Such Brave Girls (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Such Unavailable Girls

I can't believe you're here front of me.
If it wasn't for your mum,
I wouldn't even know you were back.
Yeah. She's veryconsiderate.
I'm not expecting things to go back
to how they were right away. Um
Yeah, I think I just need some time
alone to sort of work out
what makes me happy.
But I know what makes you happy.
This is all about your dad.
Don't let your lack of trust in men
damage what we have. Yeah, but
You can't get rid of me
that easily! Sorry!
I'm prepared to put the work in,
round the clock.
Day in, day out, by your side.
I'm not leaving you.
So don't try andpush me
You're right. I'm being stupid.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Hi. I need to ask for Angela.
Are you all right?
SOFTLY: Angela.
I'm asking for Angela.
Out. Why?
My girlfriend's in there.
My girlfriend's inside.
This programme contains
strong language, adult humour
and some scenes of a sexual nature.
Right, well, I'll be heading off.
So soon?
At least wait until you've seen
the girls.
Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
Where are they?
Billie's upstairs,
and Josie's getting back together
with her boyfriend.
Oh, well, that's nice.
Does he make her happy?
She doesn't know what makes
her happy. Luckily, I do.
She's been playing with fire.
How do you mean?
Well, the thing about Josie
is that she's been experimenting
with someideas lately.
Oh, yes? Like what?
Oh, you know, things like
who she is, what she wants.
Her feelings.
Well, that sounds good.
No, Dev.
No, it's not.
Has he gone? Security finally
got him out.
He was really crying, actually.
He looked awful.
Yeah. What a prick.
So manipulative.
My dad's the exact same - toxic.
My dad went out for teabags
ten years ago and never came back.
I'm sorry. It's OK.
It's made me who I am,
I'm Sid.
I struggle in relationships
because I've never had a reliable
model for romantic love before.
I'm Josie. I'd like to be called
but Mum's trying to put a
stop to that
because she thinks it's a slippery
slope to updating my pronouns.
At least you have a mum.
Mine's dead.
Watched her die.
Slow and painful.
She was a bag of bones by the end.
Yeah. The whole thing was
very Traumatic?
Yeah, it was terrible.
Are we going to kiss?
OK. Be right back, then.
Talk to me.
What do you want me to say?
Tell me you love me.
What, like roleplaying?
What's our wedding like?
OK. So you're in a dress. Yeah.
And is everyone looking at me?
Yeah. The whole family.
OK, everyone but Josie.
J-Just your mum, then.
I love you.
Love you, too. Yeah.
We're still doing roleplay, yeah?
Where do you think Nicky goes
when he runs off
into the night?
Don't know. Probably somewhere
really mysterious.
Like big Tesco.
I met the love of my life tonight.
Her name is Sid.
I finally have a reason
to continue to live.
What shall I do?
Probably just leave it, right?
Did you break up with Seb? Tried to,
but he just kept promising
he's never going to leave me.
That's my fucking dream.
I'm going to marry that man.
Mrs Billie Nicky.
That's his first name.
Oh, yeah.
Have you had your period yet?
Fucking hell, you're obsessed
with my period.
It's like Dad -
it'll come back when it's ready.
Girls! Come downstairs!
Dev's waiting!
BOTH: In a second!
If you're tinkering with the scales
before the weekly weigh-in,
I'll know. I won't have any eating
disorders in this house!
Come on. Come on.
Nothing's coming. Push harder!
I'm trying. It's my noonie.
She's so scared.
I'm panicking.
I need you to help me.
I can't do it on my own.
What you want ME to do?
I need you to hold it. What?
Hold it for me so I can concentrate
on weeing. I can't do both.
You can't hold the stick and wee?
It's too much to think about.
Quickly, Jose, it's nearly there.
OK, done.
Did I get it on the stick?
I think so, yeah.
Oh, shit.
We have to do it again.
What? Why?
Because that's mostly come.
Wine on a Thursday.
How decadent.
Only a dribble.
She's a greedy little pig
and she'll never finish it.
It's OK. I'm not supposed to drink
on my antidepressants.
And it's yucky.
Right. Um, Deb, I was wondering -
I've got this dinner tomorrow night.
It's my boss Mark
and his wife Jen.
It's recently just been the three
of us but
would you fancy coming along?
I would like nothing more
in the world.
Oh, good.
Everyone's bringing something.
