The Baxters (2024) s01e02 Episode Script


-[Dirk] Your husband's
having and affair.
You deserve
to know the truth.
Are you
in love with her?
Yes, I'm in love
with her.
I want a divorce.
[Kari] No! I won't
give you a divorce, Tim.
Tim is in love
with another woman.
-[Elizabeth] Who?
-She's his student.
-Ashley Baxter.
How's Kari?
Tim is my husband.
Tim's your husband
because of Ryan.
What are you
talking about?
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
-[knock on door]
-Come in.
-[door opens]
-[Elizabeth] Hi, Honey.
Dad made you
a grilled cheese
if you're hungry.
No, thanks.
Is that your old
sketch pad?
Let me see.
It's taking my mind
off things.
Ashley told me that
you two had it out today.
[Kari scoffs]
What happened?
What do you think?
She overstepped
like she always does.
She means well.
-Tact's not her
finest attribute.
She's upset for you.
All she did was list
all the reasons
why I shouldn't
fix things with Tim.
And did she tell you
her Ryan Taylor theory?
Yeah. Apparently,
the only reason
I married Tim,
was to make
Ryan jealous.
Well, I wouldn't
put it that way.
I have to admit
there were a few times
back then when I felt
that you were showing off
just a little bit
for Ryan.
Like your graduation party?
Yep, sure.
Okay, that was
a low point.
Maybe I did flirt
a little extra hard
when Tim and Ryan
showed up.
Your "good friend" Tim,
You used to always
call him your good friend
just to make sure
he got the picture.
I fell in love
with Tim that night.
That had nothing
to do with Ryan.
I believe you.
Honestly, Ryan was
the first person
I thought about
when Tim asked
for a divorce.
That feels so horrible
to say out loud.
We never truly forget
our first love.
It's normal
that you would
still have a place
in your heart
for Ryan.
So, don't punish
yourself for that.
But acknowledge it.
We all know what Tim
has to do to save
your marriage.
Maybe it's time to look
at what you need to do.
If what you say is true,
and love is a choice,
and you have chosen Tim,
then maybe it's time
for you to let go
of what might've been
with Ryan Taylor for good.
Hey, Professor.
Hey, uh, Dirk, right?
You come here a lot?
Well, first time,
but I hear good things.
Meeting someone
for dinner?
Student of yours?
Isn't that illegal
or something?
I'm sorry?
Never mind. I gotta run,
but uh, I'll see you in class.
[door closes]
None for me, thank you.
I'm not much of a drinker.
Oh, come on.
We're celebrating.
Red wine goes great
with rib eye.
Just a little,
for a toast.
I love this place.
Professor Hoffman
suggested it.
So, you really told him?
He's happy for us.
Very jealous, but happy.
Okay, what's going on?
I'm going to tell you
something that I never
told you before.
My dad didn't just
walk out on us
when I was ten.
He left my mom
for another woman.
I came home from school
one day and my mom was
crying and I asked her
what was wrong
and she said,
"Another woman
stole your dad's heart."
And I just
never thought
I'd be this person.
You know, someone
that falls in love
with a married man.
Steals his heart.
I wished so much
bad on them.
And I just
I can't help but wonder,
I mean, do we
even deserve a happy ending?
I woke up
in our apartment
this morning,
and finally felt like
things were right.
Like I was exactly
where I should be.
I woke up happy.
new beginnings.
[knock on door]
[Luke] Hey, Kari, I need
something in there.
Just a minute!
[Luke knocks on door]
Hurry up!
Hang on, Luke.
What are you
doing in here?
Brushing my teeth, Jeez!
That's what
so important?
Uh, yeah. Can't be walking
in the Jesus's house
with flat hair.
So, not to be rude,
but uh, when
are you leaving?
Right, not to be rude.
Well, I mean, it's been
like a week and
Hey, don't get me wrong.
It has been really nice
having you around, but
after a lifetime sharing
a bathroom with your sisters.
Believe me,
if it were up to me,
I'd be back
in my own home
with my husband
by the end of the day.
Unfortunately, I don't
really see that happening.
