Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Mischievous Wolf and No Laughing Matter

-I take it that you slept well.
These pelts are so warm.
There was a flea.
Well, your fur is
of the best quality, after all.
For them, it's the perfect nest.
You recognize the beauty in my tail, huh?
You must have a good eye.
Well, I like to think so.
I am quite proud of my white-tipped tail.
And my pointy ears as well.
My ears capture the sound of
any kind of calamity and lie.
I've saved many friends
from danger that way.
When they talk about
Holo the Proud Wisewolf of Yoitsu,
they are talking about none other than me.
What is your amazing nose
able to sniff out?
-You should hurry.
-What's wrong?
It will rain soon.
We are grateful for God's mercy.
And your companion is
She's my wife.
She has a burn scar on her face,
so she's always like this.
I see.
I will check on my cargo
before going to the room.
The cold rain is cooling down my burn.
Your pelts were okay, right?
Those marten pelts are of
such great quality.
There might be someone like me
who is blessing the mountain
where those martens lived.
Will they?
-Will they sell for a good price?
-I don't know.
I am not a fur trader.
That reminds me,
what should I do with the wheat?
What do you mean?
Do you want me to thresh it
or leave it as is?
That is, if you really are
"inside the wheat" as you proclaim.
As long as I'm alive,
that wheat will not rot or wither.
If it is eaten, burned,
or ground up and mixed with soil,
I might disappear though.
But threshing it
and storing it should be fine.
Then I'll take the grains
and put them in a bag or something later.
I assume you want to keep it yourself.
That'll be great. It'll be even better
if I can wear it around my neck.
I want to keep some of the wheat,
but is that all right?
I want to sell it in another land.
Many crops are only fruitful when
they are grown in their natural habitat.
I bet it'll just wither and die.
It'll be a waste of your time.
You still smell,
even after the rain washed you.
You're a pretty handsome man.
So spruce yourself up more.
I take care of myself enough so that it
doesn't affect my business negotiations.
Well, I agree that your beard looks good.
Really? So you recognize
the beauty in this beard, huh?
But I like them to be a little longer.
Like this.
Let's go to the hall and dry our clothes.
I'm sure the fireplace is lit.
There will be other people
by the fireplace.
Don't let anything slip.
I am Holo the Wisewolf.
I used to travel in this form
all the time.
You can rest assured.
But I would never think
of covering my face because of a burn.
Really? Then what would you do?
A burn would be the same
as my tail and ears.
I would view it
as a one-of-a-kind trademark.
I see.
So you came from Yorenz?
Yes. I acquired salt from there,
delivered it to another village,
then purchased some marten pelts.
But isn't it laborious
to return to Yorenz from here again?
As a merchant,
I use a trick so I don't have to return.
How interesting.
When I bought salt
from a trading company in Yorenz,
I didn't pay money there.
That's because I had sold
wheat of equal value
to one of their branches in another town.
In exchange for not charging for
the wheat, I didn't pay for the salt.
We ended up fulfilling two transactions
without the use of money.
Well, that is
a very interesting situation.
This system is called
an exchange transaction.
It was invented by merchants
who do
business with people from various regions.
I own a vineyard
in a place called Perenzo,
but I've never done a transaction
using such a bizarre system.
Should I know about this?
You'll be fine.
If you're a lord governing
a land with a vineyard,
you just have to make sure you don't
get ripped off by companies.
We have an argument over that every year.
You said your name was Lawrence, right?
If you ever come to Perenzo next time,
please stop by our house.
You are always welcome.
Yes, I will.
Well then,
it seems like my wife is a bit tired.
We'll be leaving now.
Until next time.
May God be with you.
You are quite the man, aren't you?
I'm just a typical merchant.
I was eyeing that couple myself,
but I couldn't find a good segue.
But you did it with such ease!
When I was a rookie, all merchants
seemed superhuman to me too.
More than half of them are
superhuman even now, so good luck.
That's reassuring to hear.
My name is Zheren.
I'm a rookie merchant.
I'm Lawrence.
Are you two together?
She's Holo, my wife.
You're working as a couple?
You must treasure her a lot,
seeing how you're hiding her
under a cloak.
It must be God's will that we met here.
So may I have a peek?
The best part of a trip
is the excitement before it starts,
the scariest part of a dog is its bark,
and the most beautiful side of a woman
is her back view.
Carelessly revealing what is hidden
may end up crushing dreams.
I wouldn't want to do something like that.
Wow, your wife sure is something.
I'm doing my best
to wear the pants in the family.
It must be God's will that
I was able to meet you two.
What do you say?
Would you be willing to hear me out?
It smells amazing!
Boiled potatoes and goat's cheese!
Wait a second.
Is that wheat?
I added a leather string
so you can wear it around your neck.
That's so helpful.
-This takes priority.
-Wait a second!
The wheat pouch, leather string,
potatoes topped with goat's cheese,
and donations to the church
all cost a lot.
And you even took my best outfit.
I will have you pay all of it back.
-Are you done now?
Vegetables that humans grow
are even more delicious than nuts.
I like their idea of cooking them too.
The human throat is so narrow, as always.
