Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Gangnam, Here I Come

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[loud thud]
[panicked gasps]
[thrilling music playing]
[tires screeching]
[panicked muttering]
[tires screech]
[sirens blaring]
[upbeat music playing]
[Joong-gan] Did you
Did you
use your strength?
-I didn't.
-Then was it
It's not her.
[tense music playing]
[cop] Next, please.
[intercom chiming]
[plastic crinkles]
Yeah, looks good. You can go.
[intercom chatter]
[cop] Next, please.
-Okay. You're all set.
Hold up a sec.
[Young-tak] The masks?
-Um, may I open this?
-[woman] Sure.
[plastic crinkling]
They're my medical supplies.
You see, I'm a nurse.
Right, we just have to check.
Uh, thank you, miss.
Next, please.
[Hee-sik] Could you please
open up your bag?
We're checking for drugs.
Chill, man. I don't use that stuff.
I'm a happy kid,
so what would I need drugs for?
Well, you know, these days,
even books can hide drugs.
See? Like I told you, I'm a happy kid.
[quirky music playing]
[bell rings]
What's all this?
That's horse hair.
You know, like
when it sheds its mane.
[Nam-soon] And this is her anklebone.
Ppappa's anklebone.
But why are you transporting
horse remains?
So Ppappa's soul travels with me.
-Mongolian tradition.
-You're Mongolian?
From Gangnam, actually.
Mongolia is where I grew up.
You're either a Korean national
or you're not.
Nobody's just from Gangnam.
Are you sure you're Korean?
I just said I was.
Anyway, we're keeping these.
But why? They're not drugs!
We'll find out what they are. Don't worry.
[Hee-sik] What's this?
That's super important
to me, so be careful.
[magical music playing]
What on earth is it?
Does everything look like drugs
to you or something?
-Watch yourself.
-Hey, what's that? Let me see it.
Whoa, it's really heavy.
Is this gold-plated?
"It's important" is what I told you.
I see.
We'll be checking it as well.
Hold on, Mr. Cop.
[Hee-sik] We'll be sending it
to the National Forensic Service.
There could be anything hidden
inside of this.
You'll have it returned
after we check it out.
[effort grunting]
You can't have it.
'Cause I need it to help me find my mom.
Your mom?
Yeah, my mom. I came here to find her.
Your mom, you lost her?
[emotional music playing]
I'm a policeman.
[Hee-sik] I can help you.
I'll find your mom.
Okay, fine.
Promise me, then.
[jingling music playing]
Hey, what's your name?
Kang Hee-sik.
Your name is written on my heart.
[jingling music playing]
["Gangnam Style" by PSY plays]
The smell of Gangnam.
[ground cracks]
I'm finally here.
Took you long enough.
Let's do this!
[wheels rumble]
Thankfully, all the passengers
landed safely.
But there was this one lady
who kicked the door open and jumped out.
You don't believe what I'm saying, do you?
Go find her then.
She must be out there somewhere.
Go find her and ask her.
[woman chuckles]
It's not easy to find a place
with a full view
of the Han River like this.
You're lucky.
[woman] My sister and her husband
are in the States for a year
on a professor exchange program.
And after three months, if you want
to stay longer, we can arrange that.
Oh, sick! Three months should be plenty.
I'll certainly find my parents by then.
You know, when Koreans speak
to their elders,
they're a bit more formal.
I learned Korean watching TV
for ten years, so I'm stuck.
Ah! Right.
Okay, well, you have lots to unpack.
[woman] So, if you have
any questions, please call me.
-See ya!
-[door lock beeps open]
[door opens, closes]
People in Korea are all so nice to me.
I'm a policeman.
I can help you.
I'll find your mom.
Okay, I'll trust him.
[serious music playing]
I want you to follow Hwa-ja.
That girl may not be
my daughter after all.
So is something wrong?
The women in our family
respond to each other's power.
When one of us expends her energy,
the others respond in the same way.
Just now, I felt it.
But Hwa-ja didn't exert herself.
Right. I'll see
what I can find out, ma'am.
[vehicles whooshing, honking]
[siren wailing in distance]
[siren blaring in distance]
Hey, Mom!
I promise! I'll find you no matter what!
However big this city seems,
I swear to you!
