Swarm (2023) s01e02 Episode Script


[Loleatta Holloway:
"So Can I"]
Well, I'm doing okay, okay ♪
And I did, I did survive ♪
While you roam the streets ♪
And you play the fields ♪
Like so many other guys ♪
You think that
being a player ♪
- Ah.
- Is such a big thrill ♪
- [pouring liquor]
- Oh ♪
Just like you, baby ♪
I get lonely, too ♪
- And I ♪♪
- [music shuts off]
Ay, mama, where you going?
- The party just about to get started, baby.
- Nigga, please.
- I'm off the clock.
- Get out of here.
- 'Cause you and I been through it ♪
- Through the mud ♪
- Made sure I had the blueprint ♪
- I doubled up ♪
Yeah, I hustle
like my momma
I'll take your breakfast
special. Coffee, black.
- I used to see you crying over paychecks ♪
- I leveled up ♪
- Now you sit back and let your head rest ♪
- I wreck it up ♪
Yeah, I hustle
like my momma ♪
Food stamps,
trying to get some groceries ♪
Always keep your head up,
you told me ♪
But every single talent show
and game night ♪
I seen my momma smiling
on the sideline ♪
Can't wait till I repay ♪
Pray I have a daughter
with your fame ♪
Close my eyes at night ♪
You know I'm praying,
'cause you and I ♪
'Cause you
and I been through it ♪
- Through the mud ♪
- Made sure I had the blueprint ♪
- I doubled up ♪
- Yeah, I hustle like my momma ♪
- I used to see you crying over paychecks ♪
- I leveled up
Where's your friend?
[Kent] What?
Your friend.
The one that wears
the Titans hat.
Baby, I don't really got
a lot of friends.
[Kent] Oh! Tonk?
I don't know
where that nigga at.
He had to run to Philly.
He probably
on the road somewhere.
But I can take real good
care of you, lil mama.
What's your name?
[Kent] Don't miss
your blessing now.
Tonk ain't the only one
making money out here.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, new girl.
You know the point of dancing
or whatever the fuck
you was doing out there
is to make money, right?
[Paris] Cheeks, let her be.
[Cheeks] No, I'm saying,
ain't nobody trying
to see all that dancing
to some sad-ass shit.
This ain't one of them
white-ass strip clubs.
It's Ni'Jah. It's one of
her most profound songs.
This bitch said, "Profound."
It's a song about a dead baby.
Okay? Our job here is
to make dicks hard.
Not shrivel up
and fall the fuck off.
I'm just trying
to be real with you.
You could make more money
working at McDonald's.
And woman to woman,
they gon' fire your ass
if niggas keep walking out
of here scratchin' they heads.
Instead of holding they nuts,
am I right, bitch?
[dancers clamoring, laughing]
[Cheeks] She made
seven fucking dollars.
Hey, I really liked your dance.
Open the fucking car!
Open the fucking car!
Don't fucking do this!
Open the fucking car!
[man] Not getting out of this
car till you fucking apologize!
You don't pay
the fucking bills! I do!
This is my fucking car!
Open the car!
[man] You're gonna start
walking home, bitch!
You don't have the
Fucking God, I'm done with you.
- [man] Apologize.
- [Hailey] Sorry.
Now open the door.
[man] I know you're sorry.
But I promise y'all
[Hailey] Fuck you,
wee head little dick!
- [spits]
- [man] Fuck you!

How do, how do, how do ♪
Hi ♪
How do, how do, how do ♪
Hi ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi ♪♪

[knock at door]
[Hailey] Carmen?
Girl, quit playin'.
I can see your shadow.
Did you follow me?
[Hailey] No.
W-Well, not really.
I saw your car.
A-And you did tell Barry
that one time
that you live
nearby the club, so
- What do you want?
- Can I
can I use your bathroom?
I'm, like,
literally about to explode.
I drank way too much
Gatorade before dancing.
Ah, I've always wondered what
the rooms in here looked like.
[loud trickling]
Oh, fuck!
Do you have a tampon?
It looks like an El Chapo
crime scene in here.
I have napkins.
I'll just use toilet paper.
It's fine.
[lid closes]
[toilet flushes]
I'm sorry you saw that earlier.
Saw what?
My dipshit boyfriend.
Oh, that's fine.
Um, I have some stuff
I have to finish
Hey, do you want
to get some food?
I'm, like, starving.
No, I-I have a lot to do.
My treat.
[flies buzzing]
[bees buzzing]

