Tabbar (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


Come down, uncle.
I'll shoo them away.
No, son.
Why shoo them away?
Never break someone's home.
You're right, uncle.
Something is stinking.
It will go away.
It's the incense stick.
-Incense stick?
-Do your work
Since when did you start
believing in incense sticks?
We are merely the dust under
your feet. Please forgive us.
We made a big mistake.
Are you okay?
"See O Farid, what transpired!
Sugar has become poison."
"But for my Lord,
I cannot share my sorrows with anyone."
"Walk on Farid, walk on"
"Walk on Farid, walk on"
You never listen.
If you don't want to go to his clinic
then let's call the doctor home.
What can the doctor do?
Can he bring his brother back to life?
Please mom, eat.
It's been two days.
everything will be fine.
Now eat.
Nothing will ever be fine again.
You were comfortably
studying in Delhi.
But look what mess you
got into after coming here.
What did we do
for which the Lord is punishing us?
What's wrong?
What? It's nothing.
What do we do about the drugs?
What else? We'll throw it away.
Throw it away?
Is everything okay in Delhi?
I was thinking
What if we
Do you have any shame?
Do you have any shame at all?
Bloody fuck wants to sell drugs!
Mom's lying on the bed.
Dad has been lying to everyone.
There's a dead body
rotting in our shop.
And you've still
got drugs on your mind.
If you hadn't taken those drugs along
then this would've never happened
Go on.
If you weren't drunk that night
you would've brought your own bag.
Then this would've never happened.
Finish the tea.
Could you find the helmet?
Mind your own business.
Mom, bring my food.
You're back home pretty early today.
Lucky stand up, son.
On your feet.
-Show me.
-What are you doing, mom?
-Where is it?
Whose is this?
Now this stain won't come off.
The shirt's already been ironed.
I asked why did you
come home early today.
The helmet thief can
wait until I finish my lunch.
Haven't you solved your case yet?
And it never will.
Once I finish this, they
will hand me another silly one.
It's a good, uncle sent Happy
to study for IPS in Delhi.
Preparation alone doesn't matter.
One has to work as well.
Take your uncle for instance
and his friend Manjeet Sahni.
They joined together as ASI.
Manjeet kept preparing while working.
And now look at him.
-He is commissioner--
-Uncle had to quit because of aunt's health.
Otherwise, uncle would've
been in a better position--
These are just excuses, son.
Listen to me very carefully.
Quietly take up any
case that you get.
It's for your own good.
I'm the one out of my mind.
Mom, some tea, please.
['Will Ajeet Sodhi
defeat Pankaj Ahuja?']
Don't you have
the combo pack of this one?
It's 10 rupees cheaper.
Give it.
It's in the storeroom.
Give me the keys.
You can pay me 10
rupees less for this.
You pay me 170 rupees.
Here you go. It's 170 rupees.
Something's stinking here.
You should check it.
It's coming from the storeroom,
uncle. I am sure it's a dead rat.
-Give me the keys.
-You know what
go home and fetch my lunch.
Come on.
Thank you, sir.
I am telling you uncle he's
intentionally not coming home.
I wonder what joy
he gets from all this.
Come on, Ajeet,
he knows how much you love him.
There's no reason
for him to be angry.
He'll be back soon.
Don't worry too much.
How can I not?
He's my only brother.
But he's got this bad
habit of smoking weeds.
I am scared that he
might end up in troubles.
He won't do anything silly, Ajeet.
Believe me.
I spoke with him.
He's gone out with his friends.
He'll be back soon.
Focus on your election campaign.
Forget all this.
I am getting a call
You've been taking us
for a ride for a long time now.
-Shall we come over?
Why take the trouble?
I'm trying to find out.
I will sniff out that Maheep
from wherever he's hiding.
Just tell sir that
everything is fine.
Thank you. I'll hang up now.
He's taking us for
a ride with his sweet talks.
Tell sir, we must go to Jalandhar.
You're not coming.
Why, brother?
You should learn to
control your violent streak.
Sir doesn't like
unreasonable violence.
I am your sister.
Wherever you go, I go.
Yes, God bless you.
Any clue.
No, it's nothing serious.
I guess he partied too long
last night and didn't come home.
Call me if you find
out anything, okay.
Okay bye.
No news yet?
Everyone will know
when he comes back.
Where's Maheep?
Where's Maheep?
Everyone's driving me
crazy asking the same question.
Is it new?
Multan, be careful.
Multan, what are you doing?
It's brand new.
There's a car coming.
Stop the car.
I want to see America once!
Untie my hand.
-Multan, you've lost your mind.
I don't know.
Don't do it, Multan, I'll die.
Multan, stop.
Don't do it. I'll die.
Multan there is acid in this.
I will get burnt.
-I do t know about Maheep.
Okay, fine. I'll tell you.
Just keep this away.
Maheep was bringing
a consignment by train.
And that idiot picked
someone else's bag.
Later he went to exchange the bags.
You don't believe me.
Here's his message. See
[Uncle, there is a problem.
My bag got exchanged in the train]
[Uncle, found the bag, no tension. You go
ahead. I'll come straight to the bungalow]
We haven't talked since then.
