'll be the first to know.
That's what I'm worried about, see.
Hearing the old monkey's
not long for this world.
The Church is doing all it can
to keep your business running on time.
You mean our business.
Cock-sucking prig.
And which is your
stronger tongue, now
Portuguese or Latin?
I have more occasion
to practice Portuguese.
But it comes slowly.
To this day, you remain my best pupil.
Though I must admit my surprise.
Seeing you yesterday,
Toranaga involving you in his affairs.
[MARIKO] I do not wish
to translate anymore.
I do not like this man,
the way he speaks to you.
You have always had good instincts
about those with bad intentions.
Lady Maria.
The dark thoughts you have
confessed to me in the past.
Are they still with you?
I trust you know I pray for you.
On this matter and others.
Especially with the heretic.
I've read his journals.
Whatever your heart
tells you about him
he is guilty of worse.

- Ah
Your confession, say it quickly.
No, this can't be.
I'm not supposed to die here.
The Blessed Virgin
is watching over you now.
Confess before me,
all sins past and present.
You go with your God, Father.
forgive me my pride.
Let this not be my end.
I beg you.
Good morning, señor.
I am to be your interpreter for today.
You speak Portuguese?
It is my honor to learn the language
of my Christian teachers.
Catholic teachers.
I serve Yoshii Toranaga-sama.
My name is Toda Mariko.
John Blackthorne.
And you should know I'm not Catholic.
My lord would like to say
that he is sorry
for the time you spent in prison.
I'm grateful to be alive.
He asks about your country.
Your rulers and customs.
Just this morning, I was
set for death and
and now, um
I know I am considered
an enemy, in your country.
But assure you
my queen is wise.
And thoughtful.
And would want to be your ally.
My master asks for you
to draw a map of the world.
Thank you.
This is the limit
of what I know.
- The earth is round.
Like a fruit.
Uh, Japan is here.
My country, England
is on the other side of the world.
We came by way of Magellan's Pass.
We are the first outsiders to use it
because the Spanish and the Portuguese
kept it secret.
And for us, it was safer
to sail this way.
Because we had to avoid
a Portuguese base
in Macao.
It employs Japanese mercenaries.
I'm told you call them ronin.
A secret Catholic fortress,
used for gunrunning.
Employed during an uprising
some years ago.
My master asks that, later,
you write this map
and mark the Portuguese bases.
If I may, I will explain now.
This is the way Portugal and
Spain carved up the New World.
70 years ago, they signed a treaty
that split undiscovered land
between them.
Your country falls
into the Portuguese half.
So it belongs to them.
I'm sorry, sir, but
I assure you their arrogance
is unbelievable.
Please tell him it's written
into legal documents.
Each Spanish and Portuguese king
has the right to lay claim
to any non-Catholic land they discover
and to replace its government
with Catholic rule.
This is a lie.
Do you swear by your God?
Yes, I do.
He asks what you seek here.
To vanquish our common enemies.
My master says
you should not war against
the Portuguese in Japan.
You are outnumbered. It is hopeless.
Unless I win.
Toranaga-sama has generously
gifted you his personal quarters.
This is a great honor
I hope you will enjoy.
Is that his?
That battle armor was ordered specially
by Toranaga-sama
after he saw it in a dream.
Its style goes back many generations.
All the way to the Minowara Shogunate.
I wanted to thank you
for translating so honestly
on my behalf today.
No thanks are necessary.
My efforts are in service of my lord.
How long have you spoken Portuguese?
14 years.
As long as I've been a Christian.
Well, you speak very well.
These women can assist you
in preparation for your bath.
Uh, thank you, but
I've already bathed.
Oh. In the prison?
No, in the village.
But that was some time ago.
What, two
two baths in a week?
What, do you want me to catch the flux?
Wait, Mariko.
I know you hold these priests
in high regard,
but I beg you to consider their motives.
Your lord is in danger.
And I have a ship.
I would advise against
speaking out of turn.
Oh, and
you will please address me
as Mariko-sama.
Alvito has just received word
from Toranaga.
He's denied our departure papers
for the Black Ship.
This God-cursed heretic
doesn't even have the decency
to ruin us slowly.
Let this be my burden, Father.


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