You know the other girls are
just jealous, right?
You're, like, one of the most
confident girls in there.
They're scared
of your potential.
I could teach you
some pole work if you want.
I make the most money
at the club for a reason.
This job is only temporary.
Okay. Manifest that shit.
Get the life you deserve.
[phone buzzing]
Oh, so you now you give a shit?
All of a sudden you care now?
You didn't seem to care
when you left my ass.
Get off my line.
[song playing quietly]
Okay, look, not to be weird,
but I feel, like,
really connected to you.
Like, I understand what it
feels like to not be accepted.
To live out of a suitcase
and not have any friends.
I mean, I ran away
from my last relationship
because he couldn't
accept me being Black.
You're Black?
Yeah. My dad's half.
Half what?
That's why
my stage name's Halsey.
You do know
who Halsey is, right?
Have you been
living under a rock?
She's, like,
the best singer out.
Not better than Ni'Jah.
You're a killer bee.
Part of the swarm.
Talk about Ni'Jah,
you get stung.
That's so cool.
[phone buzzing]
[Hailey] Oh, my fucking God.
I got to get food for my man.
He wants it, like, now.
So, we got to dip in a minute.
[Dre gargling]
[muffled rap song plays
on radio]
Hey, do you want to
do you want to come in?
He's gonna think
that I've been fucking around.
If if you come in,
he'll know I'm straight.
I'm good.
I'll literally pay you
to come in.
I know you need the cash.
Take it, it's fine.
[rap song playing indistinctly]
Who's that?
Be hospitable, please.
This is my homegirl Carmen.
Hey, where's my food?

[Sir] Wait. Wait, wait, wait,
wait, what the fuck is this?
I asked for a single bread bowl.
This shit is a double.
It's too much fucking bread!
I can't eat that fucking gluten.
I'm gonna feel sick!
[Hailey] You're hungry, right?
- So just eat it
- Now what the fuck are you
[Hailey] I pay for the house,
pay for the car,
- pay for all our food
- [Sir] What are you doing?!
Why you got to be
so fucking stupid?
You fucking asshole!
I paid for that food.
You better mop it up and eat it.
[Sir] Shut up!
All you do is whine.
"Boo-fuckin-hoo, oh, my life
is so fucking horrible."
- I'm not fucking doing this right now.
- You're not doing what?
- Fucking everything up? 'Cause you are doing that.
- You whine and complain
- about everything I do. Every fucking thing I do
- That is what you are doing!
- is a problem with you.
- Right now. Fucking things up.
[shouting over each other]
So I thought I'd show you
how to achieve
that bomb winged
eyeliner look with a hint
of smoky eye, and remember,
the key to this look is
less is more. Now
First step, I'm gonna start
in the cut crease, right?
- Just a little bit right there.
- [horn honks]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [insects trilling]
- [Dre gasps]
- Hey!
How the fuck
did you get in here?
Well, I mean,
I didn't have your number.
So I just told the guy
at the front
that we're best friends,
and he let me in.
I had to fuck Sir,
so he'd take a nap.
But I packed everything I could
and I stole his car.
Can I use your shower?
[TV playing indistinctly]
[man on TV] What friends?
We don't have any friends.
[woman] That's true.
You want some?
I don't drink.
[woman] We can even
start dating again.
[Hailey grunts]
[exhales noisily]
[man] You like Mel?
[woman] What's wrong with Mel?
Look at his bitch
posting on Insta.
He thinks
I'm gonna get jealous.
We are so done.
I'm never going back
to his abusive ass.
Hey, do you need a roommate?
[Hailey snoring]
[phone chiming]
Two. Dos.
The queen is having twins!
Anyone who's mad at her
having these twins is not really
understanding that icons
move throughout time, okay?
They move throughout history,
if you will
We getting' all the tea
of her life
and we are moving through the
stages of her development
[Hailey snoring]

