Swagger (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


1 [SIGHS.]
Overrated! [PANTING.]
You all right.
No, son.
I mean, you all right.
You're free to go.
You okay? Yeah, I'm okay.
You? No.
I'm really not.
I know you hate coming down here for your job.
Definitely shouldn't be having you come down here for me.
I'm sorry, baby.
You work on that speech all night? Not all night.
You punched a coach, Ike.
Who does that? You having anger issues now? No, I got issues with assholes, baby, and he was an asshole.
So, you just gonna punch every asshole that's out here? - That's That's not what I'm saying.
- So, what are you saying? I gotta be a better role model.
This is not just about your team, Ike.
I'm not talking about that team.
Max called.
Said that the coaches are meeting on whether they should suspend you or not.
He said you should go down there and give them your side of the story.
So they could play God? So you can keep coaching.
If that's what you want.
Take me to work.
- What up? - Sleep, fool.
People have been killing me online.
So, clap back on the court.
You gotta reclaim that crown.
You coming? Nah, I'm good.
Your boot's off, right? Ankle's fine.
Come get this work before practice tomorrow.
Unlike some people, I'm still number one.
Oh, it's like that, huh? Three weeks on injure reserve, and I'm still number one, scrub.
You suck.
Hey, Mr.
Hey, big time.
You're in early.
You think I could get into the cage? Lock it when you're done.
Thank you, sir.
- Good to see you.
- I'm sorry about this.
[MAN 1.]
I could dabble with 42%.
You give any more thought about what I asked you about? Ike, now is not a good time.
Sheila, I'm about to be a father in five months.
You feel me? You can't keep kicking me to the curb like this.
I'm not trying to disrespect the situation, but I gotta figure something out.
I can't give you a raise right now, Ike.
I'm sorry.
You got extra hours? Haven't we done this dance before? Every time a shift opens up, you can't take it because of your coaching stuff.
That was before.
Now, I got other priorities.
Might be a weekend shift.
Ain't that when you have games? [SIGHS.]
I'm saying, I'll take the hours.
All right.
All right, Ike.
I'll see what I got.
- I appreciate it.
- Mm-hmm.
Do you think we'll need a cart? Should we grab one? [SIGHS.]
You lost or something? - Was in the neighborhood.
- Hmm.
It was a pretty bold move skipping the coaches meeting.
If y'all want me on my knees begging, that ain't me.
So, we looking at a four, five-game suspension? No.
Whole season? Coach Max got everyone to give you a second chance.
And I convinced Deandre not to press charges.
How'd you get him to do that? - Severance.
- You fired that guy? Yeah.
And he had to go.
He was messing with my brand.
Overtime called his behavior "unbecoming.
" If you're not here to deliver bad news, what are you here for? You and I both know that your program is barely holding on financially.
You don't know my situation.
So what? I'm wrong? You've got some pretty decent role players.
And you know you don't have to be an asshole to be a good coach.
But your team is not strong enough to hold on to a kid like Jace Carson long-term.
Especially if you keep losing.
Where are we going with this? I wanna join you.
I'm proposing that you and I merge our teams.
I'm gonna handle all the business, the PR.
I'll deal with all the opinionated parents and give you the space that you need to be the great coach you are.
What makes you think I care about being a great coach? I guess I don't.
I mean, I can't imagine how much of your life you've given to this game.
No, you really can't.
Here's what I can imagine.
I have ten to 13Us in my program.
The money I make, I give you a cut.
I can imagine with our combined collection of talent, that we'd be the best in the DMV.
What I can't imagine is you walking away from that, Ike.
Not seeing how much you care about Jace.
Not seeing how much you still care about the game.
Italy now has the largest coronavirus death toll outside China.
Authorities there announced 49 more deaths on Friday, bringing the overall toll to just shy of 200.
As the economic impact starts to sink in, the Italian tourism industry is already predicting losses of six billion My baby.
You're gonna be fine, all right? Use your words.
Famines and pestilence and frightful sights! Heed my words! For the end of the world is upon us! Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom! Find redemption, brother.
For the end of the world is upon us.
And great earthquakes will be in diverse places.
Yes? Uh, hi, I'm Coach Ike.
Is your mom home? Not yet, but Jace is.
Jace! Your coach is here! Just a minute.
- Aight.
- Yeah.
