The Atypical Family (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

What did you get?
Open it.
No way! You got it!
First prize!
The giant carp!
Here you go.
Thank you.
Oh yeah!
Bok Gwi-ju!
Look, Mom.
I won the giant carp.
My giant carp
Didn't I warn you
there will be a car accident
near the stationery store?
I told you to stay away from it.
I told you to take the long way around!
My giant carp
Why you little
Open it.
"First prize."
No way! You got it!
First prize!
The giant carp!
Here you go.
Is that me?
Let me see.
At nine, I first learned
that I could to return to a happy moment
from my past.
At last!
Thank goodness.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Better luck next time.
Here you go.
- Hey!
- Wait for me!
- Pass me the ball!
- Over here! I want to play too!
- Oh yeah!
- Let me see.
Reliving the happy moments
was incredibly sweet.
I want one too.
- However
- Bok Gwi-ju.
It's your lucky day.
Have a taste, Gwi-ju.
Go ahead.
It's so sweet.
- Stop it.
- Let me have a piece!
- I want a giant carp too!
- Guys!
Wait for me!
Can't you hear me?
Excuse me.
Excuse me, sir.
Can't you see me?
Can't you hear me?
What was a moment of happiness for me
was sometimes
a moment of sorrow for others.
Please help.
Please help my Happy.
- Happy.
- Happy.
Poor Happy.
Don't die.
But I couldn't change the past.
This moment
no longer brought me joy.
Even the most special moments
- became dull after a few repetitions.
- Happy!
The guilt of being happy
while others were miserable
made it feel
even worse.
And once the happiness faded,
I could never
return to that moment again.
- Are you ready?
- No.
- I'm ready now.
- I-na, let's go to Daddy.
- Come to Daddy.
- Here you go.
- Goodness.
- You have to support her here.
- Do I put my arm here?
- Yes, and here.
- Like this?
- Yes.
- There you go.
- Oh my gosh.
I-na, do you see Daddy?
Do you see me?
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
I'm sure I'll be back all the time.
I-na, Daddy's here.
Look, she's smiling.
- Really?
- Yes, look.
But even this moment
is out of reach now.
See you, Dad.
Watch where you're going.
Don't walk around looking at your phone.
That's how you get hurt.
I should never have been born.
I don't deserve birthday presents.
It's called a smart "phone."
Use it for making calls.
And you never even call me.
May I help you?
Are you looking for
anything in particular?
- I'm sorry.
- Watch where you're going.
I'm so sorry.
He's on the move.
Do you have another child?
An elementary schooler?
A kindergartner?
Don't tell me those are for I-na.
Looking for a better present?
These aren't much better
than that stuffed rabbit.
Do you need help?
Do you want to marry me?
I'm just here to shop.
So do that.
Oh my.
How about these?
It's weird when kids dress like grown-ups.
I meant for me.
I'm shopping like you said.
- Should I help you pick out a present?
- Nope.
Let me help you.
Give me that.
Can I get another beer?
For I-na.
I said I hated it
when kids dress like grown-ups.
Every kid wants to look like a grown-up.
Mind if I sit here?
Suit yourself.
It's all yours.
Come on.
After I got you those shoes?
You can at least buy me a nice cold drink.
I have trouble exchanging favors,
being depressed and all.
At least take these with you.
They're for I-na.
Here's your drink.
- What's going on?
- Fire!
Everyone out!
There's a fire!
Everyone evacuate now!
Please evacuate in an orderly fashion!
This way, please!
Please remain calm!
Move slowly!
Yes, we're heading to the entrance!
Attention, valued customers.
We have confirmed
that the alarm from earlier
was due to a malfunction.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We have confirmed
that the alarm from earlier
was due to a malfunction.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
So nice to finally see you again.
I've been waiting so long.
I'm sorry.
I've been getting a lot of new clients.
I guess I wasn't the only one
who recognized your special energy.
It's all thanks to you.
But honestly, I'm a bit upset.
I want to keep
all your precious energy for myself.
Look how rough your hands have become.
By the way, why did you call me here?
Would you like a massage
after your workout?
Let's talk inside.
Hello, Ms. Bok.
- Welcome, ma'am.
- Hello.
Hello, Ms. Bok.
Are you the new personal trainer?
What's your name?
That's a pretty name.
That name doesn't really suit you.
It can't be your real name.
Why use a fake name?
What's your name then?
Bok Dong-hee.
Bok Don't Eat?
