T.P BON (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

T. P. Apprentice

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[somber music playing]
[Bon] I'm
[hesitates] relevant to history?
I'll be joining Time Patrol?!
- [mother] Bon.
- [Bon gasps]
[mother] Bon.
- Bon?
- [woman] Bon.
Mr. Bon?
We'll be landing in Dubai shortly.
Were you able to get any sleep, sir?
[adult Bon] Yes.
I was dreaming about my youth.
Yet, I went halfway around the globe
during that short nap.
What an amazing age we live in.
[flight attendant laughs]
And it's all thanks to you, Mr. Bon.
Your invention saved humanity
and changed the world.
- [Bon chuckles] Hmm.
- I am so honored to meet someone
- Hmm.
- who made such an impact on history, sir.
[present-day Bon] Hmm. [chuckles]
I'm gonna be someone
who changes world history.
I'm gonna be in schoolbooks.
[sighs, giggles]
[clock ticking]
[lock clacks]
I'll see you later! Have a nice day!
I mean, really, Mom.
Why didn't you come wake me up?
I had thought things would be different
now that I've become a Time Patrol agent,
but everything's exactly the same
as it was yesterday.
Class must have started hours ago.
Who's that sitting at my desk?
[teacher] This is an important formula.
- Hmm?
- You'll be using it a lot.
- So be sure to memorize it.
- [Yoko giggles]
What? Who the hell is that?
[grunts] Hmm?
I don't get it.
But something weird
is definitely happening again.
- [footsteps approach]
- Mm.
Aah! But But
- That's right. I'm also Bon Namihira.
- You're another version of me!
Look, I made an excuse to leave class.
Now give me your bag
and get back there already.
But how the hell did you
No time to worry about that now.
We don't want the teacher
to get suspicious.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, uh
- This is so much fun!
- Huh? Huh?
And so, we're moving on
Namihira, you need to go
to the bathroom before class.
I'm sorry, sir.
[whimsical music playing]
I'm glad I wasn't marked down as late.
But what is going on?
I wonder if those Time Patrol agents
are behind all of this.
[birds chirping]
And where did they go?
It's like they just disappeared.
The girl,
did she say her name was Ream?
And what was the name of that thing
that was flying around again?
[Buyoyon] Uh Buyoyon.
Yeah, that's right. It was
- Hey there, Bon. What's up?
- [chuckles]
Hey, Ream!
I thought you'd forgotten all about me.
Adding a new member is no easy task.
[scoffs] I've been busy with preparations.
So does that mean
I'm an official Time Patrol member now?
No. You're an apprentice.
You haven't even been trained yet.
[Ream] I'll be your instructor.
And that means, we'll be working together
as a team for a while.
- [snaps fingers]
- Come on out!
- [rustling]
- [Time Boat whirs]
It's just been hiding there
this whole time?
So does it come out
whenever anybody calls it?
[Ream] No, it only responds
to my voiceprint.
It's time to gear up.
This is the Forgetter.
You should put it on.
Anything else?
[Ream] I can't give you
everything at once.
Hey. You're not a permanent member
during your apprenticeship.
So stop complaining.
[Ream] Press the red button
to activate it.
The Forgetter is a device that erases
anyone's memory of the Time Patrol.
Time Patrol members must always
turn it on while they're in action.
That's the rule,
and you must always follow it.
- [boy] Hey! What's up, Namihira?
- [Bon] Hmm?
Look at that thing.
Is that a new go-kart model?
You dog.
Guess I just ruined your plans
for a joyride with that pretty girl!
What? You got the wrong idea!
Just go away!
Oh, I'll go.
I'll go tell Furuta about this.
He's gonna love it.
Why did we have to get found out by him?
That guy's the worst blabbermouth
in the whole school.
No worries. That's exactly
what the Forgetter is for.
- [knocking]
- [boy] Furuta! Furuta!
You're not gonna believe what I just saw!
- Answer the door!
- What?!
What is so important?
You have to come see
what's going on in the park.
And why's that?
Uh, it's something
Uh Uh
Uh, what was it exactly?
Uh Uh [grunts]
[Furuta] Go away!
[Ream] The right handlebar
is for spatial traveling,
and the left handlebar
is for time traveling.
The left pedal starts the boat,
and the right pedal activates the brakes.
Where are all the gauges?
There aren't any.
The computer handles that stuff.
You just sit down and grab the handlebars.
The weak electric current
that passes between your brain cells
will then flow directly into the boat,
and the computer will decide
where we need to go next.
Hop on, and I'll show you
how it all works.
[Time Boat whirs]
- Off we go.
- Off to where?
We'll go somewhere
you're familiar with first.
[Time Boat whooshes]
We traveled to my room.
