The Absent Voice (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Rising Sun

Can we talk?
JOSÉ: Where did you get this?
I can explain.
But, Bruno, promise me
you won't show this to your mom.
Please promise me.
Promise me.
MALE REPORTER: We are live.
The police right now is
Behind us is Superintendent Bermúdez.
Follow me, so we can talk to him.
- Bermúdez! A few words, please.
- No, get back.
- What's the hypothesis?
- Get back. Sorry.
Don't let them through.
Damn. Cecilia, where are you?
Everyone is very nervous
about this situation.
Superintendent, come in, please.
WOMAN: we see the traction
of the tissue.
Location of the tongue,
dryness and color
You left the perimeter open.
Maybe I still need
to hone my chops for a task like this.
Cecilia, go back to your position.
I don't want journalists near.
This was staged.
They took their time.
Why would anyone do something like this?
Don't get your hopes up. It's not for you.
The victim is important.
This is more than a murder.
It's a message.
And I can assure you,
this is the opening act.
What makes you think that?
When someone wants to send a message,
they make sure it's heard.
RICARDO: Let's go to our mobile unit
broadcasting live.
Natalia, can you hear me?
NATALIA: Yes, we're here
at the crime scene,
where they found
the charred body of Raúl Hontou,
and we're waiting for the expert's report.
Witnesses who were
present early this morning said
they didn't see anything strange.
MAN: Look, no prints. And honestly,
everything is pretty deteriorated.
I can't promise we can find much more.
OSCAR: The time?
Early morning between 2:00 and 4:00.
- Superintendent.
- Yes?
I think I found something.
What is that?
Looks like a brooch.
A message?
What did you say?
They want to tell us something, right?
MALE REPORTER: But, look, we're working.
I told you not to step any further.
- I'll confiscate your stuff.
- It's a public place.
And it's a crime scene.
Don't be an asshole.
Officer Bermúdez.
- Officer.
- Not a step further.
What did I do now?
I hope I don't regret it.
What are you talking about?
Did you bring your notepad?
CECILIA: Did they have
a good relationship?
MAN: Not lately.
They argued a lot.
You see everything here,
even if you want to be discreet.
They were getting a divorce.
He had to move into the yacht.
Did you know what the poor man
was going to get?
Not even the anchor.
Has anyone else visited him?
Yes, a guy.
A short visit.
Honestly, it was the first time
I'd seen him.
Rivot, Rovot
- I don't remember well.
- Rouviot.
- Pablo Rouviot.
- Maybe.
Good afternoon, I'm Pablo Rouviot.
Officer Bermúdez
called me in for a statement.
Good afternoon. She hasn't arrived, yet.
- One minute. I'll take your statement.
- Thanks.
- I need this.
- Let's see.
- Sir, how are you?
- Fine, thanks.
I have something you might want
to know about José's case.
Sir, the case is closed.
I understand it's not easy to accept
your brother's suicide,
but the autopsy was conclusive.
Hernán Hontou
has been harassing my brother.
I have all his phone calls.
Don't you see a link between both deaths?
Tell me something, Rouviot.
As a professional, do you think
this was an improvised murder?
No, it was a premeditated,
calculated, and dramatic attack.
It wasn't an impulsive outburst
of an insane son.
My brother had some recordings
about his patients.
Hernán is in them.
Let's be clear.
If something causes us
to reopen your brother's case,
we won't hesitate to do it.
I will ask for that computer personally.
Now, excuse me.
DARÍO: No, no, I don't have it yet.
AGENT: I asked you for that
two days ago, Darío.
DARÍO: Officer,
but he won't listen to me.
AGENT: I don't care
about your excuses.
Listen. Your job here is to sit here
and get me what I'm asking for.
- DARÍO: Do you hear me?
- MALE AGENT: You listen to me.
Fix this today
or don't bother coming back tomorrow.
Last chance.
I asked for it yesterday.
Fix it now.
Are you okay?
DARÍO: I prepared myself
for something else.
I had ideas.
An app that I was developing.
The dream of having my own startup.
I had everything,
and I paused it for this,
and I feel like I betrayed myself, Doc.
I'm a therapist.
But call me Pablo.
Pablo, it feels good
to be able to talk to someone.
I don't know how to thank you.
I have something in mind.
For now, I cannot give
details about the case.
MAN 1: Any suspects?
It's too early to determine that.
We're taking statements
from possible witnesses.
Can we talk about
a possible settling of scores?
No, we cannot rush to conclusions.
Do you consider the officer in charge
to be qualified for a case
of such great magnitude?
OSCAR: The credentials
of the concerned staff aren't in question.
- WOMAN: In this case, it's your daughter.
- OSCAR: Thank you.
- WOMAN: You won't answer, Superintendent?
- OSCAR: No.
- Silvia, what's up?
- Ma'am, it's impossible. I can't do this.
I can't change his diaper.
I can't get close.
I don't know. I'm going to leave, ma'am.
No, please, don't leave.
Wait, I'll be there as soon as I can.
Hello, I'm calling from 801.
I have a problem with my minibar.
Penal Code
of the Argentine Republic 2023
How did you know I was here?
Where there's a will, there's a way.
What do you want?
- You know what I want?
- Urioste
You can't keep holding me responsible
for what happened.
This little turtle.
I made it for her 15th birthday.
I put three stones in it.
A family
progressing slowly, but together.
And safely.
I couldn't give her the latter.
And I take responsibility.
I'm not here to point my finger.
I know some things failed,
but not everything has to do with me.
You know that, in our penal code,
crimes expire after 20 years have passed.
