The 8 Show (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[heavy metal music playing]
[music continues through headphones]
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe
My mother said to choose
the… best one… and…
- Hmm.
- [bell chimes]
- [jaunty music playing]
- [8th Floor] Ooh!
- [birdsong]
- [giggles]
[squealing happily]
- [thump]
- [yelps]
Uh… [sighs]
[subdued, jaunty music resumes]
Ah, I really should've picked
the first floor…
- [projector whirring]
- Hmm?
Huh? What's that?
Huh? Hmm?
One second.
One sec, hold on.
[giggles] Oh my God!
This is so cool! [giggling]
[music fades]
- [machinery clanks and whirs]
- [gasps]
That was boring.
- [machine whirs]
- What?
- [jazz music playing]
- Hi, I need a full length mirror and, um…
Slip. Silk, if you can.
And a mattress, of course.
And a… duvet!
Microfiber, yes.
Oh! And probably a toilet?
All gone!
[sighs] Aah.
[elevator whirs]
[elevator door opens]
So food and water are free.
One table, please.
A little protein…
Some iron… Perfect.
- [gentle music playing]
- Hmm.
[gasps] That's pretty.
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues
with static interference]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[8th Floor laughing]
You guys look so shocked right now.
You brat.
How can you laugh? We just found out
this game is weirder than we thought.
Is anyone else gonna say
how much they're playing for?
- [5th Floor] Well…
- [4th Floor] How much?
I guess I'll start.
Um… Mine goes up by 80 grand a minute.
- By 80 grand? What?
- I just make 30,000.
Oh, shit. 20.
- 130 K.
- So bizarre. Wha… What the hell?
Why is it like this?
Uh, hey, 7th Floor!
How many won do you make a minute?
Yeah, I get 210,000 won.
[7th Floor] And so 8th Floor
must get 340,000 a minute.
[4th Floor] How'd you figure that out?
Her prize pot went up so fast.
Did you do the math in your head?
No, no. I noticed a pattern at play.
If you look at all our rates
starting at the first floor,
the numbers behave a certain way.
See, if you add two numbers together,
their sum is the next in the sequence.
1st Floor said he makes
ten grand a minute.
And 2nd Floor gets 20 grand.
- Yeah.
- [sighs] So what?
So, if you add those together,
what's the sum?
You get 30 grand, right?
3rd Floor, that means you earn-
30. I make 30 grand.
That makes sense.
So, I'm one floor up…
Let's see. Let me think…
So if I add 2nd Floor's 20 grand
to the 3rd Floor's 30… Yep, that's 50.
Then I'm next. Uh, and I get 80,000, so…
That's the sum of 3rd Floor's 30 grand
and 4th Floor's 50 grand.
- Next comes the 6th floor…
- [7th Floor] 50K plus 80 gives 130 grand.
That's his rate. Add that
to the 5th floor's, and you get my rate.
That means 8th Floor must get…
340,000 won.
[7th Floor] Yes, exactly.
It's the Fibonacci sequence.
I've heard that name before,
but how come the…
What does it have to do
with our prize money?
What's it for? What does it mean?
Whoever the showrunners are,
they're a pretty intriguing crew.
I'm puzzled. But there
must be some significance.
See, the Fibonacci sequence
creates what's called a golden ratio.
- What does that mean?
- [7th Floor] Well…
with the Fibonacci sequence,
when you divide a number
by the preceding one,
you discover
your answers are always about…
1.6, which you'll see
throughout the sequence.
The ratio of one to 1.6
is the golden ratio.
We see it in nature and great art.
It's all over the place.
It's pleasing to the human eye.
It just feels right to us, somehow.
It shows up in everyday design too,
such as with the dimensions
of a credit card.
Coincidentally, when we first came here
and went to the theater,
we each picked a card
to select our floors.
The size of a credit card. Hah!
But how can this all be so unfair?
Our fates got chosen at random.
- [2nd Floor] Yeah, this is some bullshit.
- [6th Floor] We all chose our own cards.
Now, can you stop whining
so we can go on a little tour?
Let's check out each others' digs.
[Jin-su] The 8th floor gets
340K a minute, or 490 million won a day.
The 7th floor gets 210K a minute,
or 300 million a day.
