TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Good Intentions

I won't cry.
I can't show any tears.
I'm the older one.
I've got to be strong.
You finally calmed down.
I'm sorry for crying like that.
I'm fine now.
Today's area is Nakano Ward.
You're right. Good thing
we're close to the area.
I'm scared to go separately,
so I'm going with you, all right?
All right on to our fight to avenge!
Find the mailbox!
A blue mailbox?
Thank you very much.
I can't see very well.
It's too late to put it in now.
I found the mailbox.
A guy? But why is he alive?
There are no cops here anyway.
I'll just kill you
and put this in the mailbox.
Who are you? Are you going to hurt me?
Get outta my way.
My name is Rika Suzuki.
And of course, I'm going to hurt you.
-Why did I just
-I refuse!
What the hell do you mean by "I refuse"?
Anyway, you're going to die.
And I will survive!
I missed?
You little piece of shit!
What should I do?
If I put this in
Worrying about it won't change a thing.
Hey, you!
Adios, Ms. Suzuki. Live long!
Tasers come in handy
in situations like these.
Weapons are more
about how you use them than their specs.
Make sure you remember that.
The first one, No Privilege Granted.
The second one, Privilege Granted,
will activate at 12:05
and last till 12:10 AM.
Oh, and also this.
That's better.
You really are unlucky, aren't you?
You must have cut an artery
swinging that pipe around like that.
You're the one who tased me.
You're going to die, you know.
So what shall we do?
Go to hell!
Don't you want to survive?
I know how you can.
I hate this!
I bet you there is no blue mailbox!
There's no way we can defeat the Emperor.
We're all doomed to die!
I can't do this anymore!
I want to be with my mom and dad.
We're helpless.
We can't even find the mailbox.
Sorry, Saneatsu
It is time.
We will now take the Majority Vote.
It is now midnight.
No, it can't be
Saneatsu! You came back to life!
Huh? Came back to life?
I was weak.
I almost broke the promise
I made with you,
but I'm okay now.
I remembered that as long as we have
our promise, I'm not afraid of anything.
When did these two become an item?
Eren-senpai! I was dead too! Hug me!
Die once more!
We died once but came back to life?
Look, the lights!
The people who died in the Majority Vote
have come back to life.
Why why did you come back to life?
We could have eradicated all of you.
I came all the way here
to see the dead men!
Too bad I'm the only man here.
Men are always like this
That includes fathers
and the boys at school.
All men who dominate by force are scum!
Even you, who seem so smart,
are acting like this!
This just proves that I am right!
So I guess Mika Kaido is not the Emperor.
So does that mean
Are they not going to select
a designated area today?
It seems you two have come back to life,
Mido and Iruga.
Nice work, Ishiki.
There was a man alive,
just as you said, Mido.
He had short hair and had an accent,
likely in elementary or junior high.
I knew it.
The man
with the second most powerful Privilege,
the Right to Veto.
But he's not very smart.
He used his trump card early in the game.
Ishiki, bring the car around.
Okay, I will.
Hey Iruga, do you have any idea
who's the guy she's talking about?
Nope. Don't know him.
Ishiki said he was
an elementary or junior high student.
I see
Well, that's not important now.
But I'm really disappointed in Ishiki.
Making a game of majority votes.
Does she think that
the Emperor is just playing around?
Well then.
It's about time the show starts.
Why again?
Why is there another question?
No way. So then the people
who came back to life
Did someone use their Privilege?
Oh damn, they got me.
This is the Right to Re-Execute Privilege.
This was all planned.
My question was used.
They must be planning to destroy
the reviving victims
in the early stages of the game.
Hey, what's all this racket
in the middle of the night?
Look at this! Hurry!
What's that?
It is now ten minutes after midnight.
But why
He saw it, right?
Get these useless idiots out of the way.
The purpose of the Emperor is not
to play the game but to "collect".
We don't need scum
that can't even understand that.
Goodbye, hope.
This is where it really begins.
Two days ago in the Majority Vote,
all of us men died, right?
Why did we come back to life?
Yesterday's question was,
"Resulting from the Majority Vote,
are you dead or alive?"
So the dead are no more?
The dead were returned
to the opposite state of death
and became alive again?
So the dead were
also included in the Majority Vote?
But how could a dead person
come back to life in the first place?
People are dying by majority vote,
so what's the point anyway?
This is all my fault.
It's because I wrote that question.
Omi, are you okay?
You can call me Saneatsu.
We're all fighting together.
That makes us friends, right?
So don't be shy with us.
You're getting the hang of it.
Hey, Professor.
You teach the data processing classes
for the first-year students, right?
Yes, I do.
Can you tell me what
the first-year students are like?
But first,
why don't you tell me about yourself?
I just started working here this year.
I don't know a lot.
Of course. We're a team after all.
Fujishiro is in Class D. She has excellent
grades and a good behavior record.
She's also a student council member.
Narita is in Class A.
He's not the smartest guy,
but he's the quick-witted type.
Then there's Sato. He's always
making a lot of racket in class,
but his natural cheerfulness
makes him a good friend to everyone.
Jin is in Class C.
He's always alone and studies quietly.
How was he?
I don't know why he looked so gloomy,
but he smiled for the first time.
You're a kind guy, Saneatsu.
It's not that
It's just
When I was four years old,
I was out with my mom.
That's when a truck
I woke up in a world where my mom,
the person I loved so much, was gone.
My dad was mostly overseas for work.
I stopped leaving my room,
and I thought I might as well just die.
I'm Ryuta Ichinose. I moved in next door!
You're the Naritas?
Nice to meet you!
Since that day,
he always came to my house suddenly,
regardless of my time
or my feelings.
But I got caught up in Ryuta's pace
and was dragged around by him.
Hey Ryuta,
why did you talk to me that day?
