The A List (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Take Back Control

[narrator] Five minutes past midnight,
and Mia's already having
a seriously bad day,
which means there's two ways she can go:
One, fall apart, with everybody watching.
[narrator] Or two
take back control.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Could it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[rapid knocking at door]
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens]
Oh evening.
Morning. [chuckles]
-[Mags] Morning.
-[knocking continues]
[Mags] Mia? What's happened?
I can't get any signal.
I need to use your phone.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there!
I need--
You need to have a serious think
about your attitude.
You can't just wake everyone up
because you fancy a chat.
-That phone is for emergencies only.
-This is an emergency!
I need to call my mum.
I need to not be here anymore!
-It's the middle of the night.
-Not in Tokyo.
Please two minutes.
[line ringing]
[line beeps]
-Mum! Mum, hi, it's me.
-[line crackling]
-I need you to come get me.
-[Mia's mum] Mia? Is that you?
-Yeah, Mum, it's I need
-[static crackling] terrible line!
-Look, I've just pulled up--
-No, wait, just listen!
Yeah, I'll call you later. Bye for now.
[line disconnects]
Yeah, exactly.
Thanks, Mum. I knew you'd understand.
Love you. Bye.
All sorted.
My auntie's gonna meet me
off the ferry in the morning.
-[Mags] Mia--
-Thanks for the phone.
I just came to check on Mia.
We thought she might have sunstroke.
She's been acting kind of weird.
I'm acting weird?
Don't worry about me.
After tonight, I'm never seeing
any of you again.
[Harry] That's pretty.
Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
You didn't scare me.
What do you want?
Nothing. I just like your necklace.
It's a locket.
My dad gave it to me.
I didn't want to come here, either.
Mum thought it'd be good for me.
Toughen me up.
Never been away from home before.
Not since I cried on the school trip
to the hat museum.
I hate it.
So, I I know how you feel.
I'm not homesick. I'm not five.
And my dad isn't even at home.
-Oh, I thought--
-Well, you thought wrong.
And if people could stop stalking me
everywhere I go, that'd be great!
[Dave playing guitar]
Thought you were making a dramatic exit?
And I thought you'd reached peak ugly
with yesterday's outfit.
So, I guess we were both wrong.
Someone's extra salty today.
Play something, Amber.
[strumming out of tune] Uh, okay, so
I've never done this before
Help me with this tune.
Uh yeah, sure.
What chords are you playing?
[Amber strumming out of tune] Okay
-[Dev] No.
[both laugh]
[indistinct chatting and laughing]
[footsteps approaching]
I, uh I thought you might pop by.
'Cause I thought I'd be gone.
[sighs] Yeah, see, thing is
that timetable's out of date.
The ferry doesn't come today.
I waited for that ferry all morning.
[Mags] I thought some space
might do you good.
Help you calm down,
so we can have a proper heart-to-heart.
I'm meant to be meeting my aunt!
Mia please.
I can't help you
if you're not honest with me.
Come on.
Girl-to-girl, what's going on?
[sobbing] It's Amber.
She played this trick on me
in front of everyone.
I just can't be around her.
Honey, why didn't you say anything?
I don't know.
Can you send her home?
I can do better than that.
How is that better?
is the healing stick.
It looks a lot like a regular stick.
And this is a healing circle,
which is no place for cynicism.
Now, Mia has brought it to my attention
there's been some conflict
amongst us ladies.
We don't have any conflict.
Only the person
holding the stick gets to talk.
Honestly, it really does break my heart
to see such powerful women
turning on each other.
So, we are going to spread
some positive energy around here, okay?
So, let's let's go round the circle
and pay the person on your left
a real from-the-heart compliment.
Kayleigh your new hair is fabulous.
[Dave sighs]
They'll probably just be another
five minutes.
[Jenna clears throat]
Alex, your shirt
Okay, I'm out.
-What? I said it was fine.
-I don't care.
I'm genderqueer, so I officially do not
identify as a member of this circle.
Good luck with the healing.
Alex, hold Alex, wait.
[Jenna] Can I be excused, too?
No offense, but I don't think I should
have to spend the day playing Emo Stick
'cause these two
are crushing on the same guy.
This isn't about a guy.
My boyfriend, Stefan,
he's about to graduate from college.
I am officially way too mature for this.
Look, I'd love to be friends with Mia,
but she's made it clear
she doesn't want to.
She's lying.
She's got you all wrapped
around her little finger.
Enough negativity!
Can't you two think of one nice thing
to say about each other?
And use the stick.
Mia, I think you are such a strong person.
I admire that about you.
If it was up to me, we'd be really close.
You know what?
You're right.
We should put all of this behind us.
-Oh, well done, girls! Well done, Mia!
-[sarcastically] Whoo.
[Dave] I had no idea
you were such a keen hiker!
Hold on one sec, though.
We still need to partner everyone up.
-[Alex] Done.
[Mia] Mags
would it be okay if I missed the hike?
I think Amber was right.
I did get a bit of sunstroke yesterday.
Oh. Oh, yes, of course.
Go and go and lie down or something.
[blowing whistle] All right, everyone!
Nature trails are go!
[Dave and Mags laughing]
Um, that would
that would be like that.
Oh! See, I knew I picked you
for a reason! [laughs]
Actually, there's another reason.