He even has the fucking stuff.
Did you meet her
at the prayer pernoctation?
You've such bad luck.
This is where I parked my bike.
And I was delivering in this house.
This is where my helmet was stolen.
a helmet was stolen here last night.
Not just mine.
So many have theirs stolen.
But the Police for a helmet!
-Does it work?
Why don't you update it?
Don't need to.
I watch all the films on my phone.
Play last night's video.
Play the video.
Fast forward
Keep going.
Stop. Stop.
Iqbal, note down the number plate.
Wait a minute, go back a little.
Go back.
Stop. Stop.
Isn't that him?
Next to the rickshaw.
Ajeet Sodhi's brother.
What's his name?
Did he also come here
to paste his brother's posters?
Sir, will I get my helmet back?
You will.
Now be quiet.
Papa why did you
open the shop today?
People would ask questions, child.
Why is it closed?
It would've been difficult
to answer everyone.
Is everything alright?
Yes, uncle. I was going
to get some stuff for the shop.
Doesn't matter.
I need two kilos of sugar.
We're out of sugar, uncle.
I was going to get that.
Doesn't matter,
I'll get some snacks instead.
What are you doing, uncle?
What's the matter?
Why are you being so rude?
No, uncle, I was
I thought you might sprain
your hand or something.
I'll open it for you.
Open it.
Snacks, isn't it?
Why is the place stinking?
I think it's a dead rat.
-I'll check, uncle.
-Leave it, son.
You'll go back to Delhi while we'll
continue buying stuff from here.
It's coming from here.
Smells like something rotten.
I'll check it later.
You don't need to worry.
You should keep the
shop neat and clean.
We're the ones who will fall sick.
It's coming from here.
Uncle, I found it.
I found the source of stink.
You should keep the place clean.
I'll get it cleaned. Please
-Give me the snacks.
-Here they are.
Take all of it, uncle.
I'll add it to your account.
I've to leave uncle,
it's getting late.
When are you leaving for Delhi?
I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.
I'll see you later.
Is your friend going with you too?
Which friend?
That handsome guy who came
over to your house two days ago.
The guy from the UK. He was
wearing that cool tracksuit.
Tell him to get a
tracksuit for me as well.
Yes, uncle.
Okay, fine. I'll tell him.
To our future MLA.
Mr. Ajeet, starting from a small shop
you created a sensation
in the property business.
What are your plans for politics?
As long as the youth of Punjab doesn't
quit drugs and get back to work
-I won't sit quietly.
-Great, Mr. Sodhi.
And through you,
I want to tell the people
if they agree with
me then they should support me.
I want to change
the state of this state.
Let's see who stops
our permissions now.
We'll screw that Ahuja.
I don't want any outsider
to make Udta Punjab 2 on our state.
Pankaj Ahuja claims
that you're spending money
like water to secure your victory.
What are your comments on this?
I've always been blessed
by the grace of God.
I've never had any dearth of money.
And now I've reached a level
That was fun.
Now watch this.
What is this?
And that's why I've joined politics.
Sodhi's set out to
make Punjab drug free.
I've already sent this
to the media and journalists.
Now, this is your job.
Don't let this news fizz out.
Charge him for smuggling, Baljeet.
Finish his anti-drug crusade.
As you heard
Ajeet Sodhi swore while inaugurating
the rehabilitation centre,
that he'll make Punjab
drug free in five years.
But, it looks like his own brother
Maheep Sodhi will be the
first patient.
What nonsense is this?
Recently a video of him
snorting cocaine is going viral.
Let's see what Ajeet Sodhi's
comment on this.
Uncle, where the hell is Maheep?
His phone is unreachable.
Can you hear me uncle?
Hello, yes I can hear you?
He must be with his friends
-Don't worry.
-Not worry.
Unbelievable he ruined
my life�s work.
Wherever that junkie is,
bring him to me..
Mister, have you seen this man?
Yes, took him.
-Are you sure?
-I am sure.
Deep Nagar.
Mister, have you seen this man?
Tell Tegi to give
yellow pill to your mother.
It's in a plastic
container above the fridge.
Tegi, give mom yellow tablet.
It's in a plastic
container above the fridge.
Now hang up.
Come on.
Come on.
Throw it.
Papa, what if someone finds the bag?
No, son.
When the floodgates open in the
morning the current will carry it away.
Even if it's found
it will be in Pakistan.
Give me the bag.
Where is the bag?
It's in the shop.
Let�s get it.
No, wait.
We'll do something about it later.
Come on.
Fine, then I should
keep the house keys.
You didn't build that house anyway.
You got it from your father. But
I guess we'll have to sell it soon.
Why is that?
Have you thought
about Palak's wedding?
My salary alone won't help.
And you don't do anything.
All you do is lie around all day.
Slow down, there are people around.
Do you live here too, brother?
Have you seen this guy?
-I would've remembered if I had seen him.
-Thank you.
-You are too much
-'Mister do you work here too?'
Take a look, please.
Take a closer look.
Did no one see him?
We can't say anything
if we haven't seen him.
-Do you live here?
Take a look. In case you've seen him.
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