The Assassins (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

The Mustansirite Hardship

A great secret lies in the darkness
Hassan Al-Sabbah attached himself,
his spirit and body to the darkness
Hassan Al-Sabbah attached himself,
his spirit and body to the darkness
He gave allegiance to ibn Attash
who was one of the greatest
preachers of the Esoterics
I bind myself.
Blessings to ibn Al-Sabbah
the preacher to our master,
the Keeper of the Secret
who tasked him with traveling to Egypt
so as to complete his journey by meeting
the Fatimid Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah
Hassan made a pact with
his friends to change the unjust world
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact that transcends any
disagreement or school of thought
A pact between Hassan
Al-Sabbah and Omar Khayyam
and Abu Ali Al-Tusi known as Nizam Al-Mulk
whoever of them obtains power or
authority he will help the other two
and so, Abu Ali Al-Tusi did
and became minister
of the biggest state on earth
-My lord, the Sultan.
-the Seljuk state
but before the friends's meeting
but before the friends's meeting
something unexpected happened.
something that could
change the whole world
Hassan Al-Sabbah
killed Isfahan's muezzin
"Episode Two"
"The Ayyubid Sultanate"
The circle in which we come and go
has no beginning or end
no one has revealed
this buried secret to us
where did we come from?
and where is destiny?
I saw a sane person on earth
stripped of disbelief,
Islam, worldliness, and religion
and truth, reality, Sharia, and certainty
tell me
who has this audacity in the two worlds?
No one, Omar.
No one.
Your confusion is your secret, Omar.
What is your secret, Hassan?
The guard commander awaits you, my lord.
Pardon me, my lord. The muezzin was killed
Sheikh Saeed, and his killer escaped.
Probably a Esoteric, my lord, you're
the most knowledgeable about them.
Who would kill an old
muezzin unless he was a devil!
Being an old muezzin doesn't
mean he's a good person, Omar!
God knows best about his life.
Everyone’s secret lies in his reputation
but those whose truth is a hidden secret
are the Esoterics
You won't find him.
Where did he go?
They searched the house thoroughly
if they had found him, we
would have been in trouble
the maid gave him some of her clothes
they came out together as two
women, shouting at the soldiers
they came out together as two
women, shouting at the soldiers
for the houses that have lost its sanctity
Are you covering up for a killer?
My beloved only conceals the oppressed.
But he killed the muezzin.
Even if he killed a thousand men
my heart trusts you more than myself
I knew from the first day you hid him.
And I knew from the first day I
saw you, that you'll keep my secrets.
And your fate is death, Hassan.
I must leave
I'll come with you.
The journey is long and not easy
-the situation in Egypt is dangerous
-I'll be safe with you.
I no longer have a place in Isfahan
my place is to fight
and kill as many disbelievers as I can
-What about me?
-I can't become a man worthy of you
-What about me?
-I can't become a man worthy of you
before I revenge my parents's death!
You're not answering me, Yahya
What about me?
Do you want me to wait until
you revenge your parents?
Or should I marry the first suitor?
You are free to do what you want
I have no hold over you.
-And the hold you have over my heart?
-I have no power over it.
Pray for who ever loves Saeed
may God give him strength and patience
Goodbye, Nourhan.
"Seljuk Army Training Camp"
Let me hold it, master.
Whoever ibn Attash sends is welcomed.
God suffice me and best trustee!
How much will you sell those girls for?
-The cost of your house.
-The cost of your house.
The document is inside
-Come with me to fetch it.
-No, my man
There are two who we've
heard were eaten in El-Qarafa district
What led them to this?
The sedition, plus the
Nile's level has dropped
there's no farming nor life.
Was it the crows that did this?
The people
looks like some thieves who
were hanged and left behind
looks like some thieves who
were hanged and left behind
Are people that hungry!
The people are struggling,
they got used to hunger
when things get worse,
they will eat anything
A donkey
A horse
A dog for five dinars?
Don't let your children
out on the street at all
children might become a meal
for the hungry who attack
from atop Mokattam Mountain.
Don't touch them, they are diseased.
"The Ayyubid Sultanate"
Take care of yourself.
People need to calm down
fill their stomachs, make
sure they are alright
My lord the minister
I know that Nile is at its lowest levels
I also know that there's no cultivation
I also know that there's no cultivation
but we have to do something
our lord isn't a Caliph
to people killing each other
our lord isn't a Caliph
to people dying from hunger
our leader is a Caliph to
a country whose goodness
used to cover the pillars of the caliphate
from Morocco to the Two Holy Mosques
-We must do something.
no one is standing still
You yourself, my lord minister
walk down every street, and every alley
every day with the guards
and you return after dawn
The situation is difficult
but with organizing
but with organizing
It's starting to improve.
