Ten Percent (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Right. Well.
-You okay?
-Uh, yeah, I'm Yeah.
-You're doing brilliantly.
-I love you.
Yeah. Me, you.
-I'll see you soon.
-Yeah. I'll see you this evening, yeah.
- Morning.
For goodness sake. Just
Right. Uh, yeah.
-We thought we'd leave it empty.
-For the moment anyway.
Yeah, no, good.
-Sure. Move up. Up.
-Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Yep. Here we go,
- Thank you, Julia.
-Yeah. Okay?
-Yeah, that's lovely, thank you.
Great. Great.
Right. This is all
pretty strange obviously.
-So weird.
I suppose we should ask
ourselves what he
-What Richard would have wanted us to do.
First of all, on arrangements for Friday,
there's a lot to think about,
but Julia has been incredible.
I haven't been actually.
The service is just family.
It's just us basically.
Yes, but with the reception back here,
there are so many people who knew him.
We really didn't feel
we could say no to people.
-We said no to Piers Morgan.
- Generally.
In the meantime,
I think it's important to say,
um, whatever
we're all feeling individually
and I know Dad would have said this,
this is the thing he created
and life must go on.
And I'm thinking particularly
about clients of course.
Yes, and Richard's clients
especially, Jonathan.
Some good news on that subject at least.
Olivia Williams has been offered Shimmy.
-That is good news.
-Go, Olivia!
-He would've been so pleased.
-When you say that
-She's coming in later.
She read the script and she's excited.
-Olivia's coming in to see you?
-Right. Okay.
-She is so lovely.
This is the Danny Boyle thing?
"Based on a true story,
with her larcenous streak
"and willingness to use sex
to get what she wanted.
"Virginia Hill reached
the highest heights of any woman
"when she shot dead rival mob boss
Johnny Rosselli in Chicago in 1940"
-Thank you.
It was gonna be Scarlett Johansson
but she pulled out.
-I mean, I think it was anyway.
Right. Yeah, anyway.
So, with Olivia, we haven't really talked
about how we're going to do this.
-With Richard's client, I mean.
-No, sure
But she called earlier
and I happened to be passing reception.
Someone had to talk to her.
-Yeah, but we cannot do this ad hoc.
-No, we cannot.
None of us are allowed to talk
to any of Richard's clients
We can. Don't be silly.
-The point is, we're a team.
-It's not a fire sale.
-Exactly. In the meantime, I think
-For Christ's sake.
Sorry to interrupt, but I've got
Helena Bonham Carter here in reception.
Oh. Right, okay. Thanks, Zoe.
Sorry about this. Um She's a bit early.
Helena's coming in to see you?
- Yeah.
Okay. Right.
-That's different.
-She was Richard's client.
She was going to be having lunch with Dad.
Of course, she was.
She's been with him since drama school.
It's crucial for someone like Helena
to feel a sense of continuity,
I am not going to apologize for that.
-Obviously not.
- Oh, Jesus.
I'm sorry.
-No, of course.
It's just
I can't believe he's not here.
What did you two talk about?
-When you had your lunches.
-Just so I know.
-Oh. Well, anything really.
Anything and everything.
That was what was so great.
He used to ask me about Molly a lot.
-Yes, he was her godfather.
Uh, I don't think I did know that.
Yes, so, we used to talk about that.
But today,
I'd have been asking him about Shimmy.
'Cause Do you know about that?
What do you mean?
It's ridiculous.
I know.
It's impossible because
Danny called Olivia personally.
But all I know is,
Helena runs into someone
from Universal and they're all over her.
You know, "We're so excited.
We hope you like the script."
I mean, what the fuck?
And what is more,
she doesn't know the first thing about it.
What the hell was Richard doing?
Surely he must've known
if something was up.
Helena was going
to ask him about it today.
Obviously she would have called him
What am I supposed to say to Olivia?
-When's she coming in?
-I can put her off.
Hi, sorry to disturb you, Rebecca.
It's just I've got
Olivia Williams in reception.
I'm sorry, she's in a meeting
at the moment. Right. Okay.