- [Bon 1 snoring]
- [Bon 2] That's me asleep in bed.
[Ream] We traveled back
to eight o'clock this morning.
- [Bon 1 snores]
- [father] Is Bon still in bed?
We better wake him up
or he'll be late for school again.
[mother] Well, I'm not doing it today.
It's the same thing every morning.
No matter what I do to get him up,
he goes right back to bed.
- It's time he learns the hard way.
- Hmm. Well, I guess it can't hurt.
Hey! Snap out of it, sleepyhead!
It's clearly not working.
You're just gonna have to go to school
in his place this morning.
[Bon 2] What?
- [Bon 1 murmurs]
- [Bon 2] Oh! I get it.
Then we'll swap
once he finally shows up in class.
This is awesome.
Once I become a Time Patrol agent,
I'll never be late to school again.
Class must have started hours ago.
[Bon 2] Oh. Ahem. Excuse me.
[teacher] Yes, Namihira?
May I
May I go to the bathroom, please?
Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha! This is so much fun!
This time traveling business is a breeze.
I'm gonna work as hard as I can
to become a full-fledged member
of the Time Patrol.
I'm back!
Welcome home!
Huh? Hey there. Where's Ream?
She decided to go home
and get some homework done.
Really? So then, she's a student too?
[Buyoyon] Yeah, she's a lot like you.
Just another person
from a time period in history
who's been assigned
as a Time Patrol agent.
It's a shame she's not here.
I wanted to go
check out the French Revolution
and figure out
how I could save Marie Antoinette.
- [Buyoyon] Absolutely not!
- [gasps]
Read this right now!
"Time Navigation Law." Okay.
[Buyoyon] Read chapter one,
article one out loud! Go!
"Time Patrol must not save an individual
if that person is known to have had
an influence on the flow of history."
I remember Ream saying
something like that too.
So I heard that I was spared
because I'm going to be
relevant to history.
Tell me about my greatness.
Am I an awesome genius?
No. More trivial than awesome.
[scoffs] Forget about it.
Hey, that's a seriously
patronizing attitude
for someone
who's a flying mutant jellyfish.
Humph! A mutant jellyfish?
How dare you slander me!
I'm a creature
who transcends time and space!
[Buyoyon] You've clearly got
a lot to learn, so start studying!
[Bon muttering wearily]
Come on.
Do I really have to read all of these?
[Buyoyon] You have to read
and memorize them.
If you can't do that,
you'll never cut it
as a Time Patrol agent.
[Bon groans]
- [Time Boat whirs]
- Sorry about the wait.
Oh, hey, Ream.
What's going on?
- I have to give this back.
- [Ream] Hmm?
[Ream] Memorize it?
- [Buyoyon] Uh-oh.
- [Ream] Who in the world told you Aha!
Ouch! It's not my fault he believed me.
[clanks, whirs]
Let me show you
the compressed learning system we use.
Put all the books you want in there.
[uplifting music playing]
- [beeps]
- This cable has electrodes.
Attach them to your forehead.
- And now what happens?
- [beeping]
- [whirring]
- Hmm?
[murmurs anxiously]
Something's coming in!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!
All right. Input complete.
Tell me about chapter three, article 56.
- What does it say?
- What?
You can't possibly be serious, right?
Mm. Actually, wait a second.
Article 56.
"Time Patrol agents must never
use the time machine
in the pursuit of wealth."
That's perfect.
Can you explain the segmentation
of reversible time?
Sub-spatial pops caused
by five-dimensional oscillation.
Describe the principles of the Timeceiver.
It uses the waves
from the trans-dimensional medium
called Dimentron.
- [Buyoyon] Hmm.
- [Bon] This is incredible.
- I really know all that stuff now.
- [Buyoyon] Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
Om. [chewing]
Wow! So you spend your normal life
in the world of 2056?
I do. I'm in the third year
of middle school.
- No one knows I'm a Time Patrol agent.
- [munching]
[gasps] I think I'm in love.
- Om.
- Hey. I've kinda been wondering.
- Is that thing also a Time Patrol agent?
- [slurping]
It's just a creature that tags along
with me when I go on missions.
I never asked it to come along,
but it's quite helpful, sometimes.
What are you guys talking about?
About what an outstanding member
of Time Patrol you are. Right?
- [Buyoyon] I sure am.
- Outstanding.
- [Timeceiver beeps]
- [Ream] Mm.
A command from headquarters!
We got a mission?
[Ream] September 15th, 1947.
This is Hana Yamada.
She lives in the Koto area of Tokyo.
She drowned in the flood
caused by a typhoon.
- We're going to go save her life.
- Let's do it.
This will be your first assignment.
She's not far
from our current location or time.
