Suburrterna (2023) s01e02 Episode Script


My mama was just killed.
I told you it wasn't a palace.
It looks just like you described it.
I'm okay with it.
Well, you finally decided to come home
to your husband's family, huh?
Giulia, you know why we couldn't before.
No, your sister is right.
But now we can make up
for all the lost time.
Who's this? Leone?
- This one is Leone.
- Hi.
That's Loreto.
They're beautiful, Ange.
- Say hi.
- Thank you, Cesare.
Cesare, we're actually pretty tired.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Let's go, baby.
Hey. Be good.
Good. Quiet.
My dad made these.
He made 'em for me and my brothers.
Imagine the look on his face,
seeing my kids sleeping in 'em right now.
So pretty.
They'll outgrow them soon enough.
I'll make them new ones.
It's no problem.
I'm good at it.
Baby, I'm sorry
my sister treated you like that.
I was married to an Anacleti.
Do you expect her
to accept that so easily?
But now I'm here.
And you are my family.
She'll come around.
My mother, she was murdered last night.
Murdered by Angelica.
I'm coming with you.
It'll only be
for a couple of days.
Are you sure about that?
It's something I gotta do alone.
No, no, Cerocchi. No, no
Just go find the fucking assholes
who made a mess of
this whole fucking thing.
Oh, fuck you.
- You're all set.
- Already?
It was only a flesh wound.
You got a shirt for me?
I should wash up a little bit.
Will you give me a ride to the airport?
Of course.
Please trust me.
You're back.
I put both children to sleep
in their beds.
- I peeked in and saw.
- I'll be heading out, then.
- Thanks, Fiorella. Good night.
- Good night.
I can't let you pass this way.
Move back!
We need to secure this area.
Back up!
I can't believe it.
Look at this mess. Look!
People are burning everything.
They're fed up, you know?
There's no more hope for this city.
Multiple shots were fired
at the restaurant,
which fortunately was closed
at the time of the shooting
- Hi, sweetheart.
- Good morning.
Where's Fabrizio?
- He said he'll be down in a minute.
- Okay.
I'm being told
that the victims in the establishment
What's going on?
Those guys?
Leave us.
They're gonna be with us
for a little while.
There have been
a lot of things happening lately in Rome.
- I heard a bus caught fire on the freeway.
- That's right.
I'm just taking precautions
so nothing will happen to us.
This? A scratch in the shower.
What's Fabrizio doing, hmm?
You've been cutting Damiano's hair
since you two were kids.
Will you cut mine too?
I have no fucking clue
how to do the "spoiled princess" cut.
I'm not a spoiled princess.
I'm your family.
You're not gonna be a Luciani
by cutting your hair.
You mean what I did wasn't enough.
I didn't believe
you'd actually do it, so no.
That doesn't mean we're blood sisters now,
so don't go fucking thinking it.
Angelica didn't even call you?
Nadia, you gotta find out what Angelica
and those fucking fishermen are up to.
Wait a few days.
I'm sure that she'll come through.
What if they come armed?
We'll be sitting ducks.
- It's Angelica you're talking about.
- People change.
Angelica's with another family now.
The same family who shot at us
in the gym and killed the Anacletis.
- What did he make of it?
- I'm not sure.
But no one kills a boss
to keep everything the same way.
You can't trust your heart
this time, Nadia.
You're right, Morè.
I'll call her up.
Thanks for always having my back, Morè.
Until they lift my suspension,
my hands are completely tied.
How's that fucking possible?
Believe me, I didn't realize
the new faction was already so powerful.
On the day that I announced the stadium,
they killed Badali and almost killed me.
Right after that,
they kick you out of the Foundation.
Not a coincidence.
They're attacking us.
Find out who it is. And fast.
Badali was murdered.
Someone will investigate.
And if they follow the money,
it'll lead to the Foundation,
therefore to me.
We have to move the money
as soon as possible.
There's no money. There's no stadium.
Your Eminence, it is imperative
that you do all that you can
to reclaim the Foundation.
I'll handle the rest.
Welcome back, Spadi.
