The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[leaves rustling]
[footsteps approaching]
[breathing rapidly]
[vehicle approaching]
[Amaia screams] Don't go!
[doors opening]
[Amaia gasping]
Where do you think
you're going, Amaia?
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
Come on.
-Thought you got away?
-Let go!
[Amaia gasping]
Where's Manuel?
[Amaia] I don't know.
I looked for him all night.
He slid down a cliff
and a man wearing a mask
took him.
Oh, really?
What a nice story.
I expect no less from you.
You two run away,
destroy the car,
the entrance gate,
and steal my money.
What else, Amaia Torres? What else?
-What else?
-Take your money!
I'm not lying,
we have to find Manuel.
Take her.
[coach] Move it.
[Amaia] No!
-Get in.
-I don't want to!
[door closes]
[crying] Manu
[door closes]
[engine accelerates]
[opening theme]
-[door opens]
-[Amaia] Don't lock me up!
-[door closes]
[Amaia] Get me out!
Open the door, you damn psycho!
We have to go back
to find Manuel!
Amaia, what's wrong?
[Paul] Amaia!
What happened?
Where's Manu?
You left us in the forest
I spent all night looking for him.
What happened?
[Amaia] Let me out!
Anyone hear me?
Let me out!
[Paul] Amaia, will you calm down
and tell me what happened?
I don't want to calm down!
[bell rings]
[coach] Let's go!
Come on, harder!
Last one!
Switch! Let's go!
One, two, three, four!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Nine, ten! Let's go!
One, two, three, four!
But why didn't Manu react?
[Amaia] Because he was unconscious.
I couldn't get to him.
And then this man appears.
The man with the bird mask?
[Amaia] Yes, like a raven.
It was dark,
but I saw him take Manu.
Amaia, seriously.
Nobody's going to believe you.
Fuck you, man. I know what I saw.
[intercom] "We remind all students,
that a five-minute shower
is mandatory.
Personal hygiene is a sign of respect
towards oneself and others."
[Amaia] We'd have made it
if you hadn't split.
Ok, no need to thank me,
but don't blame me.
[Amaia] How long do they plan
to keep us here?
-[Amaia] Open the fuck up!
-[strikes door]
-[Elias] Good morning.
-[all] Good morning.
[Ines] Aren't you going
to get them out?
[Elias] Ines, come to the board.
[birds sing]
[caretaker] Fixed the gate?
All set, thanks.
[hinges creak]
Alba, chop chop, you'll be late.
[music in headphones]
[music in headphones]
[man] "It's your responsibility
all of you
are liable for the safety
and security of this center."
And I say this because,
it seems to me..
absolutely inconceivable
that two students could disappear
from right under your noses.
Like a magic show.
We have a commitment
to their families.
They trust us.
They send their kids here
for us to straighten them out.
But above all
to keep them under control.
Who was these kids' tutor?
[man] It's amazing
how many years
these little animals live for.
[man] Tell me, still no news
-on the boy?
-[Mara] No.
[man] No?
[Mara] The rangers were notified.
They're looking.
[man] The rangers.
Did you file a report?
[Mara] Not yet.
[Mara] Hoping he returns
before setting alarm bells ringing.
He is lost in the forest, Dario.
We'll find him eventually.
This is a disaster.
There are no moral values
in this school.
[Dario] I absolutely agree,
Mr. Arturo.
[tutor] Mr. Mendoza.
I would like to apologize
for my students' behavior.
[Dario] Uh-huh.
[tutor] But, I'd also like to say
the norms here
are rather severe and oppressive.
If we could be more flexible
with the students
-[Elias] Mr. Mendoza.
I believe Elvira is absolutely right.
The issue isn't surveillance.
The students are under stress,
they're dreaming of a way out.
I think the methods in place
are too tough.
Look, dearest brother Elias,
to be honest, tough
is life out there.
I very much appreciate your opinions.
I assure you I'll keep them in mind.
Amaia, are you ok?
[Paul] Amaia.
[Paul] What?
[Amaia] Was Manu locked in here?
Yes, why?
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens]
Let's go.
[door opens]
[man] Out, time's up.
[ominous music]
We're waiting for your apologies.
Did you report Manuel's disappearance
to the police?
To anyone?
Manuel will soon return
with his tail between his legs.
Let's go.
[both] I deserved my punishment
and I promise not to
break the rules again.
[all] Thank you to the institution
for showing us the way.
What happened?
Does anyone have a cellphone?
Sorry to bother you.
-But I need your phone.
-What phone?
you're good for something.
Let me know when you get tired.
-Where do you hide it?
Leave her alone.
You leave me alone.
Thank you.
[man] What's going on?
Everything ok?
I dropped my books.
I'm sorry.
[Paul] Is it for a black metal band?
[ominous music]
[wailing and weeping]
[distorting cries]
[cries continue]
[heavy breathing]
[cries getting louder]
[wailing comes to crescendo]
[distorting cries]
[door opens]
-[door closes]
[mysterious music]
[Elvira] Some say,
that the opposite
of scientific knowledge
is superstition
which leads to pseudo-religious
practices and rituals.
