Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Burn Me When I'm Gone

Mary: My daughter, Theresa,
she was taken.
Now I know who did it,
but I can't prove that.

Parker, your man,
a serial killer.
Can't you tell me
the truth, Karen?
I never saw her.
Pete: You ready to be Emma Hall
in witness protection?
I don't have to tell you
to stay away
from young women.
-[ Gasps, whimpers ]
-[ Grunts ]
You my true friend, Emma Hall.
John: I was a predator,
but now I am well.
I need you
to find someone for me.
-Christopher Parker's dead.
-[ Gasps ]
Do you trust me?
[ Sobs ]
Pete: We're gonna keep
working on the memories
that you can't recall.
What's your name?

She was a girl I met,
a friend
You made a friend already?
Some girls were giving her
a hard time --
I stepped in for her.
I told them to leave her alone.

[ Sighs ]
She --
She's 14.
Her name's Jess.

[ Door creaks open ]


[ Gasps ]

-[ Indistinct P.
-A. announcement ]
Woman: So I guess you're trying
to make things look nice
before you leave us.
I didn't get it -- the job.
Oh, John.
I'm so sorry.
It was so perfect for you.
You know so much about cars.
Yeah, I don't have
the sales experience.
I mean, look at me --
going from frozen food
to selling Chryslers? [ Laughs ]
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, you must've been bad
in a past life.
That's why Jana keeps you
out here on frozen.
[ Chuckles ]

Love is a virtuous mind
that creates
only peace and happiness.
Love is a virtuous mind
that creates
only peace and happiness.

She was lying on the ground,
and there was blood
on her dress. There --
She'd been stabbed.
There was a man in a hood.
He grabbed me.
Look, I've got marks.
Yeah, that's a chigger bite.
If you go out and play
in the bayou,
you're gonna get cut
and scratched and bit.
There's a lot of nature
out there.
It's not a bite.
There's something in there.

You can't drink
on the meds you're taking.
I needed something.
[ Thud ]
You wanna take a minute
and talk about
why you trashed this place?
Does it matter?
Well, you think you saw
a dead girl, so yeah.
It does matter.
I told you that
one of the side effects
of the meds that you're on
is hallucinations.
So if you drink
while you're taking the meds,
you're gonna have
very vivid hallucinations.
You saw a lot of blood.
It scared the hell out of you.
But in the end,
all you saw was a bird --
-a pelican.
-I saw her.
Pete, I saw her.
You and I both know
that you get blackouts.
Of things that I don't remember,
not of things that I do.
And we're still trying
to piece together
the things
that you don't remember.
You're in witness protection
because of Parker.
He killed himself yesterday.
That would unhinge anyone.
So if I imagined it,
then she'll still be
where she was, right?
At the --
the group home in town?
What group home?
St. Jerome House.
She wasn't happy there,
she wanted to run away.

Emma, listen to me.
You can't go anywhere near
a place like that ever again.
You can't make friends
with vulnerable young girls.
You have a history --
an unfair one --
but you have a history
that no one can know about.
Do you understand?
I need to refill your meds.

[ Gargles ]
[ Spits ]

"Stress is the most common cause
of an addictive
behavior resurfacing.
and key milestones
may also trigger relapses."

[ Long exhale ]

Feels like we're in a movie.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, yeah? Which one?
Um, do you have any tea --
something, uh, decaf?
We got chamomile.
Now I think about it, I guess
it's like a lot of movies --
it's hard to narrow it down --
guess I'll just say
"When Harry Met Sally."
You're not eating?
Ah, don't let that stop you.
Tea for two.
So, Mrs. Barlow,
I'm still a little unclear
about how this would work
in practice,
what -- what you're looking
for me to do.
When I came to you,
um, I was not thinking
very clearly.
I'd had a very bad day.
I am sorry.
And I guess it might seem like
an odd thing to ask for.
It's actually very simple.
I just need you to find her,
tell me where Karen Miller is.
I've done some research --
she's gone.
She has a new identity.
I couldn't find out
who she's become.
I don't have
those kinds of resources.
I'm not a cop.
Something has, uh,
stayed with me
ever since you came
to my office.
Do you remember
talking about the gap --
the space between what your
I accept that term.
Between what they thought
was safety
and what was safety.
I appreciate that,
and I'm flattered
that my words had impact.
But, uh, that was
a different context
and I don't feel comfortable
repackaging it.
But you repackaged it.
What I mean is,
you found a way to change it up.
And now you "know better,
you do better," right?
Bad for good.
I know that might be
a little simplistic.
A little.
[ Clears throat ]
"He found the things
his victims loved
and he used them as a way
to get inside their lives."
That was the prosecutor's
closing statement at your trial.
Now, I think you could
just as easily
apply that technique
to our situation.
Find the things
Karen Miller loved.
Find the gap.

