The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Buaisô na kusushi

It's poison!
You bastard! Who gave you the order?!
First, we must treat the soldiers.
-The meal was prepared in the village.
We've captured the village chief
for siding with the foreigners.
We're awaiting your orders.
Understood. Give me some time.
Yes, sir.
I hear that you hired
a new lady-in-waiting
for Concubine Gyokuyou's palace.
Concubine Gyokuyou has four attendants.
Another high-ranking concubine,
Concubine Lihua, has more than ten.
It's far too few.
She has to maintain
her honor as a high-ranking concubine.
However, although Concubine Gyokuyou
is a cheerful and calm woman,
she is also intelligent and cautious.
I wouldn't hire just anyone
as her attendant.
Being the Emperor's favorite means
she has to remain suspicious all the time.
Her life is always at risk.
So, who is this new attendant?
Gaoshun, I found the perfect chess piece.
It's that freckled maidservant.
She's knowledgeable about medicine.
We can use that.
I see.
But what if she uses that knowledge
against us?
We just have to make sure
that doesn't happen.
It's easy.
Just to be safe, I can use seduction.
I'm so jealous you get to attend to
a high-ranking concubine!
I'm not happy about this.
Are you prepared for your move?
Yes. I'm heading to the Jade Pavilion
Did you need anything?
No, I don't need anything.
Then why is he here?
Does he have nothing better to do?
Serve Concubine Gyokuyou diligently.
Excuse me.
Good luck, Maomao!
So gross
You're Maomao?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm the head lady-in-waiting
for Lady Gyokuyou, Hongniang.
I'll show you around the Jade Pavilion.
Come with me.
Welcome to the Jade Pavilion.
We were waiting for you, Maomao.
Looks like Xiaoling welcomes you too.
I look forward to having you around.
Yes, ma'am.
Here is the reception room.
This is where we welcome the guests.
So big
Here is the kitchen.
We can make simple meals here.
Here's the living room.
Let me introduce everyone.
All the Jade Pavilion attendants.
Gather around, everyone!
Yes, ma'am!
Nice to meet you, I'm Yinghua.
Ask me anything, all right?
Hello, I'm Guiyuan. Nice to meet you.
I'm Ailan.
It's very nice to meet you.
I'm Maomao. Thank you for having me.
We don't hire maidservants
at the Jade Pavilion.
So we split the tasks
and do them ourselves.
It's the least we can do for Lady Gyokuyou
so that she can be comfortable.
-Then I will also
You relax in your room.
Just be comfortable.
Since you'll be doing the special task.
"Special task"?
-Maomao, I'll show you to your room.
-All right.
Did you see her left arm?
She tried her best to hide it
with bandages, but it's scarred, right?
She was probably abused by her parents
back at home,
and was sold off to the rear palace.
And to top it all off,
she'll be doing such hard tasks
Oh, that poor girl!
-Just stay put until you're called.
Seems like I got promoted
way up the ranks.
The Jade Pavilion had
a small team of staff.
I knew they wouldn't be welcoming
to newcomers.
But those eyes
Poison tester.
That's your job, Apothecary.
Poison tester?
No, stay calm.
The meals prepared for the concubines
are handled by several people
before being carried in here.
There's a chance of the meal being
poisoned during this process.
When Concubine Gyokuyou became pregnant,
her meal was
poisoned twice.
The poison tester back then,
an attendant, got nerve damaged and
her arms and legs are still paralyzed.
I see. That's why the attendants pity me
All right, then.
If you will.
This bowl
No abnormality in color.
No strange odors.
No numbness, either.
This doesn't seem to be poisoned.
Back at home in the pleasure district,
I tested various poisons on my arms,
calling them "experiments."
This mad scientist
I slowly got my body adjusted to poison,
so most types of poison don't work on me.
Honestly, I'm not suited for the role
of a poison tester.
But in a way, I was very lucky
to get this position.
She's laughing
I think you should serve the meals
in silver bowls,
since it reacts to poison.
Sir Jinshi was right.
We used ceramic bowls on purpose.
He wanted to test you.
This was that man's plot all along?
Your skills can truly become
poison and medicine.
I was an apothecary by profession.
If we knew you could write,
you could've gotten a higher salary.
I was kidnapped and brought here.
It infuriates me to think that
the kidnappers are still being sent
a part of my salary.
You're saying you don't want to give
them drinking money
so badly that you would cut down
your own salary.
Oh, no! This is very expensive.
An attendant's salary can't
possibly pay for this.
You can't even send an allowance
back home.
I should be asking you for money.
Oh, no! I'm sorry, ma'am.
Please take away money from my allowance.
If it's not enough, take away my savings.
All right. I'll handle the paperwork.
An added salary for poison testers.
It's danger money.
About the same pay as my current salary
Because there's no money going
to the kidnappers,
it's actually a raise.
Thank you, ma'am.
She's good at using her carrots.
It's fine!
Just rest!
We already had enough people anyways.
I'm so bored!
I'm only called upon as a poison tester
for the two meals and teatime at noon.
I finally have my own room.
If I had some poisonous snakes,
I could do experiments
Did you call for me, Lady Gyokuyou?