6th floor, 130K a minute,
187 million a day.
5th floor makes 80 grand a minute
for 115 million a day.
50K for 4th floor for 72 million a day.
I get 30K a minute,
or about 43 million a day.
2nd floor gets 20K,
for about 29 million a day.
- [6th Floor] Ah, it's a damn shoebox.
- [1st Floor] Careful, watch your heads.
[Jin-su] Finally, the 1st floor
gets 10K a minute, 14.4 million a day.
[4th Floor] Damn.
I just can't believe it. [sighs]
The 8th floor card
was right in front of me. God…
[5th Floor] There's no use
wallowing in regret now.
We just chose them and had no idea.
I barely even had a choice. There were
only two cards left when I got here.
Well, you still made a better choice
than I did. It's not fair.
Also, like, if… [sighs]
If we had to find this out on our own,
what else is there?
Like, what else are they hiding? Huh?
Uh… what kinda game show does this?
We should report them.
Still, all that said,
you guys sure lucked out.
Here I was thinking I was making bank
with my measly ten grand a minute.
Oh, dear. 1st Floor.
I'm so sorry.
We really shouldn't complain.
Oh! Oh, no, no, no.
Really. I wasn't trying
to make you guys feel bad.
I just got unlucky. It's okay.
I had other cards to pick from.
I chose this.
And anyhow, with my messed up legs,
I'd have had a hell of a time
with the higher floors.
[8th Floor giggling]
You should all see your faces!
[thinks] You think this is a big joke?
[2nd Floor] You little… Christ.
Hey. She did nothing wrong here.
Stop being so jealous and get over it.
We didn't know we were
picking the better floors. [sighs]
[8th Floor] Ah! Today's workout is done!
[7th Floor] Whether we make ten grand
a minute or hundreds of thousands,
ultimately, don't we have the same goal?
We all want to keep this show going
as long as possible
and profit as much as we can.
Isn't that right?
[Jin-su thinks] I'm pissed,
but he's not wrong.
Now, if you're all done bellyaching…
how about we all get somethin' to eat?
Oh yes. Why don't we break for a sec
and have somethin' to eat?
Come on, let's go.
Wait a second.
How will you split up the food?
[tense music playing]
[4th Floor] Uh…
[2nd Floor] It sucks enough that
we get paid like crap on the lower floors.
But do we get less food as well?
[7th Floor] No, not at all.
I figured out a way for us to share
the meal boxes equally and fairly.
Allow me to explain my plan.
[7th Floor] Each of us picks out
one meal kit and gets to eat that.
Doesn't matter what floor you're on.
We all get one, nice and fair.
Ah! Amazing, huh?
[7th Floor] The show seems to be
testing what we're made of.
We can outsmart it
if we work together as a community.
We have to cooperate.
- Oh shit.
- [7th Floor] And trust each other.
Now, after 1st Floor
picks out his meal kit,
there are still going to be
four boxes left over.
[4th Floor] So? Are you saying
he gets to have four extra meals?
I'm not.
That's not how we're gonna do things.
We made sure that nobody will be
starving, but no one gets assigned extra.
If anyone is still really hungry,
you can come back down to the 1st floor
and take what you need from these boxes.
- Oh…
- [Jin-su] A system where nobody loses.
We all get what we need,
and since we all have
equal claim to the leftovers,
it winds up being fair for everyone.
And best of all, it's a way
to build trust in our little group.
- [1st Floor] Try these salty ones.
- [5th Floor] These ones here?
- [1st Floor] Yep.
- [4th Floor] Why?
[1st Floor] They're good.
- Done already?
- [5th Floor] Bye.
[4th Floor] Mm. Not bad.
[lighter clicks]
Any thoughts about this place?
What's in store?
[7th Floor] What?
It feels scarier not to have
any clue of what to expect here.
[Jin-su] Earlier, you said you were
afraid because you didn't know…
what was comin'.
[7th Floor] Right.
I'm pretty sure I have a rough idea now
of what they want from us.
- What is it?
- [2nd Floor] Hey!
The hell'd you do?
What did you do now?
- You've used up all our time!
- [rapid ticking]
[upbeat music playing]
[bell chimes]
You like the blue? Or both?