My number's on that cellphone.
And this is for anything
you might need.
The credit card of executives.
It's a debit.
I think you're the man
for the job, John.
So I gotta go.
Can you, uh, pick this up?
On expenses?
[ Laughs ]


[ Door opens ]
Georgia: Oh, my God, Rose,
what happened?
Hey, Emma, this is Rose,
her family's
a big part of this town.
They practically rebuilt us
after Katrina.
And, Rose,
the answer's still no.
Your mama wants your hair
long and pretty
for the Festival of Saints.
You don't know my mother, right?
So you'll do it.
You don't know my work --
it's quite a risk.

Don't turn her into no punk.

What kind of coffee you want?
Man: I'll take a decaf.
Cream or no cream?
No cream.

You gonna make trouble for me?
I don't know yet.

Reporter: Angela Miller?
Did your daughter help him?
[ Reporters shouting
indistinctly ]
Did your daughter help him?
Is it true you struggle
with alcohol?
Are you still drinking?
[ Reporters shouting
indistinctly ]

[ Water pouring from faucet ]

You have deep indentations --
were you a difficult birth?
You get a lot of migraines?
When some bitch slams my head
against the mirror.
[ Turns faucet off ]
Why'd you call her trash?
Does it matter?
Are you a friend of hers
or something?
I've never seen you here before.
What do you want from me?
New look.
[ Water spraying ]
Something to go with my nose.
Sure I don't have to check
with your mother first?
Do you have to check
with Georgia to make sure
you're safe with scissors?
Why did you do it?
I didn't like
what you called her.
I don't know whether that
makes you scary or amazing.

We've got to get going
right now.
[ Sighs ] We are so grateful
you're able to do this, Mary.
Are you kidding? Of course.
We're all appreciative
of your commitment.
We've have had a little luck --
Larissa Barbola,
Connie's mother.
You know Larissa, right?
We're gonna go across
to her now.
So you're gonna do
a split screen?
We're actually heading
straight to Larissa's place.
You're bumping me?
Christopher Parker admitted
to Connie's murder --
she's a confirmed victim.
[ Laughs ]
Look, Larissa is great,
and all that matters is
we're talking about
Parker and Miller again.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Will you get these people
out of my house?

[ Train whistle blows ]
Emma: [ Sighs ]
[ Siren chirps ]
You're a cop?
I'm gonna be a detective.
I'm just waiting for the
opportunity to present itself.
You okay?
Can I get a ride?
I'm out on the Longbank.
Larissa: I think he dodged
this bullet.
Host: Because of the brutal
murder of your daughter.
I'm sorry.
Mary: Look,
I don't blame Larissa.
I mean, my God, I feel like
crying every day, too.
But she is literally
turn-up-and-cry mom,
whereas I don't --
I don't cry on cue.
That's why they bumped me.
I mean, they all but said
there's a ranking system.
You should have
pushed them on that.
You acted like
you were fine with it.
Because I can't look like
an asshole.
I'm not saying
you have to do a ceremony
or officially mourn --
I know you're not there --
but maybe think about
the vigil --
why don't you just make it
something small,
personal, healing --
don't make it about anyone else.
You, me, and Dad
go to Holy Trinity
and stand around a candle,
and say nice things
to each other.
Let's just remember
what this guy did.
He abducted women,
he kept them in his van,
and he bashed in their faces
with a claw hammer.
I don't want to remember.
Okay, I don't want my head
full of that shit.
Have fun talking to the TV, Mom.
I'm gonna grab a little bit
of the life that's hurrying by.