He called for you.
Why won't it work on her?
What business do you have today?
I received this from a soldier.
Can you taste test it?
Bao buns?
It contains an aphrodisiac.
You know without eating it?
It won't have any impact on your health.
You're free to enjoy these.
Considering who gave them to me,
I can't just eat these
You may get
a visit from that person tonight.
Disappointing. She can tell
just by the smell?
This man He knew it contained
an aphrodisiac
and tried to make me eat it?
I want to ask you one other thing.
What is it?
The other day,
there was a foreign combat troop
out on an expedition.
-They were poisoned.
Many of the soldiers that ate the meal
had symptoms of nausea
and difficulty breathing. Many got sick.
Nausea and difficulty breathing?
The meal was prepared at a nearby village.
The village head was captured
for siding with the foreigners,
but one soldier controlled the situation,
and the punishment remains undecided.
Normally, one would think
that the villagers poisoned the meal, but
Sir Jinshi, where was this meal eaten?
They were camping, so outside.
Were the bowls, chopsticks, and spoons
prepared by villagers as well?
No, the soldiers prepared it themselves.
Have you realized something?
This is just an opinion.
This flower is called a rhododendron.
Is it tasty?
No. If you eat it, you get
nausea and difficulty breathing.
As you can see, there are many
poisonous plants even in the rear palace.
With these, the leaves are poisonous,
but some have poison
in the branches and roots.
Some plants become poisonous
from burning the raw wood.
Just by burning it?
I see
It was good that a rational soldier
was present.
He prevented one village
from being burned down.
-If we're finished here, I'm off.
-No, wait.
Is there anything else?
Will you make a stimulant potion?
Make a potion? In other words
Medicine preparation?
With time, the ingredients, and the tools,
I can make something with that effect.
Sir Jinshi. Where are you off to?
I'm returning to my office.
Can I help you?
It's nothing
Would you like some tea in my room?
Unfortunately, I have work left to do.
Excuse me.
I wonder if the palace women
really haven't realized
that you are an investigator
who measures their loyalty
to the Emperor.
Inviting other men to bed
because the Emperor will not visit them
-How imprudent.
A concubine cannot just be beautiful
and well-educated.
They need to be loyal to the Emperor
and be chaste.
Placing you in the rear palace
to use your beauty
as a test for the concubines' loyalty
The Lord can be cruel.
He uses what he can.
However Not only was she not
tempted by me, but she saw me
with those eyes
It's the first time I was regarded
with such contempt!
I'll be off then.
You may get a visit tonight
A visit A visit
I'll be off then.
-Yes. Good luck.
-Yes, ma'am!
Excuse me.
The quack doctor, and
Hello. Let me introduce myself.
My name is Gaoshun.
I usually work as an aide to Sir Jinshi.
Nice to meet you.
It must be hard to be an aide to "that"
She's just an attendant Why?
Intruding in my territory
Right this way.
You're free to use
whatever you'd like in here.
Is that some kind of cursed dance?
What a luxury to be able to use
this much paper.
All right, next up
This, right?
He's very observant.
Compared to him, his master
If you're not doing anything, go away!
Here you are.
Thank you.
It's not enough
-What is this?
-This is cocoa.
If this isn't enough, just get more.
These are obtained from
the southern lands of the Far West.
We should be able to find it
among the trade items.
Milk, butter,
sugar, honey, and powdered cocoa.
All this should be enough.
It's all expensive items.
I wonder what she's making?
Maybe a snack!
What are you three doing?
-Get back to work!
-We're sorry!
Now, time to prepare the stimulant potion!
I've eaten cocoa once before.
This is called chocolate, Maomao.
An evil customer gifted it
to win the affection
of a popular courtesan,
but unfortunately, he was banned
from ever entering by Grams.
All set.
I'll chill these, and
Now, I have to wait for it to harden.
There's some left over.
I know!
No need to chill these.
Now, I'll do the dishes.
Are those medicinal herbs?
Here! And here, too! And here!
I lost track of time.
I'm sorry for being late!
At least, now I know it works.
What's going on?
There's nothing to explain
It's all right.
They haven't done anything
So this is the stimulant we discussed?
No. These are for you.
So what is this?
These are my snacks.
If you're used to alcohol and stimulants,
the effects are not strong.
I see, in that case,
there should be no trouble if I eat these.
-Please don't!
-Please don't!
I'm kidding.
What an inappropriate statement
in front of the Emperor's favorite.
But if that face came to tempt you
with flushed cheeks
I'm sure that
most men and women couldn't resist.
He's pointlessly beautiful.
The effects are strong,
so please have only one at a time.
Too much will circulate your blood
and give you a nosebleed.
Maybe I'll request some for the Emperor
one day.
I have to keep it spicy.
It should be three times more powerful
than regular tonics
Three times?
You mean, he'd last three times as long?
I'll pretend I didn't hear.
Also, please only use this
when you're alone with your love interest.
I see.
All right. I'll be taking my leave now.
She can make medicine, huh?
She's very reliable.
I'm finally finished
You worked hard.
Thank you.
I see.
I hope there won't be any victims
Next episode,
"The Unsettling Matter of the Spirit."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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