You're so lucky to have a name
that suits you so well.
I'm jealous.
It's Dong-hee, not Don't Eat.
Let me think.
When did I purchase this building?
Gwi-ju used to be a firefighter for a bit
when he was a young man.
But I wanted him
to live a safer and healthier life,
so I opened this gym for him.
The building's value has gone up
quite a bit since then.
I see.
I'll pass this building down to Gwi-ju
once he gets married.
I understand what you're trying to say.
I do appreciate you
thinking so highly of me,
but this all feels very rushed.
Not just for me, but also for I-na.
What she needs is a caring mom.
She pretends to be mature,
but she's still a kid.
I'm actually concerned
that she's slower than kids her age.
I'm worried that we still haven't heard
the big news from her.
Has she not gotten her first period yet?
Given your age,
you should have a child soon.
There's a reason I'm so desperate
to have another grandchild,
but that's for another time.
Marriage isn't something
I take lightly, Ms. Bok.
To be honest, this isn't the first time
I've been set up with someone.
They must have thought
that I'd easily jump into a marriage
because I've been married twice.
No way.
That's not what I'm thinking at all.
If anything, that should make
your next marriage even more precious.
I'll make sure to do it the right way.
We'll throw you a lavish wedding
with a lot of guests.
I've already worn
fancy wedding dresses twice,
so I don't really care about that.
After all I've been through,
I realized that formalities
are meaningless.
I think what's more important
is to try living together.
- What?
- Absolutely.
You can't really get to know anyone
until you live with them.
I need to talk to you.
- We're in the middle of something.
- Just come here.
What's the matter?
- Just come with me.
- What is it?
Let's go already.
You said this building would be mine.
I'm going to get married.
And when is that happening?
I haven't even seen Ji-han in ages.
His clinic just opened, so he's busy.
Or he's not interested in marrying you.
You're the one who has no interest
in me getting married.
You barely know that woman.
How can you trust her?
She saved your brother's life.
Okay, let's talk about that.
The woman who saved Gwi-ju from drowning
just happens to work
at the massage parlor you frequent?
Do you think that's a coincidence?
It's not a coincidence. It's fate.
I dreamed about her!
You lost your power ages ago!
Marriage? I'll beat them to it.
Did you just get here?
Do you know
how fierce of a battle I have to fight
to come to work as a depressed person?
For the first time in a while,
I won that battle today.
I see.
Where are you going?
I'm going home.
I spent all my energy on getting here.
By the way, thank you.
For holding my hand.
You held
my hand.
No, I didn't.
You guys held hands?
My gosh, when did you two get so close?
It's not like that.
Don't be shy.
If he went so far as to hold your hand,
he's pretty much in love with you.
What is she on about?
Now that we know how he feels about you,
leave the next step to me.
Please don't get ahead of yourself.
Anyway, you look a bit tired.
Have you been losing sleep again?
I have.
Just a second.
Let me give you some tea.
Have a seat, please.
This is incredible.
She sleeps like a baby
every time she meets Do Da-hae.
May your dreams bring fortune.
I heard you guys held hands.
Good job.
Don't be absurd.
That never happened.
I quite like her.
She helps your mom rest.
Good luck.
Did you have to be so stern?
Marriage requires sincerity,
even if it's a fraud.
Bok Don't Eat or whatever her name is
might beat you to it.
It's your job to put the brakes
on Bok Dong-hee's marriage.
And to do that,
you should watch your figure.
If it took you this long to hold hands,
when will you finally
get him into bed?
There was more to it.
He had this look on his face.
Like he was drowning
and grasping at straws.
It's too dark in here!
You've turned this room into a casket!
We better bring someone else
into this room soon.
You've been living in the shadow
of the dead for much too long.
She had another man's child,
for crying out loud.
Get off to a fresh start.
Once you have a child,
you'll want to live again.
I do have a child.
Her name is Bok I-na.
Isn't she your granddaughter?
I love I-na dearly.
But there has to be a reason
she still hasn't shown any powers.
There's no way she's one of
She's my daughter.
Don't you ever say that again.
If you care so much about her,
stop lying around like a corpse.
Get back on your feet and be a proper dad.
Just how much did you drink?
Why the radio silence after holding hands?
I told you.
Be patient.
It hasn't even been that long.
It's taking longer than usual.
It's Ms. Bok.
I told you.
What's the point of meeting
Ms. Bok so often?
She needs to win the guy's heart.
