Tandav (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


Are you sure?
Are you sure he's dead, Samar?
Samar, the curt--
The curtain isn't drawn, Samar!
Samar, you left it wide open!
-You should've been careful--
-Ayesha! Ayesha!
Everything's under control!
Now, tell me!
Who hit you?
these guys did it.
The students of VNU.
And they hit us right here,
in the police station.
Sir, these guys have been pelting
stones all over the police station.
They have smashed our windows and my…
nose as well.
Look… here's the police report.
This isn't the final draft.
It says…
around 100 students of
Vivekananda University…
have attacked…
the police station.
And they beat up three cops.
I suggest…
be the good little kids you are,
apologize, say your goodbyes
and leave.
You'll save your career…
and my time.
Come on, leave!
I apologize on behalf of everyone here.
Please, let it slide.
What about Maharashtra?
JLD all the way.
-What's the status on UP?
-On it.
-And Punjab?
-Yes, sir!
-Yeah, Samar?
Dad's unconscious!
What's wrong?
I don't know!
He isn't breathing!
Try pumping his chest.
Where's Divya?
She's at IICMS.
I'll call her.
We're going to break the biggest
news of our careers, probably.
Good evening!
I am Garima Deswal.
It is with a heavy heart,
that I inform you
that I have a really sad news.
Indian Prime Minister,
Mr. Devki Nandan…
We've lost Mr. Devki.
Heart attack.
The largest democracy of
the world is in shock.
And this is too dramatic to believe.
-He has succumbed to a heart attack.
People will wake up to this sad news.
The election results are to
be announced tomorrow as well.
The exit polls have already predicted a
landslide victory for the Jan Lok Dal.
Mr. Gopal?
But, as of now,
the entire nation is stunned.
-Sir! Sir!
-Sir! Sir!
As you can see,
Mr. Samar Pratap and Ayesha
have now reached IICMS.
Mr. Devki Nandan's postmortem
will be conducted soon.
It is said that he has
succumbed to a heart attack.
Destiny is quite a funny thing.
He passed away a day before the results.
Is anyone talking about us?
Election results are to
be announced tomorrow.
It is non-bailable.
They have booked him under UAPA.
What's UAPA?
Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.
It's the modern-day TADA.
Normally, terrorists are
booked under this act.
Sana, have you spoken to Imran's mother?
Yes, I did.
Two boys from their
village are also missing.
Their names aren't mentioned
in the police report either.
The media will be in a frenzy for the
next few days because of Devki Nandan.
They won't give a fuck about our story.
What about your magazine?
What's the name?
Today's Voice.
Can you contact the editor?
I can try.
We have to do something, Sana.
Calm down, Samar.
Everything is under control.
The plan's working.
Everything is on track.
Mr. Prime Minister.
With JLD leading the
election with 34 seats
and RDP still struggling at seven.
-As expected,
-Listen up!
JLD is sweeping in Karnataka,
Gujarat and Rajasthan.
-Which one of you is Shiva?
-I am.
So, the thing is…
only one of you can visit him.
Couldn't you get something better?
Got it from some procession outside.
Procession for Devki Nandan's death?
Are they winning?
Most probably.
The lawyer is a fucking dumbass!
Why must we meet like this?
I'm well within my rights
to meet you, right?
Well, he did try his best.
But a dumbass is all
we can afford right now.
Did they hit you?
Two boys are missing.
They are dead.
One was Saleem…
and the other was Ayub.
Killing us is really easy.
Hey! Romeo and Juliet!
Your time's up.
Come on. Time to leave.
I'll leave.
Wait and watch…
they'll link my name to some
terrorist organization soon enough.
I have some news.
You must have heard of Malakpur?
A fellow student of VNU, Imran…
has been detained by the cops.
He's innocent. He's from Malakpur,
he was a part of that protest.
They have booked him under UAPA.
Two more boys, from the village,
are missing.
Some say, they have been
killed in a fake encounter.
We fear our friend will
meet the same fate.
If someone in the media
covers this news,
we can release our friend.
Are you insane?
The prime minister is dead.
The whole world is
talking about Devki Nandan.
"Who'll be the next PM?"
That's what everyone's concerned about.
We have the majority.
Ajeet, what's the update?
We're leading with 26
seats in Maharashtra.
We have the support
of at least 18 senators.
-And Rajasthan?
-I've spoken to Shekhawat, sir.
He said he'll call back.
Don't give them time.
They must all be feeling
like orphans now.
And it's easier to convince them
I'm the father that they need.
Let this shock decide for them.
Vikram Singh will get western UP for us.
12 to 13 senators at least.
But he wants to have a word with you.
-What does he want? Agriculture?
-He won't say.
Tell him he can have any two
state ministries of his choice.
Gopal Das has contacted him as well.
Ask Vikram to meet me in the afternoon.
-Sir! Sir!
-Sir! Sir!
-Sir, over here!
-One minute, sir!
Sir! Over here! One minute!
Dad would always say…
God will only give you as much grief…
as you are capable of tolerating.