There's nothing I can't do!
I miss you, Mom and Dad!
I miss you!
[rock music playing]
[bicycle bell rings]
[Sun-kyu] Coin mixing.
They've made themselves untraceable.
The dealer gets the address
of Burner Wallet A.
Sends this to the buyer.
Let's say, for example,
the payment is one Bitcoin
to be deposited in Wallet A.
So the buyer would take one Bitcoin,
deposit it in Wallet A.
Then they start coin mixing,
which gets complicated.
The dealer takes that one Bitcoin,
splits it up, and transfers it
to Wallets B, C, D, E, and F.
They split them further
G, H, I, J, K, L, M.
Keeps going from there.
-[coins clink]
-I'm back.
-When will we get the results?
Uh, Hee-sik's getting them now
at the National Forensic Service.
[scientist] I'll go through
the results with you.
Cookies made with 90% wheat flour.
Okay, fine. What about this?
Oh, this? Hair from a horse mane.
[horse neighs]
-As for this guy, horse's anklebone.
-[horse galloping]
-Now this, 24 karat pure gold.
"Pure gold"?
[scientist] And that thing
in the middle is a diamond.
-[scientist] Zap!
-How much is this thing worth, huh?
-[phone vibrates]
-Give me a second.
-[Young-tak] Hee-sik.
We found out who that woman
from yesterday is.
-With the leather boots.
-Huh, you did?
Yeah. And she's really something else.
The Gangnam Do-gooder.
[Young-tak] Incredibly wealthy.
I'll send you the data.
[phone vibrates]
[Nam-soon] My mom.
I came here to find her.
[gentle music playing]
[deep inhale]
A golden magic wand.
[Hee-sik] What's her story?
-[egg cracks]
-[liquid boiling]
[line rings]
[phone rings]
[dark music playing]
-[shower running]
-[phone ringing]
[Geum-ju] Ms. Park.
It'll be okay.
I can help you through this.
When you go to the police tomorrow,
don't be afraid, tell them the truth.
No one's gonna hurt you
as long as I'm around.
[water dripping]
[Geum-ju] With the right treatment,
we can get you back on your feet.
You just have to give me your trust.
[tires screech]
[eerie music playing]
[body thuds]
[tragic music playing]
What the
[dark music playing]
[Young-tak] It wasn't a suicide.
She jumped while hallucinating.
If we had arrested her before,
she'd still be alive.
We're after the ringleaders.
We had no choice.
Until we get the guys at the top,
this will just keep happening.
Is Hee-sik still gone?
Apparently, no drugs were detected.
We got nothing.
Then what was that last tip, huh?
-[pen clacks]
Something was on that plane.
[Nam-gil] No, listen. That's how
we'd like you to proceed, all right?
I'm sure you've heard about
Ms. Park's death by now, haven't you?
Return all her assets
to her family immediately.
Huh? You Right now?
And, uh, are you going to continue
with your nightly adventures
now that you've found your daughter?
-Yes, I must.
-I don't see why.
We can't allow this to continue.
Our nation is being overrun by drugs.
I can't stand by.
I have to fight back.
-Where are my taxes going?
[gasps, groans]
I pay our government
over 400 billion a year.
Obviously, they have no idea
what they're doing.
I'll just have to solve it myself.
And it has to be you because
Oh, no, no, no! Please.
Didn't mean anything by it.
I've just always wondered.
Why do you always take it upon yourself
to go around rocking the boat like that?
[Nam-gil] That's all I meant.
In the beginning,
it was for my daughter Nam-soon.
Back then, I believed
that God would protect Nam-soon
if I did good deeds.
But now, it's bigger than that.
It's become my life's true mission.
Which means I'd better get started.
There's a lot of work to be done.
Hmm, with all this running around,
I'm getting a tan.
-[door closes]
-[Young-tak] Hey, you're back.
-Hey, everyone.
[line dials]
[operator] The person
you are calling is not available.
Your call will be forwarded
to the voicemail box after the beep.
She wants her stuff back ASAP,
but doesn't answer.
[Hee-sik] "Korean name, Gang Nam-soon."
[gentle music playing]
Gang Nam-soon?
[soft chuckle]
[door lock beeps]
[door opens]
-Who are you?
-Who are you?