Operator: A St. J girl --
Tina Monro --
gone off grid,
-Tina Monro, 15
-This isn't my car.
Hispanic, 5'6",
dark-brown hair
I got eyes on the River Road.
St. J is what?
Saint James?
St. Jerome.
It's a group home
on the edge of town.
And a girl's missing from there?
Sometimes a kid disappears
for a night.
Mostly they come back
before breakfast.
What, some of the girls
don't come back?
[ Strong inhale, gasps ]
That -- That looks bad.
It's fine.
-It's just a sting.
-No, that's infected.
You need to see someone.
I can take you to a doctor.
Mmm-mmm. I don't need a doctor.
Okay, well,
then I'll look at it myself.

-Ow! Ow!
-Okay, okay. I -- um
-So you're from Seattle?
-Do you miss it?
No, I don't.
I try to stay in the moment.
Oh, God, just get it out!
Ow! Ow!
Oh, God! [ Breathes heavily ]
Whoa, what is that? A needle?

Angela: I got sober
five years ago.
That's why I'm alive. [ Laughs ]
That's all I can say.
I'm, uh,
I'm breathing.
[ Voice breaking ]
I'm still sober.
Thank you, Angela.
There's a lot of love
and light around you.
Anyone else like to share?
Uh, hi. I'm John,
and I'm an alcoholic.
-Hi, John.
-Hello, John.
I'm five years sober now, too.
So jinx.

[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Church bell tolling ]
Don't know what I would do
without those meetings.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
[ Both cars beep at same time ]

I'm gonna sit down now.
Are you okay? Oh, my God!
-I'm okay.
-Oh, my God, no.
I'm all right.
This happens to me.
Are you all right?
I'm so sorry. Please go.
No, no, no. Uh, look,
do you want some water,
or what can I do for y--?
I'm so embarrassed right now.
Um, could you hold my legs
for me, please?
Oh. Uh
Just so I can get the blood --
-No, no.
-I haven't been drinking.
Hi, I'm John. I'm a fainter.
[ Chuckles ]
I'm a dentist --
I get a lot of fainters.
[ Strong inhale ]
You need to eat something.
It wasn't the medication,
it wasn't a hallucination.
It happened, Pete.
This happened.
I -- I remember the man --
I remember
he grabbed my leg, and --
and then I felt this pain and
now I know it was the needle.
The needle that I have
right in front of me.
So if that was real,
then Jess was real too.
Pete: Emma, I need you to take
a breath, all right?
Now, I'm gonna come see you
tomorrow and we're gonna work
-this whole thing out.
-No, Pete, I need you
to call the police now,
and I need you to have them
go to St. Jerome
and check her room.
Just check her room.
No. We're not calling
the police, all right?
And we're not gonna talk
to them about a girl
that you think is dead.
No, I don't think she's dead!
I know what I saw.
Jess is dead
and there's a man out there
who knows that I saw it too,
so if you're not gonna
deal with this, then I will.
You do anything
and you're gonna get
a big red flag
above your head, okay?
I'll look into it.
It's called
the St. Jerome House.
It's on the edge of town,
I don't know the address.
Okay. I'll call them.
Though I'm pretty sure
they're not gonna give
information out to a stranger.
Do me a favor --
take your pills,
go to bed, and just stay there.

Lisa: So, I was thinking
about my dad today.
And I remembered
this thing he would do.
It's like he always thought
-I had a motive.
-[ Cellphone vibrates ]
I remembered this one time
I was probably six.
He went out to buy candy
for my mom.
I don't know, maybe he
was trying to get her into bed.
Anyway, I went with him,
and he literally bought
a stack of candy bars, like --
Pete, are you even listening?
Totally. Your dad, candy --
Baby, you've told me this story.
[ Baby cooing ]
I can't tell you
something twice?
Of course you can.
You can tell me a million times.
All I'm saying is
that I remember.
And it's more than twice.

Your dad, the ride home
where you were the best
little girl in the world, hmm?
'Cause you wanted the candy,
but your dad made you feel like
that was unnatural --
like it was a bad thing, hmm?
You dad made you feel like you
always had an ulterior motive,
and this makes you feel like
you're not genuine.
But you still wanted that candy,
-didn't you?
-[ Giggling ]
Yes, of course
I wanted the candy,
because what child
doesn't want the candy?
You used to want
to listen to me.
You used to pay me $100 an hour
to listen to you.
Well, I'll leave the money
on the bedside,
you mercenary shit.

