Tattoo Redo (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Hot Mess, Spicy Bets

Oh, hey there! What happens when the
person you love has a tattoo you hate?
You bring 'em here and we cover it up.
Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
Said, "You look like shh" ♪
It happened ♪
[Jessimae] Behind every tragic tattoo,
there's always a ridiculous story.
Blake lost a bet.
I got it when I was 14.
I was at a friend's house
and he had a tattoo gun.
Well, I thought I was in love, y'all.
Lucky for them,
five of the most talented tattoo artists
in the business
are standing by to give them
a tattoo redo!
Honestly, girl, I don't know
what that was on your back before.
But, clearly, these people cannot
be trusted with their own skin.
So, the person that brought them in
is going to choose the cover-up.
Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
Oh, I don't know!
You better not mess me up, bro!
Welcome to the best day of your life!
Please be kind.
Will they love it? Will they hate it?
Grab your grandma and some popcorn,
we're gonna find out together.
All right, people, today's tattoos
are a smorgasbord of terrible.
Good thing we have
just the man for the challenge.
Twig Sparks!
His tattoos are so fun and colorful,
it's like they tickle your eyes
when you look at them,
and that's a good thing.
[Twig] If I see somebody having
a hard day, or they're stressed out,
I'm that guy, like,
"Yo, what's up, son? Aah!"
Sometimes, that's all it takes.
Nothing stresses Twig out. not even a
booty butt cheek, booty, booty butt cheek.
This one's hot and spicy.
So this is my boyfriend.
- How long have you guys been together?
- About a year.
- You guys look very, very expensive.
- [woman] Oh, thank you. He is.
[man] Hey, yeah, we're trying.
What brings you here today?
- So, Blake lost a bet.
- Uh-oh.
Twenty-first birthday,
we go to a restaurant.
We talked to the bartender.
"Do you have anything special?"
So they say,
"We got this ghost pepper drink."
"No one's ever had more than one."
And then I looked at my friend Danny
and I say, "Hey, you drink ten of these,
I'll get 'Ghost Pepper Dan'
tattooed on my ass."
- [Twig] Ohh.
- [Blake] Yeah.
He drank 'em. So fast forward
Pepper. Pepper.
Oh, it's not it's not even a pepper.
It's my best friend's name on my ass.
[woman] Yeah.
- He's like, "I own that ass right there."
- [Twig] Ohh!
- Ohh!
- Yep. That's just her
- You're sharing a butt cheek with Dan.
- Yeah.
- [woman] I know.
- [laughing]
- Can we see, Cydney? In a platonic manner?
- Do you wanna see it?
- Oh, he loves to show it.
- Wanna see it?
- I would love to see your ass tattoo.
- [Blake] All right.
- Oh, my God. I think I'm getting faint.
- [whispers] Finally.
All right.
- [laughs]
- [Blake] That's it.
- Ohh! What's up, pepper?
- [Jessimae] Oh!
- It looks like a taco truck logo.
- [Blake] I know.
You can see his name right there.
We got "G.P. Dan."
What's on his head? Is it a leaf?
- [Blake] The top of the pepper.
- [Cydney] Supposed to be the top.
- [Jessimae] Oh, no, no.
- [Blake] The greens.
Oh, and I gotta shave that too, bro.
- Yeah, you gotta shave my entire ass.
- Oh, my That is just
- [Blake laughs]
- I'm already bummed out, bro.
- Nauseous.
- [Blake] Yeah.
- Are you excited to have Twig cover it?
- Oh, super excited.
- Ugh. That's one of us.
- I'm so excited too.
You know what
the best part about all of it is?
Let's hear it.
Cydney gets to choose
what your tattoo is.
- Oh, no! [laughs]
- It's gonna be my name next.
- I don't know how much I trust her.
- Whoa!
I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Does anyone trust anyone with putting
something on their body for forever?
I might be single after this.
[laughs] Yeah, be careful.
[Jessimae] Blake, I don't know
if this is the time to make threats.
Cydney's literally about to pick
what's covering your butt pepper.
What do you think he can live with
that he won't wanna stab you
- or take your kidney out at night?
- I don't know.
Is he into food?
How about a slice of pizza over it?
He is, like, a health nut.
Like, he eats eggs and chicken.
