Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Murder at the Ministry - Part 2

Someone needs a lawyer here.
It's an old friend of yours.
Who is he?
- Sæmi. He's in for murder.
Who's the victim?
- Halla Einarsdóttir. 28.
The PM's assistant doesn't get killed every day.
Edda Kristjánsdóttir, Sæmi's lawyer.
- Does he know?
I gotta give you this.
Halla was fixing private parties for Sverrir
and she filmed some of the orgies.
You're not Daniel.
- I thought we could become friends.
I suggest you find the videos
mentioned in the letter.
Who are you?
- Lena. This is my house.
Halla was my niece.
Everything alright, Prime Minister?
- You don't have to answer.
She was the party type.
- Someone broke in.
This is the wrong way.
- Where's the blue bag?
What happened to you?
- A little after-party. Did you bring the clothes?
I wanna report two cops
for kidnapping and battery.
- I said I wanna report
I heard what you said.
- Two of your colleagues abducted me from my house,
took me in the middle of nowhere and beat me up!
- Is it a joke?
It's no fucking joke!
Wax off your ears!
You know their names or badge numbers?
No but I'd recognize them.
One is big and beefy, the other short with a big head
and a shoe in his face.
- A shoe?
An expensive shoe.
Check all the hospital.
One looks big and dumb
and the other one smells like aftershave?
That's right.
You know them?
Edda Kristjáns wants to see you.
I'm on my way there.
- Stella
if I were you I'd let it go.
- Let it go? Are you high?
I know you don't like it
but you've put your hand in a bag of snakes.
Who are they, Raggi?
- They have contacts in high places.
My advice is to pull out until you can.
Is everything alright?
Don't smoke in the car!
- Or?
It's the rule!
- Don't get German on me now, please!
Thank you.
She's here.
- Who?
Aren't you cheeky.
What happened to you?
I'm tired of your games.
Tell me what you know or that letter will go to the press.
Let's talk privately.
What is it you wanna know?
You think you know the murderer
and I wanna know who it is.
Let's examine the contest.
Halla did organize orgies
and used to film them.
She kept the videos in
- in a blue bag.
She just had to mention that bag
and she got everything she wanted.
My idea is she talked about it
with the wrong person.
I need more than that.
This is more tricky.
Who else was at the ministry?
- We know Halla and Sæmi were there.
Did you check the security cameras?
- Halla had them turned off.
Very handy if you're organizing a party.
- At the ministry?
Other context: earlier that night,
she was at dinner with high Chinese officials.
Everyone involved in Chinese business was there,
including myself.
We were celebrating the happy outcome of our deal
and planning the Chinese PM's next visit to our country.
The PM sent Halla away during dessert.
According to my sources, she went straight to the ministry
to set up a party for Sverrir
and his Chinese guests.
Then what?
The party must have started when the cameras shut off
and lasted till late.
Only who was there knows what happened
provided they can remember.
So instead of helping me narrow down the suspects,
you added half of Parliament plus the Chinese officials.
Perla is about to blow out the candles.
- Ok.
Think about it
Who's influent and powerful enough
to send someone to clean up the blood from the floor?
You're saying
- I'm not saying anything at all.
The picture I have is of a weak man.
He has an adventure with his assistant
and he likes that kind of parties.
He has important guests
with whom he's gonna sign an important deal.
A 150 million dollar deal,
if all goes well.
Then something goes wrong.
Mom, are you coming?
You're smart, you'll solve this.
The answer is in the blue bag.
- So where's this fucking blue bag?
All I know is it hasn't been found yet.
Otherwise we'd know.
And the Chinese?
- I suppose they're also looking for it.
That's enough for now.
You find out the rest.
Sverrir's Ministers will never mention that party.
I'll try with the Chinese.
Talking about living interestingly.
They introduce me to someone
in charge of the negotiation committee.
I'm afraid Mr. Guo Dai is not familiar with these accusations.
What are these parties you're talking about?
And whom of our committee members
are supposed to have attended them?
I have it on very good authority
that your committee members were present that night
at the PM's office.
Now, between me and you, I don't care what they did.
I just want information about
what happened that night.
Mr. Guo Dai has nothing more to add.
What a disappointment
the Chinese are more entranched than Gunna
and way more paranoid.
I'm gonna have to put more pressure on Sæmi.
The problem is
they won't even let me see him now.
Why are you here?
- To meet my client.
Why am I not allowed to see him?
- He's not your client anymore.
What you mean?
- I mean you've been fired.
He just confessed.
- Without telling me first?
Edda Kristjánsdóttir is his new lawyer.
- How could you allow that?!
You have no balls at all!
- What was I supposed to do?
She's the PM's sister. Even you should find it fishy!
