Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

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Episode 2
Now, time is almost up.
Whatever no matter, do not hesitate.
I'd appreciate if you just pull it in.
The president's is full sized.
Get ready throw the line!
This is fun.
Alright, the time set is for 30 minutes.
This time it'll be the longest one caught.
This is going to be a very challenging competition.
Sun Young, what're you doing? Pass out some refreshments to these presidents.
- President, fighting!
- Ah, Yes.
President, fighting!
That person to whom giving the entire world is not enough,
That person that is the reason I live today,
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
I miss that person.
That person I draw with my hot tears,
That person I cannot seem to erase,
No matter how much I wish, no matter how much I hope,
I can't help but to keep longing.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
I will forget it all, forget all,
that person that is painful to love."
I got it.
It's enough for me alone to cry in pain,
even if I have to swallow the sun.
One minute left before time expires!
Okay, okay, one minute to go, one minute to go!
There's one minute left!
Time over!
♪11 weighs in at 37 centimeters and is in first place.
37 centimeters!
Town Association president
is coming, he's coming here!
Oh shoot. President Hyun, what's going on?
Are you up to mischief again?
Who would be into mischief?
Have you been doing okay?
I'd like to see you a moment.
You keeping up on news of Suk Tae?
I went to see him not long ago and put some money into his account.
That bastard Suk Tae, will be
released on parole next week.
It's time you cut your ties with that Suk Tae.
It's one thing for him to throw me away, but I can't turn my back on him first.
That's not loyalty, you fool! If you continue to be in his shadows, don't you know you'll end up just like him?
I'll take care of myself.
This imbecile
Something's up with you, isn't it? Why would President Hyun come looking for you.
What is it?
Suk Tae hyung will get released next week.
(Hyung = Younger male
referring to older male)
What? Why so early?
Wasn't there still 6 months left?
Released on parole.
This kills me, really.
Hey, Jung Woo.
When Suk Tae hyung is released, what do we do?
Will we have to show our butt holes?
I'm so sick and tired of it, sick and tired.
Why do you keep coming here?
Just because.
Why do you laugh?
Bastard, I know everything so what's with the "just because" act?
What do you know?
Isn't this where that girl used
to live a long time ago?
The granddaughter of that
pale faced orange grower.
You remember?
Of course. You were head over heels for her when you were a kid.
You still miss her?
Who in the world built a castle like this after razing down that huge orange grove.
I'm curious about who myself.
How much do you think it cost?
About 5 billion won.
Five it's not so much. You just wait. I'll make a lot of money and build you a home like that.
Let's go see who lives there.
Are you crazy?
Jung Woo? Oh man
Jung Woo, this is the place where that girl's house was, right?
Chairman, I will take care of this.
Who are you?
We just came to take a look at your house.
We wanted to find out how much it would take to build a house like this.
Because we like it.
How much will it take?
For a house like this.
Please don't keep pointing that gun at us. We're not pheasants or anything.
Disappear by the time I count to 3.
Jung Woo, Jung Woo
Let's go, Jung Woo.
You don't have to count to 3.
Go ahead and shoot.
I'm not even worth the price of a dog so don't feel any burden.
I'm sorry. I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again.
Who are you and why do you
enter a stranger's home?
I already told you, we just
wanted to look at the house.
You're trespassing. Get out
of here before I call the police.
Hey, you crazy bastard, the gun is pointing at you and you stand there and dare him?
If he does shoot me, his life will be over too, so how can he shoot? He's not a lunatic.
By the look in his eyes,
he sure did look like one.
Oh, it puts a bad taste in
my mouth! Really bad taste.
Let's hurry up and get out of here.
(Oppa = Younger female
referring to older male)
You wench, I told you not to
do things like this, didn't I.
You don't even care about me,
so what do you care what I do?
Really? Then live as you like. Okay?
I was wrong.
Let go.
I said, I was wrong.
I won't do it again.
If you need money, tell me.
Whether it's robbing or picking pockets, I'll be the one to do it.
Yeah, there's that house that
looks like a castle in Wimiree.
Oh, that house? Yeah, it really is awesome.
What does the owner do?
I don't know. He's not from here, he's not from Jeju.
He's from the mainland, but no one knows anything about him.
All kinds of stories are going around about him.
What kind of stories?
That he's buying up most of the land here.
All the prime land on the shores are already in his hands.