So, in two weeks,
the man who killed my daughter
will no longer have the need to hide.
Don't worry. As I said,
I'm not here to point any fingers.
But there's a debt, and I will collect it
by returning every bullet to
the motherfucker who killed my daughter.
And I will ask you something.
Now that you have built
such an illustrious career in psychology,
I will ask you to check every note.
I will ask you to revise,
point by point, your expert's report.
That way, you might help to get justice.
The police has to help you, not me.
You heard me.
CECILIA: When was the last time
you saw him?
We spoke on the phone two days ago.
- What did you talk about?
- Nothing in particular.
Did you argue?
The relationship between us wasn't okay.
And with your son?
Did they argue as well?
It's impossible not to argue with Hernán.
Recently, he had a relapse,
and his girlfriend doesn't help at all.
He has a girlfriend?
Sofía Herrera,
Hernán's eternal girlfriend,
as troubled as he was.
Raúl was tired
and he refused to keep helping them.
Did he refuse to help you too?
What do you mean?
Your husband owned everything,
the foundation, properties, cars.
Do you think
I had anything to do with this?
I don't know. You tell me.
Raúl and I were getting a divorce.
He could refuse all he wanted,
but sooner or later,
the law would rule in my favor.
Where were you
between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning?
Inaugurating an exhibit at the foundation.
And your son?
Where is he?
Is he a suspect?
We know Hernán is a kid
with psychiatric problems,
who's unstable--
By God, he was his father.
My son is not a murderer.
SOFÍA: Who? Hernán?
It's impossible
he'd do something like that.
CECILIA: Raúl and Hernán argued a lot.
Your boyfriend could be violent.
Look, Raúl stopped giving us money.
The guy didn't give a fuck
if we slept under a bridge.
He wanted us far away.
Where did you see him last?
(SIGHS SOFTLY) At the reserve.
We always go there.
Are we done?
We will tell you when we're done.
What was he wearing?
You aren't helping
yourself by covering for him.
You could be next.
Licentiate in Psychology - Expert
I'm home.
My love.
My love, what happened?
Did you hurt yourself?
No, nothing happened.
Just an accident. I wanted to go
to the bathroom and didn't make it.
And Silvia?
Silvia is a bitch. I told her to leave.
Enough, Mauro. It's the fourth person
you fired. I'll help.
- Come.
- No, what are you doing? I can do it.
Take this, please.
I don't like being treated
like an idiot, you know?
She had me waiting for half an hour.
I said, "I need to go to the bathroom."
She said, "I have to do whatever."
She had me waiting half an hour!
I don't want to see her again.
I never want her to return.
She won't step a foot in this house.
BARTENDER: What would you like to drink?
- A tonic water, please.
- BARTENDER: Yes, sir, right up.
- Here's everything.
- Thanks.
Can we talk a little?
- Do you want a drink?
- Yes.
- A beer, please.
- BARTENDER: Yes, sir.
Hey, Ceci,
I was thinking about what you told me.
The idea that the mother and son
are accomplices isn't bad.
The thing is she doesn't have
a clear motive, yet.
Is anything wrong?
What if I can't do this?
How could you not?
What are you saying, Ceci?
You were born for this.
Come on. You won't fail. You'll see.
Tech. Forensic Ana
I have it - Seniority - Bookmarks
- JOSÉ: Two sugar cubes?
- HERNÁN: Yes.
JOSÉ: Well, Hernán, here I am.
HERNÁN: I quit zolpidem.
I wanted to let you know.
JOSÉ: You can't just
quit medication overnight.
It's a gradual thing,
and, clearly, we're far from that.
- Did you use this week?
- HERNÁN: With what?
Just the thought of asking
that son of a bitch for money
JOSÉ: Hernán,
I will refer you to a colleague.
He's a very qualified colleague.
You'll be in good hands.
HERNÁN: I don't understand.
JOSÉ: There are certain boundaries
that are being crossed
that are distorting our bond.
It's not good for me,
and, mainly, it's not good for you.
Trust me. It's for the best.
HERNÁN: I guess it's easier to get rid
of the sick part than to heal it.
It was like that with my parents, too.
JOSÉ: Look, Hernán,
the disease is not in the impulses,
but in what we do with them.
HERNÁN: It's hot in here. I can't breathe.
I don't know what I'm doing here.
JOSÉ: Where would you like to be?
HERNÁN: The countryside.
- Are you feeling well?
- JOSÉ: Yes.
Yes. I'm listening, yes.
HERNÁN: You sound different, Doctor.
The kid that was here when I came in,
was he your son?
Come here, pussy!
Stop, man!
He's killing him! Stop him!
Wake up, Bruno! Please, Bruno!
- CECILIA: Good evening.
- MAN: Good evening.
- CECILIA: Excuse me. Thanks.
- MAN: Come in.
WOMAN: I left your stuff on the desk.
- LAURA: Thanks. Get some rest.
- See you tomorrow.
HERNÁN: Who do you think is healthier?
The one who recognizes
having a dark Minotaur
living inside him, or the one who doesn't?
JOSÉ: Let's see. Define "dark."
JOSÉ: Look, Hernán,
the disease is not in the impulses,
but in what we do with them.
HERNÁN: I guess it's easier to get rid
of the sick part than to heal it.
It was like that with my parents, too.
Hernán mentioned the countryside.
I think he might be there.
Does the family
have a house in the countryside?
That's not my son's voice.
Sometimes, voices are modified
due to emotions.
What I don't understand is
how that stranger knows
all those things about my son
and about our family.
- You can listen once more.
- I would never mistake it.
That's not Hernán's voice.
That's not my son.
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