Paul and Amaia, do you ever get tired
of causing problems?
it would be unwise to belittle
well, seemingly irrational beliefs.
I'd like for you to write
half a page
on what superstition means to you.
[Elvira] Ok, get started.
[mysterious music]
[Paul] You're skinny!
I couldn't eat.
You were gone and I was worried.
Come, I have a surprise.
What's this?
Didn't I say they would invite us?
We're going to Paris.
Can you believe it?
[Paul sighs]
Look, it's his wedding.
That pig doesn't love us
but we're family.
-We don't know where Manu is.
You just have to behave
till the of the month.
That's it.
They gave us permission to go.
Are you listening?
I said we don't know
where Manuel is.
If we can't convince him
to let us stay in Paris,
we'll escape before
they drag us back.
Promise me.
Tell me you won't mess this up.
I can't stand it here.
[man] Are the nightmares back?
[Ines] No, nothing.
[man] Alright.
Extend your arms.
Like this.
Did you bring your sketchbook?
I forgot it.
[Dario] Excuse me.
"Excuse me, Doctor."
How's it going over here?
Hello, Ines.
How are you feeling?
I'm fine.
I'm headed to class.
Do you need anything?
To go home.
Something wrong?
Are you being mistreated?
They treat me fine, dad.
I'm glad.
[Dario] Take care.
How is she?
[doctor] It's hard to tell.
Do you think she is starting
to remember?
No, I wouldn't say that.
Perhaps I should take her home then.
No, Dario. That's not a good idea.
She's really gone into her shell.
She needs to socialize
and remain under observation.
I'll see to it.
[professor] Today I want you
to understand why music excites us.
Rhythm and chords create a tale.
A melody is like a story.
One event happens after another,
which leads to another.
We create a rhythm.
[musical note]
-[musical notes]
[plays piano]
All of a sudden
the unforeseeable occurs.
[piano melody]
And that's precisely why
it breaks our expectations.
And opens the door to emotions.
Music is similar to life.
To novels.
-Like in the movies.
-[melody stops]
The unexpected
disturbs us.
It keeps us alert
and awakens our curiosity.
are 1,000 reasons
to get emotional.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[professor] You two.
Stop by classroom 3
to empty the bins.
Yes, sir.
[blows whistle]
[coach] Jimenez, what's this?
Switch teams.
You're all over the place.
What a disaster.
Switch teams!
You guys get inside.
Gonzalez! You're up, come on.
Let's go, quickly!
[blows whistle]
[coach] Come on.
-[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[coach] Come on, come on.
[woman] This is ready to be plated.
Well, it's about time.
Give me a hand here.
The tables need to be set.
Take the bread as well.
[woman] Go ahead.
[Celia] Very good.
Keep it going.
Make sure you pick up the plates.
Don't say a raven-masked man took him
because they won't listen.
It's the truth, believe it or not.
No need to tell them that now.
[line ringing]
[phone] Emergencies
What are you doing?
Please, just one call.
It'll be quick.
Get the hell out.
-Please, it's important.
-I'll be reporting you.
[Paul] Let's go.
Does the school board
know you fuck Mario?
Look, pretty girl.
It's been a long time since
I've given a shit what other people
think of who I sleep with.
And you know what?
I will report it.
I don't give a shit, either.
But the Prior?
What will he think?
What will the Principal say about
the coach being gay
and fucking the caretaker?
I'll bet you anything
his days are numbered
if this gets out.
I give you three minutes.
Not one more.
That's two too many.
[dials number]
[line ringing]
Hello, I want to report
a student missing from
Summits Boarding School.
Excuse me?
Can you hear me? Hello.
They hung up.
No signal.
Shit, dude.
Shit, shit.
Shit. Fuck.
Let's go.
[piano music plays in headphones]
[breathing rapidly]
[wailing and weeping]
You hear that?
[Paul] What?
[wailing and weeping]
[wailing and weeping]
[wailing and weeping]
[wailing and weeping]
[wailing and weeping]
[cries continue]
[cries getting closer]
[Ines breathing rapidly]
What's this?
[Mara] Well?
If no one confesses
to cutting the phone line,
you'll remain here, standing
in silence.
For the entire lunch period.
There's a simple solution.
The culprit speaks up
or whoever saw who cut the cables
tells me their name.
[ominous music]
Mario, you let me know.
And no one gets a bite.
Was someone preventing us
from calling the police?
[professor] Silence.
[coughing and vomiting]
[toilet flushes]
What's wrong?
I'm better now.
Why were you so nervous before?
Is it because you cut the phone line?
Are you out of your mind?
I didn't do it.
Why did you do it?
Adele, why did you do it?
You promised me.
Want to get locked up again?
Want us to stay here forever?
We had the police on the phone.
Manuel disappeared,
he could be in danger.
Don't you understand?
You lied to me.
You made me a promise.
-You promised.
-I'll do anything
to help my friend.
You understand? Whatever it is.
Yes, I lied to you.
Shit, of course I lied.
Because you don't get it.
We're not leaving here.
And you're behaving like
a spoiled, selfish brat.