- Why?
Halla was found in the PM's office!
Ever heard of "conflict of interest"?
Stella, I
- Have you even checked if Sverrir's DNA was on Halla?
Why don't you just start your YouTube channel
and fill it with your conspiracy theories?
Something doesn't add up and you know it!
- It's over, it's no use to continue speculating.
Gunna, could you
Stop it!
We'll take you to meet someone.
You owe me a tooth.
- You owe me a shoe.
Not now!
Of course Porn fucking Valdi.
Fatty and Skinny have serious communication problems.
Ever heard of the telephone?
Where is it?
- What? Your morality?
Maybe back at your club
- The blue bag. Where is it?
In a safe place.
Guess where it's going if anything happens to me?
So you do have it.
What's the price?
How much is it worth to you?
I'm sure we can reach an agreement.
I wanna see it first.
Here's what
if I ever decide to sell it,
you'll be the first one on the list.
You're bluffing you don't have it.
Believe what you want
and keep those fuckers away from me.
You're better having me as friend than enemy.
Strange I know some Slav minors
who are not so keen to have you as friend.
Here's your shoe, you psycho!
I'm ok. You got time?
What are we doing in Selfoss?
- Retrieving the blue bag.
Is it there?
- I don't know.
Then what are we doing here?!
If neither the PM, Valdis and the Chinese know anything,
it must be hidden somewhere.
Why not Halla's hometown?
- It's digital data. Can't she have put them in the cloud?
If they show the PM in an orgy,
it would be too dangerous to trust a server.
- Never mind. We've arrived.
Shouldn't the police be doing this kind of job?
Yes and no.
I'm afraid a case like Halla's might not be treated with transparence.
Why are you doing this?
Aren't you defending that animal?
I guess
I guess I'm sort of putting myself
in your niece's shoes.
I'd like to talk to you a bit about myself.
I think I know how your niece was feeling.
She must have felt very lonely in the big city.
Why you never told me?
About the closet, the dog your mother
'Cause I made it all up.
- What?
I made it all up
to get her to trust me.
What's wrong with you?!
- Many things but now we have the bank keys.
Come on, they're about to open.
This is it.
Call me when you're done.
A Barbie?
- A very expensive Barbie.
"Winter's Dream", from 1996.
Limited edition.
It's worth a fortune on eBay.
- Garbage.
There's nothing here
except stocks and jewels.
We wasted a trip. Let's go.
- You're gonna leave it here?
We'll give it to Lena.
She'll be happy.
So what do we have here?
Greetings from your friend Lena.
- What did you do?
Turn around.
Hands up.
Is this all you found?
- Yes, yes
Hey, we got what we need.
What's the police doing here?
- Shit Lena!
Those two
- It's ok, they're gone.
They tore my house apart
they were looking for some bag
We already gave them what they wanted.
- It was some blue bag
All I have of Halla's is her furniture
and her Barbie collection.
Barbie collection?
- She called it her "life insurance".
Where's this collection?
So this was her life insurance.
Sad childhood memories
and undersized, dressed-up bodies.
Can it be?
By the size,
I'd say it's all videos.
What a happy bunch
Trausti Cocaine, Snake Hoskuldur, Vardi Dildo
Nice job, Halla.
See if you can find Sverrir.
34 results.
- One busy Prime Minister
I'll make some pop corn.
Ah problem.
- What?
It's protected by a password.
- Can't you use your superpowers?
Tough protection.
The passwords must be at least 50 or 60 characters.
It's probably words, numbers, symbols
it's gonna take 10 years to decrypt this.
Ok we have the names, we have the motive
We have something to work on.
Zoom in on the files.
Ok Sverrir was often in Halla's house.
That room
You want to
Haukur? It's Stella.
I need a meeting with the PM.
I just got a client
Forward this one!
Her name's Francheska and she wants compensation
for a jar of peanut butter.
Sverrir knows what it means.
Ok, I'll wait.
I need backup.
- I can copy it but I can't
Not that kind of backup!
Great. I've thought about it.
You're sure you wanna do it alone?
- More or less.
Shall I wait here?
Ok, I'll wait here.
No security guard?
- No, I sent him home.
What does this Francheska want?
- You'll see.
You can tell me.
- Sorry, it's between me and him.
Ah the lawyer
It's pronounced "Stella Blómkvist".
Where's Francheska?
- Not here.
Where is she?
- Who knows?
The Eldorado Bar Lithuania
that was a very long list.
What list?
A list of girls with whom
you played truffle pig.
What the hell are you doing now?
- I'm looking for the perfect angle where to put
What's this?
- A video camera placed by Halla.
How did you know it was there?
- The blue bag helped me.
You found that fucking bag?!