Oh my… You used our time
to buy these clothes?
Hey! If you wanted a fashion show,
you should've bought it
with your own money!
Why not just do it in your room?
I would have, but then
I couldn't show you my new clothes.
What's the point of dressing up by myself?
Why'd you buy a swimsuit?
The water's fake.
- To tan in.
- Bitch, I swear…
Do you got a death wish?
[6th Floor] Now, ladies.
Use your words, 'kay?
- Is this why you're mad?
- [bell chimes]
[8th Floor laughs]
But we can extend that thing
any time, silly.
- [laughs]
- How exactly can we do that?
You mean none of you guys know?
How to gain more time?
[giggling] It's all in the stairs,
my friends.
- All in the stairs?
- [8th Floor] Sure.
Look at our stairs.
We have a lot, don't we?
We get more time on the board
when we use them.
[bells tinkle]
- Can you prove this?
- [8th Floor] Oh, yes…
Oh, what was it?
Quit playing with us and spit it out.
I'll tell you how I know if you say sorry.
- What?
- [8th Floor chuckles]
I'll tell you, but you have to admit
you were rude to me earlier.
I'm so fucking sorry, sis.
I'm really sorry.
[scoffs] You wasted all of our time!
That's too bad!
- You fucking bitch!
- [6th Floor grunts]
Back off, huh?
- Why?
- Say you're sorry, and just get over it.
Time's running out!
[2nd Floor sighs]
- [Jin-su gasps]
- [rapid ticking]
- Oh no!
- Damn it. I can't let it end like this.
When am I gonna get
a chance like this again?
[dramatic jazz playing]
- [bell chimes]
- [ticking]
[Jin-su] Shit… Who cares?
Gotta give the stairs a try!
We have less than ten minutes!
- [5th Floor] Worth a shot.
- [7th Floor] Better than nothing.
[8th Floor giggling happily]
Shit! Shit!
[8th Floor squeals]
[2nd Floor] God damn it!
Are you sure this is gonna fucking work?
- [8th Floor] Whoo!
- [6th Floor] Time's going down.
[4th Floor] We have
less than a minute left!
[alarm blaring]
[all panting]
Is this really… how we go?
[bell pings]
[4th Floor gasps] Ah!
- [6th Floor] Hmm!
- [1st Floor] Ah!
[4th Floor laughing] Whoo!
- [7th Floor] Okay.
- [Jin-su groans]
- Told ya! There's your proof!
- [6th Floor sighs]
- Oh!
- [8th Floor] I knew it was the stairs.
Remember when we went
up and down the stairs a bunch of times
to see all of our rooms
and to check out the food?
I happened to see the clock,
and that's how I knew!
- [laughing]
- [1st Floor groans]
[8th Floor] I guess
I'm a pretty smart gal, aren't I?
[Jin-su] And that was how
we discovered a hidden rule.
We get more time when we climb the stairs.
- Oh God.
- [thinks] I thought we were done for.
Man, that was close.
[7th Floor] I'm pretty sure I have
a rough idea now
of what they want from us.
They want conflict.
For us to fight each other.
So far,
we've come together to tackle this place.
We have to get along
if we're gonna make it.
If we're not a team…
if we betray each other,
then the show will win.
[thinks] He's right.
We need to stick together
and learn to cooperate.
Damn. That 7th Floor sure is smart.
I've gotta make this roll
last as long as possible.
Three, uh…
Okay, two squares.
That should be enough, right?
[thinks] Yeah, that wasn't enough.
[pensive music playing]
[thinks] This is really pissing me off.
I make 40 million won a day.
I shouldn't have to be rationing
my toilet paper squares.
Don't back down and call 'em!
You can do this!
Excuse me! Uh… I gotta big one.
Can I get a Porta Potti up here?
Classic model's okay.
Oh, yeah.
Bring it on.
[bell chimes]
Hey, I can't get a refund on that, can I?
- [ticking]
- [gentle music playing]
[4th Floor groans] Oh, that psycho!
- [5th Floor] I'm so glad to be in my room.
- [4th Floor] Her outfits aren't even cute!
- I can't believe that selfish brat.
- [5th Floor] I'm sleepy.