Hey, what happened? [GIRL.]
Time to go! No, not again! He keeps throwing it! Sup, Coach? What's up? They said you got locked up.
Why'd you punch him? Maybe I would've wanted somebody to do the same thing for me.
- Maybe I just got issues.
- Yeah, you definitely got issues.
How you doing? Hard to sleep last night.
Kept seeing that shot rim out.
I mean, I'm a 90% free throw shooter.
What the hell, right? What the hell.
I was trying to kick it with you and your mom but I guess I'll just let you know.
We're merging with another team.
- What team? - Team All Day.
I don't know what you've been smoking.
Hear me out.
The dude I punched ain't a part of it.
And they got some guys that can help us out.
You scored 31 points last game.
One assist.
And all your points came in the paint, so by fourth quarter, it was easy to key in on you.
So, you saying it's all on me? The loss is on me.
I need to put better pieces around you.
We need to develop your mid-range, and I need four to five assists a game.
I need you to not just be the best player.
I need you to be the most valuable.
We making cuts, and tryouts are tomorrow.
I'm not trying out.
I'm not asking you to.
I just need you to show up.
- What's up, Meg? - Hey, Royale.
Good luck, son.
All right.
That should hold you down.
New jerseys, incidentals.
Thanks, Brett.
Let's see if some of these SP Grind parents are as invested - as I've always been.
- Okay.
All right.
- See you soon.
Hey, Jace.
You showed, huh? You lucky she fired that loudmouth son of a bitch, or we sure as hell wouldn't be here.
And she still let it happen.
Meg is good people.
And she made things right.
How well do you know her? I know her kind of.
All right, look, she played at Syracuse.
She knows the game.
She knows what it takes, and she's committed to helping me build a strong program.
Ike, I don't want Jace to be team-hopping.
I need this to work.
Look, I'm not even trying to come at you like that.
But Overtime, that was the biggest stage he's ever played on.
And now we got these haters.
These grown-ass men trying to tear him down online.
People love to see people fail.
Jace can't.
Not again.
And just so you know, my son's being raised to understand that violence isn't the way we resolve our problems.
It was a pretty right hook, though.
Come on.
Let's go.
One protected pick each, right? That's right.
- No, I got ball! - There you go.
Come on! [MUSA.]
Who's down there? Come on, shoot it.
Shoot it.
Oh, yeah.
I got ball.
We almost catch an elbow? My bad.
I got two, I got two.
Ohh! [IKE.]
I just want everyone to know, you're all ballers, whether you make the team or not.
Here are the ten.
If I call your name, walk to half court.
Jace Carson.
Half court.
Phil Marksby.
Vince Charles.
Sydney Belton.
Kelvin Rossmore.
Keenan Shipp.
Musa Rahaim.
- You up next, man.
I got you.
- It's all you, bro.
- I know you got it.
- [IKE.]
Ricky Fallstead.
Drew Murphy.
Royale Hughes.
For real? [SIGHS.]
Those who didn't get their names called, Coach Naim will be here holding open gym on Thursdays to work on skills.
I could hook you up with other teams, if that's You know what, man? This some bullshit.
Hey, Jace! Ready for you, man.
Take a book while you're up.
All right.
Y'all teammates now, aren't you? So, Jace, um, who you fittin' to lock down this weekend? Anacostia Elite.
- Ain't that the team with the Darius kid? - Mm-hmm.
Oh, boy.
That boy there a beast, now, hey.
Your opponent is irrelevant.
Mental toughness is the key.
I don't know if that can be taught, but without it, you won't get far.
Didn't your old man break that down for you? [SAWYER.]
All right, now.
Leave the boy alone, all of you.
Don't listen to them.
Be like your mans here.
Focus on those books.
So that's what it's like, huh? Everyone and their cousin got something to say to you.
On the regular.
You? They say someone as big as me got no excuse not to make it.
Always wondering why our kids want to be ballplayers and rappers.
Is all that true about your moms? That she's locked up? Why? Just askin'.
Whatever, man.
She's in Jessup, but she'll be on parole soon.
That's good.
How long you take to get them dreads right? - Locs.
- My bad.
It's a while, but my mom says it's like a journey.
That locs represent spiritual strength.
That's what's up? You are all set, Mr.
- Thank you, Miss Melony.
- You're welcome.