-Sorry, I don't know how long she'll be.
Can I take a message
and get her to call you back?
I still can't actually believe it.
Yeah, well, I'm so pleased for you.
I mean, it's such fabulous news.
-I know someone else must have pulled out.
-Apparently, it was Scarlett Johansson.
-Yeah. I don't care.
I think it's the best script
I've ever read.
Right. Yeah. Great.
I mean, it's not like
I actually know Danny that well.
It's quite rare for a director nowadays
to call you personally
and offer you the job.
-I called Richard straight away obviously.
-So you told Richard about it.
-So sweet.
-He literally couldn't believe it.
-"Darling, that's incredible."
Out of interest, when did you tell him?
-Friday afternoon.
That was the
That was the last time
I ever spoke to him.
We need to get hard copies
of the actors' CVs
-over to Stephen Frears.
-Hard copies.
Actual photographs.
Through the post, like in a film.
Stephen's old-school
but the other thing is,
with this project is that,
Stephen's got himself
obsessed with diversity.
-Really? Oh, my God.
-Yes, I know.
-We need to make absolutely
-Sophie Okonedo.
-She's on the list, but
-Naomie Harris.
-So is she. But
-Ooh! Thandiwe Newton.
-She's not even our client.
-You're just saying names.
You could put my CV in if you want.
If it helps.
-Ooh! What about Daniel Kaluuya?
-The thing is he's a man.
Yeah, so, how is that not diverse?
Let me get this straight.
I get a call from Margaux Martorana
and you don't put her through?
-What did you say to her?
-You were in a meeting.
-You told her what?
-You said you didn't want disturbing.
-Jesus Christ.
-But, so
-She thinks it's a lie.
-But you were in a meeting.
But she doesn't know that, does she?
-For fuck's sake.
Christ, it's Pandora's box in here.
-Filing was never his strong point.
-Tell me about it.
I am not comfortable with this.
How do you think I feel?
We've no business even being in here.
If we could just find an email
or just something that
-He must have had a plan.
- Yeah.
Of course he'll have had a plan.
-What about Murray Mints?
- No.
No one has that as their password.
This is ridiculous.
-I've spoken to someone at Danny's office.
-So have I.
He's flat out for Olivia.
Different version
Looks like he assumed
he had final say on casting.
-Of course he did.
-I spoke to Martha Krauss,
they never agreed to that.
And they're flat out for Helena
and now they're refusing
to talk to each other.
-Stella, would you mind not doing that?
I'm simply saying
all this is entirely predictable.
I know, it's just not helping.
No, okay. Damn, so close.
Um, I wanted to ask.
Can I come to the funeral on Friday?
Uh Right. Look
-I'd really like to be there.
-That's gonna be difficult.
Difficult. Who for?
The drinks afterwards, of course,
someone's gonna have to stay here.
Did he know?
-It's like no one knows I exist.
We can't have
this conversation here and
-Hi, Julia.
So, anyway, if you could help out
with the drinks on Friday.
-That'll be great.
-Okay, good.
-After you.
-I know. I know.
Come here. I know.
Look. Just the two of us now, my darling.
It's just the two of us.
-I still can't believe it.
-I know.
The thing is, without him,
I wouldn't even be an agent.
He didn't actually say,
"You're not gonna make it as an actor."
-Somehow he just
It was like I've been seen
through and set free.
-What now?
-God knows.
I don't like it.
I remember when I came in for my interview
and he didn't say that much.
But by the time I came out of that room,
I really wanted to impress him.
You know, it was really important
that he knew that I was good.
Yeah, so what are we having to eat?
Seventeen, 47, 61 and 83.
No 27, hmm?
-No, I got bored of that.
-That's great.
In 40 years,
all the polar ice caps would have gone.
Yeah. There's an email here
about the Wasted premiere on Thursday.
-You going?
-Me? No.
You're not?
No. It's the night before
the funeral and
-I know it is.
-You know, I just
-This is about Natasha, isn't it?
-You've got to get over her.
-I am over her.
-It's a small world.
-I know.
You're bound to bump into her.
This could be a chance to move on.