Do you wanna try driving the Time Boat?
Sure thing. I'm ready.
- [pedal clacks]
- [Bon] Engine's on.
[Time Boat whirs]
[Buyoyon chuckles]
[Bon] Let's go!
[Time Boat whooshes]
[epic music playing]
[Bon] Nineteen
What year was it again?
It was year 22 of the Showa era.
That's the same as 1947.
We're here.
That was well done for a first-timer.
[wind whistles]
[Bon] There's nothing but rubble here.
[Ream] That's because the Second World War
only ended two years ago.
Uh, Bon, aren't you forgetting
something important?
Huh? Oh.
My bad.
[Ream] I'll drive from here on out.
We need to hurry.
[music fades out]
[rain pelting]
[Bon] All the road signs are in English.
[Ream] Japan was still occupied
by the Allied Powers during this time.
[Buyoyon] It's really
coming down hard now.
Let's find her on foot.
[Buyoyon] I'll go on ahead!
[Ream] Buyoyon has good intuition.
It's useful in situations like this.
Has everyone evacuated?
I think so. But I can't vouch
for Mr. Kinoshita or Mrs. Yamada.
- [man 1] Okay then. I'll go check on them.
- Hmm.
[Ream] This area is called
the Zero-Meter Zone.
The elevation is at sea level here,
so it tends to get flooded very easily.
You know a lot about this place.
- It's the compressed learning.
- Huh.
[hurried footsteps approaching]
- [curtain rustles]
- [man 1] Mrs. Yamada!
Oh no.
Where could she have gone?
Why would she go out in this storm?
Mrs. Yamada!
Well, hello there.
[tender music playing]
Why are you so panicked?
I was concerned.
Where have you been?
[Mrs. Yamada] I went grocery shopping
and then to the station to pick up my son.
You went to get your son?
[Mrs. Yamada] I waited a long time,
but he never came.
Maybe he decided
to take shelter somewhere.
Now, listen to me.
You should evacuate
to the elementary school
while you still can.
[Mrs. Yamada] I do appreciate
you looking out for me,
but there's no way
I'm leaving this house anytime soon.
I have to make dinner.
From the way it's coming down,
this whole area's gonna be
underwater before dawn.
Now, now.
Why would I leave when my son
will be coming home any minute?
He'll be so disappointed
if he arrives back
- only to find that I'm not here.
- [man 1 sighs]
[man 1] So you've heard from him, then?
[Mrs. Yamada] No.
Not since he was drafted three years ago.
But I can tell, you see. I just know.
I know that my son is definitely alive
and that he's coming home soon.
[man 1] I understand that's how you feel.
But the truth is
that you can't outrun water.
There's gonna be a flood.
I'll be just fine once my son gets here.
I'm sure he's had a tough time out there,
and he deserves a good home-cooked meal.
[man 1] Just get to higher ground
when the storm gets worse.
- Please don't stay here!
- You know what?
I'm gonna go grab that woman
and make her evacuate.
[both gasp]
- Don't go!
- Why not?
- [grunts]
- [Buyoyon] The Time Navigation Law!
Oh. That's right.
Chapter five, article one states,
"Never exert physical force
upon the rescue target."
Yep. And that rule's gonna
give you headaches from here on out.
We have to save the target
in the most natural way possible.
- [rain pelting]
- [thunder rumbling]
[Bon] Floods are awful.
When my grandpa was little,
his house was washed away
by a massive typhoon.
[Buyoyon] They gave this typhoon
the name "Kathleen."
It submerged the entire
southern part of the Kanto region.
[Ream] And?
Did you find his current location?
Oh no.
- [Timeceiver beeps]
- You've got to be kidding.
- [sighs]
- [Bon] What's wrong?
I asked headquarters
to check on something.
A ship arrived in Uraga.
And sure enough,
Mrs. Yamada's son was on it.
Great. Then he should be almost home.
He couldn't get on the train.
It was already too full.
He's sleeping in the back of a truck
that pulled off the road for the night.
- Huh?
- He must have been exhausted, fell asleep.
He probably couldn't wait
to get back home.
But when tomorrow comes,
he'll find his mother is gone,
along with everything else.
No way.
No, we can't let that happen to him.
Why are you just sitting there
like you don't care?
Stop yelling at me!
This is breaking my heart,
and I'm trying to come up with a solution.
- [Buyoyon] Emergency! Emergency!
- [gasps]
The river is overflowing.
- It's gonna flood!
- [Bon gasps]
[Time Boat whirs]
- [Bon] Mrs. Yamada! Mrs. Hana Yamada!
- [pounding on door]
You need to evacuate!
This house is going to get
washed away soon! Please!
[Mrs. Yamada] Yes, yes.