As Da-hae said,
whether she can marry him
might be up to his daughter.
Do some more digging.
Find out how we can scratch their itch.
All right, class.
Has everyone decided
which club they want to join?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Does anyone need more time?
We're all done.
I think we're good.
In that case,
head over to your club rooms.
I'm off to the movie club. Bye.
- Which club are you in?
- The computer club.
Really? I want to change mine now.
The one I'm in is such a drag.
Hey, I want to join the computer
We're late. We better run.
I am! What are we watching today?
Alice in Wonderland.
Hey, close the door!
What are you doing here?
Why are you still here?
Is everything okay?
Do you want to talk
in the counseling office?
Come on.
Is she new?
She's in our class.
- Hello?
- He picked up.
Hello, Mr. Bok.
You finally picked up.
I'm I-na's homeroom teacher.
Right, hello.
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Club participation
is mandatory at our school.
During club time today,
I-na seemed lost in the hallway
because she hadn't joined one.
This could be a bit upsetting,
but I-na can't seem to
get along with her classmates.
She's not being bullied or anything,
but how should I put this?
It's as if she were invisible.
I know you're busy,
but please take more interest
in her school life.
You're also not registered
on our newsletter app.
I've even been giving I-na hard copies,
but she's yet to return them
with your signature.
I'd appreciate your help.
Yes, of course.
I'm sorry.
I put all the liquor away.
- Let's go out.
- What?
Drinking alone is bad for you.
Why don't we get you a drink outside?
This way, please.
Here we are.
The rest of your party is here.
Is someone in there?
You made it.
I never said I'd drink with you.
The groom enters!
You obviously like each other,
but you seemed to be holding back
to respect each other's boundaries.
So I thought you could
spend some time together over drinks.
Why not?
Have fun, you two.
- Stay and join us.
- No, thanks.
I'm not entirely comfortable
with this either,
but I had no choice.
Should I pour you a drink?
That won't do.
My mother was right.
It's never a good idea
to hold back.
Is he done for the day?
No, he's with his last patient.
I guess I'll wait.
Why is that in the corner?
Dr. Jo told us to put it away.
I totally forgot.
I asked him to put it away.
I thought the colors were fading.
Of course.
Bear with me.
- That tickles.
- It's okay.
He's not with a patient, is he?
He is, but
What's going on?
Bok Don't Eat, is that you?
"Bok Don't Eat"?
Is this why you told me to take time off?
What are you talking about?
I'm with a patient.
It's way past closing hours.
Oh no. Do you need to close up?
Let me buy you dinner or something.
Why would you do that?
I just feel bad
for keeping him here so late.
Give me a call.
It seems like someone already had dinner.
What did you have?
Black bean noodles?
I had no idea a medical examination
could be so amusing and intimate.
She was there about her knee creases.
I was just humoring her
because she was an influencer.
She has 300,000 subscribers,
so I thought she could help
promote the clinic.
Let's get married
earlier than we had planned.
You would never have to
worry about rent again.
Just getting married
won't get us that building.
We'd have to have a child.
- Before we get too old--
- I want to get married
with a clear conscience.
I won't marry you until I've paid back
all the money
you loaned me for the clinic.
Focus on your upper body as you pull.
Do you see how it's moving?
Okay, good.
Now it's your turn.
Try grabbing the bar.
Hi there.
Let's get a wider grip on that.
You're doing great.
The number you are
trying to reach is not available.
Please leave a message after the tone.
The number you are trying to reach
It's called a smart "phone."
Use it for making calls.
And you never even call me.
I'm in the restroom at Jungang Park.
- Can you come get me?
- Is this I-na?
What's the matter?
Where's my dad?
Well, the thing is
He can't come to you right now.
So I'll come to you.
I'm nearby.
I'll be right there.
But why do you need
Is something wrong?
Never mind.
Mr. Bok.
I-na just called.
She just called you
and asked you to come get her.
She almost sounded like
she was being chased by someone.
You don't even know where she is!
- I-na.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
- You haven't paid.
- Right.
- It's 640,000 won.
Here you go.
640,000 WON
Mr. Bok.
Are you okay?
Just stay here.
I'll go check on her, okay?
I-na called me.
She called me.
I have to go to her.
- I have to
- There, I got you.
- Watch your step.
- She needs me.
Hold on.
Oh my goodness.
Watch your step.
Oh my gosh!
It's that way.
Over there.
Is she out of toilet paper?
Over there, Mr. Bok.