Young lady, this apartment is for sale.
I got this place on Airdnd.
I'm staying here for three months
starting last night.
Sorry, what?
Hold on a moment. Let me call the owner.
[suspenseful music playing]
[downward spiral music playing]
[realtor] It looks like
she took everything,
including your cell phone and passport,
so you couldn't report her.
She was so nice to me and all.
How could she do this to me, though?
All scammers seem nice at first.
I'm afraid catching them
is nearly impossible.
I can't believe this.
I wouldn't wait if I were you.
Go find a place to stay
before it gets dark.
[realtor] Do you have any money?
Oh, of course.
They would have taken everything.
[sniffles, exhales]
[serious music playing]
You're not allowed
to be in this room without permission.
Uh, I'm not allowed
to be in here but you are?
You do know I'm her daughter.
I've worked for Ms. Hwang for ten years.
I'm the only person with permission
to come in here.
I mean, I only came in
'cause the wall opened all of a sudden.
Just don't ever come
into this room again, please.
Sure. But, uh, that safe, can you open it?
No. Only Ms. Hwang can open it.
[Na-young] It requires her fingerprint.
[tense music playing]
[gloomy music playing]
How could Korea do something like this?
How could it scam me like this?
[bright music playing]
Yes! This is it! Han River!
Wow! They have gers here too?
-You're throwing that away?
-[man] Yeah.
-I can take it, then?
[action music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[metal pierces earth]
[rope constricts]
[roots crackle]
[tree clonks]
[loud thud]
[camera shutter clicking]
[uplifting music playing]
That looks great.
[door closes]
One more. Just like that.
-[camera shutters clicking]
-[Bong-go] You're a natural.
-[Young-tak] Really? How's this?
-[Bong-go] One, two.
How can you be doing this
with everything that's going on right now?
Studio appointments
can't be cancelled the day of.
We'll be finished soon.
[with teeth clenched] I'm sending
these photos to the matchmaking agency.
I need to put everything into them.
This is what you think
it'll take to get you married?
It's been my dream
to be man of the house, eh?
Snooze, you lose.
That's how you end up
like our team leader.
You're halfway there already.
[mysterious music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Seok-ho] Hee-sik, we've got them.
Get here quick.
We got the call. Come on. Get dressed.
[grumbles, sighs]
Uh, sir.
[door closes]
If you need any photos, here's a discount.
It would be a pleasure
to shoot such a good-looking client.
Uh, sure.
Hope to see you.
-Oh, yes. Goodbye, sir.
-[Young-tak] Yeah. Thanks again.
[chopsticks clank]
[dramatic music playing]
So, Nam-in, how's the food?
Mm, it's tasty.
Not another care in the world, huh?
That's right.
[Ji-hyeon] So you booked
the place through Airdnd
while you were in Mongolia
before your arrival?
And you paid 50,000 extra won
for the rooftop?
She had a discount
for upfront payment, so upfront I paid.
Your Korean is really interesting.
Well, I am Korean.
So, uh, I didn't learn formal Korean
when I studied it.
So this is what you get, girl.
Sorry about that.
It's all right.
[awkward chuckle]
Do you remember what she looked like?
Mm-hmm. I sure do.
That's all for now.
We have the security footage.
We'll contact you
once we've identified the suspect.
Oh, wait. How will I contact you
if you have lost your cell phone?
Good point.
First thing, I have to find
a certain police dude.
The policeman who took my things
at the airport.
He said that he needed
to test them for drugs.
He also said he'd contact me
when he was done.
Do you know his name by chance?
[Hee-sik] Kang Hee-sik.
-Gan Home-sick.
Gan Home-sick.
"Gan Home-sick"?
Yeah, Gan Home-sick.
With a name that weird,
there's no way I could forget it.
What did he look like?
He's so good-looking, like hot.
But maybe
he's just my type.
[posh music playing]
Busan Customs has caught someone
with 90 kilos today.
Seems it was coming from Vietnam.
[Sun-kyu] Whoa, 90 kilos.
Your average Korean could live
for a year off those profits.
By the way, what was with that tip?
The Intelligence guys said
there would be a mule.
Oh, those jokers?
They've been off their game lately.
Guess so.
[deep inhale]
Anyway, I wonder
how the field team is doing.