I could, but I'm not going.
You can't live your days scared of life.
-I'm not scared.
-That's no way to live.
That makes you happy.
Swiping right through your life.
-Try it.
-When was the last time you were in love?
When was the last time you weren't?
Here. Choose.
So, what am I What is this?
-It's my options for later, basically.
-Later tonight?
Yeah, I can't decide.
I mean, they're really similar.
They both remind me of Jodie Comer.
But which one reminds you of her more?
-Okay, I'm going up.
You coming?
I'll be up in a minute, yeah.
-You all right?
- I'm fine.
Come on.
Yeah, really, it's okay, I'm fine.
-What's this? What are these?
-They're It's nothing.
But I thought you owned the building?
I hate rich people.
-Megan, they're no
-No. Really, I do.
That whole disappearing act
they pulled was so uncool.
In case you haven't noticed,
we've all been through quite a lot.
They manage to keep
screwing us over. Even after they're gone.
What else am I supposed to eat
in a gas station?
I'm sorry.
Is there a carrot aisle that I missed?
What I can't understand is that
he knew what was happening
-but he didn't say anything to
-Well, yes
Not to Universal or Danny
or Helena or Olivia.
I expect he was going to think it through
over the weekend.
Probably. But he's not here.
It's about us now.
We need to figure out what we are doing.
So the fact is, Olivia's got the offer,
however it happens.
What do we say to Universal and Helena?
I think the issue might be
what we say to Olivia.
-To Olivia?
Why? What do you mean?
So, Universal re-sent the offer
for Helena to me last night.
-To you?
-To send to Helena.
-And you're gonna do that?
-Of course I am.
-You cannot do that.
You're saying that we get a major offer
for Helena Bonham Carter
and we don't pass it on?
-Morning, Zoe.
-Oh. Hi.
I was wondering if I might have
five minutes with Jonathan.
Right. He's in a meeting at the moment.
-Oh, of course he is.
-I don't think now is a really great time.
No. Darling man.
If you'd prefer to find another time
That's terribly sweet of you, I'll wait.
-You wanna know the truth?
- Please don't talk down to me.
Helena Bonham Carter
is a major international star.
Please, we're not doing
"my client's bigger than your client."
-Your client?
-Surely, we're not doin' this.
The truth is, we may need Helena now,
way more than she needs us.
-What's that supposed to mean?
-You don't know the half of it.
You need her as a client,
it's obvious what's going on.
I have to say that is rich
coming from you.
-It's all about Olivia Williams.
Olivia is a brilliant talent.
-Yes, I know that.
-She made great choices her whole career.
She's work so hard. This is her moment.
Now you're talking down to me.
You cannot take this away from her.
Alright. Thank you. That's enough.
Firstly, these are Richard's clients
we're talking about.
-But there is something different.
We're talking about old friends here.
Went to school together.
-They're going to find out?
-Yes. Possibly.
But Richard would be mortified
if he could hear this conversation.
What are you saying?
I don't know what was
in Richard's mind on Friday,
but one thing I do know,
friendship was everything to him.
-You're saying I shouldn't send the offer?
-I'm not saying that.
I am. I'm not going to let you do this.
Good luck with that because,
I already have.
-Wait. Wait. Thanks.
-Going up?
-Which floor?
Hashtag, me too.
-I'm Luke, by the way.
-Hi. Misha.
I'm not a fucking actor.
-I'm nothing.
I'm not even really a client.
I'm just a writer.
A writer? That's not nothing.
-And you?
-Me. I work with Rebecca Fox.
-Oh, right.
-Yeah, I'm new, so
-So, you're Rebecca's new assistant.
-Yeah. Yeah, I am. Why?
The thing is,
I haven't actually got an appointment.
But there's some stuff
I'd really like her to read.
I have been emailing her.
She might just not like me.
Things are a bit different here
at the moment.
-You know about
-Yeah. I know.
Anyway, I just thought like,
"What if I just came up"
-I could ask her for you. If you want.
When you say stuff
you'd like her to read
Do you know anything
about Margaux Martorana?
-Margaux Martorana.
I thought I'd better tell you.