It's so inconvenient!
Compared to a wolf,
who swallows things whole.
Well, that's because
we don't have cheeks.
We can't be biting everything
into small pieces.
But I have choked on potatoes
in the past too.
We may not be compatible.
By the way, weren't you saying
that your ears can distinguish lies?
Yeah, somewhat.
How well?
Well, I can tell that you complimented
my tail even though
you didn't really mean it.
It's not 100% accurate though.
It's up to you,
whether or not you believe me.
Well then, let me ask what you thought
about that kid's story.
The one who talked to us
in the room with the fireplace.
From my perspective, both of you are kids.
But I guess you are
a little bit more mature.
That kid's story, huh?
The thing is,
rumor has it that they're minting a new
version of an existing silver coin
and raising
the percentage of silver content.
Since it is going to be
the same silver coin,
the new coin
will have the same value as the old one.
But if you change it to another currency,
it will have more value
than the current silver coin.
-Which means
-Which means
If we stock up on
the current silver coin now,
and exchange them for
the new silver coin once it's out,
we can profit from the difference.
As expected, you catch on so quickly.
What do you say?
If I tell you
what silver coin it's going to be,
will you give me
a share of the profit that you will make?
I think that kid is lying.
I don't know exactly
what part of it is a lie, though.
I see.
Speculating in currency is not uncommon.
It's just
You don't know
his reason for lying, right?
When it comes to lies,
the lie itself is not important.
What's important is the situation
and reason behind the lie.
It took me years to learn that.
Don't let that get to you.
In my eyes, you are just a kid as well.
But what would you have done
if I wasn't here?
If I was alone?
I'd hold off on deciding
whether it's true or false,
and pretend to accept
Zheren's offer for the time being.
Why is that?
If it's true,
I can make a profit as planned.
If it's false, that means someone
is plotting something.
In those cases,
if you investigate carefully,
it usually leads to
another profitable opportunity.
What would you have done
if I told you that his story was a lie?
Then I
It was never up for debate
in the first place.
Either way,
you're going to pretend to accept it.
This leftover potato is mine, right?
I am Holo the Wisewolf.
You don't even know how long I've lived.
I pray that my husband
can have nerves of steel.
Jeez, what have you been doing
this morning?
I woke up early,
so I went to listen to their sermon.
You're interested in that stuff?
It's fun to listen to once in a while.
My goodness, they've become
quite important, haven't they?
The church has always been self-important.
Not really.
When I first came here from the north,
they weren't like that.
They didn't used to say
such grandiose things like,
"The one-and-only God created the world
and humans are just borrowing that world."
Nature isn't something that
someone can just make.
I seriously wondered, "Since when
did the church start writing comedy?"
Times have changed, I guess.
At this rate, things must be
completely different now
Have you changed yourself?
Then I'm sure your hometown
hasn't changed either.
I can't call myself a Wisewolf
if I need to be comforted by you.
Come on!
Hurry up! What are you doing?
I see! So you're going to accept my offer?
But I can't pay in advance.
I can't do anything
until I sell my pelts, after all.
Then let's regroup at the port town Pazzio
and make an official contract then.
Once you get to Pazzio,
please come to a bar called Yorrend.
They'll get in contact with me.
Yorrend, right?
Yes. Well then, see you there.
Take care!
You're not going together?
The road is muddy.
Walking will be faster
than going by wagon.
I'm not going to slow him down
by making him go with us.
I see.
Merchants sure are strict about time.
As they say, "Time is money."
What an interesting phrase.
"Time is money," huh?
The farmers you've been
observing for centuries
are conscious about time too, aren't they?
Have you really seen them?
They're not conscious about time,
they're conscious about the air.
-I don't get it.
They wake up with the morning air
and pull weeds in the afternoon air.
They welcome budding plants
in the spring air
and watch their growth in the summer air.
They celebrate their harvest
in the autumn air
and long for spring in the winter air.
They don't care about time.
And neither do I.
You seem to be smart,
but you lack experience.
In other words, you will turn out to be
a great person once you mature.
How many centuries will that take?
You sure are witty.
Are you sure you're not just
losing your wits from old age?
Do you know why wolves attack humans?
It's because we want to eat human brains
and acquire their power.
You are still a fledgling.
You're no match for me yet.
Have you never been
attacked by a wolf before?
I have. About eight times.
-They're formidable, aren't they?
We somehow dealt with
the pack of wild dogs, but the wolves
were formidable.
That's because they have
eaten humans and acquired
Please, stop!
I'm sorry I said you were
losing your wits.
So please
I'm sorry.
-Are you mad?
-I am.
So please
don't joke about that ever again.
Let's spend the night
somewhere over there.
Wolves have only lived in the forest,
while dogs have lived with humans.
That is what makes wolves
more formidable than dogs.
Wolves only know humans as hunters.
We fear humans.
That's why we think carefully
about how we should act
when humans enter the forest.
Have you also
Even I have things
that I don't want to answer.
I'm sorry.
Now we're even, huh?
The worlds we've lived in
are so different, aren't they?
Next time,
"The Port Town and Sweet Temptation."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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