The word is that he's trying to take over land from Han Aan to Chung Do.
So what's he going to do with all that land?
How would I know? Maybe he's trying to turn Jeju into his kingdom.
And if those stories are true, he has an unbelievable amount of money.
Why do you ask?
Just because.
They're starting!
Oh, shit. Just once. Just one time!
It a total of 11.5 acres.
It'll be difficult to find any better land than this on a shoreline.
What is the problem?
We're running into some difficulties and it looks like Chairman Yoo is behind it.
- Yoo Kwang Soo?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
- I'm certain.
He doesn't know what I'm doing, does he?
I believe, he knows.
Let's go.
(Ahjussi = May be referred to as uncle)
How are you?
Oh, when did you get here?
It's been two days.
You're all grown up. You can
marry into my family now.
I'm ready, but the groom has no interest.
You don't see Tae Hyuk?
I can't see him. He slips out this way and that way.
Please give him a good scolding, ahjussi.
Okay. Anyone that gives our Mi Ran a hard time, I can't forgive him.
Go on in.
Have you ever seen me afraid of Jan Min Ho?
Don't worry and just get the financing secured.
Come in.
Let's hang up.
What brings you here, and without any notice?
Do I have to call before I come to see my hyung-nim?
It's just a formality. Of course you don't need to call.
Let's sit.
I was thinking of you when I got this.
You know this wasn't even available in the black market of Saigon, remember?
Thank you very much.
So, how have you been lately, hyung?
Me, just so-so. I'm just plodding along.
Your empty bemoaning are the same as ever.
It isn't just an empty bemoaning.
I scraped together everything I had for this place, but it's night and day of worrying.
Worry if it rains, if it's windy
this damned weather in Jeju Island.
If it's that much of a headache, let it go.
Huh! Oh, that's not
You bastard. Yoo Kwang Soo.
Who are you acting restless in front of?
Why are you doing this?
Why are YOU being like this, hyung-nim.
Did you forget that you owe me not just this golf course, but your life as well?
The problem is, that blockhead of yours is jammed packed with greed,
so you've forgotten the things you need to remember all your life.
Should I help you remember?
September 7, 1967 in Quang Ju
when you and I were trying scavenging to sell opium to those foreigners, something horrific happened.
The skies were dark from the smoke and when we looked up, all we can see were bombs showering down.
Those sons of bitches just kept pouring those bombs down.
Fire came down unrelentingly.
The jungle became a sea of napalm and there you were, near death. I put you on my back and ran like a crazy man.
What did you say to me then?
My life is yours. The rest of my life belongs to you.
Shall I go on?
When we were working the black markets in Saigon during that lunar festival, you got captured by those hired guns.
They held you down and put a revolver to your head saying you were to participate in a game of Russian Roulette.
You begged me to save you while you peed in your pants. Who saved Yoo Kwang Soo then?
Shall I keep going? You still can't remember?!
That's enough. You can stop there.
Did I ever ask for anything in
return for saving your life?
For the money I swept into your hands, did I ever place any conditions?
Just how far are you going to take your greed?
Tell me now, so I won't be surprised again by you stabbing me in the back.
Tell me all now!
I was wrong.
Let's go.
It's me. Over my dead body will
I lose out on that property.
Be sure and get it!
Yoo Kwang Soo keep a watch on him.
Do you think he'll continue with his deeds after that?
He's not to be trusted.
I understand.
It's not much.
Is Suk Tae still in prison?
Yes. But he'll be out soon.
It's all my fault. I shouldn't have allowed you kids go with him.
Don't worry.
Hyung, give me a ride! Okay!
Hyung. A ride!
- Get away, you brat!
- Go away!
Jung Woo! Big problem! A big problem!
Sun YoungSun Young's been arrested.
[Police Station]
What is it?
It's about Sun Young.
What'd you want me to do about it?
Help us out this once.
I've done a lot already, what more do you want?
Get out of here, you bastards!
Tell me again. What happened, what?
Please tell the truth.
We have to be accurate with the recorded statement.
One more time, think back and tell us clearly, in detail what happened, okay?
Hey, Han Sun Young! Suk Tae will be getting out soon, so now you go in to pay your debt to the society?
Oppa! Oppa!
Oh, oppa!
You've been doing okay?
Once he gets out, happiness over hell begins.
It's been difficult on you.