Why don't you just bring
a nice bottle of champagne?
Cheers, everyone.
Thank God for that.
For a second I was like,
"What are we going to do?"
I know, right?
Just a lovely big plus.
The plus means you're pregnant.
Uh, no, the plus means no baby.
Like, big plus,
you're not having a baby.
Some people want to have them.
Oh, shit.
That's fucked up. I know.
Billie, that's, uh
You're not supposed to
The sink was right there.
Sorry, baby brain.
OK, so what's the plan?
What are we going to do?
I don't know. See what happens?
Billie, you can't just keep it
a secret and wait for it to pass.
This isn't HPV. You're pregnant.
Are you going to keep it?
I don't know.
It's up to him, isn't it?
My body, his choice.
I mean, how hard could it be?
Mum did it. Yeah.
But I thought that's why we agreed
the bloodline should stop with us.
What are you two whispering
about in here?
We're talking about boys.
Nicky said he loved me tonight.
Yeah, but if you're having sex,
it doesn't count.
And Josie's back with Seb.
Look at us.
Spinsters no more.
Sometimes you don't realise
that you're sat right next
to your Prince Charming
because he's on his iPad.
Look at me and Dev.
That TV's been on pause
for ten minutes.
Not said one word to each other.
Bliss! I think you're supposed to
talk to each other.
I like that he's quiet. Stoic.
What goes on behind his eyes
is none of my business.
We are completely comfortable
with each other.
Doesn't that mean you have nothing
in common? That's not my problem.
Then why do you keep asking us
to come in, then?
That had better not be going
in the sink.
That's £1.67 in that glass.
If you pour it, you finish it.
But I'm not supposed to Drink it!
Good girl.
So I'll go back to the bar and tell
Sid I'll kill myself
unless she goes out with me?
I think we need to be less intense -
we're chill-casual girlies.
Cool. Yeah, chill.
So when are you going to tell Nicky
you're casually having his baby?
Yeah. See, this is the thing.
I just think being pregnant
feels a bit desperate.
What do you mean?
He's flighty.
He's mysterious.
That's what he likes about me.
I'm also an enigma. Hmm.
I just think being pregnant
with this baby feels like
I might be a bit too available.
You make a strong point.
Yeah. So new tactic -
I'm going to be as unavailable
as possible.
Get him jealous.
Or you could tell him the truth.
Uh, hello, Psych Ward.
My sister needs to be readmitted.
She's lost the fucking plot.
Listen to me -
I don't want to scare him off.
What, like right now?
Uh, no, with a baby. Are you sure
you shouldn't just tell him?
No. This is loads better.
Trust me, it's mother's intuition.
Hang up from the Samaritans.
You're giving me a fucking hickey!
Why? Because I've been texting Nicky
all day,
telling him not to contact me
because I'm unavailable
and he's not texted me fucking once.
So I've got a new plan.
I'm going to show up to the club
tonight with a hickey,
like I've been hooking up
with someone. Off you go, then.
Can't someone else do it? Who?
We don't know anyone.
Stuff like this is why I wish
we had female friends. Nah.
No such thing.
All right, if I do this,
will you come to Sid's bar with me?
I'm afraid to go in. Yes, yes. Fine.
For God's sake, Josie, it's pathetic
being this obsessed with someone.
Now, hurry up and suck my neck.
Yeah, that'll do. Thanks.
That'll flare up really nice.
Why are you so sweaty?
It's called "the glow".
You wouldn't understand
because you're not a mother,
you long, ratty freak.
At what point do you think
the maternal instinct kicks in?
I don't know.
I'm still hoping it might happen
for Mum.
Do I look feminine?
You look great.
Do I look nice?
You look like the before picture
in a makeover show.
Can you give us a lift?
Sure. I'll just get my keys.
Shall I ask the butler to turn the
linen down later, too, Your Majesty?
Rinse the shit off your chamber pot?
No, thank you. Right.
I'm just about ready.
Dev and I can have a conversation
Bond. Oh, Mum, that's the divorce
champagne. You can't take that.
I promised to open it when the debt
your narcissistic prick of a father
left us in was paid off.
I don't think I can make
that day happen by myself.
We need Dev.
That man is our Willy Wonka ticket
out of fucking hell.
Trust me, it will be worth it.
Go, Mum.
Go to Willy Wonka and get
us that massive house.
Buona sera.