Did you know?
There are things in this world that are
super powerful and important!
Parents, siblings, lovers,
and best friends!
I've got another important friend now!
We're best buds after all.
Since that day,
I have had one goal in mind.
Just like how Ryuta helped me,
I wanted to help someone too.
I want to be a person
who can help someone.
That's why, when I help people,
it's also for my own sake.
So I'm not that great of a guy.
From today, I want us to meet three
times a day, in the afternoon, evening,
and night,
so we can report on our findings.
That way we can expand the search area
and increase efficiency.
Even if it's not a mailbox
is there a way
to get out of this situation?
I'm going to ask you one question.
Answer with a yes or no.
Can you promise not to resist or flee?
I promise.
Let's talk.
I'd prefer to talk to Saaya Fujishiro,
but you'll do.
Let's go somewhere else.
I killed Mika Kaido.
Now that you know that,
I'll let you ask me one question.
Don't ask me anything else.
Why do you rely so much on that gun?
How did you come to that question?
At first, I thought maybe you were
just simply killing with a gun.
But your bullets are limited.
Still, you don't seem hesitant.
You approached me with words.
You wanted to see if I was worth
having a conversation with.
Isn't that right?
That proves how important
this conversation you want to have is.
Fair enough.
I'm rather glad it was you I met,
Saneatsu Narita.
I want to let you know that Mika Kaido
is the one who killed us with the
"man or woman" question. She's too risky.
She was yelling out a lot of things,
so I had no choice but to shoot her.
Kaido-senpai did that? I can't believe it.
Before I tell you this,
let me ask you something.
Has the number of people
in your group changed?
Then, has anyone changed
in terms of appearance?
One last question.
Who suggested you
to leave the school that day?
It was
-Get in!
I see. Got it.
It seems I was wrong, but
maybe I wasn't.
At first, I thought Omi Jin
was the Emperor.
I got one more thing
on my first day in the game
besides a gun.
A Privilege called a Secure Right.
A Privilege?
Because I obtained this unique power,
I began to doubt Omi Jin.
Are you gonna shoot me?
Of course.
I refuse.
He was forced to answer a question
he had no intention of answering,
and so the bullet I fired at close range
didn't hit him at all.
"I refuse."
He probably used the Right to Veto.
So I asked him another question
and forced him to answer.
I guess it's something
like a Right to Force an Answer.
Given the balance of power with efficacy,
the Right to Veto is a Privilege,
and the Right to Force an Answer
is a Right.
The terms aren't accurate but
I can't believe Omi would
I believe that Omi had a Privilege,
even before the game began.
But he's not the Emperor, is he?
Besides that, someone more suspicious
has come to light.
There is a traitor among you.
A traitor?
Their purpose is unknown,
but I can say for sure
that they are already doing harm.
And most likely they have a Privilege.
Do you know who it is?
I have an idea.
Sudo-senpai, why don't you come back?
True, you may have killed someone, but
But you're just acting cruel
to win over the Emperor, right?
I think we really need you.
Thank you. I'm glad to hear that.
I'll answer your question in return.
Is there anything you want to ask me?
I'd like to know about your Privilege
and your view
on yesterday's revival of the dead.
I don't know much about the Rights,
but I know that Privileges involve
a risk when opened.
One risk is losing a part of your body.
No way!
I chose to lose my testicles.
Reproductive function is
unnecessary in this situation.
That way, I don't have any weak spots.
The Privilege I got was the Secure Right.
I can secure my possessions
and keep them
in a constant state of existence.
Is that why the number of bullets
They are infinite.
Why do you rely so much on that gun?
I see.
About the revival,
what are your thoughts on that?
Since the majority loses,
we believe that the dead
became the living.
I think this happened
as a result of the Majority Vote.
It can be said that the meaning of death
was turned upside down
by replacing the definition of living.
So the questioner knew that?
I don't know.
But I believe that the questioner asked
the question with good intentions.
I think he genuinely wanted the dead
to come back to life.
But the second one is different.
I thought that maybe the Emperor
disliked reviving the dead,
so he asked that question.
But if he was that selfish,
he should've just killed everyone.
It's highly possible that someone used
a Privilege or Right
for the second question.
But who?
If the means of resurrection is destroyed,
for those who have come back to life,
a "Yes" or "No" vote is more effective,
but if there is no resurrection and
the question "Who has come back to life?"
is asked, all of them will answer "No",
and they will all be wiped out.
The second questioner is likely someone
couldn't accept what resulted
from the first question.
And secondly,
the Emperor's rules don't make sense
with the current situation.
The majority of the two answer choices
will die.
Rather than hide the means of revival
so that it wouldn't be noticed,
he should either make a system
in which the method of revival
doesn't arise,
or he should reject such a question.
But he did neither of these.
This may indicate that
the Emperor may not be
in control of this game.
Even the Emperor himself didn't know
about the revival,
so it's hard to imagine that anyone else
knew about the possibility of a revival.
Either they came up with the idea,
or they derived the idea
by analyzing it like I did.
What's wrong?
Nothing. I'm just amazed.
Shall we cut to the chase then?
Watch out for Saaya Fujishiro.
I know this game is important,
but the priority right now
is to eliminate the traitor.
If we don't find the traitor soon,
we won't be able to put our questions in.
I'm going to tell you everything I know.
Listen well and find a way to survive.
Senpai, are you sure
The path that I've chosen is
to take down the Emperor
because I don't want to put everyone
else in danger.
Remember what I told you?
Everything is in my head.
I will be your sword,
and I will destroy the Emperor.
Find the mailbox and try to survive.
What do you plan to do when you
get back to the rendezvous point?
I have that figured out.
I've got my own idea and plan of action.
I see. I'm leaving it to you then.
I wish you good luck.
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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