Survive (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

A Handful of Oblivion

[birds chirping]
- PHIL: I was thinking about how doctors
in the Middle Ages used to bleed people.
You know, they thought by
cutting the patient
and letting them bleed, that they could
pull the sickness out of them.
And I think in a way,
that was what I was trying to do.
When I made that first cut
I could almost feel the wrong being
sucked out of me,
and I actually felt high.
- [inhaling heavily] Its appeal must be
difficult to resist, Phil,
but we know it's just like
any other drug, right?
We've been chasing it for years now
but the high's never been the same
nor the relief.
- Yeah, that's true.
- DR. M: It's your time, Phil.
Anything else you would like to share?
- I'm good.
- You cut yourself for fun,
I wouldn't say you are good, dude.
- Leave him alone.
- Does she tie your shoes, too, Phil?
- DR. M: Chad.
We're a non-confrontational
therapeutic group.
Treat others as
you yourself want to be treated.
- OK.
- JANE: Diarrhea of the mouth
is a real sickness, huh, Chad?
- DR. M: All right, enough.
Enough, every one.
Jane, I don't want you to handle that now.
- Well, I can't think of anything positive
to say right now.
- Come on, you've been
such a strong presence here, anything.
- OK.
I'm a planner.
And if I can't see what's ahead of me,
I lose my shit, which is
probably why I'm in here.
Life is impossible to plan,
so I'm constantly losing my shit.
I come from a family of--of suicides.
My grandmother, my father
and now me.
But you don't need to know any of that.
What you need to know is
when I get on that plane tonight,
I will never arrive home.
My body will but
the airy part of me,
my soul, if you must, will not.
When the lights go down
and everyone nods off to sleep,
I will unbuckle my seatbelt,
make my way to the lavatory,
take a handful of oblivion
and just sleep forever.
- DR. M: Jane?
Is everything OK?
If you wanna say something? Last chance.
- Yeah
[scoffs lightly]
I'm gonna miss your faces.
They saved me, more than once.
And for that, I'm forever grateful but
I don't wanna ever be here again.
And that's not to say that I don't want
to see any of you guys again, I just
not here.
- Get a room, ladies.
- GIRL: Shut up!
- Chad
[speaking indistinctly]
- No, no, no, I'll be there, OK?
It's far too late.
- Mom, please don't pick me up.
I'll just take an Uber.
- WOMAN: Jane,
just don't argue with me, OK?
I'll be there. It's New York.
It's not safe that late at night.
I have a great day planned for us
in New York.
We'll go to that chocolate shop,
you remember that? Serendipity?
Frozen hot chocolate with your dad?
- I know, it's
It's my fault, Mom.
You're just being good to me,
you've always just been good to me,
I'm just so-- I'm useless,
I'm so fucking useless.
- Jane, look, please, just-- It's OK.
- Look, Mom, I gotta go.
- WOMAN: Please don't go.
- OK, but, I, I love you.
Always remember that.
["Smother" sung by Daughter]
I should go now quietly ♪
I looked in my mother's eyes this morning
knowing that what I was about to do to her
would be so much worse
than what he did to me.
I thought my father
a narcissist for leaving me.
But this girl I see before me,
she understands him.
And yet it's the pain I feel now
is what he felt.
Meet my creators ♪
I have to forgive him.
That I'm a suffocator ♪
Suffocator ♪
Suffocator ♪
Suffocator ♪
[Dr. M speaking indistinctly]
Deep breaths, what's up? What's going on?
- MAN: Ladies and gentlemen
flight 270 to Albuquerque, New Mexico
[cell phone ringing]
Let's keep the line moving people.
[indistinct chatter]
[scanner beeping]
- MAN: I've got it.
- Looks like our CrossFit's paying off.
- Stop it!
- Oh, he's embarrassed!
I'm sorry, we just got engaged.
- Oh, it's beautiful.
- Oh, thank you.
It was at his mom's, but I had it reset
[whispers] with a much bigger stone.
[scanner beeping]
- Something in your pockets?
Your belt buckle?
- No, it's the jacket.
- We're getting married on a mountain top
on New Year's Eve.
[indistinct chatter]
- That sound's nice.
- MAN: There's so many zippers
on this thing.
[scanner beeping]
- Wow, I don't know what else
- Do we have a problem, miss?
- Um my flight is boarding.
- Let me see your boarding pass, please.
It says 5:00 PM here.
You have plenty of time.
Please wait in the line.
- I can't.
- MAN: What do you mean you can't?
[indistinct chatter]
- Miss?
- Hey, it's all good, man.
She can go ahead.
I'm holding up the line, it's my fault.
So, forgot about my keys, sorry, man.
It has pockets everywhere.
[cell phone ringing]
[breathing heavily]
- Oh, shit, shit, shit!
[exhales] Five
Four, three,
two, one.
[cell phone ringing]
Hey, Dr. M.
- DR. M: Jane, Jane, I have
a situation here at Life House
I have Kara here with me
and she's suggesting
that you're planning on doing something.
Is that correct?
- Kara, she can't sleep
when I'm not there, you know that.
Why don't you ask her about that?
- Is that true what she's saying
that you can't sleep?
Are you trying
to keep her from living, Kara.
OK, OK, Jane, listen to me,
I'm concerned.
I want you to wait at the airport for me.
I think we should speak in person
before you fly home.
- Dr.--Dr. M, I wish I could. I just--
It's Kara,
you know what she's like,
she's not in her right mind.
She's a liar, she's a compulsive liar.
She doesn't want me to leave
because she's not loved herself.
[Kara breathing heavily]
- KARA: I hate you! I hate you!
I hate you! I hate you!
- Um Uh, Dr. M
I gotta go, I gotta go.
My flight is boarding. Fuck!
[Kara screams]
[glass shattering]
- I hate you! I hate you!
- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
[door opens]
- MAN: Hello?
[knock on the door]
Is everything OK?
- Whoa!
- What are you doing in here?
- I'm sorry but the better question is
what are you doing in here?
This is the mens' room.
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