- This is so nice. We're doing great.
- [4th Floor] Jeez! That goddamn skank!
- [5th Floor] Yes… I'm proud of us too.
- [4th Floor] Gah!
[5th Floor] All of that money,
all of it's ours.
And we're gonna keep making more.
[Orpheus in the Underworld playing]
[7th Floor] Okay, gang. Let's do this.
+210,000 WON
+20,000 WON
+30,000 WON
+50,000 WON
+340,000 WON
+80,000 WON
+130,000 WON
+10,000 WON
[Jin-su] Once we learned climbing
the stairs gave more time on the show,
we ran up and down
like it was our damn job.
In a sense, it was.
We ran till our legs were shaking.
When you run that hard for that long,
you work up a real appetite,
so the 1st floor
became a pretty popular spot.
We went to bed
exhausted and sore tonight,
but we knew it was worth it.
- [music ends]
- [applause]
[quiet piano music playing]
[projector whirring]
[4th Floor sighs] I'm nowhere near close
to being full.
We never get enough since we only eat
once a day and share it all.
Plus, we run so much.
We've gotta be burning
thousands of calories from the stairs.
We need more to eat.
I know food's the one thing
they provide for free,
but I'd pay a fortune for more.
- Dang I want a hot dog.
- [4th Floor] Or a juicy hamburger.
Deep-fried chicken.
- [chopsticks rattle]
- [4th Floor sighs]
[6th Floor] What if we split up?
We could divide our work into two.
So, if we split into two teams,
then each person runs every other day.
Right. We can work one day,
then rest the next.
So, instead of sharing the four
extra meals, they'll go to team who ran.
The days you work,
you can have two meals, okay?
We can each get by on one meal
on our rest days.
It's wise. Yeah. I'm on board too.
If we're not running,
one meal will go further.
- And then we can rest, yeah? Hmm?
- Uh, I'm for it.
- Yeah, me too.
- Let's give this plan a shot.
[suspenseful music playing]
See if we can't increase our time.
How about we do odds and evens?
I'm switching teams, okay? Not my style.
Uh, me?
[8th Floor] Hmm?
[7th Floor] Is anyone willing
to switch places with 2nd Floor?
[thinks] The ditzy wacko,
the tough guy thug, and the whiner.
[Jin-su] Can't blame her.
I'm not taking her place.
I can. It's fine.
I don't care what team I work with.
- [6th Floor sighs]
- [8th Floor giggles]
[suspenseful music continues]
Oh, how nice!
Now each team has two ladies
and two men. Equal.
- [Jin-su] Uh, yeah.
- [8th Floor] Yeah, sounds good.
[Jin-su] It was a great idea
to split into teams.
No matter how hard you worked,
you knew you'd
be able to rest the next day.
It's easier to give something your all
when you know a break is in sight.
But that's not even the best part.
The best part is, the days you work,
you get to eat to your heart's content.
I like this one!
[Jin-su] You work your ass off,
then you get to stuff your face.
- [1st Floor] Oh! [grunts]
- [4th Floor yelps]
- [groans]
- [1st Floor] Oh!
- You okay?
- [4th Floor] I almost threw out my back!
- God, that hurt.
- [1st Floor] I'm so sorry.
- I didn't mean to.
- [4th Floor] Oh, it's fine. Shit…
- [1st Floor] I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
- [4th Floor] Ugh. God damn it.
[1st Floor groaning softly]
[6th Floor] You okay?
[1st Floor] Oh…
Ah. [sighs]
Thanks, I'm okay.
[sighing] Huh.
[1st Floor] All right.
- [cracking]
- [screams]
- [wailing]
- [dramatic music playing]
Wipe that smile off your face
and get to work.
Get on your feet,
and stop wasting our time.
[Jin-su] What the hell, dude?
[1st Floor continues groaning]
[groaning softly]
[2nd Floor] I can sub in.
Get some rest. I'll do it.
Is that okay?
- Uh, no, it's… I can do--
- It's cool.
I get antsy when I sit still too long.
Oh, don't… [groaning]
Well, that's cute.
- [whistling]
- [Jin-su panting]
[2nd Floor sighs]
- [7th Floor and 5th Floor panting]
- [whistling continues]
[5th Floor] Wow.