Allow me, madame!
Oh, lovely!
Yes, you can put that with
Mark and Jen's.
Come and meet the gang.
What, that one over there?
Are you sure?
Yeah. I'm so scared.
I'm not surprised.
She's beautiful.
It's almost like she's a different
species to you.
I'm not homophobic, but the two
of you together feels unnatural.
I know. She's so beautiful
I feel like apologising for her
having to look directly at me.
What if we lean in to kiss and
I accidentally suck out her soul?
If I was you, I'd probably
give up now.
Maybe she'll spot me across the room
and realise I'm the fucked-up
love of her life. Don't think so.
Sometimes me and Mum forget
you're even there when
you're standing right next to us.
Oh, my God.
He's replied.
Nicky's invited me to the club.
He wants to be with me.
He's wanted to be with me all along.
I knew it!
Yes! He DOES love me.
Right, I've got to go.
My man needs me.
You've just given me
a fucking hickey, you bitch.
Fuck's sake!
How do you get a hickey off?
Mark, Jen, this is Deb.
Right. Well, I'll just go and check
on my shakshuka.
Honestly, Dev has been truly
incredible, given the circumstances.
Yes, the whole
thing has been terrible.
I thought he'd never move on.
What do you mean?
Well, he just really struggles
to connect with people. Yes.
I used to get worried
because he's always on his iPad
and I thought he might be looking
at porn, but I had a look.
It's almost always
something from Grange Hill.
Oh Yeah, well, sort of.
I just mean, since his wife's
passing, he's not been the same.
Obviously. She was gorgeous.
A natural beauty.
We'll never be able to understand
what he's gone through.
I keep telling him to join
a support group.
Yes, but it's mostly women
who have lost their partners.
You know, I suspect they use it
mainly as a dating service.
I can't imagine what losing
your partner must be like.
I think it looks fine.
This is better, actually.
I'm going to say
I've been in an accident.
Whiplash. Was in
a really fit boy's BMW
and he emergency stopped
trying to kiss me. Yeah?
And I said, "Uh, no, thanks, I'm
with Nicky. I'm loyal to my man."
But the seat belt had already
jabbed into my neck.
Right. I'm off. See you.
Wait, what am I supposed to do?
Josie, she likes you BECAUSE of
your trauma.
It's your superpower - you've got
I'm very nervous.
You're a complete waste of space.
Mum wishes she'd never had you.
Dad liked me more than you
because we bonded over how much
we dislike you. None of us like you.
If you don't lock that girl down,
you're going to spend the rest
of your life in bed, holding hands
with Seb,
staring down the barrel of forever,
waiting for death to come so you can
have another go in the next life.
You're going to be
an incredible mother.
Sid! Sid! I forgot to tell you the
best bit -
I got sectioned! Sorry?
I'm completely unhinged.
I've tried to kill myself twice.
I just gave my pregnant sister
a hickey. Josie, I, um
I wanted to speak to you about this,
I had therapy yesterday.
We talked about you.
Really? Yeah.
She said it's a bit unhealthy for
us to bond over our trauma so soon.
I don't really know you.
But that doesn't sound right.
What else are you supposed to talk
about? Well, what else are you into?
You must have other stuff going on.
What do you mean?
You're more than all your trauma,
aren't you?
You've got to be.
Yeah, obviously.
Surely you have other stuff
going on.
You know - friends, hobbies,
Sorry, this is a little bit
Are we going to kiss?
Oh, I don't know. I don't kiss
I think you need to work out
who you are first.
Who are you?
Who are you, really, Josie?
I'll be right back.
You know, I must say,
I'm very impressed with the way
you've handled this year, Dev.
Deb and I haven't actually spoken
about It's all right.
I know.
You know?
Yes. And I think you're being
very brave.
Oh I miss her.
What a girl.
Outdoorsy, wholesome,
fantastic cook.
Hard to ever replace her.
That's the kind of connection
that takes years to create. Hmm.
I really do think
that support group would be good.
I know it's mostly women, but
My husband died too.
Did he?
I did not know that.
I thought you were separated.
Oh, yes.
By death.
It was a tragic accident.
What happened?
If you don't mind talking about it.
Well, I do find it a bit hard to
talk about, but
He was a wonderful man.
Kind, generous.
Then one day, he was leaving
the house to take Josie
to her dance school audition.