Have you heard from him?
No, he won't
return my calls
and his voicemail's full.
I'm praying
for you, Kari.
That means a lot,
your support.
Well, I'm supporting you.
'Cause I have absolutely
no idea why you wanna
stay with that creep.
-Well, the guy
cheated on you.
Divorce goes against
God's will. You know that.
Okay, sure, but Tim
committed adultery.
Which means
you're morally allowed
-to divorce him.
-Morally allowed?
He's sleeping
with a student.
Okay, even God
wouldn't ask you to stay
with someone like that.
I will see you
after church, okay?
I'm coming with you guys.
Oh, uh, Mom didn't think
that you'd wanna come.
You guys were gonna
leave without me?
Well, we didn't think
you were coming.
Why not?
[Elizabeth] You haven't
left the house all week.
We want you to come.
You know that.
We just didn't
wanna rush you
into anything before
you're ready.
Rush me into anything?
-Okay, I'm gonna
wait in the car.
Honey, I don't want
someone to say
something to upset you.
I'll be fine.
Okay, let's go.
[Erika] That's a really
nice picture, Cole.
Thank you.
Do your parents
know you guys
spend your Sunday mornings
with me instead of going
to Church with them?
Oh, yeah.
I tell them I now
worship at the altar of
I'm serious.
I don't want them
hating me.
Especially your mom.
She's too good of a cook.
Look, if I haven't
been disowned,
you're not gonna
be disowned.
And you should taste
my dad's omelets.
When did you stop
going with them?
When I got back
from Paris.
Thought about
going back, but then
there was a little
accident, so.
Who knows?
Couldn't do it anymore.
God protects.
God heals.
God takes care of us
if we put our faith in him.
Just hasn't really panned
out for me that way.
You're speaking
a foreign language to me.
My family bounced between
a few churches
when I was little
but my mom's too much of
a hippie for a religion.
For years, she made me kiss
the feet of a buddha statue
every night before bed.
-Every night.
I didn't know that.
[Erika] Yeah.
I do feel like a hypocrite
though, sometimes,
about the whole
church thing.
I mean, I don't know,
I just,
I usually send him
with them and
I mean,
I let him off today but
I want him
to have the foundation
I had growing up.
I think it made me
into a good person.
At least I tried.
you're a very good person.
Maybe in the eyes
of you and Buddha,
but not in the eyes
of the God
I was brought up
to believe in.
[church bells dinging]
Hey! There he is
agreeing with me.
[dog barks]
[church bell dinging]
Has that always happened?
The church bells.
Oh, yeah. As long as
I have lived here.
Used to drive me insane.
I don't even
notice it anymore.
You ever noticed
that before?
Do you feel like going
apartment hunting today?
There's a beautiful loft
on the northside.
-Just opened up.
-That sounds good.
And while we're out,
we can stop
at the post office
and mail
the divorce papers.
Sorry, babe.
I left those at the office.
It's only been a week.
I'm going to do it.
If Kari hadn't
found out on her own,
would you have told her?
-Of course.
-I mean, were you gonna
ask her for a divorce,
were you gonna
tell her about me?
Why are you asking me this?
She knows, isn't that
what matters?
It's just hard
for me to trust.
Okay, let's go.
-Where are we going?
-To the office.
To get the papers
and then we're going to Kari's,
where I'm going to give them
to her myself.
Wait, no. I don't think
I should be there
-when you go
and drop 'em off.
-I want you to see this.
I'm serious about us.
Let me prove it to you.
-Hello, Erin.
-Hey, Mom.
-Oh, hi, honey.
-Hey, Dad.
You look so great.
[John] Sam, Shawn,
How are you?
You okay?
You were right.
I don't think I'm ready.
Hi, you guys. Hi Kari.
Are you feeling better?
-Hi, Reagan.
Kari told me that
you covered for her at work.
-Thank you.
-Of course, it was nothing.
-Dr. Baxter.
-Hi, Reagan.
And you must be Luke.
Yup. This is the little
brother I mentioned.
-Nice to see you.
You too.
Uh, where's Tim?