Angela: Thank you.
-And now you're feeding me.
I feel comforted
yet infantilized.
Hashtag secretly loving it.
It's a way to make
an impression.
Uh, it's a meeting thing.
I really have a hard time
speaking in public.
And [Chuckles] actually,
I usually faint before talking,
and this time
I put my audience first.
Show goes on.
And you go down?
Apparently so.
[ Chuckles ]

John: I feel ashamed.
I have a daughter.
I messed her up.

Well, if it makes you feel
any better, I, uh --
I have a daughter
and I messed her up, too.
Excuse me. Could I have
some water, please.
Man: Of course.
I'm sure you're being
hard on yourself.
Do you see her?
Thank you.
[ Sighs ]
So, what's your daughter's name?
It's pretty.

Do you smoke?

[ Siren wails in distance ]
I let my daughter drive me home.
There was a lot of ice
on the road.
We hit a tree. Police came.
She's 14 and I'm trashed.
So right there and then
I'm an unfit mother.
It was our last night together.
Hey, I was -- I was so out of it
I forgot to get my daughter
from summer camp.
And she got a ride home
with a stranger.
Something happened.
She never told me what.
But she told my wife,
and I have, uh,
never seen her again.
What's her name?
Uh, your wife I mean.

Uh, I didn't know
you got ice in Texas.
No, it was Minnesota --
I was seeing this guy up there.
So my daughter went
into foster care.
And, uh, it was supposed
to be temporary --
she'd -- she'd come back to me
when she wanted.
But, um
I guess she never wanted to.
So I'm a grieving mother
and a bad mother
and, um, I traded my alcohol
for cigarettes,
You are a good person, Angela.
[ Laughs ]
You're sweet.
I raised a monster.
My daughter got
into some trouble.
So whenever anybody
dredges something up
or there's a significant date,
I get a, um,
redecoration of my house
by the sanctimonious
little shits in town.
-So move.
-[ Chuckles ]
You are a good person, Angela.

Jess: [ Tearfully ]
Emma, please, I need you!
-[ Birds squawk ]
-[ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]

He thinks I'm fixed.
He thinks he fixed me.
Pete likes to be the savior.
And if I tell him about you,
he's gonna wonder why I need you
and what I tell you.
Are there things he doesn't
want you to share with me?
You know,
that's the crazy thing.
He has all my secrets --
all the things I told him --
but all that time
it was about me,
never him.
And I thought that was love.
And what do you think it is now?
Over you?
I don't think
he thinks of me at all.
He's there, in the house,
but he isn't present --
he doesn't see me.
So why do you stay, Lisa?
If you don't feel loved or seen?
For my daughter.
She's my miracle.
And he loves her,
he makes her feel safe.
Girls without fathers
are afraid of the world.
And what about girls
with bad fathers?
He's not a bad father.
He's just not a good husband.
And what about girls
with bad fathers?
He's not a bad father.
He's just not a good husband.
So who do you turn to,
when you get your nightmares?
Because you do still get them,
don't you?
My daughter.
Want this back in there?
I hold her.
I feel her heartbeat.
Till it's just her and me --
and those memories are gone.
[ Organ music playing ]

You brought the other parents?
I had to make this count.
This was just supposed to be us,
something quiet.
Quiet's not gonna
find your sister.
-Mary, hey.
-Hi, Mary.
-Thanks for coming, Mary.
-Thank you.
[ Applause ]
-How are you?
-I'm good.
You good?
Nice to see you.
Thank you.
[ Applause ]

Mary: Thank you. Thank you.
Please, please be seated.
Thank you so much for coming.
Janice Dunne
doesn't get married.
Martha Schulz can't kiss
her daddy goodbye --
he's already gone from cancer.
Marissa Watkins
doesn't get to be an Auntie.
Diane Lapsley doesn't finish
her paper on genetics.
Laura Danone doesn't
start her new job,
and Connie Barbola's not there
when her grandfather dies.
I want to remember their names,
not just the name of the man
who took them from us.
All these mothers,
all these fathers behind me --
they felt something when
they lost their daughters --
an instinct.
Trust it, listen to your gut.
Look for my daughter.
Remember a night seven years ago
and a gas station in Nevada
when she was in the same place
at the same time
as the man
who killed all these women.
What happened to her
when she drove away?
My daughter is out there.