- Stay calm, I'm not Halla! Sit down!
Calm down
- Sit!
I'm sitting
- Sit down!
Now if you allow me,
I'd like to view the material and see if Halla did record it.
Then we'll sit quiet and wait for the police.
You and me what do you think?
You're despicable.
- Right back at you.
Interesting strategy.
It wasn't easy for me
I really cared about her.
- You should have thought that before killing her.
Never I didn't kill her!
It's impossible I can't remember
I went to the bathroom
and the next thing I woke up beside her.
It's a shame you can't remember.
Chances are it was your DNA on her body.
You send threats in the middle of the party?!
- Haukur
You need to erase it!
- What are you talking about?
- Shut up!
Nobody's gonna hear you anyway.
It's just us and the walls are very thick.
Talk to me, Haukur.
We can fix it.
It's a bit late for that, Stella.
Where's the bag?
Ah that's why I'm still alive.
- Tell me where it is!
Talk to me and I'll tell you what I have.
- What?
What did she have on you?
A recording?
What was it?
Sex? Drugs?
It must be something serious
since you beat her to death over it.
Do you still see her face in your dreams?
When you close your eyes
all covered in blood because of you.
You saw the terror in her eyes
when you started hitting her?
How long did she take to die?
And for what?
What were you afraid to lose?
It wasn't about that!
- What then, Haukur?
What made you kill her?
Corruption? What hanky-panky?
Was it about the Chinese?
- Enough! Shut up!
Ah the Chinese
you were working for them.
It wasn't that I wasn't working for them.
- What was it then?
I just give them a little insight
about our Negotiation Committee.
She recorded me this one time
a little mistake that could become a disaster.
She threatened you?
- Yes.
- With a text. She wanted me out of the way.
If she had told Sverrir,
it would have been over for me.
No more future for me.
I thought about that text all night
but I had to pretend nothing happened.
I had to keep up a happy face for the guests
who were snorting cocaine like there was no tomorrow.
But all I had in mind was that recording.
The small mistake that could destroy everything.
So I went looking for her,
just to talk.
Maybe scare her a little bit.
I asked her to delete the video
but she started to play dumb.
What the hell was she doing there anyway?!
She got the job just because she screwed the PM!
Calm down!
- You calm down!
Don't use that tone!
Let me go!
What did Sverrir have to do with that?
- Wrong time, wrong place.
He was totally wasted, as usual.
Sverrir wake up, Sverrir
Sverrir had just fucked her.
His semen was all over her.
Get a grip!
Call Valdi.
He'll take care of the body.
What have you done, sweetheart?
- I don't know!
It's Haukur.
We took Sverrir home
and we left the door open for Valdi's man.
Halla had to disappear.
If it wasn't for that damn security guard
So this was your plan B.
Pay Sæmi to take the blame.
Everything was under control until you came asking
about that blue bag and it all went to shit!
Why wasn't I ever offered any money?
I'm sitting on the Holy Graal of political corruption:
the blue bag.
Is it money you want?
- You don't know me very well.
Is it a yes or a no?
- Gunna, run!
We gotta get out.
No tricks!
Wake up!
You alright?
Wait here, I'll get help.
It's nothing serious.
We'll remove the stitches in a few days.
- Ok. Thanks.
Stella, you've been released?
- Yes.
How are you?
- Fine, and you?
Me too.
I really have to thank you.
It was horrible to think I was a murderer.
How about a new job?
- With you?
I have two vacancies.
Maybe with my sister and Iceland's biggest lawyers.
Let me think no, thanks.
Don't forget to send me the bill
for your counseling.
Leave it blank, I'll do the rest.
- I don't need charity.
It's not charity it's gratitude.
Sure.. gratitude.
Sverrir is still slippery like a piece of soap.
This story made him even more popular.
Polls have never been so positive.
The empathy level is rising.
Sæmi was released and went straight back
to work for the Porn gang.
He's probably selling cocaine.
I'll see him again soon.
We sentence Haukur Karlsson to 16 years
- Haukur was tried immediately.
He never mentioned the PM's parties.
I'm sure he's been adequately compensated.
There's plenty of money to go around.
Enough to forget about anything.
Now it's a good time to spoil myself.
My pockets are filled with Sverrir's gratitude.
I want it!
I wonder how much it costs.
- Hi. It's Dagbjört.
How are you?
- Just a couple of bruises.
Glad to hear that.
Thank you on behalf of the Icelandic's government.
- You're welcome.
What happened to that blue bag in the end?
- It's in a safe place, why?
Just curiosity.
- Blackmailing someone?
All I care about is the good of Iceland,
like everyone else.
Feel free to call me.
Our friendship could be of mutual interest.
That's what I hope.
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