You know what my name is, Gueri.
And that is not it.
I'm glad you came back.
I only came back to bury my mother.
They think they can come shoot up
the place, and shit won't happen?
What's wrong?
Don't you like my new haircut?
You didn't need to do that
to please my family.
That's not why I did it.
I did it for me.
Why, don't like it?
You're even more beautiful now.
Shall we go?
Take me to him.
- Do you like this place?
- Hmm. Aren't we here to celebrate?
Why aren't you two eating?
I don't celebrate for pennies.
Well, then I'm toasting to the death
of Adelaide Anacleti, like your husband.
To the death of that old bitch
and her shitty family.
We didn't kill Badali for revenge, Ercole.
We're talking business.
But Cinaglia is still alive.
I did tell you to put him six feet under.
- The job should've been finished.
- Fuck Cinaglia!
Without Badali, he doesn't mean anything.
Ercole, you made a deal
with Badali's cousin to have him killed.
We can get a lot more out of that deal.
All together.
- You ask for too much.
- Mmm, no, we don't.
Come on. You gotta ask for more.
You know that.
Tell us about the stadium.
And what have you heard?
Cinaglia told Adelaide about it.
He wanted to do it.
I'm sure you want it.
The new Colosseum.
To placate the entire city.
So get us in, then.
We'll give you men and soldiers.
But anything else,
you have to go through us.
The turf's all ours.
And this will be convenient for you too.
Tell us everything,
and we'll split the earnings.
You gotta introduce us to the Sicilian.
We don't wanna be starting this friendship
off on the wrong foot, right?
Now I'm hungry.
You're telling me
the Lucianis did it all on their own?
There's no way a broke family of
fishermen from Ostia can strike that hard
without allies.
I don't know nothing.
Now tell me
who the fuck you're working with.
They promised me money.
They put a gun in my hand.
I don't know a fucking thing.
What do you want from me, huh?
So, uh, now we know
it was the Lucianis. What's next?
The North Rome plazas
are already asking for a re-up.
Get in touch with the Albanians.
That's where you got your supplies before.
You're saying the Sicilian connection
collapsed after Badali was killed?
It's just a strategic change.
Until I find out
who's behind the Lucianis,
everything else stays the same.
Nothing changes.
Fuck that, Cina!
South Rome is a bloodbath.
The Sicilian is dead.
And do you know who came back?
Spadino Anacleti.
The Anacletis are dead.
Cerocchi, everything else stays the same.
Call the Albanians.
Call them and tell them
that your turf will sell their shit.
I was expecting you, Fiorenzo.
The time to be cordial
concerning this matter is over, Armando.
As of this morning, the Camerlengo has
suspended my presidency of the Foundation.
I'm not entirely sure why the Camerlengo
has dared to get in my way,
but I warn you.
You and your faction
will never, in my lifetime,
take control over the Church.
You're nailing it to the past
like our Lord to the cross,
condemning it to death
between these wealthy walls.
Your grandiose idea of
a democratic Church for the people
is a ridiculous illusion.
I truly feel for you, Fiorenzo.
You seem so scared.
You cared so much about your Foundation.
You have no idea
who you're waging war against.
You have no idea what war is.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
She would've been happy
to know that you're back, Albe.
She wanted to make peace
with you. She told me that.
You're her son.
Yeah, the wrong one.
Open this up.
Go on. Open it.
Adelaide kept all your stuff.
You never left her heart.
My mama hoarded everything,
including clothes.
It wasn't just your clothes, Albe.
Take a better look.
She gave it to you
the day you got engaged, you know.
You know, this knife
did a lot more harm than good.
- Should've disappeared.
- Nah.
It's not about the knife doing harm.
It's about who's holding the knife.
She kept that knife safe,
hoping you'd come back and fix things.
Three years is a long time.
Gave her a lot of time
to think over everything that happened.
What are you planning on doing with them?
It was Angelica. She killed your mother.
You know that, right?
Adelaide, she was much too generous
with Angelica.
You don't kick out a daughter-in-law.
It's always been the tradition.
You should know more than me.