So what's your hair story? - My what? - Your hair story.
You gotta cut a swoosh in that jont.
Get a swoosh so we can win? You sure she didn't tie them locs too tight? [CHUCKLES.]
But for real, though.
What Coach Deandre did, clowning you and all that? [DOOR OPENS.]
Mom, I need that check for my step show costume.
It's a week late now.
I get paid Thursday, so I'll get you a check on Friday.
All right, thanks.
You hungry? I dropped in the DMV rankings, Ma.
From one to four.
I told you not to look.
No one's gonna think I'm elite if I keep sinking, Ma.
W-We're not drinking from that haterade, all right? Focus on what's ahead of you.
- [JACE.]
What's that? - [JENNA.]
Darius Metcalf.
You're about to face him.
And the Anacostia boys, they don't play.
You told me to stay off social media, but you in here checking for Darius Metcalf? This ain't chatter.
This is education.
Look at this sneaky sneak move.
He uses his right to get you off balance, and then he blocks your shot with his left.
But with the slickness, so the refs don't see.
- Hmm.
- Let me show you.
Jackie, you're Darius.
- Why I gotta be ugly old Darius? - Why you think? - Man.
- Yo! Okay, that was good, but do it again, slowly.
Okay, this time, you ready.
You go in there first with your left.
And now you're the one coming for him.
And then what, Coach Mamavich? Then, my son, you dunk on his sorry behind.
Man, you craze [SIGHS.]
What the hell did Sawyer do to your hair? - It's called a swoosh.
- A what? It's for my hair story.
- You don't have to do this.
- Of course I do.
You seem happy to be here.
And you don't.
I'm tired.
I have heartburn.
And my breasts are swollen.
I offer massage therapy, 24-7, rain, shine or sleet.
You're a good dude, Ike.
I just want to make sure everything is right before the baby comes.
It will be.
I want everything to be right with you.
I'm working on that.
What does that mean? I mean, I-I'm trying, with you, the team.
If this merger goes through, it'll go from a hobby to paying some bills.
We got a lot of those coming.
Think it could work out? If we lose our next game, his mom isn't having it.
Jace'll be gone, and I don't want him to end up with one of these "What have you done for me lately" coaches out here.
- So don't lose.
Yeah, that's it? That's all? - It's brilliant, right? - Mm-hmm.
You think you funny.
I am funny.
Finally, some appreciation for a brother out here.
I make an extra 30 look sexy.
Now I want you to bend over and try to tie your shoes.
- Ain't no shoes down there.
There's the hardest working man in the DMV.
I heard you spoke up for me.
I appreciate that.
No problem.
But I don't want you to feel like you owe me.
We square.
That's nice of you.
We may have our differences, but we family.
- Oh, we family now? - I always thought of you as a son.
Busted my nuts to help you.
Whatever you busted, you busted for yourself.
Feel like you rewriting history, Ike.
When you quit playing, your head was all screwed up.
After your pops died, may he rest in peace you spiraled.
I ain't no cause and effect of why you flamed out.
I tried to be there for you.
But you shut me out.
See, you shuttin' me out now.
- 'Cause you wanna be here? - Yeah.
And I heard you merged with the white girl.
If you need help, why not come to me? Cocky little sumbitch like Jace need strong brothers around him who know how to handle they business.
What Jace need is a coach that don't look at him like a payday.
Chew him up, spit him out, right when shit get tough.
Let's be clear.
I'm the reason you got games to coach.
For a minute, I thought you wanted me to help you get a piece of Jace.
But just like you explained, me playing for you for all them years? We square.
Good as Jace Carson is, he wasn't as scrappy as you, but he is good.
And you and I both know you gonna screw things up like you always do.
'Cause you can't change who you are.
Come on, boy.
Work! They say you suck.
They say you all hype.
What you say? Come on.
Come on, Carson.
Come on, Carson.
Come on, Carson.
Let's go! [IKE.]
Finish that! Come on.
Overrated! Don't let 'em be right.
Aw, don't let 'em be right, Jace.
Overrated! - Come on.
Attack them! [YELLS.]
Oh, what, you mad? I'd be mad too.
You only made 30% of your shots.
But if you come here, get 300 shots up a day, you could get that to 50%.
But you gotta commit.
- What does it look like I'm doing? - It look like you sulking.