I don't think eggs are gonna work.
Do you really hate the pepper?
It's more so just seeing
someone else's name
- tattooed on him.
- Mm-hm.
What if we were to
- He's into health foods.
- Mm-hm.
Peppers are good for you.
What if we were to build
off of the pepper, get rid of the name?
'Cause I think the pepper's happy.
- I like that idea.
- You think so?
[Twig] If I wanna cover up the pepper,
then I will have to go
an inch around the whole thing.
So now he goes from having a small pepper
to this big piece on the side of his butt.
Which I don't think
is the best way to approach it.
It's already not that big.
So let's keep it that way.
- Okay.
- So how about we do this
Woop, boop Oh, no! And then HD.
- Bleep! Ohhh! Do-do-do-do-do!
- [Cydney laughs]
- Perfect.
- Then he doesn't have to go much bigger.
Right, and it's still, you know,
true to the original tattoo.
He still has that memory.
This is going on him.
And every time he sees this tattoo,
- you'll be locked in that memory.
- I'm nervous.
I'm nervous too.
[Jessimae] Uh, that makes three of us.
But don't worry. We won't know
what Blake thinks about his tattoo
until it's on him forever,
because we aren't gonna let him see it.
- Booty-booty-booty, rockin' everywhere ♪
- [Blake] Oh, no.
- All righty.
- [laughing]
Your tattoo hit a brick wall,
so we brought one for you.
We'll use this
so you can't see what's going on,
so it can be a surprise at the end.
We're gonna put your butt
through a brick wall.
- Oh, my God.
- Something tells me, not the first time.
You're about to get a pleasant view
through the other side.
[Twig laughing] Oh, no, that is not good.
Yo, bro, you got a honey badger
hiding in between your butt cheeks.
[Blake] I know! Dude, I got a hairy ass.
That's why I've been warning you.
That's just a part of the job. There will
be a hairy butt on the horizon very soon.
Watch, once the needle goes in
- [Cydney] You'll be screaming.
- I'll start squealing like a little baby.
[Jessimae] Aww, Baby Blake is so cute.
Now, let's get that needle buzzin'.
[Twig] All right, my brother.
Breathe normally, sit still.
[Blake] Yeah, I'm gonna clench.
It's gonna be a reaction.
[Twig laughs]
Yep. That's it.
[Jessimae] Okay, this is getting weird.
I need some Matty B
to make me feel better.
He does these huge Japanese-style tattoos.
They are so fancy.
They're like total works of art.
I would consider myself
sort of a paradox.
I appear to be clean-cut, but I like
to live my life on my own terms,
and tattooing's been a way
that I can do that.
[Jessimae] Oh, look at you,
a rebel after my own heart.
You're gonna need that independence
to face down this next tattoo.
What's going on? What brings you in, Aaron?
Uh, well, mistakes.
- Wow. What's your relationship?
- Wow.
- Partners.
- I think we're breaking up now.
- Yeah.
- But, yeah.
[Jessimae] Partners?
[Aaron] I think, initially,
I was just drawn to her physically,
and then I realized how funny she was.
- I'll take that.
- That kind of kept me around.
[Jessimae] What's the tattoo situation?
How bad is it?
[Alex] It ties in with the fact
that I'm a dancer.
I wanted to get a tattoo to honor that,
and I wanted to be able to kind of, like,
pay tribute to Michael Jackson,
because he was such a huge reason
for me to be a professional dancer.
- King of Pop.
- [Alex] Like Yeah.
[Jessimae] Can we see it?
- Yeah. So
- [Jessimae] I haven't even
- I'm, like, "Where is this tattoo?"
- [Alex] So, great idea, bad execution.
- [Jessimae] It's supposed to be a glove?
- [Matt laughs]
[Alex] Yeah, it was, you know,
really meant to honor Michael Jackson,
which clearly it does.
- There's not even a knuckle on it.
- [Alex] No.
Not one thing looks like it's on a hand.
It literally looks like the outline
of a country that is just in Narnia.
Honestly, what did you think
when that tattoo was done?
- I cried.
- Like, "I wanna be startin' somethin'."
- [buzzer]
- [crowd groans]
I was like, "Beat it."
- [buzzer]
- [crowd booing]
"He really rocked my body."