The restroom's over there.
That bastard.
Why are you loitering
around the ladies' room?
You little
Good grief.
Are you okay?
I'm not letting you go.
You're dead meat.
Are you leaving to save someone again?
Who will save me then?
I-na can't seem to
get along with her classmates.
It's as if she were invisible.
Don't you dare come
near my daughter again, got it?
Good job. Now leave.
Are you okay, I-na?
Who's that man?
Don't worry about him.
I beat him to a pulp.
But why?
What did he do?
You can be honest with me.
Everything's okay now.
So come on out.
Come on.
- Let's go.
- Just a second.
Why did you ask your dad to come?
Stand still.
Move your hands.
Hey, I-na.
- Congrat--
- Don't say it!
Thank you.
Good night.
Want to grab a drink?
Are you going to share this time?
Shouldn't you see a doctor?
I heard something breaking.
Didn't you see how
that guy in the helmet went flying?
That was the sound
of his helmet getting cracked.
Anyway, thank you for helping I-na.
But stop making me thank you.
I'm not capable of feeling gratitude.
If I were, I wouldn't have depression.
Frankly, I find it uncomfortable.
I can't do anything for you.
But you already did.
You were kind enough to hold my hand.
Why do you keep lying about that?
Are you playing dumb?
Where and when exactly?
At the mall.
When the fire alarm went off.
It's not like we slept together
or anything.
We just held hands.
Why do you keep denying it?
Could it be
that you came from the future
and held my hand?
You can travel back in time, right?
That's not true.
I heard you could go back
to a happy moment.
No, I can't.
You've lost your power.
What if you recovered from depression?
What if you were happy again?
Could it be that you were happy
when you were with me?
No way.
Close your eyes and think hard.
Who knows?
You might be able to go back.
Even if I did,
I wouldn't be able to hold your hand.
I can't touch anything in the past.
Bok Don't Eat is still going strong.
She's going to throw up.
Why is that in the corner?
Dr. Jo told us to put it away.
I want to fly.
Just like I used to.
I want to fly!
Stay with me.
Keep it together!
Breathe with me. Deep breaths.
Good. Slowly.
You're doing great.
Don't you want to go back?
To the good old days?
Like I said, I can't.
I don't find
any of my past moments
happy anymore.
Are you seriously saying
you have nothing left
that you remember fondly?
What about the day
you learned to ride a bike?
You never forget that moment.
No? In that case
The first time you tried shaved ice.
You remember that?
I'd never had it until high school.
What about the day I-na was born?
Another happy moment
for you to relive over and over again.
Do you see me?
You're unbelievable.
I might have the ability
to travel back in time too.
Seeing I-na reminds me of my childhood.
I grew up without a mom too.
My dad was drunk all the time.
I was alone.
Even then,
I grew up fine, all on my own.
Or so I thought.
But whenever I see I-na,
I keep going back
to my lonely childhood.
I can see where Ms. Bok is coming from.
I-na definitely needs someone.
Remember that stuffed rabbit I got her?
When she was little,
I was never there for her.
So I got her a stuffed rabbit,
saying it'd protect her on my behalf.
I see.
I gave her another one
because I still can't be there for her
when I'm such a mess.
But she threw it away.
You're right.
I-na needs someone
who can protect her on my behalf.
I don't want you
to throw your life down the drain.
That being said
stay away from me.
Don't make me want to hold on to you.
But you already did.
You held my hand.
I held her hand?
But why would she
commit herself to such a lie?
Could it be
that you came from the future
and held my hand?
But that makes no sense.
Close your eyes and think hard.
Who knows?
You might be able to go back.
No way.
How can this be?
Everyone out!
There's a fire!
Everyone evacuate now!
Please evacuate in an orderly fashion!
This way, please!
Please remain calm!
At the mall.
When the fire alarm went off.
Please come this way.
This way, please.
Please remain calm!
Let's slow down a bit!
You held
my hand.
You were kind enough
to hold my hand.
I can touch someone in my past?
Aren't you curious?
About why Do Da-hae was
wearing the family ring in my dream?
Do Da-hae.
Who the hell are you?
Why can I touch you,
and why do I keep going back to you?
What the hell did you do to me?
Are you asking me out?
I tried to be brave,
since you let me into your heart.
They're going to live together?
This family really is doomed.
Let's bleed them dry.
Make sure you get enough evidence.
They might actually have superpowers.
She just won't listen.
I told her to run.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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