How you gonna block the outside noise if you in your head all day, huh? People don't just roll out of bed with mental toughness, Jace.
You gotta put the mental with the physical.
If haters come at you, that is a compliment.
Embrace that negativity, that's what I want for you.
What you want for me? Come on, Coach.
We don't gotta pretend here.
- What? - This ain't about nothin' you want for me.
This is about you trying to rebuild your program.
Ain't that why we here? All right.
I'm trying to rebuild my program.
And I got a lot better chance if you don't suck.
But maybe there's something you wanna rebuild.
I wanna be ranked number one in the DMV again.
And I want us to make it to Florida.
Why? What you mean "why"? You gotta have a "why.
" It's personal.
Well, personally I think rankings are bullshit.
But at your age it was everything to me too.
Look, I can't be wrapping your Pampers.
You gotta put the work in.
If not, I won't waste your time.
- Let's get it.
- Oh, yeah.
I love it.
I love it.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- Yeah, let's go, Jace! Let's go! Yeah! I love it! Energy just wasn't the same without you.
Just being able to watch you play, beautiful stuff.
How's that feel? - It's okay.
- Good.
I know a couple of coaches at the University of Maryland.
I was telling them about you.
My future D1 star.
I mean, it's a ways away, but I told them I could see you fitting in their system.
Hey, Frankie! How's it going? Can't complain.
My in-laws finally moved back to Orlando.
Where you going? I need to go home.
Uh, but we haven't iced it yet.
Good job.
Good job.
Go! [IKE.]
Oh, nice! [VINCE.]
Gotta swish that.
- [NAIM.]
Work, Moo, work.
- Help, help! - There you go.
- Switch, switch, switch.
Hey, yo! What the hell is your problem? What my problem is you suck.
Everybody know that.
- Okay.
- I suck at riding the bench like you.
- Whoa.
Chill, bruh.
- Say that again.
- You a scrawny-ass ho, bruh.
- What, you his bitch now? - Who you calling his bitch? - Hey! Whoa, whoa! - [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
Back up.
All right, I got you.
Y'all can't play as a team, y'all gonna suffer as one! Baseline, everybody! I told you.
We had nothing to do with it.
We paying for your mistake.
- [IKE.]
Who this? [MAN.]
Back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid anymore But some days I sit And wish I was a kid again - Back in the days - Old people, Coach.
- Wrong answer.
It's Ahmad.
Down and back.
Go! - Let's go, Vince.
Come on.
- Go! - Come on.
Run, boy! - [IKE.]
All of y'all! What you doing? Go! - Suffer as a team! - I don't know what that was.
Gonna call Ahmad "old people.
" Thought his pops raised him better than that.
Next one.
Ooh! Classic.
Hello? - I wish I was a little bit taller - Fresh Prince.
It's LL Cool J.
Bro, he's an actor, you idiot.
So is Fresh Prince, genius.
Skee-Lo! Who's that? It doesn't matter.
Down and back.
- [SIGHS.]
Interesting drill.
Coach! Can we get someone from this century? Okay if I have your phone for a sec, Coach? [LAUGHS.]
Oh, Two Five? I'll give you someone from this century.
I'll start with local royalty.
Yeah, ride down the block In an Escalade Bling-bling all in your face I think you might need To put on your shades - Rah! - I know you feel me doe You hatin' on me But you hear me doe Twenty-inch rims sittin' crazy low That's Cardi.
- Oh! - Oh, honey.
That's Missy Elliott.
What you doing? That wack swoosh in your head done scrambled your brain.
- You need a headband, bro.
- Your momma roasted you.
What y'all doin'? Run! You got it wrong.
You get it wrong, you gotta run.
Hey, Jackie.
This be smackin'.
Yo, Royale, what took you so long? You were in there looking for all those missed passes? [LAUGHS.]
It took him a minute to get my sandwich.
- Sandwich? - At the Carry-Out? He's just a turkey sandwich-eating brother.
That's just how he roll.
No, he better roll that mess somewhere else, Royale.
See, all the other stuff on the menu is just decoration.
See, the only concern here is the number one.
- That's why they call it number one.
- [MUSA.]
- See, you got your wings - Double fried.
- You got your fries - Shoestring.
- Thank you, Drew.
- Oh, don't forget the mumbo.
Ooh, yes, Mr.
See, I was just about to get to that.