- [chime]
- [crowd cheering]
- Whoo! Michael Jackson puns all day!
- You were looking
at the wo-man in the mirror,
like, "What the F did I do?"
- Exactly!
- At least you're here to cover it up.
- Yeah.
- And you decided to come,
- so that's a great thing for you.
- Yeah.
And we decided to have
Aaron choose what tattoo goes on you.
Oh, nice.
No, I don't
Oh, but don't be funny with it.
- You've already proven
- Do not be funny with this.
Well, it's gotta have
a sense of humor to it.
No! Oh, I don't know!
I don't know!
- [laughing helplessly]
- I don't know!
I don't know either.
- I feel confident.
- I don't.
- [chuckles]
- Neither do I.
I can assure you,
I'm gonna take it serious enough.
Oh, that's terrible.
- That is not where you put "enough."
- What do you want?
"I'm just gonna take this serious,
I'm going to take this serious, period.
[Jessimae] Oh, Aaron, you little devil.
What are you gonna pick?
I would say possibilities would be dragon
or some kind of flower.
First thing that came
to my mind was a rose.
- I mean
- It's a quintessential cover-up, right?
Well, yeah, there's a few
different types of flowers.
Yeah, of course.
Flowers that I think work the best is,
roses is one of them.
- Peony, which is like a Japanese flower
- Mmm.
Which is That's a good one.
Usually symbolizes, like,
wealth and beauty and all that.
She loves She's got me
She's got me buying flowers every week.
- Super into flowers, yeah.
- [laughs]
- What don't you want it to be?
- The most typical cover-up is a rose. Ugh.
- Girl, these aren't typical artists.
- Okay.
- That's like thinking inside the box.
- Yeah.
I absolutely love flowers in my home,
not on my body.
[Jessimae] Don't worry, girl.
I got your back.
I'll make sure they're on the right track.
I asked her, "What's the one thing
you wouldn't want?"
And she said, "A flower."
- Are you serious?
- Shut up. No.
That's gonna be a problem.
I'm going with what he said.
I trust the dude.
- She literally said
- But she's literally said it.
I'm willing to believe that I can do
a nice enough flower on this girl
that even if she doesn't want a flower,
she's gonna love the tat.
Oh, I love a bet.
I'll take it on.
I think she's not gonna like it.
- [Tommy] Matty B!
- I think she's gonna hate it.
- She'll absolutely hate it.
- What's the loser have to do?
We still need, like, some sort of wager.
- Dan and Blake wagered ten ghost peppers.
- Ten ghost pepper shots.
[Rose] I'm down for that bet.
I'll eat hot peppers if I lose.
- Shake on it.
- [Tommy] Oh, she's
[Jessimae] Ladies and gentlemen,
we officially have a bet.
But is Aaron actually
gonna go through with this?
Your girl, when I asked her,
"Is there anything you don't want?"
She was like,
"A flower. I don't want a flower."
So we might change the game then, huh?
Well, yeah, I mean, my idea was to
incorporate something else with it.
- [Matt] This is a snake.
- [Aaron] Yeah.
- It'll be nicer than that.
- [Jessimae] Does she like snakes?
- Girls in general, love snake tats.
- I mean, she wouldn't just love a snake,
- right on the table or something.
- Yeah. But tattoo-wise
"I don't like that,
but I want it on me forever."
- Sounds like great logic.
- Look. A lot of things women do,
doesn't make sense to me.
Please continue. I'm learning so much.
I'm honestly leaning towards
the snake right now.
- You are?
- [Aaron] I am.
- Man, you are a risky fella.
- Because I think
- Let's do it.
- All right.
- You are rolling all the dice.
- Oh, yeah.
[Jessimae] Die? Yeah, that's exactly what
I'm gonna do if Alex hates this tattoo.
We got a little guillotine 'cause
we decided we'll chop your foot off.
What is happening?
We're gonna set this up
so that you can't see what's going on.
[Alex] I better have all five toes
at the end.
- That's all.
- Well Someone might need a toe.
- We can donate it.
- [Alex laughs]
[Jessimae] Poor sweet, sweet Alex.
I cannot wait for Matt to start
so this can be done
so we can see if Alex murders you all.
