The Awakening - The Originals (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

A&D - international subs Kol taught us a new kind of magic that he learned on the shores of the Red Sea.
Kemiya he called it.
It's the intersection between science and spirit, darlings.
With the right chemistry you could realize your wildest dreams.
Using a perfect paragon diamond to focus our power we created a bracelet to force obedience a rosary to drive men to madness shackles to halt the witches power.
A blade that can make a thousand cuts with just one throw.
Those traitors who dare work with my tyrannical wanker of a brother, wouldn't have a chance to say a word of their pathetic spells.
Every weapon we make is more disturbing than the last.
We have enough, it's time to make our move.
Do you ever get tired of being the spoilsport, Astrid? We don't have to use them all.
The most important thing is to show Klaus's witches, you're more powerful than they ever imagined.
To scare them into standing down.
And it will scare Klaus the same way he scared me for centuries.
All my immortal life my brother has controlled me stolen decades all by the constant threat of a dagger to the heart.
These dark objects are merely practice for you to hone yours skills.
For this a dagger.
It will work on him and him alone.
So it began our quest to create a weapon laced with so much power it would plunge the infallible Klaus Mikaelson into a magical slumber.
I trusted Kol, despite his reputation as a mad cap trickster.
I would pay dearly for that.
[ A&D - international subs .]

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