# The devil is a servant
# At top of the summits
# Oh how the raven caws
# Evil black bird
# The devil is a servant
# On top of the summits
# Oh how the raven caws
# Evil black bird
# That the devil is a servant #
[disturbing music]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
Wake up, or you'll do double drills.
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[piano sonata]
[piano sonata]
[piano sonata]
[Ines] Why are you playing that?
[melody stops]
Do you like it?
-I have to get back.
Tell me, how long
have you been here?
Since last year.
I heard you had an accident.
In Lisbon.
I lived there for a while.
It's a beautiful city.
I guess. I don't remember anything.
Are you happy here?
Is it miserable?
This place is harsh.
You may speak freely, nobody's here.
Are you nervous?
You're shaking?
Why do you play that piece?
Because you like it.
I have to go to class.
I wasn't home, Mara.
Of course you were, the light was on.
You can't show up like that.
We'd agreed you'd call first.
Okay, of course.
I'm sorry.
I still have a bottle saved for us.
-Don't leave like this.
-I'll call.
I'll call you.
That fucking Nazi.
[engine starting]
Please, please! Stop!
A student is missing.
-Watch it.
-Call the police.
What's this?
I almost ran you over.
-Tell the police
-to look for Manuel Villar!
-Amaia, get inside!
-Amaia Torres?
-Manuel has disappeared!
Someone took him!
-[Mara] Go!
[Mara] Instead of acting out
you should be thankful
for being here.
To us
and your father.
After what you did to him,
you should be in jail.
You don't know
how lucky you are.
[doctor] Okay.
Take this.
It'll calm you down.
I don't need to calm down.
Do as you're told.
Go on.
And this?
[Mara hushes softly]
[high pitched beep]
[everything goes silent]
[heartbeat accelerates]
[Amaia can't hear]
[door buzzer]
[Adele] This verb is wrong.
It's irregular.
Come on, say it out loud.
"Je suis."
"Tù es."
"Il est."
"Nous sommes."
"Vous suis."
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Alba. No
No, I'm not angry at you.
It's that
I have to ask you
something important.
[footsteps approach]
Like this?
Your hearing aids?
Mara took them.
Black plague doctors.
"Secret societies
linked to alchemy
persecuted for heresy.
In Normandy, the Black Forest,
and Carpathian.
The Pyrenees.
The famous Raven's Nest".
There are Ravens everywhere here.
I never noticed it before.
[woman] Quiet please.
[mysterious music]
[mysterious music]
[Arturo] That's nothing but a myth.
Erasing memories
by rubbing Agrimonia on your head?
You can't be serious.
Well, there are plenty of references.
But maybe you're right
and it's nonsense to investigate
any further.
[bell toll]
-[bell toll]
-Saved by the bell.
-[bell toll]
-Till tomorrow.
-[bell toll]
-Be more assertive.
-[bell toll]
-I'll start right now.
[bell toll]
[bell toll]
-[bell toll]
[bell toll]
[bell toll]
Brother Elias!
[bell toll]
[bell toll]
[bell toll]
[hesitantly] I'm sorry,
I was yelling after you
but you didn't hear me.
I needed to speak to you.
I didn't like the fact you spoke
for me to Dario Mendoza.
Thanks for defending me
but you weren't doing me any favors.
I can express my own ideas.
If not, it's on me.
Don't do it again.
Of course.
I apologize.
Apology accepted.
[phone vibrates]
[Dario] "Report Manuel Villar missing.
It's been too long.
We'll handle the parents.
[caretaker] Where you going, Alba?
My mother sent me on an errand.
[air leaks in tire]
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
Why's the Nazi staring at us?
Amaia Torres, come with me.
I was asked to return these.
Put them on.
Sorry, sir, I can't hear you.
Put them on.
[Amaia gasping]
-You can hear me, no?
I want you to listen carefully.
You hear me?
I'll only say this once.
If you meddle in my life,
approach Luis again,
or try to go
to Mara with your stories
I swear,
I'll make your life a living hell.
And I know exactly how to do it.
Is that clear little deaf girl?
[rapid breathing]
Hello everyone.
You seen the girl anywhere?
She's been gone a while.
She said you sent her on an errand.
I'll go look for her.
Excuse me. May I go rest?
I don't feel well.
[Amaia excessive breathing]
[door opens]
[ominous music]
Excuse me, I don't feel well.
Can you make me something?
Yes, of course. I'll bring it out.
I feel horrible.
I might go puke.
Amaia, what's this?
[screams] Are you crazy?
Let me go! Fuck!
I'm gonna burn this place down.
Make these assholes disappear.
[Paul] No!
[screams] Get the police,
the firefighters, and the army!
Not like this!
The police are coming.
You hear me?
-It's done.
Adele sent Alba into town
to get them.
-The girl?
Fuck. I don't know how,
but we're going find Manuel.
[woman screaming]
[woman crying]
[woman crying]
[woman crying]
-[woman crying]
-[cheerful music]
[woman crying]
-[woman crying]
[screams] Alba! Alba!
[cheerful music plays in car radio]
[ominous music]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# if I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# A calling from within
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
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