The Bad Kids (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Jing Gao

My wife can't make it today
So I alone brought them here
My father in law has hyperpiesia
so at first
I didn't want then to go up
But he's having such a good time
and he insisted going up
saying it's brighter up there
he wanted to have a picture
So I followed them up
Then how did they fell off
I don't know either
I hardly knew how to use that camera
He was talking me through it
while I was trying with the camera
When I heard the screaming
I looked up
but they already fell off
Your wife is here
We need to check a few things with her
Please sign on your statement
We still need you at the crime scene
It's all my fault
It's all my fault
Other than the three of us
nobody else saw his crime
Other than us
there seemed to be no others
We have to report this
police here
Go ahead
I want to report a crime
I'm sorry
Stop that
Leave me alone!
It's my fault
It's my fault
I don't want your apology
It's my fault
Please tell me the details
Me and my two friends
went photo shooting in the hills today
and we saw
What are you doing
If the police get this video
and ask about Pupu
what would you tell them
Then I tell them
you are my primary school classmate
and she's your friend from the orphanage
We can't go back now
Hello police here
Did you call just now
It was my brother
He's messing with the phone
I'm scolding him now
You can't call the police
unless you have an emergency
Sorry auntie
It won't happen again
I'm sorry Chaoyang
It's my bad
This is my brother Yue Xin
After our parent passed
I ended up in the orphanage
and Xin was adopted
Last year he was diagnosed of leukemia
I want to see him
this is why Yan Liang brought me out
I thought I could help Pupu
raise money to save her brother
But it didn't work
How are you going to save him
Doctors told me if treated early
Xin might make it
But his foster parents
has no money for the treatment
So we can't go back yet
I won't let him get away
After we saved Xin
we go to the police
That guy was so horrible
He killed his parents in law
It just worries me
that he kills someone else
Let's give him a warning
If he saw evidence of his crime
that will scare him off
How can we warn him
Yeah how?
We don't even know where he live
I saw his car in the parking lot
It got a logo like this
like a chef hat
Chef hat
You mean a crown
My father drives a car like that
Also in his car
there was a pink plush toy
Then we can try looking
If we can find him
let's write him a warning letter
Like what
Like this
Hello murderer
Remember what you did?
We saw if all
Hope you turn over a new leaf
and stop murdering
If you won't
we will tell everything to the world
and let your family and friends know
that you are a murderer
Let's do it
♫ Summer is not so long ♫
Is it that one?
♫ Only in the blink of an eye ♫
Is it this car?
♫ İt's from heaven to hell ♫
How about you Find it yet
♫ We are not so distant ♫
♫ It's only one light year ♫
♫ between us ♫
♫ We'll get to each other so what ♫
♫ All of our hope and frustration ♫
Where else should we look
This morning we could try
the pedestrian mall
I went to the bookstore
Then fish it is
Bye mom
Is auntie coming home
Your next shift is Thursday right?
I will go back to town after tomorrow
Are you free this afternoon
Where do you want to meet
Leave it to me
I'll be off then
Hey boss
need any help
We don't employ child labor
You don't have to pay me
just give me a place to live
There's dorms back there
Ten bucks per bed
And your ID?
Two more numbers
Take this back there to Jin
Did I say yes?
Son Dinner's ready
Just a minute
Hurry up
I made you fish today
Have some fish
Fish is good for your brain
What about the couple in the scenery spot
It would be a miracle to survive that fall
Can't be the fault of the scenery spot
But an accident like that
they got to give them something
What are you up to lately?
Did you do your homework?
I haven't started yet
I bought a book the other day
Cut down recreational reading
focus on your study
It's not recreational reading
it's about this mathematician
you know cogito ergo sum he said that
Anyway he's a genius
Just like my baby son
You are mommy's little genius
How can I compare to him
Why not
In my eyes honey
you are the best
Tell me more
about your genius
That genius is Rene Descartes
He's not just a mathematician
he's also a philosopher
When he was 62
he asked for the hand of a princess
He even became
the math tutor of that princess
But the king found out about him
and exile him
And he ended up dead in the jail
There's another version
saying he did pursued the princess
but the princess ignored him
And he didn't end up dead in prison
He was betrayed
You have to eat
I know you are hurting
You want to hit me scold me fine
as long as you feel better
I have informed
all our relatives
And I also called the cemetery
Tomorrow I'll plan their service
You take a good rest at home
It's gonna be okay
It's gonna be okay
Yan Liang
Are you asleep?