There's someone I wanted
to talk to you about.
[chuckles] Really?
Thought she'd be more the type
to talk to me herself.
I was actually planning on asking you
if she's seeing anyone.
Mia really asked you to talk to me?
-Yeah, you guys hang, right?
Not anymore. That girl doesn't care
about anybody but herself.
Not like Amber.
She's who I hang with now.
She gave me this.
She's already, like,
the best friend I ever had. [chuckles]
I heard you were staying behind,
so I thought I'd keep you company
now we're friends.
Great. That sounds great.
Thanks for choosing me.
To be your partner.
So what are we looking for?
We're not looking for anything. I am.
Ugh. My compass app keeps crashing.
I've got an actual compass.
You could borrow it.
But, of course, I would need to know
what you were using it for.
Last night, when everyone
was at the party
There was a party?
I saw this thing through my telescope.
This green dancing light,
through the trees.
It must have come
from somewhere round here.
That sounds weird and creepy.
Right? So, let's find it!
[soft growling in the distance]
[playing out of tune]
[Amber] Feeling okay?
I'm just gonna get some firewood.
[Amber playing guitar in tune]
Mia just bossed me around,
whereas Amber really gets me.
I'd never have cut my hair
if she hadn't encouraged me.
And the way Amber forgave Mia was just--
I get it. You think Amber's awesome.
Mia, not so much.
What are you doing?
Oh. Hey, Amber.
I was just getting a scarf.
Gotta be careful with sunstroke,
can mess with your body temperature.
This will do. Alex won't mind.
Not your usual style, is it?
And it doesn't really go with that locket.
Maybe you should give it to me.
You're joking.
Be a nice way to say
we really are friends now.
I don't think so.
-I'm gonna start building that fire.
-Fire can wait.
No one will be back for a long time.
[soft growling]
Probably a badger.
Do badgers growl?
Sure, why not?
[rustling continues]
I know you still have a problem with me.
You just told Mags
what she wanted to hear.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I spoke from the heart.
Oh, Mia, Mia
Mamma Mia.
What are we gonna do with you?
Can we just be real?
I don't know, Amber. Can we?
Don't touch me.
So much anger.
All that jealousy.
You know you're talking
about yourself, right?
You don't know me.
Yes, I do.
The poor, lonely girl
who needs followers to tell her
how pretty and cool she is.
Anything to fill that hole in your heart
where your parents' love should be.
See how the crack runs through
the earth, the rock, and the tree?
Could be a lightning strike.
There aren't any burn marks,
and it's as if the ground
burst from underneath.
That's not true. Who told you that?
Well, you did, Mia.
Don't you see?
[slowly] You tell me everything.
-[creature growling]
-[Alex yelping]
That is not a badger.
[growling continues]
Stop, you don't know.
Daddy's gone
and Mummy wishes you weren't around.
Am I warm?
[Mia sniffles]
Every summer
she ships you off
ballet camp
horse riding camp
adventure camp
anything to avoid having you around.
She wishes she could walk away
like Daddy did
she doesn't really like you.
And you don't like yourself, either.
No one does.
Amber, please stop.
[creature growling]
It's circling us.
Or there's more than one!
What are you gonna do, play fetch with it?
-[growling continues]
-[trees rustling]
[softly] I can help.
I can take the hurt away.
You won't be alone anymore.
-[growling and rustling continues]
-[Harry exclaims]
Stop fighting me and you'll belong.
We could be so close.
There, there.
It's okay now.
-[growling continues]
-[Harry exclaims]
[growling stops]
-[leaves rustle]
-[Harry yelps]
-Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump.
-[Mia] We're doing a good job.
-[Amber] Yeah.
Are you sure there's no bears
or wolves on the island?
Harry, I promise you,
there's nothing like that here.
You probably just wandered
too close to a badger's sett.
They're very protective of their cubs.
Mia! Amber!
My grandmother's ring
has gone from the common room.
I know I left it there before the hike,
because I was still fixing the sink.
But you two were the only ones
here at the camp.
I have to ask you
to turn out your pockets.
Amber, how could you?
This is very serious. You can't--
You lent it to me, Mags. Remember?
Nice try.
You said it looked so pretty on me.
Yes, I
lent it to you.
[chuckles] I forgot.
Sorry, Amber.
That's my scarf.
No sassy comeback?
Maybe you do have sunstroke
Amber's lying.
About the ring.
Mags didn't lend it to her.
-How do you know?
-Because I took the ring.
I planted it on Amber.
-Why are you telling me?
-Because nothing makes sense.
Why is Mags covering for Amber?
[Alex] I have no idea.
Why is Dave covering
for ferocious growling beasts?
There's something not right
about this place.
It's an island with bugs and animals.
That's no big mystery.
The only thing not right here is Amber.
I don't know what her deal is,
but buckle up,
because when I figure it out,
I'm taking her down.
Okay, good talk.
Enjoy your Mean Girls reboot.
[owl hooting]
[narrator] There's an old story
about a tree and a reed
arguing over who is strongest.
The tree tries to prove its strength
by standing up to a storm
but the more it fights, the harder
it falls when the wind blows it down.
So, who's going to bend
and who's going to fall?
Because no matter how strong
you think you are
you can't control the coming storm.
[door closes]
[narrator] Because no one remembers
the last time they were caught in it.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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