Our Imam won't be happy
hearing people crying from
hunger outside the palace walls
the grand gate of the
Caliphate palace is gilded with gold
melt the gold and sell it
and buy yields for people with its price
My lord minister
the palace gate
is the prestige of the Caliphate palace
There's no prestige for a palace
while its people are starving
Execute the order.
Execute the order.
"Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali"
"The Minister of the Fatimid State"
"Prince Nizar"
"Crown Prince of the Fatimid Caliphate"
"Prince Nizar"
"Crown Prince of the Fatimid Caliphate"
Why are you doing this?
So you three can play freely.
Yes, you are a child just like them.
I don't want any of you
to leave the house today
and whoever obeys will
get an Egyptian candy
which will make him dream
sweet dreams when he sleeps.
which will make him dream
sweet dreams when he sleeps.
Really, Hassan?
Didn't I told you, you're just like them.
-Get inside.
-Come on, boys.
Come with us quietly.
What brought you to Egypt?
I thought I'd visit the holy country
A country where our lord the Imam
lives, may Allah sanctify his secret
Therefore it is sacred.
-The purpose?
-To meet our Imam.
I am a preacher
and took an oath to ibn Attash.
Even so.
You are a stranger and cannot be trusted.
A friend to Nizam Al-Mulk.
Thank God, our lord has men who are alert
they know everything
but I'm one of you.
Take care of your affairs and
return from where you came.
Return and say that the country
of our Imam is preventing the lovers?
Prevent people with the
same school of thought?
Expels the followers of our lord?
Is it possible?
The Fatimid State
where there is the greatest
tolerance in the entire Islamic world
which allows followers
of the four school of thoughts
to live in peace and safety
beside Fatimid preachers
is expelling a Fatimid
servant of the house?
Do you know who I am?
My lord, Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
the greatest minister the state ever had.
the greatest minister the state ever had.
How did you know me?
Your prestige and appearance
and we're good at physiognomy.
It's okay to stay because you're
from the same school of thought
but as for meeting our lord the Imam!
It's refused.
You must stay within your limits
because your movements are being monitored
Let him out.
Get off your horse, you jerk widower.
You're the most disrespectful person!
I told our lord to rest assured
You're not just the son
of our lord who I raised
You are my daughter's husband
So, you're my son
But Nizar is the
crown prince and the testator
I'm worried my father might
get sick and it would be apparent
Nizar is not my sibling
He's your enemy and he could torture us.
If I had to choose between Nizar
sitting on the throne of the caliphate
or being crucified and skinned
and my skin to be stuffed with straw
I'd choose the crucifixion and skinning.
Rest assured.
"A city in the Seljuk state"
We need to get all
the supplies for this feast before…
Samarkand is beautiful.
Kill this disbeliever philosopher.
Just because a philosopher
means he's an disbeliever
who deserves death
What's wrong with you?
He's one of the followers
of the disbeliever ibn Sina
do yourself a favor and hit him with us.
God's mercy upon ibn Sina
You are also praying for him!
You're an disbeliever like him!
Welcome Omar Khayyam.
Omar's father was my friend.
Master Abu Taher, it doesn't
matter Omar Khayyam
What matters is the people.
How did people reach this point?
Reach what?
People have always been enemies
of what they do not understand.
But not to the extent that
philosophy is disbelief.
Tomorrow they will hit
and kill poets and scholars
everyone doing something
they don't understand.
Ease up, Omar.
Forget about people.
Welcome to Samarkand!
Your status as a poet and
scholar is highly esteemed by me
Do not worry, no one will harm you.
What about the people?
When will their conditions improve?
Whose responsibility are they?
Hear me, Omar.
I rule the people
with reason and justice
and I respect their minds as well
which you think is limited.
A just ruler is also responsible
for the minds of his subjects.
Absolutely not.
My mission.
is for people to feel
they live in safety and justice
and that's it.
Knowledge benefits everyone.
These are the words of poets
knowledge means questions
and questions mean sedition
and sedition
means troubles and wars
and a threat to the throne.
Welcome to my palace
as a poet, a scientist, and a philosopher.
as a poet, a scientist, and a philosopher.
Within the borders of my palace only.
Do you understand, Omar?
Where is the traitor?
Yousef Al-Khwarizmi.
I am the Sultan of the Muslims
and the master of the world.
the one who conquered
the Crusaders in Malazgirt
and reached China with my army.
Then you come
a ruler of a castle this small
to rebel against me!
You, with your great conquests
You, with your great conquests
humiliated many of
our people and our folk.
Those who obeyed and submitted
got justice.
There's no justice with humiliation!
Hammer four stakes
and tie him up from all four limbs.
If you are a real man,
don't let me die like this!