[Young-tak] Goochie goochie, goochie goo.
Would you like to see our new arrivals?
-Oh, that's okay.
-[in soft voice] We're good, thank you.
-[in normal voice] Wig's in my eye.
Let me see.
Come over here.
-Hey, what are you doing?
-We need you to look young enough
to be a newlywed,
especially with my baby face.
What are you talking about?
-Hey, babe.
-Hey, off! Off! Off! Off!
This is sexual harassment.
I'm gonna report you.
Don't you mean sexual arousal?
-Let's go.
She's going in.
[Young-tak] Go. Start walking.
[baby crying]
[tense music playing]
The man who gave you this
is in the parking lot, right?
Where's your next stop?
[in shaky voice]
At the K-Mart, in the nursing room there.
Let's go to the parking lot.
[exhales in discomfort]
You're reducing my sentence
for this, right?
Sure, we are.
If we manage to catch the main seller,
you could even get an award.
I don't need any stinking award.
-You use these drugs yourself?
-[dealer] No, I don't.
Why would I? I know better
than anyone how it screws you up.
[Seok-ho] Huh? Is that her?
[dealer] Yeah, that's her.
Wait, are you kidding?
Is that what you guys call a disguise?
[Seok-ho] I know. That's all
we could afford with our budget.
Korea should step it up!
Fund the police properly like in the U.S.
-That's right.
-If that's all you're working with,
how do you expect to harness
the latest in forensic science?
[tense music playing]
Hey! Got you, asshole.
Oh, shit!
-[tires screech]
-[Seok-ho] Hey, stop!
Come back, you prick! Come on!
[tires screech]
Did you see that? He's crazy.
-This garage is not designed for this!
[all screaming]
[tires screech]
We've got him now!
Hey, lady, move it!
No way.
You move first!
[doorknob clanks]
Get in.
Hey, get some jajangmyeon.
[Young-tak] With extra pickled radish.
We're back.
Hee-sik, you can change, you know.
Evidence we procured at the crime scene.
[thrilling music playing]
[playful music playing]
Hey! Hey!
-Both of you, get out! This is my house!
Wait, what do you mean this is your house?
-Well, it's not yours.
-[Hyun-soo] Yes, it is our house.
It just hasn't been officially registered.
What are you saying?
Who are you guys?
I'm a simple bohemian.
My home is wherever I lay my head,
which makes me a sort of free spirit.
-So you're a tramp?
-Yes, I am a tramp
"A tramp"? How dare you?
We are merely people
who have been temporarily displaced
-as a result of this vile social system.
Why is everyone I meet in Korea so crazy?
I only just got here.
Oh, you're a foreigner?
None of your business.
[Ji-hyun] She must be.
Look, this is all public land, you know.
You're not the owner.
And if you keep this tent up,
they're gonna get you
for unauthorized camping.
-[Hyun-soo] Seriously.
What were you thinking
putting such a nice tent here?
You'd think this thing
was a Mongolian ger or something.
-You know about gers?
-Uh, yes.
So what's your story, then?
What brought you from tourist
to tramp on arrival?
[Hyun-soo] I've never seen that before.
[deep inhale]
Korea's a great place,
but it does have lots of scammers.
We have more scammers
than anywhere in the world.
Do you know why?
When a scammer gets caught,
they get off easy.
-That's right.
-Here's your problem.
Take poor Ms. No here.
She's only homeless
'cause a scammer took all she had.
All my cash.
So it sounds to me that you two
intend to keep on living here.
Is that right?
Yeah, pretty much.
Okay, so here's the deal.
I'll build you guys
another ger next door over there.
You're offering to build a home for us?
Mm-hmm. It's not hard, so I'll just do it.
If you agree, can you please get out?
-You guys stink.
-Whoa, hold on.
There's nothing free in this world.
What can we offer you?
I'll have to think about what you bums
could possibly offer me.
So for now, just go.
We can trade something
more valuable than money.
A Michelin guide to soup kitchens.
A map of transportation
and geography in Gangnam.
Bathrooms where you can shower.
Phones to make calls, no charge.
You won't need cash ever again
using this wisdom.
These are the kind of life hacks
you can't find online.
That sounds interesting.
But I guess I'm a tramp now, aren't I?
All right, then.