'Cause he's done sample scenes
for Eight Days.
Yeah. I know. I got his emails.
-I read it by the way.
Eight Days.
-What do you mean, when?
-Last night.
I downloaded it.
I stayed up all night. It is incredible.
Yeah. It is.
Occasionally, you get a reminder of why
you wanted to do this in the first place.
Which is why I don't have time
to read material
from people who think they're a writer.
-Life's too short.
I mean, I could read it if you want.
I could read it for you, I mean.
If that would help.
Oh, my God. Yeah. That
Excuse me. Definitely the best one ever.
-Yes. The vicar phoned about Friday.
-The vicar?
You were going to get back to them
about the final hymn.
Go again, remind me.
It was going to be either
The Day Thou Gavest Lord Has Ended
or Be Not Afraid.
Uh, right, yeah. Uh, okay.
What do you think?
- Hi.
He's very busy at the moment, Stella.
I know, I'm sorry, but,
Simon Gould is in reception.
Yeah, I know he is.
-Have you got a moment?
-Yeah okay, thanks, Julia.
-Why don't we go with Be Not Afraid.
-Absolutely. Yeah.
I talked to her, and she's really busy
at the moment.
-But she asked me to read it.
-I can't promise anything, obviously.
-No, no. Okay. That's cool.
So, this is my mobile, my number.
-As I say, I can't promise anything.
-No, sure.
-Thanks. I'll be in touch then.
-Yeah. Great.
We can't just leave him
sitting there all day.
-We have to decide what to do.
-For Richard's sake if nothing else.
-You take him on then.
Well, I would obviously.
Dad went to all that trouble
to get him that job,
he didn't even make it to the table read.
I don't have enough space for someone
with his qualities as an actor.
He hasn't got any qualities.
'Cause I'm not taking on
Simon Gould as a client.
And I know that's what
he's come in to ask.
When you said, "Trust me,
you don't know the half of it",
-little earlier, to Rebecca
What was that a reference to?
-What the fuck?
I just got an availability check
for Zoe Spencer.
-Apparently, she's a client of mine.
-They want me to audition?
-Oh, my God!
-That's marvelous news.
Absolutely yes.
-I'm so sorry.
-Oh, my God, I can't believe it!
This is my reputation, okay.
It's not a game.
It's my reputation, too. My life.
-You think I
Hello, Nightingale Hart.
I'll put you through.
You think I like doing this all day?
I end up sending someone
to audition who isn't even
Someone who isn't even what?
Go on. Say it.
-I don't want to offend you.
This isn't pub theatre.
It's Stephen Frears.
-Darling, Stephen.
- You've never come to see my play.
No one has.
And you know what, it's really good.
- It's difficult, you know.
It's hard to believe
in yourself every day.
And you must. You simply must.
-It's all I've ever wanted to do.
-Of course it is. Of course. Darling girl.
I can't believe this.
I think at the time, he didn't think
he had any other option.
But sell the building?
It was either that,
or sell out to the Americans.
Underlying financial issues?
Which he was never going to do, obviously.
Uh So you knew? All this time?
We had a relationship. We used to talk.
Right back from the start.
-I'm his son.
-Maybe that's why he didn't tell you.
Or couldn't tell you.
Because you're his son.
Maybe, partly, yes.
He wasn't perfect.
You know what he was like.
Richard didn't want anyone to worry.
Just wanted everything to be all right.
-Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting.
-How are you?
-You look dreadful.
-Do I?
If you don't mind my saying so.
-I'm fine.
-You poor boy.
-That it should come to this.
The thing is and God knows
I've no right to ask this,
-so for God's sake, just say no.
But the truth is that without Richard
I simply wouldn't be here now.
I wouldn't be anywhere.
And it would be the single achievement
of an otherwise paltry life,
if you were to allow me to say
something at the reception.
Oh, right.
I'm in such debt to him
for so much over so many years.
We're talking about a speech here.
It is the only currency I have
in which to repay him.
-Yeah, who knows.
Maybe one performance
I wouldn't mercilessly fuck up.
One role at last, that I know how to play.