All right. So now for the fun part. Ready?
Okay, it's not being licked on by kittens.
- [meowing]
- It'll get easier. I promise.
Whoo! Yeah, that hurts.
- Ohh!
- Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
- Oh, God.
- [Aaron] No, no. Squeeze.
- Oh, God. This was a This was a mistake.
- [all laughing]
[Jessimae] Oh, Alex, if you only knew
that it actually might be a mistake
While we're on the subject, we've got one
more mistake for Tommy Montoya.
He does these super big tattoos.
Usually, they're black and gray
and just really smooth.
Like Tommy.
[Tommy] I can relate
to all these cover-ups, man.
It sucks when you walk around for years
You get self-conscious, you know?
Sometimes, you just need an ugly tattoo
covered so you could feel yourself,
you know, 100 percent.
[Jessimae] Yes, Tommy. Preach!
This next girl is so sweet
and has a tattoo that's so weird.
And I mean that in the nicest way,
'cause she's the nicest girl.
What brings you here today, Ryder?
Well, I'm here because
I made a kind of a boo-boo.
This is my best friend since third grade.
- So, 20 years of friendship.
- Wow!
That is ride or die.
- That's so unusual in today's society.
- [Ryder] Right.
- I love that.
- [Ryder] Very rare. Catholic school.
- It does that to you.
- You guys have an edgy vibe.
- A breakaway from Catholic school.
- And that's exactly what happened.
- Yeah.
- As soon as we graduated,
we kind of went to go get some tattoos.
All the way in the car,
even while I got my tattoo,
she was online looking for movie quotes.
- [laughs] Girl!
- Just picking one
- Whichever one was cool.
- Like a good quote.
It was her turn to go up,
and it got bigger
- by the second
- [Tommy] Oh!
And I was kind of like,
"Yeah, you're fine, you're fine."
And then going outside, like,
"Oh, crap, oh crap!"
- Where's it at?
- It's on the back of my neck.
[Ryder] Ready for it?
- [Tommy] Oh!
- It says, "On my signal, unleash hell."
[Jessimae] Wait, wait. That says "signal"?
- [Ryder] Uh-huh.
- [girl] Yes.
- Does it?
- [Tommy] "On my signal
- unleash Heff."
- [Jessimae] You went literal.
- [girl] Correct!
- You're like, "I'm coming out of hell."
What movie? No one's
Well Okay, actually,
mine is from the movie Gladiator.
I was just Yes!
I have to tell you, uh
I've never seen the movie Gladiator.
To this day.
- [Ryder] She's never seen it.
- See there's so much
- Why do you drag me into this stuff?
- I just
I really do my best
to cover it up as much as I can.
- At the store, I'm thinking
- [Tommy] "They're looking at my tat."
Yes! I know they're trying to read it.
- Do you ever just growl, like
- [growling]
- No! I'm just like
- [Tommy] To let 'em know
- Unleash hell.
- She's like, "I'm a beast from hell."
- You're here to get it covered up.
- Yes.
[Jessimae] I'm so happy
to help facilitate that,
and like, the greatest part about
this whole experience for you
is that you don't get to choose
what goes there.
- She gets to bring you out of hell.
- [Ryder laughs]
- The person who brought me into this?
- Yes!
Ryder gets to choose the tattoo!
- Maya, are you so excited?
- Holy shit.
Don't cry, you look genuinely concerned.
- I feel like I could cry. Uh
- That's your ride or die, though.
That is my best friend. Our styles,
as you can see, are very different.
[Tommy] Yeah, but if someone said,
"You gotta get a tattoo now
and you can pick one person"
- Ryder.
- [Tommy] Ryder.
- Without a doubt. Nobody in this world
- [Tommy] That's your ride or die.
If you mess this up, I will unleash hell
all over you, girl. Seriously.
All right. All right! That is fair.
[Jessimae] Damn, Maya is not playin'.
You better make a good choice, Ryder.
She's definitely
a spiritual kind of being,
so, kind of sun and moon
kind of vibes, maybe?
[Tommy] Is she super girly or is she
I'm Jack. She's Jill.
She's definitely the girly one.
- So
- Yeah, that's dope.
This is a dark, heavy,
bulky tattoo that she has.
To cover that, it takes some creativity,
some imagination.