I'm doing the math
What math
I'm thinking if I could work
how long would it take
to raise the money for Xin's treatment
Thank you Yan Liang
For what
Your brother is like my brother
I want to trade life with Xin
I'll do anything as long as he lives
No more silly talk
Your parents in heaven would want
the both of you live
Rest assured
When I find my dad
he will definitely help us
Let's stop thinking about it
and take some rest
This grave is very unusual
Archangel Michael would deem it sacred
Archangel Raphael would deem it holy
Archangel Chamuel would deem it fortune
Archangel Azrael would deem it longevity
This grave is very unusual
Sacred Holy
Fortune Longevity
Truly a blessed place
Relatives and friends bow
Relatives and friends bow again
Relatives and friends bow three times
May the departed rest
Let's go
What's wrong You feeling okay?
Xu Jing
Give her some space
Thank god
Are you okay Jing
It's her anemia
She does that
Where's your meds
Did you bring it
Give it back
Come on give it
Come and get
Give it back
Finders keepers
What are you doing
Get him
Leave him alone
Leave him alone
Leave him be
Get off
Yang Liang
Leave him be Yan Liang
Yan Liang Let's go
Yan Liang
Where's your meds
In my bag My bag
Go to Youling Bay and wait me there
Come on
Yan Liang
I'm okay I'm okay
I'm okay
Chaoyang Are you hungry
I'm not
I'll get rid of the trash
and go to the bookstore
Why go out in such a dog day
One minute
There's more
Bring it along
You got money on you?
Dad didn't give you allowances
Okay mom
I'll pay you back
Hurry back
What happened to you
Are you all right
I'm fine
I saw someone bullying Pupu
and got into a fight with them
Don't be so hotheaded next time
If something happens to you
who will take care of Pupu
Don't worry
I'll do it
It might hurt a little
Hang in there
My mom is still at home
Let's go to someplace cooler
So many books
I often come here
It's not hot and you can read books
My head hurts when I read books
Do you have money
I do
Is there any phone booth nearby
I gotta make a call
Take all of it
Go out and turn right
There is one in front of the Children's Palace
The apartment belongs to my third son
but my oldest son refused to give me the key
Let's get it straight
The apartment belongs to your third son
but the key is with your oldest son
and he refused to give it to you
It's for you Chen
That's right
A moment
I haven't finished
Fang you do it
Is this Chen Guansheng
It's me
Who am I speaking to
Yan Liang
Yan Liang
Where are you
It doesn't matter where I am
I'm calling to ask you something
Do you know where my dad is held
Do you know
after you ran away from the welfare house
words even spread to our police station
Why are you so annoying
Tell me where you are
I'll come and find you
and take you to see your dad all right?
You're still treating me like a kid?
If I tell you where I am
are you going to come and arrest me
just like when you arrested my father
It's fine if you don't want to tell me
I'll find it myself
Wait Hello?
You guys keep going
Keep going
Set the quotient as B
and try subtracting 1 each time
It's still 651
That's not right
Let me see
You're not wrong
The answer is printed on the wrong line
That's the murderer
The one on the Liufeng Mountain
Chaoyang wait here for a second
Pupu what are you doing
You're awake
Don't forget to take your pills
I put them on the nightstand for you
I'm on my way home
Wait for me
Hold on
Are you talking to me
What's wrong
Uncle I'm registering members for the bookshop
Would you like to register
Why did the bookshop hire a little kid
to work for them?
You should focus on school at this age
you know?