Thanks for coming in, Simon.
Let me just look into the practicalities.
-And I'll be in touch.
As I say, it's good to see you. Yep. So
Uh, there is something else
I wanted to ask you.
But I don't know how to do it.
Hi, Helena, it's Jonathan.
I'm so pleased to hear
you like the script.
It's great, isn't it?
I know the studio will be thrilled.
Anyway, altogether, great news.
Yes, just one more thing.
It might be an idea
not to go public with this just yet.
There are one or two things
with the contract that I'm not happy with.
We can do better, that's all.
Great news. Look forward to speaking soon.
Okay, lots of love. Bye.
-Hi, Jonathan.
-Thanks so much for coming in.
-It's good to hear from you.
Just thought it'd be good
to get out of the office for a change.
Great. Okay.
Anyhow, it's lovely to see you.
Oh, fuck. Fuck! I overslept.
Hi, Helena. Hi, how are you?
Thanks for getting back to me.
Great, great.
Um Just something
I wanted to talk to you about,
probably easier if I explain in
Yeah. Is that Well.
Wherever's easiest for you, yeah.
Perfect. Yeah. Ten o'clock. Great.
Great. All right.
See you then, okay, bye-bye.
Bye. Bye, bye. Bye.
-I've gotta go, I'm afraid.
-Do I get a kiss, or
-Yeah, sure.
Unless you're too
-It'll do.
-So you know where everything is.
-Of course, I don't.
Okay. It's where shit normally is.
-Oh, okay.
-Okay. Okay, good.
Thanks for doing this, by the way.
-No, of course.
-It's really great to see you.
And I just thought,
let's go out for coffee instead.
Yeah. Great.
This is just between us.
Yeah, obviously. I mean
I can't understand it.
I think his is the best script
I've ever read.
I know. That's what's so sad about this.
What kind of creative differences?
Where to start, basically.
Oh, my God.
-No, but that's crazy.
- I know.
-Everyone's been so positive.
-Oh, I'm sure.
-And it's such a fantastic script.
-It's brilliant.
But what's happening,
-and this is just between us.
-I know, of course.
I know this because I've got
other clients involved in the film.
So, they just have wildly different
versions of the movie.
-No, wildly different.
I've seen this before,
but this is different league.
-It's beyond dysfunctional.
I have pretty good connections
with the studio and with Danny,
and the truth is,
they're not talking to each other.
Danny's on the point
of walking at any moment.
No. It's toxic.
Right. Yeah.
-What are you saying?
-It's up to you obviously.
I know you've been talking to Jonathan.
-Yes. He's great, isn't he?
-Yeah, he is.
I suppose I feel a duty to you.
Not only as a NH client, obviously.
But also as a client
of Richard's for so long.
What I don't want
is for you to end up getting hurt.
-I'm gonna talk to Rebecca about this.
The thing is, just to be
completely open with you,
I'm in a slightly delicate position here,
because I have very good connections
with the studio and Danny
You don't think Rebecca knows about this.
The last thing I want is for her to think
I'm somehow interfering.
But at the same time, I didn't really
think I could just do nothing.
No. No. I mean
-Thank you, Jonathan. Thank you.
-Of course.
So, um, I'll talk to Jonathan, obviously.
But in the meantime, thank you.
Thanks for putting me
in the whole picture.
I wouldn't be able to live
with myself if I hadn't.
-With Jonathan, it's a bit
-A bit what?
It might just be an idea at this stage
not to say how you found out.
-Hel, hi!
-Oh, my God!
-How are you?
-How are you?
Very well. Nice to see you.
Hi, Helena, It's Jonathan.
I'm so pleased to hear
you like the script.
I know the studio will be thrilled.
Anyway, altogether, great news.
It might be an idea
not to go public with this just yet.
There are one or two things
with the contract I'm not happy with.
I just think we can do better, that's all.
Anyway, look, great news.
Okay, lots of love. Bye. Olivia!
Hi, Jonathan.
-Okay. Right.
-Oh, my God.
-This isn't what it seems.
-No, it is.
-How could you?
This is more complicated than it appears.