I accept.
Now, how about we go get something to eat?
Let's eat.
Dinner's on us, my dude.
[munches, slurps]
[upbeat music playing]
[delighted moan]
[Nam-soon] This is so good!
It's sweet. It's savory.
I'm so happy right now.
-Eat as much as you want.
Sadang-dong is good on Fridays,
and Jongno on weekends.
But that place gets busy
because they serve meat.
-Um, we're trying Yongsan tomorrow.
[Hyun-soo] Place there
is run by Father Ji Deok-gu.
They use rice from Naju.
And they don't cheat you either.
They give you lots of stuff. It's rad.
This tramp knows his stuff.
I like that.
-[line ringing]
Why hasn't she answered her phone all day?
[operator] Your call will be forwarded
to the voicemail box after the beep.
-Is something wrong?
-Call charges apply after connection.
Ms. Gang Nam-soon,
I've called you many times now.
Call me back as soon as you get this.
I'll give you my personal number.
-Why do I have to ask everything twice?
Go have some food. I'll take over.
[Young-tak] Good luck.
Come on, just let me go.
I keep telling you.
I don't know anything, really.
Of course, you don't know anything.
I guess those drugs
just fell out of the sky.
I don't believe you.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I talked to this seller on I-gram.
And after every sale, they disappear.
All right then. Tell me
about this bastard you met on I-gram.
I don't know anything about them.
Not their name, not their face. Nothing!
I don't even have their phone number.
[deep exhale]
And even if I did, these guys change
their nicknames and addresses
every single day, so
[Hee-sik] Look, Mr. Sung Su-chang.
Stop making this so hard for yourself.
First, tell me what I get if I do.
You know the game.
Help us, we help you.
The sentence you get depends
on how helpful you are to us right now.
Are you an amateur or what, dude?
[phone chimes]
-[bones crack]
Take it.
It's unlocked. We'll probably get
what we need on there.
Sure, got it.
Hey! Get a load of baldy here.
You shaved that head
to pass the drug test, huh?
Man, some drug-free country, huh?
And there are junkies like this
hanging around every corner?
Right, baby?
There's something much bigger
going on here.
[Ki-tae] We start with
the chemical formula.
In its solid state,
it's no different from tissue dust.
But once it comes into contact with H₂O,
it dissolves and becomes C₆₉H₂₈N₇O.
A revolutionary synthetic drug!
This substance
is 200 times stronger than fentanyl
and 400 times stronger than heroin.
0.00001 grams of this substance
is enough to kill you on the spot.
The streets will never
be the same after this.
[thrilling music playing]
[dark music playing]
You just have to insert it
in your ear like this.
It reaches your brain 300 times faster
than through the respiratory system.
It reaches half-life 20 times faster too,
so it's not detectable in urine.
[Ji-hyeon] Inspector Kang.
Were you at customs
at Incheon Airport yesterday?
-Did you see
a young lady Gang Nam-soon by chance?
She was scammed soon
after arriving in the country.
She lost her phone and couldn't report it.
That's why I couldn't reach her.
Where is she now?
That's just it. She doesn't have
a phone, so there's no way to reach her.
But she said she would come back here.
Why did she have to go and get scammed?
If she comes back again,
could you please call me immediately?
Of course.
You know, detective, she mentioned
that you were good-looking.
That's how I knew
she was talking about you.
[soft snicker]
At least she has good taste.
Oh, wow.
[both giggling]
Wow! This is great!
-Is this really all ours?
-This is I can't believe it.
Oh, I'm so happy!
Nam-soon, thank you so much.
Wow, I can't ask for a better home.
Like, do you know how much
it is for an apartment in Gangnam?
-They're more than two billion won.
Ugh, it's sad. It's hopeless for us
to buy our own home.
How I wish I could register this place.
[man 1] What is this?
-Come out here right now!
-[woman 1] What have they done?
[man 2] Come out this instant! Hey!
[man 3] Who do these dirty tramps
think they are?
-[woman 2] There they are.
-[man 4] This is awful! Gracious me!
[man 1] What do you think
you're doing here?
You're defacing a protected area.
Tear these down!
[woman 1] We put a lot of effort
into keeping the Han River Park
clear of the homeless like you.
Yet here you are with this monstrosity!
