Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Nash's Race Day/The Lost Jedi Ship

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[RJ beeps]
[sighs] Hydrospanner.
Done! Thanks, RJ.
The Crimson Bolt is ready to roll…
er, sail. [laughs]
The point is, we're gonna win
the Kublop Classic for sure this year.
[RJ chirping]
I'm so excited!
We're gonna race other kids
across the rivers of Kublop Springs.
Yep. It's one of my favorite traditions.
We do it every year.
And we get to race
with the best pilot we know.
[singing in Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
Your racing skiff looks great.
Nash designed it,
and we helped build it. [chuckles]
Master Zia, thanks for letting
these three join my crew today.
I've never had a team
to help me race the Kublop Classic before.
Nubs, show Master Zia the sail.
[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Oh, no!
-[Lys] Oops.
[groans, speaking Poobian]
[Force rumbling]
I'll help you, Nubs.
Well done, younglings.
[scoffs] Nice trick.
Everyone, this is Raena Zess.
Oh, you mean the girl
who you told us about?
The one who always wins the races
'cause she has a better ship than you
and you never ever, ever beat her?
B-But this year's gonna be different.
[chirps, beeps]
Oh? [scoffs]
Check out my brand-new racing skiff.
The best my uncle's credits can buy.
-Wow, that looks fast.
[Kai] And you even got droids to help?
[pit droid chirps]
Yep, well,
I've got the best crew in the galaxy.
My friends are Jedi.
-They've got Force powers.
We're definitely gonna win.
[scoffs] We'll see about that.
Nash, Jedi train in the Force
to help people, not to win races.
Not all racers are trained like we are.
It would be unfair
for us to use the Force.
So, no Jedi stuff during the race then?
It would be cheating.
I'm sure the five of you working together
will be more than enough to win.
And win fairly.
You're a very talented pilot.
Yeah, and we'll be right there with you.
We'll do everything we can
to help you win.
Racers, please take your places
for the Kublop Classic!
Everyone knows what to do, right?
Kai, you're on speed control
with the engine and the brakes.
Nubs, your strength will help us
with sharp turns on the sail.
Lys, you look out for obstacles.
-RJ, you're with me.
And I, of course, will be the pilot.
[crowd cheering]
We love you, Nash!
-Hi, Mom! Hi, Mama!
On your marks.
Get set.
Kai, we need more speed!
Yes! Just like that.
Big tree root, straight ahead!
Uh-oh. Thanks, Lys!
Nubs, sharp turn. Now!
[growls, strains]
-[youngling] No!
-[racer groans]
Whoa! That was close.
-Nice job, Nubs.
-I can't see.
-Where are we?
-That's not allowed. Raena's cheating!
But that's not gonna stop us.
Nice move, Nash.
It's just us and Raena now.
-Hang on!
-[Nubs screams]
-[Lys] Whoa!
[scoffs] Those Jedi must be using
their powers to help Nash.
No fair!
Well, I've still got a few more tricks
of my own. [chuckles]
Turbo-boosters? That's not allowed.
-She's cheating again.
Nash! The waterfall!
We're going down that?
Of course.
The Crimson Bolt was built for anything.
Okay, when I say "now," Nubs,
turn the sail.
Kai, give us some speed.
And RJ, open up those flaps.
-[Kai, Lys screaming]
-[Nubs exclaims]
[all screaming]
Oh, no! Raena's winning.
No, no, no. I can't lose to her again!
[Lys] Nash!
Nash, we're almost at the bottom!
Nubs, the sail!
[all screaming]
[screaming continues]
[Nash grunts]
[engine sputters]
[screams, grunts]
Oh, gasket-thrusters!
I let Raena distract me,
and now we're stuck.
-[pit droids chirping]
-[scoffs] Raena's stuck too.
That means we can still win.
We just gotta pull the Crimson Bolt out of
the mud so we can finish the race.
Come on!
[all straining]
-[RJ beeps]
-[Nash sighs]
-[Kai grunts]
-We're not strong enough.
[sighs] I know I shouldn't ask,
but can't you just, you know,
use your Jedi powers?
Nash, remember what Master Zia said
about using the Force?
It's for helping others, not for cheating.
We'll figure something out.
I just-- Raena always
makes me feel bad when she wins.
She brags and walks around town
like she's the best racer ever.
Just once I wanted to beat her.
I guess I'm not good enough.
Not good enough?
Nash, we just went down a waterfall
on a skiff you designed.
And you did all that
because you're Nash Durango,
the best pilot in the Outer Rim.
And you're not the best because of some
fancy skiff or Force powers.
[chirps, beeps]
You're the best because you're you.
-[RJ chirps]
-Thanks, buddy.
Together to the end.
-[pit droids chirping]
-Hurry up!
Hey, Raena!
I bet if we work together,
we can free both our skiffs.
[laughs] Can't those Jedi just use
their special powers to get you out?
[speaking Poobian]
That's right.
Using the Force would be cheating.
Jedi don't cheat.