-You were lying to me.
-No, absolutely not.
-You were lying to me at the same time.
-No, no.
You were trying to talk me out
of taking the movie,
because you wanted Helena
to have the job instead.
-Which I never would do.
-Nor would I.
-This movie absolutely is in trouble.
There are major creative differences
between Danny and the studio,
and we just wanted you both
to have all the information you need.
-That is all.
-Exactly. Yes.
That's just rubbish.
-We're not stupid.
-No, absolutely not.
-Good point, Hel.
-Thanks, Olive.
We've clearly both been offered
the same part.
-It's not the first time.
-You'd be surprised.
The point is, we're friends.
You knew that.
-No, of course.
Why on Earth did you not just tell us?
Instead of setting us
against each other and lying.
Exactly. It's unbelievable.
Just so you know, this wasn't my idea.
What do you mean it wasn't your idea?
It certainly wasn't mine.
-It was, actually.
-It wasn't.
If I'd had my way,
then we wouldn't be as
Yes, if we had it your way Look.
We don't want you two
to end up falling out over this.
We're not falling out.
It's you who are arguing.
-We're not arguing.
-You are.
-No, we're not.
-You are.
I probably shouldn't say this.
-But I wish Richard was here.
-Well, yes.
-Well, you're not the only one.
-I really miss him.
-Me too.
-We all do, trust me.
-Okay. Sorry, sorry.
Would you excuse us for just one second?
-How dare you?
In front of them.
I do wish he was still here. We wouldn't
be in this situation if he was.
-And how dare you?
-How dare I what?
Arrange a meeting with Olivia
without telling me.
It's okay for you to talk to Helena
behind my back
She's not your property.
He was godfather to her daughter!
It's not my fault I'm his son.
-It's not always about you!
-Stop it!
-Whoever's son you are.
-Stop it, both of you. Now.
Listen here. Look at us. What's happened?
-What would Richard have made of this?
-He's not here anymore.
Will people just stop saying that?
He's not here.
So, they're actually going.
They've escaped.
Oh, shit.
-No, Olivia.
Great. And now we lose them both.
Right. Olivia.
-Hello, Rebecca's office.
- Hey.
-It's Luke.
Yes, hi, yes.
-How are you?
-Yeah, I'm good, thanks.
-Yeah, I'm good.
I was just wondering if you'd had time
to look at the stuff yet?
If you had,
I was gonna suggest maybe meeting up.
-Like a coffee or something?
No, that would be great.
When were you thinking?
I don't know, like, now?
-Oh, Dan.
Taron called to apologize.
He can't make drinks tonight.
Oh, right, okay. Thanks.
-Look. About yesterday.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it to reflect badly on you.
-Oh, really?
-Of course not.
I sit here every day.
-What am I supposed to do?
-I get it. I do.
It's just,
reputation's all you got in this business.
You can lose it really quickly.
Maybe if you came to see the play,
you'd understand.
-I would, except I'm meeting Taron
-No, you're not.
No, I'm not.
-I mean, I really enjoyed it.
With the dialogue, I couldn't tell
what was yours or the book's.
-Which is great.
I guess the thing is though,
with the book, with Eight Days,
I don't know,
she's got such a clear voice.
-And a woman's voice obviously.
Shall we go for a drink?
I think somewhere over there.
-You okay?
-Yeah. Thanks.
You should go home.
Just out of interest, what do you think
he was gonna do?
"Try to do the right thing, darling.
Don't take any nonsense.
"And keep buggering on."
-I'll see you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow. Yeah.
I didn't know
I wouldn't see him again.
Never hear his voice.
Never see the shape of him in the night.
In the morning before he was awake.
If I'd known,
I would have never let him go.
But I didn't.
I didn't know.
So, we said goodbye.
He went out into the morning,
and I closed the door behind him.
You did just amazing!
How you feeling?
-I woke up, made you a cup of tea.
-Oh, great. Thanks.
I'm actually running late,
I'm afraid. I've gotta go.
What time is it?
Wait, shit, no. So have I.
Okay. Keys, keys, keys.
-I think that's mine.