Go back inside
Can I have your phone numbers
I'm already a registered member
Are you all right
I'm sorry
Let me help you with that
Okay thanks
How did you find him
He was at the bookshop
Is it really him
I saw his car
What should we do now
Whose phone is it
The murderer's
You're good Yan Liang
We should leave
He lost his phone
so he'll come back to look for it
Let's go
I can't unlock it
A four-digit code
has 10,000 possible combinations
What a waste of time
This phone is mine
Would you like to
tell me where you are right now
I'll come and pick it up
Don't worry
I'll give you a handsome reward
You are probably
the boy who bumped into me
in front of the bookshop
A used phone isn't worth much
How about this
You give me back my phone
and I'll give you what it originally cost
Think about it
If you don't return my phone
I'll go to the police
What if he calls the police
Hello, Zhang
Are you at the Children's Palace
I can't do tomorrow's Math Olympiad trial class
Something came up
Could you stand in for me
It's still 1:30 pm
The teaching notes are
Why did she hang up
He probably suspended the phone
I think he works at the Children's Palace
I'll bring a warning letter
and attend the trial class she just said
Then I'll try to give him the letter
But he saw you today
I'll be careful
He probably won't notice me
We'll go with you
Three people together
are more likely to stand out
It'll be fine
Don't worry
Let's get off the boat
Let's go
Does this look like him
It's kind of like him
but there's something missing
Come on I have something to show you
All right
Let's go
This is how the inside of the boat looks
Let's live here from now on
You'll live down here
and I'll stand guard for you upstairs
All right
If you need anything
ask me
Let's go up
Let's go
I'm the police Freeze
Dulu crabs
We call them sesarma crabs
My dad said
when Jing Ke tried to kill the King of Qin
these crabs lined up
digging holes to save people
What are you doing
You shouldn't hang out here
You're from Jieyang?
Puning county
My mom came from Puning too
We want to live here for a few days
You can't sleep here
I'm hired to watch the boat
Hurry up and leave
My parents are both gone
We don't have a place to live
Can you please help me
This is too much trouble
Do not move anything in the boat
Don't stay for more than a few days
Thank you
what was he saying
He was using the Teochew dialect
My mom's dialect
Great job Pupu
You can speak the Teochew dialect
How do you say thanks
Why are you still awake
I'll go to bed in a minute
I have to go out
tomorrow afternoon
I'll go back to the resort from there
There are steamed dumplings in the fridge
I also made rice dumplings this afternoon
Don't forget to eat
Got it Mom
what's wrong
Go to bed
Why are you here
Pupu couldn't stop worrying about you
We won't go in with you
We'll wait outside
Be careful
If anything happens
we'll go in and help you
It'll be fine Pupu
There are a lot of people in there
It's too hot outside
Wait me at the bookshop
Let's walk you there
I'm going in
I'll meet you at the bookshop later
Is that the kid who bullied you
The one that stepped on Chaoyang's shoe
Her mom's here too
I've seen a photo of her
I'm fine
See you
I'll pick you up when your class is over
I'll be waiting here for you
Enjoy the class
Yan Liang my mouth is a little dry
All right I'll buy water for you
two bottles of iced mineral water
Got it
Come here
You haven't paid
Move aside
Move Excuse me
Move aside
What do you want
What takes you so long to open the door
What were you doing
This is a bathroom
Of course I'm taking a dump
What else can I do
You can go
You didn't even flush the toilet
Chen Guansheng let go of me
Let go of you
Why would I let go of you
So you can run away?
Let go so we can talk
I've got something serious
Whatever you've got to do
we can talk after we go back
I didn't do anything
Why are you arresting me
Can police arrest anyone they want
You ran away
so I'm going to send you back
This is my job
Do you understand
I don't
I don't understand
You'll have to understand
Red pill and blue pill
You have to choose one
Red pill and you die tomorrow
Blue pill and you die now
Choose now
It'll be happy to make a choice
The most breakable kind of happiness
In the dim light
like the unknown blood
it's a dream about chastity
The hidden perpetrator
is spying on your trick
The dancing father fell down and died
In the most secretive place
a few ants have died
I was standing beside
looking indesicive
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