[keys jangle]
[hip hop music playing
over earbuds]
[can rattles]
[coughs] Yo. Yo, yo, yo!
What the fuck?
[Dre breathing heavily]
[indistinct TV chatter]
[Dre grunting]
[grunting, sobbing]
[door closes]
[insects trilling]
[Hailey exhales quietly]
Fuck you.
Fucking fuck you.
Fuck you.
[Hailey crying]
[Hailey and Dre panting]
We've got a shovel.
I think maybe we flee to Mexico.
Or I mean, New York
if you don't have a passport.
Carmen, I have so many things.
I've got flashlights, tools,
I made us some sandwiches.
His Glock, obviously.
Couple bricks of weed that
we can sell. Then we could
- Can I see?
- Yes, of course you can see!
It's ours! We can just
We can be, like,
the Black Thelma and Louise.
Maybe even, like,
flee the country if we have to.
We-we can, we can go to Canada.
Oh, my God,
this is fucking insane!
How are you feeling?
Are you good?
I mean, I don't mind driving
if you get too tired.
I think maybe even taking my car
might be the better call.
Oh, my God,
I can't stop tingling!
This is so fucking crazy.
I feel like Halsey.
- Feel like I can do anything.
- [bees buzzing]
Hey, how much money
do you have saved up?
Maybe we can
[owl hooting]
[insects trilling]
- Hey, Siri?
- [phone chimes]
Who's Halsey?

Rain don't cry
like it used to ♪
Plane don't fly
like it used to ♪
Used to be true ♪
Got a man outside
and he cute, too ♪
Sentenced with five
and a coupe, too ♪
Him a nine on five
like I used to ♪
I been drinking way more
than I should ♪
I shouldn't do that,
I been fucking way more than ♪
I should,
I shouldn't do that ♪
Damn ♪♪
[music playing indistinctly]
[indistinct chatter]
- What's up, bitch?
- [chuckles]
Hey, you want to make
some more money tonight?
I'm down.
All right, we need a designated
driver for this job.
But we got to leave now
to get dressed, though.
And you are not wearing that.
All right, all right,
all right, all right. Listen.
- If anybody want to fuck, it's a stack a dick.
- [coughing]
And I don't care
how tempting these niggas are,
we will not be giving out
our numbers
- and we will not be having their fucking babies.
- Mm.
- Who are these people?
- Here you go, sis.
[Cheeks] I don't know.
Mocha put an ad on Backpage.
- They're college baseball players.
- Okay.
- Well, it sound like the money should be good.
- Ooh.
- Mm-hmm.
- How long we gonna be there for?
[Cheeks] As long
as they got money,
- da fuq?
- [laughing]
But, wait, anybody know
what happened to Hailey?
- Is it true that the cops were looking for her?
- [coughs]
I swear, her ass
is always drama.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah,
but it's still not like her
to leave money on the table.
[Paris] Uh, yeah, it is.
Besides, her boyfriend
runs her little pasty ass.
But that's just men in general.
I ain't never met a nigga
with a purpose.
Yeah, 'cause their purpose
is to pay our bills.
Who the fuck wronged
you bitches?
Yeah, okay. Carmen, men
good? Trash? What?
Well, I think that
sex and
the whole masculine form
is a waste.
There are plenty of ways
to derive pleasure,
and we should be exploring
that more.
A woman needs no one.
- [snorts]
- Well, damn, y'all.
"A woman needs no one."
Wh-Where the fuck
you hear that at?
Bitch, you ended that shit
with a Ni'jah quote.
- [laughs] You're fucking weird, Carmen.
- [chuckles]
- [Juvenile: "Back That Azz Up"]
- [indistinct chatter]
- Yeah, let me know, yeah ♪
- [laughter]
Girl, you looks good,
won't you back that ass up? ♪
You's a fine motherfucker,
won't you back that ass up? ♪
Call me Big Daddy
when you back that ass up ♪
- Ho, who is you playing with? Back that ass up ♪
- Oh!
- [whoops]
- Girl, you looks good, won't you back that ass up? ♪
You's a fine motherfucker,
won't you back that ass up? ♪
- That's right, make it rain.
- Call me Big Daddy when you back that ass up ♪
Ho, who is you playing with?
Back that ass up ♪
- That's it, right there.
- I know you can't stand it, dick bandit ♪
- [inhaling]
- Done landed, see your drawers handed ♪
- [gasps]
- Boy, you nasty.
- Take my groceries.
- Gang split it, y'all ♪
Put the bitch on the wall
and I hit it, y'all ♪
- Looking kind of lonely, I'm feeling horny ♪
- Yes.
Put the dick in the middle
like Monie ♪
Big thick plumber chick
and a Hummer chick ♪
Beat the dick like
a motherfucking drummer chick ♪
Cinch that putty-cat,
look at that ♪
I love a fucking hoody-rat,
that's a fact ♪
You's a motherfucking
get it girl, quit it girl ♪
I'm the nigga, the nigga
nigga, that hit it, girl
[indistinct chatter]
[man] We don't need condoms,
go for it.
Girl, you looks good,
won't you back that ass up? ♪♪
[laughter in distance]
[music thumping in background]

Oh, I didn't, uh
didn't know anyone else
was gonna be in here.
- I'm in here.
- Yeah.
Why aren't you
with your friends?
I like to be alone
at things like this.
- Oh.
- [man] [whoops] Fuck yeah, bro!
You do bad things like them?
Nah, you seem nice.
I'm not bad like those guys.
They're crazy, bro. [scoffs]
I've got a girlfriend.
I'm just trying to be good.

