The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

My Tutors Are Adventurers

I want to learn lots of things
and help people in need.
I want to meet all kinds of people.
In order to protect all of your smiles
I want to be an adventurer!
Cain, you'll need to study
a lot more to achieve that.
Very well. I'll arrange a tutor for you.
Wow! Really, Father?!
Good for you, Master Cain!
I'm so excited!
What will my tutor be like?
Or more like a witch?
Or maybe Could it actually be?!
Master Cain, your tutor has arrived.
Or maybe Could it actually be?!
Master Cain, your tutor has arrived.
Wha Wh-Whoa!
There's a boy falling from the sky.
Do you want to nurse, little boy?
I don't have any milk yet
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
I will introduce you.
These are your tutors,
Maestra Millie and Maestra Nina.
Oh, man, I screwed up bad!
My name is Cain von Silford
I'm Cain.
But the truth is, I reincarnated
in this world as a noble.
For some reason, though, the gods
gave me level-10 protections,
so my status is off the charts.
But that's a secret to everyone!
I-I'll be your tutor starting today
D-Don't mind if I do!
I'm Millie the aveshurer!
Millie D-rank. H'lo.
Nina. Pleasure.
Hey! Don't be rude to the nobles!
Wow! An elf!
Honestly, why are you so
shy around strangers?
It's all right. You two are
his tutors, after all.
Right, Cain?
Yes. You don't need to speak politely to me.
I'm so glad to hear you say that!
You'll teach him for three years.
Do take good care of Cain.
Let's get along, okay?
Well, let's get started right away!
We'll start with swordsmanship.
Try some swings, and we'll watch you.
H-How is he so good?
He might be even better than you.
Hey! I wouldn't lose to a five-year-old!
Okay, Cain, if you can do all that,
we can have a mock battle.
Give me all you've got.
Got it!
Cain, are you really five years old?!
Yes. I just underwent my
baptism the other day.
Here I go!
That keen swordsmanship
Cain, by any chance, do you have
the protection of the God of War?
Yes, though my father said not to
tell anyone outside my family.
Stop! Stop, stop!
I'll never last if we keep up this pace!
Get Nina to start teaching you magic now.
And on that note it's break time.
You're all Nina's now.
Okay, I'm on it.
I have level-3 protection
from the God of Magic.
We'll start with the basics.
Oh, I've already learned all that.
I practiced what I read in books.
Yes. Watch this.
Water Ball!
Fire Ball!
Rock Bullet!
It's all beginner-level, though,
so that's about all I can do.
Unchanted magic
But just using shortened forms of
incantations takes intense training
Unchanted magic at age five? He's a genius.
And he has all the elements, no less.
Even among palace mages of the sage class,
there's no one who can use all the elements.
And with such power!
Cain, do you have protection
from the God of Magic, too?
You have two protections? Swordsmanship
and magic?
There might not be anything
we can teach him!
Oh, Maestra, here's a towel.
Item Box!
Nothing's going to surprise me anymore.
If I'm shocked by everything
he does, it'll never end.
Cain You're a genius.
We can't teach him here anymore.
The place won't last against his power.
Then, could you please
give me lessons outside?
Yes. I've actually never left the
mansion, except for my baptism.
So if you could take me outside
for the sake of magic practice
He has a point.
With his talent, it might be
better to practice outside.
Yeah. You're strong, Cain.
You mean
We'll need to convince your father first.
You're saying you can't train
Cain here at the mansion?
Yes. Even though he's only five years old,
he's far surpassed the beginner level
in both swordsmanship and magic.
If we teach him at an intermediate level
He'll destroy the mansion.
I figured it would come to this eventually,
but on the very first day?
That's amazing, Cain!
It's easy to see you're my son!
So, my lord, we would like to continue
his training outside the mansion.
Very well, but
You must return before sundown.
Do not go far.
And above all, know your limits!
Understand, Cain?
So this is the outside!
The world of adventuring!
Okay, Cain, we're far enough
from the mansion now.
Nina, he's all yours.
I'm on it.
Cain, try intermediate-level magic.
All right. I'll try it with fire first.
Maestra, I think I went overboard.
That's way beyond intermediate
Using that much power should have
drained a ton of your magic.
You don't feel tired?