Take it down!
[man 2] These mounts of trash
are blocking the bike path, you know?
You might be homeless,
but you should at least have common sense.
Get rid of them right now, you hear?
The last I checked, the general public
is allowed to camp in this park.
I'll ask the district office
for permission.
-He says he'll go get permission.
-[mocking laugh]
-[man 3] I'm gonna report, punk!
[man 3] There's no point
in discussing this further.
Come on, everyone! Let's tear them down!
-[woman 1] Let's do it!
-[man 3] Yeah. Let's go.
[dramatic music playing]
[Hyun-soo in slow motion]
Can't you let it go just this once!
Baby, I got an ouchie right here.
Are you all right?
Oh, you're all scratched up, hey?
-What's going on?
-What was that?
[woman 3] Baby!
[woman 2] Are you all right?
What's going on?
[Officer Park] Looks like
we're five minutes early to the circus.
More like five minutes late.
All right, everyone. Break it up.
[Officer Park] You're all coming down
to the police station.
[man 2] What crime did we commit?
You're the ones supposed
to be protecting the Han River!
They can't just put their tents wherever.
What am I paying all these taxes for?
If they don't have a home,
why not just throw them in prison?
[man 1] If you don't
get rid of them immediately,
you'll have a massive complaint
on your hands.
-You can count on that. You hear me?
-You're the police!
-You have to do something!
-What are you doing?
-You're the police!
-We taxpayers pay all your salaries!
[man 2] They're treating us
like criminals.
We're the ones actually protecting
the environment.
I just came here
to try to reunite with my mom.
None of this is what I wanted.
[emotional music playing]
I prepared for ten years to come to Korea.
Herding sheep.
Saving money.
[soft sobbing]
I studied Korean
for five hours every single day
and dreamed about coming here every night.
[bell rings]
[cool music playing]
Have you eaten yet?
I've been looking for you all day.
[Nam-soon] Thanks to you,
I managed to hold on to this at least.
That scammer lady
took everything valuable I had.
If you hadn't confiscated these,
she'd probably have them now, so.
You only learned informal Korean
in Mongolia.
That's what the policewoman told me.
The person who gave me
Korean lessons growing up
was a 93-year-old Mongolian lady.
She spent 50 years in Korea.
[Nam-soon] She didn't teach me
any formal speech.
I heard it on some TV dramas I watched.
But whenever I try to do it,
the words spill out all wrong.
But I'm sure I'll get better, though.
Are you annoyed now, Mr. Cop?
Of course, I am.
Well, this is why you learn it young.
I'll be informal back to you.
You have been the whole time.
That's true.
[both chuckle]
[gentle music playing]
About my mom,
you think you can find her?
I'll keep my word.
[Nam-soon] It's taken me a while,
but it's not too late
to find my mom and protect her.
If she doesn't have money,
I'll work every day, so I can
buy her nice things to eat.
And if she doesn't have a house,
I'll build a ger.
Do you know your mom's name? Her face?
Afraid not.
I don't remember anything.
I was raised by a couple in Mongolia.
They're the ones who found me
and gave me this.
Apparently, I was holding it in my hand.
When you find your mom,
I doubt she'll need any money.
This is pure gold.
[Hwa-ja] I'm telling you.
This lady is loaded.
The safe looks too hard to break into,
but I'mma be able to swipe
all the jewelry in her bedroom.
But I'mma need your help.
Why not just keep living there
as her daughter?
'Cause the real daughter
might still show up.
Well, she hasn't turned up so far.
She's probably dead by now.
Nah, I doubt it.
I think she's still alive somewhere.
[Hwa-ja] That's my guess anyway.
But, you know
there is something else.
Apparently, the women
in this family are hella strong.
And I hear the real Nam-soon
was even stronger than her old lady.
And the grandma, shit,
she's supposed to be super strong too.
Eat up, boys.
[Hwa-ja] I've already lifted
almost 100 mil off her so far.
And that's just from clothes.
Not counting the prize money.
[all laughing]
[man] A hundred million?
When you find my mom, let me know.
How can I, if you don't have a phone?
You can come visit me.
I'm busy. Get a new phone.
If you catch that scammer soon,
I wouldn't need a new one.
I'm still a police officer.