See, this right here is the secret weapon to the whole operation.
- Eddie's mumbo sauce.
- Preach.
This right here is some next-level shiz.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
50% sugar, 50% toxic waste, 100% magic.
Allah be praised.
Allah be praised.
Royale, I'm gonna ask you this one more time.
You still gonna eat that sandwich? - Mmm.
Really, Royale? Yo, if you can't get the simple rules of the Carry-Out right, how are we supposed to figure out a team name? I mean, Coach says up to us.
I say we stay SP Grind.
I say we stay Team All Day.
All right.
All right.
What about a compromise? - Grind All Day.
Grind All Day? We should call ourselves, Swagger.
- I rock with that.
- Yeah.
- I'm feelin' that.
- You know that.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
All hail Swagger.
- All hail to Swagger.
- To Swagger! - To Swagger.
- Come on.
- Get in here.
- Yes, sir.
- Yeah.
- On three! One.
- [ALL.]
Hey! [ROYALE.]
I don't care what you say.
That's garbage.
Ew! Your vegan ass don't know what you're missing.
Watch your mouth! Mom's here.
Sorry, Miss J.
Bye, scrub.
Oh, man.
How's he holding up after that last game? He's okay.
And you? How was your first practice back? It was fine, I guess.
Well, it'll be a lot easier when we get these out.
They really weigh you down.
After practice, Coach Warrick was looking at my ankle.
Is it okay? Did you twist it again? No.
It's fine.
Thank God.
It's just he said he was telling some of Maryland's coaches about me - and how special I was.
- Mm-hmm.
But it didn't It felt weird.
Like, not right, you know? I do.
I've felt that way myself.
Really? Mm-hmm.
They call it the "impostor syndrome.
" Where everyone else can see how good you are, how special.
And you can't.
Makes you think you're a fraud.
A failure.
I don't know.
Baby, he is not talking about the University of Maryland with any of the other girls on the team.
I guarantee you.
Because you are special.
Hey, Ike.
You got the shift.
Every weekend, 10:00 to 6:00.
The shift.
Yes, the shift.
The extra hours you begged me for.
- Right.
- Yeah.
I took them away from Ronnie.
He's kinda pissed.
But when you gave me that speech about your baby on the way and your priorities Yeah, that was a pretty good speech.
Pat yourself on the back, brother man.
The deal is the coaching stuff kinda picked up.
- Picked up? - Yeah, and I I got a game tomorrow.
I think I think this is something I need to see through.
Don't ask me for any more favors, Ike.
You understand? - I understand.
- Oh, shut up.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Rankings guy showed up.
Are you talking about dude that looks like he never played a day of ball in his life? Be nice.
Higher Jace is ranked, the higher our profile.
Yeah, well, if we lose this game, we won't have to worry about Jace Carson.
Swagger! Huddle up.
Everybody, bring it in.
I just want to encourage y'all to just show up.
Show up? That's it? Yeah, Drew.
That's it.
Hey, Coach.
Maybe you should work on your pre-game speeches a little more.
No offense.
Sometimes when it feels like everybody's against you, hardest thing to do is show up.
All right then, let's show up! Swagger on three! Swagger on me! One.
Swagger! - Let's go! - Starters, you know who you are! [VINCE.]
Ready for battle.
Get that! Get that! Get that! Get down court! What are you doing? Drew, what are you doing? Worried about some pandemic? We've been living the pandemic for 400 years.
Who's this dude? How's your ankle? Jace says you back in action.
Yeah, it's fine.
Hurts a little sometimes.
But, you know, I'm good.
You ready to put 'em in the frying pan? [CHUCKLES.]
What? [LAUGHS.]
Girl, never mind.
Defense! Defense! Defense! Bring it.
Come on, Jace! Finish it! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! [IKE.]
Yeah! [NAIM.]
Defense, defense.
Carson don't want it! He scared! That's why he passed it to Larry Birdshit! Hey, bruh.
Keep shooting, man.
You can't suck all game.
Thanks, dude.
Coach! Coach! You need another shooter, Coach! Put Royale in! [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
Your boy is nice.
- He real nice.
- Ain't he, though? It's yours, Jace! If it wasn't for Ike's coaching, y'all be up by 20 by now.
- That's a foul! - [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
Jace, don't let him push you like that! Bro, don't even worry about it.