No problems at all!
H-He has an insane amount of magic, too!
Who is this kid?!
I'm Cain!
Be quiet for a second. Nina
I know.
Be alert.
Something's coming.
A killer rabbit.
It's a dangerous monster
that attacks people.
Air Bullet!
Congrats. That's your first kill.
What do you want to do with it?
You could sell the meat and hide.
Actually, I want to show it
to my mother and my sister.
That's so cool!
I'm planning to buy a Magic Bag
when I have enough saved up, too.
Magic Bag?
A magic item.
It does the same thing as Item Box,
even if you don't have the skill.
They're pricey, though.
A Magic Bag, huh?
Anyway, we have time.
Why don't we hunt some more?
Nina, could you use Search?
Yep, I'm on it.
I seek. Find the enemies
that surround mine self.
A few of them, 300 meters ahead.
Maestra Nina, how did you use that magic?
I searched for the monsters' magic.
I sort of just spread my own
magic out in a thin layer.
Like this?
I seek. Find the enemies
that surround mine self.
You're right! There are four killer
rabbits, 300 meters ahead.
What? Not many people can
do that on the first try!
And you even got the
specific number of them
Are you really five?
That way!
With Cain, it's important
to know when to give up.
Air Bullet!
You're not getting away!
Cain, stop!
Don't go in there.
That's a very dangerous forest
where strong monsters live.
Strong monsters?
Yes. Once every few decades
they stage an outbreak on the city en masse.
I see. So that's why the
city wall is so well fortified.
It's to protect everyone from monsters.
You'd better become a
strong adventurer, too,
so you can protect the city
when the time comes, okay?
Right! I will, Maestra!
I'll also
What?! Level 8?!
I leveled up that much just by
beating a few killer rabbits?!
An increase of 100x?!
That's it! That's why that happened!
That's obviously beyond human capability!
If people find out about
this ridiculous status
Forget state supervision!
I'd be hunted down and eliminated!
No way! I just want to have fun adventuring
without a care in this world!
Ugh! You stupid gods!
The gate is this way, Maestras.
We think you'll be okay fighting
monsters that are a little stronger,
so we thought we'd stop by the guild
and get some info on monsters.
The guild?!
You definitely can't be an adventurer
without a guild, right?!
What's wrong, Cain? Let's go.
So this is the guild!
I'm coming!
Rudy, got a sec?
Wow, dog ears!
What brings you here today?
We wanted some information on monsters.
Is there anything stronger
than killer rabbits?
Hmm I think all we've
got right now is wolves.
Let's see I haven't gotten
any new witness reports.
Wolves, huh? We don't want a whole
pack of them coming at us, but
They should be perfect for Cain.
Oh, for this little boy?
You're an awfully cute adventurer.
How old are you?
Oh, um
He's the son of the domain lord.
What?! P-Please forgive me!
I'm Rudy, the guild receptionist!
I'm Cain von Silford.
I'm only five years old,
so I can't register yet,
but thank you for having me!
I can tell you're a noble! You're so polite!
Well, look who it is.
What's a D-rank duo like you
doing with a little kid?
Are babysitting quests the only
ones you can get anymore?
Let's go.
Hold it. Ditch the kid and
pour me a drink, D-rank.
Try going to a bar where
they do that kind of thing.
We're on duty right now.
Do my ears deceive me?!
Did a D-rank just say that
to me, Crosse, a C-rank?!
Do what your superior says
and pour me a drink already!
Whoa, there.
You're coming, too.
I'm sorry, but I need to train.
Could you not interfere?
And just who are you?
I'm Cain.
Maestra Millie and
Maestra Nina's student,
Cain, run!
Don't come with us.
They may tell me to run,
but we have training to get to,
so please get out of our way!
You little brat! I'll teach you a lesson!
Who the hell are you?!
A high school student—I mean, I'm Cain.
Garm von Silford, the margrave, is my—
Quit your babbling!
You little
You drew that. You drew a blade.
So what if I did?!
I won't allow that!
Apologize to my maestras!
Shut up!
Very well. If that's how
you're going to be
And what about you two?
Just try it!
If you don't care what
happens to her, that is!
You guys also get
a good spanking!
Maestra Nina
Thank you for protecting us.
Next time, I'll protect you.