Other people's daughters
who may have been taken
by this man are out there too.
But we won't give up.
We remember you
and we will find you.
[ Applause ]

Karen: Do you believe in
an afterlife?
Because you finished
your Milky Way
and you wonder
where candy bars go?
I can be deep.
I look at the stars and I think,
"Is that where we go?"
I believe in a soul --
a pure center.
Like the light in that star.
Which one, that one --
The other one.
-That little one?
-The one next to it.
[ Laughs ] Which, that?
[ Laughs ] Not that one?
[ Sighs ]
I believe you have to honor
your soul,
process it out --
so it has a path to travel,
not just lost in the dark.
Is that a yes?
You could've just said yes.
[ Laughs ]

Will you burn me when I'm gone?
You're not going anywhere.
Stay with me.


I don't want to be a question.
You're a puzzle.

You know it's love.

[ Birds chirping ]

Emma: [ Whispering ]
So your soul doesn't wander.
So you have a place up there,
with the stars.
This is how I honor you.

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

[ Sighs ]

You need a ride?
Come on, get in.
It's late. It's raining.
It's not safe for you
to be out here
on the side of the road
like this.
I prefer to walk.
You're one of those girls,
aren't you?
From the group home.
What are you doing
out here tonight?
Who are you, mister?
I'm just a friend of a friend.
Are you okay?

[ Insects chirping ]

Do you know
how disappointing it is
not to be able
to trust you, Rose?
All we want is for you
to look and do your best.
Daddy likes my hair.
Mom, don't.
[ Lock rattling,
keys jingling ]
-Until you can be trusted
you cannot be trusted.
Don't lock me in, Mom.
Don't lock me in, please!
[ Lock clicks ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Door creaks loudly ]
Tina, we've been looking
all over for you.
-What are you playing at,
-young lady?
-[ Slurred ] Go to hell.

[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Breathing rapidly ]
Actually, I don't think I can.
I got a cramp in my jaw.
Work it out, Adam.
[ Cellphone vibrates ]
This is --
This is work, I gotta --
Gotta take it.
John: Uh, Mrs. Barlow?
This is John Tyler.
Did you find something,
from her mother?
No, there's
no relationship there.
No link back to Karen
through her mother.
Then what do you have?
She was, uh, fostered.
Mrs. Barlow?
Where was the foster home?
In Minnesota.
It -- It seems
a very strong link.
John, this is good.
I'm really glad
that I could be of help.
When can you leave
for Minnesota?
No. Uh, we've had
a misunderstanding.
I can't leave Texas.
I'd be breaching
the terms of my parole.
And I worked very hard
to get my early release,
so I would never
jeopardize that.
I'm sorry.
I -- I don't make the rules.
You have nothing to worry about.
I have a lot of
influential friends,
I'll square it up
with your parole officer,
make him understand this.
-Or her?
-Or her.
But you understand my point?
You need to get to Minnesota.
You're good at this.
You're helping me, John,
and you're flourishing.

[ Breathes deeply ]
I'm so proud of you, Mom.
We got a call --
somebody saw the vigil.
There was another girl
who was never found.
Just like Theresa.
You were right to not give up.

I thought you was Jessie.
Tina: You should be asleep.
I can't sleep.
Jessie had the sense
to keep going.
She's gonna make a life
for herself out there.
So, 'night.
You should go too,
'cause we got the devil here.
[ Sighs ]

Angela: It was weird. He was --
He was kinda odd,
but he was kinda nice too.
I mean, he's in recovery, but
Anyway, I'm not --
I'm not looking for something.
I, uh, I think I'm gonna sell.
She's not coming back.
Karen's never coming home again.
-[ Glass shatters ]
-[ Gasps ]

If you do a bad thing
and don't feel bad afterwards,
is it still a bad thing?
[ Laughing ]
If you do a bad thing
and don't feel bad afterwards

Emma: I don't want to be
a question.

[ Sighs ]
[ Line ringing ]
Hey, this is Jess.
-Leave a message.
-[ Beep ]
I'm gonna find out
what happened.
The truth about everything.
Because I'm not crazy,
and I know what I saw.

Because I've seen it before.
I just -- I just don't know
how to make sense of it.

But I'm gonna find out
what happened to you.
I'm gonna make this right.
I promise you.
Because I don't want
to be afraid anymore.
It's dangerous to be afraid.

Child: Tell me a story.
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