So, this is my idea. Here's a lotus
flower since she's like, girly, you know.
- Give her a flower.
- [Ryder] Right.
[Tommy] Then I kind of went with
a mandala,
and then I figured I'd do it inverted.
I love it.
But I am genuinely nervous about this.
- No pressure, that's for tires.
- No pressure.
- You know what I mean?
- [laughs] Yeah. Yeah.
- We got this.
- With the name Ryder,
- you gotta ride with me.
- Yeah.
- I'm with you, Tommy!
- Ride with me, you know what I mean?
[Jessimae] Now, on my signal,
unleash the tattoo.
Get it? Maya doesn't,
'cause she never saw the movie.
Anyway, let's tattoo.
- Here we go!
- Oh, no.
[Ryder] You're okay.
- There's no pain I can't breathe through.
- [Ryder] Right?
[Blake] Dude, there's green ink
coming out. Are you kidding me?
- I'm gonna have color on my butt now.
- [Twig laughs]
That's like
what's taking it to the next level.
- We got some yellows, greens, some blues.
- [Twig] Ooh! Sunshine on that moon, son.
- [Cydney] Yup.
- [Blake] Red. Oh, my God.
I'm not excited for the color.
[Cydney] I'm excited.
It makes it real.
- Batter up.
- Batter up.
I'm not gonna lie, this hurts.
I bet.
[Tommy] So I'm gonna tell you
what you're getting.
- [Maya] Okay.
- We're doing, actually, like a a track.
You know, a hair track.
Like, I'm just doing a
- A thing of hair that comes
- [Maya] No!
It comes off your side.
- [Maya] No, no, no!
- It'll look like hair comes down.
A soon as I start to trust you, you say
something crazy to freak me out.
[Tommy] I'm just doing realistic hair.
- Okay.
- [Ryder] Yeah, realistic.
I want something flowery
and whimsical and soft and feminine,
AKA, all the things that
I don't see when I look at Tommy.
None of those words come to mind.
I don't like you two together.
You're havin' too much fun
giving me a hard time.
Oh, it's great. [laughs]
Whoo! Yeah, that hurts.
Okay. Oooh. Yup.
- Ooh. I chose to do this.
- Does it still tickle?
Why did I [mumbles]
- 'Cause it had to be done. That's why.
- [babbling]
Aaron's brain works
in funny ways sometimes.
Honestly, I can't even imagine what could
be the worst thing he would put on me,
but he would think of it.
So, giving birth should be
pretty easy after this, huh?
Don't come near me.
I'm a little nervous
it's gonna be a flower.
[whispers] Yeah.
What would you hate to see on your foot?
I don't know, just, like,
a rose or something.
[Rose] You don't like flowers?
I do like flowers, but it doesn't
have any meaning to me.
I'm gonna win the bet.
She's not gonna like the flower.
She doesn't want a flower.
So, Matt is gonna go down. [laughs]
[Aaron] It'll be over before you know it.
You'll have a nice, beautiful tattoo.
And I'll be single.
No, no, no, I'm
Are you putting on the finishing touches?
- What's going on?
- [Twig] Finishing touches.
- All right, buddy.
- Oh, my God.
- [Twig] I think it's magic back there now.
- [Blake] Really?
- [Twig] I think it's a bit of magic.
- [Blake] I'm excited.
[both laugh]
[Jessimae] Oh, I'm excited too,
because your girl took
your widdle, tiny butt pepper
and turned it into a colorful butt pepper.
And it just became like
Blake's big butt party
- havin' a little bit of a fiesta.
- [whip cracks]
Who would be okay with this?
I hope Blake.
- Phew.
- [Jessimae] The moment of butt truth.
- It is.
- [Jessimae] So, are you ready?
[Blake] Are you ready for more?
I'm not, but I signed up for it.
All right.
[laughs] All right.
Blake, look that way.
- [laughs] I Yeah!
- 'Cause this is gonna be weird here.
[Jessimae] This is the weird part, Twig?
- [Twig] Oh, yeah.
- [Blake] Ooh! That was the spot.
- Am I waxing you right now?
- Yeah, you are.
- Don't look, Blake! Don't cheat!
- [Blake] I'm not.
If it makes you feel better,
I can't see it when I look.