Oh, he couldn't make it.
Okay. Well,
enjoy the service,
and I'll see you after?
Okay, bye.
Faculty room
is full of booze.
Probably from
Professor Hoffman's
birthday shindig.
Need any liquid courage?
[sighs] It's not even noon.
This is where it all started.
Me and you. Sitting across from
each other in this office.
I tried so hard to pretend.
We're really doing this.
We are.
-I love you.
-I know.
I love you, too.
To us.
[clears throat]
I'd like to leave you here
today with a passage
from proverbs.
Fear of the lord
is the beginning
of knowledge.
Only fools would
despise wisdom.
And ignore instruction.
Hear your
father's instruction.
Hear your father's
Lord, I know there are people
here with us today,
who are
hurting and in trouble.
I believe you brought them here
for a reason.
Father, help us
to hear you more clearly.
Help us to have a healthy
fear of your power,
that whatever
you call on us to do,
We can do it
in your strength.
Our prayer room is now open.
This is one of the times
you have a choice.
You can either hear God,
and ignore him.
Or you can hear him
and do what
it is he's asking.
Come. And let someone
pray with you.
Where two or more
are gathered in his name,
there he is,
-with them.
-I don't know if I can.
I'm leading today, Kari.
I'll be there for you.
I believe God called you
here today for a reason.
I can feel it. Go.
-Should we get started?
[door opens]
Ryan. Hey, it's
good to see you.
You too.
[door closes]
-Hi, Kari.
It's been a while.
Yeah. I haven't seen you two
in the same prayer circle
since high school.
Well, I'd be happy
to start us off.
God's been on me.
Every minute this week to just
have more patience
and understanding.
I'm trying.
-I need prayers
for my marriage.
-Oh, Kari.
Tim wants a divorce.
I don't.
I cannot imagine
letting my marriage fail.
Like I said, patience
and understanding.
Uh, let's join hands.
-Do you mind if I?
-Yeah, please do.
Father, thank you for this time
that we can come to you
with our struggles.
Thank you for this church.
And these people.
And for speaking to us.
Thank you for speaking to us
the way you always do
if only we'll listen.
Please help us and please
help those around us.
Help Luke find the patience
and understanding that
he is looking for.
And help Kari
with her marriage.
-Change Tim's heart.
Restore their bond.
And most importantly,
Help her find the path
of forgiveness.
And God,
And God, I know it's been
a long time since I prayed.
I came here everyday
with different intentions.
You know that.
But I hear you speaking to me.
I heard you and I'm
here to listen.
So, please, just help me as I
work to change my priorities.
We ask all this in your son,
Jesus's name. Amen.
That was perfect.
Call me if you wanna
talk, okay? Thank you.
See ya.
I'm so sorry, Kari.
[door closes]
He's a fool to let you go.
I'm sorry. I should go.
It was really nice
to see you today.
Hey, Kari. If you ever need
someone to talk to,
you know I'm only
a phone call away, right?
Thank you.
[door closes]
[door closes]
-How'd it go?
-She's not here.
So, this is it, huh?
It's nice.
I guess you could say that, eh?
Never really liked the color.
It's definitely bigger
than I expected.
Yeah, we were thinking ahead.
It wasn't my first choice
when we were house hunting.
But it grew on me eventually.
What was your first choice?
I always wanted to go back
to Chicago. After school.
I want to write for
the Tribune.
You never told me that.
It was a long time ago.
Maybe we should just go home,
try again tomorrow.
Church should have
been out by now.
I know where she is.
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
-Is Kari here?
-No, she's not.
Could you make sure
she gets these?
John and I,
we treated you like a son.
This has nothing to do
with you or John.
It's between me and Kari.
[Elizabeth] How long
has Tim been drinking?
Tim doesn't drink.
You know his family
has problems with it.
He showed up here
about an hour ago
and I could smell
alcohol in his breath.
What did he want?
Why didn't you call me?
He dropped this off for you.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
[Kari] What's happened to us?
Let's talk to Pastor Mark.
-We need to.
-We need to get on
with our lives.
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