[indistinct chatter continues]
Could I just
God. Could I just
jerk off to you?
[whispers] I'd pay you.
- How much?
- [chuckles]
A hundred.
[whispers] Thousand.
Okay. Yeah.
Um Uh, here.
I just I just do it now?
And I'm still gonna eat.
[chuckling] What?

Oh, God. Bite harder.
- No.
- Oh.
I knew your ass
was a fucking freak.
- Little weirdo.
- [moans]
Oh, God!
- [humming]
- He just gave me all this shit ♪
- Uh-huh.
- Uh! - I put Molly in his drink ♪
- When he wasn't looking - Wha?
- Yeah.
He ain't know
what was going on ♪
- I had my finger in his booty hole ♪
- Ooh!
He ain't even notice ♪♪
- His booty hole! What?!
- Ain't no booty hole!
[chuckles] Carmen,
play some music.
- I'm hype.
- Yes.
- Get this party started!
- [whoops]
- That's my shit!
- [Quice. B: "Bounce"]
Right? Let's get this party
[overlapping chatter]
Try to get in
where you fit in ♪
I'm already know it, you
ain't had me in a minute
- [tire pops]
- [shrieking]
- Shit!
- Oh, shit!
Show me some
[Cheeks] Uh-uh, get me
out of this fucking car.
- this old-ass whip.
- You know what, Carmen,
I thought that
out of all this shit,
that your ass would be able
to fucking drive.
Is you all right, Paris?
It's 'cause she get
on that gangsta lean
when she driving and shit.
- [Cheeks] This is some bullshit.
- You good?
- I'm good.
- There's no nail in it.
The tire popped 'cause
this car is janky as fuck.
Okay, well, any of y'all know
how to change a flat tire?
Nigga, this is not the 1800s.
Of course I do.
[Paris] Uh, I do, too.
You got a spare in the trunk?
[Paris] She should have.
- No!
- Damn.
[Cheeks] Damn,
you fucking Looney Tune.
You got a dead body
in there or something?
[hysterical laughter]
[Paris] Fuck this.
I'm gonna call an Uber.
[Bianca] Bitch, it's 4:00 a.m.
and we in the middle of
the goddamn boonies.
[Cheeks] Oh, shit, shit, shit.
A car is coming.
Ladies, do your thing.
Do your thing.
Oh, we gonna die.
Do the other thing!
[Cheeks] Ooh. Okay.
[man] Y'all ladies need
some help?
[Bianca] Hey, Big Daddy.
Um, our car broke down.
- Can you give us a ride?
- [man] All right.
Wait, hold up.
Don't I know you from the club?
[Reggie] Oh, shit.
Lure ladies.
- [Paris] Yeah, that's us.
- All right.
I'm Reggie.
Folks call me Tonk.
What you all doing out here?
It's dangerous.
Good thing I got off my shift.
Who car this is?
Mine. It's my car.
[Reggie] Pep Boys opens up
in about two hours, but
I can't just leave y'all there.
I mean, I could change
the whole thing out easy
back at my place.
[Paris] Really? Would you?
That's so sweet.
- [Bianca] I mean, we can pay you.
- [Reggie] Mm-mm-mm.
No, no, no.
My mama raised me right.
No, ma'am.
I'm happy to help.
Well, let's go back
to his place.
All right, ladies,
make yourselves at home.
All right? Don't worry about
that laundry right there.
All right.
Anyone want some coffee?
You got elderflower lemonade?
Uh no, I do not have that.
But I do have some
orange drink and tequila
- if that's the vibe.
- [Cheeks] Yeah, tequila.
[Reggie] Ay, ay, cool, cool,
anyone else?
[Paris] I'll take a shot
if you're taking one.
[Reggie] And you know I am.
- [Paris] Okay.
- [Reggie] All right. You know what?
I'm just gonna get
the bottle and some cups.
I'll be right back.
Who's your favorite artist?
Uh [chuckles]
I mean,
I don't know, I mean, that new
Cody Blayzz album's
a'ight, right?
I'm feeling that
Toronto sound for sure.
Cody Blayzz has
a total of one Grammy.
Ni'jah has 26.
[Dre scoffs]
You think Cody Blayzz
is better than Ni'jah?
I don't know.
- Then why did you say she could die?
- [Reggie] What?
You said she could die tomorrow
and you wouldn't miss
one song
laughing emoji.

