Stupid Wife (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


Mom, why are you sad?
I miss you!
Comecome back home!
I'm your son.
I'm going back.
I honestly don't know what to think.
I know it's hard, but please
have a little more patience with her.
It is very hard.
I understand.
It's just that it's also
very difficult for me.
Picture this, one day you are married,
then the next day your wife
forgets all of your history together.
Do you thinkwe
should talk to her?
I mean, about that topic?
Not at all!
You can't tell her anything!
Wait until she gets better or
or remembers naturally.
I'm very afraid that this
could trigger her somehow.
Is Leo still in the room?
Leo has convinced me.
I'm going back home.
I'm going with Leo to the
game we had scheduled,
but we will be back for dinner, okay?
Go ahead.
Are you sure you don't
want to come with us?
Yes, I need to be alone.
Do you think being
alone will be good for you?
I think you should come
I need some time by myself.
May I?
Make yourself at home.
What are you doing?
I'm testing the camera, I
thought it broke last week.
Can we turn it off?
II think I have a better idea!
Enough, huh?
Come here.
You're so hot!
Beautiful! Beautiful!
What did I do?
Nothing, I
I was just going to get some water.
I bought this book for you!
It's from an author I really like,
Natalia Sodré.
I think you're going to like it.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
I'm waiting for you so we can go to sleep.
Of course! Why not?
I'm not sleeping with you!
Why this now?
I'm not sleeping with you, Valentina!
Luiza, this bed is as
much yours as it is mine!
Either you leave,
or I do!
Good morning, my love!
Good morning!
Did you sleep well?
Here you go!
Your lunchbox is ready and we are
Haven't I told you not to lay like this?
You're wrinkling your uniform!
Sorry, mommy.
Good morning, Valentina.
Good morning!
Luh? This is your phone.
Just swipe up and your Face
ID will unlock the screen, okay?
I'm off!
Let's go, son.
No, no, Luiza! Move,
move, move, you're so needy.
Did you miss me that much?
You're a very beautiful woman, you know?
Oh, no! What's this, Luiza?
We are not having sex
again, for God's sake!
What do you mean, Duda?
Wait a minute, so it's true?
You've really lost your memory!
I mean
it's the only excuse for you to
have forgotten that amazing night!
Duda, you and Iwe?
It was amazing!
I'm kidding!
Oh, I hate you!
Ugh, that's disgusting!
Only you.
This is crazy, huh?
When Igor told me
I thought it was one
of his jokes, you know?
I wish it was, but it is not.
It is real.
But tell me about you
Let's have coffee?
How amazing!
You're married to the love
of your life! I am, indeed!
Igor means everything to me!
He's always been wonderful
to me, you know, right?
Hey, look
this is Aninha!
Our daughter.
She's so cute!
She's gorgeous!
She's the same age as Leo.
Tell me one thing.
Have Valentina and Leo
always been this close?
It's always been this way.
She's crazy about, Leo!
I remember when he was born
you were in your room exhausted,
and she was red like a
tomato, from all the crying.
She is a great mom, you know?
So, I gave birth to Leo?
There're so many beautiful things
that you need to know about your life!
And I'm here to tell you!
If that person is meant for you,
no matter what, you will find each other,
even if it takes a thousand
times for you to realize it.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry!
It's okay! I just thought
it was strange, but
they are yours too.
Um, baby, Leo is already here,
so if you want to come for dinner,
we will be waiting for you, okay?
Hold on!
Would do a favor for me?
Whatever you want.
Stop calling me that!
I'm not your love!
Isn't it enough that I'm
married to someone I don't like?
What do you mean?
Valentina, stop playing dumb!
You know very well that
I would never marry you!
Stop saying that.
I'm only doing this because
of Leo, but it's too hard.
I'd never live with someone who is
not compatible ideologically with me,
who is completely hollow, futile,
spoiled, stupid
I am not going to let you
humiliate me in my own house!
What do you think?
Do you think this is only hard for you?
Look at everything that is going on!
Can't you see that you're not
the only one that's hurting here?
You can't remember us or our life together,
you can't even remember our son!
If you aren't happy here,
Does it taste good, Leo?
You love these chicken nuggets, don't you?
Mom, is everything okay?
It will be okay soon.
Leo, can you go get Peixoto?
I ended up getting two chicken nuggets.
Do you want to take them with you?
Here, take them!
You can take them!
I will be there in a minute, okay?
I thought you had already left!
I'm sorry!
I shouldn't have talked to you like that.
I'm going up to be with Leo.
Carol called. She told me she
will stop by tomorrow, okay?
She's coming back from a trip.
How did you get in here?
I missed you so much!
I'm glad you are here!
Valentina was leaving as I
arrived. She opened the door for me.
Got that.
How about you?
How are you?
Are you feeling anything? Any pain?
No, I'm fine!
Have you and Valentina talked?
Of course not!
We barely look at each other.
I know it must be hard for you,
but think of the family you built together!
Maybegive a little more effort.
I can't stand her!
I can't!
Because of an argument back in college?
Seriously? No!
You're not that girl who was extreme
about everything anymore, okay?
You have matured!
You've kept your worldview, yes!
But you're more open-minded now!
Valentina is no longer the
narrow-minded girl that she used to be, OK?
OK, but I don't know that!
I didn't see her changing and I
didn't see myself changing either.
Then file for divorce!
If you can no longer be with
her, you should leave her.
You two can't live like this!
But we have Leo.
Yeah, you have Leo.
Don't you think he senses this atmosphere?
What do you think he would prefer?
His mothers living together but fighting,
or divorced, but respecting
each other at least?
How can I love her?
Oh, sister. Don't you
think it's hard for her too?
Valentina has matured a lot!
You were the one that taught
her how to be a better person!
So what do you think about
giving back just this much?
This much?
Okay, great!
I'm exhausted from the trip,
but how would you feel about me
taking a shower in your bathroom,
wearing your perfume?
I couldn't find it on my trip.
You're a freeloader, go ahead, go on!
Go on!
Just a hug first! I will only
use a little bit of it, I swear!
Maybe, a little more! But just
because I couldn't find it, huh?
How can I help you?
Hello, Is Mrs. Valentina here?
Valentina is out! Is this package hers?
I will take it.
Does that mean the house is ours?
I was dying to see you!
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