Overrated! Overrated! Hey.
Keep your sorry ass on the bench.
Can't afford to lose this game, Coach.
Not you.
Not me.
And I'm coaching like I can't afford to.
Huh? How about we stop playing not to lose and start playing to win.
- Attack.
You hear me? Attack.
- [IKE.]
Let's go win this game.
Hit it! Come on, kid.
Come on, kid.
Yes, sir! - Watch your middle.
Watch your middle.
- [IKE.]
Oh, yeah! Hit that.
Boom! My bad.
Let's go! Let's go! [BOOING.]
Oh, yeah! Yeah! [IKE.]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What I'm talking about, baby! [MUSA.]
Let's go, Jace! Whoo! Oh! [YELLS.]
- Good game.
- Thanks, Coach.
You know I got you.
Whoo! My rankings update will post tonight.
Hey, Coach.
That right there is how you get it done.
By showing up, showing out.
That press break adjustment you made? Had 'em shook! They ain't had no answer for that.
- And look, all them haters.
- Let's see.
And your boy about to get his number one spot back.
End up like me? They mean a handsome as hell, cool-ass brother with a beautiful wife and a flawless J, right? - Yeah, that's what they meant.
Embrace the negativity, right, Coach? You got to.
You never told me what your "why" is.
How about I get back to you on that? Enjoy your win.
You did your thing.
Get home safe.
Oh, this is nothing.
I'm just letting them bring their complaints.
[MAN 2 ON TV.]
All right.
Come on.
Put that over [PHONE RINGS.]
Maryland Correctional Facility for Women.
This call may be recorded or monitored.
To accept this call, press five.
Hello? Mom? [MOM.]
Oh, Phil? Oh, it's so good to hear your voice.
I miss you so much.
But I I don't have long, so so tell me everything.
How's school? It's good.
But the big news is that my team merged with another one, and we're called Swagger now.
Oh, I know you livin' up to that.
Trying to.
I'm playing with Jace Carson now.
Jace? I thought you two didn't get on.
He's all right.
And your father? How's he doing? He's good.
He's still at work.
That's good.
I'm glad y'all are looking out for each other.
You still got your locs? Or did you go for the clippers? Still got 'em.
Miss Melony down at Sawyer's tightened 'em up.
But the ends are still fuzzy, though.
It means your locs are maturing.
Y-You cut off the end and it'll weaken the entire loc.
Then it won't be strong enough to face all the twisting and turning that's coming in the future.
I won't touch it then.
When I get home, I'll be taking care of you myself.
How much longer? Parole board hearing's, i-it's not for a few months.
But maybe you can come visit.
I'm gonna try.
I really want to.
My My time's up, baby.
- I'm gonna dedicate my next game to you.
- I g I gotta go.
- I love you.
Them rankings gotta be up by now.
Let's see.
What? It's crazy how they have somebody ranked higher than you.
He moved from Puerto Rico to the DMV.
Dope highlight reel.
A highlight reel doesn't mean he's better than me.
You'll find out when you play him next week.
- Damn! - What? He got 40,000 followers.
Mostly girls.
I can't read Spanish, but heart eye emojis are definitely universal.
Beyoncé has followers too.
Don't make her a baller.
Beyoncé's magic.
She might be.
Double damn! Hey [CHUCKLES.]
I don't know who's number one on the court, but he's definitely number one in thirst traps.
I thought we were here to hoop.
Yo, Crystal.
You sure you wanna keep playing? Last person I lost to was my father, and that was a long time ago.
Hibachi! Keep talking.
- Game point.
- Let's go, scrub.
You ain't ready for this.
Oh, it's raining Skittles! Best out of three? If you wanna get schooled like that.
Let me just grab some water first.
So, how was first practice back? - It was okay.
Stop sweating me about it.
- Just okay? You moving like this, Coach better recognize.
Coach gonna give you the same shots and minutes as before, or he gonna make you earn it? I said stop sweating me about it.
Okay, best out of three.
Come on, you know you wanna keep them Skittles.
Crystal! What were you thinking, Ike? Just listen to me, Dad.
Too easy.
Mouse in the house.
Weight room.
Weight room.
Swish! [GRUNTING.]
Think you can stay in front of me, boy? Taste this, cleca.
Comin' for you, boy.
Taking back what's mine.

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