I appreciate your concern.
But please don't trouble yourself
worrying about me.
I'll be fine.
Soon I'll be reunited with my son,
and he'll take me away from all this.
- Mrs. Yamada!
- Dammit.
There's no way he'll get here in time,
unless he can fly or something.
[gasps, grunts]
- That's it.
- [Bon] Huh?
We're going to make that man fly.
[Time Boat whooshes]
[Ream] Uraga, here we come!
[dramatic music playing]
[wave crashes]
[man 2] It's breached!
- The levee is breached!
- [tree trunks cracking]
[man 1] Evacuate now! Evacuate!
[timber cracking, clattering]
[water rushing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Time Boat whirs]
Are we sure that's the right truck?
- [Buyoyon] There's a man's sleeping in it.
- [Ream] Zoom in a little closer.
[whizzing, trilling]
[Ream] That's him.
[whizzing, trilling]
Press the Gravity Canceler.
- Gotcha.
- [beep]
[metallic groaning]
[truck whirs]
- Whoa.
- We gotta hurry.
[suspenseful music continues]
This doesn't seem right.
We're supposed to use
the most natural way possible.
[Ream] It's fine
as long as it looks natural.
And there's nothing unusual
about the truck moving while he's asleep.
[Bon] What if someone sees?
[Ream] The Forgetter
will take care of that.
We just have to put the truck down
near Mrs. Yamada's house.
- [man 3 grunts]
- Oh no. He's waking up.
What do we do?
[Ream] Bon, take the Time Controller
and turn the Time Lock on.
- Wait, what? Why me?
- Here.
[murmurs nervously]
Bon, just grab it.
Come on! You know how to do this.
You did the compressed learning!
- Huh?
- [Ream] Do it!
- We're running out of time.
- [music intensifies]
[man 3] Huh?
- Time Lock on!
- [thrum]
- [music fades out]
- [zap]
[Time Boat whirs]
[rain pelting]
[Time Boat whirring]
I can't see her house anymore.
[Bon] Was it washed away?
Let's put the truck down
where the water isn't too high.
[Bon] Time Lock off!
[Time Boat whooshes]
[man 3 grunting softly]
What in the world's going on?
[Bon] Mrs. Yamada!
Mrs. Yamada!
- Mrs. Hana Yamada!
- I found her!
She's down over here!
- [Buyoyon whizzes]
- [Time Boat whooshes]
[both gasp]
[Bon] Mrs. Yamada!
Now that we've located her,
let's move her closer to her son.
Yeah. Use the Gravity Canceller again.
[trills, beeping]
[Ream grunts]
It's blocked. There's a branch in the way.
- I'll go move it!
- [Buyoyon gasps]
[Ream] It's not safe!
- [branch crunches, snaps]
- [panicked murmuring]
[yelps, grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[strains, grunts]
[strains, grunts]
- [branch snaps]
- [Ream gasps]
- [Bon straining]
- [branch creaking]
Try to do it now!
[trilling, chimes]
[Ream] We got her!
- [triumphant music playing]
- [Bon] Hmm. Mm.
- [music fades out]
- [water rushing]
- What am I supposed to do?
- [truck rattles]
Huh? Whoa. Whoa!
[murmuring anxiously]
[breathing heavily]
[murmurs in disbelief]
[rain pelting]
Could that be Mom?
[Mrs. Yamada groaning feebly]
[man 3 grunting]
I'm coming, Mom!
[grunting breathlessly]
- [Mrs. Yamada] Taro?
- [Taro grunting]
- Uh.
- [water splashes]
[gasps] Taro, it's
[whimpers, groans]
- [tender music swells]
- [Mrs. Yamada] Oh. Oh.
[Taro grunting]
- Mom!
- Taro.
[grunting breathlessly]
- Oh, Taro. [gasps]
- [Taro] Oh!
Oh, Taro.
[tender music continues]
[Bon] I'm so glad they're both okay.
[Ream] Yeah.
And now that they're together,
our mission is complete.
[Time Boat whirs]
So how would you grade
your first assignment?
I think I did just great.
I'm on my way to being
a permanent member of Time Patrol.
- [gasps]
- Whoa!
Somebody's getting a bit
ahead of themselves.
I think your next step
will be an assignment in a time
that's much, much farther away from yours.
[Time Boat whizzing]
Boy, I am totally beat.
But, you know this is a nice kinda tired.
- Hmm.
- [music fades out]
- [mother] Bon!
- Guh!
[dramatic sting]
Your father and I work hard
to set a good example for you every day,
and you repay us
by coming home covered in mud?
There will be no dinner for you
until you finish your homework.
[Bon, whining] But I've been
working hard too.
[bird squawking]
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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