I couldn't go because I was busy
reading to children
with dodgy eyesight.
Anyway, he was rushing his dinner
because he was running a bit late.
Ended up choking on a chicken goujon
on his way out.
Oh, that is terrible.
Yeah, awful.
It was a very gruesome death.
Soiled himself in the accident.
Paramedics say it's the most
embarrassing thing
they've ever walked in on.
I blame myself a bit, but mostly
I blame Josie
because it was her fault.
It still hurts to think about,
so please don't ask any
more questions.
What is it? Are you dying?
Mum, can you pick me up, please?
I'm having big feelings.
Well, can you force them down?!
I'm a bit busy!
Just quickly, do you know who I am?
Fuck yes!
Thank God for that. Who am I?
Hang on.
To Spencer.
May he rest in peace.
Are you Billie? Yeah.
Nicky wants you. Does he need me?
I knew it.
Excuse me, everyone.
My man needs me.
Took your fucking time.
I've been in a whiplash.
That was an emergency kiss. Shut up!
Nicky here is saying
that this is yours.
Uh Exactly. Yeah.
So like I said, I was in the club,
minding my business,
and then my girlfriend's pulled out
this baggie,
which I had no idea about.
She asked me to look after it
while she goes to the toilet.
It's fucking
It's nothing to do with me.
Is this yours, miss?
That's right.
I'm his girlfriend.
You can do this.
You are a strong, confident woman.
A strong, confident woman
who doesn't know what she wants
and is afraid to get it.
Sorry, everyone.
Just me and my boyfriend
coming through.
Right, back to mine?
Nah, mate.
You got kicked out, not me.
I'll text you later, all right?
Nicky called me his girlfriend
Wow! That's amazing. I know.
Please don't have his baby.
Yeah, I'm probably not going to.
I don't know what it is,
but something is telling me
he might be a bit unreliable.
He'd be a terrible dad.
Like Dad. Dad might still come back.
He only went out for teabags.
Why does everyone keep talking
about him like he's dead?
Please don't bring their dead father
up to the girls.
His passing has been traumatic,
and they still haven't moved
past the denial stage.
Of course.
Girls, I just wanted to say
I think you're both so brave
and you've been through a lot.
Yeah, I know. Thank you.
Finally, someone's saying it.
I had no idea about your father.
All I can do is offer you
my condolences.
Girls, can we have a little quick,
fun family private chit-chat?
I've told Dev your father's dead.
It's your fault, Josie.
He's not dead.
He only left for teabags.
Yeah, ten years ago.
They do move stuff around
in that shop a lot, though.
I told Dev that he died on the way
to Josie's audition
for dance school. OK, great.
So I killed him?
Sorry. It felt right.
That's the plot
of Save The Last Dance.
I know, I'm sorry. It was on Sky
last night after you went to bed.
Luckily, Dev wasn't watching
cos he was on his iPad.
He's not dead. He's not.
Billie, I'm sorry for saying
that your father's dead.
But trust me, when you're a mother,
you'll understand.
Can I talk to you about something?
Why? Are you pregnant?
No. OK, good.
I dread the day
we have that conversation.
I never see any condoms in your bin,
and Lord knows we all hear
you having sex.
Remember, pregnancy is game over.
Getting pregnant with Josie
was the worst mistake of my life,
and not just because it was
with Josie.
Should I go?
Sorry. I didn't realise you were
still here.
Apparently, I tried to kick her away
like giraffes at the zoo
when they can tell there's
something wrong with their baby,
but the nurses just handed her back
and told me she was fine.
How wrong they were. Having Josie
meant that I was stuck
with your father for 18 years.
Imagine being stuck with the same
man, trapped,
unable to leave,
for 18 years.
That sounds terrible.
Fuck, yes.
We're going to call him Nicky.
What if it's a girl?
This isn't as fun for me
if you're crying. Sorry. Hormones.
I just wasn't expecting you
to react like this.
What, this isn't roleplay?
Do YOU know who I am?
You're Josie.
You're my girlfriend.
And that's enough.
Yeah. OK.
That IS enough.
I'm sorry. I've been silly.
That's OK.
But, you know, you never have
to have big feelings ever again.
Thank you.
I used to think love was about
electricity and passion,
but that's not real.
Love is feeling safe.
With you, my heart is quiet.
Like, numb.
It feels really nice.
You make me feel numb.
Seb, please, my dad just died.
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