This is made 100% soy beans, here.
What about Sun Young?
Let's stop here.
I said, stop it here.
I know you lose all reason when it comes to Sun Young, so I took as much as I did.
It's not like I can tie her down and keep her from what she'll do. What did I do so wrong?
It's been a long time, Suk Tae.
Sun Young has been taken away. Please talk to President Hyun.
With him, not even my words have effect.
The only thing you can do is to hire a good attorney.
What are you fools doing. Get up. Get up!
In commemoration of your release, shouldn't we suck down a few? Don't you think?
Hey, patient, patient! Follow me.
It's all good. Just go.
Go. Go.
How is it? The prison isn't so bad these days, eh?
Are you curious?
Why don't you go and check it out.
I don't have it in me anymore to go to a place like that and survive.
I can't stand it anymore. How much longer do we have to live like this?
Supporting people in prison.
What the hell is this?
Let's just end this, Jung Woo.
Shit! Let's please end it.
Give me some Soju.
Leave me a little bit.
Where're you going?
To get some fresh air.
- We don't want a new development!
- No you can't! No you can't! No you can't!
- We will keep you from developing!
- Block you! Block you! Block you!
What do you think they're doing?
Some demonstration exercise.
You mean a protest? What are they protesting?
I don't know.
Why are they acting like such fools?
The people are gathering and stirring up a lot of noise.
I believe their intentions are to draw attention to the development.
Stop it.
Clear up anything that can become a hindrance and do it quickly.
Yes, sir.
Hyung-nim, the food is ready.
Have some bean sprout soup
and this is the last egg, here.
Are you okay?
Do you guys
do you guys have any money?
You heard Chi Gook hyung. He said we should hire a good lawyer.
You know our situation all too well, don't you?
We've put money in your prison account, gave some money to the orphanage.
We barely had enough for food to live on.
Uh, hyung-him.
What is it?
Hey, Han Suk Tae. My friend.
You should have told me you were getting out so I could have come to see you. Sorry about not making it.
You're over acting a bit. We're not that close.
The things you say. That could hurt my feelings.
What do you want?
There's someone that wants to meet you.
If it works out, you might hit jackpot.
This is the person I told you about, Han Suk Tae.
There's a job I would like for you to do.
What would the job be?
Oh, it's nothing.
People have been lining up
in the boats in the harbor and
all you have to do is get signatures seals from a few of the leaders.
I'm not interested.
Hey Suk Tae, let me see you for a sec.
No, no that's fine.
Come on, Suk Tae.
Leave, you bastard. Don't bother me, I'm busy.
Hey, Suk Tae
Manager Baek!
Manager Baek.
Manager Baek.
Oh, how embarrassing. Suk Tae,
what's wrong with you?
I can't do that kind of work anymore.
The Suk Tae we knew is dead, he's dead.
You want to die? Get out of here, eh?
Oh sh
I'm going into town and look
into a lawyer or whatever.
Yes, sir.
Hey, where are you going? Jung Woo.
I asked, where you were going!
What do you want?
That job, can I do it?
Are you crazy? What if Suk Tae hyung finds out?
What if he does?
Aaay, chicken shit.
He kicked it away with his own feet, didn't he?
Let's do it.
Wow, they're really into it.
They turn out the lights when it's dawn and they go to sleep.
Let's get some shut eye.
Let's go.
[Who does this development
benefit Retreat immediately]
[We oppose Baek Suk Ri development]
Emergency, up!
Get up.
Why are you sleeping?
Everybody up.
Who are you guys?
What are you doing?
Let's finish this up quickly.
Put your imprint here.
Be sure to press down hard.
You think my one seal will end this?
This land is conserved. And the conservatory has 58 members.
I don't care about any of that,
just put your seal there.
Do you want to do it after getting a beating of your life?
My seal won't make a difference
Oh for god's sake, you talk a lot. Just do it!
[Statement of agreement of land sale]
Nice shot!
Nice shot.
If you count all the star hotels
of Jeju, how many are there?
All together doesn't make up one hotel of Las Vegas.
How can we call Jeju a tourist haven?
They call Jeju the tourist haven, but I just cannot agree.
The wind, the weather there's no way.
Once the land deal with Baek Suk Ri is finalized, I will build a 3,000 unit hotel.
The financing has been secured, so just help me with the closing details.
I told you not to bother me.