You really think
you should be giving me orders?
Isn't catching the suspect a priority?
Isn't catching the suspect a given?
Well, I'll be living
in that ger from now on.
So tell all your police friends
not to disturb us.
You know, you can't
keep living there, though.
Are you trying to say
that the police care more
about kicking out a person
with nowhere to stay
than catching a scammer?
All right, fine.
We'll catch the scammer first.
Hold on.
[Hee-sik] The scammer
took your money, remember?
Take this and find somewhere else
to sleep. It's dangerous here.
As soon as I get a job, I'll pay you back.
If you want a job, you'll need a passport.
We'll go to the embassy.
I'll confirm you're you.
[paper rustles]
[Hee-sik] Use this
to get your passport photo taken.
Thanks, bruh.
Mr. Cop, where's your house at?
Why do you ask? So you can find me again?
Ooh, smartass?
Right there.
[Hee-sik] The top floor
of that apartment block.
Copy that.
Now go.
Is there anything else you need?
Need sleep. Go! Go away now!
[Ji-hyeon] Detective, you're back.
[Hee-sik] Evening.
No problems, right?
No, sir. Everything's okay so far.
Ugh, what an eyesore.
They're ruining the park.
Get them out of there before the Han River
turns into a homeless camp.
-Do it first thing tomorrow.
-[Officer Kim] Yes, sir.
What for?
[Chief Park]
What do you mean, "What for?"
You wanna sit back and watch it grow
as the complaints keep rolling in?
"Are you trying to tell me
that the police care more
about kicking out a person
with nowhere to stay
than catching a scammer"?
That's what the ger architect
told me to ask you.
Come again?
First, let's give her some proof
that all the laws we want her
to follow actually protect her.
If you demand people to follow the law
without upholding their rights,
doesn't that make the police
equally as bad as the scammers?
What's up with you?
Whose side are you on?
It's a bit childish
to be talking like that, huh?
But if you force me to choose,
I'd say I'll work on the side
of all innocent citizens.
In my opinion, our priority should be
to protect an innocent person
who was scammed out of a home.
Anyway, I'm taking off for the night.
[doorknob clanks]
[door lock beeps]
[switch clicks]
[pops, clicks]
-[line dials]
-[Hee-sik] Hey, man.
About the favor I asked you,
the data on missing children.
Could you look into the period
from 2006 to 2023?
Uh, she went missing in Mongolia,
so limit it to children
who went missing abroad, please.
Thanks again, man. Standing by.
[line ends]
[upbeat music plays]
[zooming music playing]
I guess he is in a good mood.
I wonder what he's achieved
to justify dancing half in the nude.
[bright music playing]
[yawns, grunts]
Hey, you lovebirds. Wake up.
-Wake up!
-[Hyun-soo] We've been up for a while.
The early bird gets the worm after all.
Let's go. We should hurry
if you want breakfast.
The line gets too long if we're late.
For a tramp, you're pretty diligent.
[Hyun-soo] I didn't end up a tramp
because I was lazy.
It's because I'm unlucky.
Who parked like this?
-[line dials]
[line rings]
Yes, hello?
I'm at the Golden Imperial parking garage.
Can you please move your car?
Ugh, I'm trying to sleep here, lady.
Why don't you push it
out of the way or something?
Are you saying
you want your tires slashed?
For Christ's sake, stop bothering me
with these stupid problems. Deal with it.
Listen, Grandma.
If you're that old, why don't you
just sit your ass at home?
Go play with your grandchildren
or something
and stop bothering me when I'm busy.
Well, aren't you a fucking asshole?
You asked for it. Watch what happens.
[quirky music playing]
[rock music playing]
I don't think it's enough
for that prick to get the message.
Huh, what now?
God, what are you saying, dude?
I'm hanging up.
[Hyeong-gon] Where's my car?
Oh, shit. Where'd she put it?
Is that it?
It looks just like Is that?
My car! My car!
Baby, what happened to you?
I've only paid off
three months of installments!
[serious music playing]
The Heritage Club enforces
a strict dress code on its members, ma'am.
Why not dress us in school uniforms?
If they love their code.
To turn a pyramid on its head,
you must first climb to the top of it.
You told me that yourself.
If you want to change the world,
you have to be a part of the elite.