She let her marry Damiano,
and she let her keep living here.
She wasn't able to punish me
for what I did to Manfredi,
and she kept Ange close to punish her.
Are you really standing in front of me
trying to defend that little snake bitch?
I'm standing here asking you what the fuck
you want from me, huh, Gueri?
Revenge. The same thing
you should be wanting too.
You and me are different, Gueri.
Like I don't know.
Asshole, if my mother is dead,
it's because it's her fault.
And yours.
It's revenge for what you did
to the Lucianis.
You're telling me you're glad she's dead?
I do not give a shit,
is what I'm telling you.
I'm completely done with this family.
The Badali cousins in Palermo
are just a name on the intercom.
You did the right thing here.
To move ahead,
you need people who have a future.
And we have one.
Yes, Dario, but we are also here
to talk about the present.
Let's talk about that.
In the present, my throat is a little dry.
Should we all have a drink?
Excuse me.
After the favor we did for you,
we're now suggesting
we get a piece of the stadium
and the right for us
to push your shit in Rome.
This city is merely an investment for you.
These are just business deals.
We can do as many as you like.
But on the street, we're in charge.
Zero interference.
Look, I like to put trust in people. I do.
It makes me feel good.
But let me make one thing clear.
I am not like my cousins.
I live here in Rome.
We were born here.
And we'll be buried here.
This city is ours.
We'll make a lot of money together.
The rest is up to us.
I'm fine with that.
I won't interfere.
Good. Now we can all toast to the future.
She got suspended. Your daughter
beat up one of her classmates today.
- Where is she?
- She's lying down in your bedroom.
They were all making fun of me
again in class.
They were saying Mama was crazy.
They said that she jumped because
she didn't wanna be with us anymore.
And when someone said
I'd probably do the same thing
I punched him right in his face.
You did good.
We've got a problem
with the Anacletis. We have to meet.
Nothing changes for you, Nadia.
The turf you ran for the Anacletis
belongs to you now,
but with us Lucianis backing you.
Maybe you don't realize
what happened here, but I saved you.
It could've been much worse for you.
Am I supposed to thank you now, or what?
I'm not doing this because
you're very good friends with my wife.
You're very important for Ostia.
And important for our future.
We'll see about that.
Have you talked to the Ostia families,
or are you expecting me to do it?
One thing at a time.
For now, I'm telling you.
I give you my word, okay?
You have something to tell me?
I couldn't tell you before
because I didn't know anything.
You killed Badali and Adelaide,
but you didn't know anything?
Not even that
Damiano's brothers attacked me here?
Sorry about that.
- It all happened so fast. Damiano and I
- Fuck you, Ange.
Everything's changed
since you've been with him.
You're right, it's true. It's better now.
For who? I was doing great.
I brought in a lot of money for them.
You didn't give a fuck about anyone else.
Nothing has changed between us, Na.
I moved up. That's all.
What will you do?
Just because you cut your hair
doesn't mean you can fool me.
I heard that Spadino is back in Rome.
Don't tell me you don't give a shit.
You can bullshit your husband, but not me.
I don't care about him.
He came back for his mother.
The eviction order
for the Anacletis' villas
has just been approved.
That has been stalled for years.
They're passing backlogged resolutions.
It was included among a hundred other
suspended decisions approved today.
They put it in the middle of a hundred
so it wouldn't be noticed.
That was the only important one.
Do you know who put the eviction
on the agenda?
Oh, yeah. I made a copy of it.
They were proposed by Capaldo,
Silvestri, Bonatesta, Costa
- Bonatesta?
- Ercole?
- But you know he's a nobody. Come on.
- Miriana, think about it.
He knows about the stadium,
and he is the only one who opposed it.
He's behind the attack
on me and Badali.
But why?
I thought it was gonna be
a lot harder than this.
I thought that
I wouldn't be able to handle it.
This house
my mother
there's nothing left for me here.
Not one thing.
This isn't my home anymore.
So you're coming back?
I'm coming back tomorrow night.
Will you pick me up?
Of course I'll be there.
I need to talk to Spadino.
This guy is here for you.