A real man would face
his enemy man to man!
Untie him.
Give me that!
No soldier is to interfere.
The Sultan forbade
any soldier to interfere.
I'm not a soldier.
"Crown Prince of the Seljuk State"
I am the candle of joy
But when it dimmed, I became nothing
I am a cup
-And when…
-"My arrival did not benefit"
-And when…
-"My arrival did not benefit"
"nor will my departure"
"add to it tomorrow"
"My ears"
"have not heard a speaker"
"questioning the benefits of this
life and the worthlessness of death"
"The joy of creating surpasses"
"The joy of creating surpasses"
"for me, any reward for"
"reconstructing the corners of"
Who is more beautiful?
You or your voice?
Who are you?
Omar Khayyam.
This is a dream.
If Judge Abu Taher sees
you, he will behead you.
If Judge Abu Taher sees
you, he will behead you.
I'm his guest
and hospitality means
making the guest happy.
They arrived.
How can you be my guest and do that?
I was drawn by her voice.
She is my favourite maid
and most lovable woman to me in the palace
and most lovable woman to me in the palace
What do you think your
punishment should be, Omar?
I and Gehan will leave.
and to be deprived of my lord's company.
That's my punishment.
But before I leave
a book about my lord's achievements
to be read by the common people
so that they appreciate the
justice and safety they live in.
If I knew that you made her upset
I will kill you, Omar!
Your command, my lord.
When will you finish the book, Omar?
-A foolish thief.
I know you're not happy after
what the Minister did to you.
I'm thinking.
I went to Al-Azhar Mosque
I found that the preacher of the preachers
had died months before we arrived.
I wish I could have heard from him.
You must have gotten something.
Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali is strong
and stubborn
and gave his daughter
to the Caliph's young son.
and doesn't like Nizar
and doesn't like Nizar
and the Caliph's health is not at its best
If I didn't met him, It
would've felt as if I did nothing.
The women.
What about them?
They're the ones who
run the entire universe.
Every house, whether it's a
poor one or a caliph house
A strange man arrived in Egypt,
the kind my lady is looking for.
A strange man arrived in Egypt,
the kind my lady is looking for.
Who are you?
Your features are different from ours.
I'm Persian.
The Minister is making
life difficult for my husband.
There are women
who have their dreams
Their aspirations
And their purposes.
We are leaving soon
But he sees and knows
and saw my lady the Caliph's
mother in various visions.
True, they dwell within the palaces
but they have the power to run everything
but they have the power to run everything
from outside the palace.
If he's lying
the Caliph's mother kills the liars.
No no, he's neither lying nor gets paid
only if he accepts and consents.
Accepts and consents?
Why wouldn't he?
He's ascetic.
and doesn't move except by divine decree.
Every star in the sky has a meaning, and
every good vision has an interpretation
and ask the stranger, he will answer.
I begged him but he refused
But every day he passes by the
palace wall, near my lady's gate
But every day he passes by the
palace wall, near my lady's gate
speaks his words and leaves.
He told me if she hears me,
she should call out to me.
Otherwise, it's impossible for me to go.
Every star in the sky has a meaning, and
every good vision has an interpretation
-and ask the stranger, he will answer.
-Stay where you are
I am Nour Al-Wujood
Our lord's maid and the
Caliph's mother servant
Do you know the unseen
and interpret dreams or
are you a deceiver?
the truth will save you
and falsehood has serious consequences.
and falsehood has serious consequences.
and being killed will be your fate.
My lady esquires and I'm under her command
I've seen a vision but I won't speak of it
You will speak of it
and interpret it.
Will you speak or shall
we assume you're a liar
and leave?
or you would lie
and I will behead you?
My lady saw a disappearing moon
she called out for her grandson Nizar
and saw him running before her eyes
the Minister was laughing
and she said sadly
at the end of the vision
if I had the ability to walk
on my feet, I would've caught up.
I would've caught up.
And the interpretation?
To whom is the Caliphate?
To whom is the Caliphate?
A question that troubles
the heart of my lady.
Carry on.
May life and destiny be
prolonged with my lady
but she's afraid to become a
silent mother after all these years
after the Caliph's death
and the minister manipulates the Caliphate
Every father who has many sons
only one of them
keeps his secrets
-My lord Nizar who keeps the secrets.
-And what's upcoming?
Is in the hands of the
knower of the unseen.
Is in the hands of the
knower of the unseen.
But be assured, my lady
The secret lies with the elder.
What reward would be enough for you?
Just to stand up.
-There's no medicine for disability, o…
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Who said there's no
medicine for disability?
Put in all your effort and get up.
God is the greatest!
One more step, my lady.
God is the greatest!
What reward would be enough for you?
To see the Imam,
the Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah.
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