It's an urgent matter.
Please excuse me.
It's me.
Are you sure?
Manager Baek is here.
Tell him to come in.
We've received the consent from the 58 members.
Good job.
Would you like to meet the person that took care of this matter?
Compensate him appropriately
and end all relationships.
Yes, sir.
Let's play.
Oppa, this is so fun.
It is, isn't it?
Wow, you guys are tanked up.
Let's drink up and die!
Here, here. Cheers!
Bastard, what did you do?
This imbecile
Why are you embarrassing me like this?
Money for Sun Young's lawyer.
Wasn't this what you wanted?
Not soiling your hands while we go out and do the dirty work.
That's what you wanted, right?
Just be honest and say you're afraid, go back in or that you want to save your life.
Why speak the truth. That looks much better on you.
Let's go.
I said, let's go.
Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo.
When did you get out?
It's been a few days.
What about the others?
The guys? I put them to work.
I did wrong.
I won't do it again, okay?
Whether you do or not,
what does it have to do with me?
Just live as you want to.
Why are you like this?
Look at me.
If I look at you, I might want to punch you so stop it already and get out.
If you keep acting like this,
I'm going to kill myself.
If you were going to die like that, you would've died a thousand deaths by now.
If you're trying to convince me, do it in a way that I would believe!
Jung Woo, a call for you.
Yes, this is Kim Jung Woo.
What's with this bastard?
If you don't want a hole shot through you, remain quiet.
Let's get out of here.
Did you call for me?
What happened to the kid?
It looks like he can be discharged from the hospital.
Bring him.
I'm sorry?
Bring him here.
Yes, sir.
Just a minute.
Who are you that you'd be in a stranger's home?
I've brought him.
Offer him your greetings.
I'm Kim Jung Woo.
Are you okay?
Why did you do it?
Why did you save me?
I don't know.
You've put your life on the line and yet you don't know why?
I thought perhaps this might be my first chance in life.
What do you want?
Go ahead and tell him.
If it's hard for you to say, let me make you an offer.
Go to Seoul.
So what did you say?
I said, I'll think it over.
What is there to think over? Just say, you'll go.
I've looked into him and he's no joke.
What about Se Dol and Kang?
Listen, are you children? How long are you going to stick together?
Your life has to work out in order
for their lives to work out.
I'm sick and tired of being in and out of prison myself.
I want to live a decent life for once.
Here you go.
Take this.
Wow, this country bumpkin has moved up in life, eh?
Yeah really, this kid.
Please take care of these, guys.
Once I get situated, I'll call for you.
But what are you going to do once you get to Seoul?
I'm not sure.
Hey, if I get to Seoul, will you take me to that 63 building?
Me Me too, me too, me too.
I heard there is this moving staircase.
A moving staircase?
That's it! Right. Escal, escal. Escal. That.
I really want to get on one.
Here, let's drink up.
Are you crying?
Even when you threatened to kill yourself I didn't blink. Do you think your tears will keep me here?
Boiling over because of me, stop that already.
Your brother makes me grit my teeth.
I really despise him.
What is it?
The chairman has a son named, Jang Tae Hyuk. All you have to do is live with him. He's the same age as you.
Are you telling me to be his body guard?
Not only his body guard, but a dog as well.
If he says crawl, you crawl.
If he says to bark, bark.
You said saving the chairman was the first chance of your life?
You're right.
Tae Hyuk is the only heir to the kingdom that the chairman will build.
This will more than sufficiently be your life's chance.
Let's go. To my house.
I can't tonight. I'll see you next time.
What is it?
Jang Tae Hyuk?
Who are you?
Me? I'm Kim Jung Woo.
I came from Jeju Island.
I don't know how you got involved with Ggot Nae Woon, but if you have a way, get out now.
If you're involved with him, what you will become is obvious.
And what is that?
A thug or trash.
Living with you is my job.
I always complete the job I take on.
Main Translator: songbird
Timer: semi-fly
Editor/QC: sayroo
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
~ Swallow the Sun ~
There's a girl I like.
The only thing I have, is her name.
Find out everything about her.
It might be beyond my abilities.
This is an obstacle you need to pass for my acceptance.
You're Lee Su Hyun, aren't you?
Who was that person?
My proxy.
There's something that's giving me a headache.
If there's anything I can do, I will do it.
Kill someone for me.
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