Get lost.
If you let me talk,
you can save what's left of your family.
The Anacletis are losing the villas today.
There's an eviction order,
and everything will be seized
within 24 hours.
They can be here any minute.
They'll take everything.
Or I might kill you
like a dog in the street
after what you did to my brother.
Don't tell me you think this thing ends
with the death of your mother.
The Bonatestas and the Lucianis
won't stop there.
What the fuck
do the Bonatestas have to do with it?
Ercole's responsible
for bringing the eviction to the Capitol.
And he wants to fuck me over, as well.
He's the one who had Badali killed,
and he almost killed me too.
I don't fucking care.
Albe, if you and I don't join forces,
your whole family will be wiped out.
Okay. So what do you have planned?
What do we gotta do?
If you really came here
to spoon-feed me this bullshit,
you're not just desperate. You're crazy.
The fuck out here!
- You're not gonna survive alone.
- Go! I said get out of here!
I'll feel bad when they kill you.
I wanted to do it.
We won't be together for a little while.
I'll take you to Grandpa Ottaviano.
It's just for a few days, okay?
What's with the face?
Grandpa will be so happy to see you.
It will be like a vacation for you two.
I'll come and visit when I can.
Yeah, but why do we have to leave?
Are you sick, Papa?
Is it all because of
that thing on your arm?
What's on my arm? There's nothing
on my arm, sweetheart. Don't worry.
I'm asking you for a favor.
It's something Papa needs.
Nothing's gonna happen.
What have we always said
since Mama's been gone?
No one will ever separate us.
My darlings!
I prepared your room as usual. Come.
If you see anything strange,
call me right away.
Thank you.
I always told Alice
that you were going to ruin her life.
How did she respond?
She said I was a typical soldier
who saw enemies everywhere.
I was right, though,
because you actually did ruin her life.
Come on! Hurry up!
We don't have much time!
That thing is too big to take with us.
What are you doing?
Since when do you give the orders?
That piece of shit
came to eat at our house.
At our house.
Him and that bitch! I want them dead.
Right now, everyone is thinking about
how to hide the stuff.
If we sneak out, no one will notice.
- They don't even expect us
- What the fuck are you doing?
- What the fuck?
- You two get the hell out of here!
- What the fuck are you thinking?
- I'm gonna fucking kill that rat myself!
You are not gonna be doing
a goddamn thing.
But he killed your mother.
Do you even have a heart?
Hey, it's not about my heart.
Where's your brain at, huh?
Get yourself killed?
You gotta think about your future.
You're a coward, like my dad said.
You're fucking chickenshit, man.
Fucking coward!
Do you hear me?
You're not an Anacleti anymore!
Hurry up. Cops are coming.
Let's go.
Follow behind us with the vans.
Come on! Move it!
Hurry up! Get out of the rain!
Your caravan is over there.
Come on!
Go inside! Get inside!
Okay, okay. I'm going.
Let me get that.
Victor, don't be like this.
Help us out, will ya?
Gueri! Come on!
Let's get out of the rain!
Come on! Let's go!
Sit down.
Thanks for the help.
I'm outta here.
You said it's my fault.
Twenty years ago. We brought it on.
But everything was for family.
Your family, Albe.
I knew that you'd burn everything.
But this knife is too important.
You should be the boss.
I don't wanna be the boss.
You were born here.
You spent your whole life here.
You're not gonna find peace
by running to the other side of the world.
Manfredi's son, Victor,
can be the boss now.
Victor's just a young kid.
He'll grow up. He doesn't need
the man who murdered his father.
He'll grow up?
Yeah, right. How?
Look how the fuck we ended up, huh?
The Anacletis have no future, Albe.
You know it.
I don't give a fuck about it.
I already told you!
I'm gonna tell you this,
so get it into your head.
When I wanted this family
to have power and respect,
everybody, including you,
my mother, my brother, went against me
because I wanted to do things my way.
My brother and I
wanted to murder each other.
Don't you talk to me about family.
Family is bullshit.
Blood is blood, Albe.
You always carry it with you
no matter where you are.
Remember that.
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