But, Dad…
none of us are capable of tolerating…
the grief God has given us this time.
all I can say is that…
our party…
and the entire nation…
will miss you.
We need to talk.
It's important.
Can we speak in private?
Uncle… Ayesha is a
senior member of our party.
Please don't hesitate.
I know, now is not the right
time to talk about this.
But we have no other option.
Delaying this talk…
will only create confusion.
Now, listen!
You wish to be the prime minister…
and so do I.
I'm your senior by 20 years.
But, you are Devki's son
and I'll admit you do
have a youth appeal.
Of course, I'm not denying it.
you might not become the
PM without my support.
And I can't deny that I will need
your support to become the PM as well.
you can talk to me.
Please tell me everything
that's on your mind.
What's on your mind?
Right now…
all I can think about is
Dad's cremation tomorrow.
Now's not the right time to talk.
How did this happen?
You know…
I've just realized…
there are two
Gopal Das Munshi's within me.
One, who…
is bawling his eyes out
for his friend.
And the other…
who is completely detached,
and is looking for a political solution…
for this country.
This is not the right time to talk.
-We'll talk tomorrow.
-I can't take it anymore.
in my father's absence,
you're our party's most senior leader.
You're almost like a father to me.
We'll do…
whatever you say is right.
These guys seem to be in a hurry.
Are they planning to complete
the expressway within a week?
The villagers claim they have killed Ayub
and Saleem under the guise of the protest.
We must get Imran out or these
fuckers will do the same with him.
How are you Vikram?
He left us too soon.
This is his office.
All the major decisions…
were taken right here.
This is where he would sit.
This is where he created this party,
with just, two other people.
It's a nice office.
We weren't allowed to touch
a single thing in this office.
No one would dare move a
thing out of its place.
What did Mr. Gopal Das say?
Doesn't matter.
You tell me.
What do you say?
You want Agriculture, right?
Steel, Heavy Industry, Agriculture…
take your pick.
I'm a simple man.
I'm not asking for much.
Would you like Railways?
You're offering me Railways?
That's an offer I cannot refuse.
But I'll need a small favor.
They're saying the situation
on the ground is quite serious.
Two boys are missing and no mainstream
media is willing to take this up.
Do you guys have some proof?
Ma'am, the inside information is
that the two boys have been killed.
Our friend will meet the same fate,
if we don't get him out.
Do you have any proof?
There's no proof.
But the information is
from reliable sources.
They have no proof.
He'll call back.
That's what they all say.
What did the magistrate say?
He'll meet us on Monday.
Till then, justice can go fuck itself.
The rate at which they are seizing lands,
I mean, schools, houses,
they are tearing them apart.
And they have the police to support them.
This is all happening legally.
Devki Nandan's death is
really helping their cause.
It won't be easy to get people's attention
for the next few days.
They'll get a lot of their work done under
the guise of the prime minister's death.
They've crushed the farmer's rebellion.
When the public is shocked
you can do any damn thing to them.
No, you can't, ma'am.
What proof will you consider as proof?
Any photo, video, you get my drift.
As per our sources, merely a few
hours after Mr. Devki Nandan's death
JLD's President, Mr. Gopal Das Munshi
has already started lobbying for the
position of India's next Prime Minister.
The news has enraged many JLD leaders.
Our sources also tell us,
that Gopal Das Munshi has contacted
many regional JLD leaders,
and asked for their support.
To verify this news,
Garima Deswal spoke to one of JLD's
premier regional leaders Mr. Vikram Singh.
Watch this exclusive interview.
Mr. Vikram Singh,
this is a really big news!
Has anyone tried to contact you or has
anyone discussed this topic with you?
-Can you name them?
Ms. Garima, these are our
party's internal affairs.
It doesn't matter who contacted me.
But, yes, a senior leader
did contact me and told me
he would like to be the
next prime minister.
And I've absolutely no problem,
if he, in fact,
becomes the prime minister.
But what really saddens me is that,
today, at this perilous time,
where we have lost Mr. Devki Nandan,
a senior leader from our very own party,
is indulging in such
despicable political games.
A leader who we've all looked up to.
Is this politics?
I'm sorry,
this is not what I signed up for.
Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Just 24 hours ago, I told your father…
"Your son has surpassed you."
And you…
you're poaching my men
at your father's funeral!
we'll have to use the crutch
of lies to prove our truth.
We'll enact everything
that happened yesterday.
Are you ready to die?
Get the cops!
Yes, Shiva.
Are you guys ready?
Go on!
Fire at the right time!
-Go stand with the farmers.
-Come on.
Come on!
No faces, alright?
Come on! Be quick!
Get the barricade.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
My name is Shiva Shekhar
and I'm a student of VNU.
As you can see,
I'm in the village of Malakpur.
An expressway is under construction here.
You'll find another video
attached with this video,
the contents of which
are extremely graphic.
My friend Imran has been
detained by the cops.
Imran could be the next victim of what
you're about to see in this video.
This video contains bloodshed.
But I request you to watch it
with your entire family.
Because it will make you think
what it is like to be a
farmer in this modern India.