Hey, you should take a break.
You must be beat.
- [2nd Floor] It's fine.
- [sighs]
[8th Floor panting]
[1st Floor yelps and groans]
[8th Floor] Oh my, I'm tired!
- [panting]
- [1st Floor coughing]
- [grunting]
- [Jin-su sighs]
[thinks] Should I sub in? Or just rest?
Help, or not? I'm stuck.
Do I want to sacrifice my day off?
But he's struggling…
Do I help him out?
Do I stay here? I… Fine…
Oh! Uh! Hey, 1st Floor!
Hey, uh… Come back down. I can take over.
- Go sit down.
- Wait, what?
Oh, no, I can't let you…
- No, I'm happy to.
- I owe it to you guys today.
Hey! You should rest up.
You know, I ate too much
yesterday anyway, so…
Let me run. It'll help my heartburn.
Okay? [chuckles]
- It's no big deal. You take a break, okay?
- Thank you. Gosh, I'm such a burden.
[Jin-su] It's okay.
'Scuse me, behind you! Comin' through.
- [4th Floor] Shit…
- [Jin-su] Feels good to stretch my legs.
- Comin' through! [chuckles]
- Wow.
- [1st Floor] Thank you.
- [4th Floor] Not only he's exhausted.
You think I don't want a break, too?
I'm almost to the top! Ah!
[laughs] Now to do it again!
- Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Oh!
- Yeah, yeah!
- [gasps]
Uh, uh, ooh…
[chuckles] Phew.
- Thanks.
- [7th Floor] Take a break.
[5th Floor] You should sit.
[thinks] Takin' on extra work
to help out the team.
Yeah, I'm a rock star.
I rule.
[5th Floor] Let's get you up.
You can't spend the night like this,
3rd Floor.
- Come up to bed.
- Hey, hey. Five more minutes.
Five more minutes.
- [5th Floor] I've got you. Okay?
- I got it…
- Oh, hey, work with me.
- Oh, careful. Just go slow. Yeah.
Have some of mine.
- [7th Floor] You should enjoy your meal.
- Okay, thanks.
This way…
[4th Floor] Are you kidding?
- [1st Floor] Huh?
- [4th Floor] Are you really gonna eat?
[1st Floor] Uh…
Let's go eat. Just relax.
I just thought… if we wanna be fair,
since 3rd Floor ran for him,
why isn't he the one eating?
You didn't do any work today.
So why should you get to eat two meals?
The fuck are you trippin' for?
8th Floor barely eats,
so your team always gets hers.
Take it easy, okay?
Well, I'm-- I'm not trying to starve you.
Um, it just felt unfair.
But what do I know, right?
Uh, you…
- Please--
- [1st Floor] Oh…
[door opens]
[door slams]
[opens door]
[1st Floor] 3rd Floor, you should go eat.
You ran for me, you deserve it.
- Okay…
- [2nd Floor] Don't be ridiculous.
Do you really think we helped
you out just to get more dinner?
Do you think he'd be able to eat
with a clear conscience? Am I wrong?
[somber folk music playing]
No, you're right. Uh…
Just ignore the peanut gallery.
Go eat your dinner.
They're just bitching
'cause they're hungry and tired.
Yeah, forget about them.
I insist. Go eat up. It's your turn.
I'm not even hungry. Now, go.
Please, don't worry about it.
[1st Floor] No, you should. Please.
- [stomach rumbles]
- [Jin-su] Uh… Oh. Hmm.
[1st Floor] Please. Have my food.
- Oh, no. Go eat your food.
- Yeah, it's fine…
- [1st Floor] But I--
- Please go eat. Come on.
- You're a good guy, 3rd Floor.
- Yeah, sure.
- [1st Floor] This isn't right.
- [5th Floor] Don't worry.
- He told you he's fine.
- [1st Floor] It doesn't feel right.
- You're cool, right?
- [stomach rumbles]
Oh, of… of course.
It's your fault I ended up
in this damn place.
If you hadn't ran off with my money,
you piece of shit…
You wanna climb some stairs for me?
It's your fault, you son of a bitch…
It's all because of you. Shit…
Ooh, my legs. Ow…
- [groans]
- [elevator rumbles]
Uh… Huh?