But I also told you I'd use
my own strength to change the world.
You did. Right after you told me
it was all for Nam-soon's sake.
That's right.
Hwa-ja, did you find anything?
[door opens]
-Just tell me.
-[door closes]
I'm afraid she's not your daughter.
Do you wanna hear the voice recording?
No need.
No need for that.
Then how should I deal with her now?
[dark music playing]
Watch her for the time being.
I hope you're not too disappointed, ma'am.
I'm sure you'll find
your real daughter soon.
My daughter is in Korea right now.
She's closer than ever before.
I can feel it now.
Hey, Mom, going out somewhere?
In that case, could I invite
a couple of friends over?
You know, I mean, if that's all right.
Of course.
Whatever you like.
[heels clacking]
[clears throat]
I'm, uh, I'm off-site today.
Great. Didn't ask.
[Hee-sik] Here. Take this.
It's my personal phone.
And you can use it for now.
Oh, you shouldn't have
taken so long to help.
Thanks. About time.
[surprised chuckle]
If you press one,
that's my number. Call me.
Will do. Thank you, hun.
You sure learned Korean from an old lady.
You even sound like one.
What are you mumbling about?
Speak up, young man.
Now, go on.
Now get to work catching
the scammer and finding my mom.
You know, policemen weren't
so relaxed in my day.
Now go. Go!
Sure thing, ma'am.
Hey! I saw you drinking Pangtao beer
and doing a little dance.
Not only that. Dancing in neon drawers.
Anyway, I got a busy day.
Come back tomorrow, okay?
-See you then.
I'm going to the embassy.
-Let's go.
[Nam-soon] Mm-hm.
Where does all that confidence come from?
Wait, neon drawers?
How did she see that?
Who is this girl?
[lounge music playing]
[Geum-ju] Oh, these?
I've climbed so far
with these two feet of mine,
I can't put any old shoes on them.
They're very expensive feet, you know.
Yes, of course.
Wouldn't you say one's feet
must be comfortable
to travel as far as I've come?
On that note, let's raise our glasses
to congratulate our newest member.
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju, welcome.
-Would you like to say a few words?
-[mouthing] Me?
[bottle clanks]
[clears throat]
I want to make a proper toast
to a new and better world.
A world where everyone
rich and poor alike lives well.
I can't wait.
Oh, the newly rich. So full of ambition.
[member chuckles]
Try changing the world.
Then get back to me.
Yet I may as well give it a shot.
And you can watch.
I'm sure you're very good at watching,
considering how all night long,
these beautiful young ladies
have stolen your attention.
[clears throat]
Excuse me. I'll be going.
[fingers snap]
[band starts playing]
[serious music playing]
[intense music playing]
[music stops abruptly]
This isn't the right club for you.
If you really want to change
the world, try going here.
To get in there,
you have to be really special.
[indistinct chatter]
You'll need passport photos
to go to the embassy tomorrow.
Have you got them?
Okay, I'll go get them done now.
-Oh, and when you
-[line ends]
Why do I get the feeling
I'm being run around?
And why do I like it?
[loud grunt]
Ooh, nice, baby.
Don't poop your pants, man.
Hang on.
We close at 6:00 p.m.
on Wednesdays. Sorry.
But I need to get my passport photos done.
I'm sorry, miss.
Whatever, dude.
I'll just have to get them elsewhere.
You know, a young person
should really be more polite.
Hang on.
[dramatic music playing]
[mysterious music playing]
[intense music playing]
["SUPERPOWERS" by ITZY playing]
[Hee-sik] There were definitely drugs
inside this woman's luggage,
disguised as something
we would never think of.
[scientist] I think it's a synthetic drug.
This is a really scary one.
[Nam-soon] I'm eating that food.
-[man] Do you want to get fired?
-Do you want to get fired?
Do a tarot reading for me
to see where Nam-soon is.
[Nam-in] A savior will appear
before us to save the day.
She's coming to us right now.
[Hee-sik] You're looking
for your daughter, aren't you?
Have you really found her?
I want you to do a background check
on a police officer, Kang Hee-sik.
[Hwa-ja] I've changed my goal.
I'm just gonna stay here as her daughter.
What do you think you're doing?
[Nam-soon] I will kill you
with my own hands.
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