Please share this video
as much as you can
and help me save my friend Imran.
these people will kill him as well.
Sir, have you checked twitter?
Sir, we can create a
counter-hashtag if you wish.
We can get our Mauritius team
to work overnight and
we will have the opposite
hashtag trending tomorrow.
We'll win the twitter battle, Sharat.
But I want to know what the
people are really thinking.
The trend is mostly organic, sir.
Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-The party workers are furious.
I've received a random report. But--
Gopal Das is a crook!
Is it bad?
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Yes, sir.
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Gopal Das is a crook!
Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Tomorrow, I'll burn you to ashes.
We won't be able to talk.
That's the reason I'm here.
You've always…
underestimated me.
How many times did I tell you?
Let me be the PM.
But you've always made
me feel like a loser.
Whereas, I have always been a conqueror.
Be it my college degree in economics…
or my performance at Harvard…
or my connect with the
youth of this country.
It was I…
who won this election for you.
But you…
you never appreciated anything.
I could never say it to your face…
but you abandoned me.
And all you cared about was Anuradha…
and her stupid son.
I have felt this rage every
single day of my life.
But tomorrow…
with your body…
I'll burn this rage
and this guilt away.
I'll miss you, Dad.
Imran could be the next victim of what
you're about to see in this video.
This video contains bloodshed.
But I request you to watch
it with your entire family.
Because it will make you think
what it is like to be a
farmer in this modern India.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
Please share this video
as much as you can
and help me save my friend Imran.
Look, the cops are chasing them!
What the hell! They shot them!
Are they dead?
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
The Malakpur situation is blowing up.
Have a look.
But I request you to watch it
with your entire family.
Because it will make you think
what it is like to be a
farmer in this modern India.
Who is this guy?
Shiva Shekhar.
Show me.
Please share this video
as much as you can
and help me save my friend Imran.
these people will kill him as well.
Wake up!
Come on! Wake up!
Well done, Shiva.
You did a great job, Shiva!
Well done, bro!
Superb, man, Shiva!
Superb, man!
You rocked it, bro!
Well done!
Congratulations, bro!
Shiva's a star!
Our lad is now a star!
Everyone is waiting downstairs for you.
-Let's go.
-Yeah, let's go.
We're reporting live from the
funeral of the late Mr. Devki Nandan.
With moist eyes and a heavy heart,
many dignitaries across
the political spectrum
are here to pay their last respects.
Mr. Gopal Das! Mr. Gopal Das!
The nation wants an answer, Mr. Gopal Das!
Please speak up!
I'm sorry, Samar.
I know, now is not the right time.
But the media has been
hounding Mr. Gopal.
I spoke to him earlier today.
He seemed really disturbed.
He said, "If Samar has done this,
he did not have to make it so ugly.
He could have told me if
he wanted to be the PM."
Do you really think I would do this?
I don't know, Samar.
I'm just telling you what he said.
Aditi, my father is dead!
And you!
Just listen to yourself!
What the hell are you saying?
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
-Tell every corner every nook!
-Gopal Das is a crook!
Tell every corner every nook!
Mr. Gopal Das, allegations are that
you've been scheming for the
prime minister's position.
What's your response?
And what about the lobbying allegations?
The entire nation has
branded you as the traitor.
Do you wish to be the PM, Mr. Gopal Das?
Gopal Das has served a prison
sentence of a year and a half
to save this country's democracy!
Back during "The Emergency"!
And forgive me for saying this,
but most of you…
weren't even born back then!
-Mr. Gopal Das!
-Mr. Gopal Das!
I did not join politics
to become the prime minister!
I joined it,
to teach an arrogant lady
that this country isn't her
father's personal property!
The name of the next prime minister
will be declared by the party soon.
But, let me tell you right now…
I have absolutely no interest in
becoming the prime minister!
-Mr. Gopal Das!
-Mr. Gopal Das!
-Freedom from…
-Hunger and Poverty!
-Freedom from…
-Freedom from…
-Freedom from…
-Our freedom!
-Yes, we'll take it!
-Freedom from…
Present Arms!
Reverse Arms!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
This is the spirit of our institute!
Most of you have your exams next week!
And yet, you're all here.
Not because of your
political affiliations,
but because of a video!
My friends, today, we've decided…
that the farmer's protest…
which was brutally crushed by
the government and the police
will be revived by us!
And we'll ensure that this time…
the government takes notice.
We'll meet tomorrow at 11,
thousands of us,
by the Vivekananda Statue.
This battle is no longer
our farmers' battle.
It is our nation's battle.
A battle where the students,
women, farmers and laborers
of this nation stand united!
-Freedom from…
-Hunger and Poverty!
-Freedom from…
-Freedom from…
-Freedom from…
-Freedom from…
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
-Freedom! Freedom!
Arms in Position!
I wish to get you locked up in prison…
or you could kill yourself
with the same Aconite…
you used to kill Devki.
I could expose you right now, Samar.
I can tell them…
how you murdered your own father.
But, for now…
I'm giving you an option.
Tomorrow, your personal twitter
handle should generate the trend…
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