[Mocha] Oh, my God
I mean [scoffs]
I don't remember
saying all that.
But you did.
Okay, um
I'm gonna get that
tequila and orange drink.
[Bianca] Geez.
[Cheeks] Nigga,
can you please shut the fuck up?
You are ruining
the vibe up in here.
- Yeah.
- And I saw he got Bring It On on DVD.
[both chanting] Brr ♪
It's cold in here ♪
There must be some Toros
in the atmosphere ♪
I said, "Oh e" ♪♪
Hey, now.
Tire is all done.
I just thought I'd tighten up
a couple other things for you.
- Where you from?
- Houston.
Okay, I got some cousins
down there.
I fuck with that place.
I like Houstonians.
Y'all niggas nice.
Why don't you ask me
what my name is?
[chuckles softly]
Okay, uh What's your name?
My sister is Marissa Jackson.
Sound familiar to you?
I don't know no Jacksons
around this way.
She out here with you, too?
She's dead.
Okay, well, uh
I'm all finished out here.
So, uh
I'm-a go back.
[bees buzzing]
- [Cheeks] Bye, Reggie.
- Let's go!
- My ass is tired!
- [Cheeks] Thank you so much.
We got extra dances for you
next time you're at the club.
- Come on!
- [Cheeks] Okay.
He don't care
that you got a AA degree.

[bees buzzing]
I need to pee.
[Cheeks] You need to pee?
- Aw, damn it.
- What?
- No, we need to leave.
- We ain't never leavin'.
[birds singing outside]

[metal scrapes]
[shower running]
[can rattles]
[mace hissing]
What you doing?
- Fuck!
- Bitch, what you doing?
- [screaming]
- [grunting]
[both coughing]
[Reggie] Ah, my eyes!
Fuck! [coughing]
[both coughing]
[Reggie groaning]
[gasping for air]
[Reggie panting]
[footsteps approaching]
- [bottle shatters]
- [Reggie yells]
- Get the fuck off of her!
- [screaming]
Get off of her!
Get the fuck
Get the fuck off of her!
Get off of her!
Get off of her!
Get the fuck off of her!
- [gunshots]
- [screams]
[Dre gasping for air]
Can you breathe?
Are you okay?
[Dre] I think
I'm gonna be sick.
Y'all okay? Shit!
We got to, we got to
clean this shit up.
- [panicked panting]
- Wait.
Hey, is he dead?
He dead, though, right?
- What are we gonna do?
- Bitches, bitches, relax.
It's fine.
We're all fine.
We can call the police.
He tried to fucking rape her!
No, no one's gonna believe us!
I think we should
make a run for it.
I do, too.
Go get Carmen.
Tell her we're leaving.
Wait, wait.
Check his pockets.
Fucking piece of shit.
- Niggas, we got to go!
- You got the gun?
- [Bianca] Wait, I hear the car!
- [engine revving]
Did this bitch leave?
[engine rumble fading]
- Oh, my God. Oh.
- Fuck!
[song playing over radio]
Rain don't cry
like it used to ♪
Plane don't fly
like it used to ♪
Used to be true ♪
Got a man outside
and he cute, too ♪
Sentenced with five
and a coupe, too ♪
It's a nine on five
like I used to ♪
I been drinking
way more than I should ♪
I shouldn't do that ♪
I been fucking way more
than I should ♪
I shouldn't do that ♪
Damn ♪
Is it possible
to love again? ♪
I want to get this all
for you ♪
- Who, who, who ♪
- You, you, you ♪
Hookin' ♪
I wondered would the call
go through ♪
Hoo, hoo, hoo ♪
Hookin' ♪
Was I ever loved
if you ain't love me? ♪
When will you come again? ♪
I just want to love again ♪
When will I love again? ♪
Crisis, not a crisis,
he ain't with me ♪
You and I split the prices ♪
In the yard,
sing with me ♪
I was there when you,
ooh, hoo ♪
Who ain't fuck with you ♪
I was there when even you,
ooh, hoo ♪
Who ain't fuck with you ♪
I been ♪
Drinking way more
than I should ♪
I shouldn't do that ♪♪
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