Suspect (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


This programme contains scenes of
violence and strong language
Danny, it's Ryan.
I don't know what to say, mate.
Then don't say anything.
Where are you?
Just driving around,
trying to get my head straight.
Oh, you won't do anything stupid.
Tell Richard he doesn't
have to worry.
Yeah, I will.
I've got to go. All right, mate.
Oi! Hey!
Get off me! No Please, stop!
Stop, stop, stop, stop! Please,
I'm going to call the police!
OK, they're everywhere around here!
They're going to be here
I AM the police!
I am the police.
Look. I am the police, OK?
It's all right.
Your lip's
Your lip's bleeding here.
Use that. Take it, take it.
What are you doing here?
This might be a crime scene.
I didn't touch anything.
Who are you?
I don't have to tell you that.
You do if you want your phone back.
Let's start again.
What's your name?
Nicola what?
Nicola Barry.
So, what are you doing here?
Do you live here?
So what, then?
I came to say
I came to say goodbye.
Goodbye to who? Christina.
How did you know?
I wason my way to the gym
and I saw an ambulance leave,
so I came up to look for her,
thinking she might know
what was going on.
And then the police
wouldn't let me in.
They wouldn't tell me anything
and they kept saying I should. the hospital,
and then I had to hear it from
the neighbours.
That's bollocks. What?
Turn out your pockets. Come on.
Come on! Come here.
Empty your pockets. I told you
Empty your pockets now!
..I don't have anything!
Let me see. Look, I haven't taken
anything. I haven't taken anything!
There - cigarettes! Nothing. See?
You happy?
Right. I haven't taken anything.
All right.
I believe you.
You're her dad.
You're her girlfriend.
If I had my phone, I could show you.
When was this?
Last year.
It was only close friends
and family.
She said it was the first time
she ever felt loved
for just being herself.
I'm taking you in. No, you're not.
And you can't fix this, OK?
She's dead! No
She's not coming back.
But I've got to find out
why she died, alone
Do you not want to know?
What's there to know?
All right, Christina was unhappy.
All right, she was fucked up.
End of.
But then of course, you'd know
all about that, wouldn't you?
When was the last time you saw her?
When was the last time YOU saw her?
Last night at my flat.
You didn't live together?
No, she didn't play happy families.
So, what, she She lived here?
On and off, yeah.
She insisted on her own space.
Things weren't always easy with her.
Did something happen last night?
Yeah. We got into a fight.
She came home and she was
..drunk, hyper, acting weird.
And I let her get to me.
I lost my temper
and then I stormed out.
Did you hit her? What?
She had bruises on her face.
Did you hit her? You're sick.
No, no. She came back here,
you followed to confront her,
things got out of hand
I stayed with a girlfriend
last night. Can you prove that?
Give me my phone.
Use mine.
Hello? Who's this?
This is Detective Sergeant
Danny Frater.
Who's this?
Anna. Anna Hall.
Butyou called me.
Oh, er, yeah.
I'm sorry.
Anna, forgive me.
I'm calling about Nicola
Nicola Barry.
Has something happened to her?
No, no, not that I know of. Erm
I'm just trying to locate her.
Where did you get this number?
Through a friend of hers.
Listen, I can give you my ID.
I'll give you a number to ring
if you like.
I'm just trying to verify
when you last saw Nicola.
She left this morning.
But you were with her last night?
From about 9.00 onwards, yes.
Thanks. And nothing's happened
to her?
No, no, I'm
I'm sure she'll be in contact.
Shit! It's the police.
I shouldn't be here.
Neither should you. Come on.
Front door cordon is still intact.
No sign of forced entry?
Upstairs clear?
Upstairs clear.
Circulation to all units.
Urgent assistance required
at Hotel Tango. Please respond.
Adam, we should go.
No sign of Danny Frater.
Leaving the building now.
She kept one of you in her phone.
Out of sight, out of mind.
You shouldn't have been such
a chauvinistic prick. Mmm.
Is that what she called me?
When she was being polite.
You kicked her out
on her 15th birthday.
She told you that? You found her
in bed with a girl.
She was a child.
You couldn't accept her as she was.
That's not true. Then why did you
barely speak to her?
We'd arranged to meet up,
have a drink.
You blew, right?
Like you always did.
It's complicated.
You think?
Does the name Harriet Carr
ring any bells?
This is a joke.
This is a fake ID that Christina
used to rent this place
and pay bills.
Why would she need a fake ID?
I guess she wanted to
keep stuff private.
Including how the hell she paid
for this place? She was
She was what?
Very entrepreneurial.
What does that mean?
She had money, lots of it,
and she was very generous with it.
But you have no idea
how she made it? No.
You didn't think to ask? Did you?
Her mother said she worked for
an events business.
What, then?
Weren't you curious?
Yeah, of course I was curious.
Then why didn't you intervene?
Why didn't you stop her
getting out of her depth?
Did she bring people back here?
What? Women?
Men? What are you saying?
Maybe so she could whore herself
in private Oh, my God!
Oh, you are pathetic!
What?! Jesus! It's just like
she said you were.
How dare you blame me for this!
OK, I was the one who tried.
I tried to help her.
I tried to get her to let me in,
to open up, OK?
And I know that you'll never
understand this, but I loved her.
I could see that
beneath that surface
..there was something broken.
And the more I probed,
the more it seemed to pain her,
so it was just easier to let it go
and just accept her as she was
..and really just enjoy
those moments
when the sun shone, however briefly.
That's not exactly
love's young dream.
Just let me grieve.
I don't have those answers
that you're looking for.
Well, then who does?
You should try Maia.
Who's Maia?
She runs the Crimson Orchid.
A strip club?
Lap dancing.
Christina worked there?! No, it's
When she met Maia, there was just
way more money.
She was reckless, she was manic
Danny, stop this.
What are you doing?
No, no, no, no. No, someone she met
there could've murdered her! No!
Don't you want to know?! No, because
I knew it was going to end this way!
But why would she take
her own life?!
Because she believed
she didn't deserve to be loved!
Do you understand that?!
I don't really smoke.
That's what you always say.
She tell you that?
How could you hate
your own daughter?
Erm You still have my keys.
I'm What I said
It's OK.
You told me you didn't
take anything.
Don't! Don't fucking move.
What are these?
She was into cryptocurrency.
It's just bitcoin. Uh-huh? And this?
Well, I wasn't just going to
fucking leave it, was I?
You said you didn't have
any answers.
What else have you lied to me about?
What else have you lied about?!
You don't see the funny side?
I mean really thought
that I worked in events?
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