But I-I-I thought--
W-Wait, you weren't using
your powers before?
Oh. Well, I only cheated
because I thought you were cheating,
but I guess I was wrong.
Look, Raena, you can either sit here
stuck in the mud for the rest of the day,
or I can throw you this tow cable,
and we can get both our skiffs free.
[all straining]
[RJ whistles]
[straining continues]
[all panting]
-We did it! Yes!
-[Nubs cheers]
There's one last part of the race.
What do you say?
First through the geyser field
is the winner?
You're on. But no tricks.
-No tricks.
[Nash, Raena] On your mark. Get set.
And here comes Team Crimson Bolt
and Raena Zess
-on the last leg of the race!
-[crowd cheering]
Nash! We're not gonna catch her.
-Oh, yes we are.
-[RJ beeps]
Lys, find us a geyser
that's ready to blow.
There! The big one.
-What are you doing?
It's okay.
The Crimson Bolt is ready for anything.
Here we go!
-[all cheering]
-[Kai] Yeah!
-[RJ chirps]
-Kai, punch it!
-And Team Crimson Bolt wins!
[crowd cheering]
-Whoo-hoo! [cheers]
-We did it!
-We did it.
-[pit droid chirps]
-[crowd cheering continues]
[RJ beeps]
Good race, Raena.
That was fun, I guess.
-[pit droid chirps]
-Even though we lost.
You're a pretty great racer.
You know, when-- when you're not cheating.
-I'll beat ya next time.
-No tricks?
-No tricks.
The winners of this year's
Kublop Classic are
Team Crimson Bolt!
-Nice one!
-[all laughing]
Good job, sweetie.
Thanks, Mom.
-[Kai] Yeah!
Congratulations, everyone.
I'm proud of you for playing fairly
and for all your great teamwork today.
Let's hear it for our pilot!
-[cheering, laughing]
-[laughing] All right!
-Yay, Nash! Whoo-hoo!
We did it! Whoo!
[Zia] This way, younglings.
Today, we'll be visiting
the Temple library.
[gasps] The Temple library!
I heard they might have holobooks
on ancient Jedi from the Old Republic.
I'm gonna read them all.
[Zia] Here we are.
Remember, this is a very old temple,
and the library is being fixed up.
We're still finding ancient rooms
that have been long forgotten,
so please be careful.
-[all] Wow!
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Ooh!
-[Lys] Whoa!
I'm gonna check out
the section on Jedi history.
[speaking Poobian]
I'm gonna find holobooks
on creatures from Tenoo.
This one's about
the kyber crystals on Ilum?
I'm definitely reading this.
What's that? Hmm.
-What you doing, Kai?
-We were wondering where you went.
-[gasps, coos]
[speaking Poobian]
I don't know what's behind
those old rocks, Nubs.
But it could be a hidden room.
Looks like it hasn't
been touched in forever.
-You thinking what I'm thinking?
-[growls, speaking Poobian]
[inhales deeply]
[Force rumbling]
[all breathing deeply]
Come on.
I think this might be
an old Jedi storeroom.
A place to keep things.
-[gasps] I read about this.
It's a krayt dragon tooth.
[speaking Poobian]
-Look at all this old stuff.
[gasps] That symbol looks familiar.
-[coos, laughs]
A star map.
[coos, speaks Poobian]
I think it's a signal to something.
Maybe Master Zia knows?
Where did you get this?
We found it in one of those ancient rooms
you talked about.
[gasps] I've read about these.
It's an old starship tracker.
Pilots would leave them behind so people
could find their ship if it ever got lost.
[gasps] The Star Seeker.
This tracker leads to the Star Seeker!
-[speaks Poobian]
-The what?
I read about this.
The pilot of the ship
was a brave adventurer.
That's right, Kai.
Hundreds of years ago,
he explored a big part of this sector
for the Jedi.
He brought back countless artifacts
from his adventures,
but he and the ship
went missing a long time ago.
But that light means the ship
might still be out there.
Looks like it's on a planet
not too far away.
Can we go find out?
I gotta know what happened to it.
Well, Master Yoda did send you here
to learn and explore the galaxy.
So, I say go!
-[Kai, Lys] Yes!
I will be very eager to hear
what you find.
-[speaks Poobian]
-Let's call Nash to pick us up.
We have a lost ship to find.
[Nash] So, let me get this straight.
You found this weird old star map
in a dusty room at your temple,
and you think it leads
to some kind of long-lost Jedi ship?
-Yep, exactly.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[RJ beeps]
-This is amazing!
Going on adventures
With my Jedi friends ♪
-Hope this fun never ends ♪
-[RJ chirping]
It's my new Jedi-friend-adventure song.
[laughs] Well, I like it.
[speaking Poobian]
-RJ says we're here.
-Coming out of hyperspace now.
-[controls beep]
-[alert blaring]
-[RJ chirps]
Whoa! Well, we found the planet,
but we also found an asteroid field.
[yelps, speaking Poobian]
[Kai] Yeah, it's scary, Nubs.