Is that food?
[doors open]
[yelps and gags]
I just woke up. [groans]
- This is too much. What the hell?
- [knock at door]
- [2nd Floor] 3rd Floor.
- Yeah?
Something came down, right?
Yeah, I thought it'd be food.
I can't believe they sent down
their shit bags!
- Jeez…
- 1st Floor said to send it down.
I've been in my room,
doing some thinking and…
Since I'm not great at climbing,
and you all keep covering for me,
I wanted to think
of what I could do to help out.
Everyone needs to have a role, and so, uh…
[Jin-su] 1st Floor was worried he'd been
slowing us down, since he couldn't climb.
He was torn up about it.
Maybe what I can do to help out
is to take our…
our waste and hold it.
Are you sure?
[somber music continues]
[Jin-su] While trying to think
what he could do for our little group
that wasn't physically taxing,
he saw his chute and had a bright idea.
He realized that we could send
other things through the chute system
besides just meal kits and water bottles.
Why not our waste bags?
And thus, our community became a little
more complex.
Our world now had
its own sanitation worker.
For any given society
to function smoothly,
every member must find a role to fulfill.
And 1st Floor had finally found his.
We're a society, after all,
and that's how things go.
Those with smaller
appetites share more of their food,
[1st Floor wheezing]
[2nd Floor] Take a breather.
I've got your back.
[Jin-su] And the more physically fit
take on more strenuous tasks.
And those who aren't built that way
can fulfill other important roles.
All in all, we've got a decent setup.
[7th Floor] See you later.
[4th Floor panting] Hey, 1st Floor!
[1st Floor] I can move these
so you have more room.
Hmm? Oh, it's okay. We've got room.
You don't need to worry about that.
[1st Floor] Okay. Oh!
- [fly buzzing]
- [Jin-su gags]
[1st Floor sighs]
[Jin-su grunts]
- Are you done? Should I clear your plate?
- [Jin-su] Oh… No, not yet.
I was scarfing that stuff down.
Gave myself a stomachache.
[1st Floor] I see.
You studying somethin'?
[7th Floor] It's about the time… See…
I noticed an irregularity
regarding the time extensions.
- Oh…
- It had gone up by this time yesterday.
But look at it now.
It hasn't budged all day.
What does it mean?
I'm kinda lost. What's goin' on?
[7th Floor] I don't know.
The teams run the same amount each day.
[Jin-su] Hmm.
Just now. Look. Do you see that?
It just went up. We got ten minutes.
But how? No one's on the stairs.
Everyone's resting or eating.
Did someone go up there?
[pensive music playing]
[4th Floor panting]
[2nd Floor] Ah, the fuck?
Is that thing broken?
I told you guys, they're getting stingy.
We used to get way more time each day.
[6th Floor] It's barely going up.
[4th Floor sighs] Oh, God!
Do they want us to run even more?
'Cause that's insane. Shit.
We're not Olympic athletes.
[all panting]
[8th Floor] Well, I'm out.
- [4th Floor] Huh?
- [2nd Floor] Hey!
[8th Floor] I'm done
with this running stuff.
[4th Floor] Are you seriously quitting?
We can't just stop doing our jobs.
- [2nd Floor] The hell are you going?
- I'm bored, so I'm gonna go to bed.
- Good luck, guys. See you later.
- Get back here and run with us!
[8th Floor sighs] Why should I do that?
Hey. Since you're Little Miss Moneybags,
shouldn't you be working the hardest?
You make a whole lot more
than the rest of us, and for what?
Don't you wanna earn your keep?
You want us to do all the work for you.
Actually, shouldn't you on the bottom
be working the hardest?
When you think about it, that's your role.
- [2nd Floor] What?
- [8th Floor] I mean, do the math.
You're the ones who don't
wanna use your personal money,
so you've dipped
into our shared time to buy stuff.
TP, wet wipes, all those boring things.
You think it's fair,
'cause we use our shared time.
But our time has different values.
A minute's worth a lot more to me
than it is to you.
[thinks] That ditzy wacko…
After all, our time is money on this show.
[thinks] …actually isn't wrong.