-What is?
-The shirt.
-Fuck. I'm sorry.
-That's all right, that's all right.
It's okay. It's gonna be okay.
-How are you?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
-Hi, Julia.
-Yes. Thank you.
-Hello, Julia.
-So, is our son actually coming?
-He's coming.
I got a text.
Okay. Well.
-Um Just before we go in.
I'm sorry.
About yesterday.
I said some things I didn't mean
-and I really wish I hadn't said them.
-Yeah, well, me too.
This has just been such a weird time.
-I just wish none of this had happened.
-Yeah. Me too.
Hi, how are you doing?
Can I offer you a top-up? Yeah.
Hi. Can I offer you another one?
It was so great last night.
-You were so great.
-Really, you don't have to
I see a lot of plays, like, a lot.
I can't remember
the last time I felt like that.
That's very kind.
I'm an agent.
It's like doctors, I don't do kind.
I walk past you every day on reception.
-I can't believe it.
-I did try to tell you.
So I was thinking, I don't know,
maybe I should just catch up
and take you on as a client.
I'm serious. How would you feel about it?
I mean, it's up to you.
Maybe it would feel a bit weird
to begin with, I don't know.
I think it could be fun.
-Where the fuck is Simon Gould?
-I don't know.
I don't think
I can wait any longer, I'm afraid.
-I'll do it.
-What do you mean?
I never got to deliver that speech
that I wrote for his
lifetime achievement award.
I'll do it now.
-Guys. Sorry. Can we just
-Can we just for one second?
Yep. Everyone. Thank you.
-Thank you, Julia.
It's all right, uh,
I'm not gonna make a speech.
I just wanted to thank you
all for being here.
I can't begin to tell you
how much it means for me
and for us to see you all
here on this day.
Dad would have loved all this, of course,
it's hard to believe
he's not actually here.
He'd have been in his element.
As I say, I'm not gonna make a speech
but luckily, I know someone who is.
Sorry, terribly sorry. Sorry.
Sorry, excuse me, excuse me, thank you.
Hey. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry.
So sorry. Sorry, Jonathan.
Number 19 bus.
Well, hello.
My name is Simon Gould.
I met Richard
I met Richard
I'm sorry.
The thing is
I'm just so so sorry.
'Cause the thing about Chekhov
is that it's genuinely funny.
See, I mean, however tragic
one's own life might seem,
in the end, it does become funny.
-Yeah, no, absolutely.
-Could you just give us a minute?
-Yes, of course.
You showing up means a lot
under the circumstances.
Couldn't really not be here.
-Whatever else has happened.
This isn't exactly
the perfect time or place,
but just so you know,
I spoke to Danny's people
and to the studio last night.
-Last night?
-It was late.
I wasn't really in the mood
for much of a chat,
don't know if that helped to
What I said was,
"You can have neither of our clients
in your movie or both of them."
-Both of us? How?
What if Virginia Hill's nemesis
was a woman after all.
-What, so
-Jenny Rosselli.
We can work on that. Obviously.
-Are you serious?
-A gender flip.
It's a calculated risk.
Quite surprised they hadn't done it
already actually.
Looking at the emails this morning,
um, looks like they've gone for it.
-You are serious.
Turns out they really
didn't wanna lose either of you.
How did you manage that?
Try keep doing the right thing,
keep buggering on.
Anyway, looks like
we might have invented The Godmother.
If you're interested.
-Hang on. So who is playing Virginia?
Uh, no way am I going back
to my desk after this.
I'm gonna go straight into Soho
and literally drink myself to death.
-Do you fancy it?
-I'll check with Rebecca.
She'll be ahead of us.
Oh, thanks, Ollie. Thank you. Great.
Thank you. Yes.
Oh, Charlotte.
You haven't met Misha, have you?
-Misha is Rebecca's new assistant.
-Oh, right.
-Very nice to meet you.
-You too.
-And good luck with that.
- Yes.
Yeah, good.
-Oh, Luke.
-Luke, come and join us.
Hi, Mum. Hi, hi, hi, hey, guys.
So, do you two know each other?
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