But we're with the greatest pilot
in the Outer Rim.
-Right, Nash?
Right. Of course. The greatest.
Whoa! Whoo!
[Lys gasps]
But this is a little scary.
I could use some help.
Kai, Lys, watch out for asteroids.
-Nubs, if any big ones get too close…
…use the ship's cannon
to blast 'em to pieces.
All right, everyone. Hang on.
[Kai laughs] Whoo-hoo.
-[controls beep]
-Asteroids! Coming in fast!
On it. Evasive maneuvers.
Nubs, incoming asteroid!
[speaking Poobian]
Got a bit scary, but we made it through.
-[Kai] Way to go, everyone.
[Kai] Now, let's land
and find the Star Seeker.
This place is completely deserted.
No wonder the ship got lost here.
-The signal's nearby.
-[tracker beeping]
Hmm. That way.
[beeping continues]
[RJ chirps]
You go on ahead.
The Firehawk got banged up.
RJ and I will stay behind to make repairs.
-We'll call if we need any help.
[beeps, groans]
Aw, don't worry. They'll be fine.
[RJ beeps]
[speaking Poobian]
It's okay, Nubs.
We'll be fine if we stick together.
I think we're really close.
-If only we could see through this fog.
[all gasp]
What was that?
[droid] I d-d-d-don't want any visitors.
Go away!
[Lys] I can't see anything.
[Kai] We'll fix that.
Let's focus together,
use the Force, and move the fog.
[Force rumbling]
-[Kai gasps]
-[Lys chuckles]
We… [whimpers] …found the Star Seeker!
Are you Jedi?
Yes, we're Jedi.
I don't believe my sensors.
What in the galaxy are you doing here?
We followed this starship tracker.
[gasps] I remember this tracker.
Oh, t-t-t-thank the Force you're here.
Oh, what's my name again?
Ah, yes. I am OG-LC.
It has been a long time
since I've seen anyone else.
But where are my manners?
Come. Let me show you the ship.
And… [buzzes] …here's where I kept
everything I found during my last trip.
OG, what happened to the pilot?
What-What-What happened?
It's me. I'm the pilot.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You're the brave adventurer I read about?
[speaks Poobian]
I used to explore the Outer Rim
for the Jedi.
My mission was to bring b-b-back
what I learned.
How did you end up on this planet?
I didn't make it through
that asteroid field.
Two big asteroids
almost destroyed my ship.
[all gasp]
I crash-landed here before I could return
to the Jedi Temple on Tenoo.
-Our temple's on the planet Tenoo.
And we can help fix your ship
and complete your mission, OG.
Huh. Actually, I fixed the ship years ago.
Then how come you haven't flown
back to Tenoo?
I'm too afraid to try again.
I-- I'm not a brave adventurer.
Not anymore.
[grunts, straining]
-Poor OG.
-[door closes]
There's gotta be something we could do
to help him feel better.
He was a brave adventurer once.
Maybe he just needs some encouragement.
-Come on!
[thunder rumbling]
[door opens]
Hey, OG, everyone feels afraid sometimes,
even Jedi.
[Nubs coos]
I was scared
when we went through the asteroid field.
[speaks Poobian]
I was.
But then I remembered, Master Zia says
that being brave means facing your fears.
Plus, I have my friends by my side,
and now you have friends by your side.
I am afraid to fly again.
But I will face my fears and be brave,
just like you Jedi.
I will complete my mission
and return to Tenoo.
-[Nubs cheers]
We'll be there with you the whole way, OG.
Let's tell Nash to meet us here.
[Nash] So, what's the plan
for getting out of here?
Us three will help OG pilot his ship.
Nash, you fly ahead of us and find
a safe path through the asteroid field.
We'll follow you.
Oh, I am scared to go back
into the asteroid field.
We're here, OG. We'll help you.
And Nash is leading the way.
Stay behind me and RJ,
and we'll get through, no problem.
[Kai] You got this!
RJ, blast that one.
Oh, thanks, RJ!
Way to fly, OG!
Two asteroids!
This is exactly how I crashed last time.
OG, you've come so far already.
You really are brave.
There has to be a way through there.
You can do it!
Be brave. Be brave.
Be-- [gasps] There!
A way through!
Everybody, hold on to your bolts.
-[Nubs squealing]
[Lys] Yeah!
[Nubs squealing]
[Kai exclaims]
-[Lys] You did it!
-Way to go! Yes!
-[RJ beeping]
-[sighs] I did it!
I did it! I was brave!
[laughs, buzzes]
Th-Th-Th-This is the last of the things
I found on my t-t-t-travels.
Jedi will be studying these artifacts
for a long time.
I am delighted to hear that.
Now that I am not afraid to fly,
I must continue my mission.
I visited over 100 worlds,
but the galaxy contains many, many more.
We'll miss you, OG-LC,
but we'll always know where you are.
Come back and visit, will ya?
I would like that very much.
Goodbye, my new Jedi friends.
May the Force be with you.
[RJ chirps]
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