Maestra Nina
Cain! You're not just good
with the sword and magic!
You can do martial arts, too!
I studied it in books.
Okay, let's head to the forest!
Fire Wall!
Water Ball!
Rock Bullet!
Welcome back, Master Cain!
I've prepared a change of clothes for you.
Thank you, Sylvia.
Both of your tutors just declined to
extend the duration of their contract.
I see.
Shall I have Lord Garm
ask them to reconsider?
I can't tie down two
adventurers for too long.
I wonder if there's any
way I can thank them.
They've been so good to
me these past three years.
Is there anything they want?
Oh, I know!
Maestra Millie once said
that she wanted a Magic Bag!
In that case
I'll need materials from monsters!
I think a red bag would suit
Maestra Millie best, so
There's one!
A blood ogre!
Okay! And I think Maestra Nina
would like green
Oh, there's one!
An earth dragon!
Whoa! That's bad news!
It's a monster outbreak!
My lord! My lord!
Oh, gods!
Hurry! Don't fall behind!
Follow me! It's a monster outbreak!
Follow me! Follow me!
There. That should do it.
Follow me! Follow me! Follow me!
What in the world is this?!
A crater?!
It doesn't make sense
I've been using Search, but there
aren't any signs of monsters.
Then who's responsible for—
Air Bullet!
He's as insane as ever today.
I can't believe Cain is
still only eight years old.
He's far stronger than both of us.
We say goodbye today It's a little sad.
Maestra Millie! Maestra Nina!
I'm done!
It's done, indeed
This is your graduation.
You've done very well
these past three years.
Maestra Millie, Maestra Nina,
thank you so much.
Um, I hope you'll accept these.
I made them with all my gratitude
to thank you for all you've done.
What are they?
They're Magic Bags. I made them myself.
You said you wanted one, Maestra Millie.
You made them?
And the materials
The red one came from a blood ogre,
and the green one came from an earth dragon.
A blood ogre
and an earth dragon?!
Hang on a second!
Those are both monsters that a full party
of A-rank adventurers can barely take down!
And an eight-year-old child did it alone?!
Well, he's Cain.
Oh, right!
You don't need to worry, though.
The materials may look different,
but they're regular Magic Bags on the inside.
And I made it so they don't hold too much.
Not too much?
Yes, that's right.
It would just barely fit
our mansion, I think.
Whoa, Cain!
The Magic Bag I was gonna buy would
only hold about two carriages!
And it's something you have to
save up a ton of money to buy!
Y-You mean a Magic Bag of this class
is definitely national-treasure class.
N-National treasure?!
I blew it!
And if we carry national treasures around
All kinds of people will come after us.
No! You don't need to worry about that!
I made them so that if anyone
but the three of us holds them,
they'll be as heavy as
everything held inside them!
That's even beyond
national-treasure class
I blew it even worse!
But are you sure about this, Cain?
We didn't even teach you that much.
No, that's not true.
I learned all kinds of
things from both of you.
Like how good a packed lunch tastes
when you eat it outside
How precious friends are
And how much fun adventuring is—
See you, Cain.
If you ever want our help after
you grow up, let us know.
Yeah. We'll be there anytime.
Thank you.
We had fun, too.
Maestra Millie Maestra Nina
Thank you for teaching me for so long!
With that, their contract period ended,
and I grew up just a little bit more.
Oh, Father.
This was on the ground where
the forest was blown up.
I had Sylvia confirm it. This is yours!
Care to explain what this is all about?
I led the troops out thinking
it was a monster outbreak!
What did you do?!
I just used intermediate magic to fight
a blood ogre and an earth dragon
Are you kidding me?!
You're only eight years old!
You need to know your limits!
I'm sorry.
Just imagine if either of those
monsters came into the city!
Just one of them would flatten it!
I'm sorry.
Do you realize how much
I've done to protect this city?!
I'm sorry.
You need to be more self-aware, Cain!
I'm sorry.
You need to be more self-aware, Cain!
I'm sorry.
You need to be more self-aware, Cain!
I don't want to nag, but you're forcing me to!
I'm sorry.
I don't want to nag, but you're forcing me to!
I'm sorry.
Nina, it's all you!
I'm on it.
Next time, "To the Royal Capital."
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