- Oh! That was the waxing.
- I'm gonna pull
That must be the short hairs.
I'mma leave that one for you.
All right, here we go.
- [Twig] Aaah!
- [Blake] All righty.
- Am I free?
- Wait. I feel like we need a countdown.
- Yeah. Do I get
- [all laughing]
Cydney, you did this to us, so I feel
like you need to do the countdown.
Can I count from, like, 50?
- [Blake] Yeah!
- Start from a thousand.
- Yeah.
- In Japanese, go.
- All right, just give me a three.
- Ready? Three
Look at that thing! [laughs]
You brought him to life! [laughs]
[Jessimae] Holy hot pepper!
It's like we gave him a serum
and brought him to [bleep] life.
- [Twig] A facelift from Dr. Hollywood.
- Yeah, no, I know!
Oh, my God. It's so colorful.
It's so colorful.
- [Twig] White teeth just like yours.
- [Blake] Yeah. He's got the pearlies.
You feeling a little hotter, having a
hot pepper on your butt?
You did a good job. I'm happy with it.
- [Blake] He's off my butt cheek.
- Dan's out.
He's not there.
[Twig] The biggest thing is
you get Dan off your butt cheeks.
[Blake] He's got some flames comin'
out of his ass too, this little guy.
[Twig] He's a spicy guy, bro.
- Everywhere he goes, he makes it happen.
- Is that his green pepper buddy?
[Twig] The guy behind is not mature.
The guy in front is the picante hombre.
- [Blake] Okay.
- [Twig] Gotta have the array of spiciness.
- [Blake] His younger brother?
- It's an array of spiciness.
No more butt tattoos for me.
Are you next?
No, absolutely not.
No more butt tattoos for anyone.
[Twig] I'm telling you, you should always
get a deal on Taco Tuesday.
[Blake] I deserve a deal on Taco Tuesday
- after having this on my ass.
- [Jessimae] You do.
[Maya whimpers]
Are you done?
I'm almost I think this is it.
- Are you done?
- I'm done.
- Petruch!
- Yeah!
- Let's wrap this up!
- Okay.
Magnifique. Magnifique.
- No.
- [Ryder] No?
- Save the fist bumps for later.
- Okay, okay.
[Jessimae] Cold.
I mean, that tattoo is beautiful,
and I think Maya's gonna
be really, really happy.
I hope she's gonna be
really, really happy,
because I don't wanna be around
for the hell-unleashing.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Let's check this out.
It's not just a tattoo. It's a transition.
- It is. Exactly. That's beautiful.
- You got new energy right now.
- Right.
- Absolutely.
All right, little lady.
Walk on up.
Okay, on your call,
you tell me when to lift this mirror.
[exhales] Girl, I felt that.
Oh, my God.
Oh Oooh. [gasps]
[Ryder] Do you like it?
Hold on. Sorry.
- Yeah, that's beautiful.
- [Ryder laughs]
- Oh, my God. Where did it go?
- [Ryder] Yeah!
- [Maya] That's nuts!
- [Ryder] Gone, dude!
- Gone!
- [Maya] Oh, that's beautiful!
- Yo! Tommy did his shit. Dude!
- Where'd it go?
- You're gonna make me cry.
- [Ryder] You like it? You like it?
How is this even possible?
[Tommy] I figured I'd do a flower,
'cause the beauty,
you're a very beautiful girl.
And then the mandala, we inverted it
because she said you guys are different,
but you're the same.
So, it kind of represents you guys.
- Yup.
- Yeah.
Crazy intertwined relationship there.
You know?
- [Jessimae] You guys still friends?
- Oh, my God!
We good?
[all laughing]
I can't even believe it.
All right. There we go.
Yeah, I think she loves it.
[Maya] That you were even able
to help pick something so beautiful,
and so soft, I I am shook.
- Shooketh.
- As strong as I am
- I'm shooketh to the core.
- I'm still pretty
- I'm still pretty soft.
- Yeah!
[Jessimae] Let's get some new outfits
to show that tattoo off!
Let's go!
[Jessimae] It's like that movie
that we can't say, you know the one?
The wonderful tattoo.
The wonderful new tattoo!
All right.
- All right what?
- I think you're done.
- What? What? What?