An hour is only worth
1.2 million won for 2nd Floor,
but an hour for 8th Floor
is worth 20.4 million.
Bye. [chuckles]
[Jin-su] And when we collectively
spend the time we all share,
the higher floors are
technically spending more than the others.
Here I was thinking she was just
an airhead, but she's pretty damn sharp.
[4th Floor sighs] Let's keep at it
with the stairs,
instead of wasting our time arguing.
- We need more time, or the show will end.
- She's right.
We'd better go run the stairs too.
The time's running out!
[6th Floor] Are you sure
climbing the stairs gives us more time?
It's just strange, is all.
We've been running the same amount
each day, haven't we?
[mysterious music playing]
[panting] I hate that selfish bitch!
- [music fades]
- [rapid ticking]
[4th Floor panting]
[Jin-su] We've been runnin' like crazy,
but somehow, we're still losin' time.
Oh, what if… it just runs
itself all the way out?
[5th Floor] Is this the end?
I mean, we've been running
for over six hours for nothing.
Gosh, we haven't gained a minute.
We have to go back to our rooms soon
'cause it's nearly midnight.
- I think we've done all we can today.
- [click]
- [Jin-su groans]
- What? Oh, it just increased!
- [Jin-su] Huh? What?
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- [1st Floor] Oh. It's going up!
- [Jin-su] We…
- We got 20 minutes!
- Oh!
[Jin-su] It just went up by 20.
Must've been a lag in their system.
I guess it just needed a second, huh?
[Jin-su] I knew it.
We got scared for nothin'.
- Just a little computer error.
- [1st Floor] Oh!
- Oh, thank God.
- [Jin-su] Ah, jeez.
[5th Floor] This is such a relief.
Oh my God.
Well, at least we know
running still works.
It's getting late.
Uh… let's all hit the hay, guys.
I'm proud of us.
[Jin-su sighs]
Hey. Let's go to bed. Good work today.
[whimsical music playing]
[opens door]
[door closes]
[squawks, thuds]
[soft thud]
[5th Floor] Everyone, come outside, quick!
Now! Come look at the clock!
I don't think they gave us more time
after all. It's almost gone!
[7th Floor] We all need to run.
Right now!
Oh, God. Yeah, run fast!
[4th Floor] What's going on?
So, none of our extra work
last night stuck?
What if this doesn't work?
- What then?
- [7th Floor] It's the only option we have.
Run as fast as you can, you guys!
[6th Floor] Damn it.
[dramatic music playing]
[6th Floor] This is fucking bullshit.
[Jin-su] Oh, God!
- Uh… Hey!
- [5th Floor] Oh! 4th floor!
- [Jin-su] She just toppled over!
- [5th Floor] How?
- I don't know.
- Let me see.
- Oh! She's having a seizure. Stop.
- What?
[5th Floor] A seizure!
She has epilepsy. Watch her head.
[Jin-su] Epilepsy? Jesus.
- [5th Floor] Wait, do that first.
- [7th Floor] You have medical training?
- [5th Floor] Yes, I was a nurse.
- Can she take something?
[5th Floor] She needs Phenytoin.
You stay right there.
She needs medicine.
We can't afford it, and she won't die.
She's not going to die from a seizure.
It could damage her brain
if it goes on too much longer.
Think how much it might cost.
If we use up the last of the time
that's left, that's it. The game is over!
You're a heartless little bastard.
- Shit! Get your hands off.
- Shit…
[The Four Seasons playing]
We need medicine.
Epilepsy medicine! Phenytoin!
[8th Floor laughing]
[continues laughing]
This is too good!
Haven't you noticed?
- Stop fighting and look!
- [music stops]
[quiet, suspenseful music playing]
No way. 40 hours?
This is so much fun, isn't it? God!
[7th Floor] It wasn't climbing the stairs
that gave us more game time.
[1st Floor] Then what did?
[2nd Floor] What's happening?
Why'd the time shoot way up?
What's a show…
if it's not entertaining?
[music intensifying]
[static crackling]
[elevator chute thuds]
- [jaunty music playing]
- [birdsong]
[upbeat jazz playing]
[soft, whimsical music playing]
[upbeat, quirky music playing]
[music fades]
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