- Whoo! Yeah!
- Whoo!
- [both laugh]
- No one's more nervous than me.
- Oh!
Here we go. [groans]
Yeah, this is ridin' on you.
[high-pitched] Whooo!
[Jessimae] Jesus can't help you now,
Aaron. Your girl doesn't want a flower.
Why did you pick a flower?
This might be a disaster.
So, Aaron, do you think
she's gonna like it?
I do, yeah.
You do feel confident?
'Cause it feels like maybe
Well, look. The nerves are trying
to eat at me now, yes.
- Look, I want the record to show
- [Alex] Yes.
that I was an advocate,
and I'm your ally.
- Okay. So, you're also to blame.
- Okay.
- Wow. Wow, Alex!
- You just said You just co-signed!
No, your advocate and your ally.
She's the reason
that it got twice the size.
- Ohhh!
- [Alex] Ohhhh! Uh-oh!
- I am?
- Yeah.
- [Alex] All right!
- See? This is why you can't trust people.
I'm nervous.
But how do you feel about looking at it?
- I'm so ready.
- Are you?
- Yes. I'm so ready.
- Okay. Matt?
- Let's check it out.
- Oh, my God! Okay.
- [Jessimae] Don't look. No cheating.
- Okay.
- [Jessimae] Honest emotions.
- Okay. [shivers]
[Matt] All right, you're good.
It better be good! [laughs]
[Matt] All right.
- Aaron, do you wanna do a countdown?
- Let's go from three.
Three, two, one.
Oh. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- [Matt chuckles]
- What the
Oh, my God!
- I love it!
- Ohhhh!
I love it! I love it! I love it!
- My sphincter was tight.
- Oh, my God! I love it.
Yo, that had me going for a second.
[Jessimae] What do you think?
[Alex] Oh, my God.
The color and everything
Girl, but can you tell me
what this is right here?
- [Alex] It's a flower!
- [Jessimae] A flower!
[Alex] I honestly never thought
that a flower would look this pretty!
- Awesome. See?
- See?
- [Matt] Everybody loves a flower.
- No, for real!
Ohh! This is gonna look bangin' in a heel!
- Yes! Yes!
- Whoo!
- Sweet.
- [laughing]
Yes! Yes!
It's a flower! And I love it!
Who would've thought that
a flower is actually super me?
- But you need the snake.
- You need the snake.
- You need it. It's true.
- That's the important part.
Just the flower? Mm-mm.
We took a chance.
Matt, thank you.
- No problem.
- I absolutely love it.
[Jessimae] I don't know
if we have a tattoo chariot
or if you can walk,
I don't know the rules.
Aaah! [laughs]
- Look it! Paul comin' in.
- A chair.
If this isn't meant for a princess,
then I don't know what is.
I don't know how to do this. Like this?
[Jessimae] Honestly, all I feel is relief.
I'll admit it, Matt was right.
[Alex] Holy cow, you guys, I love it.
- Yes!
- [Jessimae laughs]
[Jessimae] And that means
poor Rose has to pay up.
- I can tell.
- [all cheer]
I'm scared.
- Whoa! Somebody lost the bet.
- Scared.
Yeah, I did. I am a loser.
I'll take it on the chin. I lost.
You did a beautiful tattoo.
- Fair and square.
- She's happy.
- No. You take it on the lips.
- I'm a good loser.
- You're a woman of your word.
- Petruch?
Got some hot stuff.
And it ain't the peppers.
[Twig] Loser!
Okay, Rose. Pick your pepper poison.
- It looks like a tongue.
- [Twig] Yeah!
Waiting for the heat to set in.
- That was it?
- Whoo!
- It's [bleep] hot. I feel it.
- Is it?
Oh, it's bad. But I'm not gonna
show that in my face.
- [Twig] Ooh.
- Wow.
[Matt] Poker face.
[Tommy] What's hotter,
that pepper or Paul?
- Show me your pepper dance.
- [music slows to a halt]
Show them your pepper dance!
- Show them your pepper dance!
- Go, go!
- Get it!
- [All] Oh! Oh!
We're dancin', we're groovin' ♪
[Jessimae] You stay right there.
Sit back down,
because you're gonna wanna see
these next ridiculous tattoos.
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